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UID: 154364
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考博英语词汇(1) 第一部分 词汇记忆策略 r^ ZEImjc 1. 全脑活化 =kG@
a(- 人类左右脑分析比较: w$-6-rE]d 左脑:意识、低速、一般阅读、知识、知觉、知性、逻辑 >Wg hn:^ 右脑:无意识、超高速、速读、创造力、视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉、图像、色彩、直觉 c6]D-YNFG 右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能: sZF6h=67D 1. 超高速大量记忆机制 C8i^P}y 2. 图像化机能 ZbAcO/ 3. 超高速演算机能 u!
qP 4. 共振共鸣机能 %FI E\9 2. 举例说明: /FEVmH?
132623182830152111241922131425 (qulwOt~w 3. 词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配 l8#EM1g- 2 euthanasia, chrysanthemum Bh]P{H% 2 flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony,carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not,poinsettia, … fMyti$1~ 2 receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take;con- = 共同) =
6\ ^% 2 tumble---stumble (tumble…into/through 跌倒;stumble…over/ on 脚下拌到东西而跌倒) M?uC%x+S$_ 2 stationary---stationery (文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有"e",故见到"e"就想起是文具。) !5uGd`^I 2 genius --- genuine (含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”), j9+w#G]hV 2 form---deform确(形状;变形) K?$^@N 2 attach to agW@{c K1!j fp 第二部分 实例练习 ?R.j^S^ 1. 联想法 naznayy carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier,hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour, abalone,flounder, cult, beau v9O~@v{= 2. 串联法 "y/?WQ>,3
network: Jcm&RI"{ Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---logon… gi
_ 5?$ 3. 构词法 +l{= -age (状态、特性、行为) *U=s\ page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage,courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage ocS5SB]8 coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage,passage, postage, bondage (bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage (garb 衣服), manage ,spillage, >{J(>B\ usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosage [>5-$Y OT language, image, heritage, engage vJOw]cwq -ward !s?nJ(p inward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward,downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award, G.d TvLv a- (构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。。。) l(tOe apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, across G@jZ)2
alike, acute, alive, asleep, aware } .y
1;. amaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avail, await,awake, award, abound, abridge, amount 9=h'9Wo affirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array,arrest, arrow OL,TFLn4 4. 近义词 UH-*(MfB Merchants 煤商 iq( E'`d Blame for NDlF0f Income mtmjZP(w Thieves 3L}!RB Dealers P&ptJtNg 买进卖出商人 Df<xWd2 Condemn for EL 8<U Wages q[W
0 N> Burglars oO|KEY
( Businessmen fc-iAj (广义)商人 g<f <Ip= Accuse of VZymM< |