151."High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication." 151. 高速的电子通讯媒介,如电子邮件和电视,阻止了人们有感情的交流。(不妥?) "
&Y`+ 0S8
A. High-speed electronic communications media can perform most functions that traditional media have provided. 6^]+[q}3
B. High-speed electronic communications media have obvious advantages over traditional communications; high speed, vividness and economy. UtoT
C. However, high-speed electronic communications media tend to create passive, isolated and indifferent communicators, preventing people from effective face-to-face interaction. Y]'Z7<U}*E
152 "The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies." ]d$8f
A. Admittedly, corporate executives should make every effort to increase the profits of their companies. 152. 对于公司的执行官,他们唯一的任务就是在法律允许的范围内,为公司赚尽可能多的钱。 0"<H;7K#W
B. Besides making as much money as possible, corporate executives should be aware of businesses’ social responsibilities. y0L_"e/
C. Taking some social responsibilities will benefit companies in the long run. 5_GYrR2
153."Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively." fK>L!=Q
A. Skepticism, or critical thinking, helps us uncover bias and prejudice and distinguish between opinion and fact. 153. 学生们应该带着怀疑的态度对待他们所学的任何东西。他们应该质疑老师教给他们的东西,而不是消极地接受 Cio
B. Skepticism is the starting point for creation. 0q()|y?}
C. College campus is a place where teachers and students get involved in a common pursuit for knowledge and truth. \V;F/Zy(
154."Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators." 154. 家长和社会都应该参与到当地的教育中来。教育太重要了,不能把教育单独交给一群专业的老师。(38) Position: n@<YI
A. parents hold the ultimately legal authority to make key decisions about what and how their own children learn—including choice of curriculum and text books, pace and schedule for learning, and the extent to which their child should learn alongside other children. Ua:}V n&!
B. Only a parent can truly know the unique needs of a child—including what educational choices are best suited for the child. *7uH-u"5d
C. Parents are more motivated—by pride and ego—than any other person to take whatever measures are needed to ensure their children receive the best possible education. (nQ
D. With the communities' participation, local schools wilt do better in instructing the children, especially in the respect of moral instruction. SX-h I disagree with the speaker's assertion. A compelling argument can be made that, except for major decisions such as choice of school, a child's education is best left to professional educators. ;AG8C
a) In a perfect world, parents would always make their children's education one of their highest priorities. Yet, in fact many parents do not. d[iQ`YW5
b) Parents are not necessarily best equipped to know what is best for their children when it comes to education. qU \w=
c) Parents are too subjective to always know what is truly best for their children. They may try to overcome their own shortcomings and failed self-expectations through their children's accomplishments and other decision detrimental to children's development. 5AFJC?
d) too many parties become involved in making decision about day-to-day instruction, the school education would be interfered and intervened. pC#E_*49