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主题 : 复旦英语试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-01-04   
来源于 考博试题 分类


.-iW T4Dn  
PartΙVocabulary and structure 15 point /d}"s.3p  
Directions:there are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. Foreach sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.choose the one thatbest completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEETΙwith asingle line through the center. &-qQF`7  
1.To celebrate innovations and inspire budding entrepreneursthe famouslibrary is telling the story behind 15 of what it considers the most _______inventionsto come out of Britain in the past 10 years. >v, si].  
A. ingenious   B. insane   C. ingenuous D. inquisitive Lu 6g`O:['  
2.Globalization carries an ______promise that it will relievepoverty and offer security----perhaps the most ancient of human dreams. wdP(MkaV  
A. exquisite    B.equivocal   C. implicit  D. inflexible ~IW{^u  
3.The fact that your application was not successful this thme doesnot _______the possibility of your applying again next time. "G%</G8M  
A. preclude    B.prejudge   C. predict    D. precede  '4{=x]K  
4.The pressure on employment will increase gradually and the problemof aging will become more ______. <-?C\c~G@  
A. contagious   B.deliberate    C. conspicuous    D. diverse MhCU; !  
5.She was _______about her son’s safety every time he went out onhis motorcycle. X uE: dL?  
A. intensive    B.abusive   C. comprehensive    D. apprehensive 3%5YUG@  
6.Our goal is to_______the pace ofinternational movement and steer theconsumer marker towardsinternationalization. Ws|`E `6O  
A. harness   B. handle   C. highlight    D. hamper DFWO5Y_  
7.In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to _____highereducation altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playingamateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major. u#EcR}=]  
A. purify   B. forge    C. pursue   D. forgo cQhr{W,Un  
8.Lots of woman complain that the problem with men is that theywon’t ________themselves to a relationship. k*) sz  
A. commence   B. promote    C. commiteD. prescribe w -o#=R_  
9.In recent years ,new house sales have slowed down to a crawl, butbuilders are starting to see sales ______again. \\\8{jq  
A. pick up    B. pick out   C. pick on  D. pick off g|]HS4y  
10.In a perfect world this would be sufficient, but computers andsoftware can crash, power cam fail, and other unpredictable catastrophic eventscan _______to erase your work. y(QFf*J  
A. conduct   B. conspire    C. count   D. compel :Q"|%#P  
11.We shall never know how she came to be there, there is no way to_______it. y& yf&p  
A. account for    B. goover   C. hold on   D. make up i:aW .QZ.  
12.We continue to share with our remotest ancestors the most tangledand ________ attitudes about death, despite the great distance we have come inunderstanding some of the profound aspects of biology. G*+^b'7  
A. weird   B. evasive    C. negligent    D. prudent o5a=>|?p>  
13.Currently, environmental protection has become the common issuethat ________the governments of all the countries and people from all walks oflife. exhU!p8  
A. distinguishes  B.imitates   C. provokes    D. concerns _Z[0:4  
14.Such a shared vision has enabled our economic cooperation to________and prosper, and has produced new highlights of growth in cooperation. PhC3F4  
A. revive   B. survive     C. contrive     D. thrive =XR6rR8  
15.It’s never a good idea to _________information from your lovedones, even with the purest of motives. 0pMN@ Cz6  
A. degenerate     B.withhold     C. publicize     D. persuade K2 M=)B  
16.Intentions, whether good or bad, are not a matter of guesswork ,they can be ________. %a~/q0o>  
A. perceived     B.deceived      C. received     D. conceived {7goYzQsi%  
17.Three of the dinner guests don’t eat meat, two are on a diet andjust to complicate matters, the sixth is ________to milk. RX>P-vp  
A. compatible     B.conducive     C. immune     D. allergic 2.z-&lFBZ  
18.She must _______ herself to the fact that she must do some workif she wants to pass her exams. 6E}9uwQ  
A. reconcile    B.recognize    C. recollect    D. reflect QKj0~ia 5  
19.For wildlife enthusiasts the journey is ________——the regionis renowned for its sea birds. EWD^=VITL  
A. worthless    B.wasteful     C. worthwhile     D. workable Ldj z-  
20.Nokia, which has made emerging markets a priority, continues tointroduce low-cost phones designed for markets where many users do not have________ to reliable electricity, and may not even be able to read. nFn!6,>E  
A. knowledge          B.access      C. priority       D. vision 3>1^$0iq  
21.Originally the builders gave me a price of $2000, but now theysay they ________and it’s going to be at least $3000 p?Azn>qBa  
A. overwhelmed   B.underestimated    C. reduced     D. exaggerated xW`y7Q}p  
22.He began forging cheques and atfirst he ______it but in the end he was caughtand sent to prison. Vbl-Ff  
A. got through   B. goback     C. got out    D. got away with v~Q'm1!O4\  
23.The advanced technology which is incorporated into this missilemakes it one of the most _______ in the world. C")genMH  
A. instrumental    B.audacious     C. ostensible    D. sophisticated ~'_cBJ 'XD  
24.When toxic fumes from the factory chemical spill began to drifttoward our homes, we were told to ______. o]oiJvOr  
A. endure    B. deter    C. evacuate     D. deride ,_3hbT8Q  
25.Whether the country approves of President Obama’s actions inhandling these latest crises could ______ the rest of his term. !e|\ 1v'0  
A. overshadow     B.overturn    C. overstate         D. overvalue ls@]%pz.1d  
26.The trouble is, as soon as you’ve been given a clean bill ofhealth you’re back at your desk, facing the same situation that le todepression and _________behavior problems in the first plae. U7s$';y"%  
A. disturbing    B.fragile     C. compulsive    D. impeccable >u$8Z  
27.This rubber ball is very _______and immediately springs back intoshape after you’ve squashed it. -)}s{[]d6m  
A. resolute     B.rebellious     C. resilient    D. responsive )Zr9 `3[  
28.Whenever a camera was pointed at her, Marilyn would instantly________herself into a radiant star. rR.It,,  
A. transfer      B. translate       C. transform       D. transport EraGG"+  
29.It wasn’t very_________ of you to drink all the milk when youknow I need some for the baby! QadguV6|  
A. positive      B.considerate        C. aggressive         D. considerable {.:$F3T  
30.Even China’s population will be ________bythe early 2030s, according to the UN, which projects that by 2025 populationswill be lower than they are today in 50 counties. lME>U_E  
A. declining    B.increasing     C. decreasing     D. reducing lxL5Rit@Px  








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2018-03-01   

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