主题 : 3DMAX example of interior design home improvement training (3)
play9mis 离线
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-04-24 03:49

3DMAX example of interior design home improvement training (3)

12. Study design A}+r;Y8[h  
01. Study design &]A1 _dy  
02. Study design l%V}'6T  
03. Study design +Gs;3jC^  
04. Study design W`rE\P  
05. Study design Hqy>!1 !  
06. E&=?\KM  
Study design 07. study design ^hTJp{  
08. study design B3=/iOb#  
09. study design O[J+dWyp  
10. study design v\T1,Z@N^  
11. study design gI$`d?[0{  
12. study design h*'5h!  
13. Chinese Restaurant Design Vc<n6  
01. Chinese Restaurant Design Z@Z`8M@Q,  
02. Chinese Restaurant Design 6@36 1f[  
03. Chinese Restaurant Design at nbM:t  
04. Chinese Restaurant Design >}tG^)os  
05. Chinese Restaurant Design M& L0n%,y5  
06. Chinese Restaurant Design >sY+Y22U  
07. Chinese Restaurant Design O  
08. Chinese Restaurant Design ,RH986,6V  
09. Chinese Restaurant Design T 0C'$1T  
10. Chinese Restaurant Design (S{c*"}2  
11. Chinese Restaurant Design mjc:0hH  
12. NX/)Z&Fx:  
Chinese Restaurant Design 13. Chinese Restaurant Design ;f*xOdi*k  
14. Chinese Restaurant Design *]u/,wCB  
15. Chinese Restaurant Design KL{ uhb0f  
16. Chinese Restaurant Design < duM8   
17. Chinese Restaurant Design [X\2U4  
18. Chinese Restaurant Design epe}^Pl  
14. Western-style restaurant design 4\iQ%fb  
01. restaurant design bBL"F!.  
02. restaurant design R'U(]&e.j  
03. restaurant design j'cS_R  
04. restaurant design 0}!lN{m?  
05. AG%aH=TKp  
restaurant design 06. restaurant design X[}%iEWzT  
07. restaurant design 5}VP-04vh  
08. restaurant design 6=D;K.!  
09. restaurant design Z]CH8GS~<  
10. restaurant design 6OUj c  
11. restaurant design xR3A4m  
12. restaurant design ,\IZ/1  
15. bar design vhW '2<(  
01. bar design bzS [X  
02. bar design a6OT2B  
03. bar design * G4;  
04. bar design  ?auiq  
05. bar design .[! ^ L  
06. bar design t+tGN\q  
07. bar design D.~t#a A  
08. bar design |9h[Q[m  
09. bar design [ 0Sd +{Q  
10. bar design YL+W 4 ld  
11. bar design =/;(qy9.-R  
12. bar design m,b<b91  
13. bar design e0P1FD<@  
14. bar design 4{_5z7ody  
16. renderings conference room design and production %k~=iDk@  
1. program 1 ?w+T_EH  
01. to create conference room space -1 7% tn+  
02. to create conference room space -2 B4?P "|  
03. to create conference room space -3 7?4>'  
04. to create conference room space, -4 '"&?u8 u)  
05. create the main structure and lighting -1 >HDK< 1>  
06. to create the main structure and lighting -2 "](~VF[J8  
07. to create the main structure and lighting -3 Pz?O_@Ln  
08. to create the main structure and lighting -4 LakP'P6`E  
09. create a major Structure and light -5 U*Q$:%72vO  
10. to create the main structure and lighting -6 `c icjA@~  
11. to create the main structure and lighting -7 j<c_*^/'9  
12. to create the main structure and lighting -8 *(rq AB0~  
13. to create the main structure and lighting -9 !`u)&.t7  
14. create the main structure and lighting -10 p(Sfw>t(  
15. create the main structure and lighting -11 0wx`y$~R  
16. create the main structure and lighting -12 w$pv  
17. create the main structure and lighting - 13 pCq{F*;  
18. to create the main structure and lighting -14 X/Ae-1!  
19. completion of the conference room space to create -1 6 R!0v8  
20. completion of the conference room space to create -2 Y!5-WX H  
21. to complete the creation of meeting room space -3 +iXA|L9=  
22. Export file and set the parameters -1 $+tkBM  
23. Export file and set the parameters -2 WPPmh~:  
24. Export file and set the parameters -3  :S.0e  
25. settings and make light pass rendering calculated  z=!xN5  
26. post-processing k?_Miqr  
2. Programme 2 8 }-"&-X  
01. Conference Room Design FsD}N k=m~  
02. Conference Room Design (mv8_~F0  
03. Conference Room Design Pd>hd0!.%  
04. Conference Room Design 5R qkAC  
05. Conference Room Design !dZC-U~  
06. Conference Room Design 8NpQ"0 X  
17. Office of the effects of map design and production 7dAa~!/(  
1. Programme 1 9=:!XkT.  
01. adjustment of import plan B&"fPi  
02. create a wall frame 0rF{"HM~  
03. create windows -1 uA,K}sNRZ  
04. to create the window -2 |06G)r&  
05. to create the left backdrop 3rs=EMz:w  
06. to create the right backdrop z[l17+v  
07. create a kick Line rqifjsv  
08. create smallpox :h"Y>1P  
09. create left ceiling -1 !x[ +rf  
10. create left ceiling -2 ,myl9s  
11. create left ceiling -3 [@Y?'={qE  
12. create left ceiling -4 rT <=`9^{  
13. to create the right ceiling -1 F8.Fp[_tM  
14. to create the right ceiling -2 iN<Tn8-YH6  
15. to create the right ceiling -3 qHklu2_%  
16. to create the right ceiling -4 Vc}m_ T]O  
17. to create the ground Za5*HCo  
18. Import Furniture -1 [ q22?kT  
19. importing furniture -2 t\S}eoc  
20. set material uee2 WGD  
21. set lighting -1 ?=-18@:.ss  
22. set lighting -2 a8Nl' f*0  
23. set lighting -3 [PdatL2  
24. Create camera bR(rZu5  
25. rendering hVd% jU:  
26. post-processing 9ssTG4Sa  
2. Programme 2 MZv In ZS  
01. Office of the design p$0G EYwM  
02. Office of the design )\8l6 Gw  
03. Office of the design KQ9~\No]  
04. Office of the design 5(]=?$$*t  
05. Office of the design [2"a~o\  
06. Office of the design YAYPof~A$l  
07. Office of the design 1k EXTs=,  
08. Office of the design 40w,:$  
L'iENZ I$  
18. 9nN$%(EO5;  
health food store design 01. Health Food store design R?V s8?  
02. Health Food store design rVB,[4N  
03. Health Food store design >hHjDYjbf  
04. Health Food store design d"`/P?n x  
05. c6.S jV  
health food store design 06. Health Food store design ^lud2x$O^C  
19. hotel renderings design and production <&^P1x<x  
01. Import and adjust the plan z~fZg6  
02. create pools W5z<+8R  
03. to create the glass curtain wall -1 (&t741DN|  
04. to create the glass curtain wall -2 &\),V1"  
05. to create the glass curtain wall -3 [CxnGeKK  
06. common column -1 v<CZ.-r\j  
07. common column -2 UVa:~c$U4  
08. common column -3 m.!n|_}]  
09. create 2nd floor corridor -1 3kqO5+,C  
10. create 2nd floor corridor -2 jR1t&UD3Y  
11. create 2nd floor corridor -3 st4z+$L  
12. set material 5>CmWMQ  
13. merger scenarios and to export [u*-~(  
14. Set in the LS material @G'&7-(h*  
15. in the LS set light x;N@_FZ7KY  
16. Surface treatment P'}WmE'B}F  
17. Energy Transfer yBKEw(1  
18. rendering B8Vhl:p  
19. post-processing
From:福建省莆田市 顶端
sunzeya116 离线
级别: 中级博友
沙发  发表于: 2010-04-24 11:37
From:安徽省蚌埠市 顶端
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