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主题 : 2014年浙江大学考博英语试题(含听力、文章翻译)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-22   
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2014年浙江大学考博英语试题(含听力、文章翻译) V KxuK0{  
听力 HQNpf1=D  
Part A 原文 '6cXCO-_P  
In my opinion, technology has become too advanced. I am 17-years-old, and I can still remember a time when I did not have a computer in my home, and if you did, it was uncommon. Not until the mid-1990s was it common for(middle class families) to have computers. In our society today, almost every single family has at least one computer if not more, and these computers are incredibly advanced compared to what you'd have had in your home a short ten years ago. Over the years, I have seen technology bloom; all I have known my entire lifetime, is that there is going to be something bigger, I should really say smaller, and better (out on the market) in no time. I can't believe how fast manufacturers are coming out with new technology. What will happen in the future, will technology become so advanced is changes the course of our humanity? You can do everything you want from a computer, work, play,(talk to friends), research, and even order food! A person could live their entire life jammed up in a room with a computer, and they would have access to everything they need! It is insane! The advances in communication technology are blowing up all over the place as well. I, myself just bought a new camera phone, and this phone is amazing. The picture quality is superb, and not only that but I (have access to the) internet on my PHONE! I can't believe how the cell phone market has so drastically increased. The first phone I ever had was five years ago, when I was 12 years old. That phone today would be considered huge, clunky, heavy, and "old". I personally couldn't even imagine myself walking around with that phone (without being embarrassed). It just goes to show how much things have changed in five years, and people just keep on taking it all in. Every time I have bought a new phone since that point, six months later, I have wanted a new one because my phone was not up to date. Can you believe it, after not even a year a phone can completely go off the market because it is not advanced enough? The manufacturers are putting these things out faster than people can buy them. (((|vI3 <  
Part B 原文 uu.}<VM.1  
It is an honor to speak with you today on the issue of( public health disparities). I would first like to thank the organizations that made this event possible. This has truly been a collaborative effort among a diverse group of constituents. I think this sets a positive tone and precedent for a healthy and spirited discussion. As many of you may know, reforming and improving our health care system is an issue that is close to my heart. I believe that in the richest and most powerful country in the world, we ought to be able to provide (basic health care)to all of our citizens. It is vitally important that we lessen the impact and burden of illness on all people in communities, regardless of race, gender, or religions. Our discussions today are critically important to rectify the injustices that many people face in our current health care system. Today’s sessions have a greater purpose than mere discussions and networking opportunities----today’s conference signifies an increased and (necessary call for action) among our region’s top health professionals. Public health is directly connected to poverty, income, education, and community. We cant’ look at health care in a silo and assume it is only a luxury for the well off. Health care needs to be provided to all people of all color. We are morally responsible for (improving the disparities in health care) because a healthy society is the foundation on which we build our schools, our neighborhoods, and our economy. Health care is not a privilege----it is a right. I know we have along road to travel in achieving equality in health status. I know that everyone here knows this. And I am hopeful that perhaps more people than ever are (finally waking up to this reality). k=cDPu -  
Part C1 原文 kA> e*6  
There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne, the writer,, did not visit. He went round the world a hundred times or more. Once he did it in eighty days, unheard of in the nineteenth century. He voyaged sixty thousand miles under the sea, toured around the moon, exploded the center of the earth, and chatted with natives in Australia. Jules Verne, the man, was a stay-at-home. He was more likely to be tired from writing than from traveling. He did make a few visits to Europe and North Africa. And he made one six-week tour of New York State. But that was all. He spent less than one of his seventy-seven years really traveling. Yet he was the world’s most extraordinary tourist. His books are crowded with hunting and fishing expeditions. Jules actually went hunting only once. Then he raised his gun and shot off the guard’s hat! He never held a test tube in his hand. But he was an inspiration to the scientist in the laboratory. Long before radio was invented, he had TV working in his books. His name for it was phono-telephoto. He had helicopters fifty years before the Wright brothers flew their first plane at Kitty Hawk. In fact, there were few wonders of the twentieth century that this man of the nineteenth century did not foresee. In his stories you can read about neon lights, moving sidewalks, air-conditioners, sky-scrapers, guided missiles, tanks, electrically operated submarines, and air-planes,and so on. f40OVT@g  
"}Ikx tee  
Part C2 原文 BT`g'#O  
Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them. Their values-this can’t be repeated too often-are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with decaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone in bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interfering with personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results will be. And at what point should you stop to treat the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by seeking the development of drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it is designed to die? You can’t ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel bound to give them a try, on the principle that while there’s life, there’s hope. cTq;<9Iew  
Part C3 原文 ~uV(/?o%  
单选 ==BOW\  
The two friends sat in a corner and __B__ away to each other about the weather. fv@<  
a.talked  b.chatted   c.muttered   d.whispered ~9"c64 q  
He is going to __D__ the meeting on the subject of war and peace in a minute. a`[9<AM1#  
a.speak   b.talk   c.remark   d.address Uy.ihh$ I-  
M ziOpraj  
Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ___A___ policies. 7#c4.9b?  
a. economic         b. economical          c. economy        d. economics /2 hk 9XM  
There are not many teachers who are strong _C_of traditional methods in English teaching. gX7R-&[UD  
a. sponsors     b. contributors      c. advocates    d. performers C#4_`4{  
A friendship may be ___B___ , casual, situational or deep and lasting. |fIyq}{7  
a. identical         b. superficial       c. critical        d. original m@u% 3*:  
Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _C_ down the economy. ;4 (}e{  
a. put      b. settle     c. drag      d. knock j@w1S[vt  
We are _D_ to the idea, but we doubt whether the time is ripe to put it into force. 2Y<]X7Ch:  
a. equal     b. adequate    c. considerate    d. sympathetic rlA/eQrS  
People were surprised to find that Mr. Johnson had the ability to ___B__ everything he was involved in. znPh7{|<  
a. Prevail       b. dominate      c. preside     d. instruct [3I| MZ  
You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’s not worth the __D__ it involves. PEm2w#X%L  
a. force   b. trial   c. attempt   d. effort N>,`TsUwW  
The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for __D__ her attitude toward customers. 9(nq 4 HvI  
a. straightforward        b. partial     c. favorable     d. hostile 1_#;+ S  
完形 cJv/)hRaz  
Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they(1). Yet, all living things still show the(2)of aging, which will eventually(3)death. Aging is not a disease, (but)as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the(4) they form do not function as well as they(5) in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less(6)against disease and is more(7)to have accident. A number of related causes may(8)aging. Some cells of the body have a (fairly) long life, but they are not(9)when they die. As a person ages,(10)of brain cells and muscle cells decreases.(11)body cells die and are (replaced) by new cells. In an aging person the(12)cells may not be as workable or as capable(13)growth as those of a young person. Another(14)in aging may be changes within the cells(15). Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known(16)with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and(17). This is also the reason why old people(18)in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and(19)information that the cells need.Aging may affect this(20)and change the informationcarrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well. *coUHbP9>  
1. A.would  B.be used to C.used to  D. used >;' 0ymG.`  
2. A.function      B.effect           C.affect       D. sign Je6wio- 4  
3.  A.lead in      B.give in C.run into  D. result in `}KxzD  
4.  A.hands       B.feet  C.heart   D. organs )dqNN tS  
5.  A.do          B.has done   C.did    D. had done \wk;Bo  
6.  A.energy       B.protection    C.vigor       D. power CoNaGb  
7.  A.likely       B.probable    C.possible  D. alike ux)*B}/xh  
8.  A.attend to    B.contribute to   C.add to    D. devote to 6% ofS8 [  
9.  A.replaced     B.reborn    C.recovered     D. surrendered @+H0D"  
10.A.a number    B.the amount    C.the number    D. most T'vI@i9  
12.A.old        B.left       C.new        D. other [A/2 Ms  
13.A.to        B.for       C.of         D. in kHylg{i{"  
14.A.factor      B.effect     C.reason    D. element Vub6wb<G[  
15.A.for themselves  B.of themselves    C.themselves     D. on their own 1(dKb  
16.A.change    B.to have changed  C.to change     D. to being changed [}ja \!P  
18.A.increase    B.shrink    C.lengthen    D. decrease WV.hQX9P  
19.A.pass away    B.pass by    C.pass off    D. pass on NytTyk)  
20.A.improvement   B.procession    C.approach     D. process )!\6 "{  
rMi\#[o B  
阅读 qbfX(`nS  
In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to walk, the child must physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. one kind of learning is called "classical conditioning". this occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with, or followed by, a reward or punishment, it is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associate his mother's face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion. BK+P  
The second kind of learning is called "operant conditioning." this occurs when an individual learns to do things that produce rewards in his environment and learns not to do things that produce punishments. for example, if a mother always attends to her baby when he cries and cuddles him until he is quiet, she may teach him that if he cries he will get attention from mother. thus, the baby will learn to increase his crying in order to have his mother more. ?L7DVwVa,I  
Every day, we grow and have new experiences. we constantly learn by reading, watching television, interacting with some people, and so forth. this learning affects our emotions. why is it that we learn to like some people and dislike others? if a person is nice to us, cares about us, we learn to associate this person with positive feelings, such as joy, happiness, and friendliness. on the other hand, if a person is mean to us, does not care about us, and even deliberately does things to harm us, we learn to associate this person with negative feelings, such as unhappiness, discomfort, and anger. 3PZ(Kn<  
1. the author's main purpose in writing the passage is to _B_. ZxSFElDD]E  
  a) teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotion 4n6AK`E  
  b) give the general reader an account of two basic kinds of learning Ht(TYq  
  c) give parents some advice on how to modify their children's emotions through learning k}H7bZug  
  d) discuss with psychologist how positive and negative feelings are produced '~K]=JP  
  2.if your jokes often find already echo in a person, you will learn though _B_ that telling jokes to this person is fun, and you will try with greater efforts to be humorous in his presence. T=tW'tlT\v  
  a) classical conditioning (b//YyqN  
  b) operant conditioning FEu" b@v  
  c) neither of them UIy Ltoxu  
  d) some other sorts of conditioning cMZy~>  
  3. if a child is bitten or startled several times by a dog, he may learn to associate furry animals with pain or startle and thus develop a fear of furry animals. this is a typical example of learning through _A_. YR-G:-(#b  
  a) classical conditioning ;Y;r%DJ  
  b) operant conditioning vLHn4>J,R  
  c) both of them tm.60udbo  
  d) neither of them 3= sBe HL  
  4. in the third paragraph, the author is _D_. {c9 f v H  
  a) discussing how we grow and have new experiences every day Y Z+G7D>  
  b) talking about learning to modify emotions through operant conditioning trwQ@ 7  
  c) concentrating on learning by reading, watching television, interacting with people, and so on #0b:5.vy  
  d) using examples to further illustrate learning through classical conditioning sED"}F )  
  5. in the following paragraphs the author will most probably go on to discuss __C_. c86KDEF  
  a) definitions of positive feelings and negative feelings 9)W3\I>U-  
  b) the third kind of learning k-=lt \?  
  c) further examples of learning through operant conditioning xH:L6K/c  
  d) none of the above ~9FL]qo  
Any country has good reason to want its citizens to be as healthy as possible, since one of its greatest resources is an active population. No country wants its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health. HL4=P,'  
This was the kind of thinking which led to the introduction of a health service in many countries. In Britain this has developed into a “Welfare State” in which all citizens, rich and poor alike, can get most health treatment free. The money for this is partially raised by contributions from employers and employees. 4!!PrXE  
As three decades have shown, such automatic arrangements are not always ideal and there are arguments for and against the Health Service. The number of patients treated every year and the cost of treatment are much greater than was estimated. This means that the people who work for the Health Service-doctors, nurses and other hospital staff-have much more routine work to do and as a result they have little time for preventive medicine. The Health Service does need more staff-a need that can only be met if more money is made available to it. =YgH-{  
However, a powerful argument for the Health Service is that many people are able to receive expensive treatment which they could never afford themselves. Sometimes this free treatment is abused and people visit their doctors when they don’t really need to. Because they have so many patients, doctors cannot spend as long with each one as they would like, and some people prefer to pay for private treatment so that their doctors can give them more time. In fact, some wealthy people feel that they should pay, and so free more money for treatment to others. Jk>vn+q8P^  
46. In the author’s view, Britain is a Welfare State in that __A__. ["Ts7;q9[  
A. all citizens are entitled to a free medical treatment in some sense UMRFTwY  
B. poor, unlike the rich, could enjoy free medical treatment 7yyX8p>  
C. health service is highly developed in Britain D tZ?sG  
D. Britain doesn’t allow its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health GxD`M2  
47. We can infer from the passage that __B__. {f-O~P<Z4  
A. the Health Service is introduced to many other countries by Britain mA$y$73=T  
B. the Health Service has been introduced and developed for 30 years in Britain 0)d='3S  
C. an active population is the greatest resource in Britain s tajTN*J  
D. all citizens in Britain have a good opinion of the Health Service 3#t#N W*e  
48. The best title for the passage would be __D__. 9 zqo!&  
A. A Welfare State H~s8M  
B. Importance of the Health Service |3e+ K.  
C. Disadvantages of the Health Service ^PNDxtd|v  
D. The Health Service @z ",1^I  
49. The author mentions that some wealthy people prefer to pay for private treatment because __C__. hQj@D\}  
A. their doctors can give them more time leave from work N!~]D[D  
B. those doctors have better medical instruments 41Q 5%2  
C. they might save some money for the poor I m I$~q'  
D. their doctors have a stronger sense of responsibility for the patients I?PqWG!O  
50. The word “abused” (Par. 4) means __B__. 2T+-[}*  
A. destroyed `OMX 9i  
B. used in wrong way =AzPAN#e  
C. ignored j8Z;}P s  
D. wasted a-|pSe*rx  
*t| !xO  
Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known to kill people. The hazards of drinking too much alcohol are as bad or worse than the hazards of smiking too many cigarettes. All right then, let's pass a law closing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Let's put an end once and for all to the ruinous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently suffer--alcoholism. 3E;@.jD  
    But wait. We've already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down abilished by an amendment to the Constitution and by a law of Congress. After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manyfacturing, selling, or transporting of "intoxicating liquors". Without any more liquor, people could not drink it. And if they did not drink it, how could they get drunk? There would be no more dangers to the public welfare from drunkenness and alcoholism. It was all bery logical. And yet prohibition of liquor, beer, and wine did not work. Why? .kU^)H" l  
   Because, law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol. And they were willing to take risks to get it. They were not about to change their tastes and habits just because of a change in the law. And gans of liquor smugglers millions of gallons of the outlawed beverages across the Canadian and Mexican borders. Drinkers were licky to know of an illegal bar that served Mexican or Canadian liquor. Crime and drunkenness were both supposed to decline as a rusult of prohibition. Instead, people drank nore alcohol than ever-often poisoned alcohol. ~) _N h  
1. Which of the following was NOT characteristic reason for the proposal of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and the Volstead Act?  A ;dUKFdKH}  
a) There would be no further danger to the public from alcoholism. b)'CP Cu*  
b) There would be a rise in the cost of alcoholic beverages. ].xSX0YQ%  
c) Without liquor, people would not drink. o]&q'>Rf  
d) People would not become drunk of create a public nuisance. 6:|;O  
2. During Prohibition, illegal alcohol was_C___. kll!tT-N-  
a) sold openly KJQ8Yhq  
b) no longer a temptation 9pnO AM}  
c) a major factor in the passage of the Volstead Act nu+K N,3R"  
d) brought across the Mexican and Canadian borders V B*c1i  
3. During Prohibition, people__B__. ^L $`)Ja  
a) lived in fear of the law YSGE@  
b) were willing to risk arrest for the pleasure of liquor +'g O%^{l  
c) recklessly endangered their comunities f> Jj5he/  
d) were respectful of the legal sanctions placed on them h#4n  
4. When enacting the prohibition law, government officials assumend that__D__. xK_UkB-$i  
a) every American would buy alcohol illegally t'eu>a1D  
b) all criminal activities would cease .q MxShUU  
c) patrols of the Canadian border would halt the sale of alcohol :'Gn?dv|  
d) the social threat from drunkerness would decline DDR4h"Y  
5. It can be inferred from the passage that__A__. :'wxm3f  
a) the Congress was wise to repeal Prohibition ]pe7I P  
b) the Prohibition Era was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkenness (LTu=1  
c) during Prohibition, most Americans stopped drinking x`7Le&4f  
d) laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages </_QldL_  
As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life, your body system began to weaken. Your joint may become stiff. It may become more difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us toward the end of our lives. (v?@evQ  
Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercises you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend the length of life. wry`2_c  
There is nothing to be afraid of as old age approaches. Many consider the later portions of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may lessen, but often you gain a broader understanding of yourself and the world. 9J7yR}2-F  
What we consider old age now may only be middle-aged someday soon. Who knows with so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life spans may one day be measured in centuries, rather than in years! YG0/e#5  
1. When people become aging, they will lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury, “bounce back” here means __A__. Xxh^4vKjX  
A. to improve in health after one‟s disease and injury   B. to run fast =Ks&m4  
C. to recover from disease and injury   D. to jump after recovering TU_'1  
2. In order to live longer, ___A___. WDx cV%  
A. we should postpone the process of aging   B. we should try to do some exercise kXhd]7ru  
C. we have to try to be on a diet   D. we should keep in high spirits 'Y2$9qy-L  
3. Why are some scientists interested in studying senescence? ___B___ KtAEM;g  
A. They may be able to find better ways to our life moFrNcso  
B. If they pin down the biochemical process that makes us age, there will be hope for extending the length of life ?& :N|cltD  
C. They want find out if there is a link between how efficiently a cell could repair itself and how long a creature lives \,NT5>  
D. They want to increase the general ability of our bodies X_X7fRC0  
4. Many consider the later portions of life to be the best time of living, because ____A__. yx?oxDJg  
A. they have a very good understanding of themselves and the outside world [K #$W  
B. they have nothing to do all day long only to watch their grandchildren growing up around them L>/$l(  
C. they have come through the battle of life safely g~21|Sa$[  
D. they consider their life has been a successful one qdk!.A{   
5. According to the passage, “spans” means ____B_____. bl!pKOY  
A. a long period of time   B. a length of time 4IZAJqw(*  
C. a long distance from one place to another   D. longevity WVQHb3Pe0  
翻译 A ,0}bFK  
2013年12月份以来,中国25个省份、100多座大中城市再次遭遇雾霾侵袭。北京、上海、南京等相继沦陷为雾霾重灾区,湖北、浙江、湖南、江苏、安徽等地雾霾天创下历史纪录。国家气象局数据显示,今年以来中国平均雾霾天数已经创出52年来之最。 %fld<O  
     虽然政府部门采取了工业企业关停减产的措施应对雾霾肆虐,但收效甚微,雾霾正在对人们的生活产生越来越多的负面效应:学校停课、汽车限行、高速封闭。而更让有关部门尴尬的是,制造出雾霾的空气污染物来源,目前仍然是一个迷。 :fRta[  
    自京津冀频繁发生雾霾起,几年过去了,对于其形成的具体原因暂无定论。大多数的专家给 出答案,重污染天气形成的主要原因有二:污染物排放总量过大和不利气象条件。具体看来,长三角周边更多为化工、水泥等企业,其工业废气组成更为复杂。 Jityb}Z"  
    当然,问题的复杂性从来不是延缓解决方案的借口。在历经了京津冀地区的雾霾恐慌后,今年9月国务院出台了《大气污染防止行动计划》,涉及包括京津冀、长三角和珠三角在内的重点控制区的水泥、化工等六大重污染行业以及燃煤工业锅炉的新建项目。 w;$elXP|  
    从目前学界的研究来看,PM2.5的治理绝非易事。这样的长期计划要先布局,再行动,最后是对企业发力。 iDDq<a.A  
    类比国外相关案例,上个世纪四五十年,无论是代洛杉矶雾霾爆还是伦敦雾霾事件,最后都是在政府和企业合力后,达成协议,最后以《清洁空气法》等法案的形式完成监督。 tC1'IE-h  









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