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考博英语阅读资料 < \EJ:  
Unit OnePassage 1     The physical distribution of products has two primary aspects: transportation and storage. Both aspects are highly developed and specialized phases of marketing. The costs of both trans-porting and storing are built into the prices of products. Transportation can be by truck, rail-way, ship, or barge. For some items, such as exotic plants and flowers, or when rapid delivery is essential, air freight may be used.     Storage, or warehousing, is a necessary function because production and consumption of goods rarely match: items generally are not sold as quickly as they are made. Inventories build up, both in warehouses and at retail establishments, before the foods are sold. The transporta-tion function is involved in bringing goods to a warehouse and taking them from it to retail stores.     Storage performs the service of stabilizing market price. If, for example, no agricultural product could be stored, all food would have to be put on the market immediately. This would, of course, create a glut and lower prices drastically. There would be an immediate benefit to consumers, but in the long run they would suffer. Farmers, because of low prices, would be forced off the land, and the amount of food produced would decrease. This, in turn, would raise consumer prices.     Warehouses for storage are of several types. Private warehouses are owned by manufactur-ers. Public warehouses, in spite of their name, are privately owned facilities, but they are in-dependent of manufacturer ownership. General-merchandise warehouses store a great variety of products. Cold-storage warehouses store perishable goods, especially food products. Grain ele-vators are a kind of warehouse used to keep wheat and other grains from spoiling. A bonded warehouse is one that stores foods, frequently imported, on which taxes must be paid before they are sold. Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are common examples.     The distribution center is a more recently developed kind of warehouse. Many large com- panics have several manufacturing plants, sometimes located outside the country. Each plant does not make every company product but specializes in one or more of them. The distribution center allows a manufacturer to bring together all product lines in one place. Its purpose is to minimize storage and to ease the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers rather than build up extensive inventories.  It reduces costs by speeding up product turnover.  Very large corporations will have several distribution centers regionally or internationally based1. The main subject of this passage is______.   A) transportation and storage      B) storage of products   C) distribution center            D) two main aspects of product distribution2. Warehousing is important in that _   A) inventories build up before the goods are sold   B) the prices will go down   C) more goods are produced than can be consumed   D) the food has to be put on the market immediately3. How many types of warehouses for storage are discussed in the passage?   A) 3.      B) 4.      C) 6.    D) 7.4. Where might one find meat and milk?   A) Grain elevator.                 B) Cold-storage warehouse.    C) Private warehouse.              D) Bonded warehouse.5. What is NOT true of a distribution center?   A) It is a relatively new type of warehouse.    B) Product is replaced more quickly and costs are down.    C) Some distribution centers are not built in the sane country as the factory    D) It builds up extensive inventories to minimize storage. Passage 2     How much pain do animals feel? This is a question which has caused endless controversy. Opponents of big game shooting, for example, arouse our pity by describing tile agonies of a badly-wounded beast that has crawled into a comer to die. In countries where the fox, the hare and the deer are hunted, animal-lovers paint harrowing pictures of the pursued animal suffering not only the physical distress of the chase but the mental anguish of anticipated death.     The usual answer to these criticisms is that animals do not suffer in the same way, or to the same extent, as we de. Man was created with a delicate nervous system and has never lost his acute sensitiveness to pain; animals, on the other hand, had less sensitive systems to begin with and in the course of millions of years, have developed a capacity of ignoring injuries and disorders which human beings would find intolerable. For example, a dog will continue to play with a ball even after a serious injury to his foot; he may be unable to run without limping, but he will go on trying long after a human child would have had to stop because of the pain. We are told, moreover, that even when animals appear to us to be suffering acutely, this is not so; what seems to us to be agonized contortions caused by pain are in fact no more than muscular contractions over which they have no control.      These arguments are unsatisfactory because something about which we know a great deal is being compared with something we can only conjecture. We know what we feel; we have no  means of knowing what animals feet. Some creatures with a less delicate nervous system than  ours may be incapable of feeling pain to the same extent as we do: that as far as we are entitled  to do, the most humane attitude, surely, is to assume that no animals are entirely exempt from  physical pain and that we ought, therefore, wherever possible, to avoid causing suffering even  to the least of them. 6. Animal-lovers assume that animals, being hunted, would suffer from ____.    A) a great deal of agony both in body and in spirit    B) mental distress once they are wounded    C) only body pains without feeling sad    D) crawling into the comer to die7. Supporters of game shooting may argue that animals ______.   A) cannot control their muscular contractions   B) have developed a capacity of feeling no pain   C) are not as acutely sensitive as human beings to injuries   D) can endure all kinds of disorders8. The author feels sure that _____.   A) animals don't show suffering to us   B) dogs are more endurable than human children   C) we cannot know what animals feel   D) comparing animals with human beings is not appropriate9. What is the author's opinion about animal hunting?   A) We should feel the same as the hunted animals do.   B) We should protect and save all the animals.   C) We shouldn't cause suffering to them.   D) We should take care of them if we can.10. This passage seems to ____.    A) argue for something          B) explain something    C) tell a story                  D) describe an object Passage 3    In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A the-ory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced. A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.    A useful theory, in addition to explaining past observations, helps to predict events that have not as yet been observed. After a theory has been publicized, scientists design experi-merits to test the theory. If observations confirm the scientists' predictions, the theory is sup-ported. If observations do not confirm the predictions, the scientists must search further. There may be a fault in the experiment, or the theory may have to be revised or rejected.      Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing experiments. Facts by themselves are not science. As the mathematician Jules Henri Poincare said: "Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house."      Most scientists start an investigation by finding out what other scientists have learned about a particular problem. After known facts have been gathered, the scientist comes to the part of the investigation that requires considerable imagination. Possible solutions to the problem areformulated. These possible solutions are called hypotheses. In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. It extends the scientist's thinking beyond the known facts. The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes ob-servations to test hypotheses. For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction. When hypotheses are confirmed, they are incorporated into theories.11. The word "this" in the 3rd sentence in paragraph 1 refers to ______.     A) a good example               B) an imaginary model     C) the kinetic molecular theory    D) an observed event12. Bricks are mentioned in the 3rd paragraph to indicate how ____.      A) mathematicians approach science      B) building a house is like performing experiments      C) science is more than a collection of facts      D) scientific experiments have led to improved technology 13. In the last paragraph, the author refers to a hypothesis as "a leap into the unknown" in or-      der to show that hypotheses ______.      A) are sometimes ill-conceived     B) can lead to dangerous results      C) go beyond available facts      D) require effort to formulate 14. What is a major function of hypotheses as implied in the last paragraph7      A) Sifting through known facts.      B) Communicating a scientist's thoughts to others.      C) Providing direction for scientific research.      D) Linking together different theories. 15. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?      A) Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.      B) It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.      C) A scientist's most difficult task is testing hypotheses.      D) A good scientist needs to be creative.     B) Education systems need to be radically reformed.     C) Going to school is only part of how people become educated.     D) Education involves many years of professional training.20. The passage is organized by ___     A) listing and discussing several educational problems     B) contrasting the meanings of two related concepts     C) narrating a story about excellent teachers     D) giving examples of different kinds of schools Passage 5      The phrase "civil disobedience" is usually attributed to the nineteenth-century American philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Although the concept is unquestionably much older (its rootslie in ancient Greek philosophy), the designation is nonetheless telling: people tend to credit Thoreau, an American, with the idea because civil disobedience, is a hallmark of American eth- ics and politics. The clash between the dictates of individual conscience on one hand, and the imperatives of civil law on the other, forms much of this country's history. Examples range from  the incidents leading up to the Revolution through the many social protests of the 1960'S.       What constitutes an act of civil disobedience? First, an act of civil disobedience requires a  formal legal structure that is enforced by the government. Second, it requires as its target a  specific law or policy, rather than the entire legal system. This is true even if the protester's ul- timate goal is to alter radically the legal system; an act of civil disobedience must be directed  against one concrete example of that system's inequities. The American civil rights movement,  for example, first targeted discrimination on public transportation, then used its victories as a  springboard to address other injustices. Third, the act must be done publicly, because the ef- fectiveness of such a protest depends on its ability to mobilize public sentiment against the protest's target. Finally, those protesting must understand the penalties their acts entail--us-ually jailing--and be willing to accept those penalties. This last requirement strengthens the act's effect on public opinion, since it serves to underscore the injustice of the protest's target. 21. The word "telling" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.       A) inappropriate     B) revealing     C) insignificant     D) challenging 22. In the passage, the author mentions that the civil rights movement _______.       A) focused its early efforts on public transportation       B) did not always practice civil disobedience       C) started in nineteenth century       D) used the Revolution of 1776 as its model  23. According to the passage, for which of the following reasons should civil protests be done       publicly?    A) To alter the legal system in radical way.    B) To uphold the imperatives of civil law.    C) To stimulate public support for a cause.    D) To announce the success of a previous act of civil disobedience.24. The author suggests that when protesters go to jail _______.    A) it helps convince the public to support their cause    B) they usually do so unwillingly    C) it is because their protest has not gone according to plan    D) they are always released almost immediately25. In the 2nd paragraph, the author ________.    A) argues that civil disobedience is unnecessary     B) provides an extensive history of civil disobedience     C) presents several differing viewpoints on civil disobedience     D) defines the concept of civil disobedience Passage 6     In taking up a new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United States did not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tedium of life. Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor the scattered population nor the disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.      City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanks to the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose. No other set of colonists took so seriously an expression of the period, "Leisure is time for doing something useful." In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily routine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group work provided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.      The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural parties. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone, including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.      With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some ofthe rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting, skating, and swimming. But city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.26. What is the passage mainly about?     A) Methods of fanning used by early settlers of the United States.     B) Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.     C) Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.     D) Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.27. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?     A) They followed a pattern Begun in Europe.     B) They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.     C) The clergy organized them.     D) Only the wealthy participated in them.28. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers' altitude toward "the pursuit     of pleasure" ?     A) They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.      B) They felt that it was not necessary.      C) They felt that it should be productive.      D) They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.29. What is meant by the phrase "double-purpose" in the 4th sentence in paragraph 2?      A) Very frequent.                       B) Useful and enjoyable.      C) Extremely necessary.                 D) Positive and negative.30. What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph following this passage?      A) The rural diversions enjoyed by both urban and rural people.      B) Leisure activities of city dwellers.      C) Building methods of the early settlers in rural areas.      D) Changes in lifestyles of settlers as they moved to the cities.  Passage 7       For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing with the natural world (physical and biological sciences), and sciences dealing with mankind (psychology, sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements, every kind of historical knowledge). Apart from these sciences is philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place, all this is pure or theoretical knowledge that is intrinsic and consubstautial to man. What distinguishes man from animal is that he knows and needs to know. If man did not know that the world existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn't be a man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.     But even while enjoying the results of technical progress, he must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, but not the kind of important result whose revolutionary scope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a we N-known example. If the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves to the investigation of conic sections zealously and without the least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, be-cause the human spirit cannot resign itself to ignorance. But, in addition, the foundation for practical results would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly.31. The most important advances made by mankind come from __.    A) technical applications                B) apparently useless information    C) the natural sciences                  D) philosophy32. The word "Utopians" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __.    A) idealists                           B) Greek mathematicians    C) scientists                           D) true human33. In the paragraph the follows this passage, we may expect the author to discuss __.    A) the value of technical research         B) the value of pure research    C) philosophy                   D) unforeseen discoveries34. The word "resign" in the 6th sentence in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to    A) dismiss         B) quit         C) remark         D) submit35. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is __.    A) "Technical Progress"    B) "A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing"    C) "Man's Distinguishing Characteristics"    D) "The Function of Theoretical Knowledge as Compared to Its Practical Applications" Passage 8     In most of the human civilization of which we have any proper records, youth has drawn oneither art or life for models, planning to emulate the heroes depicted in epics on the shadow play screen or the stage, or those known human beings, fathers or grandfathers, chiefs or craftsmen, whose every characteristic can be studied and imitated. As recently as 1910, this was the prevailing condition in the United States. If he came from a nonliterate background, the recent immigrant learned to speak, move, and think like an American by using his eyes and ears on the labor line and in the homes of more acculturated cousins, by watching school children, or by absorbing the standards of the teacher, the foreman, the clerk who served him in the store. For the literate and the literate children of the nouliterate, there was art--the story of the frustrated artist in the prairie town, of the second generation battling with the limitations of the first. And at a simpler level, there were the Western and Hollywood fairy tales which pointed a moral but did not, as a rule, teach table manners.      With the development of the countermovement against Hollywood, with the efflorescence (全盛)of photography, with Time-Life-Fortune types of reporting and the dead-pan New Yorker manner of describing the life of an old-clothes dealer in a forgotten street or of presenting the "accurate", "checked" details of the lives of people whose eminence gave at least a sort of license to attack them, with the passion for "human documents" in Depression days--a necessary substitute for proletarian art among middle class writers who knew nothing about proletarians, and middleclass readers who needed the shock of verisimilitude(真实)--a new era in American life was ushered in, the era in which young people imitated neither life nor art nor fairy tale, but instead were presented with models drawn from life with minimal but crucial distortions. Doctored life histories, posed carelessness, "candid" shots of people in their own homes which took hours to arrange, pictures shot from real life to scripts written months before supplementedby national polls and surveys which assured the reader that this bobby soxer (少女)did indeed represent a national norm or a growing trend--replaced the older models.36. This article is based on the idea that ________.     A) people today no longer follow models     B) People attach little importance to whoever they follow     C) people generally pattern their lives after models     D) People no longer respect heroes37. Stories of the second generation battling against the limitations of the first were often re-     sponsible for ______.     A) inspiring literate immigrants     B) frustrating educated immigrants     C) preventing the assimilation of immigrants     D) instilling into immigrants an antagonistic attitude toward their forebears38. The countermovement against Hollywood was a movement ______     A) toward realism                     B) toward fantasy     C) against the teaching of morals          D) away from realism39. The author attributes the change in attitudes since 1910 to ____    A) a logical evolution of ideas            B) widespread moral decay    C) the influence of the press             D) a philosophy of plenty40. The word "distortions" at the end of the 2nd sentence in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning    to ______.    A) presentations                          B) misinterpretations    C) influences                           D) limitations Passage 9     The conflict between good and evil is a common theme running through the great literatureand drama of the world, from the time of the ancient Greeks to all the present. The principle that conflict is the heart of dramatic action when illustrated by concrete examples, almost always turns up some aspect of the struggle between good and evil.     The idea that there is neither good nor evil--in any absolute moral or religious sense—is widespread in our times. There are various relativistic and behavioristic standards of ethics. If these standards even admit the distinction between good and evil, it is as a relative matter and not as whirlwind of choices that lies at the center of living. In any such state of mind, conflict can at best, be only a petty matter, lacking true universality. The acts of the evildoer and of the virtuous man alike become dramatically neutralized. Imagine the reduced effect of Crime and Punishment or The Brothers Karamazoc, had Dostoevsky thought that good and evil, as portrayed in those books, were wholly relative, and if he had had no conviction about them.     You can't have a vital literature if you ignore or shun evil. What you get then is the world of Pollyanna, goody-goody in place of the good. Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel because Alan Paton, in addition to being a skilled workman, sees with clear eyes both good and evil, differentiates them, pitches them into conflict with each other, and takes sides. He sees that the native boy Absalom Kumalo, who has murdered, cannot be judged justly without taking into account the environment that has had part in shaping him. But Paton sees, too, that Absalom the individual, not society the abstraction, committed the act and is responsible for it. Mr. Paton understands mercy. He knows that this precious thing is not evoked by sentimental impulse, but by a searching examination of the realities of human action. Mercy follows a judgment; it does not precede it.     One of the novels by the talented Paul Bowles, Let It Come Down, is full of motion, full of sensational depravities, and is a crashing bore. The book recognizes no evil, and is coldly indifferent to the moral behavior of its characters. It is a long shrug. Such a view of life is non- dramatic and negates the vital essence of drama.41. In our age, according to the author, a standpoint often taken in the area of ethics is the _____.     A) relativistic view of morals              B) greater concern with religion     C) emphasis on evil                     D) greater concern with universals42. The author believes that in great literature, as in life, good and evil are ____     A) relative                           B) unimportant     C) constantly in conflict                D) dramatically neutralized43. When the author uses the expression "it is a long shrug" in referring to Bowles's book, he     is commenting on the ___     A) length of the novel     B) indifference to the moral behavior of the characters     C) monotony of the story     D) sensational depravities of the book44. In the opinion of the author, Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel be-      cause of Paton's ____.      A) insight into human behavior      B) behavioristic beliefs      C) treatment of good and evil as abstractions      D) willingness to make moral judgments 45. The word "shun" in the 1st sentence in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.      A) shut     B) attend     C) show     D) avoid Passage 10       African-American filmmakers should be in an enviable position, for since the early 1990s there has been a steady wave of low budget black films which have turned a solid profit due to a very strong response in the African-American community and a larger crossover audience than anticipated. Any rational business manager would now identify this sector as a prime candidate for expansion, but if the films have done so well with limited production and marketing costs, why have they not received full scale support7       Many analysts feel the business is engulfed in a miasma of self-serving and self-fulfilling  myths based on the unspoken assumption that Mfrican-American films can never be vehicles of   prestige, glamour, or celebrity. The relationship players have convinced themselves that black   films can do only a limited domestic business under any circumstance and have virtually no for-   eign box office potential. As executives who now control the film industry grew up in those de-  cades when there were few black images on the screen and those that did exist were produced by  film-makers with limited knowledge of the black community, it is little wonder that they avoid  ideological issues, and seek to continue making films that they are comfortable with by avoiding  they negative imagery of films they would prefer to eschew entirely.        Also to blame for this deleterious phenomenon are legions of desperate and Machiavellian African-American film producers, directors, and writers who would transform The Birth of A Nation into a black musical as long as it would provide them with gainful studio employment. These filmmakers not only perpetuate negative stereotypes in their films, but they also season them with a sprinkling of African-American authenticity.  This situation would be onerous enough, given the economic exploitation of the community involved; unfortunately these films also validate the pathologies they depict. The constant projection of the black community as a kind of urban Wild Kingdom, the glamorization of tragic situations, and the celebration of innercity drug dealers and gangsters has a programming effect on black youth. The power of music infilm is a particularly seductive and propagandistic force which in the recent crop of African-American films has rarely been used in a positive social manner.     What flows from this combination of factors is a policy of market exploitation rather than market development, evidenced by the fact that any number of films may open to 1,500 screensin one week, only to totally disappear in less than a month. This restricted body of film products erodes the genre's long-term viability, particularly with the more fickle non-African-American-can audiences and foreign audiences. Furthermore, when African-American actors begin to emerge as stars, their projects are usually designed to be "more" than a black film, such that any success that follows is therefore perceived not as a reflection of the viability of African-American filmmaking but as the broader pursuit of celebrity.46. According to the passage, all wise managers think that ___    A) the industry of black film would increase in the future     B) the industry of black film would decrease in the future     C) the industry of black film would not receive full scale support     D) the industry of black film is bound to win full scale support47. It is suggested by the analysts that ___    A) black films can be very successful     B) black films can win prestige, glamour, or celebrity     C) black films are mysterious     D) black films can never be the road to prestige48. It can be inferred from the passage that ___     A) the black community is wild     B) the black youth may learn from the films and commit crimes     C) the black films reflect the real life of the black     D) the black community is flourishing49. The word "viability" ( in line 4, para. 4) could best be replaced by ______     A) productivity    B) vitality    C) celebrity    D) prestige50. This passage mainly discusses ______.     A) the productivity of black films         B) the limitations of black films    C)the myth of American-African    D)the prestige of American-African    Keys    1—5 DCDBD    6—10 ACBCA    11—15 BCCCD    16—20 BDDCB    21—25 BACAD  26—30 DACBB  31—35 BACDD    36—40 CAADB    41—45 ACBDD  46—50 ADBBB    文章大意及答案解析  Passage 1  文章大意:    这篇文章讲产品实物分配中的两个环节,运输和储存,运输环节只在第一段和第二段最后一句略述,从第二段(除最后一句)到第五段详细讨论产品的储存问题。其中二、三段讨论存储的原因(生产与消费不同步)和作用(稳定市场价格);第四段介绍仓库的类型;第五段讲新近发展起来的一种仓库——分配中心——的功能和特点。  答案解析:  [1]D主旨题。第一段第一句点明主题,产品的实物分配主要由运输和储存两方面构成。选项A太笼统,B、C均为某一段的重点,不能概括全文,故[D]正确。  [2]C根据第二段第一句,此题考察的是储存的原因——生产和消费不同步,故选  [C]。     [3]D根据第四段,共讲了7种类型的仓库,故选[D)。  [4]B细节题。从第四段第五句可知,肉、蛋为食品,故应选[B)。  [5]D根据最后一段倒数第三句,分配中心是为了减少储存,减轻流通过程中的压力,    而不是为了囤积食品,故[D)与原文不符。  Passage2  文章大意:    文章第一段交代动物保护者的行为:他们通过描写或绘画展示受重伤动物的痛苦以博得同情,并说明动物确实能感到极大的精神和肉体的痛苦(anguish)。第二段是狩猎爱好者的观点:动物并不像人们想象的那样对痛苦非常敏感。第三段作者提出自己的观点:狩猎爱好者的辩解并不能令人满意,因为这些人只是猜测(conjecture) 动物的神经不如人敏感(delicate)。只要我们有权做(be entitled),那么最人道的看法就是认为没有哪个动物会完全感觉不到(exempt from)痛苦,因此应该尽可能地避免给动物造成伤害,哪怕是最小的动物。    这是一篇议论文,先分别摆出两种对立的观点,后提出作者自己的观点:赞成动  物保护者,并进行论证。  答案解析:  [6]A第一段第三句提到他们作画以揭示动物在被追赶时所遭受的肉体痛苦,同时还    忍受着死亡逼近的精神痛苦,故选[A]。  [7]C第二段第二句后半部分表示,动物们在开始时神经系统不敏感,随后在几百万    年的进化中发展了忽略疼痛和错乱的能力,而这种疼痛和错乱状态是人类无法    忍受的,故选[C]。  [8]B根据第三段第二句可知,应选[B]。  [9]C第三段最后一句表明人们的态度,即不应伤害动物,故选[C)o  [10]A文中用到了一些短语,如controversy,opponents of game shooting,animal-lovers,    answer to criticism,arguments,humane attitude is to assume等,都是表明立场和观点    的,即本文是议论文。应选[A]。  Passage 3  文章大意:    这篇文章从定义、作用及产生过程几方面阐述了科学理论。科学理论是对观察  到的相关事物的解释。经常包括一个想象的模式来帮助科学家想象事物的产生过  程。而一个实用的理论,不仅可以解释以往的观察,还可以帮助预测等待观察的事  物。观察又可以验证一个理论是否正确。科学除了包括收集信息和做实验,还需要  创造性的思考,然后形成可能的问题解决方法,即假设。假设总是朝着未知领域前进  一步,它拓宽了科学家的视野,经过验证后的假设就变成了理论。  答案解析:  [11]B第三句话中的代词“this'’指代前一句提到的“an imaginary model"。因为这个    例子就是要说明在动力分子理论中,气体被描绘成由许多不停运动的小分子所    组成,即前句中“理论常包含一个想象模式来帮助科学家描绘事件的产生过    程。”  [12]C第三段最后一句中“科学是由事实构成的,就象房屋是由砖建成的。但是事实    堆积起来并不能成为科学,这比用砖块搭房子复杂得多”。因此说科学并不是    简单的堆砌事实。  [13]C最后一段第二句话,“假设”使科学家的思想可以超越已知事实。  [14]C最后一段第四句话,若没有假设,更深入的调查就会缺少目标和方向。所假设    的一个主要作用就是给科研提供方向。  [15]D第二段第一句说明理论不仅可以解释以往的观察,还可以帮助预测还未观察    到的。因此排除A。第二段最后两句,如果观察不能证实预测,那么说明实验有    错或理论可能应被修改或推翻,因此排除B。而C在文章中没有涉及。根据第    三段最后一句话,科学需要想象力和创造性思考,可以得出D为正确答案。  Passage4  文章大意:    这篇文章运用对比的写作方法说明教育与上学是不同的经历。第二段说明教育    比上学涵盖内容更广。它可以在任何地点、任何时间发生,既包括上学这种正式的教    育,也包括广义的非正式教育。它是一个终身的过程,早在上学之前就开始了,而且    是人一生中必不可少的部分。第三段主要讲述上学这个正式的教育过程。学校教育    模式通常大同小异。学生们对现实的了解受到各个课程内容的限制,上学只能被看    成是教育的一部分。    答案解析:    [16]B第一段说明教育不同于上学,接着在以下两段分别解释了教育和学校的学习。    [17]D由全文可知,教育是涵盖得很广的名词。它是一个终身的过程,早在上学前就    开始了,而且是人一生中必不可少的部分。    [18]D前句用了limited by the hundreds of...可知,与选项D吻合。    119]C由第二段可知教育涵盖的内容远大于学校的学习,第三段更说明学校学习是    个具体的、正式的过程,只是受教育的一部分。    [20]B此题考察文章的结构,文中的一些信号词,如“distraction”,“education is much    moreopen-ended'’,“schooling on the other hand"等,可知是对比两个相关概念。  Passage5  文章大意:    这篇文章一开始用著名哲学家梭罗引入“非暴力抵抗”这个概念。虽然这是一个    古老的名词,但是它说明人们是想向梭罗表达敬意,因为“非暴力抵抗”一直是美国道    德和政治的一个标志性的词语。在第二段中作者解释了什么行为是非暴力抵抗。首    先,要求有由政府强制实施的正式法律体系。其次,这种行为针对的是某一个特定的    法律或政策,而不是整个法律体系。第三,这种行为必须是公开的,因为它的有效性    正是依靠激发民众的情绪。最后,抗议者必须理解他们的行为可能带来的惩罚,通常    是坐牢,并且愿意接受这样的惩罚。    答案解析:    [21)B第一段第二句说明虽然这个概念由来已久,但是这种指示却能说明问题:人们    是在赞扬梭罗,因为这个词一直是美国伦理和政治的标志性词语。    [22]A第二段第五句表明美国公民权运动在早期是针对公共交通方面存在的歧视。    [23]C第二段第六句表明这种抗议的效果主要是动员(mobilize)公众反对抗议的    目标。    [24]A第二段最后两句说明抗议者必须明白他们的行为可能带来的惩罚,经常是坐    牢。而且要愿意接受这种惩罚。这一点更增强了对公众的影响,使人们更加支    持他们去反对抗议的目标。  [25]D第二段用设问句开始,下面分四点回答了什么是“非暴力抵抗”。  Passage 6    ,  文章大意:    早期的欧洲移民来到美国后,虽然生活条件艰苦,但他们并没有放弃追求欢乐的  想法。在这方面,城市和乡村的居民又有区别。在第二段和第三段中,作者主要讲述  了乡村居民的娱乐方式。由于居住地相隔较远,还有工作的压力,都使他们认为很有  必要将娱乐和工作相结合。于是他们的娱乐活动多为狩猎和钓鱼等等。有时邻居们  也会互相帮忙建造房屋和谷仓等等,之后聚餐饮酒共同庆祝。另外最使他们感到快  乐的是乡村聚会,男女老少各自分工参与各项竞技活动,这是他们最好的放松。而在  最后一段,作者使用过渡句转入对城市居民娱乐活动的描述。  答案解析:  [26]D全文主要讲述了乡村和城市的美国早期移民娱乐的方式。  [27]A第一段第一句说明从欧洲来到美国的早期移民没有放弃他们的祖先使生活丰    富多彩的各种娱乐方式。  [28]C第二段第二句,乡村居民在生活需求及工作压力下,认为娱乐应和目的相结    合。第三句中在殖民者中流行的那句话也说明了这个答案。  [29]B根据上题,第二段第三句中农民们用这种双重目的的娱乐,如打猎、钓鱼等方    式来减轻生活压力,这个“double-purpose”就是把娱乐和工作结合。  [30]B第二、第三段描述了乡村娱乐方式,第四段过渡说明城市居民也有自己的娱乐    方式,在下面的段落中作者当然是要详细说明城市的娱乐方式了。Passage 7文章大意:    全文讲述了理论知识的重要作用,说明理论知识的研究是人类理解世界的需求,  同时也是实际应用的基础。科学知识就是纯理论知识,寻求的目的只是为了理解,为  了满足人类本身固有的对未知的理解的渴求。这也正是人类和动物的区别,而知识  的应用也同样重要,它也可以区分人和动物。第二段说明了纯科学对应用科学的作  用。我们现在享受应用科学的成果,但不能忘了纯科学的基础作用和独立性。  答案解析:  [31)B第二段中的两个例子说明人类在进行科学探索时很多重大进步都来自表面上    认为无用的信息。[32]A第二段第二句说明应用科学会产生立竿见影、可预见的效果,但这种成功与纯    科学不同,除非是乌托邦式的幻想,而幻想与理想接近,故选A。[33]C第一段第二句说明作者打算把哲学放在后面的章节中讲述。[34]D倒数第二句说明科学研究本身就是有价值的工作,因为人类精神不愿向无知    屈服或停留在无知状态。[35]D第二段最后两句点明主旨。Passage 8文章大意:    有史以来的人类社会中年轻人通常都会模仿偶像。直到1910年时,这仍是美国  流行的一种风尚。受过教育的新来的移民会从各种渠道,包括好莱坞电影去学习美  国人的说话、行为和思考方式。然而,由于各种原因,一个反对偶像模仿的时代已经  到来。在文章第二段,作者运用了几个并列的with短语做状语,“a new era.。.”是主  语,说明了这场运动的必然性。年轻人不再模仿生活中、或艺术及电影中的偶像,而  是看到了真正来自于生活的没有被扭曲的偶像人物。  答案解析:  [36]C第一段第一句说明有史以来年轻人都会将各种各样的人作为偶像来模仿。  [37]A第一段倒数第二句第二代移民艺术家努力克服父辈缺陷的故事是用来激励移    民变得有文化。  [38]A第二段第二句说明在反对好莱坞的运动中,真实的生活被呈现出来(a new era    was ushered in)。  [39]D第二段一开始,几个用with引导的短语说明原因是多种多样的。  [40]B这个句子说明在运动中,偶像不在是来自童话故事,而是来自于生活。这种生    活尽可能保持原样(minimal),而且未被严重歪曲(crucial),此处歪曲即误解。故    选B。  Passage9文章大意:从古希腊时代一直到现在,善与恶的冲突一直是贯穿文学和戏剧的一个普遍主题(第一段)。然而,今天我们这个时代却蔓延着这样一种观点,即在任何道德或宗教意义上是没有绝对的善与恶的。这种观点认为既使承认善与恶的区别,那也是一个相对的问题。作者认为如果用这种观点去写作,那么伟大的文学作品将会失去魅力。在第三段,作者又举例说明想要创作出优秀的文学作品,就不能忽视或回避邪恶。Paton的伟大之处就在于他不仅文笔流畅,而且能够洞悉善与恶的区别,并且表明自己的立场。在第四段中作者举了一个反面例子说明是非不分、善恶不辨的作品只能是失败的(bore,a shrug)。得出结论:善、恶的冲突永远是文学和戏剧创作的重要要素。    ·答案解析:[41)A第二段第一句说明在我们这个时代,从任何纯粹的道德和宗教意义上讲,是没    有绝对的善良和邪恶的。  [42]C由第一段可知,作者认为善与恶的冲突长期存在于生活和文学作品中。  [43]B由前一句话可知这本书不承认善与恶的区别,而且对道德行为漠不关心。    [44]D第二段第三句说明这本书之所以伟大是因为作者明确善恶之间的区别,使他    们之间产生冲突,并且表明了自己的立场。而C中abstractions意为抽象的东西,    小说中形象得区别了善恶。    [45]D由or可知,ignore是其近义词,并且全句是表明如果作者忽略或回避邪恶,是    不可能写出一部伟大的作品的。    Passage10    文章大意:    本文讨论了美国黑人电影未被普遍认可的原因。文章首先指出,虽然黑人电影    的现状令人羡慕,前景看好,但是还不是人人趋之若鹜。文章接下来分析了原因。一    些分析家认为黑人电影只是自娱自乐、自我满足的神话,并不能使人声名斐然,因为    电影业的大亨们尽量避免有关意识形态的争议的题材。此外,大批的制片人、导演和    作家用电影加深了模式化的消极黑人形象,并佐以美国黑人真实生活的点滴,其宣扬    的打斗、吸毒等题材教会了黑人年轻的一代。电影作品的题材的局限性影响了其生    命力。文章最后提到,即使冒出一些黑人影星,他们的影片却不被作为黑人电影的成    功而认可,只不过是白人名人的对事业的拓展。    答案解析:    [46]A参阅文章第一段最后一句:任何一个有理性的企业首脑都认为,这个行业是有    望拓展的首选行业,但是,如果黑人电影用有限的生产和销售成本做得那么好,    为什么还不能得到所有人的认可呢?    [47]D参阅文章第二段第一句。“Vehicle”此处意为“媒介物”。    [48]B文章第二段三,四句指出,黑人社会被影片、小说描写为城市的野性王国,渲染    了其生活的悲剧性魅力,声名斐然的毒品交易者和匪徒。这些对黑人青年一代    有很大。    [49]B从该词的上下文可推断,该词意为“生命力,生机”。    [50]B文章主要讨论了黑人电影的局限性。









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