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主题 : 华东师范大学考博英语试题分享
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-06-25   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Part II Vocabulary (10%) (10minutes) p, #o<W  
Directions: Below each sentence, there arefour words marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning tothe underlined word in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Writethe corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. 5{g?,/(  
21. Smith's position in thisagency provides him with authority to award contracts and to __ obligations forpayment of bills as well. 8i2n;LAz  
A. incure C. resume (!:,+ *YY  
B. support D. incite q.;u?,|E/  
22. For all her richexperience in practicing law, the lawyor failed to pry much information out ofthe   witness. }4,L%$@n  
A. sophisticated  C. obstinate Hl,W=2N  
B. sober D. gloomy zolt$p  
23. Shanghai Orient MenBasketball Team attributed its  National League Basketball Tournament in2002 to a number of  factors. ')cMiX\v  
A. losing...ominous  C. winning...advantageous F%RRd/'  
B. embarrassing...optimistic D. winning...adventurous [TmIVQ!B  
24. A(n)  ofemployment opportunities  prospective employees entering the jobmarket. a^I\ /&aw'  
A. excess...impedes C lack…inspires )P sY($ &  
B. surfeit...hinder   D. dearth...discourages 'd9INz.  
%lGl,me H  
25. Anyone who believes thatwar is stupid and unnecessary thinks that to lose one's life on the battlefieldis   . XwJ7|cB  
A. glorious  C. heroic glDu2a,Q  
B. futitle   D.courageous {ttysQ-  
J| w>a  
26. Unruly people may wellbecome  if they are delt with  bythe people around them. ``hf= `We  
A. composed...respect C. angry...benevolence D9H?:pmv?  
B. clam...irritation D. dangerous...favoured Fww :$^_ k  
{ 'NvG  
27. I was absolutely  whenI received a C on the exam in mathematics, for I was positive that I could havegot an A. ]>5/PD,wWy  
A. elated   C.incited rC^WPW  
B. frustrated D. contented u. F9g #  
28. In this youthhood, Jackwas withdrawn, preferring the company of books to that of people; consequently,in his adulthood Jack was socially  . L0TFo_  
A. successful C tranquil +~ P2C6@G  
0B. uninhibited   D.inept KW pVw!  
29. Scientists believe that aconclusion which is drawn readily before all of the relevant data arecollected, analyzed and contemplated is called  . c(xrP/yOwi  
A. insincere C. premature pmyXLT  
B. premise  D. presumption nAsh:6${  
30. The advancement of scienceand technology has demonstrated that a fact appearing to contradict to certaintheory may actually be  a more advanced formulation of thattheory. K0|FY=#2y  
A. consistent with C. eliminated by #A JDWelD  
B. in opposition to D. incompatible with (c=6yV@  
z]_wjYn Z  
31. Nancy is an advocate of consumer rights andhas spent a great part of her professional career attempting to __ thedeceitful claims of business companies. s+$ Q}|?u  
A. show on B. show out C. show off D. show up z!ZtzD]cb  
32. The lover of democracy hasan  towards totalitarianism. [}E='m}u9+  
A. empathy C. sympathy 61C7.EZZ;  
B.antipalthy  D. symphony 2*;~S4 4  
33. As he has faith in Mary'sintegrity, Mr. Lee offers to withthe president on her behalf concerning the "cheating" matter. $w`x vX  
A. interrupt C. interject 6 $4[gcL'  
B. interfere D. intervene l*Gvf_UH  
34. Jenny's wealth ofpractical experience and psychological acuity (sharpness) more than  herlack of formal academic training.  MzdV2.  
A. compensate for C. speak volumes for /L g)i\R;  
B. account for  D. make for qZ}^;)a^  
35.Applied science is  discovering ways to use the knowledge oftheoretical science. r= `Jn6@  
A. concerned about C. concerned for w e//|fA<  
B. combined with D. concerned with v!~fs)cdE|  
36. The former president is toverify at a human rights court heating cases of atrocities. ,aZ[R27rpL  
A. testify C. provide gV's=cQ  
B. conform   D.supply %v M-mbX  
EHJ .T~X  
37. As is known to all, therail service now operates without a sum of money granted by thegovernment for assistance. hR?{3d# x2  
A. bonus C. yield D0-3eV -  
B. pension D. subsidy T4Uev*A  
38. In the Anti-Japanese War,flexibility and mobility were the features of the Chinese Eighth RouteArmy and Communist guerrillas. vH@ds k  
A. characters C. contributes  ?(1 y  
B. attributes D. properties 6P l<'3&  
39. As a yieldance tothe public outcry, the government reduced the tax on income. k(nW#*N_  
A. recession C. concession *Hn8)x}E  
B. permission D. possession L~OvY  
40. In the dim light, Imanaged to discern the shadowy figure of a big dog among the trees. k 1~&x$G  
A. make off C. make out H/ HMm{4  
B. make up D. make over &K#M*B ,*p  
III. Structure (5%) (10minutes) x|Bf-kc[#Q  
Directions: There are four words orphrases marked A, B, C and D beneath each sentence. You are to choose the onewhich can best complete the sentence if inserted at the blank space. Write thecorresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. 7>%8eEc  
41. If this evil man remainedunpunished, our social moral standard  . |0b`fOS  
A. will undermine' C. would be undermined [}=B8#Jl-C  
B. wouldundermine D. will be undermined AQvudx)@"  
R 'zWYQ  
42. Mary' s eyes are red now,she must  on hearing the sad news. b]#AI qt  
A. cry C. be crying \r+ a GB  
B. have been crying D. have cried |/{=ww8|  
f.$af4 u  
43. She brought her rage undercontrol, her smiling face  her real feeling. ^hM4j{|&M  
A. disguised C. disguise u&7[n_  
B.disguising  D. to disguise |)v,2  
( Erc3Ac8  
44. The mechanic couldn'toperate the machine  his efforts. sUQ@7sTj  
A. for all C. but for H<,gU`&R  
B. owing to   D.according to iqWQ!r^  
45. Eating more nutritiousfood than is needed doesn't make it function better,  overfillingthe tank makes a car move faster. xi}skA  
A. not more than C. less than oZ|\vA%4^  
B. no more than   D. any more than )Ql%r?(F+  
46. David was so careful onthe test that his paper was  . s.C_Zf~3  
A. with some errors C. full of errors UZ+<\+q3^  
B. free from errors   D. not having some errors YIYmiv5  
tG a8W  
47. The TV star accompanied bymany fans  deliver a speech in no time. (f"4,b^]  
A. are to C. is to `b$.%S8uj=  
B. are beingto  D. is being to VMWf>ZU  
48. The manager thinks itdesirable that some adjustments   without delay. /k3:']G,s  
A. are made C. be made <R L]  
B. made D. will be made /%^#8<=|U  
49. I met with somethingdifficult to deal with and intended to turn to my teachers for help yesterday.I rushed into the office only to find not a single teacher  there. Q\Vgl(;lX  
A. I could consult C. I could consult with `;egv *!P  
B. could I consult on D. could I consult o66}yJzmD  
nBYZ}L q  
50.   revealed the secret? w``U=sfmV  
A. Who was it that   C. Whowas it who _H@DLhH|=  
B. It was who that  D. It was whom that  RZTiw^  









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