政治类[font=ˎ̥, serif]
[font=ˎ̥, serif]1. 日益昌盛[font=ˎ̥, serif] become increasingly prosperous <P.'r,"[
2. 快速发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] develop rapidly s"B+),Jod
3. 隆重集会[font=ˎ̥, serif] gather ceremoniously R(p3*t&n
4. 热爱和平[font=ˎ̥, serif] love peace 6o<(,\ad[
5. 追求进步[font=ˎ̥, serif] pursue progress ubUVxYD?
6. 履行权利和义务[font=ˎ̥, serif] perform the responsibilities and obligations {3!E8~
7. 回顾奋斗历程[font=ˎ̥, serif] review the course of struggle cUC!'+L
8. 展望伟大征程[font=ˎ̥, serif] look into the great journey Kjt\A]R%
9. 充满信心和力量[font=ˎ̥, serif] be filled with confidence and strength C1o^$Q|j
10. 必胜[font=ˎ̥, serif] be bound to win ZY=a[K
11. 主张各国政府采取行动[font=ˎ̥, serif] urge governments of all countries to take action `T3B
12. 和平共处[font=ˎ̥, serif] coexist peacefully R*DQLBWc
13. 对内开放和对外开放[font=ˎ̥, serif] open up both externally and internally %
14. 经历两个不同时期[font=ˎ̥, serif] experience two different periods M< /
15. 战胜无数的困难[font=ˎ̥, serif] overcome numerous difficulties '
16. 赢得一个又一个胜利[font=ˎ̥, serif] win one victory after another Ui.S)\B
17. 完全意识到[font=ˎ̥, serif] be fully aware that i>e?$H,/
18. 迈出重要的一步[font=ˎ̥, serif] make an important step $[\\{XJ.
19. 采取各种措施[font=ˎ̥, serif] adopt various measures Z): Nd9
20. 得出结论[font=ˎ̥, serif] ,告一段落[font=ˎ̥, serif] draw (arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion mM.YZUX
21. 正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关[font=ˎ̥, serif] correctly handle the relationship of economicdevelopment versus([font=ˎ̥, serif]with)[font=ˎ̥, serif]population,[font=ˎ̥, serif]naturalresources and environment Q2[;H!"
22. 鼓励创建文明家庭[font=ˎ̥, serif] encourage the idea of “Civilized Families” 9;NXzO27
23. 拒绝生小孩[font=ˎ̥, serif] refuse to have a child t~|J2*9l
24. 提出离婚[font=ˎ̥, serif] ask for a divorce \P7<q,OGS
25. 和睦相处[font=ˎ̥, serif] live in harmony 5bBCI\&sam
26. 倡导人力资源管理[font=ˎ̥, serif] advocate the management of human resources Rqr>B(|
27. 损害人类社会的道德观[font=ˎ̥, serif] damage the morality of human society Kr;;aT0P
28. 开辟人类历史新纪元[font=ˎ̥, serif] start a new chapter in the history of human (AZAQ xt
29. 禁止他人作克隆人的实验[font=ˎ̥, serif] inhibit others from doing human cloning experiments 3S"
30. 造福人类和科学[font=ˎ̥, serif] benefit mankind and science 9{
31. 控制人口数量[font=ˎ̥, serif](增长[font=ˎ̥, serif])control the population size (growth) }(7TiCwd
32. 控制人口出生率[font=ˎ̥, serif] control birth rate +lxjuEiae
33. 提高人口素质[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve the population quality 8OiCldw:HN
34. 晚婚晚育[font=ˎ̥, serif] marry late and have children late (delayed marriageand delayed child bearing ) DLuaM?7
35. 优化人口结构[font=ˎ̥, serif] optimize the population structure ~r~YR=
36. 优生优育[font=ˎ̥, serif] bear and rear better children voQJ
37. 尊重和保障人权[font=ˎ̥, serif] respect and guarantee human rights Lv#0-+]$Bt
38. 维护和促进人民的生存权和发展权[font=ˎ̥, serif] safeguard and promote the people’s rights tosubsistence and development
[font=ˎ̥, serif]39. 提倡晚婚晚育[font=ˎ̥, serif]encourage late marriage and late childbirth 5?Pf#kq
40 坚持计划生育的基本国策[font=ˎ̥, serif] stick to the basic state policy for family planning d0-4KN2
21. 实现民族独立[font=ˎ̥, serif] realize national independence `QtkC>[
22. 追求真理[font=ˎ̥, serif] seek the truth vn!5@""T
23. 建立社会主义制度[font=ˎ̥, serif] establish a socialist system @dx8 {oQ
24. 根除[font=ˎ̥, serif] (防止[font=ˎ̥, serif],消除[font=ˎ̥, serif])腐败[font=ˎ̥, serif] rootout (prevent, eliminate) corruption k||dX(gl
25. 响应号召[font=ˎ̥, serif] respond to the call 4XAs^>N+
26. 进入新时期[font=ˎ̥, serif] enter a new period <ZheWl
27. 实行新政策[font=ˎ̥, serif] practice new policies zc$}4o
28. 展现生机和活力[font=ˎ̥, serif] display one’s vigor and vitality 3dlY_z=0
29. 增强综合国力和国际竞[font=ˎ̥, serif] enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength andinternational competitiveness =fJU+N+<
30. 进入世界先进行列[font=ˎ̥, serif] edge into the advanced ranks in the world b
31. 解决温饱问题[font=ˎ̥, serif] solve the problem of food and clothing uVKe ?~RC
32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果[font=ˎ̥, serif] absorb what is advanced in other civilizations dr c-5{M
33. 与日俱增[font=ˎ̥, serif] increase every day qoOwR[NDcq
34. 实现夙愿[font=ˎ̥, serif] fulfill the long-cherished wishes y0`;
35. 必将实现[font=ˎ̥, serif] be bound to come true JsNj!aeU%
36. 锻造一支人民军队[font=ˎ̥, serif] forge a people’s army _GFh+eS}
37. 建立巩固的国防[font=ˎ̥, serif] build a strong national defense 21edu.com 5:jme$BI
38. 进行和谈[font=ˎ̥, serif] hold peace talks @_?2iN?4Z
39. 修改法律[font=ˎ̥, serif] amend the laws oyr b.lu/
40. 在...中起(至关)重要作用[font=ˎ̥, serif] play a major (crucial, an important ) role in
[font=ˎ̥, serif]
经济类[font=ˎ̥, serif]
[font=ˎ̥, serif]1. 给...带来机遇和挑战[font=ˎ̥, serif] present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to i1XRBC9
2. 给...带来积极影响[font=ˎ̥, serif] bring a more positive impact on...[font=ˎ̥, serif]. g$^-WmX\m
3. 给予财政资助[font=ˎ̥, serif] support financially qxDMDMN
4. 有巨大潜力[font=ˎ̥, serif] have huge potential for _cE_\Ay
5. 开发[font=ˎ̥, serif] / 青睐中国市场[font=ˎ̥, serif] tap /favor the Chinese market df$.gP
6. 申请专利[font=ˎ̥, serif] apply for a patent [^s;Ggi9
7. 阻碍...的经济发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] handicap (hamper) the economic development
8. 增加农业投入[font=ˎ̥, serif] invest more in agriculture 9:Oz-b
9. 有望达到(上升到)[font=ˎ̥, serif] be expected to reach (rise to, be up to) <g%A2lI
10. 造成很大压力[font=ˎ̥, serif] pose a big pressure on *asv^aFpS
11. 占领市场[font=ˎ̥, serif]10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of themarket W#
12. 缩小...间的距离[font=ˎ̥, serif] narrow the gap between ;Mo_B9
13. 加快经济发展和结构调整[font=ˎ̥, serif] speed up economic development and restructuring ) WbWp4
14. 夺回失去的市场[font=ˎ̥, serif] take back lost market !u@P\8M}
15. 减轻...的负担[font=ˎ̥, serif] reduce (lighten) the burden of (on) DqT<bNR1*;
16. 采取反垄断措施[font=ˎ̥, serif] take anti-monopoly measures to hPSMPbI
17. 加快努力[font=ˎ̥, serif] speed up efforts to VC/-5'_6
18. 在..建立分公司[font=ˎ̥, serif] set up branches in ((+XzV>
19. 促进改革[font=ˎ̥, serif] promote reform #Zw:&'
20. 面对可能的压力和竞争[font=ˎ̥, serif] face possible pressure and competition v:/\;2
21. 充分利用[font=ˎ̥, serif] make full use of P O 5Wi
22. 把列...为基本国策[font=ˎ̥, serif] list…..as fundamental national policies \?
23. 发挥自身优势[font=ˎ̥, serif] give full play to one’s advantages Hp04apM:
24. 开拓市场[font=ˎ̥, serif] exploit markets p|.5;)%|
25. 扩大消费市场[font=ˎ̥, serif] expand consumption market Rlk3AWl2u
26. 改善投资环境[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve the environment for investment Q&xH
27. 加强风险防范[font=ˎ̥, serif] prepare oneself against possible risks ! e$ZOYe
28. 扩大贫富差距[font=ˎ̥, serif] widen the gap between the rich and the poor _*6]4\;
29. 为...提供巨大商机[font=ˎ̥, serif] present huge business opportunities U,#x\[3!Jt
30. 快速稳定增长[font=ˎ̥, serif] grow fast and steadily ,\iHgsZ
31. 让...处于同一起跑线[font=ˎ̥, serif] put… on the same platform and at the same startingpoint (O4oIU
32. 赶超先进[font=ˎ̥, serif] surpass the advanced q+\<%$:u
33. 遵循市场经济的规律[font=ˎ̥, serif] follow the law of market economy 3?a`@C&x
34. 根据市场做出调整[font=ˎ̥, serif] gear ourselves to the market orientation Zh;wQCDj
35. 牟取暴利[font=ˎ̥, serif] seek excessive profits h;jO7+W
36. 做好充分准备[font=ˎ̥, serif] make good preparations for 8#yu.\N.xt
37. 对...造成/构成威胁[font=ˎ̥, serif] form /[font=ˎ̥, serif]pose [font=ˎ̥, serif]a threat to… @6yc^DAA
38. 和...合作[font=ˎ̥, serif] cooperate with 21edu.com +FqD.= 8
39. 和...进一步合作[font=ˎ̥, serif] further cooperation with qIQ=OY=6
40. 提高公务员工资[font=ˎ̥, serif] raise the salaries of civil servants
41. 计算出准确的工资水平[font=ˎ̥, serif] figure out an exact salary level KJ'ID
42. 和...有合作关系[font=ˎ̥, serif] have cooperative ties with G-T^1?
43. 从国外引进先进技术和管理经验[font=ˎ̥, serif]introduce from abroad the advanced technology andmanagement expertise ?'TK~,dG/
44. 优胜劣汰[font=ˎ̥, serif] select the superior and eliminate the inferior Fb(@i
45. 保证下岗职工的基本生活[font=ˎ̥, serif] guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers E+O{^C=
46. 取缔非法收入[font=ˎ̥, serif] ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)
47. 深化改革[font=ˎ̥, serif] deepen the reform aNEah
48. 控制通货膨胀[font=ˎ̥, serif] control inflation (keep inflation under control) uL/wV~g
49. 让位于竞争需要[font=ˎ̥, serif] give way to the need for competition 9KU&M"Yq&i
50. 向...投资巨额资金[font=ˎ̥, serif] invest huge amounts of money into xKSQz
51. 损失惨重[font=ˎ̥, serif] suffer great losses d=xjLbsZ
52. 制造假象[font=ˎ̥, serif] create smoke screens to do (L*GU 7m;
53. 陷入困境[font=ˎ̥, serif] land oneself in deep trouble *I(6hB
54. 吸引外商投资[font=ˎ̥, serif] attract foreign investment $o?U=
55. 抓住机遇[font=ˎ̥, serif] seize opportunities "TJu<O"2
56. 适应...的发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] adapt oneself to the development of
[font=ˎ̥, serif]57. 被指控接受贿赂[font=ˎ̥, serif] beaccused of accepting bribes '%rT]u3U
58. 和...达成(签订)协议[font=ˎ̥, serif] reach([font=ˎ̥, serif]sign)[font=ˎ̥, serif] an agreement with JPqd}:u3
59. 促进地区间的合作[font=ˎ̥, serif] promote regional cooperation Pz2 b
60. 退还大量钱款[font=ˎ̥, serif] give back a large amount of money tr<fii3<
61. 举报非法行为[font=ˎ̥, serif] disclose any illegal activities >4X2uNbZS
62. 筹集足够的资金[font=ˎ̥, serif] raise enough funds GP%V(HhN
63. 采取不同的办法[font=ˎ̥, serif] adopt various methods 9i5?J ]o^
64. 承担风险[font=ˎ̥, serif] bear (take) risk y8~OkdlN#
65. 创收外汇[font=ˎ̥, serif] earn foreign exchange (currency) TF/NA\0c$
66. 活跃市场[font=ˎ̥, serif] enliven the market 1<BKTMBq?{
67. 造成损失[font=ˎ̥, serif] cause a loss to UN.;w3`Oc
68. 十分重视[font=ˎ̥, serif] attach importance to DU%E883
69. 制订...法律[font=ˎ̥, serif] make a law of (to) Gw<D'b)!
70. 大力发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] strive to develop e-ta 7R4
71. 提高居民生活[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve residents’ standard of living Da(k>vR@4
72. 提高管理水平[font=ˎ̥, serif] raise the management level MV" n{1B
73. 加强管理[font=ˎ̥, serif] reinforce the management Nbpn"*L,
74. 完善服务[font=ˎ̥, serif] perfect services 05LkLB
75. 刺激国内需求[font=ˎ̥, serif] stimulate domestic demand 'v]0;~\mp>
76. 打破垄断[font=ˎ̥, serif] break the monopoly ytIPY7E
77. 加快竞争步伐[font=ˎ̥, serif] accelerate the competition d{7ZO#E
78. 为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益[font=ˎ̥, serif] bring multiple economic and social benefits to thelocal people 21edu
[font=ˎ̥, serif]79. 优先发展公共运输[font=ˎ̥, serif] give priorityto the development of public transportation f]/2uUsg%
80. 调整产业结构[font=ˎ̥, serif] adjust the industrial structure
[font=ˎ̥, serif]
文化类[font=ˎ̥, serif] ?y-^Fq|h
1.消除愚昧[font=ˎ̥, serif] eliminate ignorance 0zH-g
2.扫除文盲[font=ˎ̥, serif] eliminate([font=ˎ̥, serif]wipe out)[font=ˎ̥, serif]illiteracy be8T<F
3.营造良好的文化环境[font=ˎ̥, serif] create a healthy cultural environment F=Bdgg9s
4.促进文化市场健康发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] facilitate the sound developmentof the markets for cultural products GI]\
5.开展对外文化交流[font=ˎ̥, serif] conduct cultural exchange with other countries 3lp'U&3`5
6.博采各国文化之长[font=ˎ̥, serif] draw on strong point of the cultures of othercountries
7.开展群众性文化活动[font=ˎ̥, serif] carry out mass activities on culture 6'^E
8.保护文化遗产[font=ˎ̥, serif] protect (preserve) cultural heritage qk<jvha
9.继承历史文化优秀传统[font=ˎ̥, serif] carry on the fine culturaltraditions handed from history/[font=ˎ̥, serif]carry on the fine historical andcultural traditions 6MVu"0#
10.繁荣文学艺术[font=ˎ̥, serif] enable literature and art to flourish /promote flourishing literature and art 8 MO-QO
11.举行每年一次的学术会议[font=ˎ̥, serif] hold an annual academicmeeting b-<0\@`Z#
12.尊重知识,尊重人才[font=ˎ̥, serif] respect knowledge and respect competent people/ talents cHvm
13.向世界展示中国文化建设的成就[font=ˎ̥, serif] introduce China’sachievements of cultural advancement to the world b{<?E };%
14.加强文化基础设施建设[font=ˎ̥, serif] build more culturalestablishments R&Lqaek&W
15.提倡文明的生活方式[font=ˎ̥, serif] advocate civilized lifestyle (way of life) QJ XP-
16.不注重历史[font=ˎ̥, serif] neglect history $+Ze"E
17.推动人类文明进步[font=ˎ̥, serif] push forward human civilization 'f6H#V*C
18.对...持欢迎态度[font=ˎ̥, serif] take a welcoming attitude to D}?p>e|<D
19.与各国人民交往[font=ˎ̥, serif] communicate with people of all countries [Qnf]n\FJ
20.和...持相似观点[font=ˎ̥, serif] share similar views with EHC7b^|3}
21.促进儿童身心健康发展[font=ˎ̥, serif] promote the healthy developmentof children both physically and mentally }:2##<"\t
22.改进教学[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve teaching and learning INA3^p'w
23.保护文化遗产[font=ˎ̥, serif] protect cultural relics _Tj&gyS
24.触及现行法律的盲区[font=ˎ̥, serif] touch a blank area of the existing law &[[r|
25.提高自我保护意识[font=ˎ̥, serif] raise one’s awareness of protecting one’sright 1sHjM%
26.列为世界自然文化遗产[font=ˎ̥, serif] list…as a world naturalheritage site ]CzK{-W
27.以全新的面貌进入新世纪[font=ˎ̥, serif] enter the new century with abrand-new look @5^&&4>N
28.普及科普知识,传播科学思想,倡导科学精神[font=ˎ̥, serif] popularize scientific andtechnological knowledge, spread scientific thought and advocate the scientificspirit xh2r?K@k>
29.提高公务员的综合素质[font=ˎ̥, serif] improve the overall qualityof civil servants "Wj{+|f
30.通过资格考试[font=ˎ̥, serif] pass qualification examinations F@?-^ E@
31.举办文化节[font=ˎ̥, serif] /展览会[font=ˎ̥, serif] hold (conduct,give) cultural festivals / an exhibition 7FE36Ub9
32.普及九年制义务教育[font=ˎ̥, serif] make nine-year compulsory education universal jfMkN
33.精心编写教材[font=ˎ̥, serif] compile the textbooks with great care 8%K{l g"
34承担应有的义务[font=ˎ̥, serif] undertake the due obligations <