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主题 : 新东方通用考博英语课程讲义 词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-01-07   
来源于 考博资料 分类

新东方通用考博英语课程讲义 词汇

主讲:翁 华
  考博英语通用词汇—第一部分 基础练习
1The ______ of the spring waterattracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country. -hhE`Y  
Aclash          Bclarify          Cclarity          Dclatter hoSk  
3Her remarks ______ a completedisregard for human rights. 3/]J i^+  
Amagnified          Bmaintained          Cmanipulated          Dmanifested EYG&~a>L*  
9We listened dumb-struck, full of______, to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of thecompany. qY#*zx  
  Aincredulity       Bingenuity          Cingenuousness          Dincredibility 2Z LK`^S  
zCPjuS/~ Q  
2Can you imagine! He offered me 5000dollars  to break my contract. Thats ______ . Of course I didnt agree. I would take legal action. Tz%l 9aC  
  Afraud          Bblackmail          Cbribery          Dcompensation -cIc&5CS  
Theelderly Russians found it hard to live on state_______. =fG(K!AQ  
    A. donation    B. salaries    C. pensions    D. income }R}tIC-:  
I~4 `NV0  
例:The old lady has developed a________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time. L\hPw{)  
       A. permanent )?Jj#HtW  
       B. perpetual REFisH-  
       C. sustained ho^1T3  
       D. chronic zse! t  
例:Generally speaking, women aremore________ about food and clothing than w&f29#i;b  
       men. ;x+4jpH]B  
       A. special ?e&CbVc4  
       B. particular 0r+-}5aSl5  
       C. specific jY ^ndr0;  
       D. unique 7W}~c/%  
16The robber tried to ______ the stolen goodsfrom the house he had broken into, but was caught by the guards. $OjsaE %  
        Amakeaway with         Bmake off for         4 Ag+  
        Cgetout                 Dget through zU1rjh v+  
例:cast pearls before a ______ & qd:o}  
       Apig              Bcattle         ?&/9b)cS  
       Cswine         Ddoe 9(u2jbA  
Unit 1 x bn+9b  
1The day was breaking and peoplebegan to go to work so the murderer was unable to ______ of the body. n7{1m$/  
Adispense          Bdispose          Cdiscard          Ddischarge U76:F?MH  
2Can you imagine! He offered me5000 to break my contract. That′s ______ . Of course I didn′t agree. I wouldtake legal action. }14.u&4  
Afraud          Bblackmail          Cbribery          Dcompensation X Phw0aV  
3Her remarks ______ a completedisregard for human rights. B_}=v$  
Amagnified          Bmaintained          Cmanipulated          Dmanifested c}rRNS$F  
4The unfortunate death of thegenius poet caused ______ loss to this country. mv30xcc  
Apriceless          Bcountless          Cincalculable          Dimaginable lG jdDqi  
5Before the disastrous earthquakethere was ______ chaos. U/jJ@8  
Amassive          Bominous          Csuspending          Dimminent +.>O%pNj  
6On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help. RsrZ1dhPvV  
Asubjected          Binclined          Cavailable         Dobliged %/S BJ  
7The appearance of the used car is______ , it's much newer than it really is. @?gH3Y_  
Adescriptive          Bindicative          Cdeceptive          Dimpressive 6EPC$*Xp!  
8His office is ______ to thePresident′s; it usually takes him about three minutes to get there. 1 C[#]krh  
Arelated          Badhesive          Cadherent          Dadjacent uy`U1>  
9The none of students in the classlikes the mistress, who is used to being ______ of everything they do. IP{Cj=  
Aemotional          Boptimistic          Cinterested         Dcritical b<:s{f"t,  
10I didn′t know it then, but this disruptiveway of reading started with the very first novel I ever picked up. 5i1>z{  
Aharmful          Bpersistent          Cinterruptive          Dcharacteristic j- A S {w  
11The problem is that the loss ofconfidence among the soldiers can be highly contagious. 9N'$Y*. d<  
Aspreading          Bcontemptible          Ccontented          Ddepressing %*jpQOw  
12The sales manager was so adamantabout her idea that it was out of the question for any one to talk her out ofit. ef53~x  
Aadaptable          Banxious          Cfirm          Dtalkative VN$#y4  
13Other non-dominant males were hyperactive;they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting eachother. Ulktd^A\  
Ahardly active     Brelativelyactive     Cextremely inactive     Dpathologicallyactive ?*4]LuK 6  
14While he was not dumber than anox, he was not any smarter; so most of his classmates were lenient andhelped him along. K-vso4@BJ  
Ahelpful          Bmerciful          Centhusiastic          Dintelligent ?B h}  
15Before the construction of theroad, it was prohibitively expensive to transport any furs or fruits VfZ/SByh7p  
acrossthe mountains. pw(`+x]  
Adeterminedly          Bincredibly          Camazingly          Dforbiddingly Gjv'$O2_  
16At dusk, Mr. Hightower would sitin his old armchair in the backyard and wistfully lose in reminiscenceof his youth romances. +vYm:  
Ahopefully          Breflectively          Csympathetically          Dirresistibly .Hgiru&  
17The prodigal son spent his money extravagantlyand soon after he left home he was reduced to a beggar. 2;kab^iv'  
Alavishly          Beconomically          Cthriftily          Dextrovertly "`&?<82  
18The chimney vomited acloud of smoke. Y-,#3%bT;;  
Aignited          Bimmersed          Cemitted          Dhugged ("{AY?{{  
19The rear section of thebrain does not contract with age, and one can continue living withoutintellectual or emotional faculties. pwu5Fxn)  
Aadvanced          Bgrowing          Cfront          Dback xQmk2S` y  
Unit 2 g[eI-J+F  
1The ______ of the spring waterattracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country. 3$y]#L  
Aclash          Bclarify         Cclarity          Dclatter .#+r H}=Z  
2Business in this area has been______ because prices are too high. G LE`ba  
Aprosperous          Bsecretive          Cslack          Dshrill G=b`w;oL:  
3He told a story about his sisterwho was in a sad ______ when she was ill and had no money. uF< F4m;  
Aplight          Bpolarization          Cplague          Dpigment - 6  
4He added a ______ to his letterby saying that he would arrive before 8 pm. QY{f=  
Apresidency          Bprestige          Cpostscript          Dpreliminary Fa>Y]Y0r  
5Some linguists believe that the______ age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8. )@Bt[mfrVD  
Aoptimistic          Boptional          Coptimal          Doppressed sA` bPhk  
6It all started in 1950, whenpeople began to build their houses on the ______ of their cities. }}Q|O]e  
Aparadises          Bomissions          Corchards          Doutskirts qed; UyN  
7The meeting was ______ over bythe mayor of the city. kmP0gT{Sj  
Apresumed          Bproposed          Cpresented          Dpresided ]")i~-|R  
8The crowd ______ into the halland some had to stand outside. k:d'aP3  
Aoutgrew          Boverthrew          Coverpassed          Doverflew 55yP.@i9J  
9It was clear that the storm______ his arrival by two hours. Z9!goI  
Aretarded          Bretired          Crefrained          Dretreated n JLr]`_  
10This problem should be discussedfirst, for it takes ______ over all the other issues. #" f:m`  
Aprecedence          Bprosperity          Cpresumption          Dprobability F1/f:<}  
11Her sadness was obvious, but shebelieved that her feeling of depression was N"2@y aN  
Atorrent          Btransient          Ctensile          Dtextured (j cLzq  
h~F uuL  
1、词根词缀记忆法 g\X"E>X  
2、联想记忆法 rl6vt*g  
1)板块记忆法 Q_@ Z.{  
2)谐音记忆法 ch< zpo:  
3)图像记忆法 (hmasy6hM  
i 5-V$Qh  
1、词根词缀记忆法 }F@`A?k  
      amb  eo,m ^&  
      ambition    野心 3`="4  
      amb     周围 两者 xu_Tocvop  
      it      3 :f5xF  
      ion      名词后缀 )B8[w  
      ambulance    救护车 A #ZaXu/:X  
      ambiguous     有歧义的 } |sP;Rpu  
      ambivalent      心情矛盾的 ) Oa"B;\j  
      ambience      氛围 m6g+ B>  
      ambler    慢慢走 _}Z*%sT  
      ambidextrous    非常灵巧的 q9!5J2P  
      amphibian    两栖动物 GJ?rqmbL  
      ambassador    大使 5#:tL&q  
car - T@k&YJ  
cart - 平板马车 %L~X\M:Qk  
scar - 伤疤 b_][Jye&P  
scarf - 围巾 zW+Y{^hf  
scarlet - 猩红色的,血红色的;也指女子名字 Ry/NfF=  
career - 职业 @dcW0WQ\  
caress - 抚摸 Nz$O D_]  
carnivore - 食肉动物 r+ vtKb  
carnivorous - 食肉的;herbivore - 食草动物;herbivorous - 食草的 <!=TxV>}A  
carnival - 嘉年华,狂欢节 2X6y^f';\  
reincarnation - 投胎 IK}T. *[  
aunt kqHh@]Z0'  
daunt - vt. 恐吓,吓唬 MRmz/ZmRM  
dauntless - 大无畏的,无所惧怕的;近义词:fearless |5g*pXu{  
jaunty - 得意洋洋的;rejoice - 欣喜,欢乐 Kji}2j'a  
jaunt  - vi./ n.  短途旅游 i| =}zR  
taunt - 讽刺,挖苦,奚落,嘲弄 V <k_Q@K  
haunt - 闹鬼,神鬼出没;萦绕在耳畔,回响在耳边 yv'mV=BMJ!  
gaunt - 憔悴的,苍白的 u,oxUySeG  
flaunt - 飘扬,招摇, 炫耀 nPv2: x  
vaunt - 吹嘘, 自夸 R]ppA=1*_l  
hvpn=0@ M  
lynch - 酷刑,私刑; morbid - 有毛病的 xD_jfAH'  
amateur - 业余爱好者 A"9aEOX-?i  
girder - 横梁,大梁 2c+q~8Jv  
boff - 狂笑,大笑 kZn!]TseN  
quaff - 狂饮,痛饮 s]B^Sz=  
elixir - 灵丹妙药,长生不老药 _&BnET  
starch - 淀粉 gR?3)m  
purposeful - 有目的的 8YYY *>  
arena - 竞技场 4+ 4? 0R  
abracadabra - 咒语, 胡言乱语 =z@'vu$Fh  
Ye )(9  
Unit 2 iPkG=*Ip(%  
12Nobody knew how he came up with this ______ idea aboutthe trip. *|`'L  
Aweary          Btwilight          Cunanimous          Dweird @MN>ye'T  
13The flower under the sun would______ quickly without any protection. s )To#  
Awink          Bwithhold          Cwither          Dwidower {fX4  
14The ______ of gifted childreninto accelerated classes will start next week according to their academicperformance. 4wNxn lP  
Asegregation          Bspecification          Cspectrum          Dsubscription _Juhl^LM;  
20She made two copies of this poemand posted them ______ to different publishers. &1Az`[zKGW  
Asensationally          Bsimultaneously          Cstrenuously          Dsimply C-2n2OM.  
Unit 3 fnXl60C%  
1The doctor′s ______ is thatshe′ll soon be as good as new if she takes insulin and watches her diet. 7IIM8/BI  
Aagnosticism          BAnticipation          Cdiagnosis          Dprognosis C8n1j2G\  
2It is ______ understood by allconcerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of in hishearing will remain forever unspoken. 5hDE&hp  
Auncommunicatively          Bacceptably          Ctacitly          Dtaciturnly MD1,KH+O  
3.___springs not out oftrue and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identifywith someone important or famous. b,K1EEJ  
AA compliment          BAnadulatory          CFlattery          DPraise c=Z#7?k=Uz  
4Leaving for work in plenty oftime to catch the train will ______ worry about being late. /\\C&Px  
Arule off          Bprevent          Cavoid          Dobviate bqLv81V  
5Nicholas Chauvin, a Frenchsoldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so ______ and unceasinglythat he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe. ^Cak/5^K  
Avociferously          Bpatriotically          Cverbosely          Dloquaciously *&AK.n_  
6People suffering from ______prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken in large publicbuildings and open fields. 8[y7(Xw  
Aacrophobia          Bagoraphobia          Cclaustrophobia          Dxenophobia ~#j `+  
7All normal human beings are ______at least to a degree-they get a feeling of warmth and [Zua7&(5  
kinshipfrom engaging group activities. KztF#[64W^  
Asegregated          Bcongregational          Cgregarious          Degregious %EVg.k$  
8He is ______ drinker, who hasbeen imbibing for so long that he has figuratively speaking, grown old with thevice. [hiOFmMJZ-  
Aan inveterate          Banincorrigible          Ca chronic          Danunconscionable ;N,7#l|wi  
9We listened dumb-struck, full of______, to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of thecompany. SE/@l i  
Aincredulity          Bingenuity          Cingenuousness          Dincredibility R'80{  
10Too much ______ can possibly leadto unhappiness, even to thoughts of suicide as few people have the courage toanalyze themselves objectively and minutely. H?B.Hp|  
Aretrospect          Bintrospection          Cperspicacity          Dperspicuity F 'h[g.\}  
11He could hardly ______ his temperwhen he saw the state of his office. a<HM|dcst  
Ahold in          Bholdup          Chold off          Dholdout +)F8YMg e  
12Recognizing the shortage of timeavailable to spend with their children, working mothers sometimes take ______in the concept of “quality time”. koi e  
Arefuge          Bpride          Cplace          Daction =lffr?#&B  
13The term “New Australians” cameinto vogue in the 50s and 60s, which implied that the goal of immigration wasassimilation and that migrants would place their new-found Australian identityahead of the ______ context from which they had come. ?c43cYb  
Aathletic          Bethic          Caesthetic          Dethnic @%jzVF7  
14Scholarships are too few to______ the high-school graduates who deserve a college education. "%Rx;xw|  
Ameet          Baccommodate         Ccompromise          Dadopt QR,i b  
15The study shows that laying toomuch emphasis on exams is likely to ______ students′enthusiasm in learningEnglish. *vj5J"Y(;t  
Ahold back          Bholdoff          Chold down          Dadopt xAoozDj  
16The robber tried to ______ thestolen goods from the house he had broken into, but was caught by the guards. D #A9  
Amake away with          Bmakeoff for          Cget out          Dgetthrough g"# +U7O  
17The editors said they must reportto the world how Bejing has ______ pollution and improved the quality of theenvironment. a-kU?&* y  
Acut up          Bcutoff          Ccut down          Dcutout I 4EocM=  
18With its anti-terrorism campaigntaking ______ over anything else, the government is extending its job andrunning in more affairs. (*M(gM{;  
Asuperiority          Bpriority          Cmajority          Dpolarity 9:esj{ X  
19The gap between those at thelowest level and those at the highest level of income had increased ______, andis continuing to increase. )@sz\yI%U  
Asubstantially          Bsuccessfully          Csuccinctly          Dsufficiently fY6&PuDf.  
20Several trial efforts in the1980s proved that it was financially ______ to restore old buildings. T[7- 3[w<)  
Afeasible          Bprobable          Cbeneficiary          Dpassable )X7ZX#ttH  
21The beauty of the reflectedimages in the limpid pool was the poignant beauty of things that are ______ ,existing only until the sunset. c5]1aFKz  
Aequitable          Bephemeral          Ceuphonious          Devasive &KD m5p  
22Brooding and hopelessness are the______ of Indians in the prairie reservations most of the time. aFbA=6  
Aoccupations         Bpromises          Cfrustrations          Dtransactions O!|:ZMjF  
23What ______ about that article inthe newspaper was that its writer showed an attitude cool enough, professionalenough and,therefore, cruel enough when facing that disaster-stricken family. L>PpXTWwy  
Aworked me out          Bknockedme out          Cbrought me up          Dputme forward ,iHl;3bu  
24Because of difficulties ingetting a visa, the students had to ______ the idea of applying for study inthe United States. 3L;)asF  
Areduce          Byield          Crelinquish          Dwaver =?/J.[)<*  
25The cargo box has a label ______on it. Please handle it with care. AMkjoy3+]  
A“flexible”          B“break”          C“fragile”          D“stiff” Kj}}O2  
Unit 4 '\\J95*`  
PartA ty "k  
1He seemed reluctant to send histroops in an effort to discourage the ______ peasants. Ypp>7J/  
Aanimated          Brebellious          Ccreased          Dimpassive 6>KDK<5NQ  
2The company will  __to its agreement, nomatter how costly the process may be. Z*leEwgz  
Aretain          Balter          Cabandon          Dadhere ]xFd_OHdb  
3The drug store at the corner ofour street sells aspirins and ______ penicillin prescriptions. F+}MW/ra@  
Adispenses         Bdisposes          Cdisperses          Ddispatches 5Rc 5/m  
4AIDS is causing great publicconcern because the ______ fatal disease hits primarily young people. yA6"8f r  
Ainvariably          Bimperatively          Ctransiently          Ddeceptively PInU-"gG  
5The houses in this area were allerected in ______ of housing regulations. &%FpNU9  
Acompliance         Bdefiance          Calliance          Dobedience rs<UWk<q  
6He had wanted a 25% raise in pay,but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to_____. !K3 #4   
Asuffice          Bsatisfy          Cgratify          Ddelight 3 "cAwU9  
7The two delegates had an in-depthexchange of views on how to enhance their ______ .cooperation rrmr#a  
Aethical          Bbilateral          Cmandatory          Dsubsidiary (L q^C=  
8It is agreed that all nationsshould take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN ______ and otherinternational laws. [NyR$yD{  
ACharter          BConstitution          CConcordance          DCustody R5|c4v{B  
9When we credit the successfulpeople with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excusesfor ourselves because we fall ______ in all three. z0doL b^!  
Arare          Blacking          Cshort          Dscarce @ VVBl I  
10Three weeks after the suicidebombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ~%>ke  
Aon the verge          Bonthe sly          Con the spot          Donthe loose qm8[ ^jO&  
Part B >e'6RZRLA  
11As there was not enough money tobury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modest cemeteryin South Africal before World AIDS Day. L%I@HB9-Q0  
Aparentless children          Bmiserablevictims          Ccontagious bodies          Dinfectiouspatient / tDwgxJ  
12In his opinion, the objection to barbaritydoes not mean that capital punishment should not go on. I6zKvP8pb  
Aadversity          Bsavagery          Chabitat          Dintegrity ?%#3p[  
13What is at fault in our presentsystem is not the outcome but the fallible procedure. <mi*AY  
Asublime          Berroneous          Cplausible          Dimpeccable 1s/t}J~zZ  
14It could not be ruled outthat, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty. "Lw[ $  
Aconfirmed          Btolerated          Cexcluded          Drefuted 0%#ZupN  
15Now researchers are directingmore attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelleduniversity graduates into careers in management. Xu2:yf4No*  
Aimplication         Bpropaganda         Cimpulse          Drefuted Q6]SsV?x  
16Lincoln, former president of the United States,is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded. SI^!e 1@M[  
Asturdy          Bobstinate          Cpermanent          Dmanifest OXT 5 y)   
17Research should continue oncontrolled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised onits existence until it has proved practical. |W:xbtPNy  
Afocused          Bconcentrated          Cagreed          Dbased 0X !A'  
18He displayed a complete lack of courtesyand tact in dealing with his employer. D!^&*Ia?2  
Atenacity          Bcuriosity          Ccivility          Dhostility ViKN| W >T  
19Pirated compact disks and floppydisks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer virusesdespite the governments' determinedefforts to quash software piracy. >;:235'(M  
Aboost          Bprevent          Ccrush          Drestrict l`>|XUf6  
20It is reported that the latestoutbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania inthe United States hasprompted Chinato slap a ban on poultry imports from the sate. A]c'`Nf  
Amarine products          Bdairyproducts          DI"KH)XD  
Cindustrial products          Davianproducts o9*}>J<+RQ  
Unit 5 t<h[Lb%{T4  
Part A <$metN~9j  
1He was ______ when he heard theunexpected news, but I finally convinced him.  0@ 7%  
Aincredible          Binevitable          Cincredulous          Dindifferent @komb IK  
2We had a marvelous holiday. Onlythe last two days were slightly ______ by weather. >BFUts%  
Adamaged          Benhanced          Cspoiled          Ddiminished =#L\fe)q)  
3NASA is casting a wider net inthe space shuttle investigation as to what caused the spacecraft to swing outof control and ______ moments before it was to land. f=:ycd!  
Adisassemble          Bdisembark          Cdisintegrate          Ddisinherit %dn!$[D@  
4The discussion was so prolongedand exhausting that ______ we had to stop for refreshments. .6C9N{?Tqf  
Aat large          Batease          Cat random          Datintervals N(c`h  
5A luxury express train jumped thetracks on a bridge in eastern India,killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spokesman,the death ______ is expected to rise. )seeBm-`  
Afigure          Btoll          Cspan          Dyield X/Sp!W-H  
6Participants in the ShanghaiCo-operation Forum ______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economicdevelopment. bbNN$-S|  
Acursed          Bechoed          Cbounced          Dhailed Q 8| C>$n  
happy uE E;~`G  
} B1f_T  
7Turning cultivated land back intoforests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil ______ and desertificationin the long run. }jdMo83  
Aerosion           Bdepletion          Cviolation          Ddelusion VcX89c4\  
8The discrepancy in the companyaccounts is so ______ that no auditor could have failed to notice it. 8SGqDaRt  
Aspontaneous          Bconspicuous          Cnotorious          Dsuperfluous pgUp1goAU  
9Russian women had to wearprotective masks as they walked in Moscow,which was ______ by a heavy smog yesterday. ?COLjk  
Ashrouded          Bunveiled          Cdecayed          Ddeprived @V}!elV  
10In that country, a person whomarries before legal age must have a parent's ______ to obtain a license. #M ;j*IBl*  
Asanction          Bwarrant          Cmalignance          Daffirmation Wr+/ 9  
Part B ~~r7TPq  
11With tears in her eyes, thechampion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands. He9Er  
Agrateful to          Bunawareof          Cconscious of          Dpleasedwith 4$oDq  
12I cant understand how he can fell thathis colleagues are always ready to denounce him. [zJ|61^  
Acompliment          Bcriticize          Cflatter          Dchallenge x1`4hB  
13On this barren place on AikhanomHill, overlooking fields peppered with land mines, soldiers come to lay a stoneor say a prayer for friends lost in years of war. h~p Q  
Ainfertile          Bdisastrous          Cplausible          Dimpeccable ZHM NG~!  
14The coalition parties have askedthe government to consider using more funds to help support the ailingmarket.  MFyi#nq  
Arapidly expanding    Bsteadilyimproving    Cmaking changes     Dhavingdifficulties NG5k9pJ  
15Looming over the debate abouthuman interference in the world'sboreal forests is an as yet unanswerable question: Will the effects of globalwarming eventually dwarf man's impact? kD46Le++B  
Araise to greater importance     Bmakemore difficult to measure    Ccause to appear small          Dbringto an abrupt end ]P*H,&I`#  
16His wife says that he was more frugalin his youth than later years. RF[Uy?es  
Alistless          Brobust           Cthrifty          Dgullible ntxa FVD  
17We have done all we could and nowour cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO. \MDhm,H<  
Aunder the guidance of   Binthe power of   Cwith the guidance of   Donthe agenda of <:>[24LJ{  
18He seemed in such an inconsolablestate that I didn'tknow whether to leave or stay. C1==a FD  
Adistracted          Benraged          Coverjoyed          Dbrokenhearted GJ\bZ"vDo  
19She was delirious last night, butshe seems quite lucid this morning. &3Ry0?RET  
Arational          Bpeaceful          Cpatient          Dinsane \E1CQP-  
20The humanitarian claims that he veneratesall men, regardless of their position in life. kq*IC&y  
Aloves          Bdistrusts          Cserves          Drespects o'_eLp  
L fvNO/:,  
Unit 12 %O9P|04]3  
1She actually preferred a more gregariousurban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime. gb=tc`  
Atranquil          Bsociable          Cinactive          Dundisturbed s54AM]a{j  
2Some of the plan's provisionshave already aroused opposition, most notably from Pope John Pual . ]u .)6{  
Aclauses          Binterpretations          Cinterrelations          Ddepreciations 0HI0/Tvu$<  
3Nothing is less sensible than theadvice of the Duke of Cambridge who is to be reported to have said: “Any change,at anytime, for any reason is to be deplored.” m~tv{#Y  
Aemulated          Bridiculed          Ccomplicated          Dlamented _D{{C  
4Most of the 33 newly discoveredplanets' giantgas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller,nearby, life-friendly planets. 79 \SbB  
Adestruction          Bbenefits          Cchaos          Dviolence a+B3`6  
5Furthermore, the campaign itselfwas lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top-flight staff, travel,and television commercials Bxf&gDwjgr  
Adubiously          Bpotently          Cprofusely          Dcandidly WM0-F@_  
6In fact, a number of recentdevelopments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media;that online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend thebest aspects of the print culture while augmenting it with their varioustechnological advantages $\aJ.N6rb  
Alimiting          Bmaintaining          Cdistinguishing          Dincreasing /tJ% gF  
7Every modern government, liberalor otherwise, has a specific position in the field of ideas; its stability is vulnerableto critics in proportion to their ability and persuasiveness. %~\I*v04  
Afutile          Bsusceptible          Cfeasible          Dflexible MFz6y":~  
8Parties are therefore free tostrive for a settlement without jeopardizing their chances for or in atrial if mediation is unsuccessful. cS>xT cj  
Aassuring          Bincreasing          Cendangering          Ddestroying nFjaV`6`@  
9They make better use of the timethey have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressfuljobs. :Vrj[i-{  
Asustain          Byield          Cendure          Dexpose (Bss%\  
10It disgusted him when atheistsattacked religion: he thought they were vulgar. @Ll^ze&HI  
Ainsulting          Bbase-minded          Crough          Dvicious dW %;Z  
11From the time of the Greeks tothe Great War, medicine'sjob was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and gross disabilities, toensure live births, and to manage pain. NkxW*w%}l  
Aimmortal          Bimmune          Clethal          Dtoxic d&X <&)a7  
12This is market in whichenterprising businesses ______ for the demands of teenagers and older youths inall their rock mania and pop-art forms. 36d6KS 7  
Acater          Bentitle          Cappeal          Dsubject $*7AG  
13It must guide public opinion,after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readerswhat measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number. ]eI|_O^u  
Ainquisitively          Binconceivably          Cappallingly          Dimpartially `jT1R!$3F  
14Brushing removes largerparticles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, wherefood residues and bacteria ______ zLjQ,Lp.I  
Aflourish          Bcollaborate          Cembark          Dcongregate mSp;(oQ  
15American literary historians areperhaps ______ to viewing their own national scene too narrowly, mistakingprominence for uniqueness. O*1la/~m  
Aprone          Blegible          Cincompatible          Dprior 6~Y`<#X5J  
16To many people, a husband andwife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle,to ______ family character and to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. Y~ Nt9L  
Arepress          Bintimidate          Cvalidate          Dconfine +?Y(6$o  
17The 1982 Oil and Gas Act givespower to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ theCorporation'sstatutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permitprivate companies to compete in this supply. /&RS+By(i  
Adefers          Bcurtails          Ctriggers          Dsparks +|Mi lwr  
18These people actively try to______ what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what theyhope to be good English. 7.B]B,]  
Asuppress          Bregress          Cenhance          Drevive zg{  
19It must guarantee freedom ofexpression, to the end that all ______ to the flow of ideas shall be removed. xilA`uw`1  
Aprophecies         Btransactions         Carguments          Dhindrances tH9BC5+r}  
20As we have seen, propaganda canappeal to us by arousing our emotions or ______ our attention from the realissues at hand. I< Rai"  
Aretaining          Bsustaining          Cdistracing          Dobscuring )%9 P ;/  
3qq 6X?y*  
前缀: E" b" VB  
trans-转化 CfjVx   
transliterate逐字翻译的,音译的 k&3'[&$I*,  
transcontinental横跨欧洲大陆的 OEs!H]v  
transatlantic大西洋彼岸的 f"A?\w @  
translucent半透明的 #zw 'H9l  
transparent透明的 n*i1QC  
transcribe转录,转存 2bt2h.a  
transform变化,演化,进化,变革,改革 ceGo:Aa<)  
transit过渡 LxxFosi8  
hyper-超,超级 vq*)2.  
hypersensitive过度敏感的 `K \ (I#z  
hypermarket超级大的市场 R(F+Xg je  
hypertension高血压 r!J?Lc])8  
co(n)(m)(l)(r)    共同一起; j%OnLTZ  
coeducate男女同校教育 `Hq)g1a7q  
coexist共存 qddP-uN  
cohabit同居 \i$WXW]|  
co(n)(m)(l)(r)    共同一起;加强语气 X?Mc"M  
contend竞争,争斗 Qd$!?h  
content内容,目录;满意的 f.&Y_G3a<  
consent满意,满足(动词),同意 {9C+=v?  
consensus一致,共识 @q]{s+#Xf  
contain包含,包括;节制,遏制,控制; Qs.g%  
contest竞赛,比赛 UP}5Eh  
pre-向前,提前 53cW`F  
per- G(XI TL u*  
pro-向前,提前 Ii9@ j1-g  
predict  预言 ZNvnVW<  
presentiment预感 ^#VyIF3q  
provocative挑逗性的 jTJ]: EN  
proceed前进 <H)I06];  
precede走在....之前 Ll !J!{  
proceed  with study 将学习进行到底 U,4:yc,)s  
perverse反常的,刚愎自用的,    pervert 性变态者 G.} 3hd0  
persist持之以恒,坚持到底 ;h"?h*}m!\  
perturb打扰,骚扰    pernicious 恶性的 $MEKt}S  
j&. MT@  
词根: @]H:=Q'gj  
sky     space 空间    second IP`;hC  
sp系列 ;O 2r+n  
spread传播 "gD)Uis  
surf冲浪 0 pH qNlb  
spray喷洒 @i9T),@  
sprinkle洒颗粒物或一滴滴的液体 I =t{ u;  
splash +FWkhmTv  
spill  U'nz3  
spring泉水,源自于 `R]9+_"N  
spue突然间冒出一股 )hHkaI>eYv  
st系列 J@y1L]:  
status地位 pNo<:p  
statutory法定的 _-*Lj;^V  
statue雕像  ?6!7fs,  
stationary静止不动的 @' DfNka  
stability安定,稳定 Y" s1z<?  
ascend登基 oY:6a  
descend下降 6=kA  
transcend超越 H[guJ)4#@  
descendant后代 )g:\N8AZK  
scrib系列 Vc3tKuMsiX  
describe描写 WlF"[mU-  
indescribable无法描绘的 &j,rq?eh$  
descriptive描述性的 Vt:]D?\3  
inscribe题词,牢记在心 /a\6&Eb  
ascribe归因于 I)AV  
subscribe签名 yVm~5Y&Z  
prescribe处方;命令,指示 1O1/P,u+  
transcribe转录 3~\mP\/4v  
sume系列  KAmv7  
assume假定,假设,以为,认为 nsqs*$  
presume主观臆断,揣测,推测 lvIKL!;H  
consume消费,被大火烧毁,被火吞没 ^c}Z$V  
consumerism消费主义 %^m6Q!  
resume重新开始,简历 1Tf"<D p  
sumption Cs7YD ~,  
serve系列 保留,服务 l;: L0(('  
desert沙漠,抛弃 *z`_U]tP  
dessert  甜点 @@7<L  
preserve保护动植物 rl9YB %P  
conserve保护水土 ywp k\  
9@ 6y(#s  
Unit 10 u~\u8X3  
16His career ___ in his appointment as director. kt.z,<w5O  
Acontaminated          Bculminated          Ccontracted          Dcontacted <<gk< _7`  
17We are convinced that we are onthe ___ of an important discovery. 7.$0LN/a!Z  
Athreshold          Bhousehold          Cthread          Dentrance EAU6z(X$  
18If we say something is ______, wemean that we find it extremely pleasant or enjoyable. ~U#afGH$  
Agracious          Bgloomy          Cgigantic          Dgorgeous g4(B=G\j  
19The trucks ______ heavy goodsfromfactories to the ports. 6+(g4MW  
Apull          Bhaul          Cdrag          Dpush %geiJ z  
20The girl ___ when she couldn'tanswered the question in the presence of all her classmates. 7udM F3;>  
Aflourished          Bflattered          Cflushed          Dfluttered b [Sd$ACd  
21A ___ translation is notalways the closest to the original meaning. Ro$'|}(+A  
Aliberal          Bliteral          Cliterary          Dliterate _eM\ /(v[  
22She ______ herself bitterly forher behavior that evening. [ps5;  
Ablamed          Baccused          Creproached          Dscolded okJ+Yl.[?7  
23The students are attracted by the___ of the snow-covered mountainswhen they look out of the train. {^2``NYM_  
Anotability          Bnobility          Cmajesty          Dvisibility ZIQy}b'  
24The flowers in the vase ___ because they had no water. 72R|zR  
Awithered          Bwrinkled          Cripened          Dprospered 0P^RciC f  
25She ______ some salt on her foodto make it taste better. #z_lBg. K  
Asprinkled          Bsprayed          Cscattered          Ddispersed ;<d("Yz:@Z  
26The hum of conversation ___ as the chairman mounted therostrum. FuiG=quY  
Adied out          Bdiedoff          Cdied of          Ddiedaway ms8de>A|H  
27The old man was remarkably ___. He was a musician, engineer,writer and philosopher. dO}6zQ\  
Aunilateral          Buniversal          Caudacious          Dversatile ]3]I`e{  
28Living in poverty, John sold for500 dollars the ___ of his mother's firstwork which made her famous. #qY`xH'>  
Adocument          Bfile          Cduplicate          Dmanuscript  i1$ $86  
29My grandmother has been ill fortwo months, so her health has ___. A@xa$!4}  
Adeteriorated          Bdiminished          Cdwindled          Dlessened =B@ +[b0Z  
30He didn't not ice me in thecrowd; but he spotted my sister who was ___ because of her redhair. |;e K5(|  
Aconscious          Bconspicuous          Cdim          Dconscientious  ]W39HL  









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