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主题 : 阅读中的技巧
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-10-19   
来源于 考博资料 分类


阅读中的技巧 GQ_p-/p R  
1)答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。这些语气词有: must,always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very completely, none,hardly等。 zX#%{#9  
2)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。 )NR Q2  
这些语气词有: can, could,may, should, usually, might, most(大多数)more or less,relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。 6:% L![FX  
ip~$X 2  
3)选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项 Ix|~f1*%  
4)选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。 "G:<7oTa  
5)选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。 )+H[kiN  
@t1V o}c  
评注:在这5条基本经验里面,我最喜欢的是34两项。因为阅读的选项为了优化和迷惑大家,一般都设置成长短差不多的样子,这样就给选择带来难度。如果我在选项里看到某句话和文章里的某句话是一模一样的,那我会立刻打差上去,因为这肯定不是答案。如果它是把文章里某句话倒过来说,比如文章说:有了政府的支持,他们可能如何如何;而答案是没有政府的支持,他们maybe干不成什么什么。这就是把句子倒过来说,这肯定是答案。还有可能是把词组有同义词替换,比如,文章里是deal with,而选项里有tackle with,那基本这个就是答案了。第3条经验我用了10CET6真题做实验,就1道题目不对,基本是90%成功率。第4条经验往往用在推理和判断上面,出现的情况往往是2个句子看不懂,2个句子看的特懂,而且懂的和文章几乎说的是一样的,这个时候请留心,那2个特懂的句子不是答案。而出现了一些抽象的概念,比如乌托邦等,这样的句子就是答案。这条经验我也在10CET6做过实验,命中率80%-90%。第5条和第4条有相似的地方,但我多说一句,出题老师在安排选项的时候已经把中国人的考虑问题的习惯给加进去了,所以在选择的时候要避开日常生活中的习惯问题。 ]B=C|usJ  
阅读中的干扰项的问题 iBudmT8  
细节题干扰项特点。 iRi{$.pVJ  
1)与原句内容相反; vKoP|z=m  
2)与原文内容一半相同一半不同; [ $fJRR  
3)与原句内容相似但过于绝对化。 6x=YQwn~  
4)原文中根本没提到 H.G!A6bd  
主旨大意题干扰项特点。 htP|3B  
1)虽覆盖全文意思,但显得太笼统; o/o:2p.  
2)其内容太窄,不能覆盖全文内容,只是文章内容的一部分,或只是文章内容的一个细枝未节; 6b~2 8  
3)与文章内容毫不相干,或与文章内容相悖。 TCvSc\Q[:1  
*5,c Rz  
逻辑推理题干扰项特点 _~aG|mAj  
1)不是在文章事实或上下文(句)逻辑基础上进行推理而得出了观点。 hY<{t.ws  
2)虽然可以以文章提供的事实或内在逻辑为基础进行推理,但推理过头,概括过度。 s~26  
针对词汇题,我们可只看词汇所在句和前后句内容即可答题,因为对单词字义的揣测,一般只通过单词所在句或前后句内容就能猜出。 T}7uew\v0<  
评注:这里的干扰项的规律正好是4321。我先来说说阅读词汇题辨析,大家记住4个字瞻前顾后70%的答案在后面一句有,30%可能在前一句。至于其他几个干扰项的设置,大家针对历年的真题,都能找到原形,年年如此。我用中文举几个例子给大家看看 \.e4.[%[2-  
阅读文章: v[<Bjs\q5  
第一段:铁路部门和公路部门正在蕴量着兼并。他们将在收费,连网,运输方面紧密联合起来。 ^+?|Qfi  
第二段:以前,铁路部门和公路部门是分开管理的。那时候由于铁路和公路各司其职能,都有各自相对稳定的客户来源。但随着运输途径的不断增多,以及经济的萎缩,除了一些客户没有选择外,其他都会在铁路和公路中选择路费相对低的。 O_K_f+7  
第三段:铁路部门和公路部门的工人都不同程度地反对兼并。他们担心他们的工作会失去,而另外再找一份相同的工作对一些老职工来说,是非常困难的。不过也有一些年轻人赞同这样的兼并。 ELa ja87  
第四段:现在,各方的争论还远没有结束。但相信不久后,我们就能看到一个正式的措施。 P"7ow-  
问题: 6-,m}Ce\  
。造成铁路和公路部门蕴量兼并的主要理由是: u@FsLHn  
。两个部门的有着共同的客户,兼并后可以使运输业更好发展。 JhR W[~  
。政府的宏观措施,使部门的结构更加合理化。 qX>Q+_^  
。经济状况和运输业的发展不平衡 ;)!"Ty|  
。两个部门的负责人都支持这项建议 7y*ZXT]f  
。假设两个部门合并之后,以下情况可能出现的是: lWy=)^)4  
。铁路和公路部门的职工福利待遇都将提高 1(`M~vFDK  
。铁路部门的大部分客户将被高速发展的公路业所取代 |k-XBp  
。总的运输费用将下降 VTe.M[:  
。大批量的煤矿运营商仍将选择铁路运输 &A50'8B2A  
。以下针对本文概括最贴切的是哪项: r!/0 j)  
。铁路和公路部门的兼并 >mIg@knE  
。一场牵扯各方,玄而未决的兼并利益商战 {sS_|sX  
。由工人推动的铁路和公路的兼并 M$CVQ>op:  
。随着经济和交通的发展,铁路和公路在客户市场有着更多的交集 I 8Y*@$h  
/B HepD }  
正确答案: |PM m?2^R  
C 2D 3B ~y\:iL//E  
分析1:这是细节题。B是无中生有,我中文里根本没有政府部门。违反第4条。A过于绝对化,除了一些客户没有选择外,其他都会在铁路和公路中选择路费相对低的说明他们的客户不是完全相同的。违反第3条。D。是太笼统的概括,没有针对性。这项是很容易排除的。C是针对运输途径的不断增多,以及经济的萎缩的概括。 0P 5BArJ?  
VbxAd 2')  
分析2:逻辑推理题。A与原文矛盾。福利都好了,工人还反对干撒? C是强干扰项。行业的垄断必然使价格上涨,这是资本主义经济的特点。违反第1条。B推理过头了,文章只说兼并,又没有说兼并后谁占主导优势。违反第2条。D是对的,这个有点难,对的理由除了一些客户没有选择外,其他都会在铁路和公路中选择路费相对低的,这些没有选择顾客肯定是由于货物的原因而只能依赖于一次性运输量比较大的运输业。 kr_oUXiX  
mCb 9*|  
分析3:全文主旨题。C是瞎扯,偶就不解释了。违反第3条。A就是举了个太笼统的说法。文章是说由兼并引发的一系列利益关系。违反第1条。D是一个干扰项,文章肯定会用你看的懂的英语来迷惑你,而且写的很长,让你觉得,恩,对啊,就是说这个。它只是针对文章第2段来概括的。违反第2条。B是正确的,对在它把一件具体的事情,用抽象的文字概括,是正确答案的设置方法之一。 ^L O]Z  
CET6的改错问题 rye)qp|  
首先要说的是:CET6每次改错要你指出错误的地方肯定有错,绝对不会没错,而且肯定在这行,不会到前面或者下面去!! H%.zXQ4}n  
然后要说的是:从上次CET6改革来看,改错的判卷方法改变了。找出错误05分,改对错误05 ( Yi=v'd  
有错的一句话,最多10个英语单词,大家首先按词性来划分一次 Z ps&[;R$-  
EX 9Z{xX  
名词错误的可能 rsSue_Q  
1)名词单复数 OWV/kz5'H  
只有这1种可能,而且到现在的改错,我就记得就1次单复数没考,其他场次必考! T 'i~_R6  
形容词错误的可能 00,9azs  
1)意思颠倒,要改成反义词 _sm;HH7'*  
这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有形容词,先上下文看看,有没有意思反了 BA`:miH<  
2)词性错误 As}eUm)B5c  
个形容词在一起,那肯定有一个是修饰另外一个的,所以要改成副词 4@~a<P#  
d q pgf@  
介词错误的可能性 SauHFl8?  
1)固定短语的搭配问题,不如key to,answerto, be faced with Okoo(dfM  
这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有介词,先看左右,有没有搭配错误 %ph"PR/t?  
连词错误的可能性 RK;;b~  
1)承上启下的错误 E4i@|jE~)  
有时候,表示递进的,但题目中给出even if,所以要把if去掉;有时表原因的,但题目中是therefore,所以要改成because。。这样的错误也时常出现,但不是每次出现 Q4 CJ]J`  
2)非限制性宾语从句只能由which引导,题目中很会用that来误倒 ,M{Q}:$+4  
@4&, #xo  
代词错误的可能性  Dx0O'uwR  
1)代词与先行词不一致 /o\U/I  
前面说了是单数,后面用了them,所以要改成it 这类的错误也经常发生 fK);!Hh  
动词错误的可能性 (大头!!) /bi6>GaC:E  
1)时态错误 V 1*Ad  
明明文章在说过去的事情,但用了个is,所以要改成was g?gqkoI  
这个错错每次改错题目都有,所以看到错的句子有动词,先看上下,有没有时态问题 y]<#%F h  
8Kk3_ y  
2)主谓不一致  2aFT<T0  
they was doing ……
这样的错误,找不出么,6级也别考了 zw ,-.fmM#  
b h*^{  
3)非谓语动词提前形式的错误 OWZS3Y+  
they weredoing…… 像这样的情况,viewed就要改成viewing &0JK38(  
如果后面是it,前面是ing形式,也要注意的 rNZO.qij z  
4)平行结构错误 z'_&|-m  
前面连着2句都是to做什么,to做什么and do什么, 这时候就要在这个do前加to J"5jy$30'$  
如果是to doing,就要改成to do z;[gEA+I  
-% >8.#~G  
以上这些错误在考试中占6-7分左右,大家可以一定要抓住,后面的分数就难拿了 6g}^Q?cpV#  
另类错误 *X~B-a|nJ  
1)易混淆的词 /8=:qIJYA  
比如:Hispersistence was awarded when the car finally started /731.l  
中间的awarded是错误的,应该改成rewarded  ZH_FA  
m dC`W&r  
2)从上下文来看,应该改动的词 2H[=l Y  
一般发生在名词的身上!! 比如前面说美国人吃饭的习惯,后面写了chinese,那就要改成American ^eT@!N  
3)固定词组用错一个,造成意思完全改变 xy$vYDAFw  
比如:It also takesrise to a blurring of the dis tinction between science and ^I@ey*$  
要把takes 改成 gives y*}AX%8`e~  
这样的难点错误,解决方法是,能改则改,不能改确定哪个词错,骗205 v>rqOI  
总的评注:做改错题一定要具有一双慧眼。重要的不是自己会运用一个语法点或知识点,而是能够识别出错误的用法,以审查的眼光去面对每一个改错题。这就需要掌握必要的答题步骤和技巧。 P)Z/JHB  
答题步骤: ooomi"u  
一般来说,做题时千万不要拿起来就改。先花一、两分钟从头到尾通读全文,对文章大 致内容有所了解,做到心中有数。 ? UxG/]",  
然后把重点放在有错误项的标题号行,寻找较容易辩认的语法错误,如主谓不一致、 时态、语态使用错误、非谓语动词错误等等。 M_qP!+ Y  
如果错行中不存在上述明显错误,则应查看是否有词语搭配错误,易混词错误、词性错 Dm>T"4B`/  
误等等细节错误。 ]&&I|K_  
如果错行中既不存在语法错误,也不存在词汇错误,则从整体上查看上下文意思是否连贯,连接词是否使用正确,是否有逻辑混乱的现象,如否定句误用成肯定句造成句意不通等。注意:有时没有错项的行对改错很有帮助。 D_O5k|-V  
找到错误项之后,按要求形式进行改正、删去或增添,并设法找到一个正确项使句子在 语法、语义和逻辑上都成立  qJsQb  
CET46的作文推荐骨架 3Qqnw{*  
先要强调一下,CET6考图表作文的几率大,CET4考记叙文的概率大。这个主流要先说明的。我不押题,但我押框架。以下所有的框架供大家参考,考虑到大部分朋友都时间有限,所以我尽量把框架的字写多点。怕撞车的朋友,可以在各篇文章中挑几句重新排列组合。 Sja "(sJ  
图表式带数字比较的作文(1 C*"Rd   
As is described in the bar chart,(
图表的总述).Figures indicate that(趋势1),and(趋势2)。 ;6DR .2}?>  
There are at least three good reasons for(
图表总述的另一个种表达)。 V->.|[J  
In the first place,it is generally assumed that(
理由一)。Secondly,with the openand reform policy being carried out,(某个短语)has a great influence on(原因)。Last but not least,todayan increasing number of people are realizing that(某个原因的重要性 )。Maybe there are someother reasons to show(图表述第三种表 j)6@q@P/  
达),but it isgenerally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly acceptable. 3m-edpH  
From this point of view,it goes without saying that(
措施)。We are looking forwardto a much better and brighter future. 3c1 o,2  
评注:这个框架是送给那些对作文信心不大的朋友们。我框架的内容已经有90几个字了,只需要大家填补40-50个字就够了。 K?z*3^^X;  
图表式作文带数字比较,并希望提出建议的作文 2 E&RoaY0  
As is depicted in the cartoon,(
图表的总述)。For one thing,(趋势一)。For another,(趋势2)。It is interesting tonote that(趋势三)。 N&R '$w  
My suggestions to tackle the problem are as follows.First of all,with the rapiddevelopment of science and technology,an increasing number of people come 0hH Iz4(  
to realize that(
意见一),this isbecause(原因)。Secondly,(意见二)。 H;7O\  
Therefore,we should attach great significance to solving the problem. y>)mSl@1y  
*X-~TC0 [  
As far as I'm concerned,it is high time that (
某个组织或人)must make intensiveefforts to(采取什么行动)。Although westill have a long way to go,I "k>{b:R|  
am sure that tomorrow will be much better and brighter. 9*G L@_c  
评注:上一篇是着重强调原因,这篇是原因和改善的措施并进的。还是考虑到大家时间紧迫,所以这篇的框架词也有90以上。 [#H8=  
: L6-{9$  
大家很强烈要求的议论文写法(3(我采用新式写法,和旧的不同) dK=D=5r,  
It is generally believed that (
事件)is a hot topic which is widely talked 9hz7drhR;\  
about at home and abroad.Some people think that(
想法一)。Others argue that(想法 7|{%CckN  
二)。Still othersassert that(想法三)。 ,b2O^tJF#  
As a popular saying goes"Everything has two sides".There is nodenying that(
hadcontributions to什么)。But it ispartial to stress only one side.we should debate the matter pro and con.Though(什么好的事情已经发生),they areresponsible for a lot of(不好的事情)。From what I have mentioned above we can seeclearly that(结论)。 tZJ 9}\r  
{ V =:O  
In short,we should keep in mind that(
全文的结论)。We are lookingforwarding to a promising future. X*p:&=o  
]aL  [  
评注:这篇文章的框架CET46都可以拿过去改头换面。一般这样的文章,大多数人都会第一段写2意见,然后说自己的意见。第2段说3个理由。我就是为了打破这个瓶颈,所以在第一段列了3个理由,然后第2段从正反两方面论证。力求新意。这篇文章我拼了很多东西,也是我老喜欢的议论文的写法 V, "AG  
图表带数字的描述(举2篇比较经典文章的开头) BT*K,p  
G `3vH,  
Since China opened its door to the outside world in 1979, Beijing has made ;M(ehX  
remarkable results in attracting foreign business to invest in joint ventures. _UbR8  
According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 Ff1M~MhG  
countries and regions. The investment of Hong Kongranks first, accounting for QdG?"Bdt2  
44 per cent of the total. Japan'sinvestment makes up 19.2 per cent, putting c,u$tnE)  
it in second spot. Third is the United  States at 16 per cent. hc4`'r;  
评注:这篇文章是说北京地区吸引外商投资的,是一块饼图,然后首段要大家描述。 L>R!A3G1  
我简单分析一下,第一句只要把北京换成our country,然后是百搭。第2句的开头是常用土图表作文的框架,后面部分看看,考试碰不到同样的文章。后面的三句描写手法是我要着重推荐的。第三句用了accountingfor,第四句用了make up,第5句用了at。这3个词都有占多少百分比的意思。如果考到这类的作文能用上这3个字,再加上漂亮的首句。老师的第一印象很定来。从第二段开始,按照前面的表格,大家慢慢套 E%v[7 ST  
As is shown by the graph, the rate of car accidents in the city varied from _o=`-iy9  
month to month in 2002. During the period from Jan. to Mar., the number of fPuQ,J2=  
accidents grew sharply, reaching 32 in March. Then the rate began to decline, {<V|Gr  
and there were only 26 accidents in June. However, there was a rapid increase *^$N $t/2  
during the summer months, the peak being 39 accidents in August. Fortunately, Vm5P@RU$w;  
the rate was gradually falling in the last four months of the year. It is -:1Gr8  
interesting to note that there happened to be as many accidents in Oct. as )~o`QM+  
those in Apr. Generally speaking, the trend involved a downward direction. MrygEC 5  
c=c.p i"s  
评注:这篇文章是说一年12个月,每月的车祸数量。我要推荐的除了表示占百分比的表达外,还要介绍如果描写趋势的。如果是上升,那可以用grewsharply,on the ris,be a rapid increase.如果是下降,可以用begin to decline,begradually falling.如果考试是用曲线表示趋势的话,那能用上这5个次中的任意3个,文章就有色彩了。 UVuuIW0k  
成功和失败的关系 j2&OYg  
As you know, whatever we do, there are always two possible results: success and XS~w_J#q  
failure. We should try hard to strive for success and at the same time do our dIh(~KqB  
best to avoid failure. We should rely on our own efforts to win the victory. We fJN9+l  
have no reason to look to any accidental gain. We should always keep in mind kTe<1^,m  
that industry is the mother of success and perseverance holds the key to it. #cg@Z  
评注:这段是描述成功和失败的关系。第二句中strive fordo our best to,一个用短语,一个用强调语气,可以借鉴。We have noreason to look to也是一个好句子,我们没有理由去期待什么, We shouldalways keep in mind that industry is the mother of success and perseveranceholds the key to it。这句是百搭,前面是个短语开头句,可以借鉴,后面一句是成语,一句是讲道理。记不住可以就记一句旅游业的发展 hFF&(t2{^  
Tourism, a "smokeless industry", is developing rapidly in China. Withthe open j1C0LP8  
and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign (TK cSVR  
visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old ^rZ+H@p:6  
mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5000 years. HrcnyQ`Q0  
4 w  
Tourism brings Chinaa lot of benefits. First it enables the Chinese people to Wh&Z *J  
know more about the outside world and promotes friendship and mutual I,q~*d  
understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, whichneeds more >L3p qK   
foreign currencies for its modernization program. H  "/e%  
RB 0j!H:  
这篇文章的第一端,CET4可以借鉴。。不管什么在中国的发展,都可以看成是无烟的工业,然后就是改革开放的套话。第2段主要是针对给中国带来的好处。如果考试中有外国到中国来消费的,不管是什么原因来消费,好处都可以是这2个科技类文章的写法(我采用正反结合的方法) p5 PON0dS  
Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes in people’s life. R(#;yn  
Scientific researches continue to open up previously undreamed of _J#Hq 'K  
possibilities. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like iw6M3 g #  
computers, space—shuttles. Now all these newly emerging technologies are 1>*<K/\qg  
benefiting people all over the world. In a word, advancing science and A.*nDl`H  
technology have made man master of the globe.  o?x|y   
MjosA R  
As is known to all, everything has two coins. When we are enjoying the   y3$\ m  
remarkable wonders which science and technology have brought us, we are `9)2nkJk'z  
suffering at the same time from a lot of troubles, such as environmental (9QRg;   
}|,\ ?7,  
pollution, noise, green—house effect and the danger of nuclear wars. Let’s P =Gb  
take cars for examples. They not only pollute the air in the city, but also aj~@r3E ;  
make our roads overcrowded. Moreover, they are responsible for a lot of traffic KV(W|~+rM  
accidents, which bring grave consequences both to the country and to victim’s IWd*"\L  
families. As a result, we should not underestimate the other side brought by ~DS9{Y  
the progress of science and technology. U9%nku4  
这篇文章的第一段我是建议大家看熟的。因为不管是什么文章,在生活中给我们带来好处的原因,我归纳就三条:改革开放;科技进步;文明提高。如果说改革开放,前面的文章对次强调了,这里不说了。文明提高,明后天再说。这里让大家看看科技进步提高生活如何说。从第2段到第3段,是让害怕写科技类文章的朋友借鉴的,我从正反论述,再加个举例。如果已经熟悉用框架的朋友,那完全可以按照框架(3)去写 z{_Vn(Kg   
FC .-u"V  
关于具体措施的,多数情况下可以套的文章(以保护森林为例) :jCaDhK  
My suggestions to deal with problem are as follows. In the first place,we `{;&Qcg6m  
should appeal to the government to set up a foundation to reward thost do much ZPog)d@!  
to protect resources. Secondly, those who cut down trees in a forest at radom WWs>@lCK  
must be punished by the law. Finally,it is necessary to encourage city- 09i[2n;O  
residents to plant as many trees as possible in and around the city. We are QR8 Q10  
looking forward to a much better and brighter future. P_%l}%   
w N.Jyb  
评注:这篇文章的解决办法的模式是我想推荐的。第一步,呼吁。第二步,惩罚。第三步,奖励。如果考到假冒伪劣产品,也可以套吧,如果考到经济发展,那也可以饶到企业的诚信和the public的监督。反正只要和保护有关的,都可以用这饿模式 `84yGXLK  
现在网上都说考SARS很热,但我觉得不会考,毕竟也有反押题。但我文章还是贴两篇。 C*zdHzMj  
从野生动物推到SARS epe}^Pl  
Chinese people have a long tradition of eating all sorts of “delicious D7wWk ,B  
foods”, including wild animals or plants. As illustrated in the picture, a YkbLf#2AE|  
group of people seated around a big table, which is already covered with all $x0F(|wxt  
sorts of wonderful food, are expecting another “ big” course. To everyone’s ;B@l0)7(x  
surprise, the waiter pushes in a cage containing an angry bear. Obviously, the Ews Ja3 `  
bear’s paws, which are considered a delicacy in China, will be the next course. b9jm= U  
This habit of eating wild animals is deeply rooted in Chinese food culture for jeNEC&J  
Chinese people believe that wild animals are really nutritious as well as c7 -j  
tasty. But people may not realize that this habit is harmful both to themselves jiDYPYx;I  
and to biological environment. People may be infected with lethal bacteria or 6=D;K.!  
viruses by eating wild animals, which is demonstrated by the terrible SARS U^I'X7`r  
claiming thousands of lives in the world this spring. Also, hunting and eating Fh;(1X75I  
wild animals disturbs the biological balance of the nature, which is already ,y @3'~  
threatening the existence of human beings on the earth.  73X]|fy  
Therefore, special care must be taken to ensure that this habit is terminated. =lnz5H  
On the one hand, the government may have to establish laws to forbid the ?*0kQo'  
hunting and eating of wild animals. On the other hand, the public should uproot J %t1T]y~  
this bad habit themselves. Surely, if people from all walks of life pay enough k zT'  
attention to this problem, our life will be more healthy and enjoyable. V8/o@I{U[  
< Lt$qV-#  
用团结就是力量推到SARS n1|%xQBU@  
It is widely recognized that solidarity can help mobilize all the available g`1i[Iu2  
forces to conquer all the difficulties. As illustrated in the picture, a AKVmUS;70  
clenched fist , which symbolizes solidarity, looks so big and powerful. It is "Q( 8FF  
meant to show that however challenging or difficult a task is, the powerful 53c6dl  
fist will definitely crush it to pieces. %WR  
The value of solidarity has been proved numerous times. In the spring of 2003, //(c 1/s  
for instance, SARS hit Chinaand claimed hundreds of lives. It threatened the cVMTT]cj1  
smooth development of Chinese economy and the social stability. In the face of R;%iu0  
the danger, national government called on Chinese people, especially the P-C_sj A7  
doctors and nurses, to be united together to fight and defeat the disease, and ]KmYPrCl0  
the SARS was crushed immediately. Another example is the successful launch of #{(rOb6H)  
Shenzhou-5 in Oct.,2003. It was obviously the result of combined efforts of f"Z2&Y@  
generations of scientists, engineers, astronauts and ordinary workers. It was \n5,!,A  
also certainly the result of national government’s guidance, the public n~h%K7 c  
support and the booming economy. In a word, the success was based on the Gs%kqD{=  
solidarity of all China’ssocial forces. B0:O]Ax6.^  
In my opinion, only solidarity can ensure our success in all respects. Most V\_ &2',t  
probably we’ll meet with many other difficulties in the future development of 9Ah4N2nL-b  
our country. But I’m confident that we can overcome them with solidarity and |G1U $p  
achieve our success in every respect. bvoR?D\-"  
我再次表明我的观点,SARS考的可能性很小很小。但文章大家可以看看,觉得好的句子就去背,各取所需 )9*WmFc+#  
四级考试阅读理解技巧(一) (efH>oY[  
四级阅读测试一般包括4篇文章的阅读,每篇后有5道选择题。这些的类型多种多样,但归纳起来大致可分为二大类,即全域型问题(GlobalQuestion)和局域型问题(LocalQuestion . LocalQuestion一般涉及三方面内容:SubjectMatter, Attitudr/Tone;Local Question 涉及:Supporting Details,Inference, Vocabulary.以下,我们将针对四级考试的特点、出题范畴、出题方式等,根据这些问题在考试出题中的大致排列顺序,进行有步骤、有计划的分项应试技能训练。 \ZC7vM"h  
关于主题思想问题(SubjectMatter 6|zA,-=  
SubjectMatter(SM中心思想)是作者在文章中要表达的的主要内吼是贯穿全文的核心。作者在文章中努力通过各种SupportingDetails来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主要思想对于全文内听理解具有重要意义。熟悉四级测试的人都知道,这类问题常被列为5题之首。然而,如何找出主题常使考生倍感棘手。因为他们总希望通过某个词或某句话就能找到答案,而找主题往往需要通读全文后才能作出判断。 9]Y@eRI<  
  针对SM问题,应采用快速阅读法(Skimming)浏览全文,理解文章主旨大意,阅读时要注意抓住中心思想的句子在文章中的位置也不同,但阅读时,文章的开头、结尾及段落的段首句和段尾句特别重要,因为他们往往名包含文章的中心议题(SM)。 NTV0DkX  
  根据批发部在内容的不同,这类问题可分杰主题型、标题型和目的型 。主题型一目了然就是找中心(Main Idea;标题型是为文章选择标题(Title;目的型就是推断作者的写作意图(Purpose.这类题常见的命题方式有: bNXT*HOZb3  
  (1 What is the main idea(subject) of this passage ? <+6)E@Y  
  (2 What does this passagemainly (primarily)concerned ? +=||c \'  
  (3 The main theme of thispassage is ___________. BUtXHD  
  (4 The main point of thepassage is__________.  z=!xN5  
  (5 Which of the followingis the best title for the passage ? N(D_*% 96  
  (6 The title that best expressesthe theme of the passage is ___________. XRZmg "  
  (7 On which of thefollowing subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ? ,uj oGSx}  
  (8 The purpose of thewriter in writing this passage _________. rwU[dqBRhc  
  (9 Which of the followingbest describes the passage as a whole ? <@oK ^ja  
关于主题型  r t f}4.  
Example 1: hse$M\5  
Oceanographyhas been defined as "The application of all sciences to the study of thesea " f7mI\$CN  
Before the nineteenth century ,scientists with an interest in the sea were fewand far between .Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it inhis writings ,but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work . 'peFT[1> (  
For mostpeople the sea was remote , and with the exception of early intercontinentaltravelers or others , who earned a living from the sea, there was little reasonto ask many questions about it ,let alone to what lay beneath the surface ,Thefirst time that the question "What is at the bottom of oceans"? had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the layingof a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineershad to know the depth profile( 轮廓)of the route to estimate the length of cablethat had to be manufactured. 90Q}9T\  
It was toMaury of US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853 , forinformation on this matter. In the 1840s,Maury had been responsible forencouraging voyages during which soundings(试探)were taken investigatethe depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of hisfindings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography ofthe Sea. Z(Xu>ap  
The cable was laid , but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent andreliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out forrepairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defiedcontemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts ofthe sea.
cBU>/ zIp  
Within a fewyears oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientificexpedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samplesform the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for yearsand led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895 . d<xBI,g  
This passageis mainly about_____________. syMB~g  
A) thebeginnings of oceanography Qd$d*mwg:  
B) the layingof the first undersea cable p=T]%k*^h#  
C) theinvestigation of ocean depths 7,Nd[ oL*7  
D) the earlyintercontinental communications kZfO`BVL  
本题问及全篇的中心思想。通过快读(skimming )我们知道这是一篇叙述"海洋学"的文章。第一段谈的是关于"海洋学"的定义;第二段是讲19世纪前对海洋感兴对趣的科学家不多;第三段谈到由于有人提了铺设海底电缆,人们才开始研究"海底深处究竟是什么";第四段说Maury考察北大西洋和太平洋的发现引起广泛的注意;第五段讲修筑海底电缆过程中发现大量的海洋生物;最后一段是海洋学研究的成果。可风全篇主要是讲海洋学的研究是如何开展起来的,所以正确答案是A)。文章有 个地方谈到铺设义;第二段是讲19世纪前对海洋感兴趣的科学家不多;第三段谈到由于有人提出铺设海底电缆,人们才开始研究"海底深处究竟有什么";第四段说Maury考察北大西洋和太平洋的发现引起广泛的注意;第五段讲修筑海底电缆过程中发现大量的海洋生物;最后一段是海洋学研究的成果。可见全篇主要是讲海洋学的研究是如何开展起来的,所以正确答案是A)。文章有好几个地方谈到铺设海底电缆B)和越洋通讯(D),但都是围绕着海洋学这条主线的。至于C),测量海洋深度,只是一个细节,不可能是文章的中心意思。 D/rKqPp|!  
四级考试阅读理解技巧(二) \=1k29O  
.关于标题型 7|*|xLrVY  
Example : _.zW[;84b  
A rapid meansof long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States assettlement(新拓居地 ) spreadever farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and foralong time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. Themost serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and thedevelopment of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, therailroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain rangesand reaching westward to the Mississippi.There were also regional southern and western lines . Sa6}xe."M,  
The high point in railroadbuilding came with the construction of the first transcontinental system. In1862 congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska west-ward and from California eastward to a meeting point, soas to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard withthe Pacific .The Government helped the railroads generously with money and landActual work on this project began four years later. money and land. Actual workon this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, startingfrom California,used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers.The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to. cover a greaterdistance than the other. In l869 they met at a place called Promontory in whatis now the state of Utah.Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrationsall the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor thegreat achievement. a>6!?:Rj  
`O-$qT, _  
The railroadwas very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build upindustry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing productsrapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another ithelped unify the United  States. C}%g(YRhb  
The besttitle for this passage would be__________. 5) nm6sf  
A)Settlements Spread Westward NJwcb=*  
B) TheCoast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital Link u<:R Sg  
C) AmericanRailroad History ?=-18@:.ss  
D) TheImportance of Trains in the American Economy a8Nl' f*0  
  本题是给文章选标题,实际上也是问及全篇的主旨。文章第一段的第一句虽然提到"settlementspread ever farther westward ",但这不是本文论述的中心,太故选项A)是错的;选项D)也不合适,因为作者在第三段第二句里谈的是在美国起重要作用的transcontinentalrailway, 而不是泛指美国的铁路;虽然本文从一个侧面反映了美国铁路的历史,故选项C)也是错的;本文的第三段点了文章的主旨,即这条横贯美国的铁路在开发西部、发展工农业生产和统一美国等方面 起到了a vital link 的作用。因此,答案应该是选项B AKejWh  
"阴胜阳衰"原则: (即答案中出现以下情况可能是对的) fMy7pXa_  
男生学习不好,不爱学习;女生爱学习,学的也好. D`V03}\-  
男生等女生. `a*[@a#  
男生在遇到困难的时候往往比较消极,而女生往往比较乐观,不怕困难,还开导男生. Vr+X!DeY  
男生总是很猴急,不够沉稳,心里素质不行;女生很稳重,成熟,细心. gG!L#J?  
男生对女生基本上是"唯命是从"原则. w^6rgCl  
男生总是不太爱学习,女生则认为一定要好好学习,尤其是开始之前更应该话功夫;而且女生很关心男生的学习,经常一某些方式帮助男生. d="Oge8  
wuR Q H]N  
男生惹女生生气,然后向女生道歉.女生还是比较宽容的,能原谅他们. >hHjDYjbf  
.请客吃饭场景 (即答案中出现以下情况可能是对的) Xn@\p5<  
一般有邀请时都答应,或者说我很愿意去,但是有某些事情耽误了. +L03. rf  
要求回请 a~ sU  
赞扬主人做的饭好吃 GrPKJ~{6  
特别的食物,一般指意大利的西班牙或者泰国(thailand)的食物 Fjch<gAofS  
.教授讲课场景. (原则同上) z=%&?V  
出现生动有趣,深刻抽象都对.(同时出现生动与抽象,只能去跳楼了) 6Y9FU  
.住宿场景.(原则同上) goBl~fqy0  
一般为学生租房子或者几个人share一个房间,一般以穷,房子,家具破,,价格低为特点 2MY-9(no  
.学生找工作场景.(原则同上) [.:SV|AF#  
学生免试很紧张,重视免试,准备知识,喜欢去大公司,因为远而放弃,担心是否需要工作经验. T1$=0VSEa+  
3<F\ 5|  
.阅读场景.(原则同上) 8.JFQ/) i  
没时间,没读完或者读了一部分,因为没意思所以没读. y950Q%B]  
.学生贫穷原则.(原则同上) Yx#?lA2gx  
想家"原则,没钱买书只好借,在周末给家打电话,因为便宜.去买打折,二手的东西. 9d kuvk}:  
: ;l9t o  
.为出和天气场景.(原则同上) Y6W#u iqk  
男生:听天尤命,因为坏天气而取消 女生:担心天气下雨 M$J{clr  
.做飞机场景.(原则同上) l7T@<V  
一般做飞机的时候都会出现问题,比如机票卖光了,飞机晚点,取消了,或者交通堵塞没有赶上飞机,就算赶上了也是很仓促. "kb[}r4?  
.家用电器或办公用品场景(熟悉下面的词汇,当然是听熟) ^+ J3E4  
power plug, press the play button,power indicator,the sounds don't comethrough,break down,have it fixed 2 .p?gRO  
十一.分别场景.(原则同九) o|en"?4  
男生不愿意分开,因为女生要走而伤心,告诉女生回去看她,一般在圣诞节和感恩节去, 女生则安慰男生不要担心,会回来的. |7CFm  
f[ 'uka.U  
十二.观赏艺术品场景.(熟悉下列词汇)  Uf,fd  
oil painting,title,an early eighteen century work,look up sth.at the catalogue(
目录),art gallery(长廊),museum kO3N.t@n  
十三.教授/医生繁忙原则() n9H4~[JiC  
十四.向邻居委托场景(略) $eu-8E'  
XM#xxf* Y  
十五.做火车场景.(原则同十一) >OxSrc@A  
有意思,很刺激,可以看风景. p)e?0m26  
十六.图书馆场景.(熟悉下列词汇) 5>x?2rp  
latest issue,catalogue,due,over-due(
过期),pay a fine(罚款),novel, Wm^RfxgN/  
科幻,虚幻类小说),journal(期刊),periodical(期刊),reference(参考) books,  o%SD\zk  
a wide circulation(








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