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主题 : 11年医学考博听力真题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-08-10   
来源于 考博试题 分类


试卷一 (Paper One)
Part Listening
Part ListeningComprehension (30%)
Section A
Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen shortconversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you willhear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. Afteryou hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose thebest answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
You will hear:
Woman: I fell faint.
Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.
Question: What’s the matter with the woman?
You will read:
A. She is sick.  B.She is bitten by an ant.
C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint.
Here C is the right answer.
                                                           Sample Answer
                                                             A B ● D
Now let’s begin with question number 1.
1. A. The man is busy.                   B. The man has troublebreathing.
  C. The man is outof town on business.    D. The man ishiding himself the woman.
2. A. He has a terrible backache.            B. He has a bad headache.
  C. He has atoothache.                  D. He has adiarrhea.
3. A. It is fast.                           B. It is slow.
  C. It workswell.                       D. It is notworking.
4. A. Four days.                         B. Ten days.
  C. One week.                         D. Two weeks.
5. A. He is a lawyer.                    B. He is a doctor.
C. He is a travel agent.                 D. He is an immigrationofficer.
6. A. Sunday.                          B. Tuesday.
  C. Thursday.                       D. Saturday.
7. A. Two.                              B. Three.
  C. Four.                              D. Five.
8. A. To X-ray his chest.                  B. To hospitalize him.
  C. To perform aminor surgery.           D. To transfertheir guests.
9. A. To go shopping.                     B. To go back to work.
  C. To changetheir topic.                D. Toentertain their guests.
10. A. The man is working too hard.         B. The man needs to think it over.
   C. The man issupposed to find a job.      D. The manhas made a right decision.
11. A. Discussing a case.                   B. Defying a diagnosis.
   C. Performing asurgery.                D. Talking withthe patient.
12. A. The woman’s classmate.              B. The woman’s boyfriend.
   C. The woman’sbrother.                D. The woman’s teacher.
13. A. The man is a liar.                    B. The man is jealous ofLisa.
   C. She does notagree with the man on that. D. She will surely do the same as Lisa does.
14. A. 250 Yuan.                          B. 450 Yuan.
   C. 650Yuan.                          D. 850Yuan.
15. A. She disagrees with the man there.      B. She is going to change her mind.
   C. It is out ofthe question to do that.      D. It ispossible to forgive him.
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After eachone, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter ofyour choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
16. A. Liver failure.                       B. Breast cancer.
   C. Kidneyfailure.                     D. Diabetesout of control.
17. A. Shape,                              B. Color.
   C. Price.                             D. Size.
18. A. It is much smaller than a microwave.   B. It leaves much room for reduction.
   C. It is widelyused in the clinic.          D. It isperfect.
19. A. It is under a clinical trial.             B. It is available in the market.
   C. It is widelyused in the clinic.          D. It is inthe experimental stage.
20. A. The commercial companies have invested a lot inthe new machine.
   B. The furtherdevelopment of the machine is in financial trouble.
   C. The federalgovernment finances the research.
   D. The machinewill come into being in no time.
Passage Two
21. A. Suicide.    B. Obesity.         C.Turmoil.          D. Drug abuse.
22. A.Preventable. B. Destructive.     C.Treatable.        D. Curable.
23. A. Combining antidepressants and talk therapy.
   B. Promoting thetransmission between neurons.
   C. Winningparental assistance and support.
   D. Administeringeffective antidepressants.
24. A. Because it adds to the effect of treatment.
   B. Because itworks better than the medications.
   C. Because itcan take the place of antidepressants.
   D. Because ithelps reduce the use of antidepressants.
25. A. 65percent.  B. 75 percent.       C.85percent.        D. 95percent.
Passage Three
26. A. Helplessness and worthlessness.       B. Feeling like a loser.
   C. Suicidalfeeling.                     D. All ofthe above.
27. A. It encourages the patient to be a top student atschool.
   B. It motivatesthe patient to work better than others.
   C. It makes iteasy for the patient to make friends.
   D. It helps thepatient hold a positive attitude.
28. A. By encouraging the patient to do the opposite atschool.
   B. By urging thepatient to face any challenge in reality.
   C. By making thepatient aware of his or her existence.
   D. By changingthe patient’s perspective.
29. A. Those who stop taking antidepressants.  B. Those who ask for more medications.
   C. Those who areon the medications.     D. Those who abuse the medications.
30. A. Anxiousness. B. Nausea.         C. Fever.           D. Insomnia.
Part Listening Comprehension
Section A
1.【A】对话中男士说“don’t even have time to breathe”,意思是连呼吸的时间都没有,也就是很忙的意思。故本题选A
2.【A】从对话场景不难判断出本题是与看医生有关。男士最后一句说“My back is killing me”,即我的背疼死了。因此本题选A
4.【D】此题考点为特殊表达式。对话中男士的回答是“a fortnight”,这个词的意思是十四日,两周。因而答案为D
7.【B】尽管对话为父亲和女儿之间的对话,但从父亲的语言“she has done that a lot of times”可知,父亲当时在跟另外一个人评论女儿的举动,否则此处的she应该改成you才对。因此本段对话中还有除了父女俩的第三个人存在。故本题选B
9.【C】此处的“are shot again”表示又开始了,并认为并没有那么有意思或者明智,因此两位男士可能会做的事情是改变话题从而享受生活。故本题答案为C
15.【C】男士问你从没想过与他复合吗,女士反问道他在做梦吗,足以证明她绝不可能那么做,C选项中“out of the question”表示不可能。因此本题选C。注意:out of the question 不可能out of question毫无疑问
Section B
Passage One
18.【B】根据对话的最后一句可知,新款机器还“very much in the experimental stage”(很大程度处于试验阶段),由此可推理得知这款机器还有很大的浓缩空间。故选B
Passage Two
22.【C】通过文章中的“research shows that the most effective treatment is thecombination of anti-depression and talk therapy”(研究表明,最有效的治疗方式是抗抑郁和谈话治疗的结合),由此可知,临床抑郁症是可治疗的。故本题选C
24.【A】通过录音中可知,75%的青少年都在使用心理疗法(psycho therapy)之后,感觉会好一些,自杀的冲动也会减轻。因此,心理疗法可以与药物疗法同时使用,因为能增加后者的效果。故本题选A
Passage Three
29.【A】通过录音可知,一旦药物治疗和心理治疗起作用了,病人就可以停止服用镇静药物,但极有可能遭受一些副作用(side effect)。因此本题答案为A
Part Listening Comprehension (30%)
Section A
1. W: I don’t see much of you these days, where have youbeen?
 M: I am working on a bigproject. I don’t even have time to breathe.
  Q: what can welearn from the conversation?
2. M: What time would your doctor be in today?
  W: He is hereafter 2:30. Do you need to see him today?
M: Yes, my back is killing me.
  Q: What’s theman’s problem?
3. W: Can that clock be right, 10:30?
  M: That clock isalways off. It’s 11:05.
  Q: What is trueabout the clock?
4. W: Well, Mr. Black, What brought you along today?
  M: I’ve got apain in my stomach.
  W: How long haveit been bothering you?
  M: A fortnight.
  Q: How long hasthe man’s stomach ache?
5. M: Well, tell me about your trouble.
  W: Two hoursafter eating, I get pain, and then I feel it.
Q: What would the man do?
6. M: I am usually on the job Monday, Tuesday and Fridayfrom 1 to 5 P. M. and Wednesday from 3 to 6 P. M.
  W: Do you work onweekends too?
  M: Yes, but onlyin the morning.
  Q: What day isthe man off duty?
7. W: Now Daddy I’m wearing this on your chest. It’scalled stethoscope. It might be a little cold, I’ll warm it up. Feel the end,OK? First of all I’ll listen to your front and then your back.
  M: She has gonethat a lot of times.
  Q: How manypeople have been involved in the situation?
8. W: What happened?
  M: I was in afight and got my head hurt.
  W: Were yourknocked out?
  M: No.
  W: I want you togo for an X-ray. And then come back to me. You’ll need some stitches for thatwound.
  Q: What is thedoctor going to do for the man?
9. W: Here, you two guy, you are fucking shot again. It’snot very entertaining or wise?
  M: Yes, thanksfor advising us. It’s time to enjoy life.
  Q: What might themen do accordingly?
10. M: Taking along view, I’m leaving the company.
   W: Why?
   M: I often haveto overwork which will do harm to my health.
   W: But the jobmarket is very tight, you know.
   Q: What does thewoman mean?
11. W: What’s the most likely diagnosis in this case?
   M: Most probablytuberculosis.
   W: What’sagainst that diagnosis?
   M: Well, theinfected hasn’t had any change in the habit or lost weight.
   Q: What are theydoing now?
12. M: I heard all the time that John is dating severalgirls.
   W: But it’s nottrue, he has explained everything to me.
   M: Do you reallybelieve what he said?
   W: Yeah, Ibelieve in our feelings for each other?
   Q: Who is John?
13. M: Lisa says that the job takes the back seat to thefamily after she is married. She must be a good wife.
   W: This is onlywhat she says not what she does.
   Q: What does thewoman mean?
14. W: Good morning. Would you like the private hotspring room today? For three people, it would be 250 Yuan per hour.
   M: Are there anydiscounts?
   W: Yes, it is 50Yuan cheaper for each additional hour.
   M: Then we’llhave two hours.
   Q: How much willthe man pay?
15. M: You are not thinking of getting back together withhim, are you?
   W: Would hedream of it?
   Q: What does thewoman mean?
Section B
Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After eachone, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of yourchoice on the ANSWER SHEET. Z_Y' 3'^Tw  
Passage One
Question 16-20are based on the following passage:
A lot of doctors can tell what’s wrong with you bysleeping, and I can do this by smelling. This actually goes back to the day ofancient Greece. For example, you can walk into a room or get close to a patientwho had diabetes that is not well controlled. There is a kind of sweetishsmell. That means I can walk into a room and tell if a patient has kidneyfailure or liver failure. And now there is a machine that can do that too. Itis fascinating that there have been these machines in the past, but they werejust enormous. These machines are impossible to use clinically, because, youknow, in a whole room for the equipments. So in the past, they were not used intherapy. But the newly-invented ones are very small and concise. They use newlaser technology and now available given the size of the machine. Unlike theprevious, they are just of the size of microwave. However, they are very muchin the experimental stage. Interesting, unlike any of these things which areproduced by commercial company, this work is being done by the federalgovernment. a&Z;$  
16. What disease can’t be smelt?
17. What was the problem of the machine in the past?
18. Which of the following statement is true?
19. What stage of the new machine is now?
20. What is the difference about the machines from thepast ones?
Passage Two
Question 21-25are based on the following passage:
Suicide is a very real risk for young people who sufferfrom clinical depression. In fact, during the past two years suicide hasincreased among youths between the ages of 10 and 19, but there aren’ttreatments that can help. Researches show that the most effective treatment isthe combination of anti-depression and talk therapy. Antidepressants work byincreasing chemical which facilitate communications between neurons in thebrain. "Antidepressants are the most effective treatment for most adults.But when it comes to teenagers, it’s not enough. " Says Doctor Richard, apsychiatrist in university medical center. 13 age years are full of turmoil,emotions and changes. And there are family conflicts and conflicts withrelationship that can contribute to distress in adolescents", Richardsays. And anti-depressant medications may not be able to deal with all of thoseproblems. "Psycho therapy, specifically problem-behavioral therapy need tobe combined, " he says. In his recent major study, with the therapy in usealong with antidepressants. , 75% of kids are reported feeling better and lesssuicidal after 3 month probably because the problem-behavioral therapy tacklethinking and feeling in a very particular way that medicines may not. And inparticular suicidal case, "It intervenes in a positive way" Say doctorFinland, a psychiatrist with Richard in the medical college. r)|6H"n#]S  
21. What is the passage mainly about?
22. To what extent can the problem be dealt with?
23. What way is the better alternative now to treat theproblem?
24. Why should talk therapy be combined?
25. What is the percentage of the kids who feel betterafter the combined-therapy?
Passage Three
Question 26-30are based on the following passage:
"Most people think when they are depressed, it justmeans you feel sad", says Doctor Rimmond, a psychiatrist with Cornelluniversity medical college. In fact, the so-call commonest symptoms ofdepression are probably the most painful for a lot of people which are afeeling that you are useless, worthless, unlovable, and no good or loser. Acommonest symptom and a most extreme symptom, of course, is a suicidal feelingwhere you feel so hopeless that you don’t believe anything will get better andyou are better off. Combined therapy challenges that kind of thinking. Forexample, say, you are a depressed teen, someone at school says somethingcredible, typically that might lead you to think you are a completely loser.Doctor Finland says the combined therapy help patients see all the time theyhave been successful, both at school and with friends. It is completely theopposite of how you feel. So you challenge them with reality. And then youcorrect their dysfunctional release and that will actually change the way theyfeel. It’s a sort of personal reality check that will connect experience in context.Once the combination of medication and therapy work, patient may decide to stoptaking antidepressants. But they should do so with caution because they mayexperience side effect. They can get rebound kind of symptoms. It can growthings like feeling anxious, or having insomnia, very dizzy and having nausea. 'y&DOy/|  
26. What is the most serious feeling for people who aredepressed?
27. From which angle can the combined therapy help?
28. How can people in depression be changed after thetreatment?
29. Who are more likely to suffer from some side effects?
30. Which of the following is not the side-effects ofstopping medicine?
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