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主题 : 考博英文作文52活用句型
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-10-21   
来源于 考博资料 分类


I. 用於文章主題句 `/Y{ l  
1. 不用說¸ 6uKTGc4  
  It goes without saying  that子句 cQ9q;r`%  
= (It is)needless to say  (that)子句 )BRKZQN  
= It isobvious  that子句 )7_"wD` z  
=Obviously,  S. + V. b!M"VDj Q  
例︰不用說早睡早起是值得的。 y8fsveX  
   It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. ]9\!;Bz^J  
2. 是不可a能的; 無法 u,3#M ~  
  There is no Ving *OQG 4aWy  
= There is noway of Ving. Y#g4$"G9  
= There is nopossibility of Ving. dDnf^7q/  
= It isimpossible to V. F{ELSKc p.  
= It is out ofthe question to V. a ^%"7Ri  
= No one canV. s|D>-  
= We cannot V. `U2DkY&n  
例︰不可否認的¸成功的事業關鍵在於健康的身心。 Un6/e/6,  
There is not denying that successful businesslies in a healthy body and mind. bGorH=pb5R  
c sfgJ^n  
3. 我深信 Wa?; ^T  
  I am greatly convinced (that)子句 F4e:ZExJ  
= I am greatlyassured (that)子句 . BiCBp<  
例︰我深信預防是於治療。 Wq^qpN)5Y  
   I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.  aH#l9kCb  
4. 在各種之中¸ oHs2L-G  
  Among various kinds of …, … 2}W0 F2*  
= Of all the…, … c5mZG 7-  
例︰在各種運動中¸我尤其喜歡慢跑。 T,$WlK Wj  
Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging inparticular. }mZwd_cK  
5. 是很容易證明的。 2./ 3 \n2  
It can beeasily proved (that)子句 KWWa&[ev)  
例︰時間最珍貴是很容易證明的。 5 QO34t2  
   It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time. )*:`':_a  
6. 無論如何強調都不為過 ]f1 {n  
… cannot beoveremphasized }ZqW@ -  
例︰交通安全的重要性無論如何強調都不為過。 4WB-Ec  
The importance of trafficsafety cannot be overemphasized. G-T0f  
7. 就我的看法¸;我認為 \8uIER5)  
  In my opinion, … Sv;_HZ  
= To my mind,…. kD}Y|*]5-5  
= As far as Iam concerned, … ti &J  
= I am of theopinion  that子句 Lq>&d,F06)  
例︰就我的看法¸打電動玩具既花費時間也有害健康。 ci+tdMA  
In my opinion, playing video games notonly takes much time but is also harmful to health. (os$B  
8. (A) 每個人都知道 *~/ OOH$"  
    Everyone knows (that)子句 7w1wr)qSB  
(B) 就我所知¸ FV,4pi  
    As far as my knowledge is concerned, … [2|kl l  
例︰就我所知¸下列方法對我幫助很大。 %e@HZ"V  
       As far as my knowledge isconcerned, the following ways are of great help to me. !@'%G6:.  
9. 毫無疑問地¸ ;us%/kOR  
There is nodoubt (that)子句 SI KOFs  
例︰毫無疑問地¸近視在我國的年輕人中是一個嚴重的問題。 2c/Ys4/H4]  
    Thereis no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth ofour country. "YB** Y   
10. 根據我個人經驗¸ U?!>Nd  
   Accordingto my personal experience, … j:w{;(1=W  
 = Based on my personal experience, … '<0J@^vZ  
例︰根據我個人經驗¸微笑已帶給我許多好處。 S"wg2X<  
    Accordingto my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good. 4 QZ?}iz  
11. 在我認識的人當中¸也許沒有一個人比更值得我尊敬。 (Y^X0yA/  
 Of all the people I know, perhaps non deservesmy respect more than … /CTc7.OYt  
例︰在我認識的人當中¸也許沒有一個人比我的英文老師張老師更值得我尊敬。 \cLSf=  
      Of all the people I know, perhaps nondeserves my respect more than Miss Chang, my English teacher. ;}z\i  
.Gcy> Av  
12. 在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了 8?Z4-6!{V,  
  In the course of my schooling. I will neverforget … VtOZ%h[#  
例︰在我的求學過程中¸我忘不了學習英文所遭到的大困難。 :pRpv hm  
       In the course of my schooling. I willnever forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English. JH7Ad (:  
13.  (A) 隨著人口的增加¸… With the increase/growthof the population, … '$ef+@y  
 (B) 隨著科技的進步, … With the advance of science and technology, … $F .kK%-*  
例︰隨著台灣經濟的快速發展¸許多社會問題產生了。 ?m c%.Bt  
         With the rapid development ofTaiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass. ?RzDQy D  
14.  (A) 在這資訊的年代¸扮演重要的角色。 i*eAdIi  
     In the age of information andcommunication, … plays an important role. R4Rb73o  
 (B) 在今日工業社會中¸是生命不可或缺的。 $W;b{H=F  
     In today's industrial society, … isinsispensable to life. `c+/q2M  
例︰在這資訊的年代¸電腦扮演非常重要的角色。 an2AX% u  
          In this age of information and communication,the computer plays an exptemely important role. )~jqW=d 2  
]4 (?BJ  
15. 在討論¸一個人不得不承認 rd3j1U  
 In dealing with …, one cannot but admit (that)子句  ,YhwpkL  
例︰在討論未來的職業¸一個人不得不承認儘早決定未來的職業很重要。 x7T +>  
     Indealing with one's future career, one cannot but admit that it isvery important to decide one's future career as early as possible. B}d.#G+_$x  
16. 世上沒有什麼比更令我高興。 j8 C8X$  
 Nothing in the world can delight me so much as… 8[ry |J  
例︰世上沒有什麼比到速食店吃漢堡更令我高興。 YDmWN#  
Nothing in the world can delight me somuch ashaving hamburgers in fast-food restaurants. 8dK0o>|}  
17.  … 是必要的           It is necessary  that S (should) V buk=p-oi  
    … 是重要的           It is important/essential  that S (should) V +rWZ|&r%  
    … 是適當的           It isproper  that S (should) V #pdUJ2)yM  
    … 是緊急的           It isurgent  that S (should) V /NF#+bx  
例︰我們當保持公共場所清潔是應當的。 p$;I'  
    It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean. #t!}K_  
18. 每當我聽到¸我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear …,    I cannot but feel excited. GbU@BN+_  
每當我做¸ 我就忍不住感到悲傷。 Whenever I do  …,   Icannot but feel sad. "Mmf6hu  
每當我想到¸我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous. #G3N(wV3  
每當我遭遇¸我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened. V:bV ?lt  
每當我看到我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see …,    I cannot but feel surprised. jJwkuh8R  
例︰每當我想到我家附近那一條清澈的小溪¸我就忍不住感到悲傷。 3}&ZOO   
   Whenever I think of theclean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad. GIHpSy`z  
= Every time I think of the cleanbrook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad. 4}KU>9YRA  
19. 據說…                      It is said (that)子句 Uz8hANN0_  
一般認為…                 It is thought (that)子句 +_HdX w#  
大家都知道…               It is known (that)子句 #I`ms$j%  
據報導…                   It is reported (that)子句 $R{8z-,Q  
一般預料…                 It is expected (that)子句 |;;!8VO3J  
一般估計…                 It is estimated (that)子句 HW7FP]NH  
一般相信…                 It is believed (that)子句 Ri?\m!o  
例︰一般相信閱讀增加我們的知識、擴大我們的心胸。 r>qA $zD^  
    Itis believed (that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind. ]"x\=A  
20. 的主要理由是 9Yw]Y5l   
 The main reason why ….. is (that)子句 & QZVq"  
例︰青少年犯罪的主要理由是社會環境日一敗壞。 ekzjF\!y  
     Themain reason why the juveniles commit crimes is that socialenvironment is becoming worse. "zV']A>4H  
21. 俗語說得好:「」。 9d[qh kPu)  
   Well goes an old saying, "…" _C+DBA  
 = As an old saying goes(runs, says),"…" A1JzW)B  
 = An old saying goes, "…" E5x]zX y4  
 = It's an old saying  (that)子句 B/YcSEY;  
例︰俗話說得好:「誠實為上策」。 0U&d q#  
     As an old saying goes, "Honestyis the best policy." M4<+%EV}  
22.  (A) …用下列方法…                 … in the following ways.  ?f2G?Y  
 (B) …有三個主要理由。             … for three major reasons. ~ v1W  
 (C) ¸至少我們可做三件事。  To …, there are atleast three things we can do. >rRf9wO1l  
例︰(A) 我用下列方法增加信心。 0^\ /ERK  
    I increase my confidence in thefollowing ways. dM|g`rr E  
(B) 人們學外語有三個理由。 vo b$iS`>=  
    People learn a foreign language forthree major reasons. jyjQzt >\  
(C) 為了維護健康¸我們每天至少可做三件事。 -lp"#^ ;  
    To keep healthy, there are atleast three things we can do every day. ]GS ~i+=M  
II.用於文章承轉句 h3t$>vs2F"  
23. 那就是()…;亦即 &l!$Sw-u;  
   That is to say, … Zi3T~:0p:  
 = That is, … 5&|5 a} 8  
 = Namely, … 4.k`[q8  
例︰我們生活需有規律。也就是說¸早睡早起¸戒除菸酒。 o>K &D$J;O  
     We need to live a regular life.  That is, we can keep good hours andrefrain from smoking and drinking in the daily activities. # `58F.  
 24.  (A) 基於這個理由¸…               For this reason, … w@-b  
  (B) 為了這個目的¸…                For thispurpose, … SauHFl8?  
例︰基於這個理由¸我已決定把行醫作為未來的職業。 =f4< ({9  
For this reason, I have decided to take practicing medicine as my futurecareer. o#dcD?^  
AJ4r/b }  
25. 我們有理由相信 y*(_\\  
  We have reasons to believe (that)子句 4[(? L{  
例︰我們有理由相信體罰應該嚴格禁止。 skK*OO 2-  
     We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should bestrictly prohibited. 1(# RN9   
26. 事實上¸ !(yT7#?hP  
    As amatter of fact, … W{\EE[XhCf  
  = In fact, … O*ImLR)i+s  
例︰事實上¸健康才是最重要。 w=5   
     As a matter of fact, it is health that counts. 'Y ,1OK  
27. (A) 例如¸…                 Forexample, … !+=Zjm4L  
  (B) 做例子              Take … forexample.      {Evcc+E q  
例︰例如¸我們盲目地提高生活水準¸卻降低生活品質。 Wge ho  
      For example, we elevate the livingstandards blindly, but lower the quality of life. *3P3M}3~\  
28. 此外¸我們不應忽視 2Gm-\o&Td"  
  Besides (In addition), we should not neglect… Hw y5G ;  
例︰此外¸我們不應忽視每個人都想要一個溫馨祥和的社會。 q;ZLaX\bFl  
      In addition, we should not neglectthat everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society. .hc|t-7f  
29. 相反地¸ kq>GMUl~@  
   on the contrary, … ka!Bmv)  
  = by contrast, … luibB&p1  
例︰相反地¸少數學生似乎還在鬼混。 cxY$LY!zX  
      On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still foolingaround. is9}ePC7Xu  
30. 另一方面¸ O@nqHZ  
  on the other hand, … OI*ZVD)J  
例︰政府應嚴格執法¸另一方面¸大眾也應該培養減少污染的好習慣。 T<f2\q8Uo=  
      The government should enforce lawsstrictly.  On the other hand, thepublic also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.  d3Y(SPO  
kkT3 wP  
31. 然而¸很可惜的是 pF|8OB%  
  However, it is a pity  that子句 zIP[R):3&U  
例︰然而¸很可惜的是他總是臨時抱佛腳。 %)8d{1at  
     However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventhhour. 09G9nu;&{  
 dhZ Zb  
32. 換言之¸ $4DFgvy$  
    in other words, …  qe[  
  = to put it differently #m[vn^8B]y  
例︰換言之¸我會盡最大的努力達成我的目標。 a_Z.J3  
     In other words, I will try my best to attain(gain, live up to) mygoal. wTHK=n\i  
mr@_ %U  
33. 別人可能認為這是事實¸但我不是。我認為 KLG6QBkj  
 It may be true as assumed by others, but Idon't.  I believe  that子句 be&6kG  
例︰別人可能認為這是事實¸但我不是。我認為 4,j4E@?pG9  
       Itmay be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that if you have strong determination and perseverance,the success will certainly come to you in the end. Q.r B\8ea  
? UxG/]",  
34. 從此之後¸我已發現 M_qP!+ Y  
  Ever since then, I have found  that子句 iPA@<D%  
例︰從此之後¸我已發現 hm*Th  
       Eversince then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflictsin our daily lives. Z~duJsH  
35. 這樣說來¸假如...¸當然毫無疑問地 pZc9q8j3  
   Inthis light, if…, there can surely be no doubt (that)子句 U#8\#jo  
例︰這樣說來¸假如我們能善用時間¸當然毫無疑問地我們會成功。 !}iL O0  
       Inthis light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be nodoubt that we will get somewhere. )3k)2XF  
+`Q PBj^  
36. 更嚴重的是¸ +<'uw  
  What ismore serious is  (that)子句 + #|'|}j  
例︰更嚴重的是¸我們不珍惜野生動物。 $ 1ak I  
       What is more serious is that we donot cherish the wildlife. k\4 g|Lya  
37. 鑒於社會的實際需要¸ 3c1 o,2  
  In viewof the practical need of society, …. 0|],d?-h  
例︰鑒於社會的實際需要¸愈來愈多人對學英語有興趣。 .a 'ETNY:>  
      In view of the practical need of society,there are more and more people interested in learning English. B ]|5?QP-  
[, \'V0  
;n yB  
III.用於文章結論句 uf{SxEa  
38. 如果能實踐這三點¸ rC=p;BC@dD  
  If onecan really put the three points into action(practice), … +~R.7NE%  
例︰如果能實踐這三點¸ o'x_g^ Y  
  Ifone can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely beable to live a healthy and happy life. }e&KO?x+  
,gFL Wb`B'  
39.做這些簡單之事¸我們一定可以 /u " cl2|  
  Bydoing these simple things, we surely can …. 9*G L@_c  
例︰做這些簡單之事¸我們一定可以快樂出門平安回家。 kMwIuy  
     Bydoing these simple things, we surely can go out of the door happily andcome back home safe every day. |Fh`.iT%c  
40. 如此¸我相信 d\1:1ucV  
  In thisway, I believe (that)子句 o m{n"cg  
例︰如此¸我相信大家能夠像我一樣¸享受乘坐公車的樂趣。 2i4Dal  
      Inthis way, I believe that all the people may be able to enjoy the bus ridelike me. iTKG,$G  
41. 實踐這些¸ ;6\Ski0=l  
  Byputting them(the above) into practice, …. +v`^_  
例︰實踐這些¸在智育方面我一直能不斷進步。 *;\ K5  
       Byputting them(the above) into practice, I have been able to make constantprogress in intellectual education. _If@#WnoyA  
42. (A) 唯有符合此三項要求¸我們才能 S+e-b'++?  
  Only by living up tothe three requirements, can we …. eog,EP"a8Y  
      (B) 唯有通力合作¸我們才能 v J,xz*rc`  
      Only with combined efforts, can we …. ><Mbea=U+  
例︰唯有通力合作¸我們才能期望台灣不久有新的面貌。 LcQ\?]w`]  
           Only with combined efforts, canwe expect Taiwanto take a new face in due course. Y GcY2p<  
43. 最後¸但並非最不重要¸ 9g^./k\8%  
  Lastbut no least, …. 5p>]zij>  
例︰最後¸但並非最不重要¸教育上的缺失是助長青少年犯罪的原因。 ud~VQXZo  
      Lastbut no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing tojuvenile delinquency. JY,l#?lM{  
44. 這證據顯示~的重要性在怎麼強調都不為過。 c9_4 ohB  
  Thisevidence shows that the importance of cannot be overemphasized. 5xn0U5U  
例︰這證據顯示交通安全的重要性在怎麼強調都不為過。 tIp\MXkTQ&  
  Thisevidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized. CBgFB-!qpe  
45. 由於這些理由¸我 `&&6-/  
  Forthese reasons, I …. m`4j|5  
例︰由於這些理由¸我認為在台灣接受大學教育是明智的。 Ml_ :Q]kl^  
  Forthese reasons, I think that receiving college education in Taiwan is wise. oY#XWe8Om  
46. 總而言之¸ }X.8.S'  
    In conclusion, … uS+b* :  
  = Tosum up, … ? wiq 3f6  
例︰總而言之¸好國民應該遵守交通規則。 qi5>GX^t]b  
      In conclusion, a good citizen shouldabide by traffic regulations. ]r{ #268  
47.因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是 $F'~^2  
  We can,therefore, come to the conclusion  (that)子句 xVmUmftD  
例︰因此¸我們能下個結論¸那就是世上自由罪珍貴。 Y(;[L`"  
     Wecan, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious asfreedom in the world. mjJlXA  
48. 如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸ :. o0<  
  If wecan do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt  (that)子句 '{_tDboY  
例︰如果我們能做到如上所述¸毫無疑問地¸我們就能精通英語。 9bYHb'70  
      Ifwe can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can masterEnglish (6_/n&mF  
49. 因此¸這就是的原因。 k/f_@8  
  Thus,this is the reason why …. o0v m?CL#  
例︰因此¸這就是我重感冒的原因。 a\.? {/  
       Thus,this is the reason why I caught a bad cold. y"n~ET}e7  
50. 所以¸我們應該了解 ]$X=~>w  
  Therefore,we should realize  (that)子句 -^%"w  
例︰所以¸我們應該了解學英文不能沒有字典。 T%b^|="@  
       Therefore, we should realize thatin learning English we cannot do without a dictionary. ku8Z;ONeH  
51. 因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭  )"Yah  
  We,therefore, can make clear from the above discussion  (that)子句 JC-yiORVr  
例︰因此¸由上列的討論我們可以明瞭毅力可以克服任何困難。 yD'h5)yu  
       We,therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance canovercome any difficulty. SVeU7Q6-  
52. 1. 從~觀點來看¸      From the point of view, …. DD3yl\#,  
 2. 根據~的看法¸      According to point of view, …. Kct +QO(  
例︰從政治的觀點來看¸這是一個很複雜的問題。 \YyU5f7';  
    From the political point of view, itis a very complex problem.  Z%d4V<fn  








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