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主题 : 北师大考博英语真题2004
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楼主  发表于: 2012-12-03   
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English Entrance Examination for Non-English Major Doctoral Candidates March 20, 2004 z-.+x3&o @  
Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension(20 points) Gf<'WQ[  
Section A n' q4  
Directions: There are five statements in this section. Each statement will be spoken only once. When you hear a statement, read the four choices given and choose the one which is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard by marking the corresponding letter A, B, C and D on the ANSWER SHEET. K#=*9S  
1. ([m mPyp>L  
A. Tony’s boss left office for two days. zZ` _D|<m  
B. Tony quit his job after two days. 2h1vVF3  
C. Tony was off work for two days. Wg<(ms dj  
D. Tony’s boss agreed to take two days off. V#S9H!hm$  
2. li}1S   
A. The professor told the students that the date of the exam would be changed. ;E3>ay6m8  
B. The students expected that the exam would not be delayed. n T{3o;A  
C. The exam would not be canceled as the professor had originally said. K|hjEQRv  
D. The professor said the exam would not be postponed. ZOeQ+j)|I  
3. -v]Sr33L  
A. I wrote to you. 4;0lvDD  
B. I called you. 5?3Me59  
C. I let you inside. _0]S69lp  
D. I went to see you. 6sx'S?Qa*  
4. @oV9)  
A. Unlike Sarah, Frank takes his coffee black. hPUYyjXPB  
B. Frank likes coffee, but Sarah doesn’t. p8h9Ng* &`  
C. Frank took the coffee back to Sarah. 3TY5;6  
D. Sarah and Frank take cream and sugar in their coffee. uj R_"r|l  
5. e%@~MQ-  
A. There were more people than chairs. %t" CX5 n  
B. There were more than enough chairs. )ttUWy$w  
C. There were too many empty seats. HUv/ ~^<  
D. There were never enough people. $_o-~F2i5  
Section B X.f>'0i  
Directions: In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D on your test paper, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. w35J.zn  
6. X[PZg{   
A. An architect. {B?Wu3-  
B. A civil engineer. Ay 5i+)MD  
C. A furniture designer. G MX?  
D. A cameraman. :U3kW8;UMP  
7. HkUWehVm  
A. He had a busy morning. M<.d8?p )  
B. He had a terrible morning. F`Q[6"<a  
C. He had an exciting morning. ?'@8kpb  
D. He had a terrific morning. h]5C|M|  
9F) z4  
8. JEahG zO  
A. Trains are often overcrowded with tourists. *W0y: 3dB3  
B. She is in favor of closing down the railway. s.N7qO^:E  
C. She always takes trains whenever she goes out. Tx|Ir+f6L  
D. The railway is more convenient than the highway. =BSzsH7  
9. Z~o o;xE  
A. It’s a well-paying job. wkA+j9.  
B. The job can be very rewarding. uxtWybv  
C. The job may not be worth taking. )uj Ex7&c  
D. It’s a job she can do. 2N~Fg^xB  
10.   DnCP aM4%  
A. She should have been more careful about her money. s \;"X  
B. She should buy the brown suit. !sDh4jQ`  
C. She should find another job to make more money. F(k.,0Nc  
D. She shouldn’t buy the brown suit. hAYTj0GZ  
Section C f&eK|7J_Yf  
Directions: In this section, you will hear part of a radio programme in which a doctor talks about jet lag. Look at the ten statements for this part on your test paper and decide if you think each statement is Right, Wrong or Not Mentioned while you are listening to the programme. Then mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. W-x?:X<}  
11. You really only suffer from jet lag when you fly east. @R/07&lBR  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned ?t/~lv  
12. The problem of jet lag is that many people become hyperactive. zEd0Tmt  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned >XY`*J^  
13. Only certain people suffer from jet lag. OMWbZ>jB  
d F9!G;V  
TH; R  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned ]h>_\9qO  
14. Jet lag affects young children less. _,xc[ 07  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned YP.5fq:  
15. If you are flying west you can reduce the effects of jet lag before you go by going to bed and getting up later. Q<h-FW8z  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned xC*6vH]?  
16. If you are flying east you can reduce the effects of jet lag before you to having your meals later. U*( izD  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned :*ing  
17. It is better not to sleep on the plane. -BRc8 /  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned ]l1\? I  
18. You should be more careful than usual of what and when you cat on the plane. !lf|7  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned m@"QDMHk.  
19. It takes up to seven days to get over jet lag. ^HV>`Pjd}=  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned }`W){]{k O  
20. When you arrive you should always try to sleep. +?u~APjNN  
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned =+U `-J} g  
Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (25 points) [`^a=:*  
Directions: There are five passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSER SHEET. Cnbz=z  
1 [z9 `)VIe  
Imagine eating everything delicious you want with none of the fat. That would be great, wouldn’t it? tNGp\~  
New “fake fat” products appeared on store shelves in the United States recently, but not everyone is happy about it. Makers of the products, which contain a compound called olestra, say food manufacturers can now eliminate fat from certain foods, Critics, however, say that the new compound can rob the body of essential vitamins and nutrients and can also cause unpleasant side effects in some people. So it is up to consumers to decide whether the new fat-free products taste good enough to keep eating. NWM8[dI  
Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s, when they were searching for a fat that could be digested by infants more easily. Instead of finding the desired fat, the researchers created a fat that can’t be digested at all. FrTi+& <  
Normally, special chemicals in the intestines “grab” molecules of regular fat and break them down so they can be used by the body. A molecule of regular fat is made up of three molecules of substances called fatty acids. 2] zq#6ix  
The fatty acids are absorbed by the intestines and bring with them the essential vitamins A, D, E and K. When fat molecules are present in the intestines with any of those vitamins, the vitamins attach to the molecules and are carried into the bloodstream. (iL|Sq&}b  
Olestra, which is made from six to eight molecules of fatty acids, is too large for the intestines to absorb. It just slides through the intestines without being broken down. Manufacturers say it’s that ability to slide unchanged through the intestines that makes olestra so valuable as a fat substitute. It provides consumers with the taste of regular fat without any bad effects on the body. But critics say olestra can prevent vitamins A, D, E, and K from being absorbed. It can also prevent the absorption of carotenoids, compounds that may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc. x$1]M DAGb  
Manufacturers are adding vitamins A, D, E and K as well as carotenoids to their products now. Even so, some nutritionists are still concerned that people might eat unlimited amounts of food made with the fat substitute without worrying about how many calories they are consuming. RLb KD>  
21. We learn from the passage that olestra is a substance that . :?/cPg'D  
A. contains plenty of nutrients P"W2(d  
B. renders foods calorie-free while retaining their vitamins `glBV`?^  
C. makes foods easily digestible -amBB7g  
D. makes foods fat-free while keeping them delicious W7U2MqQ  
22. The result of the search for an easily digestible fat turned out to be . ?,& tNP{jq  
A. commercially useless 4<% *E{`  
B. just as anticipated i(iXD  
C. somewhat controversial o| #Qu8Lk  
D. quite unexpected H`0|tepz  
23. Olestra is different from ordinary fats in that . $4/yZaVb  
A. it passes through the intestines without being absorbed *.!Np9l,V  
B. it facilitates the absorption of vitamins by the body ?)u@Rf9>  
C. it helps reduce the incidence of heart disease G5C I<KRK#  
D. it prevents excessive intake of vitamins *g6n  
24. What is a possible effect of olestra according to some critics? Z@3i$8  
A. It may impair the digestive system. ;~D)~=|ZZ  
B. It may affect the overall fat intake. n2oz"<?$S  
C. It may increase the risk of cancer. P/Q!< I  
D. It may spoil the consumers’ appetite. \=6l9Lrj>h  
25. Why are nutritionists concerned about adding vitamins to olestra? JwA YG5 W  
A. It may lead to the over-consumption of vitamins. /7}It$|nhy  
B. People may be induced to eat more than is necessary. FLGk?.x$\  
C. The function of the intestines may be weakened. %`&2+\`  
D. It may trigger a new wave of fake food production. SV2M+5#;  
2 "x3lQ  
Although rarely seen, bats, as compared to other mammals, are quite common. Bats rank second only to rodents in number and diversity of species. Their numbers probably total in the tens of billions. Bats also vary considerably in size-from the tiny Philippine bamboo bat, with a six-inch wingspan and weighing 1/20th of an ounce to the “flying fox” with a wingspan of four or five feet and weight of two pounds. hM{{\yZS  
5 u*-L_  
The diet of bats is varied. Most types eat insects, but they also consume blood, pollen, and nectar and fruits. Some eat other vertebrates (animals with backbones) such as fish, lizards, and even other bats. Those that feed on flowers very often server as the primary pollinator of the flowers. The insect-consuming forms, quite obviously, are very beneficial. EUN81F?  
Perhaps the most unusual characteristic of bats is their skilled nocturnal flying ability. This skill is so highly developed that they are capable of avoiding obstacles even in total darkness. Bats possess a high degree of tactile sense that may help them in avoiding obstacles, but their primary ability to do so is based on their ability to make high-pitched sounds and on their acute hearing ability. :9^;Qv*  
Flying bats were long thought to be silent creatures, but this is now known not to be the case. While in flight, bats are continuously emitting a series of ultrasonic orientation pulses that are inaudible to the human ear. The frequency of the cries of bats, at 50,000 vibrations per second, is estimated to be two and half times higher than the human ear can hear. "4uS3h2r  
This unique operation, a highly refined type of sonar system, allows the bat to detect rebounding pulses from obstacles near and far in its environment. They system is unique, additionally, in that the bat is capable of sorting through numerous rebounding pulses so as to avoid objects in its immediate path. Rescarchers are attempting to understand this system in hopes that it may reveal how the human brain processes sensory information. %F-ZN^R  
In the final analysis bats are interesting and amazing; and to contrast to popular legends, they are quite useful and helpful to nature and man. ">y%iE  
26. Which of the following is true? =o&>fw  
A. There are more rodents in the world than bats. YKO){f5  
B. There are more bats in the world than rodents. *#tJM.Z  
C. Bats are usually bigger than rodents. <gJ U?$  
D. Rodents are usually bigger than bats. }j*KcB_  
27. According to the passage, some bats eat . qoj$]   
A. human-beings ]3KhgK%c8  
B. rodents l i0i"  
C. foxes 763v  
y5 do1Z  
D. other bats pXJpK@z  
28. The word “nocturnal” in Paragraph 3 is related to . .zn;:M#T  
A. sound DjN|Wr)*  
B. vibrations #ZYVc|sT+  
C. night G|( ]bvJ?  
D. reputation -lhLA`6_R  
29. What can make bats avoid objects in flight? ~ ; -! n;  
A. Their sharp sense of hearing. ZE2$I^DY-  
B. Their ability to emit ultrasonic sounds. 7tcPwCc{  
C. Their unique sense of seeing. ? P( ZA  
D. Both A and B. 8erSt!oM  
30. We can conclude from the passage that bats are . IuNiEtKx  
A. really more intelligent than man c2e t c8  
B. often wronged in popular legends K9OYri^TQ  
C. ugly and dangerous 4)U.5FBk )  
D. beautiful in appearance j4;0|zx-i  
3 Zxbo^W[[  
There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (“state” and “statistics” come from the same Latin QoG cWJ  
root, “status&rdquo D,g1<:<  
and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censuses—all of which led to modern descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modern inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability. lhw()u  
Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. Theses data may be quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade level—variables that are characterized by an underlying continuum—or the data may represent qualitative variables, such as ***, college major, or personality type. Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data. /6h(6 *JI  
LWHd~ "eU  
Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child: the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population. vh*U]3@  
31. The word “divergent” (Para. 1, Line 1) is closest in meaning to . I;Bjfv5  
A. distributed B. different C. recorded D. prominent bIEhgiH  
32. According to the first paragraph, counting and census-taking are associated with . mGGsB5#w>  
A. inferential statistics ea~:}!-P  
B. qualitative changes 2c:#O%d(  
C. descriptive statistics tX"Th'Qi  
D. unknown variables k:#P|z$UD  
33. Why does the author mention the “mother” and “father” in the passage? [fKUyI Y_  
A. To point out that parents can teach their children statistics. {FG|\nPw  
B. To introduce inferential statistics. hDp6YV,q  
C. To explain that there are different kinds of variables. =?s 3iP  
D. To present the background of statistics in a humorous and understandable way. CBD6bl|A  
34. Which of the following statements about descriptive statistics is best supported by the passage? d R]Q$CJ  
K a(J52  
A. It reduces large amount of data to a more comprehensible form. i6 (a@KRY  
B. It is based on probability. ]/B$br'O{?  
C. It can be used by people with little knowledge of mathematics. V]vc(rH  
D. It measures only qualitative differences. U=o"32n+  
35. With what is the passage mainly concerned? -M1YE  
A. The drawbacks of descriptive and inferential statistics. H_ez'yy  
B. The development and use of statistics. }A:<%N  
C. Applications of inferential statistics. 3t0[^cY8=z  
D. How to use descriptive statistics. !grVR157P  
4 ?l$Nf@-  
It is possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always wicked and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity has changed this. Either Man will abolish war, or war will abolish Man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the gravest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in massacre, but by arbitration in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change age-old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted. ]wWPXx[>/  
There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a profound error. All ideologies are based upon dogmatic assertions which are, atbest, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them. C{q:_M;  
The movement of world opinion during the past two years has been very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a commonplace that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course very difficult problems remain in the international sphere, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has began to be though, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between East and West, but between Man and the H-bomb. .]9c/  
36. This passage implies that war is now . 0^8)jpL$<9  
A. more wicked than in the past C^z\([k0er  
B. as wicked as in the past XK5<Tg  
C. less wicked than in the past *\o/q[  
D. what people try to live with E3*\ ^Q_  
37. According to the author . $\"9<o|h  
A. it is impossible to live without war =SAU4xjo  
B. war is the only way to suede international disagreements vi)%$~  
C. war must be abolished if man wants to survive .?>5-od2  
D. war will be abolished by modern ingenuity $7'g Rb4  
38. The author says that modern weapons . /LM4- S  
A. will help abolish war Fbp{,V@F2  
B. put mankind in grave danger >2?aZ`r+  
C. will gradually become part of man’s life 8p!*?RRme[  
D. need further improving ^o !O)D-q  
39. The author believes that the only way to abolish war is to . `:eViVl6e  
A. abolish nuclear weapons >z`,ch6~  
B. let the stronger side take over the world 3<?XTv-  
C. improve bacteriological and chemical weapons iHp\o=#  
D. settle international issues through negotiation gLSA!#[ h  
40. The last paragraph suggests that . G3G6IP  
A. nuclear war will definitely not take place -[Qvg49jy  
a0*2) uL}  
B. international agreements are now reached more and more easily ^MmC$U^n  
C. man is beginning to realize that nuclear war is his greatest enemy &-1./?  
D. world opinion is in favour of nuclear war 0q9>6?=i  
5 GyC/_ntn  
The acknowledged “King of Ragtime” was the black pianist and composer Scott Joplin. Joplin (1868-1917), originally from Texarkana, Texas, began his career as an itinerant pianist. By1885 he was in St. Louis, playing in honky-tonks and sporting houses. He went to Chicago briefly (1893) to try his luck in the entertainment halls that had sprung up around the Word’s Fair, then in 1894 to Sedalia, Missouri, to stay until the turn of the century. His first published rag, Original Rags, came out in March, 1899; later the same year appeared Maple Leaf Rag, named for a saloon and dance hall in Sedalia. The work has an instant and resounding success, and by the time of his death Joplin had published more than thirty original rags, and other piano pieces, songs, and arrangements. He had even larger aims: in 1902 he finished a ballet score called Rag Time Dance, and in 1903 the opera A Guest of Honor, unpublished and now apparently lost, in 1911 came another opera, Treemonisha. The artistic success of these larger works is debatable, but that of Joplin’s piano rags is not; they can only be described as elegant, varied, often subtle, and as sharply incised as a cameo. They are the precise American equivalent, in terms of a native style of dance music, of minuets by Mozart, mazurkas by Chopin, or waltzes by Brahams. They can both be lovely and powerful, infectious and moving-depending, of course, on the skill and stylishness of the pianist, for they are not easy music technically and they demand a clean but “swinging” performance. b59{)u4F  
41. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? J@9}`y=K  
A. Scott Joplin’s Early Career C#w]4$/  
B. Rare Piano Works of Scott Joplin &)pK%SAM  
C. Sedalia: The Birthplace of Ragtime B/"2.,  
D. A Ragtime composer and His Music gq5qRi`q  
42. It can be inferred from the passage that Joplin is recognized as the “King of Ragtime” because he . o/,NGU  
A. was probably the greatest composer of ragtime music 1zktU.SZ  
B. began his career as a famous child pianist _B,_4 }  
C. created the character “King of Ragtime” in one of his operas vRPS4@9'  
D. was a descendant of a European royal family yW.COWL=)  
43. According to the passage, which of the following is an accurate statement about Maple Leaf Rag? V8O.3fo`[`  
A. It was Joplin’s favorite composition. l oqvi  
B. Its name came from an establishment in Missouri. MjaUdfx  
C. It was published in March 1899. ^^(<c,NX#M  
D. Its popularity grew slowly. tLc El'Eo  
44. Toward the end of the passage, the author refers to the works of other composers in order to illustrate the . gUB{Bh($Y  
A. popularity of different styles of dance music of recent centuries F3ZxhkF  
B. success of Joplin’s operas in Europe S:Tm23pe  
C. high quality of Joplin’s work as an American musical form |)@N-f:E  
D. powerful movement attributed to Joplin’s compositions 2r ];V'r  
45. From the last sentence of the passage, one may infer that Joplin’s piano music can best be appreciated when played . j.3o W  
A. by a highly skilled pianist . 9 LL+d  
B. in an elegant setting JatHSW7j9  
C. with a moving classical style wVi%oSfM  
D. for a small audience DM3B]Yl  
Ⅲ. Translation and Writing (55 points) Part A Translation Translate the following into Chinese (30 points): J-J3=JG  
1. We care for literature primarily on account of its deep and lasting human significance. A great book grows directly out of life; in reading it, we are brought into large, close, and fresh relations with life; and in that fact lies the final explanation of its power. Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they experienced of it, what they have though and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language. Such expression is fashioned into the various forms of literary art. But it is important to understand, to begin with, that literature lives by virtue of the life itembodies. By remembering this, we shall be saved from the besetting danger of confusing the study of literature with the study of philology, rhetoric, and even literary technique.  }sMW3'V  
2. Physical science is the systematic study of the inorganic world, as distinguished from the study of the organic world, which is the province of biological science. Physical science is ordinarily though of as consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences. Physics is the basic physical science. It deals with the structure and behaviour of individual atoms and their components, as well as with the different forces of nature and their relationships. It also is concerned with the physical properties of matter and with such phenomena as electricity and magnetism. Chemistry focuses on the properties and reactions of molecules. Broadly speaking, it tends to concentrate on the specific properties of different elements and compounds, as opposed to physics which is chiefly concerned with the general properties of matter as a whole. Astronomy entails the study of the entire universe beyond the Earth. It includes investigations of the gross physical properties of the earth primarily as they relate to interactions with other components of the solar system. Most other aspects are dealt with by the Earth sciences. Nm8w/Q5D`  
U  5`y  
yBz >0I3  
J(d2:V{ h  
Translate the following into English (10 points): BV9*s  
在20世纪,我们习惯于于使用无线电,它成了每个人生活的一部分.人们在汽车上,在家里,在海滩上—几乎在所有的地方听无线电。对许多人来说,无线电已成为他们工作中的重要组成部分:飞行员、宇航员、警察、出租车司机都经常用无线电收入 发信息。而第一次用无线电发报是在 1896年,距现在只有一百多年时间。 GYgWf1$8_D  
Part B Summary Writing (15 points) v`)m">e*w  
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words. DY><qk  
The success of failure of a company abroad depends on how effectively its employees can exercise their skills in a new location. That ability will depend on both their job-related expertise and the individual’s sensitivity and responsiveness to the new cultural environment. One of the most common factors contributing to failure in international business assignments is the erroneous assumption that if a person is successful in the home environment, he or she will be equally successful in applying technical expertise in a different culture. a'[)9:  
Research has shown that failures in the overseas business setting most frequently result from an inability to understand and adapt to foreign ways of thinking and acting rather than from technical or professional incompetence. At home s!h5hwBY  
U.S. businesspeople equip themselves with vast amount of knowledge of their employees, customers, and business partners. Market research provides detailed information on values, attitudes, and buying preferences of U.S, consumers; middle-and upper-level managers are well versed in the intricacies of their organization’s culture; and labor negotiators must be highly sensitive to what motivates those on the other side of the table. Yet when North Americans turn to the international arena, they frequently are willing to deal with customers, employees, and fellow workers with a lack of information that at home would be unimaginable. umDtp\  
The literature on international business is filled with examples of business miscues when U.S. corporations attempted to operate in an international context. Some are mildly amusing. Others are downright embarrassing. All of them, to one degree or another, have been costly in terns of money, reputation, or both. For example, when American firms try to market their products in other countries, they often assume that if a marketing strategy or slogan is effective in Cleveland, it will be equally effective in other parts of the world. But problems arise when cultural context changes. `F,zenk=  
Just as inattention to the cultural context can result in some costly blunders in marketing and management, it also can affect seriously the success of international business negotiations. Time, effort, reputation, and even contracts can be lost because of cultural ignorance. The world is changing faster than most of us can calculate, and if American businesspersons are to meet the challenges of an increasingly interdependent world, they will need to develop a better understanding of how cultural variables influence international business enterprises. A healthy dialogue between cultures and members of the international business community will be an important step in achieving that needed understanding. PN\V[#nS  
English Entrance Examination for Non-English Major Doctoral Candidates March 15, 2003 II#  
I. Listening Comprehension (20 point) Section One Directions: In this section, you will hear three short talks. At the end of each talk, you will hear some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre. ?1m ,SK  
Am7| /  
3. A. Doctors don’t know what causes AIDS. ;a{rWz1Wm  
B. Doctors don’t like to treat patients with AIDS. DN|vz}s  
C. AIDS attacks the immune system, turning good cells into bad ones. ^"`Z1)V  
D. AIDS patients refuse to receive any treatment offered by doctors. d2ofxfpg+  
4. A. perfect. B. inadequate C. desirable D. inefficient $f(agG]  
5. A. They might find it hard to live with him. --/- D5  
B. They might love him so much as to spoil him. w$% BlqN  
C. They might expect too much from him. YnxU (v'\  
D. They might love him more than average parents do. J_/05( 48  
6. A. The parents’ dream is nothing but a false illusion. N K"%DU<  
B. The child will not look like their former child. QAXYrRu  
C. The child will be spoiled. Lnx2xoNk  
D. The child may fail to fulfill the parents’ dream. q+J0}y{#8)  
7. A. The children’s interests are more important. 'X ~Ab  
B. The parents’ wishes should be respected. c oO.kTO;  
C. The reasons for cloning children are justified. Eb7}$Ji\  
D. There is a need to clone children. n@o  
8. A. They try them on first. /^ QFqM;  
B. They put their right hand on them. eb7UoZw  
C. They just have a look. G%`cJdM  
D. They feel and touch them. W#C q6N  
9. A. The things are used by people very often. lzI/\%  
B. People do not pay attention to the feel of things. 4= $!_,.  
C. People know how to use the things so they don’t need to feel them. tQCj)Ms'X  
D. The things are easy to feel but difficult to see. v5gQ9  
10. A. Touching by Feeling 8\u;Wf  
B. To See or to Feel 9Iy[E,j  
C. To See Better—Feel KD9Ca $-  
D. Ways of Feeling With Your Feet OT"lP(,  
~JT lPU'  
Section B Part 1 Directions: Look at the questions for this part. You will hear a presentation on Time Management. For questions 11-15, while you are listening, choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence by marking one letter A, B or C for the word or phrase you choose on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre. q2D`1nT  
11. The speaker wants to show you _______. 7~ILRj5Nq  
A. the harmful effects of stress 8*"rZh}'  
B. how you can be more effective at work r ufRaar  
C. how to lead a balanced life OHQ3+WJ  
12. You can subject yourself to high levels of stress by ______. UfO'.8*v  
A. meeting other people’s demands on your time MEDskvBG  
B. traveling a lot @$_rEdwi  
C. regularly working very long hours s')!<E+z\t  
13. Typically, stress is related to ______. #0xm3rFy4  
A. jobs with high salaries jWz |K  
B. long working hours C}|O#"t^\  
C. high levels of responsibility L'zdsa}Et  
14. One thing the speaker suggests you do is _____ in order to reduce your working hours. H74NU_   
A. to delegate B. to update facilities D. to take a holiday %Tk}sfx  
15. To help you manage your time more effectively, the speaker suggests you start saying ______. gDgP;i d  
A. “no” to other people &xF4p,7  
B. “Yes” to other people 6S` ,j  
C. “Sorry” to yourself h%4 ~0  
Part 2 Directions: Look at the five statements (16-20) for this part. You will hear an interview between a sales manager and an applicant for the position of advertising manager. Decide if each statement is correct according to the interview. If you think it is correct, mark letter A on your ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. If you think it is not correct, mark letter B on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre. ,|=iv  
1.    The sales manager is satisfied with the present advertising firm. N}e(.  
2.    Miss Edison will be responsible to Mr. Grant for all advertising. Yf%[6Y{  
3.    The company has never advertised on TV. }d$vcEI$3  
4.    The company produces chairs. 0`zm>fh}  
5.     The sales manager shows great interest in Miss Edison’s idea about TV advertising and very probably Miss Edison will get the job. :z}~U3,JE  
II. Reading Comprehension (25 points) Directions: There are five passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. L8%=k%H(1  
xX[{E x   
1 }6b7a1p  
The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rockets were far superior in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. However, during, the last decade, large solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels about as powerful as liquid fuels have made their appearance, and it is a favorite layman’s question to inquire which one is “better”. The question is meaningless; one might as well ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is “better”. It all depends on the purpose. A liquid-fuel rocket is complicated, but has the advantage tat it can be controlled beautifully. The burning of the rocket engine can be stopped completely it can be re-ignited when desired. In addition, the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the speed of the fuel pumps. A solid-fuel rocket, on the other hand, is rather simple in construction, though hard to build when a really large size is desired. But once you have a solid-fuel rocket, it is ready for action at very short notice. A liquid-fuel rocket has to be fueled first and cannot be held in readiness for very long after it has been fueled. However, once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It cannot be stopped and re-ignited whenever desired (it could conceivably be stopped and re-ignited after a pre-calculated time of burning has elapsed) and its thrust cannot be varied. Because a solid-fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most military missiles employ solid fuels, but manned space flight needs the fine adjustments that can only be provided by liquid fuels. It may be added that a liquid-fuel rocket is an expensive device; a large solid-fuel rocket is, by comparison, cheap. But the solid fuel, pound per pound, costs about 10 times as much as the liquid fuel. So you have on the one hand, an expensive rocket with a cheep fuel and on the other hand a comparatively cheap rocket with an expensive fuel. \3 O-} n1S  
21. The author feels that a comparison of liquid and solid-fuel rockets shows that ______. Qt)7mf  
A. neither type is very economical k N uN4/  
B. the liquid-fuel rocket is best _j|n}7a  
C. each type has certain advantages 'ocwXyP,  
D. the solid-fuel rocket is best bTI&#Hu  
22. The most important consideration for manned space flight is that the rocker be ________. 8O}A/*1FJ  
A. inexpensive to construct *+zy\AhkP  
B. capable of lifting heavy spacecraft into orbit -6*OF.Ag`  
C. inexpensive to operate O=9VX  
D. inexpensive to operate ! S$oaCxM  
23. Solid fuel rockets are expensive to operate because of their _______. z;Gbqr?{{  
A. size     B. fuel Z"PDOwj5  
C. construction   D. complicated engines E2ayK> ,  
24. Which of the following statements is not characteristic of liquid-fuel rockets? b smoLT  
A. The fuel is cheap. B. They are cheap to build. -;DE&~p  
C. They can be stopped and re-ignited. EZa{C}NQ$2  
D. They must be used soon after fueling. CgPZvB[  
25. The author tells us that ______. cWy*K4O  
A. whether a liquid-fuel or a solid-fuel rocket is better depends on the purpose a5Acqa  
B. neither type is superior xN":2qy#T  
C. forty years ago, large solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels as powerful as liquid fuels were made |] f"j':  
D. the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the direction of the pump x4 A TK  
2 IQ27FV|3  
Imagine an accident in which a nuclear power plant releases radioactive gas. The cloud starts moving with the wind. Clearly, the authorities will want to evacuate anyone in its path, but what is that path? Local wind information is meaningless without information about terrain; a mountain range or series of valleys can divert both wind and gas in unpredictable directions. sou$qKoG01  
To make “downwind” a useful term, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have put the United States on a computer, the entire United States—every hill, every valley, every mile of seashore. Within minutes of a disaster, they can give meteorologists a context for weather data, and thus the ability to predict how toxic gases might spread. MjF.>4  
The database for this computer map is a series of altitude measurements, made over many years by the Defense Department and the U.S. Geological Survey. They represent the height above sea level of over a billion separate points—a grid of points 200 feet apart, spanning the country. Armed with these data, plus a program that manipulates them, a Cray-1 computer can produce an image of any piece of terrain, seen from any angle, illuminated by an imaginary sun at any time of day placing the “observer” at any altitude from zero to 40,000 feet. \t~u : D  
“We use a technique called ray tracing,” says Patrick Weidhaas, one of the Livermore computer scientists who wrote the program. The computer is told where the observer is. The program traces an imaginary ray from there outward until it “intersects” with one of the points of altitude recorded in the machine’s memory. The computer then puts a dot of color at the proper place on the screen, and the program traces another ray. )Q pP1[  
At its highest resolution of 2,000 horizontal and 1,700 vertical dots per picture, the computer =Q8^@i4[&D  
has to trace several million rays, Even on the Cray, the most powerful computer in the world, this 7>e~i,  
takes about a minute. Reducing the resolution to 400-800 (a TV screen has 800×700) speeds it @_weMz8}  
up to about eight seconds. “We can’t produce a movie simulating flight on the screen in real H ]N/Y{  
time,” says Weidhaas. There is a way around the problem: Two movies have been made using O|g!Y(  
still pictures generated by the computer as individual frames. “The results were impressive,” he RX<^MzCDV  
says, “but it was cumbersome to do. At twenty-four frames per second, it takes fourteen hundred {II7%\ya  
separate computer images to make a one-minute film.” Another limitation: The computer can y<LwrrJ>  
access only enough memory to cove a 15-mile-square area. An “observer” high up will see blank m^s2kB4A[  
spaces beyond those limits. g>oYEFFJ  
Weidhaas wants to add information about what overlies the terrain—cities, vegetation, &oEq&  
roads, and so on. “Making the image as realistic as possible will make our advice more NS/L! "g  
effective,” he says, “and might lead to uses we haven’t thought of yet.” `"-!UkD+  
26. As used in the first paragraph, thrrain most clearly means _______. mUY:S |  
A. available information about the weather nQYS{`hk  
B. surrounding land area a0j.\g  
C. blank spaces between the mountain ranges JFk|Uqs(  
D. amount of forest per square mile =$z$VbBv  
27. Livermore’s computer map, in combination with weather reports, might be useful in predicting _____. /gy:#-2Gy  
A. the path of toxic gases from a nuclear power plant explosion <TROs!x$a  
B. where incoming nuclear missiles might strike L$kAe1 V^m  
C. the average annual rainfall for North Dakota EG8R*Cm,}  
D. the amount of pollution in the air = FJ9wiL  
28. The information used by the computer to make its detailed maps _______. (tz]!Aa{s  
I. was gathered by the Defense Department and the U.S. Geological Survey O]LuL&=s y  
II. shows points roughly 200 feet apart fQA)r  
III. involves altitude measurements ik NFW*p  
A. I B. I and II C. I and III D. I, II and III RV*Zi\-X  
29. Which of the following is the best description of ray tracing? dw}3B8]  
A. The computer simulates rays of the sun, filling in areas of light and shadow. -6Si  
B. Lines radiate outward from the imagined observer and a dot of color is placed where the line intersects with one of the points of altitude in the machine’s memory. P87Fg  
C. X-rays are used to trace the outline of the terrain through buildings and trees. D>^ix[ :J  
D. The exact movement of rays is used by private detectives to solve mysteries and locate missing persons. 3E@&wpj  
30. Information about cities, vegetation, and road overlying the terrain ______. w% -!dbmb%  
A. has to be eliminated before correct readings can be obtained *B}R4Y|g  
B. would be impossible to convert to data that a computer would accept. / ;$ew~}  
C. might lead to new applications and improve effectiveness of present uses DL!s)5!M  
D. would make ray tracing obsolete hQx e0Pdt  
3 ?6]ZQ\,  
Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients—to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: The need to shelter from brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy. ?qW|k6{O  
What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical checkup who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer? If he asks, should the doctor deny that he is ill, or minimize the gravity of the illness Doctors confront such choices often and urgently. At times, they see important reasons to lie for the patient’s own sake. In their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones. @Odu.F1e  
Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition, and that informing them risks destroying their hope, so that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide. As one physician wrote: “Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for truth’s sake, and that is, as far as possible ‘do no harm’.” Armed with such a precept a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices that they assume will “do no harm” and may well help their patients. li XD2N  
But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented. Studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illness, and feel betrayed when they learn that they have been misled. We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness. $iJ #%&D  
Not only do lies not provide the “help” hoped for by advocates of benevolent deception, they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health. LtIZgOd<  
6FFv+{ 2^@  
Lies also do harms to those who tell them: harm to their integrity and, in the long run, to their credibility. Lies hurt their colleagues as well. The suspicion of deceit undercuts the work of the many doctors who are scrupulously honest with their patients; it contributes to the spiral of lawsuits and of “defensive medicine”, and thus it injures, in turn, the entire medical profession. yYtki  
31. Who are most likely to lie for serving purposes? Kg6 7cmj)f  
A. physicians     B. surgeons NU*6iLIq|F  
C. psychiatrists     D. lawyers u)MA#p {  
32. Doctors think that lying to their patients is _______. (ajX ;/  
A. a medical tradition B. to harm their own integrity NFPkK?+  
C. to defend medicine D. uttering the truth for truth’s sake {IwYoRaXa  
33. Most patients think that being told the truth of their illness may ______. (o=iX,@'2  
A. slow down recovery    B. lead to suicide in some cases g8y Zc}4  
C. be too hard for them to accept D. help deal with illness w$HC!  
34. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the author? }N!8i'suz9  
A. Doctors are often in a dilemma as to tell the patient his real condition of health. *E6 p=  
B. Doctors’ reluctance to tell patient truth has no real support in reality. Rznr 9L  
C. Doctors’ lies are different from that of lawyers and government officials. pDfF'jt9  
D. Doctors and patients hold different views about telling truth. =T6\kz9)`  
35. What is the author’s attitude towards doctors? }c:0cl  
A. sarcastic B. praising  C. objective D. appreciative 7.-|3Wcg  
4 ~8E rl3=5{  
China today is home to 13 billion people—nearly one quarter of the world’s population. The growth of china’s population is largely the result of modernization, which has brought with it more food, better medical care, less disease, and fewer epidemics and famines. The death rate in China has decreased, and more children survive. The higher survival rate in China means that more people are entering childbearing age. This population growth was threatening to destroy China’s chances to become a richer country: just providing food and basic necessities for everyone would consume all of its economic gains. W;W\L? r  
To tame the explosive population growth, the Chinese government launched a drastic policy of allowing one child per family. To enforce this policy, the government has a variety of incentives for those who comply and punishment for those who do not. For example, couples who have only one child get a monthly pay until the child is fourteen, special consideration for scarce housing, free medical care, and extra pension benefits. The pressure to conform is powerful. Couples who ignore the state’s directive suffer social disgrace and economic penalties. (Zkt2[E`  
The family-planning policy, instituted in China in 1979, has been remarkably effective (though considerably more so in cities than in the countryside). Births to women of childbearing age have fallen dramatically—to about 2.5 children for every woman. .kV/ 0!q?  
China may eventually succeed in balancing its population growth, but in doing so, it is creating a new problem. The irony is that because of the very success of China’s population policy, the Chinese population is aging rapidly. In 1982, 5% of the population was over age 64. In 2010, about 9% will be over 64, and in 2050, 25% will be. At the family level, children without brothers or sisters will each have to care for two aging parents. At the national level, the great numbers of aging people will tax the society’s resources. China shares this problem—a rapidly aging population without a large enough following generation to support it—with many of the developed nations of the world. =*N(8j>y  
SY.V_O$l }  
36. The primary purpose of this passage is to _______. ZN/")  
A. predict the population problem in China. 5@\<:Zmi  
B. explain why the family-planning policy is adopted in China EY(4 <;)  
C. illustrate the result of family-planning policy Ft7l/  
D. demonstrate the cause and effect of the family-planning policy T%F'4_~No  
37. According to the passage, all of the following are the causes for the population explosion in China except ______. kS>j!U(%d  
A. better life    B. decreased death rate :mL.Y em*'  
C. better education  D. better health EhoR.  
38. According to the passage, China is in a population dilemma in the sense that ______. DzMkeX  
A. it is difficult to carry out the family-planning policy 4l:+>U@KU  
B. Chinese population will continue to increase rapidly in the near future W%x#ps5%  
C. birth-rate decreases but the percentage of old people increases 5NK:94&JE  
D. more old people survive in the society ~j_H2+!  
39. To punish those who violate the family-planning policy, the Chinese government does which of the following? [iz  
A. Put them into prison. B. Fine those couples. l1msXBC  
C. Reduce their wages. D. Advise them to observe the rule. wlJ_, wA  
40. All of the following can be inferred form the passage except that ______. .x&>H  
A. many developed nations suffer from the problem of a rapidly aging population 5 ,HNb  
B. the family-planning policy meets more difficulty in the countryside than in cities i?]!8Ji  
C. the increasing number of aged people is a result of the reduced birth-rate Aka`L:k  
D. in the year of 2010 each child will have to look after one parent mDhU wZH  
5 5 m:nh<)#  
Americans had always been preoccupied with reforming their society; with “making it over,” and between the 1890s and the end of the First World War, the reform spirit intensified. More and more people tried to address the problem of their time directly, to impose order on a confusing world, and, especially, to create a conflict-free society. Their efforts, inspired by a complicated mixture of calculated self-interest and unselfish benevolence, helped what can be called the Progressive era. The urge for reform had many sources. Industrialization had brought unprecedented productivity, awesome technology, and plenty of consumer goods. But it had also included labor struggle, waste of natural resources, and abuse of corporate power. Rapidly growing cities facilitated the accumulation and distribution of goods, services, and cultural amenities but also magnified problems of poverty, disease, crime, and political corruption. Massive inflows of immigrants and the rise of a new class of managers and professionals shook the foundations of old social classes. And the depression that crippled the nation in the 1890s made many leading citizens realize what working people had known for some time: the central promise of American life was not being kept; equality of opportunity—whether economic, political, or social—was a myth. FM5$83Q  
Progressives tried to resolve these problems by organizing ideas and actions around three basic themes. First, they sought to end abuses of power. Second, progressives aimed to replace corrupt power with the power of reformed institutions such as schools, charities, medical clinics, and the family. Third progressives wanted to apply principles of science and efficiency on a nationwide scale to all economic, social, and political institutions, to minimize social and economic disorder and to establish cooperation, especially between business and government, that would end wasteful competition and labor conflict. /V^S)5r  
Befitting their name, progressives had strong faith in the ability of humankind to create a better world. More than ever before, Americans looked to government as an agent of the people that could and should intervene in social and economic relations to protect the common good and substitute public interest for self-interest.  GY>0v  
41. The passage is primarily concerned with . iV%% VR8b  
A. the reasons for the Progressive Movement Gl+}]Vn[n  
B. the problems that American society faced between the 1890s and the end of World war I n D?XP<9UU  
C. the causes and contents of the Progressive reform 8w$cj'  
D. the belief that Americans possessed in their society jU=)4nx  
42. All of the following can be inferred from the passage about the American society before the 1890s except that . w ^A0l.{  
A. there was little equal opportunity for general Americans {)G3*>sG3  
B. industry developed very rapidly X6PfOep  
C. thousands of people immigrated to the United States z-,'W`  
D. economic depression did great harm to its development )K}b,X`($  
43. The author believed that the remedy for the social problems is . i''dY!2  
A. to stop the use of power 8<P.>u  
B. to establish more schools and medical clinics zMDR1/|D  
C. to depend on government to make reforms oY{*X6:6<  
D. to minimize the conflict between the labor and capital G|o-C:~  
44. It can be inferred from the passage that Progressives believed that . Lbd_L  
A. the rate of industrial development should be reduced MtS$ovg?  
B. rapid growth of cities resulted mainly from the massive immigration UZV)A}  
C. human beings are able to do anything well CnO$xE|{  
D. government tended to protect the businesses rather than the masses r+ >9O  
45. It can be concluded from the passage that the spirit of the progressive movement is the spirit . L &eO?I=,  
A. to end political corruption 'oo]oeJ-  
B. to minimize social and economic disorder _ TUw0:&  
C. to promote free competition M jHeUf  
D. to reform all the social evils and problems :D&QGw(n  
Ⅲ. Translation and Writing (55 points) Part A Translation Translate the following into Chinese (30 points): K^Xg^9  
1. Culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behaviour. Culture thus defined consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies, and other related components; and the development of culture depends upon man’s capacity to learn and to transmit knowledge to succeeding generations. <F&S   
Every human society has its own particular culture, or sociocultural system, which overlaps to some extent with other systems. Variation among sociocultural systems is attributable to physical habitats and resources; to the range of possibilities inherent in various areas of activity, such as language, rituals and customs, and the manufacture and use of tools; and to the degree of social development. Adaptation and change take place within and among cultures by means of ecological and environmental changes. Y~Zg^x2  
2. Data base (or database): any collection of data that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval, usually by a computer. Databases are organized and integrated in such a way as to facilitate the accessing, manipulation, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-processing operations. i`E]gJ$  
The information in many databases consists of natural-language texts of documents. Information is retrieved from these computerized records based on the presence in them of words or short phrases that are identical to those posed in the user’s query. In a typical query, the user provides a sequence of characters, such as the title of a journal or the name of a subject area, and the computer searches in the database for a corresponding sequence of characters and provides the source materials in which those characters appear. Queries are the principal means by which users retrieve database information. g-6!+>w*>e  
Translate the following into English (10 points): ctj.rC)6n  
3.摩天大楼、高速公路、小轿车和市场上品种繁多的家用电器,这一切都说明中国自 1978年实行改革开放以来经历了深刻的变化—这是人们能够亲眼看见的变化。然而,在人们物质生活变化的背后,还有其他一些可能是具有更重要意义的变化。社会学家们发现,随着人们生活水平提高,传统的生活方式和观念也慢慢地发生了变化。社会学家们一直在关注这些变化,从家庭结构的演变到妇女社会地位的变化,从人们对婚姻的态度到消费观念的转变,还有收入水平的两极分化等,这些都成为社会学家们研究的课题。 ao 32n  
Part B Summary Writing (15 points) Yzd-1Jvk  
Read the following passage carefully and then write a summary of it in English in about 120 words. Oi7|R7NE  
Europe was the first of the major world regions to develop a modern economy based on commercial agriculture and industrial development. Its successful modernization can be traced to the continent’s rich endowment of economic resources, its history of innovations, the evolution of a skilled and educated labour force, and the interconnectedness of all its parts-both naturally existing and man-made—which facilitated the easy movement of massive quantities of raw materials and finished goods and the communication of ideas. (RGl, x:  
{ Ke3  
Europe’s economic modernization began with a marked improvement in agriculture output in the 17th century, particularly in England. The traditional method of cultivation involved periodically allowing land to remain fallow; this gave way to continuous cropping on fields that were fertilized with nature from animals raised as food for rapidly expanding urban markets. Greater wealth was accumulated by landowners at the same time that fewer farmhands were needed to work the land. The accumulated capital and abundant cheap labour created by this revolution in agriculture fueled the development of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. NmK%k jCx  
The revolution vegan in northern England in the 1730s with the development of water-driven machinery to spin and weave wool and cotton. By mid-century James Watt had developed a practical steam engine that emancipated machinery from sites adjacent to waterfalls and rapids. Britain had been practically deforested by this time, and the incessant demand for more fuel to run the engines led to the exploitation of coal as a major industry. Industries were built on the coalfields to minimize the cost of transporting coal over long distances. The increasingly surplus rural population flocked to the new manufacturing areas. Canals and other improvements in the transportation infrastructure were made in these regions, which made them attractive to other industries that were not necessarily dependent on coal and thus prompted development in adjacent regions. 8 #0?  
Industrialization outside of England began in the mid-19th century in Belgium and northeastern France and spread to Germany, the Netherlands, southern Scandinavia, and other areas in conjunction with the construction of railways. By the 1870s the governments of the European nations had recognized the vital importance of factory production and had taken steps to encourage local development through subsidies and tariff protection against foreign competition. Large areas, however, remained virtually untouched by modern industrial development, including most of the Iberian Peninsula, southern Italy, and a broad belt of eastern Europe extending from the Balkans on the south to Finland and northern Scandinavia. i;yz%Ug  
During the 20the century Europe has experienced periods of considerable economic growth and prosperity, and industrial development has proliferated much more widely throughout the continent; but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multinational character—which has spawned economic rivalries among states and two devastating world wars-as well as by the exhaustion of many of its resources and by increased economic competition from overseas. Governmental protectionism, which has tended to restrict the potential market for a product to a single country, has deprived many industrial concerns of the efficiencies of large-scale production serving a mass market (such as is found in the United States). In addition, enterprise efficiency has suffered from government support and from a lack of competition within a national market area. Within individual countries there have been growing tensions between regions that have prospered and those that have not. This “core-periphery” problem has been particularly acute in situations where the contrasting regions are inhabited by different ethnic groups. W C}mt%H*O  









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