参考范文 <C9 XX~
No one can have failed to notice the fact that there has emerged a number of novel trends along with the development of the Internet, among which is the so-called online sharing culture, which refers to the practice of displaying one’s or others’ private information on the Internet. What is revealed and shared in this way can include one’s salary, romance and other data that was considered personal and kept as secrets in the past. To this phenomenon, people’s views differ sharply. Some hold the positive view while others are strongly against it. Personally, I believe that this kind of culture has reasons to continue it existence, but it should be guided towards the right direction. !QDQ_
On the one hand, online sharing culture has some merits to its name. For one thing, it provides people with a precious way to be exposed to more information. Thanks to its feature of anonymity, the Internet allows people to convey and share much information that they dare not or too shy to communicate in other ways. For instance, you might risk being sacked or mocked if you disclose the list of your salary to your colleagues or acquaintances. But on line, no one knows if you are a man or a dog, as the saying goes. Secondly, online sharing culture can help solve many social problems and boost the development of the country. By revealing some dark sides of the society, online sharing can draw public attention to certain injustices and work as a supervisor over the authorities. On the other hand, online sharing may do harm. This is especially true when someone’s personal information is publicized without his or her permission. Thereupon, citizens’ privacy is in the face of being intruded. 5OoN!TEM
On the whole, online sharing culture has its merits and drawbacks. However, one should not give up eating for fear of being choked. The best policy, as I see it, is to exert more supervision on the information on line and make sure that people are the best informed and their privacy is well protected in the meanwhile. 0flg=U9