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主题 : 北京大学2010年博士研究生入学考试试题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-07-14   
来源于 考博试题 分类


北京大学2010博士研究生入学考试试题 a?M<r>  
Part One: ListeningComprehension .oN<c]iqE  
There are 3 sections in this part. -O^b  
Insections A and B you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.Listen carefully and then choose the correct answer for each question. Markyour choices on your ANSWER SHEET. |Tf}8e  
SectionA: Conversations (5%) Xv9kJ  
Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations.Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions thatfollow. .LN&EfMenF  
Questions 1 to 3 are based on thefollowing conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15seconds to answer the questions. zp , f}  
Now listen to the conversation. 9 qqy(H  
1. Which is NOT the purpose of Mr.Lewis’ visit? ?dC[VYC\^  
A. To see friends. Q?I)1][ !"  
B. To give concerts. ]J5[ZVz  
C. To vacation. D>VI{p  
D. To give private lessons. UN_lK<utF  
2. What kind of cello did Mr.Lewis use when he was eight? bhnm<RZ  
A. A full-sized cello. TB*g$ *  
B. A half-sized cello. {ZY^tT sY  
C. A two-thirds-sized cello. 2fFNJ  
D. It is not mentioned. WK:~2m&y  
3. What is true about Mr. Lewis’cello? 2:&8FdU  
A. He always takes it with him. lk 1c 2  
B. It was made by his uncle. @HMt}zD  
C. He borrowed it from his uncle. ;7K5Bo  
D. He got a seat free for hiscello. n w Or  
Questions 4 to 7 are based on thefollowing conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20seconds to answer the questions. &&M-5XD  
Now listen to the conversation. kIiId8l  
4. What is the main purpose of theresearch? 818</b<yn  
A. To make preparations for a newpublication. i>7f9D7  
B. To learn how couples spendtheir weekends. yodJGGAzk  
C. To know how housework isshared. f8lBxK  
D. To investigate what people doat the weekend. Olj]A]v}  
5. What does the man do onFridays? G|4v nIS  
A. He goes to exercise classes. \&&kUpI  
B. He goes sailing. QKwWX_3%Z]  
C. He goes to the cinema. Gyjx:EM  
D. He stays at home. |n}W^}S5  
6. On which day does the couple alwaysgo out? $P866F  
A. Friday. 0`h[| FYV  
B. Saturday. h$f/NSct2  
C. Sunday. HsR#dp+s~  
D. Any weekday.      P>)-uLc~W  
7. Which personal detail does theman give? ;}A#ws_CD_  
A. Surname. 9x;/q7  
B. First name. Wey-nsk  
C. Address. 8!VjXj"  
D. Age. L}XERO TR  
Questions 8 to 10 are based on thefollowing conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15seconds to answer the questions. ;wL *  
Now listen to the conversation. j /)cdP  
8. What conclusion can we drawabout Mike before he went to the camping school? 7@fd [  
A. He was eager to do the course. ,*E%D _  
B. He had done outdoor activities. D8m?`^Zz  
C. He enjoyed life in the open. >h[tHM O  
D. He was reluctant and timid. c*RZbE9k  
9. Mike participated in all thefollowing activities EXCEPT _______. g#9w5Q  
A. hiking. 6|T{BOW!d  
B. canoeing Jgtv ia  
C. swimming AN^,  
D. camping k5!k3yI  
10. Which of the following words ismost appropriate to describe Mike after the camping school? n  'P:  
A. Independent. Se0/ysVB  
B. Strong. hf:n!+,C  
C. Determined. *XniF~M  
D. Persistent. g+ 2SB5 2D  
SectionB: Talks (5%) rt^z#2$  
Directions: Inthis section, you will hear several talks. Listen to the talks carefully andthen answer the questions that follow. Gk[P-%%b /  
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the followingtalk. At the end of the talk, you will be given 15 seconds to answer thequestions. P2`ks[u+i  
Now listen to the talk. }s}9@kl;&  
B1nb23SY T  
11. What happened on January 27th,1967? Z]w_2- -  
A. Three men were injured during afire. }Q\yem  
B. One man died during the fireaccident. f\r$T Nd6  
C. A fire started inside aspaceship. 6O tv[8^}  
D. A spaceship was launched. /jj@ =H  
12. What happened in 1981? Q=^}B}G  
A. The space program wassuspended. (a^F`#]  
B. Five men were injured during anaccident. .*Hv^_  
C. The accident occurred before therehearsal. ^1*p]j(  
D. No accident happened that year. &v 5yo}s  
13. What does the talk say aboutaccidents ]nfS vPb  
A. Accidents are unavoidable. QtN0|q{af  
B. Accidents can be avoided. $<ZX};/D  
C. Human beings are alwayscareless. b]|7{yMV  
D. There should be moreprecautions. ?[m5|ty#  
Questions 14 to 17 are based on thefollowing talk. At the end of the talk, you will be given 20 seconds to answerthe questions.  F&c A!~  
Now listen to the talk. i^QcW!X&  
@&EP& $*  
14. BBC’s weather forecast is a______ program. <n6/np!  
A. seldom watched R0/~) P  
B. little known OmoY] 8N}  
C. new [,1j(s`N5  
D. popular \{UiGC K  
15. Weather observations come fromall the following sources EXCEPT _______. 97Q!Rot  
A. computers %"KBX~3+Kj  
B. satellites :$}67b)MO  
C. the ground / 5=A#G  
D. radar ^3r2Q?d\  
16. What does the talk say aboutBBC’s forecasters? CX1'B0=\r  
A. They read from script. eA+6-'qN  
B. They are professional. Wo2M}]0  
C. They use a map forpresentation. dvXu?F55  
D. They care about their clothes. `q5*VqIhs  
17. What does the talk say aboutBritish television viewers? ?VzST }  
A. They remember what they saw onweather forecasts. Fh?q;o Ej  
B. They like talking about weatherinstead of watching. ]0O pd 9  
C. They pay more attention to thestyle of the presenters. 1= <Qnmw  
D. They watch and remember what isnecessary. @|cas|U.r  
ChB ZGuO:  
Questions 18 to 20 are based on thefollowing talk. At the end of the talk, you will be given 15 seconds to answerthe questions.  : 0%V:B  
Now listen to the talk. \?GMtM ,  
18. Which is NOT showing anincrease this year? 4{J%`H`Q!  
A. Number of tourists. + 1cK (Si  
B. Holiday travelers. r?Z8_5Y  
C. Shopping. Put +<o <  
D. Dining and entertaining. 2pB@qi-]  
19. What does the talk say aboutthis year’s business travelers? l9SbuT$U  
A. There are fewer businesstravelers. X"[c[YT!%[  
B. There are more businesstravelers. p~M^' k=d  
C. The number remains the same aslast year’s. ,rG$JCS'KQ  
D. It is not mentioned in thetalk. /r]IY.   
20. Which is the largest singlevisitor expenditure? ffSecoX  
A. Hotel accommodation. Z!ub`coV[  
B. Meals. Z,Q)\W<'-  
C. Shopping. ymzlRs1^Ct  
D. Entertainment. :PjHsNp;^  
Section C: Spot Dictation (10%) zs7K :OlkA  
Directions:In this section you are going to hear a report on the strong link between sleepand fatal accident. Some words are taken out and you are expected to fill inthe missing words as you listen. The report will be read TWICE and youwill have one minute to check your work. Then put your answers on ANSWERSHEET (2). a[t2T jB  
Now listen to the report. Ga~IOlS  
6R# f 8  
    Inadequate rest means a weaker (C1)__________ system, laying thebody open to a whole $7lI Dt  
(C2)   ________ of illnesses. On the average aman needs seven hours of sleep a day and a *R8q)Q  
woman seven and a (C3)__________ hours. Sixhours of (C4) __________ sleep is better than ten q(_pk&/  
hours of (C5)__________ and turning,however. People who sleep less than six hours a night are >Ei_##  
(C6) __________ for an early death. $I+QyKO9k  
    Some people (C7)__________ that they can get by with little sleep when necessary.But @/XA*9]l  
l *.#g  
experts think these people are (C8)___________ themselves. WOR~tS  
    Between sleep (C9)__________ and fatal accidents there is an obvious(C10) __________. mq su8ti  
People who get (C11) ___________ sleep orpoor quality sleep have a higher risk of (q"Nt_y  
(C12) __________ on the road. They are morelikely to fall asleep at the (C13) __________ .[ NB"\< q  
and kill people or get killed. Professionaldrivers and (C14) __________ workers are BUuNI_?M#5  
; Sq_DP1W  
most likely to take the (C15)__________.The performance at work also (C16) __________ pQ!NhzQ  
because of sleep deprivation. z*"zXL C  
u4, p.mZtb  
The pressures of work deprive people of sleep. To make it up, theytry to 6 `+dP"@  
(C17) __________ catnaps. But experts are alittle (C18) __________ about the benefits of YJ3aJ^m#E  
catnapping. They tell us that the catnapcan never be a  (C19) __________ forproper sleep. wt0^R<28  
For victims of  (C20) ___________ , catnapping in the day isthe worst thing they can possibly $vl q]6V8  
do.  OX d617  
(This is the end of listeningcomprehension.) BU(:6  
Part Two: Structure and WrittenExpression (20%) j6]+ fo&3  
Directions: In each question decidewhich of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence ifinserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. qpjtF'  
#; CC"  
21. The nuclear family a self-contained, self-satisfyingunit composed of father, mother and children. SR7$m<0t*  
A. refers to          B. defines         C. describes        D. devotes to &MKG#Y}  
22. Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general publicbelieve that elderly Americans are by social isolation andloneliness. l?2(c  
A. reproached         B.favored        C. plagued        D. reprehended _H@Y%"ZHJ6  
Key-真题06 W/q-^Zkt,9  
Listening: (0.5 each) &.J8O+  
1-5         B  C A  A  D  3NAU|//J  
6-10        B  A D  C  A K =T]@ix$  
11-15      C  B A  D  A {5w'.Z]0v  
16-20      B  D C  B  C 0goKiPx  
C1:  immune                        C11: insufficient 29]-s Utqv  
C2:  range                           C12: accidents erTb9`N4  
C3:  quarter                         C13: wheel M0VC -\W7f  
C4:  uninterrupted                C14: shift /)fx(u#  
C5:  tossing                         C15: risk GPlAQk   
C6:  destined                        C16: deteriorates DY1?37h  
C7:  claim                           C17: snatch 7yp7`|,p  
C8:  fooling                         C18: skeptical AKs=2N> 7  
C9:  deprivation                   C19: substitute 2ED^uc: 0S  
C10:       correlation                    C20: insomnia E)z[@Np  
Structure and Written Expression: (1point each) !9|)v7}  
21-25      a  c c  d  d 9 4C)63V  
26-30      a  d a  a  b uMOm<kn  
31-35      c  d b  a  b bU'{U0lM  
36-40      a  b c  b  c `s74g0h  
Reading: (1point each) 18JhC*in  
41-45    c  c b  d  a .s$#: ls?  
46-50    c  b d  b  a R7aS{8n n  
Paraphrasing: (3 points each) /?X1>A:*  
51. According to new research, getting angry adds tothe chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male. V# Mw  
52. Even people generally believe that people easily getangry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much / anything to dowith injuries from traffic accidents. /but not many injuries from trafficaccidents are the results of anger on the road. N_S>%Z+  
53. It is not at all surprising that anger is a very importantreason for people who intentionally hurt themselves. 7+] T}4;  
54. We see this strong link between anger and injury more in menthan in women, but different races of people did not show much variation. ;-84cpfu  
55. People do not know yet why anger isassociated with injury. T8Sgu6:*R  
Cloze: (1 point each) ?3 J  
56. Fewer ~:7AHK2  
57. To _nu %`?Va  
58. Saved tV2SX7N  
59. More VuTH"br6  
60. As /Z<"6g?  
61. Played Ycb<'M*jE  
62. After x)<5f|j  
63. Purposes y$@d%U*rW^  
64. Ready ]RHR>=;  
65. Security A(AyLxB47*  
Proofreading: (1 point each) =QEg~sD^)s  
66. Highly-high Y{y #us1  
67. Pore-pore over qg#WDx /  
68. Anything-something r$ue1bH}|  
69. Better-good D[{p~x^  
70. Response-respond :6LOb f\01  
71. For entire-for an entire .UbmU^y|  
72. Exasperating- exasperated G[u_Uu=>  
73. With-without {(G@YG?  
74. strategy-the strategy ( _]{[dFr%  
75. and-but HC w$v#  









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