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主题 : 上海交大医学院考博英语辅导班材料词汇练习
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-02-20   
来源于 考博资料 分类


词汇练习 )?= kb  
1. For many decades, economists have beenarguing about the role of ideas, innovation and _______ in economic growth. <8F->k1"3  
a. ingathering    b. ingredient    c. ingratitude    d. ingenuity -jcrXskb&N  
2. In thiscompany, absenteeism and frequent work stoppage have greatly ______ theefficiency of the firm operation. bTA14&& q  
a. cut off    b. cut over     c. cut up     d. cut into Z_eqM4{  
3. The day wasstar-crossed: Friday 13th in the month of October, on the eve of thesecond anniversary of a ______ market crash. ND)M3qp2(  
a. agitating    b. devastating    c. evacuating    d. withstanding K-g=td/@  
4. Even with theprice cutting, the 32-bit systems are still far too expensive to _____consumers used to paying &100 or less for a game machine with plenty ofgood software. $=;bccIob  
a. justify   b. topple  c. lease    d. tempt W#oEF/G  
5. If goodintentions and good ideas were all it took to save the deterioratingatmosphere, the planets _____ layer of air would be as good as fixed? OI;L9\MJc  
a. sheer     b. fragile     c. initial    d. lethal 3RTB~K8:{  
6. Tom went tohave further studies in the United  Kingdom. He found it______ that he couldn’tspeak English well. ;I0yQlx|U  
a.fascinating    b. frustrating    c. optimizing    d. rationalizing 93zlfLS0  
7. There were manypeople on the street, but the police_____ the thief’s attempt to escape. DcFV^8O&  
a. pursued    b. collaborated    c. scooped    d. foiled (<5'ceF )X  
8. The factory hasobtained a _____ on the invention. y7}~T!UyfF  
a. patent    b. scenario     c. continuation    d. passion 9e :d2  
9. If you want toobtain information for particulars, please ______ the office. T^f&58{ 7  
a. work on    b get into    c. apply to     d. interact with l ")o!N?  
10. After years of_______ in his studies, Jeff successfully earned his Ph. D. last year. 0z q\ j  
a. agonizing    b. persevering    c. competing    d. converting e2VL/>y`  
11. Few peopleknow that he has a(n)_____ desire for revenge, for he has always been such akind person. e-T9HM&%P  
a. vulnerable   b. petty   c. acute      d. variable r(/P||`l  
12. All the _____of experimental and mathematical procedures should be strictly observed. pqNoL* H  
a. minutiae    b. scenario    c. informatics     d. academia  # 8-P  
13. It was incrediblethat the children in some African countries were _____ starving. 16d{IGMz  
a.unscrupulously    b. insanely     c. savagely       d. literally 'KW+Rr~tZn  
14. There is______ evidence of corruption in some government agencies and therefore strongmeasures must be taken. U%S NROj  
a. rewarding     b. shrinking      c. mounting     d. packing `b,g2XA  
15. The big dogattacked the burglar ______. 8mQd*GGu1  
a. savagely      b. unscrupulously     c. vitally    d. fertilely $(<*pU  
16. The concernswith the origins of the earth ______ their study. ," HpV  
a. motivated    b. advised      c. excited    d. informed ROI$;B(  
17. He seems poor,but I ______ that he has quite a lot ofmoney. @tU>~y{E  
a. suspect     b.form     c. elaborate    d. formulate 0^tJX1L  
18. If you push inthe world, the world will push back on you; if you touch the world gently, theworld will touch you gently _____. fe]T9EDA  
a. in return    b. in the long run    c. in turn     d. in place 9"l%tq_  
19. He was ____enough to understand my question from the gestures I made. j(2tbWg9-  
a. intelligent    b. efficient     c. proficient    d. diligent wE=8jl*  
20. On the firstday when a pupil enters school, he is asked to conform ______ the school rules. Yv|bUZ @  
a. in       b. at       c. on       d. to =F; ^^VX  
21. He rewrote thenovel in an effort to turn it into a more popular ____. ;kcFQed\w  
a. version     b. copy       c. issue      d. booklet i OA3x 8J  
22. Galileo, thefirst modern scientist, was forced by the Church under threat of torture to_____ that the earth moves around the sun. boHm1hPKS  
a. admit      b. elaborate      c. deny      d. approve @zpHem dB  
23. Many peoplefind religious beliefs important in their lives, but such beliefs are not partof science because they are matters of faith with principles that are meant tobe ______ without question. ~o\]K  
a. criticized    b. accepted     c. declined     d. refused "Mu $3 w  
24. The laws andtheories of science do not represent “ultimate truth”: they are consideredvalid only ______ no contrary evidence comes to light. EC&1 9  
a. whenever      b. as soon as      c. even if     d. as long as X$Qi[=L  
25. The mostcareful observations, the most elaborate calculations will not be fruitful_____ the right questions are asked. iS^^Z ZyR  
a. wherever    b. no matter     c. unless     d. regarding Zi'8~iEH  
26. What surprisedus most was the huge ______ of treasure stacked pile after pile in theunderground cellar. Tlv|To  
a.accumulation     b. acceleration   c. analysis    d. ancestor - &LZle&M  
27. Mr. Smith was______ to buy a cheaper car in order to save enough money to purchase anapartment suite. wz2)seZY  
a. obliged    b. indulged     c. pursued    d. identified pl? J<48  
28. Victoria is in asplitting_______ since she can’t decide who will be her Mr. Right. AF nl t  
a. stagnation    b. resentment    c. assets     d. dilemma z K ]%qv]  
29. Peking Operais among the most valued cultural _____, though mostly liked by the old insteadof the young. K LM^O$=  
a. array    b. technicality    c. competence     d. legacies N=}Z#  
30. the localgovernment is planning a salary _____ on a big scale which will lead to a raisein purchasing power of common workers. ;Z0cD*Jb  
a. boost     b. devotion    c. temperament     d. globalization x[<#mt  
31. The thrillingnews was totally beyond students’ expectation and it therefore ______ the wholecampus. Le+8s LE`Y  
a. enlarged    b. dedicated    c. electrified    d. declined MkIO0&0O  
32. The railroadand the automobile have contributed much to the great ____ of population allover the world. 6O?Sr,  
a. mobility     b. pouring      c. purifying     d. morality jfhDi6N  
33. It is assumedthat the number of people _______ by the recent quake may continue to rise. olW`.3f  
a. displaced      b. disguised     c. abused      d. accounted =cX"gI [  
34. For the sakeof safety, speeding is completely _____ in front of school areas. dtXJ<1:  
a. controlled     b.compromised      c. banned     d. coerced gf 8U &;  
35. The touristswere extremely delighted to find that they would be _____ in a grand andluxurious hotel. $zH 0$aOx  
a. adapted     b. accustomed       c. accommodated     d. adjusted 9S`b7U=P  
36. He welldeserved the “Best Supporting Actor” prize on account of his incredibleperformance which ____ the sweet memory in people of the “good, old days”.  l3 Bc g  
a. presumes    b erodes   c. evokes    d. assigns [1X5r<(W5  
37. Language is______ to human life because it gives meaning to otherwise random experience. ;&: Et  
a. indisputable     b.indescribable     c. indispensable    d. indiscernible @g` ,'r  
38. The ITindustry was forced to make a(n) ____ reduction in employment due to years ofsales drop. QRix_2+  
a. drastic    b. dominant     c. optimistic    d. optional X"r$,~  
39. It serves youright: your lack of motivation and vitality ______ your ultimate failure. {dH<Un(4Z  
a. attributesto    b. contributes to    c. results from    d. involved in im%3*bv-  
40. Aneye-witness, one of the few post-war survivors, firmly pointed out how the Jewswere _____ by the Nazi during WWII. 9O_N iu0  
a.replenished    b. persecuted    c. proclaimed    d. purified / 1@m#ZxA:  
41. From the _____scene, the millionaire, who became wealthy overnight by lottery realized thathis grand house must have been broken in. Rs`Y'_B  
a. chaotic     b. fragile    c. moral   d. desirable / =<u l-K  
42. The attractiveaspect of this robot lies in its ____ ; as its “feet” can move freely to meetdifferent needs. AMiFsgBj  
a.flexibility    b. esteem    c. humanity    d. identity ;'+cT.cmH  
43. _______ allthe circumstances, he thought it wise not to say anything further. ^vz@d+\Kd  
a. centeringon     b. Leaving off  c. Taking into account   d. Going back to BFRSYwPr  
44. The localgovernment plans to ______ the anti-pollution & pollution-prevention schemein five year. `)P_X4e]`  
a. implement    b. cripple    c. detach     d. perceive +u)$o  
45. The designersof TV commercials often rack their brains and try their best to produce aunique visual picture and convince ______ buyers that the products beingadvertised are the best. OlFn<:V K  
a. potent    b. productive    c. prospective     d. private f.CI.aozW  
46. The royal cookwas eager to know what kinds of food or dishes would ______ the would-be queen.So he inquired many people from the high officials to the palace maids of lowrank. >gl<$LQ?X  
a. appeal for    b. call on    c. call for     d. appeal to CplRnKra  
47. _______ hisold age, his stage performance was really incredible: almost beyond everyone’simagination. -JQg{A  
a. Taking intoaccount    b. Coming into being    c. Falling into step D'+8]B  
d. Centering on _QCI< |A  
48. When theheadmaster told her the good news about her championship in the nationalcontest, she couldn’t help bursting into laughter and her eyes ______. e4LNnJU\|  
a. emitted    b. shot   c. sparkled    d. span VG7#6)sQoK  
49. The injuredrequiring immediate attending should be given _____ in the hospitals. gWPa8q<b  
a. priority    b. urgency    c. superiority   d. emergency ,6L>f.V^(U  
50. The couple hadto ____ their meager savings to pay for their son’s university tuition fees. 1MSu ]) W  
a. draw on    b. draw up    c. contribute to     d. attribute to y?hW#l~#X  
51. The Giantseized a few small kids ______ at the lightening speed from the terrified crowdand took them away in his huge hands. hglt D8,  
a. byaccident    b. at random    c. on occasion    d. on average  K>eG5tt  
52. Thegovernments put forward several policies and regulations in order to ____ theever soaring price of the housing. 9mm(?O~'p  
a. constrain    b. foster     c. accelerate     d. propel  (La  
53. Those who fellin love with each other deem every minute spending in waiting for the other is________. 9m!fW|4  
a. inherent    b. eternal    c. subtle   d. ethereal 9\2&6H  
54. He got the jobin Bell Lab ____ his strength of will as well as his abilities. h#nQd=H<g#  
a. by virtueof   b. by way of    c. by the time of    d. by the light of ]^<~[QK_C  
55. Many peopleassumed that the New Economy has resulted in the ____ trend of rapiddevelopment of business and the booming prosperity, which has become a hotissue among economists. @9a=D<'>  
a. almighty    b. subtle  c. irreversible    d.irreplaceable e:<> Yq+  
56. One of thedreams cherished by the poor peasants is to own a _____ pair of shoes. 4r&~=up]  
a. endurable    b. durable     c. smart     d. delicate ] fB{   
57. It has beendecided that we are going on a sightseeing tour during the holiday. We all_______ it after several months of hard work. kvn6 NiU  
a. appreciate    b. prompt   c. suspend     d. evoke f' S"F  
58. As one part ofmoral education in high schools, students should be taught to _______ theirsense of responsibility. sn%fE  
a. satisfy    b. intensify    c. enjoy    d. moderate 70eN]OY  
59. Danwin’sstrong will and ______ made him a good researcher and a successful scientist inhis era. F^-4Pyq@  
a. ferment    b. resistance     c. persistence    d.spree Y`uCDfcQ  
61. This week’s“story-telling” program will _____ where the week before last left off. 1,,-R*x  
a. drag down    b. end up  c. consequent upon    d. take up XLT<,B}e  
62. As an ardentmember of the World Red Cross, she _____ the sick at hospital frequently. %s>E@[s  
a. calls for    b. attends to      c. focuses on    d. goes back to +L6d $+  
63. During theearly period of one’s retirement, a person may feel at loss as to what to do.This can be attributed to his/her no longer being ______ with a group of peopleor an organization. T* m_rDDt  
a. affiliated    b. adhered    c. preoccupied      d. inter-wined ?%(*bRV -  
64. Manyprospective applicants have phoned the HR department to _____ about the vacantposition. e<K=Q$U.  
a. pursuit   b. inquire   c. leverage    d. require p(Mv^ea  
65. One of the_____ of the CCTV Cup prize for English Speech contest sincerely conveyed histhankfulness to his English teacher and the school principal, who have beenencouraging him constantly and have offered him a lot of help. bkTj Q  
a. pals    b. adolescent     c. recipients    d. receipt ~m7+^c@,  
66. The doctorseemed to be ______ with something very serious all the time while the patientwas talking to him. q`hg@uwA{`  
a.preoccupied    b. occupied    c. absorbed    d. associated [aC(Ga}  
67. The literatureteacher always tells his students:” You should read between the lines….” Inother words, one should guess the meaning of the words or sentences evenparagraphs from the ______ when reading passages. 4.TG&IQ nN  
a. condition    b. situation     c. phenomenon   d. context )<d8yLb  
68. He tried todescribe the rules and reulations, especially the complicated terms in such away that it would be _____ to a layman. S%2qB;uw  
a. acquired    b. intelligent    c. articulate    d. intelligible 0dW1I|jR  
69. It’s nowgenerally accepted that whether to use animals to do research work or not isa(n) _____ problem. z5I<,[`  
a. scientific    b. individual    c. moral   d. ethic V]2Q92  
70. Workaholics’daily life is typically _____ into their work as well as their leisureactivities. V.J%4&^X  
a. departed    b. separated     c. compartmentalized    d. isolated a$ }^z  
71. TheHead-Hunting Company is busy searching for those who have got strong liabilityto creativity and acute sense of _____ to the job. jolCR-FDu  
a. commitment    b. commission    c. compensation    d. criterion sdLFBiR  
72. David andJohnson failed to come to an agreement because their ideas towards thearrangement of the project are absolutely _______. IF=rD-x  
a. incredible     b. proverbial    c. optional    d. irreconcilable LHp s2,  
73. The bridge gottumbled down after the big flood because of certain ____ flaws in design. l< Y x  
a. corporate    b. aftermath    c. inherited    d. inherent hY!G>d{J  
74. Those popularmovie stars ______ merely small percent of the professional population buttheir income is incredibly out of proportion to their coverage in thepopulation percentage. zv41Yv!x}  
a. constitute    b. institute    c. substitute    d. consist I ; _.tG  
75. The producerfirmly believes that the huge amount of money spent in his TV series willdefinitely be ______ because it will contribute to immense profits for hiscompany. 39"'Fz?1  
a. supported   b. boosted   c. justified     d. advocated rTH@PDk>)  
7 ?Fl [FW$  
DDBDB   BDACB    BADCA     AAAAD f: R h9  
BABCA   DDDCA    DDAC I ?1E}bv  









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