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主题 : 浙大考博2002-2006英语词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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Vocabulary =JfwHFHd#  
2002年春 !i (V.A  
1 The chairman proposed at the meetingthat we have someone with ___________ and imagination to design a marketingstrategy. ,C><n kx  
A. intuition x=7:D  
B. enterprise >FOCdlJ#  
C. undertaking Y ? n4#J<  
D. innovation yc3/5]E&  
2 The fish moved silently through thewater, ____________ by short sweeps of its tail. 8/tB?j  
A. urged Zv9JkY=+@  
B. propagated x X3I`  
C. propelled ~>9G\/u j  
D. operated 9,_~qWw  
3 A few workers have ___________ themajority decision and gone into work despite the strike. SZrc-f_  
A. defied fu~ iF  
B. destined yBs-bp"-  
C. detained [@VzpVhXz  
D. deferred SS`\_@ci  
4 Philosophy differs from science in thatits questions cannot be answered _______ by observation or experiment.  weu+$Kr  
A. emotionally ,qp 8Rg|3j  
B. deliberately ."BXA8c;A  
C. empirically 5&EBU l}  
D. extremely 0<@['W}G  
5 The music the Three Brothers playedyesterday is described in the paper as an explosive _________ of Latin Americanand modern jazz rhythms. ;DnUeE8  
A. mixture dz/@] a  
B. welding *`w>\},su  
C. consolidation +l)t5Mg\  
D. fusion z)^.ai,:0  
6 Didn’t you find her enthusiasm for theproject ____________? Almost everyone on the team is now doing their utmost toresolve the difficulty. Pm2LB<qS  
A. contagious r`Fs"n#^-4  
B. operate 3zKeN:w  
C. effectual C|Gk}  
D. infections ._]Pz 6  
7 Recently a large internationalconference was held with aim of promoting __________ development in allcountries. RiR],Sj  
A. retainable QbHX.:C  
B. sustainable #P}n+w_@  
C. unpredictable tF/Ni*\^rV  
D. unthinkable ESoC7d&.K{  
8 A government report indicates that sincethe early 1970s, the proportion of high school graduates going to college has____________ at 50%. ALF21e*n  
A. confirmed \ Qx%7 6  
B. endured )mN/e+/Lu  
C. stabilized jf;n*  
D. retained ;J+iwS*Z  
9 The delegates to the convention insistthat steps be taken to stop the ___________ of the world’s tropical forests. *^ G,  
A. depletion N\tFK*U^I  
B. termination fHZ9wK>  
C. peril 1|G\&T   
D. shrinkage T<Y*();Zo  
10 ProfessorTaylor is a real expert on art, as I feel completely ________ whenever I talkto her about it. s1[.L~;J  
A. incapable ~cO iv  
B. inadequate .UX4p =  
C. out of mind G L9'dL|  
D. in despair lcpiCZ  
2003 SfY 5 Xgp  
1 Hoping that he might be able to___________ the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine. T3=h7a %=  
A. shed light on -:r<sv$  
B. make light of t~ I;IB  
C. bring to light K@[Hej6d  
D. set light to aYk: CYQ  
2 His ___________ and unwillingness tolearn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team. Mby4(M+&n  
A. arrogance ^uw]/H3? L  
B. dignity 1D [>oK\  
C. humility t&x\@p9  
D. solitude 4|cRYZj5  
3 The economy grew at its fastest ratesince 1980 thanks to a(n) _____________ in world rate. *6u2c%^  
A. inflation /!>OWh*~  
B. stimulus  6; )5v  
C. bulge /4 Kd  
D. boom #Q=c.AL{  
4 He decided he was going to take____________ for the murder of his sister. RS B+Saf.8  
A. refuge wXnVQ-6H  
B. revenge H ~fF; I  
C. rebellion `?l /HUw  
D. riot UYy #DA  
5 No one expected him to _____________against his former employer. }C[ "'tLX  
A. declare %}~(%@qB>+  
B. testify UNv!G/i-5  
C. certify =\5f_g2M  
D. allege tZg)VJQys  
6 Rachel was the ______________ choice forthe job thanks to her communication skills. "u$XEA  
A. unanimous s]A8C^;c  
B. consistent p H3\X cn  
C. harmonious b-<@3N.9]  
D. agreeable NZ8X@|N  
7 The police detective put together thepieces of evidence to form one ___________ account. B2LXF3#/  
A. sensitive p0CPeH  
B. genuine o F_r C[  
C. expressive #^aa&*<D_  
D. coherent !z2xm3s{]p  
8 You should have your eyes examined___________ to be sure of your eyesight. 7cB{Iq0+  
A. periodically 0SIUp/.  
B. persistently \WdSj  
C. continuously br k*;  
D. continually 1BEc"  
9 You should treat those remarks with the___________ that they deserve --- don’t give them a second thought. H{9P=l  
A. negligence ;:R2 P@6f  
B. disgrace ~FXq%-J  
C. contempt Hdd3n 6*  
D. sarcasm gzW{h0iRr  
10 Thebook is a vain attempt to _____________ the name of one of the worst dictatorsin modern history. |tLD^`bt  
A. worship (ToD u@p  
B. glorify Fe: ~M?]  
C. adore { JDD"z  
D. cherish (LXYx<  
11 Thegovernment is seeking to ___________ itself from the latest financial scandal. HKO]_; :(  
A. detach /S~ =qodS  
B. extract bd27])n(  
C. derive JqYa~6 C  
D. erase 8uW%jG3/  
12 Heavyrainfall in the south of England means that flooding is __________- 9OY ao  
A. imminent CS-jDok  
B. momentous _T8S4s8q  
C. transient ;<b7kepR  
D. prospective yn<J>e  
13 He_____________ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office. T VSCjI  
A. disposed a +~b3  
B. dispensed r[GH#vF;7  
C. dispatched zA3r&stN+  
D. dispersed asmu<  
14 Ididn’t ignore her ___________ --- just didn’t recognize her. #&L7FBJ"*v  
A. attentively ,Sy& ?t}`  
B. intensively ^mC,Z+!  
C. intentionally FDGG$z?>m  
D. intensely -F3~X R  
15 Youwill only be allowed to leave early in ___________ circumstance. 5e0d;Rd  
A. exceptional Q0x?OL]A  
B. coincidental xpwy%uo  
C. peculiar &_hEM~ {  
D. imperative J}#2W y^{  
2004 nvNF~)mu  
1 It is important to keep the factoryworking at ______ efficiency all the time. 8xh x*A  
A. optimistic v.u 5%  
B. optimum h9iQn<lp4.  
C. optical ,\#s_N 7  
D. optional C|3cQ{  
2 We need to take steps to counter the________ decline in our export market. +Kg }R5+  
A. lingering asLrXGGyT  
B. chronic b7T;6\[m  
C. lengthy y*US^HJOZ  
D. abiding C-h?#/#?y  
3 Her handwriting is so bad that it isbarely____________ @M'qi=s*  
A. legible A:yql`&s  
B. intelligible y c 8 h}`  
C. distinctive {Ja(+NQ  
D. conceivable gwXmoM5  
4 We’re going to __________ what we’velearned so far by doing some revision exercises today. }:;UnE}  
A. consolidate R osU~OK  
B. reinforce suGd&eP|  
C. affirm dn Sb}J  
D. conform cx&\oP  
5 Kevin made one last ________ attempt topersuade Sandra to go with him, then left. twbxi{8e.  
A. considerable GU/-L<g  
B. trivial Q7<VuXy  
C. futile 6KXW]a `  
D. resistant u GqeT#dP  
6 The school agreed to ________ theirdecision until they had spoken to William’s parents. i1m>|[@k  
A. convert tm2lxt  
B. retain o)7Ot\:E  
C. defer S7#dyAX8  
D. expel a l6y=;\jZ  
7 Republican party members wereconfidently __________ victory even as the first few votes came in. M*Ej*#  
A. acclaiming _2{_W9k  
B. reclaiming h{$k%YJ?  
C. exclaiming H{S+^'5Y.  
D. proclaiming Fu5Y<*x  
8 The __________ between the two sets offigures suggests that someone has been stealing money from the bank. Y Q.Xl_  
A. discrepancy M6^ \LtFt  
B. conflict HX}B#T  
C. contrast A*81}P_  
D. divergence n]D io  
9 The idea that a good night’s sleep willcure everything is a complete ____________ vD?D]8.F~Q  
A. defect Gau@RX:O  
B. fallacy m6$&yKQ-=h  
C. fraud Vwh ;QJxb  
D. abuse q1x[hv3 pP  
10 Beforea bill can become law it has to have the full _______ of both Houses ofParliament. 0R[fH  
A. justification [6JDS;MIN  
B. warrant L%Rw]=v }v  
C. endorsement D M+MBK  
D. verification &0%Z b~ts  
11 Theimage is __________ by a series of lenses within the telescope. SG|AJ9  
A. magnified C/qKa[mg  
B. signified 3\ Mt+!1{  
C. extended yI#qkl-  
D. expanded E QU@';~8  
12 Strangelyenough, the most obvious explanation did not ___________ Jackie until the nextday. *ls6k`ymL  
A. stumble on FA)ot)]  
B. occur to ecJjE 56P  
C. come up with ,pdzi9@=t  
D. stand up to `Ds=a`^b  
13 TheGovernment wants a 3% inflation rate, but is this a _____________ objective? hZL!%sL7  
A. reflective 9< 07# 8c.  
B. flexible knG:6tQ  
C. feeble oST)E5X;7  
D. feasible @-\=`#C**  
14 Shewas still _____________ by what happened in Barcelona although she had lefttwenty year earlier. Tgtym"=xd  
A. haunted /}>8|#U3y  
B. frequented D})/2O p   
C. recalled Ot`%5<E^  
D. sustained #<9'{i3  
15 Thehands on my alarm clock are _______________ so I can tell the time in the dark. d$bO.t5CLh  
A. imminent ,e;,+w=~E  
B. luminous n/Fxjf0W  
C. illuminate uKM` umE  
D. luminant ,  otXjz  
:'C?uk ?  
2004 U!o  
1 You can’t cure a common cold, but youcan ___________ the symptoms. 3MHpP5C  
A. moderate .$x}~Sw  
B. alleviate JluA?B7E  
C. dilute 3I( n];  
D. subdue pqpsa'  
2 For years scientists have been___________ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields. > TCit1yD  
A. tangled rCA!b"C2  
B. terrified RxJbQs$Ph  
C. evoked JJWP te/  
D. baffled t855|  
3 The flood was a ___________ from whichBangladesh has never really recorded. ;r"r1'a+@  
A. calamity "'Fvt-<^S7  
B. downfall ,~Xe#e M  
C. reverse O]hUOc `k  
D. scandal C}x fo}i  
4 Our company’s’ management ____________negotiations on a new union contract. ~b)X:ku  
A. launched "A~dt5GJ  
B. triggered z5iCQ4C<  
C. terminated leNX5 sX  
D. preserved }[PwA[k'  
2005 6-"tQ,AZ  
1 If wool is submerged in hot water, ittends to __________ s-WZ3g  
A. snap '\8YH+%It  
B. shrink  0.R3(O  
C. fade PV"\9OIKb.  
D. condense NkBvN\CQ  
2 His last play was _________ by thecritical as a masterpiece. dba_(I~y  
A. claimed `{Oqb  
B. proclaimed -wC}JVVcK  
C. exclaimed _)Txg2?=  
D. acclaimed {N{eOa<HA  
3 It is the builder’s job to make surethat the house conforms to the architect’s _________ in every way. ojBdUG\  
A. regulations 2&:z[d}~H  
B. specialties oupWzjo  
C. essentials 5,f`5'$  
D. specifications wo(O+L/w  
4 Your letter has been __________ to theauthority concerned. x{w|Hy  
A. transited Fng  
B. transferred Y+23 jlgb  
C. transported _ti^i\8~  
D. transmitted v:74iB$i/C  
5 Among her many ____________ are loyalty,courage and truthfulness. OMjPC_  
A. virtues mpwh=  
B. morals #X*);cn  
C. characters 1nvT={'R  
D. graces *!`&+w  
6 The soldiers ___________ their arms asthey marched. R'B_YKHBY  
A. swayed o+}1M  
B. swung 'NjeF&#6  
C. swerved '*`n"cC:  
D. swelled k-^^Ao*@  
7 The country’s constitution ____________the ideals of equality and freedom. 4,QA {v  
A. embodies dVLrA`'P*  
B. symbolizes XHgW9;M!  
C. marks 0VJHE~Bgi  
D. represents e"sv_$*  
8 It was ____________ whether the patientwill survive the operation. M"K$.m@t  
A. vague |)jR|8MAE  
B. suspicious @Bkg<  
C. ambiguous T&S=/cRBK}  
D. doubtful #>~A-k)  
9 The brochure _____________ us intothinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach. ^zqQ8{oV  
A. trapped Z{#3-O<a+n  
B. frightened {s6#h#U  
C. engaged Jz&dC  
D. misled OOnj(%g  
10 “I’mfar too busy to talk to you now.” he said, in his usual _____________ manner. cyjgi /Z  
A. rigid SZtSUt(ss  
B. steep 5mudww`  
C. abrupt 6b` Jq>v  
D. stern $j(4FyH\  
11 He’srich and keeps __________ about how much money he’s got to impress people. fD_3lbiL(  
A. exaggerating TOq xl  
B. boasting Ft:_6T%  
C. admiring XWz~*@ci  
D. inspiring nddCp~NX  
12 Shewas __________ enough to realize right from the start that he was lying. \b)P4aL  
A. initiative l9y%@7  
B. pervasive '}>8+vU`  
C. imaginative JiA1yt  
D. perceptive kY4h-oZ  
13 Thetwo countries ___________ their peace efforts after a break of two and a halfyears. 5*B'e{C  
A. rebuked Cf<TDjU`|  
B. renewed &Dp&  
C. reviewed OWYY2&.h  
D. reclaimed fl_a@QdB#  
14 Peoplealways greet each other warmly, _____________ their different origins and beliefs. mII8jyg*c  
A. in regard to vL"n oLs  
B. in contrast with zrtbk~v8y  
C. with respect to 73nmDZO|  
D. regardless of ~ :B/`1[m  
15 Theexpress train from London ___________ on time. 3`"k1W  
A. pulled up un,W{*s8*  
B. pulled over ]HG> Og  
C. pulled in ~~ty9;KYL  
D. pulled through xkaed  
2005 K~8!Gh{h]  
1 He was an _________ statesman anddiplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the publictreated him with great respect. 6HVGqx  
A. imminent iW? NxP  
B. eminent 3ZYrNul"  
C. immune m{6 *ae  
D. empirical .Ag)/Xm(?  
2 Nobody expected Martha to change herplans; her decision to do something different was _________ and surprising toall. @d[)i,d:G  
A. sheer <,nd]a  
B. blunt V}G; oz&>)  
C. abrupt &gvX<X4e  
D. irregular =Ajw(I[56  
3 In order to avoid the storm, the pilotof the plane was force to ___________ from the usual course. .-p?skm=a  
A. convert ^F/H?V/PX  
B. stray Fz_8m4  
C. deviate Qhn>aeW,  
D. transfer 'p'nAB''!  
4 When his father was injured, John____________ for weeks about whether he should stay in school or quit to take ajob. EPeV1$  
A. portrayed 54&&=NVs|  
B. posed <$'FTv  
C. pondered 7:S)J~s*O  
D. postponed SL%lY  
5 The _________ of that textbook is toobroad; too much material is mentioned and not enough specific detail isincluded. l8!n!sC[,  
A. capacity EF'U`\gX  
B. outlook sMb+4{W&6  
C. latitude xV5eKV  
D. scope :U#4H;kk~j  
6 Before I went into the forest I put onspecial medicine designed to _____________ mosquitoes and other insects. j&=!F3[  
A. impose sMqAuhw$.  
B. compel XiUae{j`  
C. dispose >1d`G%KfG  
D. repel nSV OS6  
7 The workmen _______ the shabby old hoteland built a modern office building in the place where it had been. 25`6V>\  
A. distinguished ^<'=]?xr  
B. erased HA(G q  
C. flattened Gcu?xG{  
D. razed tdB<  
8 Please don’t tell me any bad news today,I’m upset and feel especially ______. ]W 6!Xw)[  
A. vulnerable q:ZF6o`Z83  
B. accessible th(<S  
C. sensitive >`c-Fqk  
D. sympathetic PWThm ooP  
9 I admired Janie because she’s so ______,she’s accomplished in athletics, music, and history, and she’s a marvelousdancer and cook as well. L+y90 T6?  
A. vain -XtDGNH F  
B. versatile ue{0X\[P<  
C. vicious zHvG3Ed@  
D. vivid sKI{AHJ?X  
10 Thetrue cause of the accident was made known after several witness ______ aboutwhat really happened. WfE,U=e*  
A. swore |/-H:\5  
B. testified li?RymlF  
C. affirmed U#W9]il$  
D. charged fPW(hb;  
11 Ihave to find a new apartment since the lease on my current one has been_________. _+hf.[""  
A. terminated t LZ4<wc  
B. initiated u*J,3o} <  
C. resumed K7H` Yt  
D. abolished CPCjY|w7   
12 BecauseI was out of butter. I ________ oil in the recipe.  Wq1%  
A. contributed IirXF?&t  
B. distributed E/</  
C. substituted b-rgiR$cg  
D. constituted 6Tn.56X  
13 Althoughthe new project was confusing when it was first presented, it gradually becameclear as details were explained in ____________ meetings. DPE]<oM  
A. subsequent  s*k[Fbi  
B. precedent N>S_Vgk}  
C. consequent El$yM.M"  
D. previous l |c#  
14 Sheis a very __________ woman; you will not be able to deceive her or takeadvantage of her. *uq;O*s  
A. naïve p Lvvv#Y  
B. shrewd  ;LM,<QJ  
C. transparent HH+$rrTT  
D. genuine CVp `G"W:  
15 Theaudience ______________ uncomfortably in their chairs as the speaker continuedhis long and boring speech. kCWaji_x%  
A. altered !vB8Pk"  
B. removed 6 ZutU ~HS  
C. shifted FCu0)\  
D. transferred 7n,*3;I  
2006 8%qHy1  
1 You will only be allowed to leave earlyin _______ circumstances. H]7MNY  
A. exceptional [YQVZBT|{  
B. coincidental GS %ACk  
C. peculiar 38 Q>x  
D. imperative u dhj$:t  
2 His latest ________ was buying asecond-hand car which turned out to have a faulty engine. xU4,Rcgo  
A. agony o\oS_f:RD  
B. stigma 9U[ A   
C. wrath +} al_.  
D. folly w^e5"og]  
3 The champagnes had caused his face to_______ and his eyes were bright. &&/2oP+z  
A. flourish w%(Ats  
B. fresh 2m]C mdV^  
C. flesh n2NxO0  
D. flush "enGWI H  
4 He needs a hobby to keep him busy andstop him from getting into _______ .  F'!pM(+  
A. mischief ,P&.qg i=(  
B. nuisance owz6j:  
C. hostility 9A@/5Z:v5W  
D. bustle g%P6f  
5 Poor sight and hearing are common_______ of old age. T}%8Vlt]  
A. presentations X,)`< >=O  
B. afflictions hRU.^Fn#%  
C. outcome {tq.c9+!d  
D. relevance 8|5ttdZ  
6 The dream of many scientists has been tocreate a ________ motion machine – one that would always continue moving onceit had been started. #GTR}|Aga  
A. transient ws!pp\F  
B. temporary `Bw>0%.  
C. perpetual l :e&w(1H  
D. periodic *] H8X=[x  
7 Only a small _______ of those attendingthe convention came from outside the state. = UGyZV:z5  
A. fracture !fwMkws  
B. fragment n};:*N! v  
C. fraction TuF;>{~}  
D. fragrance qL;OE.?oA  
8 Chemicalsfrom the factory up the river ________ the water, killing many fish and makingthe water totally unfit for human use.  `7v"(  
A. corrupted xL-]gwq  
B. infected zEHX:-f8  
C. contaminated :eL{&&6  
D. stained zSJSus  
9 It is strictly illegal to _______ a gun,knife, or any other weapon when boarding an airplane. L5-p0O`R  
A. shelter NNOemTh  
B. disguise 0| a,bwZ  
C. conceal zl a^j,  
D. veil RgB5'$x}  
10 To_______ the boredom of studying, it is a good idea to take frequent breaks. })?t:zX#*  
A. intensify F gi&CJ8Q  
B. aggravate [:C V5k~xc  
C. illuminate U*p; N,SjQ  
D. alleviate `(2Y%L(r  
11 Althoughwe felt _______ for the child who had lost his parents, there was really notmuch we could do to comfort him. J~}%j.QQ7  
A. compassion jpGZ&L7i&  
B. compass 4p}?QR>tZ  
C. companion vYPZVqF_$  
D. compartment ]!um}8!}  
12 Thepolice were ________ by the crime and were never able to solve it. |~+i=y  
A. hindered f/?uo sS  
B. enlightened o_i N(K  
C. baffled EE{]EW(  
D. detained M:PEY*4H  
13 _______for the top-of-the-range car include a compact disc player, electric windowsand a sunroof. h/i L/Q=  
A. accessories uht>@ WSg|  
B. components e|-%-juI  
C. decorations b] 5i`  
D. colleagues 85}S8\_u  
14 Theauthor uses the ________ of bees when describing the workers at the bakery. E',z<S  
A. correlation 'PS_ |zI  
B. equivalent X-_ $jKfM  
C. analogy +lh jz*0  
D. parallel 83 i;:cn  
15 Thebooks will be ________ from our warehouse tomorrow to your address. u6t%*''  
A. dispatched A!:R1tTR;S  
B. disputed zMg (\8  
C. dismissed "n, %Hh  
D. dispersed F*Y]^9]  
2006 ,Qh9}I7;C  
1 I am ___________ _ in the morning, untilI have had my coffee. <9/?+)  
A. inflexible cHAq[Ebp2!  
B. incurable M/abd 7q  
C. inarticulate = j!nt8]8  
D. irreversible #trb4c{{5  
2 A tunnel has been ___________ under theEnglish Channel to link England and France. `gSJEq  
A. bored u$Wv*;TT%  
B. delivered ?Z2_y-  
C. structured IQ $ /|b/  
D. reckoned g@Z7 f y7  
3 This knife is too ___________ to cutvegetables, could you please sharpen it? 9$WA<1PK+  
A. portable ( d1ho=  
B. remote xFj<KvV[  
C. vulnerable <Em|0hth  
D. blunt (o2.*x  
4 The editorial ____________ theviewpoints of conservative politicians. (v0i]1ly[  
A. echoed g?gF*^_0  
B. perceived Blox~=cW  
C. contended 7Ml OBPh  
D. received >*1YL)DBT\  
5 He’s one of those ________ people whothink they’re always right about everything. k0IztFyj:R  
A. extroverted e% #?B *  
B. humble D}/ nE>*  
C. arbitrary fU>4Ip1?y/  
D. nominal 4vMjVbr  
6 They are busy __________ some fact andfigures of documentary on the subject of E-commerce. `OHdo$Y9  
A. generalizing <y<   
B. compiling 2Xqa?ay0>  
C. measuring >/9Qgyc 0  
D. promoting Q[&CtM  
7 Dr. Smith proposed a number of relateideas that gradually __________ into a practical plan. +<^c2diX  
A. hatched )P#xny2  
B. assembled uC5W1LyI  
C. segregated PcEE@W9  
D. crystallized /MbWS(RT  
8 The military government ___________ thecountry’s parliament and suspended all political activity. K}!YXy h  
A. sacked "q7pkxEuJ  
B. revised w^)_Fk3  
C. dissolved {KqERS& g  
D. ignored .tzQ hd>  
9 Their many years of research havefinally ___________ in a cure for the disease. i,mo0CSa  
A. furnished Vb/XT{T;b  
B. culminated t}2M8ue(&  
C. accomplished HC RmW'  
D. fabricated _MzdbUb5,  
10 Thepassage you have just read in the paper is ____________ from the AtlanticMonthly. s%@HchZ 1  
A. assembled t y bM3VA  
B. condensed ;s w3MRJ  
C. curtailed ZnRE:=  
D. modified %VGQ{:  
11 Theweeds just __________, and before long the garden was a jungle. M<3m/l%`Y  
A. multiplied cE3V0voSw1  
B. expanded `E5vO1Pl  
C. improved k^Uk= )9  
D. enlarged v$EgVc K  
12 Thecountry’s progress is being __________ by a leader who refuses to look forward. c3|/8  
A. restricted 0 rilg  
B. confined cB2jf</  
C. prevented =d1i<iw?-  
D. constrained [p 8fg!|  
13 Thefuel used is almost ___________ charcoal made from wood or shells. W*Ce1  
A. habitually Q=.j>aM+_  
B. voluntarily ]tO9<  
C. invariably  #)28ESj  
D. faithfully 4e9'yi  
14 Theofficial ___________ show that one out of four girls who marry between 16 and18 ends up in the divorce court. D(^ |'1  
A. quota 5wGc"JHm  
B. statistics mc}r15:<  
C. poll Mf.:y  
D. digits Tz2<# pLR  
15 Raysof sunlight focused through a _________ glass onto a piece of paper may makethe paper burn. q NE( @at  
A. minimizing P1}Fn:Xe%7  
B. magnifying pk2}]jx"  
C. exaggerating xN]88L}Tn  
D. maximizing a>/jW-?  









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