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医学 SCI 论文写作中的语言之美
颜宁老师的一篇文章,发表在 3 月 22 日SCIENCE 母刊上。抛开文章的内容不看,我们来欣赏一下这篇文章的语言水准。 qbsod &gruYZGK ']eN4H&=?} 现节选文章 Discussion 中的一段为例。大家注意文中我标注的几个地方。为简要说明,我用了几个“像……一样”和词组的本意做对比,而个中妙处,还请大家自己品味。 AC(qx:/6 K=o { l"E{ ?4 p?>J
86%[ “The structure of the human Nav1.2-β2 complex bound to the peptidic pore-blocking μ-conotoxin KIIIA further expands the gallery of structures of Nav channels associated with peptidic toxins (Fig. 4), including the insect NavPaS in complex with Dc1a (27); the human Nav1.7 with two well-characterized tarantula toxins, HWTX-IV and ProTx-II (28); and now the human Nav1.2 with KIIIA. ” &WBpd}|+Y expands the gallery of 使丰富(像丰富画廊里的作品一样) &Pm@+ML*x
8tR6.09' P8ej9ULX, “In total, three different binding modes have been observed. Dc1a, HWTX-IV, and ProTx-II are all GMTs. Dc1a projects into the cavity enclosed by all four segments in VSDII and the extracellular loop and S5III of the pore domain (Fig. 4, top right). Essentially, the pore domain provides the scaffold to anchor Dc1a, which thentraps VSDII in a particular conformational state. HWTX-IV and ProTx-II both bind to the peripheral region that links S3 and S4 in VSDII (known as site 4 for toxins). ProTx-II also sits on top of the S3-S4 linker in VSDIV (site 3). ” Z(tJd, project into 进入、深入(像投影机投射般) /klo),|& enclosed 被包裹的(像关门一样) Yb5@W/' anchor 使固定(像轮船下锚一样) Uz,P^\8^$ trap 使陷入(像野兽落入陷阱一样) 9&=%shOc+x sit 位于(像人坐在那里一样) S+[,\>pY
9ThsR&h3 d!: /n The relatively poor resolution of these toxins is likely due to the disruption of the lipid bilayer. The membrane, reminiscent of the pore domain for Dc1a, may provide anchorage to stabilize these peripheral GMTs, which then lock the functional states of the corresponding VSDs to modulate activation or inactivation of the channel.” jrN 5l1np N?{Zrff2"O reminiscent of 相关(像回忆一样) eWm'eO anchorage 点位(像着锚点一样) /
];N 1 lock 抑制、阻止(像锁住一样)
hr.mzQd xC _3&. 小小的一段文字,颜宁老师镶嵌了隐喻、拟人等语言手法,让本来平淡无奇的学术语言,立刻显得生动活泼,画面感十足。大家知道,颜宁老师是著名的美女教授,而其文笔,更是花样动人。 ?^!J:D? Pfvb?Hy $aTo9{M ^ 关于学术语言中的“生动性”问题,无论如何,首要原则一定是“准确”,必须在“准确”基础上,进行“适度”修饰。“过度”的粉饰,是不可取的。 lmoYQFkYP TTj] _R{n %1;Y`> 纵览医学界各种英文期刊,个人觉得,CNS(CELL、NATURE、SCIENCE)三大刊的语言最美——虽然它们的影响因子并非最高。 ZT&[:>upR ;_<
Yzl Y(rQ032s “分析、品味、模仿”,通过这三个步骤,大家定能从中学到东西的。 %`G}/"