英语论文写作常用经典句型 $LBgBH&z
H H3Z?g
3? k<e
1. In this paper, we focus on the need for =q[+e(,3
2. This paper proceeds as follow. 75h]#k9\
3. The structure of the paper is as follows. PE_JO(e;Xm
4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related B0g?!.#23
concepts {iQ4jJ`n
5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the DLq'V.M:
Introduction -Zg.o$
1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the @]]\r.DG
problem and a detailed presentation of how the required sVlQ5M oo(
membership functions are defined. V\
2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. -LFk7a
3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various 9+Wf*:*EW
situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an ;wHyX)&X$
entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy zq$0 ?vGd
service time with stochastic arrivals and non-fuzzy service rule is n"I{aJ]K
studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. +wGvYr
Review -|:mRAe
1. This review is followed by an introduction. gd0a,_`M
2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is FZ FPzH
presented in Section 2. @6y)wA9Yx
3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given. |lIgvHgg
4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard IR8qFWDZ
to ... RRpCWcIv"
5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. /W{^hVkvC
6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of !W b
action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of OP``+z>
systems and outlines the need for development of possibility )'/xNR
methods. !H zJ*
Body ] $F%
1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its BWkT
importance. 1#XZVp;M
2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision-making .sZ"|j9m
logic. ZQsVSz( 1
3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx @f#6Nu
4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, c`UizZ
natural language understanding. dp }z
5. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed k P=~L=cK
in terms of fuzzy time-window {afIr1j/m
6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in =pb ru=/
the ... R E9`T
7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including CeUC[cUQU
the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. C:vVFU|4
8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. lG`%4}1
9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the dSE"G>l8
analysis of xx. /kqa|=-`q
10. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human S3y('
decision. q]Af I(
11. Section 3 is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy rotu#?B
decision rules _rW75n=3b7
12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 ~Vf
describes the xx strategies. ~6#O5plKc
13. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the zCmx 1Djz
proposed model. |}o3EX
14. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set-based approach to cost 8-x)8B
variance investigation. Cq}E5M
15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. ;eW\41 w
16. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of m-<m[ 49
memory process. yVyh\u\
17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of yKC1h`2
Section 2 and 3. 1/J6<FVq
18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and ~P'i
illustrate its use on experimental data. !iW>xo
19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set )D&xyC}
model .. #GzowI'
dQy K4T
20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further H4<Q}([w
work. cVDcda|PE
21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example. tNz(s)
22. Various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are TrBW0Bn>p
discussed very briefly in Section 2. E[<*Al+N
23. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a "NTiQ}i
whole model KCnm_4
of human DM system .sD=k3d
24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which od^ylg>K
a ... scheme must satisfy. zpZfsn!
25. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and eg24.W9c
uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness Z{ 1B:aW
when the domain of discourse is order-dense. [Kaa{+,(
26. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical my#\(E+
study <
currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to _tE55X&
construct membership functions. fElFyOo+
27. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two
kinds of inference experiments... |#'n VN.;
This Section nu(7YYCM$
1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which zjOOEvi
MRP is designed are described. BvUiH<-D
2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations Hz)i.AA 4
which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results. lc3Gu78 A/
Next Section 6[SIDOp*^
2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the 6&il>
computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. c94=>p6
3. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical Ov^##E
applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as -&=dl_m
discussed in the next section. _
4. The three components will be described in the next two section, ESYF4-d+
and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will n4
then illustrate their use. D~#%^a+Aq_
5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the ~clX2U8u`
following sections. } `5k^J$x
6. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful |0Xf":
for arguments based on xx 1GqSY|FSGp
Summary Fk^N7EJ:$
1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research v?Utz~lQ
consideration in section 5. aU^6FI
2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation. q=Vh"]0g
3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. CS~_>bn
4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions p4*L}Q
of the paper. w jD<"p;P
5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized F"UI=7:o
6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and n\3
conclusions are drawn. N9-7YQ`D
7. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper. W\NC3]
Chapter 0. Abstract 1^^8,.'
1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a "~^0
xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables. V~ORb1
2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy yCvtglAJ4
mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx bWAa:
measures. 5l
3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx. 849,1n^
4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. j~G(7t
5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision. RYjK4xT?Y/
6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile c|;n)as9(%
xx algorithm. #Uu,yHMv:;
7. The usefulness of xx is also considered. f|FS%]fCxk
8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed. tVEe) QX
9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem. lz~^*\ F
10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices. C| ~A]wc=
11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are gTXpaB<
presented and justified. ld@+p
12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. H3<tsK=:
13. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis CTRUr"
procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique. Sb /?<$>
14. This paper analyses problems in )>:~XA|?
15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by ... :LY.C<8
16. This paper includes an illustration of the ... d
X cbS<
17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for J
approaching E6TeZ%g
18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by PJC(:R(j
which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are e"%TU
evaluated. ]EX6Y
19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx Vb`Vp(>AU
20. Our proposed model is verified through experimental study. P\7*ql`
21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy )bOfs*S
phases of: xx, xx UrizZ5a
22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise v"o"
represented by linguistic variables. >0{}tRm-P&
23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational "kyCY9)%
procedure KUUA
Chapter 1. Introduction hTX[W%K
Time '6dVe2V
1. Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive _Hv+2E[4Z
2. Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world wc;n=
3. The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the fZo#:"{/K
4. The development of ... is explored E{|B&6$[}
5. During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a qgrJi +WZ
variety of directions nnv|GnQST
6.The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years o6[.$C
7. There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance ukSv70Ev
with the advent of ... Lb/GL\J)
8. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve... .H
9. A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena. 1|MR
10. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx q Q\j
11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these Q1,sjLO-a
weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be I%3[aBz4
developed. ljKIxSvCFp
12. The pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965]. Tlw'05\{J
13. To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far Al-`}g+^
from ready to be used in commercial systems. ==dKC;
Objective / Goal / Purpose n3a.)tcC
1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows: 1F@
2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non-experts to }UhYwJf89
utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, vF27+/2+R
and to provide intelligent, computer-aided instruction for xxx. =>$)F 4LW
3. The paper concerns the development of a xx za_b jE
4. The scope of this research lies in xa~]t<2
5. The main theme of the paper is the application of rule-based JusU5 e|
decision making. 6cH8Jr _
6. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and %O"8|ZG9{
confidence as to permit ... j6m;03<|
7. The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows: p#@ #$u-
8. The primary purpose/consideration/objective of 40t xZFQ0
9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide QZzamT)"
10. The main objective of such a ... system is to zPby+BP
11. The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such 4zoQe>v~
probability distribution. U$OZkHA[
12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the }%|ewy9|CW
following requirements: M8/a laoT
13. In order to take advantage of their similarity GK@OdurAR
14. more research is still required before final goal of ... can be WK{`_c
15. In this trial, the objective is to generate... &hOz(825r
16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues MGg(d
17. A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently +?_!8N8
developed procedure for the xx. `w@:h4f
18. For an illustrative purpose, four well-known OR problems are qN!oN*
studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx. 7N$2N!I(
19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and B~Sj#(WEa
strategies for structuring ..methods f"MI
20. This illustration points out the need to specify CFtQPTw
21. The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive. ZEqW*piI
22. Chapter 2. Literature Review *;<fh,wOk
23. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, _#8hgwf>
for example, regarding xx }`tSRB7
24. A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the ) c@gRb~
last decade ;4F6
25. A great number of studies report on the treatment of QS#@xhH
uncertainties associated with xx. u?^V4 +V
26. There is considerable amount of literature on planning iN;Pg_Kq
27. However, these studies do not provide much attention to S=@+qcI
uncertainty in xx. h@,ja
28. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is (v]%kXy/G
still under investigation as well in methodological aspects as in v:O{"s
concrete applications. h]4xS?6O
29. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic. G~9m,l+
30. Problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system I Xc `Ec
analysis. ;_}pIO
31. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the ;UdM8+^/V]
development of ^C>kmo
32. Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this yV^Yp=f_
design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated. DE(XSzX
33. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or z/7q#~J,
probabilistic in nature. <A3%182
34. The central issue in all these studies is to c`O~I<(Pm
35. The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, =G-OIu+H!U
however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical l}nV WuD
approaches. -#\ T
36. Applied ... techniques to j<A
37. Characterized the ... system as %YG?7PBB
C5 ~#lNC
38. Developed an algorithm to Fis!MMh.$
39. Developed a system called ... which VU3RFl
40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce *>m[ZJd %=
41. Emphasized the need to y0%@^^-Ru
42. Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology !BQt+4G7
43. A comprehensive study of the... has been undertaken VG5+
44. Much work has been reported recently in these filed i"J
45. Proposed/Presented/State that/Described/Illustrated/ \/Y(m4<P
Indicated/Has shown / showed/Address/Highlights Tm%5:/<8
46. Point out that the problem of i?T-6{3I
47. A study on ...was done / developed by [] \Ec<ch[)c
48. Previous work, such as [] and [], deal only with N&8$tJ(hhx
49. The approach taken by [] is Y9.3`VX
50. The system developed by [] consists [@i:qB>B
51. A paper relevant to this research was published by [] J/]%zwDwS
52. []'s model requires consideration of... b(K"CL\p
53. []' model draws attention to evolution in human development f2gtz{r
54. []'s model focuses on... =,XCjiBeC
55. Little research has been conducted in applying ... to #`Su3~T=S
56. The published information that is relevant to this research... '
m<Lx _i
57. This study further shows that XYU5.
58. Their work is based on the principle of ,_V V;P
59. More history of ... can be found in xx et al. [1979]. y##h
60. Studies have been completed to established X,Ql6uO
61. The ...studies indicated that s&73g0$$
62. Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in J|WE&5'
recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking.
Problem / Issue / Question S,5ok0R
63. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as _H$Lu4b)N
manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined qT#e
model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration gWj-@o\
of multiple aspects. z:Am1B
64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems J[}H^FR
67. ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved M+ [ho]
68. Two major problems have yet to be addressed UytMnJ88
69. An unanswered question
70. This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. TpU\IQ
71. An additional research issue to be tackled is .... ZvRa"j
72. Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed aUw-P{zp%
73. The three prime issues can be summarized: +bumWOQ'
74. The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... _xKn2 ?d8g
75. There have been many attempts to UA<Fxt
76. It is expected to be serious barrier to --$* q"
77. It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex `Gio
problem. +a5F:3$
1. There are several ways to get around this problem. N{%7OG
2. As difficult as it seems to be, xx is by no means new. j
3. The problem is to recognize xx from a design representation. $a_y-lY
4. A xx problem can trace its roots to xx. vPDw22L;'
5. xx [1987] used a heuristic approach to simplify the complexity of }n^Rcz6HeO
the problem. C]!2
6. Several problems are associated with them. SwOW%o
7. Although some progress has been made in this area, at least two }$_@yt<{W@
major obstacles must be overcome before a fully automated system C hF~
can be realized. &jJu=6 U
8. Most problems in practice are complicated v0DDim?cc
9. More problem surface here. 8^>qor.]M
10. Hamper effort toward a xx system #8Bh5L!SJ1
11. In order to overcome the limitations due to incomplete and c_>Gl8J
imprecise xx knowledge, a xx program has been developed, which i(4<MB1
bases its knowledge upon the statistical analysis of a sample :+\0.\K0!
population of xx 03~ ADj
12. The above difficulties are real challenges faced by researchers 9,?~dx
attempting to develop B%tF|KKj
13. This type of mapping raises no controversy to the issue of gH//@`6
membership function determination. D7hTn@I
14. However, attempts to quantify the xx have met both theoretical flCT]ZR
and empirical problems. t'U=K>7
15. It has become apparent that in order to apply this new sT?{
methodological framework to real-world problems and data, we have QP\9#D~
to pay attention to the problems of xx and xx. gKh*q.
Chapter 3. Proposed methodology :-RB< Lj
Assumption LhL |ETrJ
1. In the case when the assumption of a xx seems to be too W1REF9i){
restrictive or inadequate, the formulation with Fuzzy termination TsFhrtnx&X
time, i.e. given by a fuzzy set in the space of control stages, may be ?F05BS#)X
applied. .`IhxE~mN
2. We assume here the fuzzy constraints to be state-dependent, and ':n`0+Eh
the fuzzy goal to be the same for all the control states, xx, which z"4 q%DC
stems from the problem's nature. 72;'8
3. An approach to the solution of this problem is presented under the ek&~A0k_o
assumption that the sampling rate Decision can be made prior to the /"e@rnn
execution of the experiment, as opposed to being made while the _}5vO$kdO
experiment is in progress. Pxl, "
4. Another assumption made above is that there are precise odds at iYr)Ao5X
which the expert is indifferent. h~#iGs
5. Main simplifying assumptions are: K+~?yOQj
6. This, in our view, is a questionable assumption. "lt <$.
Outline / Structure / Module t~L4wr{B
1. An outline of the research Q^ W,)%
2. Information is incorporated within the scheme :of([e|u6
3. Is built into ... structure 6_%Cd`4Z
4. A nice modular structure. {YiMd
5. The principles of ... are applied as modularized criteria i"V.$|,
Classification wXUR9H|0(
1. A xx system comprises three main components: ddgDq0N1j
2. Must decompose the original .. into a set of .. i`+w.zJOH8
3. Consists of the following steps: byI"
4. This is summarized in the following steps: 6'r;6T *
5. Can be broadly classified into the following areas: [0Xuo
6. Can be characterized by its function of effectively processing the WHx#;
7. Can allow further breadth of application of ...into more bkdXBCBx?
8. The following steps should be followed ?pIELezfK
9. xx can be classified by a different ways. }aOqoi7w
10. Based on the xx, one may classify xx into the following: Sqi9'-%m
11. This catalog may change due to wear, breakage, and purchasing. s={>{,E
System J299mgB
1. Unlike many conventional program, expert systems do not Un8' P8C
usually deal with problem for which there is clearly a right or wrong NlF*/Rs
answer. -n7@r
2. The system consists of both ... and ... hwM<0Jf
3. The system has a hierarchical modular architecture organized on mo<*h&;&
three levels. `]65&hWZL
4. expert system domains are area of expertise qcO~}MJr}^
5. To develop a xx system for xx, the following factors must be T"P}` mT
considered: R'Ue>k
6. The system has been developed / designed to determine KGDN)@D
7. The system has proven to be able to S$SCW<LuN
8. The domain in which an expert system operates is a particular K^o$uUBe
domain 3~fi#{
9. The system comprises a ... with DSHv
10. The system is [feature-oriented ] / based on the ... technique dm/3{\ 4
11. The system environment must be relatively stable 9wCgJ$te
12. The system is utilized to generate, load, store, update and {$EX :ID
retrieve ... wxBHlgK4z
13. The development of a xx system has two stages: xx stage and xx _f2rz+
stage. &M5v EPR
14. The most essential part of .. system is the ... 9Avj\G
15. The successful developments in ESs have made them an N^B7<~
important tool in the development of "3jTU
16. An automated system was developed for }s?3
17. In this case, the system can be considered to be generative. o,j_eheAM
18. An interactive automatic ... system [&~x5l
19. A …. is commonly thought of as a truly integrated .. system pGU.+[|(
20. Should be capable of being generated from a ... system #<Y3*^~5d
21. xx is an important part of the integrated system. CV
22. The model consists of four rule bases, each of which addresses a zdem}kBIe
separate problem in the hierarchy of scheduling decision. i'CK/l.H
23. The rule bases are linked to each other in a chin-like manner in ]UIN4E
the sense that the consequent of one rule base constitutes a part of 0X99D2c
the antecedent of the next rule base. ~c&sr5E
24. The rule base consists of all possible combinations of the gjD|f2*x
linguistic terms associated with the linguistic variable of the \$Ky AWrZi
antecedent of a rule. %npLgCF
Computer System ~9rNP{
1. The system has been implemented using Prolog language in an vD2(M1Q
MS-DOS environment. Prolog was chosen because it offers a well 1
known and flexible environment in which fuzzy reasoning may be nGTGX
easily implemented. 1r4NP
2. The current version of the xx program when compiled with =ZoNkj/^,
WATFOR77 results in an executable code of about 270K bytes. q%bFR[p<*
Typical run time, when run on a XX computer (an IBM compatible l %zbx"%x
machine) operating at 4.77 Mhz with 640K RAM, ranges from 10 min gCYe^KJ
to 2h, depending on the size (or complexity) of the problem. "Cvr("'O
3. Time consuming procedures have been implemented in /xSJljexz
C-language and directly linked to the Prolog environment. @)MG&X
4. The xx process, once the xx's data has been entered, requires M-;MwLx
approximately 180 seconds. {c
5. It should be noted that the computation was done with a 20 Hhz, (-1{W^(
80386..209;based microcomputer equipped with a 80387 math w?3ww7yf`
co-processor. O)R}|
6. The computer programs used for the analyses, one based on the xx 3y$6}Kp4?
method and the other based on the new method, were written in F W2x
FORTRAN with a compiler that supports the math co-processor. 7CSn79E
7. Lisp, Prolog give maximum flexibility but also maximizes {]|<|vc;GI
development time. g"!cO^GkT
l Internal representation is the way a model is represented in the 9;n*u9<
computer. .`u8(S+
l An interactive menu-driven procedure is used in this study Q|VBH5}1O
l Shell can be develop very fast at the cost of time fairly severe zZ Y1E@~
limitations. 6]GHCyo
l While there is no measurable saving of time for the case involving r.u\qPT&
five criteria, the saving is dramatic for the case involving 10 criteria q$H@W.f
-- the computation time reduces from 10 hr 40 min to about 1 min. 1f"}]MbLR
l This combination is being implemented in an objected-oriented xz}CqPJ#
programming environment (Smalltalk-80 system) to solve problems 7On.y*
encountered in construction xxx. fMHw=wJQ
Method / Approach / Study / Process Model / Equation /Algorithm / ^K8XY@{&
Rule / Formula / Technique UH7?JF-D
l A discussion is presented of a problem-solving system 03 iy[~Y2
l To improve the efficiency of the method, the following approach 2A*,9S|Y
may be applied. DqI "B
l In order to an investigation was made to find the causes of the I"8Z'<|/\q
l Although large collections of rules and equations have been p_zVrlV
complied, none are generally accepted Mx# P
l This approach will be explained and discussed thoroughly in the { /8s`m
body of the report. Mu.oqT
l This can be accomplished by 'U
l This algorithm to compute the total cost can be described step by )-iUUak
step as follows: ZOppec1D
l The above preliminary analysis has provided important )Fqtb;W
information c>r~pY~$
l Various methods have been proposed for selecting an optimum... X
l These concepts have been applied to 4Pf"R~&[
l On the basis of the concept mentioned above, vZ6R>f
l This can be achieved by l Ny<E!0
l This fact suggests that a new concept bx7hQzoX=b
l This was accomplished by taking ... iHdX
l The preparatory stage is very time consuming process. fkk9&QB%(
l Test are performed for validity, completeness, and compatibility Y{t}sO%A
l There is little hope of achieving successful ... AXo)(\
l There has been an increasing awareness of the potential of using |\ C.il7
most ..so far made have not taken this approach, with the exception O!F"w!5@
of qr*e9Uk^
l Only a few studies can be found. r$LU$F
l It is a very tedious process to go through >;s2V_d
l It is only when .. has been completed that .. may be effected 2@&"*1(Xu
l The entire interpretation process is conducted in one's head. UU#$Kt*frR
l These approaches are sometimes very tedious. #
l Several techniques can be used <rU+{&FKNL
l A polynomial parametric model can be written as [the %2?"x*A
following]/[follows]: |>Pv2
l A xx model is constructed/formulated using xx. 0zjGL7
l A xx model represents an xx by its xx. UyMlk
l A process decision model captures the logic essential to a^&RV5o
l From the equation above, xx is equal to the summation of xx /sSif0I24
times the ... S!
l The validity of a xx model can be checked using Euler's formula. I(
l Given a model, one can mathematically determine whether ... or ... %VrMlG4hx
l Equations for xx need to be derived and implemented in the S2=x,c$
system. X(>aW*q
l A number of heuristic rules have been developed for <.@w%rvG
l Optimum .. techniques can be made more reliable by ... so that woU3WS0
l An algorithm based on the characteristic ... is used to determine ^$8WV&5q>
l Euler's formula states the following: A&Q!W)=
l The completed model should agree with the formula. I=8MLv
l For manufacturing purposes, a detailed and precise model of the t\ 9Y)d
object is necessary O(T6Y80pU
l Engineering design models are very well defined; therefore, ve*6WDK,H
l To keep the domain narrow enough to be implementable, yet wide >>>MTV f
enough to ?zK>[L
be useful. V##
T G0
qh wl
Point of View .zdmUS:
l from an implementation standpoint, &$pA,Gjin\
l From the point of view of this application, CWE^:kr6
l From this point of view, Zadeh suggested an inference rule named PW-sF
xxx (CRI for short). l37l| xp~
l Information is the meaningful interpretation and correlation of w"h'rw
some aggregation of data in order to allow one to make decisions. TfA;4^
l From a practical point of view, the computational aspects of an zS}!87r)
FLC require a simplification of the fuzzy control algorithm. V} t8H
l The use of a hammer to insert screws, although partly effective, Ns[.g
tends to distort, destroy, and generally defeat the purpose of using a S!~p/bB[+I
screw [Kusiak AI Implications for CIM p.129] 8t&'Yk
l We choose the so called xx in our experiment because it has G4,BcCPQ
received wide acceptance and can
l Prolog was chosen because it offers a well known and flexible 9h^TOZK)
environment in which fuzzy reasoning may be easily implemented. a~`,zQ -@
l The rationale behind this is that it can be much easier for an 5ZHO+@HiFH
estimator to rate a cost as high than to attempt to place a dollar x/#.%Ga#T
value on the estimate. 2v1dSdX,W
l This strategy has been widely used in fuzzy control applications lK y4Nry9
since it is natural and easy to implement. 3 _c4+u"6
l A function definition expresses the membership function of a HlX 2:\\
fuzzy set in a functional form, typically a bell-shaped function, etc. 3-
Such functions are used in FLC because they lead themselves to ^p #bxN")
manipulation through the use of fuzzy arithmetic. aW$))J)0
l It should be noted that in our daily life most of the information on C~VyM1inD
which our decisions are based is linguistic rather than numerical in ~2?U
nature. Seen in this perspective, fuzzy control rules provide a natural %Z#[{yuFs
framework for the characterization of human behavior and decisions w'!J
analysis. ;WsV.n
l Many experts have found that fuzzy control rules provide a Zq"wq[GCN
convenient way to express their domain knowledge. This explains kZvh<NFh_
why most FLCs are based on the knowledge and experience which Ix|^c268o<
are expressed in the language of fuzzy "if-the" rule. N!=Q]\ZD
Chapter 4. Examples ogKd}qTov
Example/ Data 7)v`l1
l The data used in the following example was taken from an kn7Qv
experiment in which xx was measured between x and x using a xx m3iB`
technique. Pr^p
l The data consists of over xx measurements. +\`t@Ht#
l An example of xx is discussed and the control rules of xx are rlVo}kc7:
compared with a xx 'QEQyJ0EB
l Examples of complex processes to which this technique may be @V#
applied are xx, xx, etc. Z8 _QKw>
l The following example is constructed only for the purpose of .TWX,#
illustrating the computational procedure discussed. )VCRbz"[g
l This example clearly demonstrates that the profile of an individual ;
xx, or a very small group of xx, with no enough data to be studied |MXv
statistically, can be meaningfully analyzed by fuzzy possibilistic wC[Bh^]
methods. -, #
l There is no space here to go into detail on all these methods, but ,\RxKSU
deserve a mention and the bibliography will point to detailed 0^{?kg2o_
references for those wishing this level of detail. &OSyU4r
l Note that the golf ball spotting example is used throughout the zE NlL
paper. vVi))%&S(
Comparisons :-kXZe
l As well, the pros and cons of these representations from a process S4Vv _k-&
planning point of view will be discussed. Qvd$fY**
l The method of using xx to implement xx described by Zadeh 'qg q8
(1973) appeared more suitable gZr/Dfy
l As discussed [in the previous section]/[preciously], B:\TvWbu
Relation _(8HK
l We can not invert F' directly because it defines a many-to-one wB;'+d&
mapping. b]h]h1~hHH
l The relationships appear very complicate Ng} AEAFp
l Lifting tasks involve complex and imprecise relationship between '.wyfS H@
the task variables and the human operator's characteristics. K>`7f]?H*e
l These methods are based on the relationship between ... and ... k+S 6)BQ7U
l The fundamental concept of a fuzzy rating language is that we can t*)-p:29h
establish a relationship among terms such as high, medium, and low, 7^~pOFdH
and then modify these relationships. tU%-t
l This article will thus mention the latter as well as the former. .#;;pu7W
l The former two bear a close relation to a fuzzy Cartesian product. 9J?G"JV?
Importance F=hf
l The emphasis is on an implementation of a general approach to 3a4 ]{
rule based decision making. imtW[ y+4
Consideration / Attention T@]vjXd![
l Careful evaluation is necessary to ensure tp.qh]2c
l Such a formulation does not change further considerations. y\Z-x
l Considerable attention has been paid to r^?%N3
l Attention should be paid to an important finding of this |400N
investigation. gtHk1 9
l Caution should be exercised in this process to avoid ... )^^r\
l Primary consideration is given to ... components, though others [j5^Zb&0
can be accommodated (o\:rLZu
l After ... has been defined by ..., a carefully analysis is carried mLO{~ruu
out/performed to determine Ox&g#,@h
l A number of factors such as ...need to be taken into consideration %&^F.JTt\
before making the appropriate decision. q5[%B K
l It should be noted that Lvc*L6
l It is important to point out that ... / vge@bsE
l These considerations have heightened interest in the possibility of R$*{@U
providing ... B{|P}fN5}
nrA}36 E
l We should stress the fundamental importance of the xx }_M.-Xm
Chapter 5. Results. ;=Bf&hY&
Advantages / Disadvantage ha'oLm#
l One of the major advantages of this new measure of xx is that it Gz!72H
can be applied to the experimental study of 8\y%J!b
l One advantage of using a .. is the ease of preparing it. C>@~W(IE
l The xx system is versatile E+"INX7
l It has a very fast decision making process bsPw Tp^
l All the algorithms involve mostly logical operations. KL0u:I(lWU
l It can be easily and without additional cost implemented in a s iv
microprocessor-based environment. k KL^U
l It can reduce the waste of designing from scratch. dp2".
l The advantages of using a xx to represent xx are the following: 6yTL7@V|B
l However, xx is not without its shortcomings. w]) bQ7)
l In most cases, the xxx shows an improvement over the existing 8{
xxx. h.4;-&
l Compared to the existing xx, the impacts of the xx are generally ; ZL<7tLDb
reduced by 5% to 9%. Roy`HU
l The "best case" results shows a savings of 6% to 9%. ui7 0|
l Most of the existing works based on xx approach can only YT,1E>rd
recognize a xx . 0tn5>Dsk
l Most of the above methods are computational expansive and b3EW"^Ar
limited to xx. F^T7u?^)
l Some other advantages of xx are the following: HC4ad0Gs+{
l The problem is the limitation of this method to a limited domain of vo uQ.utl
parts. 'iMI&?8u
l It proved limited in application because it demanded precision in 4VaUa8 D
system modeling that was impossible in practice. ;csAhkf:S
l There are advantages to be gained in the structuring of costs and ?8! 4!P%n
benefits, the use of xx, *-_` xe
l The disadvantages of this method are also disadvantages of 1uMnlimr
conventional xx approaches. lUCdnp;w'
l This combines the best features of both techniques ;N ]ElwP
l Hopefully, this tool can be as the reference framework of for z~o%U&DO}
developing a xx platform, and helping the administration, marketing, }#EiL
and knowledge management activities in virtual communities. u33+ ikYv
Results 9N=Dls
l An improvement on the result shown above can be made by based i0p"q p
on the data provided b4ORDU
l Discussion of these theories is beyond the scope of this review R\0]\JEc
l Based on the information contained in this q*Ns]f'a
l The result can be categorized into nine classes <diI*H<G
l The results are illustrated by an example i7e{REBXb
l The experimental results for each xx time are reported in Table 2. GsqrKrbJ
l From the results obtained so far, it seem that Zn#ri 8S
l Because of the inaccuracy of the ..., a conclusion cannot be drawn ?$-OdABXHK
as Z9=Cw0( w?
l Although much effort has been made to., this reality is far from S5m1~fz
completion. ,W{Qv<oo
l The results indicate that the total benefits are higher than the 'cH),~ z
total costs. ET=q
l Their results may then serve as guidelines for lower level models, fcJ#\-+E
less fuzzy and more detailed. v8 6ls[lzu
Chapter 6. Conclusion uO7Ti]H
l From the discussion, one may conclude that ... UvQxtT]
l Form the above discussion, the conclusion can be reached that m]7yc>uDy
l The conclusions drawn are also valid n2(~r
l In conclusion to this, it becomes obvious that the problem of xx ^Y #?@
lies not only in... Pb]s+1
l We have attempted to introduce some concepts associated with a r(cS{oni
theory of VEb}KFyP
xx based on fuzzy sets. Q*mPU=<
l Considerable more work, hopefully, will be done in this area O%0G37h
l A fuzzy set procedure is proposed to solve xx selection problems qMI%=@=
x:sTE u@
interwoven with imprecise data
l Employing the compositional rule of inference, the assessment of ;"joebZ/
the xx compatibility in achieving prescribed xx projectiles in any O^U{I?gQ
level of the hierarchy is made possible. k*z)AR
l This paper has presented a theoretical and experimental study of #<v3G)|aS
the xx process and xx concept. Z[0xqGYLB
l The experimental research results will hopefully serve as useful i/)Uj-*G)
feedback information for improvements for xx work. U&`M G1uHe
l The scope of this contribution was to introduce a xx method. xQaN\):^8
l In general, fuzzy sets theory provides an alternative foundation )W*S6}A
for xx analysis in a fuzzy environment. !\?? [1_e
Future Research s)ZL`S?</
l Thus, first extension of the approach could be, G.T}^xHmL
l Present some cues for a further approach from Fuzzy Sets Theory $+7MY-9T
application to 70|Cn(p_
l Some improvements to the scheduling aspect of the model may 6I_W4`<VeZ
be brought through additional levels in the hierarchy for more j>?c]h{-
detailed representation of the scheduling activity. 8LR_K]\
Tables and Figures M@s2T|bQw
l Figure 7-1 sketches these relationships. L6 hTz'
l The graphical representation of these functions is shown in Figure b.C!4^
1. Bv!j.$0d{
l The xx may be depicted as in Figure 1. 9{xP~
l Figure x shows the schematic diagram of the ` [@
l Figure 1 though 2 provide a ... that 1(rH5z'F
l the architecture of this expert system for .... is illustrated in Figure kQ{pFFO
2. gt'0B-;W
l Figure 2 gives the outline of an ... system In^$+l%O[
l Table shows the &m
l as shown in Table 1 and 2 *Swb40L^
l This concept is illustrated in Figure 2 [T~O%ly7x&
l At the top of Table xx are shown two blocks of data. [^~Fu9+"
l Each table or matrix has constructs xx through xx as g3Kc? wTC
row-headings, -4;{QB?
xx through xx as column-headings. _YO`x
l A table of .. is developed and significant recommendations are S-'iOJ1]
made. 3
To Indicate Addition C!RxMccTh
l additionally, again, also, and then, as can be easily understood, (#LV*&K%IC
besides, equally important, especially, finally, for the same reason, 9(ANhG
first, further, furthermore, in addition, last, likewise, moreover, next, fLct!H3
second, third, too, evidently, obviously, roughly speaking, broadly QZt/Rm>W0
speaking p24sWDf
To Indicate Cause and Effect >Y)jt*vQ
l accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in "%-HZw%X
short, otherwise, then, therefore, thus, truly IWuR=I$t
To indicate Comparison m:II<tv
l in a like manner, likewise, similarly , alternatively G5bi,^G7
To Indicate Concession 'hf-)\Ylf
l after all, although this may be true, at the same time, even though, r3_@ L>;
even so , I admit, naturally, of course Wi
To Indicate Contrast 9V[|_
l and yet, at the same time, but, for all that, however, yet, in fact, in uTBls8
contrast, in the real life, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding, [[oX$0Fp\!
normally, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, traditionally, lmQ!q>N
rather, unfortunately, t 0nGZ%`
To Indicate Time Relationships: X -w#E3
after a short time, afterwards, as indicated earlier, as long as, as soon cC&R~h]|
as, at last, at length, at the moment, at that time, at the same time, Pm#B'N#*N|
before, earlier, currently, immediately, in the meantime, in recent )=[K$>0k
years, lately, later, meanwhile, often, of late, presently, recently, vA;ml$
soon, shortly, since, thereupon, temporarily, therefore, until, when, Xe:B*
while VKS:d!}3E
To Indicate Special Features or Examples: g@`14U/|
for example, for instance, incidentally, indeed, in fact, in other words, XDz![s
in particular, in practice, specifically, that is, to illustrate, in this
respect, theoretically, as mentioned before / above ()}O|JL:K
To Indicate Summary: el;^cMY
in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, on the whole, to )p(5$AR7
conclude K>,Kbs=D6
, in general, to summarize, to sum up, as a result, ultimately, Czid"Ih-
l build a .. model f/eT4y
l build up the key link D2[uex
l began a new era in ... B#B$w_z
l can be regarded as / achieved / used to/for / found / obtained 0A9x9l9Wd
through N 2L/A
l can result in Y^2`)':
l carries out ... tasks B.'@~$
l production information in order to simultaneously I&q:w\\z8|
l contains all information necessary to describe wU2y<?$\8
l do not make use of production information \G#Qe*"'K
l deals with U@ALo
l end with failure vD[@cm
l fetch the information from the model directly (+>+@G~o
l has great potential / yet to be resolved / spurred the
S`U Gk
development of / ^h1VCyoR*
been recognized as 0{BPT>'
l BE aimed at / built up / carried out by / essentially concerned dt',)i8D
with / considered to be the key technology / associated with each A AH-Dj|&l
feature of a compo XG<^j}H{}
site component / cable of / currently implemented for / GH7{_@pv8
demonstrated by an example / finally reached / made equal to / l^uP?l"
equivalent to / more suitable to / oriented to / interpreted as / +&4PGv53J
pointed out / potentially of great benefit in the complex task of / 5y(irbk7
shown in / used to effectively guide the search ::j'+_9
l makes use of [YHvyfk~_
l make up cEsBKaN
l meets the needs of real life production,/ the current demands p0qQ(
placed upon it H'q&1^w)
l must be justified j72cS
l point out Te[[xhTyw
l play an important role W#u}d2mP
l relates to @Sq=#f/=
l rely on hO;bnt%(
l satisfy the needs )N)ziAy}
l determine the total requirements for the ... R>/M>*C
l uses ... as a key to search for... i#kRVua/
l without relying on D'fP2?3FK
l will be available/ performed/ overlooked @T;O^rE~N
l a basic technical function of jph~g*Z
l a critical need K ANE"M
l a key / principle feature of px//q4U
l a substantial impact on gW/H#T,
l an intensive review was conducted Ct }"o
l an increasing need for expanding the application of .... &Eidc .
l an important component / function / aspect / issue Q Aygr4\X^
l each rule is numbered in sequence
l each of these involves OiM{@
l for this calculation, it is necessary to define |i|YlWQS
l in the physical environment / integration of ]3d&S5zU
l in the reality of situations where … !PUhdW
l many aspects of R)<Fqa7Tm
l most past efforts have been spent on ... *zX<`E
l common sense to a well studied and documented technical field. {H])Fob
l sources of additional information on ... are listed D|e 6$O5o
l systematic and rationally structured format {E 6W]Mno
l the basis on which a range of ...operations can be established is `Z%XA>
shown M\`6H8aLn
l THE basic philosophy / principles of / key element / general >W-e0kkH
hypothesis / candidate list of / concept of ... has attracted wide V{d"cs>9
interest / function is concerned with / heart / impact / nature / role y:2o-SJn
/ task of / kernel functions N" E\o,_
l the number of parts needed to 3>L1}zyM]
l the above statement means that ~gBqkZ# y?
l the output data is passed to A=XM(2{aN
l the proposed method / underlying principle Llk`
l the recommendations made in this report, if implemented, should E+~~d6nB
l this information resides in xPb`CY7
l this process is composed of ... different ... operation brTB
l along with the use of OcSLRN?t
l concerning general aspects of \H" (*["&
l due to YDmFR,047
l for later use in generating..., niA{L:4
l in turn, {ld([
l IT IS believed / noted / assumed / suggested / shown / quite Nm;ka&'
evident / appears / implies that / intended for / of no important to 0;XnNz3&
l it can be claimed/concluded that x`o_&09;CG
l it demonstrates the decisions required of OKf/[hyu
l it also provides information to .. [n:R]|^a
l it becomes essential to lT(MywNsg
l let ... be the probability that SQz>e
l once... is written, it is compiled into... .d8~]@U!<
l suppose it is observed that UhEnW8^bz1
l this is because kw yvd`J8
l this results in a W5yqnjK
l upon completion of the ... analysis, U#Z}a
l when the knowledge is of mathematics or quantum physics, it will /Wj9Stj5
also be 9^aMmN&6N2
recorded in books and papers a]ftE\99
l selection of rules for using the tools, for generating operation f|<
plans, a2g1 5;kM
is another matter of preference, since practice varies greatly. i4uUvZf
l for the sake of convenience Y]Xal
l correct decision to be reach Wm"W@LPx5
l keeping the number of rules to a minimum. R_Z
l a good process plan will result exhibiting several characteristics: Gb
l practical solutions PVU(RJ
l because of rather small job lot sizes ci*Z9&eS+
l Backward reasoning can be used to answer the question "should
milling tool be select" different level of knowledge in the realm of
o,X ?
process planning