名词解释 k
1. cachexia h]jy):9L
2. Krukenberg tumor P?o|N<46
3. septicemia 1=Z, #r
4. caseous necrosis
5. anaplasia
6. Barrett’s esophagus u Wxl\+_i
7. nutmeg liver rQsY
8. graft vasus host rejection P;U(2;9 N
9. carcinoma in situ J|aU}Z8m
10. Wilms tumor \(&UDG$
简答题 j[${h,p?
1.通过风湿病的病理改变解释炎症的过程 T&nIH[}v
2.What is the diagnostic principles of lymphoma? )>(ZX9diV
3.What is thrombosis? Explain its effects to human. b V&"jjEx
4.Please list the complicated (advanced) lesion of atherosclerosis? \~>
5.列举出小肠的感染性和寄生虫性溃疡的类型及其肉眼观和镜下观的主要不同之处。 E}g)q;0v|2
问答题 Ih<.2
1.列举出肝硬化分型并描述其镜下特征和临床表现。 6FkBb!ASk
2.What is the metastasis mechanism of malignant tumor? (H6Mi.uZ
3.A male, 54 years old, physical test, CT show a 4.5×2.7 occupied lesion on the left upper lung, with a obscure boundary,list three diagnosis and describe its pathological manifestation. How to give a final diagnose? 0fog/c#q(
4.What is the application and unsuitable conditions of intraoperative frozen secion. &&ZX<wOM