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主题 : 中南财经政法大学考博英语试题单选题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-10-04   
来源于 考博试题 分类


[font=ˎ̥, serif]1. To shut your eyes to the facts,_A_manyof you often do,is foolish. Mr3;B+S  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.as "V;5Lp b  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.what t<|S7 EqIL  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.which Ikn)XZU^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.that ,r -l^I3<  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]2.---What would you like to eat? 5B lptC  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---I caneat_C_. R\B-cU[,  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.something eXqS9`zKr  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.everything QKAo}1Pq  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.anything Gs% cod  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.all !e}LB% zf  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]3. Whydidn’t Jack ask for the job?He _C_it. ;;2Yfn'`9  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.mightget 2$g3ABfV  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.couldget KfO$bmwmx  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.couldhave got &{Zt(%\ '  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.musthave got d&dp#)._8  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]4. Thelecture_A_me to death. Z*}5M4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.bored ~e ,D`Lv  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.forced =-r[ s%t &  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.killed 8e`'Ox_5a  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.put l.#iMi(@p~  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]5. Thepictures that he_A_on the wall yesterday are very beautiful. $R'  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hung Q!%4Iq%jr  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hanged b#:Pl`n6u  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hanging p@H3NX  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.washanged !f\q0Gnl  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]6. Heachieved his aim_D_. N6"b Ox J(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.byhard working "pDw N$c  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.throughhard working \a|Fh hI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.workinghard ]"jJ gO^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.byhard work fgs){ Ng`  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]7. Mywallet is nowhere to be foun yA8e"$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.I_C_whenI was on the bus. G d".zsn  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.musydrop it z%Xz*uu(|  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.shouldhave dropped it =@ '>|-w|  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.musthave dropped it HAHv^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.haddropped it X}~5%B(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]8._D_,we should be glad. +bG^SH2ke  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Theyarrive tomorrow ~w&P]L\dB  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.Werethey arriving tomorrow }=1#ANM1  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Theywere to arrive tomorrow qno8qF*  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Werethey to arrive tomorrow 3fS+,>s\O  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]9. Icould have done it better if I_C_more time. ZfPWH'P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.havehad )575JY `6K  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.had i`]-rM%J#  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hadhad V &K:~[M  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.willhave had 7QXA*.' F  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]10. Hewas a good swimmer,so he_D_swim to the river bank when the boat sank. wA+QUN3#n  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.could )ZU)$dJ>V  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.might #kO.'oIl  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.succeededto N$8do?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.wasable to 9] i$`y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]11._C_,that step is not safe! C+, JLK  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Lookaround :ET05MFs\#  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.Lookup K,uTO7Mk[  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Lookout DAZzc :1Aj  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Lookdown <Yzk]98W5.  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]12. Isthere any_B_ medicine to cure that patient of his illness? \7W4)>At-  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.efficient HgHhc&-  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.effective V-#OiMWa~  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.attractive T7vSp<i/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.enjoyable 85>WK+=  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]13. Makegreater efforts,and you are sure to reach your goal_A_. aq'd C=y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.eventually koi QJdK  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.especially j"FX ?|4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.effectively e(;1XqLM  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.endlessly t<_Jx<{2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]14. As Ifelt so much better,my doctor_B_me to take a holiday by the sea. /i$-ws-  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.suggested v35wlt^}  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.advised %9D$N  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.considered cY%[UK$l  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.made Jr0D:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]15.Every picture has been sold_A_these two,so you’d better make a decisionearlier. ?vHow $  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.expect PV_E3,RY  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besides SfKm]Z>Hp  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.expectfor 4nC`DJ;V  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.beside xM ]IU <  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]16.Seldom_B_him in the past two years. .C]V==z`[4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.I haveseen jy=dB-&  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.have Iseen A=Au>"nAA  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.I saw K<@gU\-!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.did Isee ;aZ$qgN*Y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]17.---He went to see the film last night. MQL1/>j;  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---_A_. fz%I'+!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.So hedid,and so did I '4gi*8Y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.So didhe,and so I did }E=:k&IDPB  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.So hedid,and so I did Yg 8AMi  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.So didhe,and so did I B{fPj9Y0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]18. Iwish I_B_you better. 19 h7 M  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.know VE4Z;Dr "  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.knew K".\QF,:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.willknow 2?3D` `  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.haveknown yNY *Fl!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]19. Thisis the student_A_I know will pass the TOEFL test. 7X3<8:%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.who  &Gp~)%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.whom &3x \wH/_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.whose s1,kTde  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.what VGbuEC[Y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]20. Theyare looking forward to_C_to the lecture by the famous professor. d4"KM+EP?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.send GarPnb  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besent SvUC8y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.beingsent xrbDqA.b  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sending AXBv']Y  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]21. Notonly_A_us light,but it gives us heat. ]h0Fv-[A  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.doesthe sun give z/bJDSQ  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.thesun gives jr@u  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.givesthe sun gi::?ET/.  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.the sundoes give pg3B^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]22. Theywere too dirty to walk;_B_,it was late. lk $S"OH!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.beside )A]E:]2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.besides h.Cr;w,2R  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.except {7^7)^@  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.yet rvT7 5dV0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]23. Thebook looked_C_it had been out in the rain. .pNPC|XU  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.that iE}jilU  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.whether ]A}'jP  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.asthrough 6 x\+j  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.what F^ kH"u[  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]24. Mybrother had a cold last week,so_B_I. C3fSSa%b  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.had 9wLV\>i  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.did m ys5B}  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.am YH`/;H=$G/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.have CFJ F}aW  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]25. Ihaven’t met him for ages,but his mother_B_him quite often. x1)G!i  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hadseen DJ"O`qNV3  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.sees >'# G$f  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hasseen dbGW`_zQ4  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.saw \nV|Y=5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]26. Isat near the entrance for a long time_A_him,but he didn’t arrive. ['pk/h  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.expecting 2-821Sf#h  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.attending w5"C<5^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.waiting gO-C[j/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.excepting hvu>P {  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]27.I’m_D_in this newspaper. Oqzz9+  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.makinga word puzzle -ecP@,  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.havinga puzzle word _+ K[1P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.gettinga word puzzle *&)<'6  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.doinga word puzzle (x9d7$2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]28. I’mnot_B_beautiful dreams.I want beautiful realities. 7G}vQO  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.contentto IWN:GFH(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.contentwith yvo~'k#c  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.contentof |i-Qfpn  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.contentat h+|3\>/@9{  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]29. Asthere is no butter,we shall have to_A_dry bread. @YmD 79  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.contentourselves with y'4H8M2?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.contentus with Y?hC/ 6$7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.contentto B?c9cS5Mj  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.content haW8zb0z  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]30. TheAnti-Japanses War_B_in 1973and it__8 years. }gL9G  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.wasbroken out;lasted UwY<3ul  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.brokeout;lasted L'4ob4r{L  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.broke;remained qW e1`.o  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.hadbeen broken out;kept ,LZ6Wu$P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]31. Whatdo you think_C_? ^ pMjii8IZ  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.whathe is xI'<4lo7Z  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.thathe is 4*OL^ \%  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.he is cs`/^2Vf"#  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.is he i7 `dY {p7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]32. Istill remember the place_C_he visite !c:Q+:,H  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D. "+s#!Fh *  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.where ,.tT9? m  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.inwhich &$  F0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.that A|tee@H*0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.at c;e-[F7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]33.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially_A_Father was out. b].:2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.as I#@iA!  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.that noe1*2*TE  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.during H ~1laV  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.if dN;kYWRK  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]34. Heplays football_B_,if not better than,John. tx&>Eo  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.aswell {f#{NA5  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.aswell as nul?5{z@  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.sowell NKLGbH  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sowell as wKum{X8  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]35. Finallt,thethief handed everything_D_he had stolen to the police. [y}/QPR  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.after &/=>:ay+#  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.what YS,kjL/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.that shxr^   
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.which (}O)pqZ>  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]36. Ifyou climb up to the top,you can get a good_B_of the whole city. >h<eEv/  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.sight 5}9-)\8=z  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.view u1` 8f]qt  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.scene \^;Gv%E  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sigh +@]1!|@(  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]37. Youlook tire %9[GP7?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.You_A_all day long. Ol9U^  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.musthave been working x `PIJE  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.mightbe working a\vf{2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.shouldhave been working :tdx:  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.shouldhave worked /}2 bsiJT  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]38. Comeand see me_B_two day’s time. )]J I Q"rR  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.for C-qsyJgZy  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.in "+_]N9%)  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.after cAyR)Y!I  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.during kBIF[.v(\  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]39._B_Java Man.who lived before the first Ice Age,was the first man-like animal. !/< 5.9!9r  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.Generallybelieved it is KwPJ0 ]('_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.It isgenerally believed that ~0ZEnejy  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.Believedit generally is that 78+H|bH8  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.Thatis generally believed =d~]*[8  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]40. Ihaven’t seen Tom yet today,and I haven’t seen Joe,_B_. |rdG+ >  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.both wuzz Wq  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.either aZ@4Z=LK  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.too J}jK_  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.neither "1%<IqpU+  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]41.---You forgot to turn the gas off when you finished cooking this evening. _QvyFKAM  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]---Goodheavens,_B_. XYod>[.x  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.so didI a47Btd'm  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.so Idid (&x~pv"+  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.so youdid vR,HCI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.youdid so a:zx&DwM  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]42. Maryis_A_.She is a bit too strong. ivoPl~)J  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.on adiet WcH^bAY6  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.at adiet -mY90]g  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.on adieting &=HM}h  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.goingfor dieting d.2b7q09  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]43. Howmany_B_do you need? '0t j 2  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.hour’ssleep Vaha--QB  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hoursof sleep q/;mxq$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hoursof sleeping (R6ZoBZ  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.sleepinghours <(f4#B P  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]44. Iwant to know how much you_A_since you__last time. v~jN,f*  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.haveread;did UBqK$2 #  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.hadread;did J YSw!!eC  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.hadread;read T{)!>)  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.wouldhave read;had read e\yj>tQJg  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]45._A_he said made me __. $35Oyd3s<  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.What;sick aNq Vs|H  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.That;sick J&3;6I &  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.whether;ill Ce:R p?  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.If;tosick Ix(4<s  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]46. Theyhave been in Hawaii_A_the end of the war.  L1F){8[  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.since {#[a4@B0  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.at =pk'a_P 8-  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.by kBONP^xI  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.in IcQ?^9%{  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]47.Under the tree_B_two boys. piId5Gx7  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.lying ,7QnZ=F  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.lay {^\-%3$  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.lies plf<O5'  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.lain 4;*V^\',9  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]48. Asa_C_of fact,talking to a friend is nice,but being alone is also enjoyable. t&&OhHK  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.thing %]R#}amW  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.business P\M+Z A ;  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.matter ALw uw^+  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.affair K&X'^|en  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]49. Mybrother said_C_eraser he had bought was__help to him. l,X;<&-[  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.the;/ G{"1  I  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.a;a )8<X6  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.the;a I#Bz UF  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.the;the o} %fs *  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]50. Youcan often see the runners_B_on the playground. T2->  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]A.totrain s{IoL_PJP  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]B.training  jPs+i  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]C.train O<E0L&4-&  
[font=ˎ̥, serif]D.to betraining ~"wD4Ue  









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