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主题 : 考博英语写作常用句型
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-08-25   


1.    increase one’s chance of doing …… ?= fyc1  
2. couldn’t choose but do…..; Have no choice but do …… w_u\sSQ`!  
3. according   to ….. PXNh&N  
4. what’s more important is that ……. fvxu# m=  
5. cherish a deep love for …….. gEE\y{y  
6. it is too much of a good thing that …… 3I-MdApT  
7. run the risk of doing ……. 0v$~90)  
8. due less to……than to …… $5Ff1{  
9. find it is difficult not to do …….. p0<\G  
10. still up in the air. / FEVmH?  
11. swallow the bitter medicine it has prescribed for himself. (qulwOt~w  
12. an air man. ,{?%m6.lE  
13. move at a snail’s pace \.#>=!Ie  
14. pull the throne out of one’s eyes. Czu\RXJR  
15. too impatient to wait to show his true color. _/5H l`  
16. sharpen the(one’s)competitive edge by doing …… !H>R%g#28_  
17. spare no efforts to do …… x>`%DwoRI  
18. frankly speaking …… :${HQd+  
19. somebody have(has) the last say on something. 2WxQ(:d=  
20. swallow a bitter pill. w %BL  
21. if……, …….will not be the last. .z}~4BY  
22. seeing is believing. ><HE; cVg?  
23. original—flavored. Ng>h"H  
24. learn from each other’s strong points to offset one’s own weaknesses in cooperation. ?R.j^ S^  
25. new initiatives unprecedented in the history of …… k-OPU ,  
26. to do……make no difference other than to do…… Ffta](Z;  
27. ……be hailed as…… M,mvys$  
28. something should be carefully treasured. 8k1Dj1@0z  
29. draw a blueprint for…… *CTlOy  
30. in the shadow of…… j*TYoH1  
31. it is no exaggeration to say that…… uw +M  
32. in response to …… d-r@E3  
33. we will not hesitate to do……at any price. q2:6QM&  
34. should not only …… but should also …… b9<#K+L-  
35. a racketing increase. ~d*(=G  
36. open one’s arm to embrace …… I( 7NQ8H x  
37. date back. /?F/9hL  
38. go from bad to worse. ;8{4!S&b  
39. make joint efforts. 0- yp,G  
40. keep rubbing salt to …… 3H6lBF  
41. …… turn out to be the toughest nut to crack. _k ~KZ;l  
42. specific to …… b:]V`uF?  
43. give a shot in the arm to …… 0+;bh {Eu  
44. eat one’s own bitter pill. x$Oq0d{T  
45. unremitting efforts. /Uy"M:|V1  
46. increase(reduce) by …… to …… P?B;_W+~A.  
47. the issue at the core of …… is that …… ll.N^y;a  
48. an earth—shaking change. H0`]V6+<f  
49. something, which ……, is regarded as secondary at best. 22 M1j5  
50. the rapid strides somebody has made in doing ……, may have… "8^ Ch{G-  
51. as the new millennium draws near, …… *ipFwQ  
52. it will grow with each passing day. cir$voL  
53. keep a close eye on …… m\r@@!  
54. in the ear of   knowledge—based economy. \T:i{.i  
55. reform and opening policies. $r8 ^0ZRr  
56. fall victims to. ^!ZC?h!rG  
57. put a brake on something. J1I ;Jgql(  
58. it make no difference other than to do …… p#?7 w  
59. be serious about doing …… F9E<K]7K  
60. …… is an unparalleled wonder. 4N zwE(  
61. ……, without a doubt, …… *4+"Lh.KS  
62. ……. has mirrored the phenomenon that …… Xr$J9*Jk-  
63. close relations with ….. T| V:$D'  
64. massive and profound influence on …… XJ` ]ga  
65. he attach much importance to ……. ,t9^j3I xg  
66. he urged branches to step up efforts in granting loans to ensure a healthy development. Q$1bWUS&  
67. foreseeable. iAa.}CI,zB  
68. people from different walks of life. %]DP#~7[|  
69. overwhelming   priority. B~JwHwIhA  
70. it is believed to have a positive impact on …… 4 c$ zKqz  
71. start at the threshold of the new century. mdmvT~`  
72. production of this machine will mark a new milestone in our cooperation. vCxD~+zf  
73. achievement only tell of the past. QnXA*6DJ  
74. it is my sincere hope that …… bRJMYs  
75. we are moving in the 21st century. Iw&vTU=2  
76. he likened the blast to earthquake. EQ`(yj  
77. trans—century. 0Lc9M-Lg  
78. take unprecedented initiatives in doing …… 6c"0})p  
79. crystal clear. ^ZhG>L*  
80. in the ear of knowledge explosion. E4W -hq~  
81. we will have increasingly colorful and beautiful prospect. T:Hr&ws4  
82. in the name of . OK6] e3UO  
83. something is in the basic interest of …… lBhLf@  
84. spiritual world. zj`v?#ET  
85. a variety of trees.   Various trees. NufLzg{  
86. blue skies, cleaning water and beautiful surroundings. (TwnkXrR,  
87. regard more as …… than as …… wsN?[=l{s  
88. I suggest the following action. IOoz^/'  
89. to conclude ,as any tool the internet in itself is neutral, it can be used for good and bad purposes. a1.Ptf eW|  
90. it is up to sb to do sth. :Jy'# c  
91. step—by—step approach. *R3f{/DK  
92. this thing make a new phrase in our life. < hO /jB  
93. the market, backed by the Chinese government, will achieve development. ?-^m`  
94. our investment in Chinese echoes the company’s strategy to adapt to the global changes. {%{ `l-  
95. put …… at a prominent place. gk+h8 LZ  
96. China is making every efforts to ensure steady and healthy development. 9h%?QC  
97. to secure a firm foothold in the next century. J-) XQDD  
98. Guanzhou is going all out to develop its industry. t{FlB!jv  
99. it is an unstopped tide of history. 9^Whg ~{  
100. should strive hand in hand to do …… \ZhfgE8{%  
101. …… is conductive to …… z$GoaS(  
102. make due contribution to. IWveW8qJ  
103. long—cherished dreams of prosperity. 4RV%Z!kcD!  
104. something means   a lot more it appears. `|#Qx3n%  
105. outstanding achievements.   Painstaking(persistent)efforts. iMFgmM|  
106. we have every reason to do …… E}_[QEY;Y  
107. it is our unshakeable will to do …… GbA.UM ~  
108. …… become more and more important as time goes by. iNWo"=J  
109. at this important historical moment. pY~,(s|Qb  
110. lift themselves out of poverty and backwardness. f1)x5N  
111. remove all obstacles and difficulties. D8nD/||;Z  
112. work out a blueprint for …… k`9)=&zX+  
113. ….. have far—reaching effects on …… K ryo}  
114. ….. is of epoch—making significance. hf<^/@^tK  
115. turn a new page in my life. drd/jH&  
116. a clear—cut example. 1>Dl\czn  
117. put somebody to the edge of bankruptcy, P"?FnTbv[  
118. under the rule of law. E)-r+ <l  
119. genetic engineering. 0lsXCr_X  
120. a healthy cycle of development. -:9P%jWt  
121. the coming society will be a network civilization. W$o2 7f  
122. make better—informed decisions. |R@~-H t  
123. he couldn’t be called an artist in real sense. L0]_hxE?  
124. accumulate rich knowledge about …… by doing …… s/e"'Hz  
125. my horizons was broadened by the Beijing trip. M9f?q.Bv  
126. with ……,someone do have an edge over his competitor. y}K\%;`[a  
127. facing the sound conditions in China, the still throw stones at China like a blind man feeling a giant elephant. m8JR@!t7  
128. the report does mind taking the trouble to do …… in a bid to do …… ,j ',x\  
129. the key point at issue is that …… X$\i{p9jw  
130. the u.s. government must immediately put an end to do …… ow;R$5G  
131. we also lag significantly behind coastal provinces. %77p5ctW  
132. regarded …… as nothing more than empty threats. nGf);U#K  
133. exert one’s utmost efforts to do …… $BDBN_p  
134. with the sovereign integrity at stake, no cost will be too high. C#=bW'C  
135. make unremitting efforts in further developing …… 3q:{1rc  
136. no matte how rationally principled and beautifully worded. "SoHt]%#  
137. we should not be so hasty as to “kill the hen to get the eggs”. 's!-80sd  
138. pay a higher, or even more tragic price. _uu<4c   
139. serve the interests of …… W"xP(7X  
140. we should cast our eyes on doing …… Q_"\Q/=?Do  
141. this opportunity is one that should not be missed. ]43bere  
142. no time can be lost in doing …… rba;&D;  
143. on the brink bankruptcy. b~C$R[S  
144. ….. will be a stimulus to further the city’s development. ]AS"z<  
145. put much energy into …… X0+fsf<H}  
146. …… become well—known domestically and internationally. 9kY[j2,+  
147. have paved a smooth way for …… 0-3rQ~u  
148. ….. is the precondition and basis for …… ])#\_ ' fg  
149. in its true sense. ,rwuy[Q8  
150. it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… 2o[IHO]  
151. play a constructive, positive role in doing …… 3Gr&p6  
152. we are moving in the direction of …… =S]a&*M  
153. our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life. F[7x*-NO-  
154. it is unthinkable that …… $ 'QdFkOr  
155. so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal weapon, the world peace is virtually unattainable. b}zBn8l  
156. technology innovation is a must if we want to be success in the market. 7yiJ1K<bIt  
157. it will become another turning point in our career. 4`2$_T$ F  
158. it is by no means a wise choice to do …… M\+*P,i  
159. we are faced with both opportunities and challenges as we are present with WTO membership. 9;r? nZT/  
160. under current condition, I am facing the golden chance of further my study. r<L#q)]  
161. bring something into full use. [~k]{[NJ  
162. strengthen myself in an effort to make great achievement. ^2M!*p&h  
163. he make a expensive mistake because of his heedlessness. jlKGXD)Q[  
164. however, other people think otherwise. -Ubj6 t_K  
165. how to finance one’s college education has become a matter of concern for many. "t&{yBQ0u  
166. proved to be quite beneficial. *"G8  
167. add color to one’s campus life. ~j,TVY  
168. very picky about their food. X#+`e+Df  
169. such an ambition will lead to nothing but a waste of time. .Tm- g#  
170. in this fast changing world. de-0?6  
171. be afraid of losing face.









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