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主题 : 2012年清华大学考博英语真题考后回忆
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-03-05   
来源于 考博试题 分类


  一、词汇40题 20分 b bCH(fYbu  
  前20个填空,后20个近义词,难度不是很大,但是句子超长,一般都是满两行,比较费时间。 aJdd2,e  
  二、完形填空20题 10分 ?0*,x)t  
  难度不是特别大,比号称最难的考研简单多了。 m<}>'D T  
  三、阅读理解20题 40分 IOhJL'r  
  选项比较规范,难度不大,手中有08年真题的可以扔掉了,那年的选项设计,不说也罢。 V"K-aO&  
  四、翻译:3段,10分 ])`w_y(>  
  第一句和最后一句很难翻译,中间比较容易。与个性的遗传有关。 ]{ ^'{z$i  
  五、写作:20分 42]hX9E  
  与以前大不相同,只要求200单词,写一篇关于运动冠军不再追求金牌和破纪录,转而追求金钱奖励和成名。问这向年轻人传递了什么信息,这种态度会如何影响运动本身?要用自己的语言和事例来写。 G9v'a&  
  一、traffic jams. Vq-W|<7C=  
  1.accoding to this passage, troubles on the road are primarily caused by:the behavior of the driver. rZ'&'#Q  
  2.the sentence "you might tolerate the odd road hog...the rule"imlies that:nowadays impolite drivers consttute the majority of motorists. ",O |uL  
  3."by good sense",the writer means:the driver's aility to understad and react reasonably. Bie#GKc  
  4.experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion:drivers should be read to yield to each other. JJe8x4  
  5.the writer's opinion:drivers should aply road politeness prperly.  S1$lNB  
  二、car crime wr5ScsNS  
  1.the passage seems to imply that payment by credit card:aids a car thief in a way. 5ir Ffr  
  2.which of the following statements is correct?one in ten drivers invites car theft due to carelessness. J,(@1R]KF:  
  3.the researches mentioned in the passage on car theft include all the following except: checking private garages. Jt ++3]  
  4.the best way for a driver to avoid car theft is locking one's car in a parking lot at any time. yxk:5L \A  
  5.in the last paragraph,the term "soft parking" means: parking where a lot of people pass by. RG&t0%yj}  
  三、volunteering in not-for profit clinics |#(KP  
  1.what is the passage mainly about?the inspiration of a father's words. 1aAY7Dm_&  
  2.the author of the passage is:a retired medical reseacher. NTWy1  
  3.the purpose of volunteers in medicine is to: provide free medical services to those who need them . P K+rr.k]  
  4.which of the following has been done b the author:getting a special license for the retired doctors. (1IYOlG4  
  5."I think my father's wods found their way u north to mcneil"implies that:meniel decided to do something for the needy people.









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