翻译词汇--政治类 ^s*\Qw{Ii
2017-02-08 MTI翻译硕士考研 T.@sq
1.一个中国原则 the one-China principle b *9-}g:
2.与时俱进 keep pace with the times !!+Da>
3.综合国力 overall national strength rfTe
4.共同愿望common desire /q*KO\L
5.“走出去”(战略)going global q?iCc c
6.不结盟 non-alignment STB-
7.单边主义 unilateralism [q$e6JwAt
8.多边政策 multilateralism \HG$V>2
9.人口老龄化 aging of population JUU
10.人口出生率 birth rate )*
11.“两个一百年”目标 two centenary goals K;C_Z/<%
12.推进全面从严治党push forward the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party bK7.St
13.党和国家的根本利益the fundamental interests of the Party and state u _X}-U
14.全面小康社会all-round moderately prosperous society v= 8VvT8
15.社会主义现代化国家modern socialist country h0XH`v
16.全国各族人民的根本利益 $_bZA;EMQ
the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China %,;gP.dh7
17.执政地位 the ruling status `Sx
18.社会主义核心价值观socialist core values H9E(\)@
19.维护社会和谐稳定 safeguard social harmony and stability 9A<0zt
20.不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面 [' t8C
continuously open up new prospects for socialism with Chinese characteristics 6Pijvx^0
21.人与自然和谐共生 harmony between humankind and nature q_pmwJ:UL
22.美丽中国建设 Beautiful China Initiative ]|y}\
23.资源节约型、环境友好型社会 resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society a7=YG6[
24.国家生态文明试验区 national ecological conservation pilot zone 0V7 _n
25.重点生态功能区 important ecological area (IEA) +Y;8~+
26.绿色低碳循环发展产业体系 }Az'Zu4 =
industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development dm 2EH
27.循环发展引领计划initiative to guide the shift toward circular development Y2D>tpqNw
28.全民节能行动计划 Nation of Energy Savers Initiative sL8>GtVo
29.计划生育基本国策 basic state policy of family planning b?>VPuyBb
30.为政之道,民生为本 }{t3SGs J
That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people. l{QC}{Ejc2
31.区域协同发展coordinated development between regions }v&K~!*
32.城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration ,0,Oe=d
33.物质文明和精神文明协调发展 jf 8w7T
ensure that cultural-ethical and material development progress together j^{b^!4~}
34.协同创新collaborative innovation %VS 2M
35.全面建成小康社会决胜阶段 1Df,a#,y"
the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects pSXEJ 2k
36.坚持人民主体地位uphold the principal position of the people V4Qz*z%
37.创新发展 innovative development hu&n=6
38.创新是引领发展的第一动力innovation is the primary engine of development. IOS^|2:,
39.协调发展coordinated development \ JG
40.协调是持续健康发展的内在要求 :k\}Ik
Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development. !x6IV25
41.人与自然和谐发展 lj
humankind develops in harmony with nature; harmonious development between man and nature 0a@c/XGBp
42.G20峰会主办国 the host of the G20 ?o8a_9+
43.G20峰会成员国 G20 members _=6vW^s
44.嘉宾国 guest countries PQ i
45.国际组织 international organization l-XnB
46.新兴市场国家 emerging markets 0xLkyt0
47.领导人峰会 Leaders' Summit _E&U?>g+
48.主题 theme zWJKYF qK
49.论坛 forum |K6nOX!i
50.发展中国家 developing countries &hO$4q tN
翻译词汇--经济类 y _6
1.必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心 {({
R: !c
remain committed to economic development as our central task a!&bc8J7
2.使中国经济这艘巨轮破浪远航 Z`|> tbOfZ
ensure that China's economy, like a gigantic ship, breaks the waves and goes the distance ,=yOek}
3.新动能异军突起 3F;EE:
new driving forces emerge ]Kof sU_{
4. 培育壮大新动能 Q:kwQg:~
build up powerful new drivers ixg\[5.Q+
5.推动新技术、新产业、新业态加快成长 cl?<
move faster to develop new technologies, industries, and forms of business u6]gQP">I
6.建设共享平台 gfV]^v
create sharing platforms .V7Y2!4TE
7.世界经济深度调整、复苏乏力 '
the global economy is experiencing profound changes and struggling to recover ex{)mE4Cd
8.经济增速换挡 'W}~)+zK
the change of pace in economic growth KsZ@kTs
9.经济韧性强、潜力足、回旋余地大 ,"x2
economy is hugely resilient and has enormous potential and ample room for growth F@B
10.长江经济带发展战略 /j`i/Ha1
The Yangtze Economic Belt initiative M?QQr~a
11.经济运行保持在合理区间 z
The economy operated within an appropriate range. 3csm`JVK
12.提高实体经济的整体素质和竞争力 pK-_R
improve the overall quality and competitiveness of the real economy SJso'6 g
13.支持分享经济发展 K(%dcUGDK>
give our support to the development of a sharing economy 0f_66`
14.更好激发非公有制经济活力 Y:DNu9
energize the non-public sector Y{+zg9L*
15.依法平等保护各种所有制经济产权 !#}v:~[A
provide equal protection to the property rights of entities under all forms of ownership !l sy&6
16.促进资源型地区经济转型升级 $q4 XcIX 7
promote the economic transformation and upgrading of resource-dependent regions jydp4ek_n
17.顺应国内经济提质增效升级的迫切需要 s:-8 Z\,
respond to the urgent need to improve the performance of and upgrade China's economy )^*9
18.为经济发展营造良好环境 /vFxVBX
create an enabling environment for economic development T%M1[<"Q
19.国际收支基本平衡 /\IAr,w[
a basic balance in international payments D#vn {^c8O
20.增强经济发展新动力 wgSR*d>y*9
strengthen the new growth engines @m !9"QhC
21.开放型经济新体制 4~]8N@Bii
new systems for developing an open economy \NvC
22.互利合作 23B^g
mutually beneficial cooperation J4Q)`Y\~
23.国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划 _qO;{%r
(“十三五”规划) lx A<iQia
the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China HJ2]Nz:
(the 13th Five-Year Plan ) 1j${,>4tQ
24.引领经济发展新常态 zm;*:]S
guide the new normal in China’s economic development (Fbm9(q$d
25.中高速增长 [9YlLL@
medium-high rate of economic growth H3UX{|[
翻译词汇--文化类 Cn6n4, 0
1.金 metal >[E|p6jgT
2.木 wood
3.水 water HwVgT"
4.火 fire #+k.b_LS
5.土 earth Eezlx9b
6.炎黄子孙 Chinese descent rlUdAa3
7.五行 five elements j]ln
8.风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen dEAAm=K,<
9.阳历 solar calendar +s*l#'Q
10.阴历 lunar calendar >zfZw"mEP
11.闰年 leap year -!bLMLIg
12.十二生肖 zodiac Z@c0(ol
13.财神爷 the God of Wealth Ls$g-k%c@Q
14.阎王爷 King of Hell ELkOrV~a{:
15.玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor `1[Sv"
16.儒家文化 Confucian Culture KHc/x8^9
17.刺绣 Embroidery }G,SqpcG
18.剪纸 Paper Cutting eN2k8=
19.书法 Calligraphy 3q.[-.q
20.象形文字 Pictograms/Pictographic Characters z7.C\l
21.《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West /Journey to the West wTMHoU*>
22.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms qeK
23.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) :zn ?<(sQ
24.《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes /Water Margins -Y jv&5
25.《论语》 Analects of Confucius 1VyO?KX'
26.《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals !ovZ>,1
27.《史记》 Historical Records ncw
28.《孟子》 The Mencius :9rhv{6Wp
29.《诗经》 The Book of Odes {,-5k.P[
30.国庆节 National Day sWZtbW;)
31.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day/Festival +O!M>
32.春节 Spring Festival +VpE-X=T
33.元宵节 the Lantern Festival xO9]yULgu
34.除夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve /Eve of the Spring Festival 9snyX7/!L
35.清明节 the Qing Ming Festival ZNH*[[Pf
36.端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival { d2f)ra.
37.重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival zs]/Y2
38.植树节Arbor Day #NQz&4W
39.劳动节Labor Day M_.,c Vk
40.中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day eze(>0\f
41.七夕节Chinese Valentine's Day I }W-5%
42.春联spring couplets s3E~X
43.春运the Spring Festival travel Mb2 L32
44.剪纸 paper-cut *ZSp9g"Z
45.国画 Chinese painting e'?doP
46.豆腐 tofu !9<RWNKV)Y
47.火锅 hot pot wyA(}iSq
48.八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding `=l{kBZT|
49.粽子 rice dumpling 6RT0\^X*:
50.月饼 moon cake F?,&y
51.爆竹firecracker {LJ6't 8y:
52.年画(traditional) New Year pictures )w
53.压岁钱New Year gift-money "%f5ltut3
54.守岁 staying-up ZM^;%(
55.拜年 pay new year's call #IrP"j^
56.禁忌 taboo &MQt2aL
57.去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune kRX
58.祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors F#bo4'&>@
59.辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 6.
60.扫房 spring cleaning /general house-cleaning XM@i|AK
61.年糕 rice cake/new year cake )~mc1U`b
62.团圆饭 family reunion dinner 4Hpu EV8Q
63.年夜饭 the dinner on new year's eve 8*PAgPj a
64.舞龙dragon dance Qp.!U~
65.舞狮lion dance yGG\[I;7
66.元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings IS4K$Ac.
67.花灯festival lantern Z#:@M[HH{
68.灯谜lantern riddle n@,eZ!
69.宣纸 rice paper qVe6RpS
70.叩头 kowtow 5a|m}2IX
71.孔子Confucius C(*@-Npf[
72.武术Chinese Martial Arts $,zM99
73.功夫 kung fu L?C~
74.中庸 the way of medium Hg_
75.中和 harmony $5CY<,f
76.火药 gunpowder ~)IJE+e>}
77.印/玺 Seal/Stamp UkbQ'P+oS
78.京剧 Beijing Opera/Peking Opera
x Bw.M{
79.仁righteousness 5
80.理propriety 2O
81.智wisdom U105u.#7
82.信 fidelity PH%gX`N
83.三纲五常three cardinal guides and five constant virtues Ht
84.秦始皇陵 The Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Tomb $<e .]`R
85.天安门广场Tian’anmen Square #&KE_n
86.人民英雄纪念碑 The Monument to the People’s Heroes >t2)Z|1
87.人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People f_2^PF>?
88.故宫 The Forbidden City Q09~vFBg
89.颐和园 The Summer Palace kR?n%`&k
90.长城 The Great Wall XXmu|h
91.西湖 West Lake 7:E#c"S
92.重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage !rGI),
93.民间艺术 outstanding folk arts \#7%%>p=O'
94.历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage 6;XpLivP7
95.美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in Z@O
一周热词榜(1.15-1.22) sc>)X{eb
2017-02-09 MTI翻译硕士考研 A_U0HVx_
本周热词: ~M1%,]
1.'个税改革方案'年内出炉 a3IB, dr5P
2.'捐献器官'空运办法发布 :S6 <v0`Z
3.北京拟建'环保警察'队伍 vz5RS
4.14类人建'个人信用记录' IFoN<<7/2$
5.众多年轻人沦为'恐年族' #wuE30d
6.特朗普'就职典礼'将举行 *X5LyO3-gP
q`zR 6
01 !&