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主题 : 考博英语技巧----问题解答型
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-10-10   
来源于 考博资料 分类


套路二:问题解答型 x?"#gK`3;  
1. 特点:文章开头提出一亟待解决的问题,中间段落分析问题,最后给出解决方案。大学英语文章特点是大多数问题型文章中的解决方案都是不成立的,即作者反对文中给出的解决方案。 f/}  
2. 文章主题:问题本身。 Wta]BX  
3. 判断标志:此类文章开头一般有如下几个标志词:problem, difficulty, puzzle, task, +t98 @  
Crisis #^6^  
4. 出题点及出题方式 62[8xn=(%  
1) 问题本身:主题题 xjo;kx\y^  
2) 导致问题的原因:细节题 =m7H)z)i*J  
3) 解决方案:细节题 fW?sYC'  
4) 对解决方案的评价:态度题 KOey8tB)1  
5. 真题举例 1 W|MWXs5'1*  
People living onparts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several housesdiscovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestonecliffs on which they had been built. While experts were studying theproblem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down thecliff and into the sea. qI%&ay"/  
Erosion (侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has alwaysbeen a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has creptfarther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected andhave drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homeswill be swallowed up by the hungry sea. BkawL,  
Angryowners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect theirhomes. Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases, this isimpossible. New sea walls would cost hundreds ofmillions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go furtheralong the coast, shifting the problem from one area to another. The danger islikely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rockwhich will not be eaten as limestone is. Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheaphouse with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatenedareas on the south coast of England. You can get a house for a knockdown pricebut it may turn out to be a knockdown home. 6<X%\[)n  
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文章套路分析: }7ehF6  
文章开头发现极其友好的标志词problem, 稍微细读第一段就会发现问题原来是海水的冲刷引起的侵蚀。第二段介绍侵蚀问题由来已久,只不过今年变得更加严重,使得当地居民流离失所。最后一段给出解决的方案:“….  to erect sea defenses to protect their homes.”建立海防工事来保卫家园,但是作者马上又把这种做法否定了“Government surveyors have pointed out that in mostcases, this is impossible.”文章分为三段,按照提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的固定套路中规矩地展开,而且对解决方案给出明确了负面评价,完全符合问题型文章的套路。文章主题:侵蚀问题。 [dB$U}SEj  
真题举例 2 `'i( U7?  
Unless we spend money to spot andprevent asteroids (小行星) now, onemight crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it, say some scientists. ,zhJY ?sk  
Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (流星) that raceacross the night sky. Most orbitthe sun far from Earth and don’t threaten us. But there are also thousands ofasteroids whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth. ^C/  
Buy $50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $10 milliona year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time wespot a fatal one, the scientists say, we’ll have a way to change its course. /7D<'MF  
Some scientists favor pushing asteroidsoff course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn’t be cheap. p@~ic#X  
Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk re: 1)How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs.Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earthonce every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare—but if one did fall, it would bethe end of the world. “If we don’t take care of these big asteroids, they’lltake care of us,” says one scientist. “It’s that simple.” Apj;  
The cure, though, might be worse thanthe disease. Do we really want fleets ofnuclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday (毁灭性的) rocks thanfrom a great nuclear fleet set against them,” said a New York Times article. ?A?F.n`  
文章套路分析: IXpc,l `  
此文章难度较大,多处出现熟词偏意和比较结构,是大学英语历史上的一篇经典文章。文章分六段,初看起来给人感觉层次不好把握。文章开头找不到问题性文章的标志词,在这里作者隐约地提出了一个极其严峻的问题:“Unless we spend money to spotand prevent asteroids (小行星) now, one might crash into Earth and destroy life as weknow it, say some scientists.”小行星将要袭击地球。第二、三段展开分析,说明世态的严重。终于在第四给出了解决方案:“Some scientists favor pushingasteroids off course with nuclear weapons.”利用核武器使得小行星脱轨。但是后面的“But the cost wouldn’t be cheap.”马上告诉我们该方案行不通。后面两段只不过是补充说明而已,已经无法撼动文章整体结构了。此文虽然没有明确出现problem,但是却严格按照问题型文章套路展开,文章主题就是小行星撞击地球的问题。 x|i_P|Z  









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