[班]导师 class teacher l
[班]导师制 class teacher system O#
二年级 sophomore class $#2ik~]>
二年级生{美} sophomore a/;u:"
二部制 half-time system $/90('D
人民学院 people’s college a% |[m,FvP
入学考试 entrance examination f{xR
入学标准;入学条件 admission requirements; entrance requirements Sj]k5(&
三年级{美} junior class %^n9Z/I
三年级生{美} junior L]hXAShmb
上课时间 class period; session |:$D[=
大众教育 popular education [_hHZMTH
大众教育;平民教育 mass education [= people’s education] ] as_7
大学 university ,B%M P<Rz1
大学入学考试{英} matriculation
大学入学许可证明 matriculation certificate j!q5 Bc?
大学出版社 university press [hTGWT3
大学生 undergraduate aDFu!PLB{)
大学自治 university autonomy qIcQPJn!}
大学附设小学 university elementary school )W95
大学附设中学 university high school #c@Dn.W
大学城 university city rLs)*A!
大学训练部门{英} university training department Yr@_X
大学区视学员{法} academy inspector Z m9 e|J
大学区总长{法} rector of academy vn|u&}h
大学推广教育 university extension xy>wA
大学推广课程 university extension course 1RM;"b/
大学教育 university education _/ bF t6
大学毕业生 university graduate S>OfUrt
大学暑期学校 university summer school ((^jyQ
大学董事会{美} board of trustees .NcoST9a
大学董事会{英} board of regents Os^ sOOSY
大学预科 college preparatory department rs
大学管理部门 court of university -QjdL9\[c7
大学学位 university degree 7)$U>|=
大学学院{英} university college X).UvPZ/
大学优异级课程{英} honor course *F* c
大学优异级学分{英} honor credit dQ ?4@
女子中学 girls’ high school ?g%
5 d
女子学院 women’s college >JwdV
女童子军 girl scout H`q" _p:
小学 primary school LSb
小学;基础学校{英} elementary school 4O_z|K_k|
小学校长{英} headteacher B 3|zR
小学教育;初等教育 primary education 8(3'YNC
小学实习教师 pupil teacher kf\n
工人教育 workers’ education +Q_(wR"FS
工作坊;研习会 workshop *%1:="W*|
工作室 workroom 16/+ O$#y
工作限制 work limit -/|O*oZ
工作效率 work efficiency (q`Jef
工作教育学 Work pedagogics L>+g;GJ
工商管理学院 college of business administration -B:Z(]3#\
工场学校 factory school; works school XRXKO>4q
工程教育 engineering education #S2LQ5U
工业教育;实业教育 industrial education [= technical education] LqIMU4Ex
工业学校;实业学校 industrial school [= technical school] =<fH RX`
工资制;薪级表 salary schedule; salary scale uW%7X2K
工厂艺徒学校 factory apprentice school *-$u\?$
工学院 engineering college I8HUH*|)n
工艺 industrial arts vb/*ILS
不分级教室 ungraded room S+>&O3m
不分级学校 ungraded school }u
不分级学校{义} non-classified school NHA
2 i
中等教育 secondary education !VpZo*+
中等学校 secondary school w8:F^{
中间教育{英} intermediate education &b,.W;+
中间教育考试{英} intermediate examination $UW!tg*U&
中间学校{英} intermediate school }<7Dyn
中间学校{英};中学{美} middle school 'KpCPOhfR
中辍生学校 truant school x={t}qDS8
中学{美} high school @iB**zR/
中学区 high school district 6CO>Tg:%
中学推广教育 high-school extension $>v^%E;Y4
中学第一试{英} first certificate examination j>gO]*BX~
中学第二试{英} second certificate examination rMxst
六三三制{美} six-three-three plan d hiLv_/
公民训练 training for citizenship $m:}{:LDCf
公立小学{英,校舍属地方政府所有者} provided school I@cKiB
公立高级中学{法} lyceum |[D~7|?
公共游乐(戏)场 public playground 7}Z.g9<
公共图书馆 public library M_MiY|%V/K
公益服务教育 public-service education ^i&Qr+v
公务人员考试 civil service examination C
公学{英} public school FePJ8
分校 branch school o"[P++qd
分级;分班;分类 classification 3Zsqx=w
分级学校{义} classified school xp/u, q
升级 advancement; promotion >IfJ.g"
升等考试 promotion examination l1jS2O(
少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency I OF~V)8k=
少年法庭 juvenile court L"zOa90ig
少年监狱 juvenile prison 8/b_4!5c
巴达维亚制 Batavia plan W~W^$A
心理卫生中心 metal hygiene clinics JC{}iG6r+
手工艺学校 handicraft school [KWF7GQi
文法课程;文法班 grammar course C,]Q/6'>
文法学校{英中学;美旧式中学及小学} grammar school tt|U,o
文纳特卡制{进步主义学校} Winnetka Plan; Winnetka system WSDNTfpI
文理学院 college of letters and science tl ;?/
文学院 college of liberal arts; faculty of arts Uo^s]H#:
文凭;毕业证书 diploma TW3:Y\ p
文艺竞赛 literary contest 1{o
比较法 comparative method; method of comparison .%->
比较教育 comparative education U{>!`RN
水产教育 fisheries education J)(]cW.
世界语 Esperanto 68I4 MZK>4
主任督学 inspector-general 2#/ KS^
主班;自己的教室{美} home room ]-x#zp;=
代课教师 substitute teacher xR#hU;E}
冬季学校 winter school d/t'N-m
功绩制 merit system apY m,_
北达文制 North Denver Plan ^~BJu#uVyy
半日制学校 half-day school ^D.B^BR
可调式座椅 adjustable seat 2vWkAC;
可调式课桌 adjustable desk OPKX&)SE-
四年级 senior class DN^ln%#
四年级生{美} senior $S,Uoh
外部考试{英} external examination <5$= T
外部毕业生{英} external graduate 2lp.Td`{
外部学位{英} external degree
平民学校 common school x<ENN>mW1
幼儿师资培育学校 kindergarten training school (4g;-*N
幼儿教育 infant education ,E>VYkoA
幼儿学校{英} infant school e
幼稚园 kindergarten /`s^.Xh
幼稚园教育 kindergarten education uO^{+=;A=
幼稚园教员 kindergartner p!Gf^
未检定教师 uncertificated teacher j|[s?YJl
正规教育 formal education U|
母姊会 mothers’ meeting e<C5}#wt
母校 alma mater sdO;vp^:b
民间中学;人民高中;民众高等学校{丹麦} folk high school; people’s high school Z].>U!7W
生命科学院 school of life and health sciences 5cfzpOqr0
生产教育 productive education ]&r/H17
田径比赛 track and field athletics d3{Zhn@
示范学校 demonstration school "QlCcH`g
交换教授 exchange professors D8dTw {C
休闲教育 education of leisure 5#fLGXP
休会;休息 recess /=3g-$o{`
全职生 full-time student tTmFJ5
共通入学考试;统一入学考试 common entrance examination 92VAQU6
名誉教授 honorary professor 4u(}eE
合作教育 cooperative education sO
合作学校{美} cooperative school E""/dC:B
合格证照教师 certificated teacher JPpYT~4
地方大学{英} provincial university J%A`M\
地方公立中等学校{英} council secondary school {country secondary school} L;`
地方公立学校{英} council school {country school} tL).f:?
多元技术学校 polytechnic school txgGL'
多级制 graded system DQ9s57VxC!
安全教育 safety education b\+|g9Tm
州考试制度 state examination system Zk/NO^1b
州教育委员会{美} state board of education CX:^
州教育厅{美} state department of education M\<!m^~
州教育厅长{美} commissioner of education 'qP^MdoE%~
年级{英};年级{美} form cp2fDn
年级主任;班主任;年级教师{女,英} form mistress hKT:@l*
年级主任;班主任;年级教师{男,英} form master QP;b\11m
年级制{英} form system {xykf7zp
成人夜校 night school for adult ps
成人教育 adult education oy`m:Xp
成人学校 adult school _F*w
成熟考试 maturity examination f|G7L5-
成绩报告卡{美} report card .J@[v
扣留;拘禁;处罚学生放学后留校 detention ~^euaOFU 6
托儿中心;托儿所 day care center \|pAn
托儿所;育婴所 crèche c@^:tB
有辅导职责之校长{美} supervising principal qB39\j
考试;检查 examination a"DV`jn
考试制度 examination system qN0#
自治 self-government 0B4(t6o
行会学校 gild school; guild school =5/;h+bk+3
住校生 resident student C~;0A!@]Y
免除;豁免 exemption '=~y'nPG7
免费教育;义务教育 free education 55cldo
免费学校;穷人学校{美} free school )[)]@e
免费学额{免学费入学员额,英} free place; special place 1b7xw#gLx
助学金;学生补助 student aid bZ9NnSuH
男女混合教育 co-education 3.0c/v5Go
男舍监 house master {e%abr_B
私立学校 private school 育幼院 infant-asylum _tReZ(Vw
育儿课程 maternal course -h@0 1
育婴院;育儿室;托儿所 nursery <ut DZ#k
走读生;通学生 extern; non-resident student q-G|@6O
身体检查;体格检查 physical examination V0 F30rK
巡回教育展览会 traveling educational exhibition D;I`k
巡回教师 traveling teacher !:<UgbiVv
巡回博物馆 traveling museum 6{$dFwl
巡回图书馆 traveling library fBgKX?Y
例证;范例;楷模 exemplification NN 6KLbC(
儿童法庭 children’s court p},Fwbl
儿童博物院 children’s museum IOkC [([
儿童图书馆 children’s library V"H7zx
儿童福利 child welfare S8OVG4-
儿童剧场 children’s theater daIL> c"
函授学校 correspondence school M6'C 3,y0
制服 uniform S%X\,N
受公款补助学校{英} aided school HQ3`:l
受刑人教育 education of prisoner -+rF]|Wi
夜校 evening school; Night school p RwGv
孤儿院 orphan asylum; orphan school egvy#2b@
孤儿教育 education of orphan OJsd[l3xR
宗教教育 religious education `f+8WPJPZ
性教育 sex education eq~c
所;会;社;馆;学院;研究所 institute Dw`m>'J0
招待所;小旅馆;大学生宿舍 hostel 'n[+r}3
林间学校 forest school; school in woods; woods school T]6c9_
林业教育 forestry education +F o$o
波特兰制{科学重点学校;美} Portland Plan V`\f+Uu
法律教育 law education; legal education %md^S
法学院 college of law; law college; law school <.WM-Z
社会服务训练 social service training @mx$sNDkL
社会科学 social science #<wpSs
社会教育 social education (~Uel1~@
社会教育学 Social pedagogy Pc(n@'m~
社会导引 social guidance [2'm`tZL
社会遗传 social heredity t@(9ga(
社团学校{美} corporation school n#>.\F
初级中学{美} junior high school eOehgU5x
初级技艺学校{英} junior technical school abo>_"9-
初等教育 elementary education :4ja@~
青年运动 youth movement 3e%l8@R@
非正式教育 informal education +_X,uvR
非宗教教育 secular education @VC .>
保育学校{英} nursery school GsIwY {d
室内活动 indoor play (Pv`L
客观测验 objective examination Q1`<fD
指导教师 preceptor; tutor 8QVE_ Eu
政治教育 political education #2PrGz]
星期学校 Sunday school nn @^K6
研究工作 research work K`QOU-M@}
研究生 graduate student; post-graduate student; research student R9Sf!LR
研究所 graduate school; post-graduate school ietRr!$.
研究班;专题讨论会 seminar A%Bgp?B
研究学者 research scholar Xhcn]
研究机构 research institution fJN*s
科技学院 technical college TGU:(J'^
科学研究所 scientific institute Rx6l|'e
科学教育 scientific education 0]AN;
纪念日 memorial day ;V_.[aX
美术学校 fine arts school; school of fine arts Deg!<[Nw
军事训练 military training +|y*}bG
军事训练营 military training camp m\>|C1oRy
军事教育 military education M.>^{n$
军事学校 military school *cbeyB{E
军事学院 military academy >i
降级;降等 degrade qysTjGwa]
音乐教育 music education >+cSPN'i>
音乐学校;音乐厅 music conservatory 1/B]TT
兼任教师 part-time teacher ?4XnEDAm
夏令营 summer camp )4l>XlQ&
娱乐时间 recreation period #/Ruz'H1>
家政教育;家事教育 home economics education; household education z{9=1XY
家政学校 home-economics school dsJm>U
家庭教育 family education; home education ~+yZfOcw
家庭教师 private instructor; private teacher ]r4bRK[1
家庭访问 home visiting s~*}0-lS
家庭与学校联谊社 home and school club vY6oVjM
家庭卫生 domestic hygiene u*3NS$vH
家庭联络卡 home card >M]6uf
师资培育 normal training; teacher training; training of teacher ~#R9i^Y
师范教育 normal education jMM$ d,7B
师范学校 normal school H{l)
师范学院 college of preceptors rLU'*}
师范学院{美} teachers college aSC9&Nf;
捐资学校 endowed school + WVIZZ8
旁听生 auditor; guest-pupil "w Af.=F
旅行学校 travel school ,R?np9wc
校内生 internal student `ltN,?/
校外活动 extra-school activity [}OgSP9i
校地 school space ?+~cA^-3T
校地;校址 school ground [= school land; school sites] j%L&jH6@
校舍 school house VIC0}LT0R
校舍管理主任 building superintendent >@_im6
校舍调查 building survey :w`3cwQ
校长;院长 rector f$.?$
校长{大学} chancellor; president ?^i1_v7 Bi
校长{中小学,美} headmaster; principal L[g0&b%%-
校风;学校精神 school spirit PRkSQ4
校务会议 school synod iDoDwq!l_
校规 school rule W=JAq%yd<
校际体育竞赛 inter-collegiate athletics; interscholastic athletics x}TS
校历 school calendar zce`\ /:
消遣阅读 recreation reading E<E3&;qD
海外教育 overseas education YO+{,$
海军教育 naval education &Lm-()wb
特殊教室 special classroom d>0+A)6>
特殊学生 special student }|\d+V2On
特殊学校 special school OFk8 >"|
班长;监督生;长官 prefect ]:(W_qEA
班级组织 class organization "{D6J8
班级图书区 classroom library bWWXc[O2&(
班会 class meeting 0'5/K ,
班导师 home-room teacher Cx<0 H
秘书教育 secretarial education q:\g^_!OGA
级友;同班同学 classmate O.G'?m<:#
航空学校 aerial navigation school; aviation academy h!rM^
航海教育;海事教育 nautical education tVuWVJ4M
训练学院 training college $
退休制度 retirement system r
退学 withdrawal from school Byl^?5
逃学 truancy <"N_j]wD
院际体育竞赛{校内};院内体育竞赛{校内} intermural athletics; intramural athletics O.aG[wm8
高级中学{美} senior high school ncu`vYI.
高级学院{美} senior college +4;uF]T
高等师范学校{法} higher normal school M_v?9L
高等教育 higher education >Y7a4~ufko
高等学士学位{英} honors degree z]B]QB
停学 suspension 5=Xy,hmnC
假日 holiday ]i(-I <`
假日班;假日课程 holiday course 1"Z@Q`}
假期 vacation CTX9zrY*T
假期学校 vacation school F+R?a+e
健康教育 health education NBl+_/2'w
副校长{大学,英、美} vice chancellor vgY3L
副校长{大学} vice president Lbe\@S
区;科;部;系 department fjvN$NgVs
参观教学 educational excursion 8fA_p}wp
商船学校 mercantile marine school !cKz7?w
商业教育 business education; commercial education s { #3r
商学院 college of commerce J+rCxn?;g
问卷;问题征答 questionnaire SGb;!T*
问卷法 questionnaire method ?X@fKAj
国防教育 education for national defense %X#zj"
国家奖学金 national scholarship R$; n)_H
国际教育 international education [MuEoWrq(}
基础学校{德} foundation school %$%&m1Y
妇女学校 women’s school 74!
oe u.>
寄宿学校 board school; boarding school z-M3
专科学校{台湾};初级学院{美} junior college hig2
专业考试 professional examination \*=7#Vd
专业教育 professional education [O:
专业预备教育 preprofessional education j*
专业学校 professional school >0Q|nCx
强迫入学局 attendance bureau; bureau of attendance 1lv2@QH9
强迫就学 compulsory attendance; forced attendance at school 2^?:&1:
推广班 extension class sz9L8f2
教育 education `/Y{ l
教育文献 educational literature !^Q.VYY
教育年鉴;教育年刊 educational yearbook iNMx"F0r
教育百科全书 encyclopedia of education i<pk6rO1
教育行政 educational administration ve&zcSeb
教育行政人员 educational administrator GR\5WypoJ
教育局{美} office of education OyqNLR
教育局长{美} superintendent ,o]4?-
教育制度 educational system; system of education {rcnM7 S1L
教育委员会{英};教育委员会{美} board of education |!y A@y?
教育法令 educational decree ;NNe!}C
教育法案;教育草案 educational bill WJ*n29^N^h
教育社会学 Educational sociology GguFo+YeZ
教育宣导 educational propaganda "s\L~R.&
教育指导;教育指南 educational guide 9{:O{nl
教育政策 educational policy +f[ED4E>'(
教育研究 educational research m*mm\wN5
教育研究局 bureau of educational research P6MRd/y |
教育研究所{德} pedagogical institute a')|1DnR
教育研讨室 pedagogy seminary je]}R>[r5
教育科学 science of education 8uA,iYD
教育捐款;教育基金 educational endowment ^Fn
教育效率 educational efficiency Znetzm=0
教育病理学 Educational pathology; Pedagogical pathology }2ZsHM^]%
教育财政 educational finance \Y{k7^G}A
教育专家 educational expert X6^},C'E.:
教育统计学 Educational statistics @u1zB:
教育设备;教育设施 educational plant uPniLx\t:
教育部 ministry of education Uo-`>7
教育部长 minister of education; minister of public instruction pJ
教育部长{美} secretary of education M?;y\vS?
教育博物馆 educational museum N~F
RM& x
教育期刊 educational journal; educational periodical 77Bg
教育税 school tax n#=o?!_4
教育评论 educational criticism xzx$TUL
教育阶梯 educational ladder &hk-1y9QS
教育会议 educational conference Reu*Pe
教育经费支出;教育开支 educational expenditure O2"gj"D
教育资料 educational data wM|"I^[
教育图书馆 educational library; pedagogical library ox
教育学 Paideutics; Pedagogics; Pedagogy bb
教育学系 department of education; educational department f0T,ul,
教育学院 college of education; school of education S~Id5T:,
教育学院{德} pedagogical academy CSCN['x
教育机会 educational opportunity #:d
教育杂志 educational magazine bz|
教育辞典 educational dictionary L
教育权[利] educational right }=!,o
教室 classroom; lecture room; recitation room; teaching room \8uIER5)
教员工作负担 teacher’s load BAO| )~1Pd
教员聘约 teacher’s agreement l|hUw
教员检定 certification of teachers HfLLlH<L`&
教师公会 teachers’ guild 5?Wto4j
教师手册 teacher’s manual <?D\+khlq
教师任期 teacher tenure 1 tR_8lC
教师考试 teachers’ examination !|<=ZF2
教师研习所{美} teachers’ institute !*`-iQo&
教师评等制 teacher rating scale ]
7 _`]7p
教师资格 qualification of teacher !'Q -yoHKD
教师证照 teacher’s certificate; teacher’s license DvM5 k
教务长{美大学};院长{英大学} provost )3h^Y=43
教授、教员;系、科、学院 faculty ^3hn0DVQ
教授休假 sabbatical leave HD N9.5S
教学费用 expense of instruction FaBqj1O1
教学实习 practice teaching 4R5D88=C
条件式升级 conditional promotion; kapC%/6"
烹调学校;烹饪学校 cooking school BIj=!!
理学院 college of science; science school iX\W;V
毕业 graduation mR;qMX)0h
毕业生 graduate V
毕业生集会 convocation of graduates 0 P[RyQI
毕业典礼;开始 Commencement <40rYr$/J
毕业要求标准;毕业要件 graduation requirements DI;DECQl$
毕业荣誉试{英} tripos mYc.x
毕业证书 diploma of graduation 6;
移民教育 immigrant education -n0C4 kZ2o
统计法 statistical method /CTc7.OYt
统计学 Statistics Erk?}
统整教学;整合教学 integrated instruction Iyo@r%I
组织架构;组织图表 organization chart ]qB:PtX
终身任期 life tenure 45&8weXO:'
终身证书 life certificate; permanent certificate ?GTU=gpQ
被欺侮;受辱{美} hazing QKE9R-KTE
访问教师 visiting teacher +ki{H}G21
贫民学校 pauper school; poverty school; ragged school =H<0o?8?c
通俗讲演 popular lecture MZ+e}|!4,
速成班 express class Bb{!Yh].:A
部分时制教育 part-time education {_U
部分时制学生 part-time student wDwH.~3!
劳工大学 workers’ university Db"DG(
劳动学院 labor college Tg3!R q55
单轨制 single school system; single track system; unitary school system `Bn=?9
单班学校 one class school; one room school; one teacher school; single room school *;|`E(
寒假 winter vacation p*5\+WO>!(
就业考试 placement examination D=TL>T.bf
就业证照 work certificate u>pBB@
就学 school attendance *4|Hqa
就学督促员 attendance officer vKoP|z=m
普通教育 common education; general education 6bBdIq
暑假 summer vacation gh6d&ucQ^
暑期学校 summer school YK{a
期末考试 final examination #%@MGrsK
朝会 morning exercise s/Xb^XjS1
残障教育 cripple education k
残障学校 cripple school; school for defective; school for the physically disabled wNE$6
殖民地教育 colonial education (c v!Y=]
测验;随堂小考 quiz D@
无限任期 indefinite tenure ]TstSF=
登记;入学;注册 enrollment; registration %i)B*
短期课程 short course; short term course 69#8Z+dw7
童子军 boy scout ;3C:%!CdA]
等级尺度;绩点量表 point scale +\# Fd
视察 inspection a <X0e>
注册员 registrar bl/,*Wx:4.
注册簿;登录;注册 register N]5m(@h
评议会{大学} senate; university council si(;y](
贸易教育 trade education HI&kP+,y
贸易学校 trade school /)uM[ dnai
集权制 centralized system 0"[`>K~7a8
集体教育 collective education ;LJ3c7$@lf
黑人学校{美} colored school 5|$a =UIR
园艺学校 gardening school /-0'
填鸭式教育;死记硬背 cramming `0#H]=$2h
感化院 reformatory MEwdw3
感化教育 reform education; reformatory education @kD8^,( oH
感化学校 reform school PI5j"u UO
新生;一年级学生;新手 freshman [= novice] ;_<)JqUh
新生班 freshman class ^&c$[~W
新生周 freshman week Tvf~P w
新闻学教育 Journalistic education ~tm0QrJn/
照片廊;图像画廊 picture gallery {,O`rW_eS
督促就学委员会 school attendance committee i~qfGl p6)
督促就学员 school attendance officer lWy=)^)4
督学 inspector @Z\2* 1y6
督导员 supervisor &:?e
经认可之大学 accredited university 1"K*._K
经认可之教员 accredited teacher ]T{E
经认可之学校 accredited school a5`eyL[f
经认可之学院 accredited college V"d=.Hb>
义务教育 compulsory education Gm=>!.
义教年龄 compulsory school age !eD+GDgE]
圣巴巴拉制 Santa Barbara Plan
(N U0Tw
补助费;补助金 grants #7z|mVzH
补习班 cramming school -Fwh3F4g
补习课程;辅助课程 supplementary course Di??Q_$ak
补偿 compensation "xwM+ AC
解散;退学;驱除 dismissal; exclusion from school; expulsion a20w,
试用 probation v}il(w;O
试用年 probationary year -gKpL\
试用教师 probationary teacher A_r<QYq0|
试用教师 Probationary teacher kHU"AD}
试用证明 probationary certificate jEU'.RBN%
学校供膳;学校午餐 school feeding; school lunch; school meal yU`:IMz
学校法 school law [n:PNB
学校法庭 school court `Wf5
学校社区 school community :Ee ?K
学校花园;学校园圃 school garden |[w^eg
学校建筑 school building; school plant =WRO\lgv.
学校纪律 school discipline U1^l+G^,~
学校展览会 school exhibition vo b$iS`>=
学校财政 school finance Zps&[;R$-
学校基金 school fund G `Izf1B`I
学校宿舍 dormitory 4[l^0
学校推广教育 school extension (n=Aa;
学校教育 school education Dm4B
学校教职员组织 school society {W'8T}q
学校统计 school statistics .v7`$(T
学校组织 school organization Y2vj}9jK
学校设施 school establishment #J~Xv:LgD
学校设备 school equipment =L16hDk o
学校博物馆 school museum BA`:miH<
学校普查 school census C*j9Iaj
学校视察 school inspection qhwoV4@f
学校诊疗所;学校门诊部 school clinics z"av|(?d
学校园游会;学校博览会 school fair @$ftG
学校节庆 school festival zkG>u,B}
学校经费 school expenditure \CtQ*[FmN
学校董事会 school board ULTNhq
学校游戏场 play centre; play garden zze z~bv7:
学校预算 school budget uA^hCh-js
学校图表 school chart 0k.v0a7%
学校图书馆 school library )DRkS,I
学校管理 school control; school government; school management $"1pw
学校管理者 school manager .o"<N
学校网 school net @jKDj]\
学校仪式;学校典礼 school ceremony - &NQ
学校卫生 school hygiene; school sanitation #hZQ
学校调查 school survey Y@ObwKcG
学校证书;学校证照 school certificate ,y%ziay
学级;班 class /bi6>GaC:E
学级学校 grade school EM=xd~H
学院 college |a>}9:g,=*
学院院长 dean H)`@2~Y
学务报告 school report /'mrDb_ip
学术自由 academic freedom
学术委员会 academic council }E,jR=@
学术教育 academic education 0 K/G&c?;=
学术荣誉 scholastic honor PqVW'FYe
学期 school term; term D {Oq\*
学期制 semester plan }2h't.Z<u
学期论文 term paper rNZO.qijz
学费 school fee; tuition; tuition fee 5cgo)/3M@}
学费资助 bursary Q:pzL
学监 proctor eQ$e*|}"m
学龄 school age 0hFH^2%UY
导生制{小老师} pupil-teacher system r?>V x-
导师制 preceptor system; tutor system AvyQ4xim+
战事教育 war education C1KfXC*|L
战时教育 wartime education %
亲师会 parent-teacher association phr2X*Z/)Y
亲职教育 parental education L+8=P<]
谘询委员会;谘议委员会 consultative committee Q,D0kS P
选修制 elective system h4tC. i~k
优等生 honors student /8=:qIJYA
徽章 insignia 7AI3|Ts]p
应用艺术学校 school of practical arts IhUW=1&J
检定 certification ]{(l;k9=e
营养;营养学 nutrition y!SF/i?Py
营养班 nutrition class a#^_"GX
疗养学校 sanatorium school $4DFgvy$
绩点制 point system qe[
讲师;教师 instructor #m[vn^8B]y
讲师;讲演员 lecturer ^I@ey*$
讲座教授 professorial chair ==nYe{2
点名 roll call ?E%U|(S)=L
职员 staff 5woIGO3X
职业;占有 occupation
职业指导 vocational guidance 4xv9a;fP
职业科 vocational course Uc\|X;nkRk
职业科目 vocational subject Jz=;mrW
职业训练 occupational training V/`#B$6
职业教育 vocational education \H,V 9!B
职业陶冶 vocational culture xR0~S
职业测验 occupational test; vocational test BXT80a\
职业辅导员 vocational counselor Z~duJsH
职业课程 vocational curriculum W3Fy mCI
职业学校 vocational school Tf9&,!>V
职业选择 vocational choice UN,<6D3\b
职业证照 vocational certificate v>JB
医学院 college of medicine; medical college; school of medicine `K$:r4/[
医学教育 medical education p#ZMABlE,P
离校证明 leaving certificate CHQ{+?#
双重轨制 double-track system
额外指定作业 extra assignment 9QX&7cs&[
惩戒班 disciplinary class hp?ad
兽医学院 veterinary college fGu5%T,
药学教育;药物教育 pharmaceutical education #B}BI8o (
证书 certificate M3hy5j(b
边疆教育 frontier education &@mvw=d
劝学官员 truancy officer E`oSi
矿业教育 mining education ~J8cS
竞争考试 competitive examination 2N6Pa(6
继续教育 continuing education +
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继续学校;进修学校 continuation school yC9:sQ'k
警察教育 police education 6LSPPMM
露天学校 fresh-air school; open-air school 7VEt4
体育 physical culture; physical education tEi@p;Z>
体育场;运动场 athletic field G:E+s(x
体育学校 physical education school 9Q
体育馆;文科中学{德} gymnasium r?Ev.m
体格训练;体能训练 physical training [15hci+-
体操 gymnastic exercise; gymnastics Sa?~t3*H
隔离 segregation 9m<X-B&P
预科 preparatory department M]8eW
预备教育 preliminary education @B>%B EC
预备学校 preparatory school GI'&g@?u
颁发学士学位的学院 undergraduate college [)b/uR
团体视导;团体督导 group supervision ^)eessZ
图书馆 library K8 Kz
图书馆教育 library education ;X9MA=b
实科学校{德} real school o'= [<
实习生;实习牧师 probationer hc@;}a\Y
实习教师 practice teacher Oy?iAQ+
荣誉制 honor system ~'PS|
荣誉榜 honor roll g,z&{pZch
荣誉学位 honorary degree ~gzpX,{n
演说竞赛 oratorial contest \8C*O{w
监狱学校 prison school ];wohW%
硕士 Master YA8yMh*4D?
硕士学位 Master’s degree BT*K,p
综合中学{美} composite high school; comprehensive high school; cosmopolitan high school G
语言教育 linguistic education; speech education ;M(ehX
辅导处 guidance department &bO