1,成本低的 cost-effective Q
2,传统的朝九晚五 the traditional nine-to-five office routine
3,额外的费用 extra expenses 2f,8Jnia
4,改良的生活方式 an improved lifestyle n ay\)
5,归属感 a sense of belonging 42Z:J 0
6,过着懒散的生活 lead an indolent life bfxE}>
7,交通阻塞 traffic congestion 7)rQf{q7
8,可以使用,接触 have access to }a]`"_i;[
9,灵活的工作时间表 flexible work schedule /vQ)$;xf#
10,平衡工作和家庭的关系 balance work and family +b|F_
11,提升个人能力 improve personal skills
12,拥挤的公共交通 crowded public transport +:KZEFY?<
13,有效的时间安排 effective time management 2q?/aw ;Z
14,有效率的工作环境 productive work environment
15,自我实现 self-fulfillment, self-realization K9<8F
16,不断跳槽 skip from job to job VUP|j/qD
17,不同的经验 a diverse mix of experience z|g2Q#$-\S
18,长期经常性跳槽者 chronic job-hopper %'2P4(
19,多才多艺 versatile talent OM EwGr(
20,丰富的工作经验 a broad range of work experiences mF6-f#t>H+
21,高科技领域 high-tech world 9{pT)(Wnb
22,工作的满足感 job satisfaction {cdICWy(F3
23,使技能不断更新 keep skills fresh and up to date Tuvs}
24,职业猎头 professional head-hunter
25,主要的促进因素 prime motivator 0#|Jhmv-zL
26,高经济收入 high financial reward hb[ThQ
27,高收入的工作 well-paid job 4
28,具有挑战性和前景的职位 challenging and promising position (B#FLoK
29,关心物质待遇 be concerned about material gains _S_,rTf&
30,求职者 job-hunter,job-seeker eaRa+ <#u
31,认真思考某事 give care though to sth. rJ/HIda
32,像样的(体面的)工作 a decent job PMQTcQ^
33,致力于某事 dedicate oneself to eD*764tG
34,分担责任 share the responsibility -@AhJY.
35,家庭暴力 domestic violence iwnGWGcuS
36,内在素质 inner quality < F5VJ
37,疲倦的 be worn out $1=7^v[U
38,缺乏大人的陪伴 lack of adult companionship 4~
39,受过良好的教育 well-educated ".jO2GO^
40,相互了解 nutual understanding ?y|&Mz'XJ(
41,要求高的工作 demanding position Y%}&eN$r
42,争取权益 struggle for rights nOC\ =<Nsg
43,追求职业目标 pursue their career goals 091m$~r*
44,基本的生活技能 basic life-skills +v/y{8Fu
45,竞争意识 competitive consciousness qkfof{z
46,社会地位 social status .BxI~d^
47,同等对待 be equally treated i,^-9
48,职业技能 professional skill -3(*4)h7
49,超时工作 work overtime vU *: M8k
50,过上体面的生活 lead a decent life <xBL/e
51,生活节奏 living tempo Gd!_9S`68
52,生活水平 living standard 39^+;Mev
53,同甘共苦share the weal and woe(joys and sorrows/comforts and hardships) (bm>
54,消除代沟 bridge the generation gap (6c/)MH
55,消除误会 remove, clear up misunderstanding Vu_oxL}
56,促进社会发展 accelerate social development cvw17j
57,挫折感 a sense of frustration 0SD'&
58,非常疲倦 be tired out 54{E&QvL8o
59,各行各业 different walks of life 0%xb):Ctw
60,固定收入 regular income "3_X$`v"!
61,展示某人的才能 exhibit/display one’s talent AclK9+V
62,专门从事 be specialized in z81dm
63,和睦相处的家庭关系 harmonious family atmosphere FVNTE+LW
64,良性循环 benignant circle WBKf)A^S
65,驱除孤独 drive off loneliness idHI)6!
66,孝敬老人 show filial obedience to the older generation %,$xmoj9O]
67,尊老 show respect for the elderly #n&/v'!\
68,安全感 a feeling of security Z|KDi
69,大量的问题 a huge array of problems U
70,低价劳动力 low-priced labor
71,接触到最新的资讯have quick and easy access to the latest/up-to-date information |WUM=g7PC
72,精神崩溃 mental breakdown h[Sd3Z*
73,精神食量 spiritual nourishment _KloX{a
74,就业机会 employment opportunity FD!8o
75,琳琅满目的商品 a variety of commodities >/RFff]Fh0
76,旅游胜地 tourist resort M8:i ]
77,生活费用 cost of living .dYv.[?hL
78,先进的通讯设施 advanced communication means F6J]T6Y
79,训练有素的专业人员 well-trained professional s;Bh69
80,饮食行业 catering industry Rkg)yme!N
81,优惠政策 favored policy, preferential policy h+Lpj^<2a
82,公众人物 public figure ?=)lbSu
83,人身攻击 personal assault $XcH.z
84,以不法行为(途径) by unlawful, illegal means o6w8Y/VPu
85,舆论 public opinion t+d7{&B
86,争取注意力 grab the attention ho6hjhS|u
87,财富急剧增长 multiply one’s wealth /
j "
88,单调的工作 humdrum job s%rmfIp"
89,多年的辛苦努力 years of concentrated efforts Y6Y"fb%K
90,公共财产 public property y5c\\e
91,极度贫穷的 proverty-stricken hl0X,G+@
92,沟通技巧 communication skill uDJ;GD[yc
93,核心家庭和大家庭 nuclear and extended family 6d5J*y2
94,加强家庭联系 strengthen family bonds +qpG$#J0
95,两代的冲突 generation clash z{
96,社会地位和权利 social position and power
97,生活背景和经历 life backgrounds and experiences bxwwYSS
98,思维方式 way of thinking )RTWt`
99,思想狭隘的 narrow-minded AB3OG*C9
100,缩小差距 bridge the gap, narrow the gap yaG:}=.3
101,西方文明 western civilization "~.4z,ha
102,心理素质 psychlogical quality &N= vs
103,置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear to B#IUSHC
104,自我为中心的 self-centered yFeFI@Hp 3
105,接受新思想 embrace new ideas /zXOtaG
106,经济资助 financial aid bo DD?0.|
107,受过良好教育的人民 a well-educated population qAd=i0{N
108,用完 run out of KX;JX*)J
109,正规教育 formal education "l-#v|
110,内心世界 inner world xR
111,体力活动 physical activity K/Pw;{}
112,闲暇时间的活动 leisure hour YL!{oHs4
113,保障下岗职工基本生活 cK\
guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers d^M*%a z
114,处在高度竞争环境的巨大压力下 %,~\,+NP
under the intense pressure of highly competitive surroundings s I\-0og
115,懂得生活的艰辛和苦难考试大 }ssja,;
know the hardship and bitterness of life } LC
116,一个公认的事实 a generally acknowledged fact ZCZ@ZN
117,在沉重的工作负荷下感到极度疲劳和难以招架 }@t"B9D
feel exhausted and overwhelmed by heavy workload 'Nt)7U>oC9
118,实现某人的社会价值 realize one’s social values z k}AGw
119,旅游不仅能够使学生们积累历史、文化和地理知识,也能陶冶他们的情操。 ilK*Xo
Traveling enables students not only to accumulate knowledge about history, culture, geology and local traditions, but also to edify their mind and spirits. iSoQ1#MP)2
120,对应聘者来说,最重要的是明确出为什么自己能够比别人更胜任这个职位。 vOz1& |;D
The most important thing for an interviewee is to make it obvious why he can do the job better than anyone else. [mjie1j/<
121,正如万事皆有舍有得,…同样存在很多弊端。 >w7KOVbN3
Just as almost every human activity has costs as well as benefits, there are some drawbacks in expanding the global tourism industry. Xj{fM\,"9
122,在我们中国,照顾父母是传统。我们要弥补成长过程中父母给予我们的无限的爱。 *-Yw%uR
It is traditional for us Chinese to take care of our parents. We owe them a great deal for the love they gave us while we were growing up.