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主题 : 考博英语相似词汇辨析
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-08   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.adept  adopt   adapt s!de 2z  
adept /WYh[XKe  
adj.(与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的 3Oiy)f@{TF  
She was adept at the fine art of irritatingpeople. {(Fe7,.S3  
n. 内行;老手 Hm4bN\%  
adopt !.-.#<<_a  
vt.收养 >|n t2  
采取;采用 ~K` 1  
They adopted our methods. zmbZ  
正式通过;采纳 "-0;#&!  
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it. Vhph`[dC{  
adapt I N_gF_@%  
vt.使适应;使适合 Xm@aYNV  
He adapted himself to the cold weather. DY.58IHg1  
When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to thechange very well. sUc iFAb  
2.adopted   adoptive 9I kUZW  
adopted :\bfGSD/gd  
adj.被收养的,被采纳的 /buWAX 1  
an adopted child ]]/lC  
an adopted advice a.,i .2  
adoptive 1R^4C8*B  
adj.收养(孩子)的 wko2M[  
an adoptive mother [gZDQcU  
3.averse    adverse >[Rz <yv  
averse SUu >6'LN  
adj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的 m^A]+G#/  
I am not averse to a dance party and a goodmean after a week's hard work. 5~U:@Tp  
The minister is averse to/from flattery. p8>R#9  
adverse "kr,x3 =  
adj.不利的;相反的 <jFSj=cIL  
an adverse decision _+n;A46  
Adverse circumstances compelled him toclose his business. B{PLIisc  
4.affection   affectation m}pL`:e!  
affection G/(*foT8SE  
n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 QkE,T0,/?h  
affectation 5p )IV>G  
n.假装, 虚饰, 做作 k/bque  
5.altitude latitude longitude multitude attitude aptitude !sG"n&uZq  
altitude Mr.JLW  
n.(海拔)高度 $m8leuo)  
At high altitudes of Tibet it isdifficult to breathe. ^jOCenE 3  
高处 JCcQd 01 z  
The plane flew at an altitude of 20000metres. =)*JbwQ   
latitude *]2R.u  
n.纬度, 范围, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范围) J[r^T&o  
longitude ~<eVl l=  
n.经度, 经线 lC2?sD$  
multitude B52H(sm  
n.多数, 群众 0\wiam-  
attitude P\T|[%E'  
n.姿势,态度 4Cd#sQ  
People's attitude towards the skyscrapersvaries widely. `oVB!eapl  
看法;意见 quRPg)  
What is the Municipal Authority's attitudeto the proposal of a tunnel across the river? B0"0_n7-  
What's the authorities' attitude towardsthis discord? z^3Q.4Qc6^  
aptitude pI 5_Hg  
n.能力;才能;天资 ArL-rJ{}  
6.angle   angel Gql`>~   
angle u?Z <n:  
n.角;角度 /W0E(8:C)  
a right angle pX^=be_  
角落;墙角;棱角 6W:1 >,xS  
观点;看法;看问题的角度 (JU_8j!  
to consider all angles of the question u>m'FECXj  
The professor angled his report to suit theaudience he was speaking to. *(p7NYf1  
vt.转动一个角度 "8?TSm8  
to angle a camera ,m3":{G:t.  
带成见地描述(某事) Hh@2m\HA  
He angles his reports to please his editorin chief. ]/[0O+B?  
用钩和钓钓鱼 ]K*GSU  
He is keen on angling. DU`v J2  
(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取 aH  
angel N2% :h;tf  
n.天使,守护神,仁慈、漂亮的女人 V $>"f(  
7.announce   denounce  renounce pronounce !")WZq^`  
announce VW ~Xbyf  
vt.通告;发表,宣布,宣告 3AvcJ1  
The captain announced that the plane wasgoing to land. Ez UPah  
The government announced that they wouldbuild a new highway to the mountain. BJ2Q2W W  
denounce ^1Yo-T(R  
vt.揭发;告发;斥责 l<Lz{)OR  
renounce ho_4f Dv  
vt.正式放弃 {<r`5  
He renounced his claim to the property.  -?Ejbko  
宣布断绝关系 VT Vm7l  
He renounced his religion. OSj%1KL  
pronounce "!^c  
vt., vi.发音;发出…音 #]igB9Cf)w  
How do you pronounce c-l-e-r-k? {)@ j77P  
宣称;宣告;断言 K: 4P ;ApI  
The expert pronounced the picture to be aforgery. v23TL  
The priest pronounced them man and wife. _En]@xK3&  
Everyone pronounced the party to be verygood. kv/(rKLp*  
(常与on, for, against, in favor of连用)〈法〉宣判 (%.</|u  
The judge pronounced sentence on theprisoner. [1mIdwS  
8. annual    annul pL%4= ]m  
annual V54q"kP,@.  
adj.每年的;一年一次的 ?$2q P`-  
an annual event E $<;@  
annul # .~.UHt  
vt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等) cK/PQsMP  
9.apposite    opposite yB|]LYh  
apposite p FXd4*  
adj.适当的 O3!Ouh&  
opposite Q.*'H_Y  
adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的 .&Y,D-h}7|  
n.相反的事物 Ja^7$WY   
10.appraise   apprise   praise G#^m<G^M  
appraise B #;s(O  
vt.评估,评价,鉴定 r*c82}tc  
apprise 2&suo!ig  
vt.通知;告知 "9TxK6  
She was apprised of our arrival. =%:JjgKc*t  
The secretary came to apprise us that theerection of the monster machine had been successfully completed. M}R@ K;%  
praise nomu$|I  
vt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂 z<FV1niE  
She praised her daughter's hard work. 'O!Z:-qE  
11.apprehensive   comprehensive rE!G,^_{  
apprehensive C]aOgt/U  
adj.忧虑的; 担心的 2O}s*C$Xav  
apprehensive for sb.'s safety &C CHxjsKR  
comprehensive wjN`EF5$}&  
adj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的 /h{go]&Nb  
The state government gave a verycomprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronicindustry. 5d)'`hACe  
12 .argument   augment 5q0BG!A%T  
argument =1V>Vd?8.  
n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, (for,against), 意见 :u[ oc .  
augment ~{52JeUcP  
vt., vi.增大;增加 p~v2XdR  
13. ascribe  describe  prescribe subscribe  inscribe  proscribe ?,A}E|jZ  
ascribe e'}ePvN  
vt.归因于, 归咎于 (cPeee%Q  
describe ==PQ-Ia  
vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容 *DPTkMQN  
v.描述 o|b[(t$;O  
prescribe $9j>VGf=  
vt, vi.`开药方;处方;命令;规定 Yc. ~qmG/z  
The law prescribes what should be done. PVQ#>_~5  
What punishment does the law prescribe forcorruption? 0+VncL)u  
The doctor prescribed total abstinence. ` $QzTv   
subscribe %WJ\'@O\  
vt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助 :$X4#k<  
订购(报纸、杂志等) gMoyy  
(常与to连用)同意,赞同 8CN7+V  
inscribe 2>_brz|7:|  
vt.(常与in, on,with连用)题写;铭刻 \( Gf+  
She inscribed her own name on the textbook. 47( 1V/r  
(常与to连用)题名 >M8^ Jgh  
This book I inscribe to my oldcomrades-in-arms. .zSimEOF  
proscribe /4wm}g9  
vt.禁止 y(wqcDok|n  
14. assent   ascent CHdet(_=v  
assent c9cphZ(z  
vi.(常与to连用)同意 2y .-4?e  
ascent aQym= 6 %e  
n.上升, (地位, 声望等的)提高, 攀登, 上坡路 (x@i,Ba@  
15.dissent   descent   decent  t3 yQ/  
dissent y9re17{ X  
vi.(常与from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致 P*"AtZuY]  
He and I dissented from each other inchoosing a suitable candidate. )T$f k  
descent A aF5`  
n.下降;下滑;降下;下来;血统;遗传 HLyFyv\  
He traces his descent from an old Normanfamily. *nUpO]  
decent 8ZDqqz^C0  
adj体面的 合适的 O( 5L2G  
16. assume   resume   consume  presume j O5:{%  
assume  @D=2Er\  
vt.假定;假设 zN8V~M;  
I assume you always get up at the sametime. ^?S@v1~7d  
采用;承担 coP$7Q .  
to assume new duties KiRt '  
resume #3:'lGBIK  
n.摘要, 概略, <> 履历 xf F&$K"  
vt.再继续, 重新开始, 重新占用, 再用, 恢复 {'K;aJ'\  
consume G4J6  
vt., vi.吃,喝;消耗;消费;花费 \q d)l  
His old car consumed much gasoline. 4Z T  
毁灭;烧毁 $>rfAs!  
The fire soon consumed the old woodenbuildings in the neighbourhood. $j4?'-i=e  
presume 3=L1HZH  
vt., vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为 8wx#,Xa  
I presume from your speech that you are aforeigner. d# ?* 62  
You must presume no such thing. JjO/u>A3;7  
当作;姑且认为 .2SIU4[P  
If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumeddead. JU2' ~chh  
(常与to + inf连用)放肆;擅作主张 D~`YRbv  
A servant ought not to presume. sbiDnRf  
(与on, upon连用)指望;寄希望于… cZK?kz_Y  
We must not presume too mush on thereliability of such sources. $6?KH7lA  
17. avocation   vocation   vacation Yw1q2jT  
avocation SD.*G'N&2f  
n.(个人)副业, 业余爱好 cXE y>U|/  
vocation :7;Iy u  
n.职业;行业;天职;使命 ^@w1Z{:  
vacation 4a-F4j'  
n.假期 "dU#j,B2  
I worked in a small beachside restaurantduring the college vacation. }Ml z\'{  
18 .authentic   authoritative v__Go kj-  
authentic kK6>>lD'  
真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的: /OtQk -E  
an authentic account by an eyewitness. tZ2iSc  
真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的: :[?o7%"  
an authentic medieval sword. w [x+2  
一把真正的中世纪剑 .Zz7LG{  
authoritative aRKG)0=  
adj.官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的: c oz}VMp  
an authoritative decree; authoritativesources. PbH]K$mj{"  
权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的: *iN]#)3>  
an authoritative account of the revolution. _C#(  )#  
专断的:行使权力的;命令的: qq{N; C  
the captain's authoritative manner. Re ur#K  
19.adjoin  adjacent   adjourn + ~AI(h  
adjoin PG]mwaj])  
vt.毗连;临近;贴近 [uV/ Ra*g  
Our house adjoins theirs. kpUU '7Q  
adjacent X~4:sJ\P=  
adj.(to连用)相邻的,邻近的 ?m^7O_1  
adjourn k&;L(D  
vt., vi.延期;休会, 会议暂停 gJv^v`X  
The meeting will be adjourned till nextWednesday. |0%UM}  
20.admire   admiral ) O^08]Y g  
admire \F3t&:  
v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 &zy9}4w,  
admiral 0g)mf6}o  
n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰  u^p[zepW\  
21.adore    adorn zvj >KF|y  
adore Or|LyQU  
vt.崇拜;敬爱;敬重;非常喜欢 &6EfybAt^_  
He adores the cinema. ITiw) M  
She adores going to the volleyball match. 9] \vw  
adorn ?[">%^  
vt.装饰  i 9"1  
She likes to adorn herself with jewels. ']D( ({%g  
增加…的重要性或吸引力 56dl;Z)  
He tried to adorn his story with a lot oflies S3f BZIPp  
22. appliance   applicant   application J-c7ZcTt  
appliance {BU,kjv1g  
n.用具, 器具 }OFk.6{{&v  
applicant "k/@tX1: R  
n.申请者, 请求者 h,g~J-x`|  
application #>'0C6Xn  
n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用 &I=q%  
23.alley  ally b"b!&u  
alley qE[}Cf]X  
n.小路, , (花园里两边有树篱的)小径 #'P&L>6 ;  
ally ;Wdo*ysW  
v.结盟, ...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟 3#unh`3b  
n.同盟国, 支持者 Pc<ZfO #  
24.accession  access }$ der  
accession |HLh?AcX  
n.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加 c 9@*  
access 2S3F]fG0  
n.通路, 访问, 入门 -}s?!Pg>  
vt.存取, 接近 aUV>O`|_  
1. bull   bully r|+Zni]  
Bull w&H7S{  
n.公牛, 粗壮如牛的人;乐观进取的人;胡扯;废话 Qi M>59[  
bully :([,vO:  
vt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱 cP,jC(<N  
He's always bullying smaller boys. yd k  
2.bandage  bondage Wo&i)S<i0F  
bandage  n.绷带 `#hy'S:e  
bondage  n.奴役,束缚 0)Z7U$  
3.bread  bead Ua4} dW[w  
bread    n.面包 eUl[gHP  
bead     n.珠子, 水珠  vt.祈祷 KvgZx(.  
4.bump  dump  jump hump  lump  plump  pump shD$,! k  
bump b$BUo8O}  
n.撞击, 肿块 5g=" #  
v.(), (), 颠簸 aPbHrk*/  
dump -`( :L[  
vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸 W{%M+a[#l  
n.堆存处 L.5GX 29  
jump :c\NBKHv*  
n.跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 @`T6\ 1  
vt.跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃 B::vOg77  
vi.跳跃, 暴涨 rkD(K G9E  
hump 3cnsJV]  
n.驼峰, 驼背, 小园丘, 峰丘 NIgt"o[I  
v.(使)隆起, 弓起 }"szL=s  
lump Fax73vl|^a  
n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 WA<~M) rb  
vt.使成块状, 混在一起. qRr;&M &t_  
plump n9#@ e}r  
adj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的 u}pLO9V"`  
vt.突然放下, 使丰满, 使鼓起 MQI6e".  
vi.变丰满, 鼓起 u+-}|  
pump v"^G9u  
n., 抽水机 {3l] /X3  
vt.(用泵)(), 抽吸 GhX>YzD7  
5.beach  breach   bleach \E n^Vf  
beach kw!! 5U;7  
n.海滨;湖滨;河滩 x]F:~(P  
The little beach hotel has a pleasantambien _- { >e  
breach QqRL>.)W  
n.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏 z+;+c$X  
in breach of contract 5Ba eHzI  
Your company is in breach of the contract. %/4ChKf!VR  
bleach m'Ran3rp  
vt., vi.使变白 <_h  
Did you bleach this tablecloth? B lD  
6.bride  bribe Lb(=:Z!{  
bride  n 新娘 H>2)R 7h  
bribe   n  vt   贿赂 *!vwW T  
7.boom  broom L,BuzU[1S  
boom  n.v 繁荣 兴旺 h(ZZ7(ue  
broom  n 扫帚 u1rT:\G1  
8.buffet  buffer ?nE<Aig  
buffet (r.[b  
n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击 WS4J a$*  
vt ①连续地打击②搏斗 |%Pd*yZA  
buffer 54v}iG  
vt 缓冲、缓和 'V/+v#V+>  
1.censor   censure q9|'!m5K  
censor 4~4D1  
n.检查员 T'!7jgk{:  
vt.检查, 审查 .]24V!J(1w  
censure gAD,  
v.责难 fgdqp8~  
n.责难 H85J MPZ7  
2.cession   session <*oTVl4fS  
cession q8#zv_>K  
n.割让, 转让, []让与(他人)债权 @~sJ ((G[5  
session }hRw{#*8  
n.(官方机构的)会 议,会期,开会期 8#L V oR  
The general session approved the report ofthe investigation committee. u0p[ltJ,  
学期;大学的学期 4MUN1/DId`  
3.clash  crush  crash #p$iWY>e~  
clash :8=7)cW  
n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 $\Oc]%  
the clash of weapons []OmztB  
clash of interests XtCG.3(L Y  
a clash with the police n37P$0  
I failed to go to her wedding because itclashed with my examination. XSHK7vpMf  
战斗 ?*LVn~y  
It is broadcast that the two armies clashednear the borderline again before dawn. w#}[=jy  
vi., vt.冲突 #;D@`.#\  
The enemy armies clashed. 0#Ae<  
(事情)在时间上相冲突 f*o+g:]3  
It's a pity the two concerts clash. |tN:o= 6  
(常与with连用)(色彩)不协调  T _)G5a  
This shirt clashes with your trousers. g~p43sVV  
crush P"[\ p|[U  
vt., vi.压碎;压坏;碾碎;挤压;塞 L9{y1'')  
to crush one's way through the crowd InA=ty]"_U  
破坏;镇压;压服 *47HN7  
to crush all opposition w~4T.l#1  
crash < c%  
n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 fU<_bg  
v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 +\-cf,WkI  
4.classic   classical qr4.s$VGs*  
classic ?t)Mt]("  
n.杰作, 名著 2Q%*` vCuV  
adj.第一流的 I;Pd}A_}=_  
classical J\Db8O-/x4  
adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的 G5hf m-  
5.clench   clinch % 6\L^RP  
clench   ";jKTk7  
vt., vi.紧合;咬紧(牙关);捏紧(拳头) L"RE[" m  
She clenched her teeth when she wasoperated on.  M1=eS@  
紧握;抓牢 !i_~<6Wa7  
The girl clenched her money in her hand. yMEI^,0"  
clinch &o]fBdn  
vt., vi.敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住 (y s<{Y-;  
把(木头)钉牢在一起 .P#t"oW}  
确定;决定(贸易等);达成买卖或合同 RdB,;Um9f  
The two companies clinched the dealquickly. G<P/COI#M5  
The offer of more money clinched it forher. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director. Bk] `n'W  
6.coarse   hoarse   roar :Wihb#TO)  
coarse Pv|sPIIB7  
adj.粗的;粗糙的;未精炼的 &14xYpD<  
(表面)不光滑的;粗织的 F$ckW'V  
coarse cloth  ;{Yr |  
粗鲁的;鲁莽的;不礼貌的 I+QM":2  
coarse talk 3L-$+j~u  
hoarse r?9".H  
adj.嘶哑的 1)5/a5  
His voice was hoarse after talking for anhour. 7[0<,O6Q  
roar vXZ )  
n.吼声;咆哮声 ( G~ME>  
the roar of an angry lion kkJ8xyO  
The lion gave a loud roar. gH.$B'  
7.canvass  canvas .@\(ay  
canvas ]z]=?;ty%  
n.粗帆布;一块油画布 Q3'P<"u  
The young artist showed me his recentcanvases. h7 mk<  
canvass 2V~uPZ  
n.细查, 讨论, 劝诱 zcu z @  
vt.彻底检查, 细究, ...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 7q:;3;"9  
vi.游说, 拉选票 T)tTzgLD}  
8.cannon  canon wc#k@"2AZb  
cannon t*fH&8(  
n.加农炮;大炮 D&=+PAX  
canon ti3S'K0t  
n.教规,宗教法规 ^F- 2tc  
9.credible  credulous Bat@  
credible 1@}<CWE9  
adj.可信的;可靠的 <dAxB$16sT  
credulous #GfM^sK  
adj.轻信别人的 O]?\<&y  
10.continual   continuous @1q dnU  
continual e.Jaq^Gw|  
adj.over and over again; regular butinterrupted; QIdml*Np?H  
连续的 Q(R -8"  
Recently the young couple have continualarguments with each other for trifles. ?0-3J )kW  
continuous l\!`ZhM,  
adj. 不断的 4q?R3 \e;  
continuing without  stopping ;ceaseless n0t+xvNDF_  
continuous rain all day _,? xc"  
7.collide  collude Hn/V*RzQ  
collide |QQ(1#d  
vi.互撞;碰撞;(车、船等)猛撞 b ZZ _yc  
The two trains collided. `Gx 5=Bm;  
冲突;反对;强烈抵触(with) E_P,>f  
collude :.f( }sCS  
vi.共谋;勾结;串通(with) |x=(}g  
8.comment   commend PG @C5Rnu  
comment Dc 84^>l  
n.注释, 评论, 意见 P057]cAat<  
vi.注释, 评论(on ) :H]MMe  
commend |`|zo+aW  
vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引 Zeq^dV5y77  
9. compel expel  propel  repel {cjp8W8hS  
compel J<9}) m  
vt.强迫, 迫使 Moi>Dp  
expel d" a\`#  
vt赶走:驱逐或把…赶出去: '$4&q629d  
expel an invader. J/rF4=j%xy  
排出:从容器里或象从容器里释放: L"uidd0(g  
被迫离开;把…除名: @udc/J$  
expelled the student from college forcheating.See Synonyms at eject 1M?S l?+j  
propel `'9t^ 6mk  
vt.推进,推动;驱策 Z}IuR|=  
repel Gsy90  
vt.击退;逐退 XAB/S8e  
to repel an attack -AQ 7Bd  
使厌恶;使反感 KB{/L5   
His accent repels me. }{[p<pU$C  
10.contemporary   temporary D+h`Z]"|  
contemporary   v5FfxDvw  
n.同时代的人 Ng*O/g`%L  
adj.当代的, 同时代的 \}gITc).j  
temporary $SzuUI  
adj.暂时的, 临时的, 临时性 ir_X65l/2  
11.contemptuous   contemptible Lp+?5DjLT  
contemptuous @Dd(  
adj.(常与of连用) 表示轻蔑的;傲慢的 3)l<'~"z<  
a contemptuous look qIO)<5\[%d  
contemptible x139Ckn  
adj.卑劣的 <}%gZ:Z6g  
It was contemptible of him to speak likethat about a respectable teacher! 2p*L~! iM  
It was a contemptible trick to tell liesand play on an old friend! QQ99sy  
12.confer   infer   refer  prefer   defer 3IoN.  
confer Fn;Gq-^7@  
vt.授予(称号、学位等)on, 赠与, ...赠与, 协议 O5JG!bGE_F  
v.协商, 交换意见(on) FCChB7c`  
The engineers and technicians are stillconferring on the unexpected accident. ]w!=1(  
infer &Z+.FTo  
vt.推断;推知;推论 X- SR0x  
to infer an unknown fact from a known fact D Z=OZ.v  
I infer from your letter that you have notmade up your mind yet. {HP.HK  
refer +4k4z:<n  
vt., vi.(常与to 连用)涉及;提到;针对;有关 :]`JcJ  
The new law does not refer to farm land. rTeADu_vf  
提交;交付 E{'\(6z_  
The shop referred the complaint to themanufacturers. #3-hE  
prefer ^ ;cJjl'=  
vt.(常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿 `^DP<&{  
to prefer coffee to t q/3co86c  
Which of these two dresses do you prefer? )GJlQ1x  
defer 0Pg@%>yb~  
vt.推迟;延期 P~@I`r567  
vt.(与to连用)服从;顺从 <}AmzeHr+  
Do you always defer to your parents wishes? %&4\'lE  
13.consequent  subsequent L%f$ &  
consequent !)uXCg9U  
adj.作为结果的 {ALOs^_-  
subsequent mCEWp  
adj.随后的,后来的;继起的 zfUkHL6  
14.conventional   convenient 13I~   
conventional 3$kElq[  
adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的 Nv\<>gA:  
convenient ,CnUQx0  
adj.便利的, 方便的 ZRCUM"R_  
15.confidant    confidante   confident confidential q^b_'We_9  
confidant .n)0@X!  
n.知己男友 8j!(*'J.  
confidante ps=QVX)YP  
n.知己的女友 "yx BD 7  
confident o`[X _  
adj.确信的;有信心的;自信的 ?[ v C?P  
Peter is confident of winning the post asthe assistant to the managing director. ktK/s!bgY  
confidential P+;@?ofB  
adj.机密的;秘密的 1V1T1  
a confidential order 0qD.OF)8  
参与机密的;视为心腹的 ^b(> Bg )T  
a confidential secretary c9;oB|8|  
16.convert   divert   invert  revert    reverse @GE:<'_:{  
convert @7<m.?A!  
vt.(常与into连用)转变;变换 -q/FxESp  
to convert an old house into a new o _k.gVm  
That building has been converted into aschool. -qRO}EF  
兑换 ,<?M/'4}G  
I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars. zs@[!?A,  
改变信仰、党派或意见等 &,@wLy^ T  
She managed to convert him to her opinion. x+5y287#  
divert QYTwGThWR  
vt.转向;转移 MOW {g\{ \  
A ditch diverted water from the stream intothe fields. A)q,VSR8  
Traffic was ordered to divert to anotherroad because of the repair of the main road. 4Vi&Y')f  
The government is planning to divert theriver to supply water to the town. yw)Ztg)  
A loud noise from the street diverted myattention. ;M Z@2CO  
invert r#[YBaCZJ  
vt.置于相反位置;上下倒置 1)m&6 :!b  
The little boy caught the insect byinverting the cup over it. %S<( z5  
revert k|}S K9  
vi.(与to连用)恢复原状;回复;回到(原来话题) >zDnJb&"&  
(财产等)归复,归还 =F}e>D  
reverse 2=l !b/m  
vt.倒退;倒转 yw;!KUKb|  
He reversed the car. kY6))9 O  
翻转 S[ ,r .+  
She reversed the paper. LvNk:99:<  
改变;使成相反的东西 vv,(ta@t2  
He reversed the judgment and set theprisoner free after all. D:HeP:.I  
17.counsel   consul    council k]`3if5>  
counsel AcF;5h  
n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 ^OQ# Nz  
vt.劝告, 忠告 k|7XC@i]%  
consul G#! j`  
n.领事 Bv |Z)G%RR  
council !2N#H~{  
n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子 {hM*h(W~3  
18.conscious    conscientious U9xFQ=$ 2  
conscious g5to0  
adj.有意识的;神志清醒的 c"J(? 1O  
He is hurt but still conscious. b`K~l'8  
了解的;察觉的 3Pp*ID  
She was not conscious of his presence inthe room. 6#5@d^a  
刻意的:故意设计或做的;刻意的: ,9"</\]`  
a conscious insult; made a conscious effortto speak more clearly k>n^QHM  
conscientious 4#=!VK8ZH  
adj.凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的 j &Ayk*  
a conscientious piece of work U'.>wjO  
Be conscientious and make a good job ofpublishing.  wR/i+,K  
19.cosmic   comic L i=l/  
cosmic 4Df TVO"h  
adj.宇宙的 v-[|7Pg}Z  
comic VV] {R'  
n.滑稽演员 6aQ{EO-]'=  
adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的 }.zgVL L  
20.commerce   commence G68N@g  
commerce 4b3p,$BWS  
n.商业 ieS5*@^k  
commence '}4[m>/  
v.开始, 着手 a9jY^E'|n  
21.complexion    complex #^#)OQ q]  
complexion gYzKUX@  
n.面色, 肤色, 情况, 局面 3+ i(fg_  
complex x|<|eRYK  
adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 \wDOE(>  
22.compulsive  compulsory aeBth{  
compulsive KI>7h.t  
adj.强制的, 强迫的, 由强迫产生的, 禁不住的 )s=z i"  
compulsory 5K6_#g4"  
adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的 R?&S]?H  
1.decease   disease 6o1.?t?  
decease DD3J2J  
n.vi.死亡 u5CT7_#)  
disease b$ Uwj<v  
n.疾病, 弊病  m/6oQ  
2.definite  definitive ]-PF?8  
definite <&L;9fr  
adj.明确的, 一定的 hCxL4LrF  
definitive M2zfN ru  
adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 m1[QD26  
3.desert   dessert SpkVV/  
desert G0(c@FBK  
n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过 ~y| %D;  
adj.沙漠的, 不毛的, 荒凉的 f` IgfJN  
vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 D{l.WlA.  
vi.逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差 Txfb-f!mv\  
dessert ynDx'Q*N'  
n.餐后甜点 Qs?+vk?*h  
4.desirable   desirous Z?X$8o^Z  
desirable zEhy0LLm  
adj.值得做的;值得想望的;值得弄到手的 no/]Me!j=  
It is most desirable that he should attendthe conference. c^6`"\X^g  
desirous c'|MC[^A  
adj.(与of连用)渴望的,想…的 9nG] .@ H  
5.diary   dairy `?D_=Gw  
diary gP`!MlY@  
n.日记 Ffxk] o&%c  
dairy ~o%-\^oc  
n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油 A5`7o9  
6.diploma    diplomat    diplomacy  diplomatic o6y,M!p@  
diploma L$Leo6<3a  
n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 ( Lu.^  
diplomat =Hx~]1  
n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 nM; G; T  
diplomacy Z KR z=(  
n外交 %'t~e?d!  
diplomatic !Q(xOc9>Ug  
adj.外交的, 老练的 @\D D|o67  
7.disclaim   reclaim   exclaim  proclaim   acclaim   claim >b ["T+  
disclaim fD~!t 8J  
v.放弃, 弃权, 拒绝 YMi(Cyja&  
reclaim %)/f; T6  
vt.要求归还, 收回, 开垦 1:Yt2]  
exclaim "pZ3  
v.呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 -/-6Td1JY>  
proclaim w}.'Tebu  
vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露 ^c\IZ5  
acclaim & .?HuK  
vt.欢呼;欢呼着拥戴;欢呼着同意 Y/S3)o  
claim _on p%*  
n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 Xo@YTol  
vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要 _=L;`~=C9e  
8. discreet   discrete x}.d`=  
discreet s\W  
adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的 %]ayW$4  
discrete |"yf@^kdC  
adj.离散的;分立的;不连续的 |)q K g  
9.distinct  distinctive ;:c%l.Y2  
distinct e_=pspnZ  
adj.清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的 Q$)|/Y))  
distinctive Q H_W\W  
adj.与众不同的, 有特色的 nuQ6X5>.=  
10.donate   denote }IN_5o((  
donate wz+5 8(  
v.捐赠, 赠予 b#g {`E  
denote ey)u7-O  
vt.指示, 表示 ^W"Q (sh  
11.dwindle   bewilder P/pjy  
dwindle YvruK: I  
v.缩小 Blbq3y+Sq  
bewilder -2& i)S0R  
vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱 v (ka,Dk3  
12.dual   duel /u)Rppu  
dual 7"q+"0G  
adj.双的, 二重的, 双重 3}4p_}f/[4  
duel h/Hl?O8[  
n.决斗;两个人争斗;争辩;双方抗争 )_8}53C  
13.disinterested   uninterested %)axGbZG;  
disinterested  d9Z&qdxTKq  
adj.公正无私的;无偏见的;客观的 l>~`;W  
His action was not altogetherdisinterested. |qlS6Aln  
uninterested C ]'g:93L  
adj.不感兴趣的 i_u {5 U;  
Settle your own argument,I'm quiteuninterested! -@2' I++"@  
14.dissemble   disassemble @H\pipT_b  
dissemble JoCA{Fa}  
vt, vi.隐藏,掩饰(思想、感情等) 8geek$FY x  
disassemble 5g``30:o  
vt.解开,分解 kG1;]1tT#  
1.eradicate  erase MBB5w j  
eradicate @P:R~m2  
vt根除:连根撕碎;清除,扑灭,根绝:象连根拔起一样消灭: H&X:!xa5  
Their goal was to eradicate poverty. H`m:X,6}  
erase f.oP   
vt擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等) 5"JU?e59M  
删除:从磁带或其它存储介质上消除掉(记录的信息): 84=-Lw  
erased a file from the diskette. mG)8U{L  
erased the videocassette. u7;`4P:o@  
使忘却:象涂抹掉一样消除、消灭: V+lRi"m?|  
had to erase all thoughts of failure fromhis mind. _>Pk8~m  
2. elicit   illicit   explicit  elite   implicit 6b?`:$Cw3)  
elicit ]9jZndgC  
vt诱出,引出(事实等) 9ilM@SR  
illicit gnt45]@{  
adj.违法的 v&fGCD\R  
explicit rA ,CQypo  
adj.清楚的, 明确的  &hayR_F9  
elite :pwa{P  
n.精英 @(-yrU  
implicit |rMq;Rgu?  
adj.暗示的, 含蓄的,绝对的,完全的 .Y1bY: =  
3.eligible   illegible nbGoJC:U  
eligible :zlpfm2  
adj.符合条件的, 合格的 iZQ\ m0Zc  
Are you eligible to join this club #vQ?  
I know an eligible young lady who would bean excellent cooperator for you. &<Mt=(qY1  
illegible [Tb\woU  
adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的 HA!t$[_Ve  
4.emergence   emergency h* s`^W3  
emergence lkA^\ +Ct  
n.出现,显露,暴露 OV[`|<C '  
emergency h4(JUio  
n.紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件 uEx9-,!  
5.eminent   imminent   element  eliminate e1unzpWN  
eminent rB%y6P B  
adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的 4T`&Sl  
imminent !v9lk9SV  
adj.即将来临的, 逼近的 , T\-;7  
element ^s{hs(8%R  
n.要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境 ;cKH1  
eliminate ?TpUf  
vt.排除, 消除 *N F$1  
v.除去 8o|P&q(v*  
6.erotic  exotic }ptMjT{9  
erotic YEv Lhh  
adj.色情的 z/7$NxJH  
n.好色之徒 Jdj?I'XtY  
exotic ~W03{9(Vp8  
adj.外来的,外国来的,异乎寻常的 }`o? /!X   
an exotic purple bird >(3\k iYS  
7.exalt  exult ``|AgIg  
exalt  !aNh!  
vt.赞扬;歌颂,提升;晋升 <7 )Fh*W@  
exult j~`\XX{>  
vi.狂喜;欢跃 Y3',"  
The people exulted at the victory. DBsDk kB{  
The people all over the country exulted inthe success in launching a new satellite. Z4hLdHo_  
8. exhaustive   exhausted   exhausting WE6\dhJ<  
exhaustive GABQUmtH  
adj.彻底的, 详尽的 $_D6_|HK  
to make an exhaustive study 0C Aa^Q^w  
An exhaustive investigation of the factsproves the contrary. x,8<tSW)Z  
exhausted DWiBG  
adj.(令人)耗尽的, 疲惫的 !EBY@ Y1  
exhausting h7yqk4'Lq  
adj.使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 'Ot,H_pE  
1.facility   facilitate /)>S<X  
facility y\c"b-lQX  
n.灵巧,熟练 E JK0  
He has great facility in learninglanguages. gTf|^?vd  
Her facility with / in languages issurprising. 9X}I>  
(pl) 设施,设备 3Q By\1h.  
There are facilities for cooking in thekitchen. F<&!b2)ML  
Are there washing facilities in the school? ,!#ccv+Vm%  
facilitate 1zxq^BI  
vt.使容易;使便利 FMw&(  
It would facilitate matters if you weremore co-operative 'LE"#2Hu  
The new underground railway will facilitatethe journey to all parts of the city. }8K4-[\  
2. fiance   fiancee   finance ^jE8+h  
fiance jXg  
n.未婚夫 kOL'|GgK  
fiancee UUe#{6Jx_  
n.未婚妻 `# P$ ]:  
finance K=::)/{P  
n.财政, 金融, 财政学 NAC_pM&B  
vt.供给...经费, 负担经费 b*kfWG-6t  
vi.筹措资金 0% L l  
1.genius   genus   genuine YIRZ+H<Q  
genius dihjpI_  
n.天才, 天赋, 天才人物 h ZXXBp  
genus /phX'xp  
n.种类;属 ;|T! #@j  
genuine y9H% Xl  
adj.真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的,非伪造的 o G*5f  
2. graceful   gracious n.MRz WJpZ  
graceful HSUI${<  
adj.(身体的姿态和动作)优美的,优雅的 82{&# Vc  
a graceful young girl yF}OfK?0f  
a graceful young cat `>Tu|3%\  
得体的 Rk<@?(l!6x  
gracious a]17qMl  
adj.亲切的;和蔼的;慈祥的 VZr>U*J[:  
She welcomed her guests in a graciousmanner. v4,h&JLt  
优裕的;舒适的 $4kH3+WJ  
gracious living }U~6^2 .,  
1.hammer   hamper r`y ezbG  
hammer XgN` 7!Z  
n.铁锤, , 锤子 "I?Am&>'  
v.锤击, 锤打 EF7+ *Q9  
hamper iXu]e;6  
vt妨碍,阻碍 y.5/?{GL  
The snow hampered my movements. O<PO^pi  
2.heroin   heroine F^"_TV0va  
heroin >^q7c8]~g  
n.海洛因, 吗啡 2]GdD*  
heroine 'w>_+jLT  
n.女英雄, 女主人公 t"hYcnC  
3.hypercritical   hypocritical H1<>NWm!v7  
hypercritical Tus}\0/i>  
adj.过分苛求的,吹毛求疵的 #_lt~^ 6  
hypocritical iHwLZ[O{  
adj.伪善的,虚伪的 IdYzgDH  
hypocritical praise. S6}@I ,Q  
a hypocritical rogue. ]{"Br$  
1. illusion   allusion WLF0US '  
illusion .Ha' p.  
n.幻觉;幻影;错觉 ;^*Unyt[4]  
I have no illusions about his ability. xe7O/',pa=  
allusion >fH=DOz$&  
n.提及, 暗示 o]nw0q?  
2.imitate   intimate   intimidate  initiate lb'GXd %  
imitate iXyO(w4D  
vt.效法;模仿 KIR'$ 6pn~  
The little boy imitated his father. qB)"qFa  
James can imitate his teacher's speechperfectly. (`SRJ$~f  
模拟;假装;学 bSVlk`  
Parrots imitate human speech. [tMZ G%h  
仿制 J=pztASt  
Wood is often painted to imitate stone. )tCX y4  
intimate |_omr&[_  
adj.亲近的;亲密的;熟悉的 Vy_2.  
intimate friends m*$|GW9  
Do you believe these two intimate friendsused to be mutual sworn enemies? mxb06u _  
个人的;私人的 Lm@vXgMD  
an intimate diary &$`yo`  
intimidate ^F:k3,_[  
vt.胁迫;威迫 oI^4pwnh  
He said he would never be intimidated bybig names and authorities. -s9P 8W  
initiate aZEn6*0B  
vt.开始, 发动, 传授 >vuY+o;B  
v.开始, 发起 a>mm+L 8y  
3. imperial   imperious   empirical ID.n1i3  
imperial c)@>zto#  
adj.帝王的;帝国的 K \vSB~{ [  
imperious ,;M4jc {  
adj.傲慢的;专横的;紧急的 V7TVt,-3  
empirical rp5(pV 7*  
adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的 #GJ dZ  
4.indigenous   indignant RZ1 /#;  
indigenous ZNYH#mJX*  
adj.土产的;本地的 erVO|<%=R  
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. l3nrEk  
indignant sBV 4)xM  
adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的 jYiv'6z  
5. incomparable   uncomparable ?8W( "W   
incomparable wO2_DyMm@  
adj.无与伦比的, 卓越的 [b:e:P 2  
uncomparable =}PdH`S  
adj.(两者由于无共同特性)无法比较的 &sF^F gg{  
6.ingenuous  ingenious t'm;:J1  
ingenuous Dde]I_f}  
adj.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的 =!m}xdTP  
ingenious /*|oL# hK  
adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 GJqE!I,.  
7. inhabit   inhibit f-n z{U  
inhabit t#!yrQ..'G  
vt.居住 lDmtQk-SN  
a district sparsely inhabited @AYRiOodi  
inhibit pu,?<@0YK  
vt.(常与from连用)阻止;抑制 w\}?(uO  
an inhibited person Ngg?@pG0y  
8. interference   inference `yF`x8  
interference  JMdPwI  
n.干涉;阻挠 5{$LsL  
inference .Yw'oYnS  
n.推论,推断;推断的结果,结论 ly WwGR  
9.imaginative   imaginary   imaginable B^%1Rpcn  
imaginative MQ)L:R` L  
adj.富于想象的;有想象力的 ;60.l!   
imaginative writers ={?v Ab:  
imaginary RmrL^asg  
adj.想象的;虚构的 G^"Vo x4  
He told a story about an imaginary land. T;L>P[hNn  
imaginable lO:. OZu  
adj.可想象的, 可能的 >MJg ,  
10.immense   immerse .d/: 30Y  
immense 5d@t7[]  
adj.极大的 f&D]anf33  
He made an immense amount of money inbusiness. >yJ9U,Y  
The performance was immense. *Ei|fe$sa  
immerse RllY-JBO  
vt.(常与in连用)浸入 [7m1Q<  
immerse one's head in the water #"fJa:IYG7  
(常与in连用)沉浸于;沉溺于 >u%]6_[  
The professor was so immersed in her workthat she didn't notice me. G;3~2^lB\  
The whole town was immersed in a festivalatmosp  ; v  
1.judicious   judicial /J)l/oI  
judicious /MQU >&  
adj.明智的;有判断力的;有见识的 1+`l7'F  
judicial .yENM[- bQ  
adj.司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明断的 ~7!7\i,Y8\  
2.literature   literary juBw5U<  
literal xyr+_k-x&q  
adj.精确的 QCPID:  
a literal account of a conversation A$g+K,.l  
逐字翻译的,照字面的;原意的 clI*7j.4E#  
literate Ff^@~X+W<  
n.学者 avp; *G }  
adj.有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的 -oz`"&%  
literature XS~- vF  
n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献 uR6w|e`  
literary 5W =(+Q>C  
adj.文学的著作的;研究文学的文言的 "x'),  
3.little   litter /RLq>#:h**  
little =\)IaZ  
n.少许, 一会儿, 短时间 [=*E+Oc  
adj.很少的, 矮小的, 短暂的, 琐碎的 k&hc m  
adv.很少, 稍微, 完全不 OEr:xK2T  
litter ,( G%e  
n.垃圾 ~fz[x9\  
vt.乱丢, 铺草, 弄乱 p<WFqLe(":  
vi.产仔, 乱丢垃圾 q&'Lb xc>c  
4.loot   root >zY \Llv  
loot cd;NpN  
v.掠夺, 抢劫, 劫掠 Bd bJ< Is  
n.掠夺物, 战利品, 抢劫 VS?@y/\In  
root vd#,DU=p!  
n., 根部, 根本, 根源 z* ~YLT&  
v.(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立 HW=xvA+  
5.luxuriant   luxurious ;Hm'6TR!  
luxuriant ApPy]IdwX  
adj.繁茂的;丰富的 oL/o*^  
Luxuriant forests covered the hillside. Q F-)^`N  
多产的 {g/wY%u=  
luxurious 1TqF6`;+  
adj.舒适的;豪华的 6(56,i<#/  
a luxurious hotel nR5bs;gk"  
奢侈的;贪图享受的 coQ[@vu  
She had luxurious habits. CKARg8o  
1. massage   message vW.%[]  
massage .+#Lx;})  
vt.按摩;推拿 d5xxb _oE  
message &R]pw`mTH  
n.消息;音信 L@|#Bbmx  
I have sent mother a message to tell her Ishall be home late. FuP}Kec  
There's a message for you from your cousin. *d*oS7  
要旨;要点 XK3]AYH  
the message of this book m^$5K's&  
2.material   materiel AF#_nK) @  
material 'tWAuI  
n.材料, 原料, 物资, 素材, 布料 [%.18FWI  
adj.物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的 Fn,k!q  
materiel u7k|7e=xk  
n.军用品,装备,设施 Z*bC#s?  
3.mediate    meditate IhW7^(p\  
mediate vj3isI4lU  
vi.(常与between连用)调停;斡旋 ^pcRW44K  
meditate 7z<Cu<  
vi.(常与on /upon连用)考虑;深思;冥想;反省;策划;仔细计划 O_CT+Ou  
4.moral    morale aW`dFitpM  
moral Kfjryo9  
adj.道德(), 精神的 V< -htV  
n.道德 zUQe0Gc.b^  
morale Iq,v  
n.士气, 民心 iBHw[X,b  
1.negligible    negligent Yq0# #__  
negligible F!R2_89iy  
adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的 G7Ny"{Z  
negligent J 9a $AU*  
adj.疏忽的, 粗心大意的  lM&UFEl-\  
2.notable   noticeable ,eK2I Ao  
notable IozNjII$:.  
adj.显著的, 著名的 N(7u],(Om  
noticeable qL>v&Rd<  
adj.显而易见的 pE(sV{PD  
The hole in your trousers is not noticeable. kd`YSkZ  
1.official   officious iPkT*Cl8  
official y^YVo^3  
n.官员, 公务员 I}ndRDz[  
adj.职务上的, 公务的, 官方的, 正式的 z"3H{ A  
officious +W d L  
adj.爱发命令的;专横的;好出主意的 fr]Hc+7  
2. optional   optical   optimal #8&#E?^d  
optional EGEMZCdk2  
adj.可选择的, 随意的 iW-t}}Z>B  
optical U-ULQ|6U  
adj.眼的, 视力的, 光学的 8ur_/h7  
optimal U#$:\fT  
adj.最佳的, 最理想的 BMF3XcH~G  
3.ordinance  ordnance =3pD:L  
ordinance hN} 5u"pS  
n.法令;条例 ]svw CPu C  
ordnance 2t.fD@  
n.大炮;炮兵;军械;军需品 %K`4 k.gN  
1. perpetrate  perpetuate )biX8yq hR  
perpetrate |})rt5|f1!  
vt.作(恶);犯(罪);为(非) oX2r?.j#M  
perpetuate Km%8Yw0 +  
vt.使永存, 使不朽 `c>A >c|  
2.persecute   prosecute td%Y4-+-  
persecute 40rZ~!}  
vt.迫害 mJ/^BT]  
prosecute "hz>{oe  
vt.告发;检举 w:n(pLc<  
He was prosecuted for robbery. D_zcOq9  
3.perspective   prospective L/c4"f|.*v  
perspective |:{g?4Mi  
n.远景, 前途, 观点;看法, 观点 % 1OC#&  
prospective 6 bYC  
adj.未来的;盼望中的;预期的 L)@`58Eil  
prospective benefits e?|d9;BO  
4.physicist   physician 4,o %e,z  
physicist 9T?~$XlX  
n.物理学者, 唯物论者 6hR^qdHg  
physician tuX =o  
n.医生;内科医生 3}v0{c  
5. popular   populace   populous CD*f4I#d  
popular "h^A]t;qe  
adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 qQwJJjf  
populace |k/`WC6As.  
n平民;大众;老百姓 `M towXj  
populous Cb4d|yiS8  
adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的 q}wl_ku9+  
6.portable    potable o6`Y7,]  
portable 6:e}v'q{  
adj.轻便的, 手提(), 便携式的 l iBAJx  
potable LG"BfYy6  
adj.适于饮用的 N` @W%  
n.饮料 5 ]A$P\7~1  
7.practicable   practical U}mL, kj "  
practicable LC~CPV'F  
adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的 ^K1~eb*K  
practical +H2m<   
adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的, 应用的, 有实际经验的 #`fi2K&]j  
8.principal   principle ,n /SDEL  
principal [XA&&EcU  
n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 N2+mN0k;  
adj.主要的, 首要的 ^+.+I c H  
principle u&?yPR  
n.法则, 原则, 原理 A1#4nkkc9  
9.profile   profit 1 Ovx$ *  
profile E-BOIy,  
n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓 wI1M0@}PV  
profit y{&{=1#  
n.利润, 益处, 得益 JO<gN= [  
vi.得益, 利用 {y+v-v/#  
vt.有益于, 有利于 2Q`PUXj  
10.peel  peep   peek peer )eTnR:=  
peel  n 果皮  vt  vi 削皮,剥落 L XTipWKz  
peep  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) Sh~ 8jEk  
peek  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) &kr_CP:;  
peer  vi 凝视 at vMW -gk   
10.promise   premise }R(0[0NQe-  
promise b}EYNCw_7S  
vt.允诺, 答应 M rH%hRV6R  
n.允诺, 答应, 许诺 P}.yEta  
premise mTb2d?NS  
n.前提 .H[ Lo>  
vt.提论, 预述, 假定 )P(d66yq'u  
vi.作出前提 ]ukj]m/@  
11.proper   prosper fO^EMy\  
proper  HPd+Bd  
adj.正当的;适当的 !kHyLEV  
prosper .x-Z+Rs{g  
vi., vt.发达 繁荣;昌盛 &s6(3k  
His company is prospering. ]( U%1  
12.prescribe   proscribe W&~iO   
prescribe a s< q  
vt., vi.开药方;处方;命令;规定 R(7X}*@X  
The law prescribes what should be done. J z:W-o  
proscribe S#%JSQo:  
vt.禁止;放逐 \PtC  
13.personality   personalty T$8$ 9D_u  
personality   GO:1 Z? ^  
n.人格;个性 nF!_q;+Vp  
a strong personality ekk&TTp#  
personalty Lh9>8@ jf  
n.个人财产 ,*}g r  
14.parish   perish k~s>8N:&G  
parish $xn%i\  
n.教区;行政教区;地方自治区 oe_[h]Hgl  
(熟知该区情况的警察、出租汽车司机的)工作区域 G]3ML)l  
perish {]_{BcK+  
vi., vt.死;暴卒;毁灭;损坏;枯萎 r@@eC['  
Flowers perish when frost comes. u>i+R"hi"  
1.responsive   responsible /Geks/  
responsive Qj~W-^/ -  
adj.(常与to连用)反应的;易反应的 BO\`m%8md  
She is responsive to kindness. 4;~lpty  
responsible &u`rE""  
adj.(常与to, for连用)有责任的;应负责任的 @. ]K6qC  
The bus driver is responsible for thepassengers safety. AYQh=$)(  
2.reward   award 'FA)LuAok  
reward eq 1 4  
n.报酬, 奖金 ^)P5(fJ  
vt.酬劳, 奖赏 hw.demD  
award ^VYZ %  
vt.颁奖,授奖 H=SMDj)s+  
The school awarded Merry a prize (for hergood work). )*<d1$aM  
1.sanction   sanitation w0%ex#lkm  
sanction -clg 'Aa;.  
n.批准;允许;认可;制裁;处罚;约束力 @KRn3$U  
Poetry is one of the sanctions of life. ]X;*\-  
sanitation ump:dL5{  
n.公共卫生;保持公共卫生;公共卫生设施 H.G^!0j;  
2. secret   secretive K dQ|$t  
secret X!HSS/'  
n.秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 FHPZQC8  
adj.(事物)秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的、 3K] 0sr  
secretive zSufU2  
adj.(人)守口如瓶的 0lq4   
3.sob   sober   somber E6\~/=X=%  
sob $W]guG  
v.哭诉, (风等)发呜咽声, 哭泣 'Bn_'w~j{  
n.呜咽, 哭泣 T{xo_u {Q  
sober PsT v\!  
adj.未醉的;清醒的;审慎的;严肃的;庄重的;不加装饰的;朴素无华的 \B +SzW  
somber EF{'J8AQ  
adj.忧郁的,郁闷的;阴暗的;幽暗的 Q"_T040B  
4.solemn   sole [4yQbqe;  
solemn tF1%=&ss  
adj.庄严的, 隆重的, 严肃的 mK/P4]9g  
sole e[o ;l  
adj.单独的, 唯一的 m|gd9m $,?  
n.脚底, 鞋底, 基础 yp'>+cLa  
v.换鞋底  6u3(G j@  
5.status   statute    stature  statue |VF"Cjw?  
status RxG./GY  
n.身份, 地位, 情形, 状况 UwT$IKR  
statute 2{: J1'pC  
n.法令, 条例 Oj\mkg  
stature z hL,BTH  
n.身高, 身材 rs+37   
statue bd;f@)X  
vt.以雕像装饰 o:*iT =l  
n.雕像 f_Bf}2Eedj  
6.stationary    stationery M &-/ &>n!  
stationary ?"u-@E[m  
adj.固定的;不动的 Uwa1)Lwn  
Wait until the bus is stationary before youget off. =LA@E&,j  
stationery S3wH M  
n.文具, 信纸 fdW={}~  
7.stimulate  simulate   simultaneous spontaneous   instantaneous F'*4:WD7  
stimulate T6#GlO)8)  
vt.激励,鼓励;使兴奋 L<`g}iw  
simulate )CQ}LbXZy  
vt.模拟, 模仿;假装, 冒充 P ://Zi6>  
simultaneous !~v>&bCG>9  
adj.同时的, 同时发生的 4VgDN(n0@  
spontaneous 7C^ nk z  
adj.(行为)自发的 ,无意识的 i*j +<R@  
(现象) 自然产生的 =Y[Ae7e  
The eruption of a volcano is spontaneou cIjs UqKa  
The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneousgesture of affection. _Oq\YQ b v  
instantaneous P#PQ4uK \  
adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 k6S<46}h|  
8.subside   subsidy   subsidize  subsist :B~ c>:  
subside U)8]pUI+/P  
vi.(土地)下 陷,凹陷 <^{:K`  
(恶劣的气候或其他激烈的情况)平息,消退,平静 C"<@EMU9  
下沉;落下;坐下 t;3.;  
subsidy B?Skw{&  
n.补贴;补助金 *_wBV M=2  
subsidize %\0 Y1!Hw  
vt.资助;津贴 ;\N*iN#K  
subsist z^.0eP8\j  
vi.生存;维持生活 / jD'o>  
9.summit   submit eHR<(8c'f  
summit `Fj(g!`  
n.顶点, 最高阶层 @AOiZOH  
adj.政府首脑的 L_,U*Jyo  
vi.参加最高级会议的 R8l9i2  
submit {W] jVh p  
v.(使)服从, (使)顺从 5mU_S\)4:z  
vt.提交, 递交 c3##:"wr  
10.synonymous    anonymous    unanimous @#apOoVW>  
synonymous 4KCxhJq  
adj.(后面与with连用)同义的 uc_ X;M;  
anonymous H^G*5EQK  
adj.匿名的 /7^~*  
unanimous h.*|4 ;  
adj.全体一致的,无异议的 P*>V6SK>b  
He was elected with unanimous approval. c'b,=SM  
一致通过的 $Tg$FfD6&  
The whole school was unanimous in itsapproval of the head-master's plan. KVuv%?  
11.surpass    trespass     compass ]NCOi ?Odx  
surpass Ty=}A MMyE  
vt.超越, 胜过 VZ8L9h<{"  
trespass 5WUrRQ?E  
vi.(常与on, upon连用)非法侵入; ]l%j>Vb!L  
The farmer said we were trespassing. G;e}z&6<k  
(与on连用)侵扰,打扰 8/:\iPk0  
I won't trespass upon your time any longer. 6{M.S}.^  
compass t`  Sh!e  
n.指南针;类似指南针的仪器;圆规;两脚规 cQ`,:t#[  
1.terminate   exterminate _PIk,!<  
terminate o! 8X< o  
vt., vi.终止;终结;结束 ;>~iCF k]?  
a display of fireworks that terminated thefestivities. $)U RY~;i  
The oil pipeline terminates at a shippingport. Negotiations terminated yesterday R`c5-0A  
exterminate zSu2B6YU}  
vt消灭;杀绝 sdb#K?l  
2.terrorist   territory \m<*3eS  
terrorist B4kIcHA  
n.恐怖分子 Fq8Z:;C8  
territory Vh&uSi1V  
n.领土;版图;领地 z8o Sh t`+  
3.temper  temperate  temperature  temperament  temperance  temperamental m*1=-" P  
temper {0?76|  
n.脾气;性情;心情 s SDBl~g  
in a good temper )lZb=t  
心情好;闹情绪;发脾气 *`kh}  
He's in a temper today. O_ ~\$b  
temperate G]{)yZ'}  
adj.有节制的, 适度的, 戒酒的;(气候)温和的 8qT/1b  
temperature C`fQ` RL\  
n.温度 @ Fu|et  
temperament V[~/sc )  
n.气质;性情;性格 ;aSEv"iWX  
temperance |g~.]2az  
n.节欲, 戒酒, 禁酒, (气候等的)温和 bFcI\Q{4  
temperamental )Ipa5i>t  
adj.出自本性的;本质的;喜怒无常的;易冲动发火的 RJ`F2b sYN  









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