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主题 : 北京大学博士生考试基础词汇汇总
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-11-17   
来源于 考博资料 分类


博士生考试基础词汇汇总 yB*,)x0 @  
=l ,P'E  
AbandonThe match was abandoned because of bad weather. ^mS |ff  
ban  abolish abort  cancel  cross out  wipe out   put off delay  (q> TKM  
desert/forsake/leave / cease / depart  / discard /relinquish / surrender /quit/ withdraw /give up &SY!qTxF  
abideWe have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide  observe  discover adapt) 7|P kc(O  
Herfame will abide for sure.  Last/endure/continue/persist/remain/stay yBIlwN`kB  
Youhave to keep ______ with the times.  (!os &/",  
Abreast/up  catch up with go along with  fit in with W? iA P  
absorb  He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear youcall. E h%61/  
engage/occupy/bendover/involve/be busy with qt GJJ#^,  
Abundant/rich  The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game vh9* >[i  
XZ r I w  
access  In many schools, students don't havesufficient access to the library. LSo!_tY  
Way/approach/solution/answer/ ,b+NhxdZ  
Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/athand 4JSPD#%f  
Hiswords are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation   accordance   according  fit) Gn]36~)*H  
I'min agreement with Mr. Moore.      in agreementwith/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in proportion to "}]`64?  
account  He asked no one's advice; he did it on hisown (account).independently c pY {o^  
Youhave to take everything into account/consideration.Attention/regard/respect/mind 0ju1>.p  
Giveus an account of what happened.  Story/reason/information/description/tale/statement 9N ]Xa  
Hehas been asked to account for his absence. ( describe  tell relate  answer for  say explain   explicate) Rd?}<L  
acquire   to acquire a good knowledge of English.  Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secure R+sT &d  
4 p_C+4  
active  He is very active in politics.   y>{: [L9*  
Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiastic \?:L>-&h8  
adapt  To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself)to the situation. @0`A!5h?u  
Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit Urj*V0^  
accustom She is ______to living in comfort.  (accustomed/used   addict be familiar with) NGra/s,9 |  
admit  It will take you half an hour to get to thestation, allowing for traffic delays.  iP/v "g"g  
(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/acknowledge/adopt) f *ZU a  
adequateTheir earnings are barely adequate to their needs. `i{d"H0E  
enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ample z,HhSW?&^  
advantage  The great advantage we have over them is thatthey are short of money. F [qXIL)  
Benefit/gain/upperhand    interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returns +^I0> \  
;yH>A ;,K%  
Aim  His aim is to win the game.  2 a<\4w'  
Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destination ]A4=/6`g?b  
PSrx !  
Amass  He amassed a great fortune in twentyyears.  W? 7l-k=S  
Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heapup/store up  ` Xc7b  
Mass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pack/gang #J5BHY~  
Figure/digit/measure Ht`fC|E  
ambitious  These young men were ambitious for successand money. ;i{B,!#  
Eagerfor/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/be intentupon C*`WMP*  
Q G) s  
amount  His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.  68%aDs  
Addup to/approximate/total/sum up  !0 7jr%-~  
Thefuture of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money. 0Q3U\cDr  
sum/measure/quantity/price/value ~$!,-r  
angle  Try looking at this affair from a differentangle. aspect \0@DOW22C  
/view/pointof view/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/ idea/thought/conception/judgment ZvY"yl?e  
theory/outlook T2{e 1 =Z7  
announce  He had to announce the death of Johnsonbefore the board. +Z#=z,.^  
Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/makeknown Z'o0::k  
vE] ge  
anticipate  A good general can anticipate what the enemywill do. Za.}bR6?Y  
expect/look forward to/await/foresee/hope for |$.?(FZYu  
=D zrM%  
anything  The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Notat all IRW0.'Dn  
Theapparent things might not tell of the truth. iG W(2.Z  
apparentobvious seeming evident clear plain bLT3:q#s  
MmJM x  
apart  Apart from his nose, he is quitegood-looking.  jAQ{H  
Apartfrom the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. %p7 ?\>  
Exceptfor / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/in addition `&;#A*C0  
Hewas appointed member of the committee. L5hF-Ek! 3  
Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/votefor K#FD$,c~  
appeal  I appeal to him for help.  implore/plead/beg #y\O+\4e  
apply  Please apply to the secretary for furtherinformation. LcKc#)'EE  
Therules of safe driving apply to everyone. e]<Syrk  
Y XhZWo{B  
approve  Many people don't approve of the plan.disapprove t!D'ZLw  
like/prefer/endorse/accept/thinkwell of |dIR v  
ariseThe company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes. $$AZ)#t[  
Riseraise rouse arouse arise d /jx8(0  
Originate/derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn up 2e6P?pX~2  
artificial/artisticHer painting is a great artistic creation. P, x" ![6  
Dw=L]i :0v  
ashamed/shameful   embarrassed/embarrassing  frustrated/frustrating  humiliated/humiliating 1D%P;eUDp  
Ashamedof having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accused him. U" @5R[=F-  
acquaint  I'm sure Betsy is the girl whom you will beglad to get acquainted with. >$kFYb>~q  
associate/link/ touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with /mingle with /relate   d 6Y9D=O  
Iassume that success is a sum of mistakes. Md X4Rp'  
Assume  think suppose  presume  suspect understand  take for granted  (R=ZI  
assure  I can assure you of my support.  U["<f`z4\  
confirm assure   ensure   insure convince  guarantee  pledge promise  "]^U(m>f  
You’ve got to attain the mastery of atleast on foreign language. ~vP_c(8f  
Attain gain  accomplish  finish fulfill  realize   complete )g=mv*9>  
attribute  Jim attributes his success to hard work.  owe ascribe   +4J'> dr  
avoid  You should avoid driving in the center of thetown during the rush hour. lf\"6VIsR  
Avoid  shun escape  evade  keep away from  f$</BND  
Thegovernment has banned the used of chemical weapons. F_u ?.6e]  
Barprohibit  exclude  forbid shut out  block   obstruct *3^7'^j<  
bargain  The dress is quite a bargain.  bargain sale  VK9E{~0=  
x ~l"'qsK  
basis  On the basis of our sales forecasts we maybegin to make a profit next year. 0#c-qy  
China hasbeen following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries onthe basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence. ,>g( %3C  
ground  foundation dyqk[$(  
Scientists say it may be five or ten years beforeit is possible to test this medicine on human patients.  I9TNUZq('  
As soon as  before  the second   the minute  the moment  GDj_+G;tO\  
p-C{$5& O1  
Youcan’t blame all this on me. +vFqHfmP  
Heis the last one to blame for the accident. a"+VP>4  
Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemn W OYZ  
AED 9vDE  
board  He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging.  food /meals 9( &$Gwi  
board/committee/ staff/ faculty/ crew/ team R^E-9S\@  
boast  You should not boast of your success. Bragshow off !/F-EJOH6C  
boom  Production boomed. _qit$#wK;  
Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speedup/grow/swell/flourish/develop/prosper L8;`*H  
8BIPEY -I?  
brief It is a long letter, but in brief, hesays "No".  short OOsd*nX/  
z ISy\uka  
Weare bound for London.  Head make  I#yd/d5^  
Theweather is bound to get better tomorrow.  Likely  going to +c'I7bBr  
Thereare no bounds to his ambition.  Limitconfine restriction bF@iO316H  
call  This situation----_____________ for promptaction.   (calls in calls at calls oncalls for) (w' k\y  
Theyhave called off their engagement. @iz6)2z  
Shewas calm when I told her of the terrible news. 3~0X e  
Quiet/still/tranquil/serene/peaceful nYY'hjZ  
Weshould not doubt his capability. $r)nvf`\  
Capability/ability/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiency cW $~86u"C  
Beforeyou decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few goodfriends. q->46{s|  
Careerjob vocation trade calling work profession occupation =7("xz %  
Thereis no reason why we should not carry on with it. M8lR#2n|  
Carryon  go on keep on  continue  work on be under way  be in process d7QQ5FiB  
case  In any case I shall return in a day ortwo.  If even if  for fear on condition d3C*]|gQ  
center  She centered her attention on the problem. D#9W [6  
Focus  concentrate fix  ^coJ"[D  
chargeThe charge against him was severe. A&0sD}I\K  
Sentence/ accusation/ persecution/guilt/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgment 7,"1%^tU  
, v6[#NU_Z  
Since the situation is changing, let’s takesome _____ measures to deal with it. 86@@j*c(@k  
flexible  changeable   changing  ~F]- +|  
=l3* { ?G  
IfI had the choice, I would retire at thirty. @le23+q  
Selection/preference/option/alternative {Z|.-~W  
Noone came to claim for the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it. M+^+u 1QQ0  
cling  She clung to the hope that he was stillalive.  !-4pr[C  
Stick  adhere   hold  grasp ziy~~J  
66%kq [  
closeThe ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem. *pv hkJ g(  
Listenclosely and look closely, you’ll find it out. NzRL(A6V  
_Oq (&I  
Agood employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering withtheir creativity. ]0dp^%  
Tip  information news  wind  message clue  evidence  sign proof  key Md[nlz  
combine  Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water.  obX|8hTL%  
blend  mix  mingle  fuse  unite couple  join yZ+o7?(2 p  
comment  I'm afraid I can't comment on your work justyet.  Remark   d|6*1hby  
criticism  judgment decision  evaluation  criterion standard   remark   DjL(-7'p  
commit  I cannot commit myself to any furtherexpense; my means are stretched to the utmost as it is.   Devote dedicate  )CXJRo`j0  
Comparethis with that, and you will see which is the better.  Contrast }kXF*cVg  
Poetshave compared sleep to death. IEeh)aj[  
Sheis lovely beyond compare. x%x:gkq  
comparison  This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison. #\4uu  
Ihave done little this year in comparison with what I did last year. haa [ob6T  
Comparable/comparative n2Ycq&O  
compel  We cannot compel you to do it, but we thinkyou should. |TEf? <"c  
Force  oblige urge  require  drive press  work hard on   push prompt +5);"71  
Hehas formed a good habit. uu=e~K  
Form/create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/build =`vUWONn  
Assemble/manufacture/produce Yw+_( 2 9=  
Nextyear, Susan has to take three compulsory courses.  Required ='OPU5(;O  
composeThe committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents. 3=5+NJ'8  
Consistof/ be made up of  / contain /include/hold/cover/comprise Y@^M U->+  
|{Z?a^- NJ  
comprehensive/Comprehensible P",~8Aci(  
Shehas a comprehensive grasp of the subject.  zj`!ZY?fv  
conscious  She was not conscious of his presence in theroom.   Aware A'6>"=ziP  
}r*t V)  
Considerate/considerable  It was very considerate of you to send me a Christmascard. i v&:X3iB  
Considerate/thoughtful/kind/sympathetic SH5GW3\h  
Considerable/much/important/great/significant/powerful EQz`o+  
contend  I would contend that unemployment is our mostserious social evil.  g5X+iV  
Argue/struggle/fight/quarrel oC.:mI  
Our journey was slow because the trainstopped continually at different villages. S#_i<u$$  
continuously vs continually 0b~5i-zM/  
convey  Words cannot convey how delighted I am.   express avykg(  
cope  Poor Mary!  She has so much to cope with.  >j_ ,3{eJ  
dealwith  live with  be put up with  tolerate endure   bear   stand  be fed up with  mn?< Zz  
correspond  RAR"9 N .  
Thisword in the English version corresponds to that phrase in the French one. W(1p0|WQ:  
count   Her opinion counts because of herexperience.  {SbA(a?B  
Matter  be of importance  significant kf~ D m}bV  
Don’tcount on a salary increase this year. ;Q:^|Fw!F  
believe  depended count   confide  rely depend  bank [l:3F<M  
critical If you really understood thedifficulties facing the government, you wouldn't be so critical of its spendingreductions.  8AOJ'~$  
Crucial urgent  pressing  decisive P'KaWu9z  
Ironic  faultfinding picky  fastidious   sarcastic ;mu9;ixZ  
cure  This medicine should cure you of your cold. gk"S`1>  
Remind  relieve inform  deprive  rob  break   ,i;kAy)  
Itis not my custom to give in. UsNr$MO {  
Custom  habit use  practice  manner way  pattern  tendency fashion  routine  nature 6I.N:)=  
5- 0  
The damage to the house caused by the stormtook several days to repair. <bDjAVq  
destruction damage  harm ruin  injury  bruise impact  spoil  wrong pain agony distress Ny /bNQS  
grieve hurt  impair  abuse plague  epidemic              debris/trash/junk/rubbish @ZK#Y){  
E%:!* 9  
decline  Steel production has been on the decline inthese countries.  `^-?yu@  
Diminish  decrease fall  drop  dip sink  reduce no?TEXp*  
HIcx "y  
deep   They dived deep into the ocean. aEW Z*y  
Shewas deeply interested in classical music. J/pW*G-U|  
:W_ S  
degree  She has also affected but to a lesser degree.Extent /tikLJ  
yK+76\} I  
deemThey deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying. ]F r+cP  
Think/believe/consider/judge/assume/suppose/regard/ponder/contemplate/study/reflect/thinkover !u.{<51b  
Agood mastery of English demands patience and enthusiasm. 4xuL{z;\  
Demand/require/callfor r*C:)z .}  
E j@M\  
deny  They denied her the opportunity to see herfather. S U~vS   
refuse    decline   rejects  turn down  [CGvM {  
die  She died of an illness; and he died a beggar. DKqFe5rw  
Thestorms are dying down. - o$S=  
Thenoise of the car died away in the distance. ELeR5xT  
Themembers of the family had all died off. ])!|b2:s3  
Thisspecies has died out. %4Ylq|d  
J xi>1  
Canyou describe what he looks like? ?d%+85  
Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/characterize/represent/define/tell 81 V,yq]  
}UMg ph:2:  
Theywere determined that he make a big fortune in his forties. 2GLq#")P  
Convinced/firm/sure/certain/resolute/serious #!u P >/  
Shewas in his eyes a devoted mother. T9jp*  
Devoted/earnest/hearty/sincere/serious/zealous *Af]?-|^{#  
Thesewers discharge (their contents) into the sea. ;J r6  
Discharge/discard/ cast way / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake / desert / giveaway/ z{bMW^F  
throwaway/cast off/get rid of Bs =V-0  
display  We were amazed by the rich variety ofcommodities on display. - y{* U1[  
Herwritings display natural talents.  E D*=8 s2  
Exhibit  show  indicate  specify illustrate  demonstrate  expose present >Bq;Z }EV  
distinct  Mice are distinct form rats. kV!0cLH!hH  
Different/unlike/varied/opposite/contrary/reverse/dissimilar 5Qd |R  
Longsentences are distinctive of Henry James’s later style. #`RY KQwB  
Characteristic  explicit definite  candid   unmistakable expressive   direct w5gN8ZF3  
Thelight is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another. EXH{3E54)`  
distinguish  tell separate  divide  Qh%/{6(u  
Heis one of the most distinguished scholars in this field. 9vWKyzMi  
Distinguished/outstanding/famous/well-known/noted/popular/celebrated/honored/recognized 2!\y0*}K  
/prominent/important/superior >/;\{IG Wn  
q -M& f@Il  
Inthe dark I could only discern the outline of the building. au9r)]p-  
Discern/see/makeout/observe/perceive/recognize/know/understand/detect/spot/spy/behold +L;[-]E8  
diverse  There are people from diverse culturesat the party.  different  various comprehensive 4q/E7n  
Wa #,>  
Herefused to disclose his name and address. TP{lt6wws(  
Disclose/uncover/reveal/show/expose/betray DBAJkBs  
;!, ]}2w*X  
Theydrew up the contract and presented it to the management. C,n]9  
Thetrain drew in/into the station.  pull Jc~^32  
draw  pull drag  push  heave lift  haul  kMKI=>s+  
draw  crawl creep  linger on  drag near  be oncoming/ongoing ?Pw# !t  
@I\ Z2-J  
Shedrove her car into the forest. {.bLh 0  
Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/ride "8ILV`[  
Don’tdiscourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourage "M v%M2'c  
Discourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keepfrom/try to stop YP>VC(f   
Theshoes are expensive but durable. >4ebvM 0|  
Durable/long-lasting/enduring/permanent/endless/solid/strong ^8.R 'Yq  
UYW%% 5p?  
Itis your duty to go. %83PbH  
Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/office/role (*&6XTV (  
Business/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/employment/effort nuw90=qj!]  
Heis living an easy life now.   comfortable <3P?rcd,5K  
Itis an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longer thancheap ones. dS0G+3J&+E  
economic/economical/economy b6bmvHD  
   Mb\~W UWI  
Hewent to a very good elementary school. *Zt)J8C  
Elementary/fundamental/basic/primary/essential/simple/beginning/introductory/initial/primitive ;s"m* 4N  
Since1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect. Br]VCp   
Theacid has no effect on the metal. L]9!-E  
Thenew regulation does not go into effect until the first of March. mb0${n~fz  
Asentence of ten years' imprisonment on a person of eighty is in effect a life sentence. 5ez"B]&T  
Heis not likely to give effect to his threat. mt fDl;/D  
effect  force power  practice  )#ic"UtR  
)K@ 20Q+0K  
Sheencouraged him to take this examination. RK'3b/T  
Encourage/support/backup/urge/promote/sponsor/cheer/inspire q5lRc=.b[  
end Some plays are so successful that theyrun for years on end. Ip8 Ap$  
Imust warn you that my patience is almost at an end. PwF}yx kI  
I'vewarned you no end of times not to touch that machine. t=XiSj\n  
Ihope that everything will turn out all right in the end. DbPw) aCj  
Hehad approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he wasat his wit's end. g/`i:=  
Weended the diner up with fruit and coffee. "kP.Kx!  
Whenthe reception came to an end, they were reluctant to leave the hall. k]R O=/ ?M  
Theargument between the two men ended in a fight. ><\mt  
Thegovernment is determined to put an end to terrorism. CFul_qZ/e  
He'sentitled to a pension, but he won't dream of retiring yet. HP ]Xh~aP  
entitle qualify authorize   enable   sanction empower g'pE z  
He#+zE ;  
Thesoldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. YL PiK  
equip  provide ]PUyX8'~  
Theyhave the exclusive right to do the advertisements for this company.  inclusive C,tlp  
Mywife has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job. jy&p_v1  
exert  practice exercise  impose  avail ANT^&NjJ7  
Heis one of the greatest contemporary writers. }E?s*iP  
Existing  living contemporary  lately—later---late---latter  current recent   F<'g6 f  
He must face up to the fact that he is nolonger young.  live   face  come v`wP db  
Devotionis essential for work. ;y HA. }  
Necessary/vital/fundamental/required/crucial/critical/important/fatal/indispensable +pf 7  
Compulsory/obligatory/imperative/urgent z2"2Xqy<U  
Nothingis everlasting. I*ho@`U  
Forever/endless/perpetual/eternal/permanent/constant/infinite/continual/forgood l8^^ O   
Thebird extended its wings in flight. It]CoAo+  
Stretch/lengthen/increase/expand/broaden/spread/enlarge/magnify g{<3* ,  
Hernose is a very attractive feature. Xc Pn  
Feature/looks/appearance/characteristic/trait/mark f3yZx!K_Br  
Areyou in favor of women taking part in politics? Q%t8cJ L  
Inthe favor } ]g>PY  
Theinternational situation is favorable to us. Advantageous /]+t$K\cBq  
0 'L+9T5  
Panic swept through the swimmers asthey caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly. \J1Jn~  
TensionExcitement  Fear Nervousness  fuss ado  chaos  confusion turmoil  riot @8/-^Rh*  
AfterTom passed his driving test he filled in/out an application for his driving license. (U|W=@8`  
Thechildren hid in the house and ate their fill. .^Ek1fi.  
The price of vegetables fluctuates accordingto the weather. lIOLR-:4j  
wavers   vibrates    swings  fluctuates  hesitates   quakes  trembles shudders uV%7|/fD  
~~yo& ]  
There are fine distinctions between thetwo. !FO||z(vb  
fine/minute/delicate/detailed/small/tiny/slight/insignificant pLk?<y  
Michael found it difficult to get hisBritish jokes across to American audience. meIY00   
Understand  comprehend   catch on   get   $=H\#e)]Ug  
{){i ONd  
Hegave a gift for my birthday. UHR)]5Lt  
Give/present/offer/bestow/donate/grant/contribute/award/provide/supply/deliver/dealout NCl={O9<j  
/handout/turn in c()F%e:n  
Hehad a good house, a good wife and a good job. vsES`  
Good/desirable/right/appropriate/suitable/becoming/satisfying/decent #<!oA1MH4  
Theygrouped together in fours. lm@<i4%$F  
Arrange/assemble/organize/classify/sort/collect/grade/rank/value/evaluate/catorgerize/estimate "3}Bv X  
Whenhe was young, he always _______ around and did not care about what washappening around him.  Hang  loaf loiter  K4l,YR;r  
hit  She hit on a good title for her new novel.  Come across ,hX03P-X  
Hernew film is quite a hit. success 59ro-nA9v  
Therent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. Affect 6K* 7%8Y/G  
hold She held back, not knowing how to breakthe terrible news. [h,T.zpa  
Ithink he is holding something back; he knows more that he admits. ##yi^;3Y  
Shealways holds to her convictions. VN;Sz,1Z  
Theforthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reduction. TX8,+s+  
Roadworks on the highway are holding up traffic. ~f ){`ZJc  
There was something wrong with the trafficsignal. Our bus was ______ for nearly half an hour. hv7!x=?8  
A. held on      B. held back      C. held out     D. held up %'t~+_  
identical  This copy is identical with/to the ones youbought last week.  the same as xOD;pRZQ  
Ifonly I were rich!  b6oPnP_3P  
Onlyif I am rich, I can do what I want. 8a e]tX5$  
Immoralvs amoral %,>> <8  
Hedeserted his family and was called an immoral person by his neighbors. y] M/oH  
Itwas he that initiated this project. ^vo^W:   
Initiate/launch/start/begin/pioneer/found/lead/head/breakthe ice K3'`!Ka*  
(zye Ch  
Incentive  The fun of playing the game was a greaterincentive than the prize. c9i CH~  
(excitement   initiative  motive   entertainment) <;SMczR  
Weare in for trouble. uXu'I  
Heknow the ins and outs of the problem. N$?mula  
Privatizationis thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition. o&gcFOM22  
Agood teacher should be impartial to his students. OsvAm'B  
Impartial/impersonal/unbiased/neutral/disinterested/just/fairdetatched  unconcerned indifferent NfS0yQPx  
Thiscar is inferior to the one I bought last year. @T]gw J  
inferior  superior senior  junior  similar prior $fuFx8`2W  
Theauthor of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature. BP*gnXj  
intellect  insight  perception   understanding  comprehension wisdom  intuition M _$pqVm  
No doubt, a trade mark pertains to a firm’sintangible assets. `=b*g24z[N  
intangible invisible J'^BxN&  
interfere/intervene  If you interfere in /with otherpeople's affairs, you will regret it. 26.iFt/:  
Hetestified in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after ithad been robbed. )Qb1$%r.  
testified   witnessed  justified  identified  notify specify (al7/EhY  
keep  I can't understand you keeping a thing likethat to yourself. VXR.2C  
Pleasekeep to the point --- we are running out of time. "`C|;\w  
Ican’t keep up with all the changes in computer science. Mwp#.du(  
Ifyou want to fulfill your dream, you have to keep ______it.  (to /    up  on) bq<QUw=]q&  
Keep/have/hold/maintain/preserve/conserve/save/tend/protect/guard/sustain/uphold/bear/posess 5|S| HZ8G  
Theydid not only lack water, they also lacked in courage. q,$UKg#i  
Want/bein need/ fall short UQ`%,D  
large  The dangerous wild animal is still at largein the quiet countryside. JS}W4 N  
Byand large, the company has been good to me. a%*W^R9Ls  
Thisis law and you can’t change as you wish. /=,^fCCN  
Rule/principle/stamdard/formula/act/decree/regulation/legislation/lawmaking/resolution/statute #x)G2T'?  
Shesaw a notice “ apartment to let”. G*\wu&7!  
Let/rent/lease/charter/contract/agreement sjWhtd[fgG  
Sheis the one that laid out the town. :4]&R9J>o  
Hewas laid off for his ill performance. }@SZ!-t%rD  
liablelikely probable    liable responsibleaccountable answerable 3(E"$Se,f  
Peoplewho walk on the grass are liable to a fine of 5 dollars. ZJ=-cE2n  
Sheliked the black dress and bought it although it was very expensive. y !47!Dn  
Like/prefer/fancy/taketo/enjoy/care for/be fond of o@EV>4e y  
FspI[g UN,  
The football match was televised live fromthe workers’ stadium. }Jh!B|  
alive  live   life    lively  living   lovely f!xIMIl)+  
I am not sure of the exact location of the café. Q(oWaG  
Location/position/place/area/zone/territory/district/section/neighborhood/spot/site/situation fG0rUi(8  
Recentresearch has shed/cast/thrown new light on the causes of the disease. :*1|ERGoay  
Themansion was splendid. YAC=V?U-#  
Splendid/magnificent/grand/majestic/superb/exquisite/marvelous/wonderful i*9eU*i|H  
/glorious/imposing/impressive/brilliant/phenomenal/exceptional/remarkable/miraculous YPf&y"E&H  
l OI(+74  
Ican’t make out what she wants. Vnv<]D zC  
Theship made for the open sea. 3L=vsvO4  
Whatare we to make of his behavior? rM=Q.By+\  
Nothingcan make up for the loss of a life. lv&<kYWY  
Hehas made it up with her. 31Zl"-<#-  
Afrequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.  k{y@&QNj  
Mentioned  quoted  referred to  ra_`NsKF}  
mood  I am not in the ______ for joking.  sentiment  emotion mood  feeling  sentimentality sensation  sense sensitivity   <3Co/.VQd  
nerve  My children are always getting on my nerves. n&FN?"I/]  
Canyou really afford this amount? 4q~+K' Z  
Amount/sum/quantity/number/portion @"'1"$  
A(large) number of problems have arisen. 1UyI.U]  
Thenumber of books stolen from the library is large. IUbYw ~f3  
Themarks were below average. l_>^LFOA  
Average/middle/medium/normal/ordinary/moderate/halfway/regular/usual [KV BT;q6  
Themethod is ok; the problem is the procedure. | 1T2<ZT  
Method/way/approach/manner/means/fashion/style/procedure/process/course/plan/scheme/design/ !OPa `kSh  
Themutual benefit.  Mutual/reciprocal/common/joint iN<&  
observe  You’ve got to ______ the laws of the land.   M=`F $  
Abideby/follow/obey/comply with  wrac\.  
Wnvu B.(@3  
occur  Has it ever occurred to you that those twinsare quite different from each other in many ways? ;W'y^jp]"  
[0Z r z+q  
Wecan afford to overlook these minor offenses. R`!x<J  
Overlook/neglect/forget/miss/ignore/skip/disregard/passover 6EGh8H f  
own  Do you mean you have left her to do that on herown? ~bdADVH  
He’dlike a car of his own. [-{L@  
Nobodyowned up to the theft. {S'xZ._=  
Thisis a painstaking effort.  Careful 2oGl"3/p  
Theywalked the path every morning.  [^8*9?i4  
Path/route/line/road/track/trail/way/journey/excursion/voyage/trip ^ :6v- Yx  
peculiar  That way of speaking is peculiar to people inthis small part of the country. vz#rbBY*;  
distinctive / typical/ characteristic/representative/ special/ particular / unique / notable/ particular    iNT1lk  
The government gets a(n) ____ from taxes. w`CGDF\Oo  
income   revenue   fund   payment wages  finance  budget expenditure  zYbSv~)  
persist It should be obvious to you that if youpersist in bothering him, he will get angry with you. .%M=dL>  
I shall be very _____ if you could do me afavor. 8N'`kd~6[  
pleasing   pleasant    grateful    thankful  pleased   gracious  generous A@?2qX^4  
point  She was just on the point of going away whenBetty came in. (9*=d_=  
AsI was in a hurry I asked him to come to the point at once. H8`K?SXU  
There'sno point in arguing further. CTD{!I(  
Hemade an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the point. B=(m;A#G  
Itis very rude to point at people in the street. VWI|`O.w  
If/whenit came to the point, would you sacrifice your job for your principles? >wNE!Oa*B  
popular populous populated  QukLsl]U  
Agame that is very popular among/with these young swimmers is the underwater tricyclerace. Y@c! \0e$  
D`o* OlU  
Thechild showed great _______of mind by grabbing the falling baby.  G;Q)A$-  
courage  calmness presence  bravery  boldness will %i]q} M  
preside  The chairman presided  at/over the meeting last Friday. 8*V3g_z  
Virtuewill prevail over evil. OHdC t  
prevail triumph win  ' &^:@V  
Inprivate/ in secret / in person O'Lgb 9  
Matterslike this are best discussed in private. j=" {^b  
Theyare privileged people in the society. ? DWF7{1  
Privilege/right/ liberty/ freedom/advantage/license/ honor Ko] A}v\]  
Shegave him a prompt reply.   ex @e-<  
quick  rapid fast  prompt  punctual instant  immediate ready T$U,rOB"  
The_______ of finding jobs this year are not so good. (expectation  promises future  prospects) 6Z]* ce<r  
I dgha9K  
provided  on condition   save unless  given  suppose  say  h2# G  
Iwill agree to go provided/providing that my expenses are paid. lEL&tZ}  
put  She’s put a tidy sum for her retirement. 2%y}El^+_  
Theydecided to put aside their differences. &> tmzlww  
Shehelp her put the toys away. (, Il>cR4  
Sheis putting radical proposals for the economic reform. paF$ o6\  
Wehad to put off our wedding until September. S c_#BD.  
Wecan put you up for the night. MKq:=^w  
Idon’t know how she can put up with him/his cruelty to her. n dgG1v%  
Racialproblems exist in everyday life. y=_8ae}aD~  
Race/breed/people/fold/tribe/nation/culture n@<+D`[.V  
range  scope extent  His speech ranged over anumber of topics. 'B ocMjRA  
Range/limit/distance/length/scope/extent/reach/field/sphere 7SOi9JU_  
reach  All these were within the reach of theordinary men. &sleV5V  
Putthat bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of the children. \_;z m+ <{  
Hereached for his gun. !)~b Un  
x8 YuX*/I  
Her requirements are reasonable. bBA #o\[  
Reasonable/sensible/fair/logical/just/sound/rational/practical/realistic/justifiable @}k5rcQ*/  
My favorite recreation is chess. tfW*(oU  
Recreation/amusement/entertainment/play/pleasure/enjoyment/relaxation/pastime/fun .G8+D%%.  
< RH2G   
They had to seed refuge from the storm. OP>rEUtj  
Refuge/shelter/asylum/protection </~!5x62Oy  
I have registered for the English course. ,)-7f|  
Register/record/enroll/list/enter/sign/fillout a form S?TyC";!  
receive accept Kgh@.Ir  
I hear that John has _____ a new positionat the travel agency. _ T ;+*  
JtA tG%  
red  black A large number of American radiostations operate in the red. | ]FJfMX  
67<Ym0+ =  
regard  Motion means change of position of an object in/withregard to the position of some other object or objects. [AgS@^"sf5  
Ihave little information as regards his past. Fv_rDTo  
Shesaid nothing regarding your request. -;rr! cQ?  
Pleasegive my sincere regards to all the members of your family. G1K72M}CW  
Somepeople act regardless of what will happen afterwards. cVCylR U"  
Theyhelped solve the problems in high ______ to the living conditions of thepeople. ZmM /YPy  
(attention  regard intention  stress) ';<gc5EK  
]7W !  
relevant  His age isn't relevant to whether he is agood teacher. hbfTv;=z  
Reluctant  Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant tostudy subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.  Unwilling 8bl&-F `  
remedy  The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy'sillness. i4"BN,NZ{  
Cure/heal/treat/mend/correct aH@GhI^@  
respect  With respect to your requests, we regret thatwe are unable to assist you in this matter. T.m*LM  
Respect/adore/appreciate/honor/admire/lookup to/fall for/be crazy about eAvOT$  
Inthis respect the film is a failure. 4@|"1D3  
respectful   respective  respectable  respected _; 7{1n  
Teamsof rescue have been sent out ____ to look for the missing members of the crew. =Yd{PZ*fR  
9/[1a_ r  
Hislimp is the result of an accident. 2|2'?  
Result/consequence/end/effect/outcome/fruit/produce/conclusion fyb:eO}  
risk  He saved my life at the risk of losing hisown. (A@~]N ,U/  
Hewas ready to run(take) the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy. w0`aW6t#  
Thefuture of the whole company is at risk. tXZE@JyuC  
Risk/chance/gamble/endanger/expose *Cs RO  
Theyrose up against foreign invaders. 4.>rd6BAN-  
Rebel  revolt  riot  @(k}q3b<  
I’vebeen on the run all day, and I am exhausted. P;B<R"  
Iran across/into my old friend in Parislast week. e N]AJ%Ig  
Weare running out of time. rU g<(/c  
Heruled over his kingdom successfully for twenty years. x:Mh&dq?  
Rule/govern/control/dominate/head/lead/manage/direct/supervise/administer/order/instruct l+%2kR  
Guide/influence/handle/regulate e7T}*Up  
scale Synthetic rubbers are now being producedon a large scale. xK7xA O  
scratch  He threw away everything he had written andstarted the novel again from scratch. P1gW+*?  
I’llhave to see about getting the roof mended. >v sy P  
Weall went to the airport to see her off. HUP~  
Hercolleagues see her as the future prime minister. uItzFX*   
Willyou see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? FabDK :  
Imust set about packing now. j@7%%   
Herclear and elegant prose sets apart from most other journalists. #pe #(xoI  
Let’sset aside my personal feelings. @ PboT1  
Sheset out/forth at dawn. E:_m6 m  
Heis set on going to university. <%_7%  
,b b/ $   
settle   You should settle your affairs before youleave. 6}(; ~/L  
Whenare you going to marry and settle down. HITw{RPrW  
Settle/decide/resolve/reconcile/mend vZ&{   
short  All along he has been striving not to fallshort of his parents' expectations. BXzn-S  
Thingscouldn’t be worse financially: in short, we are bankrupt. C>}@"eK  
Becominga doctor requires years of training ----- there are really no short cuts. z(o zMH  
Henever allowed his children to go short of anything necessary for theireducation. d ynq)lf  
Hisreal name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short. bjR:5@"  
Thecountry is short in known deposits of coal and iron. tz 6N,4J?  
Theinterviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. ?W27 h  
[. rULQl  
spirit  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. spX*e1  
Iwent back and found them in high/low spirits. # $N)  
stock  The sugar is out of stock. N I*x):bx  
Theysubjected the two suspects to a long and thorough interrogation. r;7&U<j~Z  
Weare subject to the law of the land. ;YfKG8(0  
Subject/topic/issue/question/problem/concern/test/plot/theme (m~gG|n4  
sympathize  We sympathize with him in his sufferings to agreat extent. J#/L}h;qH  
sympathy  Quite a number of people are in sympathy withyou on that point. aAi "  
attraction     temptation ~d9@m#_T#~  
As always, I had to fight the _____ to takewhat she willingly offered. E S>iM)M  
Tempt/invite/attract/appeal/lure/seduce x%`.L6rj  
thought  On second thoughts, I am inclined to agreewith you. y@'~fI!E4  
Electricitywas at one time thought of as a kind of fluid. GV"X) tGo  
trace  Her fear of water can traced back to achildhood accident. 6?(Z f  
trade  he traded in his car for a new model. G@(ukt`0}  
He grew very angry when he realized how hehad been ____ out of his money. z0F'zN 3J  
trick  deceive   cheat  betray fool  D8O&`!mf  
S [=l/3c  
what he said is true. *?` <Ea  
True/real/actual/unmistaken/certain/valid/genuine/authentic/natural/legitimate c`M ,KXott  
? 3t]9z  
turn We came to an arrangement whereby thetwo of us took the young lady out by turns. P-LdzVt(^  
Hepicked up all the books in turn and examined them. qJZ:\u8oO  
Ididn’t need my umbrella, as it/things turned out. *S?vw'n  
Sheturned a deaf ear to our warnings. m`lxQik  
Hewas someone to whom you can turn in difficult times. Cu,#w3JR  
Wearranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but she failed to turn up. :&-j{8p-  
Hetried to join the army and was __________ because of poor health. k0>]7t$L  
(turnedin  turned down  turned out  turned to) wF.S ,|  
SQhw |QdG  
Idon’t think she is the artistic type. IS [&V&.n  
Type/kind/class/sort/species/variety/brand/character ?c0@A*:o  
qCUn. mI  
Whateverhe said is ultimate conclusion. ;R4qE$u2^  
Ultimate/final/conclusive/decisive/eventual/last 7zWr5U.  
Becauseof the flood, the land yielded nothing that autumn. x4e8;A(y  
Yield/bear/produce/provide/supply /surrender/submit a]%>7yr4  
;qwN M~  
Thiscompany of soldiers had ______ no women among them, so you could imagine whatthey joked about.  ( virtually   virtuously  virtual    actual) QBwgI>zfS"  
Bythe way, have you heard that George is emigrating to Australia? <}z, !w8  
Inno way can teaching in school be separated from practice. m@#@7[6]o  
Ina way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. \4FKZ>1+R  
Wemust not give way to their demands. Wti?J.Csc  
Youcan’t have everything your own way. G&f~A;'7k  
Hehas done nothing out the way yet. zSM;N^X8?  
Thebridge ________ and the tank fell into the river.  ( gave way gave to  gave in  gave up) ~L3]Wa.  
We’ll all take a vacation in the mountainsas soon as I finish working on this project. )<8f3;qd  









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