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主题 : 博士词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-04-10   
来源于 考博资料 分类


考博英语词汇复习测试题() wsnR$FhQ`  
1. I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were_______. WPmH4L>T  
(A) hung up (B) hung back (C) cut down (D) cut off  {hzU  
2. She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend _______here so that she could learn more about the city. .>Gnb2  
(A) sometimes (B) some time (C) sometime (D) some times x pWx6  
3. Ms. Breen has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _______with everyone who comes to the store. a5/6DK>  
(A) accepted (B) admitted (C) admired (D) acquainted D`?=]Ysz(  
4. He does not _______as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible . "%o,P/<X  
(A) equal (B) match (C) qualify (D) fit Df\~ ZWs!  
5. Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _______the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules. []'gIF  
(A) pursuing (B) chasing (C) reaching (D) winning ! z^%$;p  
6. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that _______the speakers stopped for refreshments . _(K)(&  
(A) at large (B) at intervals (C) at ease (D) at random 6`>WO_<z  
7. When traveling, you are advised to take travellers' checks, which provide a secure _______to carrying your money in cash. |\?mX=a.y  
(A) substitute (B) selection (C) preference (D) alternative \{Q d  
8. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a ________character. r\OunGUP  
( A) gracious (B) suspicious (C) unique (D) particular 5r*5Co+  
9. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this ________ produces artificial cold surrounding it. iP7 Cku}l  
(A) absorption (B) transition (C) consumption (D) interaction 9Q~9C9{+  
10. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely my ideas to prove your point. *>lh2ssl L  
(A) revising (B) contradicting (C) distorting (D) distracting k$u\\`i]oC  
11. Language, culture, and personality may be considered _______of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. ,buSU~c_Q  
(A) indistinctly (B) separately (C) irrelevantly (D) independently F/ZB%;O9  
12. Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to _______her laughter. #G DnV/0)  
(A) hold back (B) hold on (C) hold out (D) hold up zTgY=fuz  
13 . The manger gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ________attitude toward customers. y&ZyThqg  
(A) impartial (B) mild (C) hostile (D) opposing (=2-*((&(A  
14. I________ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column. `-R-O@X|  
(A) exress (B) confess (C) verify (D) acknowledge ($Cy-p  
15. It is strictly _______that access to confidential documets is denied to all but a few. >@b]t,rrK  
(A) secured (B) forbidden (C) regulated (D) determined dRdI('  
16. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in _________again next spring. P3 Wnso  
(A) assembly (B) session (C) conference (D) convention fH-fEMyW  
17. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25 th _______the birth of Jesus Christ . B0h|Y.S8%1  
(A) in accordance with (B) in terms of (C) in favor of (D) in honor of k? <.yr1  
18. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am _______to carrying out the plan. FAkrM?0/  
(A) obliged (B) committed (C) engaged (D) resolved Oe)d|6=  
19.It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it ________as well as we had hoped. KKBrw+)AJ  
(A) came off (B) went off (C) brought out (D) made out YiO3.+H  
20. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ______the qualities and varieties of products we make to the worldmarket demand . y% Q0* _  
(A) improve (B) enhance (C) guarantee (D) gear 6`PQP;   
1.本题的答案(D) 6"h,0rR  
(A) hung up"把……挂起来,挂断电话"(B)hung back"犹豫;踌躇不前"(C)cut down"砍倒"(D)cut off"突然中断,切断,打断"(B)(C)与原句意思较远,应立即排除。(A)虽可作"挂断电话"解,但是通常指双方通话期间,其中一方把电话挂断。本句的后半句是"we are---",显然在双方通话期间,没有任何一方把电话挂断,而是外来因素(如:接线员)"我们的通话突然中断了。"(D)符合句意,应填(D) r|_@S[hZg  
2.本题的答案是(B) Q$yMU [l)  
(A) sometimes"有时"(B)some time"一些时间"(C)sometime"以前的,一度的,前任的"(D)some times"在某些场合,不时"。从句意上看,应填(B)。全句的意思是:她不知道她是否有机会在此处花一些时间以便使她更多了解这个城市的情况。 ;p(I0X  
3.本题的答案是(D) }@y(-7t  
四个备选答案中能和with相搭配的只有(D)acquainted,与with连在一起意为"熟悉"。故应选(D)(A)accepted"接受"(B)admitted"承认,接受"(C)admired"羡慕"均不能与with相搭配,故均应排除。 k-Z :z?M  
4.本题的答案是(C) &-$27  
(A) equal作动词用时意为"等于,比得上"(B)match"与……相匹敌,使较量"(C)qualify"有资格"(D)fit"使合适,使符合"。根据句意,应选(C)qualify。全句的意思是:他当英文教师不够资格,因为他的发音糟透了。 DFXHD,o  
5.本题的答案是(A) M!/!*,~  
goal只与四个备选答案中的(A)pursuing"追求,寻求"(C)reaching"达到"相搭配,故(B)chasing"追逐"(D)winning"赢得"应立即排除。由于(C)reaching (the goal)指已达到的目标,实际上句中所说的"利用太阳光分裂水分子"的方法仍在摸索中,尚未变成现实,故(C)也应排除。(A)pursuing指正在"寻求"达到上述目标的方法,符合句意,故(A)为正确答案。 /V {1Zw=  
6.本题的答案是(B) UhKd o  
(A) at large"自由行动,消遥自在地"(B)at intervals"不时,时时"(C)at ease"不紧张,自由自在"(D)at random"随便,随机的,随意的"。根据句意应填(B)。全句的意思是:讲座会开得那么冗长使人精疲力尽,致使发言的人不时停下来喝点饮料。refreshments也可作"点心"解。 *N |ak =  
7.本题的答案是(D) yW)r`xpY  
(A) substitute"代替,代替物"(B)selection"选择",指从相当数量中进行选择,强调数量多和慎重的判断和鉴别。(C)preference"喜欢,偏爱",强调选择时个人的偏爱。 Y3 \EX  
(D)altermative"两者或两者以上挑一;取舍,抉择"。根据题意,外出旅行,带钱时只有少数几种选择:现款;旅行支票或信用卡。四个备选答案中,最接近题意的是(D) alternative"从两个(或两个以上)中挑其中一种选择"。故(D)为正确答案。 7w<e^H?  
8.本题的答案是(B) 1I awi?73  
(A) gracious"有礼貌的,宽厚的,优美的"(B)suspicious"多疑的,可疑的",常指所怀疑的对象或事情未必是真的,带有"疑神疑鬼""神经过敏"的含义。(C)unique"独一无二的,唯一的"(D)particular"特别的",带有引人注目的意思。根据句意,应选(B)。全句的意思为:我从不相信他,因为我总认为他是那种多疑的人。判断时请注意,句子前半句是"我从不相信他",根据逻辑关系,故可以肯定后面描述他的字眼肯定不是什么好字眼,四个备选答案中,唯有(B)是带贬义的词,故可肯定(B)为正确答案。 =.qX u+  
9.本题的答案是(A) TILH[r&Jg  
(A) absorption"吸收"(B)transition"传送,过渡,传递"(C)consumption"消费,消耗"(D)interaction"相互作用"。根据句意,应填(A)。四个选项都是以-tion为结尾,但意思却相差甚远。全句的意思是:水从固态变成液态时,吸收它周围所有物质的热量,而这种吸收便在它的周围产生人为的低温状态。 ^;9<7 h[l  
10.本题的答案是(C) p'0X>>$  
(A) revising"改编,修改"(B)contradicting"自相矛盾"(C)distorting"歪曲,曲解"(D)distracting"分神,打扰,迷惑"。很明显,备选答案中只有(C)distorting符合句意,故(C)为正确答案。(A)(B)(D)填入句中均说不通,或很别扭,故均应排除。 wmA TV/  
11.本题的答案是(D) #N$\d4q9  
(A) indistinctly"不清楚地,分不清地",强调"看不清、听不清",以致无法弄清。 @uz(h'~  
(B)separately"分离地",强调可以分开的。(C)irrelevantly"无关地,不相干地",强调相互没有关系。(D)independently"独立地,单独地",强调独立性,与别的人、事关系不大。根据题意,只有(D)比较接近原句子的意思,故应选(D)。全句意为:语言、文化和个性可以认为是在意识形态中相互独立的,但事实上它们是无法分开的。 l;r A}?,.^  
12.本题的答案是(A) XtQwLH+F  
(A) hold back"忍住,抑制,踌躇"(B)hold on"继续,坚持"(C)hold out"伸出,坚持"(D)hold up"阻挡,举起,拦截"。四个备选答案中,(A)比较接近句意,故应选(A)。全句意思为:看到我费劲地把小牛拉回牲口棚,那爱尔兰挤奶女工极力忍住没笑出声来。 {r~=mQ  
13.本题的答案是(C) {<$t Ej:  
(A) impartial"公正的"(B) mild"温和的"(C) hostile"敌对的"(D) opposing"面对的,相对的,相反的"。根据句意,(C)与句意最为接近,故应选(C)。全句的意思是:经理向其中一位女售货员投以指责的目光,因为她对顾客持敌对态度。 yEos$/*u-N  
14.本题的答案是(D) Zd'Yu{<_2N  
(A)express"表示,表达",指表达思想或感情。(B)confess"坦白",指犯了错误或犯了罪之后坦白自己的错误或罪行。(C)verify"证实,相证,核实",指核对某事是否属实。 (D)acknowledge"承认",主要指承认事实。显然,(D)最接近句子的意思,故应选(D)。全句的意思是:我以感激的心情承认在准备这个新的专栏时我的同事给我的帮助。 764eXh  
15.本题的答案是(C) C }|.z  
(A) secured"为……作保,使安全"(B) forbidden"禁止"(C) regulated"规定"(D) determined"决定"。四个备选答案中(C)最接近句意,故应选(C)。全句意思为:严格规定:除极少数人外,所有其他人不得接触机密文件。 /i dI-  
16.本题的答案是(B) V'gJtF  
(A) assembly"大会",指有许多人参加的,计划和安排周到的大会。如联合国大会是"General Assembly "(B) session通常置于in之后,表示"在开会",指一次会议、一届会议或美国国会每次开会。(C) conference"会议",指正式的,有许多人或有许多国家代表参加的讨论或磋商某一严重问题的会议。(D) convention"会议",常指政府或某政治团体举行的会议,也可以指州级或国家级会议。(B)显然最接近句意,故应选(B)。全句的意思是:污染问题和若干其他问题将在明年春天举行的国会会议上进行讨论。 aOw#]pB|  
17.本题的答案是(D) Lyf5Yf([-  
(A)in accordance with"根据",比较正规的字眼,通常指根据国家法律规定或某些重要条例的规定。(B)in terms of"就……而言,以……措词,关于"(C)in favor of"喜欢"(D)in honor of"纪念;招待"。很明显(D)最接近句意。故应选(D)。全句的意思是:圣诞节是基督教神圣的日子,通常在1225举行庆祝,以纪念耶稣基督的诞辰。 i=*H|)  
18.本题的答案是(B) z]SEPYq:  
(A)(be)obliged to"对……很感激;不得不",后接名词或后接不定式(作不得不解),不接动名词。例如:I am very much obliged to you for telling me.我非常感谢你告诉我。(后接代名词you)She was obliged to abandon the idea.她被迫放弃那种想法。(后接不定式)。本句to之后是动名词carrying,(A)应排除。(B)(be)committed(to)"同意承担;答应干某事",后接动名词、不定式、名词均可。例如:He was committed to fulfilling the task within two weeks.后接动名词fulfilling,符合题意,故(B)为正确答案。(C)engaged (in)"从事……",后接介词in。而本题的空白处后为to+动名词。(C)明显不符合题意,故(C)也应立即排除。(D)resolved (to)"决心",后接不定式,不接动名词,故(D)也应排除。 ^pH8'^n  
19.本题的答案是(A) )HC/J-  
(A)came off"结果;离开;举行;实现,成功",这个短语的意思很多,大家要注意区分。(B)went off"离去;变坏,爆炸"(C)brought out"使出现;出版,公布"(D)made out"书写,拼凑,完成"。从题意上看,(A)最为合适,故应选(A)。全句的意思是:在深山谷建造一座发电站是一个大胆的设想,但结果和我们原来希望的一样。 !*L)v  
20.本题的答案是(D) S~ Z<-@S  
(A) improve"改善",是个及物动词,后面直接接名词作宾语,但不再加"to+n",本句后面有这种"to+n"的结构,故(A)不符合题目的句型结构,应排除。(B)enhance"增加,提高",及物动词,后面也可接名词作宾语,但不再接"to+n..."的结构,故也应排除。(C)guarantee"保证,担保,保修",是及物动词,后不接"to+n..."的结构,故也应排除。(D)gear(to)"使适应,使适合"(D)与本题结构相吻合,故应选(D)(A)(B)(C)表面上意思与题意接近或吻合,但与本考题后半部分的"to+n"不吻合,故均应排除。全句的意思是:为了在国与国之间的激烈竞争中能生存下去,我们必须使我们的产品质量和品种适应世界市场需求。 `)5WA{z  
 考博英语词汇复习测试题() BgD3P.;[  
 1. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. NtM ? Jh  
(A) admired (B)regarded (C) expected (D) worshipped 0;@>jo6,!  
2. A of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval. ^"p . 3Hy  
(A) shorthand (B)scheme (C) schedule (D) sketch I*^t!+q$  
3A man has to make ______for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old . |U;O HS  
(A) supply (B) assurance (C) provision (D) adjustment (CRx'R  
4.The newly-built Science Building seems _______enough to last a hundred years. Z1I.f"XY  
(A) spacious (B) sophisticated (C) substantial (D) steady Y2XxfZ j  
5.It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _________free medical care. #+p-  
(A) entitled to (B) involved in (C) associated with (D) assigned to ZLxa|R7  
6.The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at ______. $A9Pi"/*z  
`7w-_o %  
(A) danger (B) stake (C) loss (D) threat I=#`8deH(  
7. I felt _________to death because I could make nothing of the chairman's speech. _"B.V(  
,3 /o7'  
(A) fatigued (B) tired (C) exhausted (D) bored c't QA  
8. When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at _____. iLZY6?_^  
(A) wrong (B) trouble (C) fault (D) difficulty QK+,63@D\=  
y)&K9 I  
9. Your advice would be ______valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end. |&JeJ0k>~  
exceedingly (B) excessively (C) extensively (D) exclusively X>=`l)ZR  
10. He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to ______the consequences. [Cv./hEQi  
\alV #>J5  
(A) answer for (B) runsintos(C) abide by (D) stepsintos .>F4s_6l  
11. The river is already _______its banks because of excessive rainfall; and the city is threatened with a likely flood. C$6FI `J  
(A) parallel to (B) level in (C) flat on (D) flush with D?1fY!C:r  
\(P?=] -  
12. People _______that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today. 9%T"W  
{m>yl E  
(A) convinced (B) anticipated (C) resolved (D) assured `R8&(kQ  
13. In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or _______ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic programme for the reading skills. s/IsrcfM  
(A) adapted (B) acknowledged (C) assembled (D) appointed O[ird`/  
p 4> ThpX  
14.The mother said she would ________her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper. 6I@j$edZ  
6K pq~o   
(A) let down (B) let alone (C) let off (D) let out KN|<yF   
15.We should always keep in mind that _______decisions often lead to bitter regrets . El<*)  
(A) urgent (B) hasty (C) instant (D) prompt Bxm,?=h  
<(lA CH  
16.John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages _______in the dictionary. S"Cz. bv  
(A) missing (B) losing (C) dropping (D) leaking ux&"TkEp  
17. In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women _________this field is climbing. l:V R8g[  
(A) engaging (B) devoting (C) registering (D) pursuing ]u_j6y!  
18.The supervisor didn't have time so far to gosintosit ________, but he gave us an idea about his plan. /e'3\,2_  
(A) at hand (B) in turn (C) in conclusion (D) at length -XV,r<''  
19. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest________of being met. BY6#dlDi  
(A) prospect (B) prediction (C) prosperity (D) permission 6L<:>55  
Ht Fr(g\"$  
t/i I!}  
20.It's usually the case that people seldom behave in a _______way when in a furious state. lYx_8x2  
u YUFxm  
(A) stable (B) rational (C) legal (D) credible !/is+ xp  
1.本题的答案是(B) i 9) G t  
} e[ E  
根据句意,空白处需填入表示"尊重、尊敬"意思的词。(A) admired"羡慕"(B)regarded"尊敬、尊重"(C)expected"期望"(D)worshipped"崇拜"(B)与句意吻合故(B)为正确答案。 } !m43x/&  
/s\ m V  
2.本题的答案是(D) ]at$ohS  
(A)shorthand"速记"(B)scheme"精心策划的计划,方案;阴谋"(C)schedule"计划表,程度表"(D)sketch"梗概"。根据题意(D)最为合适,故(D)是正确答案。 nh} Xu~#_  
3.本题的答案是(C) H5K Fm#  
(A)supply"供给"(B)assurance"保险,保证"(C)provision"预防、防备"make provision for(为……作准备)(D)adjustment"调整"。根据题意(C)是正确答案。 E'QAsU8pP  
4.本题的答案是(C) #"gt&t9Q  
2.q Zs8&  
(A)spacious"宽敞的"(B)sophisticated"先进的,尖端的"(C)substantial"坚固的,结实的"(D)steady"稳定的"。根据题意显然应填(C) (t4i&7-  
VE |:k:};  
5.本题的答案是(A) K.Xy:l*z  
(A)entitled to"给予……;授予"(B)involved in"卷入"(C)associated with"与……有关的"(D)assigned to"把……分配给"(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A) r&u1-%%9[  
6.本题的答案是(B) o0H^J,6gV  
(A)danger不与at构成搭配,故(A)应排除。(B)(at)stake是固定搭配,意思是"在危险中,存亡攸关"(C)at a loss"不知所措",不合题意,应排除。(D)atthreat不能构成搭配,故(D)也应排除。因此(B)为正确答案。 i).%GMv*r  
7.本题的答案是(D) K9<8F Sn  
`G\ qGllX  
(A)(B)(C)(D)都是近义词,基本含义为""(A)fatigued指人们由于过长时间的劳累,消耗了大量体力,非常需要休息或睡眠。(B)tired指人们由于过分操劳、烦燥、不耐烦而消耗大量的体能。(C)exhausted指体能消耗殆尽,全身毫无力气。(D)bored指由于枯燥、单调引起的厌倦。根据题意,正确答案为(D) r_7%|T8  
8.本题的答案是(C) RD`|Z~:q:K  
YU,zQ V'  
本句空白处前是介词,故此处需填入名词。(A)wrong是形容词,而且也不能与at构成任何搭配,故(A)应排除。(B)trouble(D)difficulty虽然是名词,但它们的前面与in搭配,不与at搭配,故(B)(D)均应排除。(C)at fault是固定搭配,意思是"出故障,出差错"。这与题意吻合,故(C)是正确答案。 {v"f ){   
9.本题的答案是(A) ,:S#gN{U  
(A)exceedingly"非常",合题意,故(A)是正确答案。(B)excessively"过量地"(C)extensively"广泛地"(D)exclusively"排它性地"。显然(B)(C)(D)都不合题意,均应排除。 *l7 `C)  
Xu{y5 N  
10.本题的答案是(A) `_J&*Kk5  
eaRa+ <#u  
(A) answer for"对……负责"(B)run into"使陷进"(C)abide by"遵守"(D)step into"插手,干涉"。根据题意(A)是正确答案。 0akJv^^D  
11.本题的答案是(D) eF3NyL(A  
(A)parallel to"与……平行"(B)level in"相等"(C)flat on"平躺"(D)flush with"与……齐平"。根据题意(D)是正确答案。 :(q4y-o6  
12.本题的答案是(B) )Kx.v'  
(A) convinced"使人信服;相信"(B)anticipated"期待"(C)resolved"决心"(D)assured"保证"。根据题意(B)为正确答案。 Q<>u) %92@  
0A} X hX  
13.本题的答案是(A) DY`0 `T  
(A)adapted for"使适应"(B)acknowledged"承认"(C)assembled"集合"(D) appointed"指定"。根据题意(A)应为正确答案。 W=Syo&;F8  
14.本题的答案是(C) Gza= 0  
(A) let down"放下,放低"(B)let alone"不管,不干涉"(C)let off"免除(任务、责任等)"(D)let out"放出,逃出"。根据题意,(C)为正确答案。 >V.?XZ nt  
15.本题的答案是(B) t %u0=V  
(A)urgent"紧急的"(B)hasty"仓促的,轻率的"(C)instant"紧迫的,立即的"(D)prompt"迅速的"。根据上下文,(B)是正确答案。 k3&68 +  
16.本题的答案是(A) /Ey%aA4v  
5 CnNp?.t^  
(A) missing"缺掉的,下落不明的"(B)losing"丢失",一般不能作形容词,更不能作置于名词后的形容词。(C)dropping"往下掉的"(D)leaking"漏的"。根据上下文,(A)是正确答案。  LcLHX  
17.本题的答案是(D) t<Sa ;[+  
(A) engaging"从事,参与"(B)devoting"献身"(C)registering"记录"(D)pursuing"追赶;从事,进行"(A)engaging通常接"in",此处没有,故(A)应排除。(B)devoting通常接"to",此处没有"to",故(B)也应排除。(C)与上下文不搭配,(C)也应排除。根据题意(D)pursuing是正确答案。 9T;>gm  
18.本题的答案是(D) 5XT^K)'  
(A) at hand"手头,附近"(B)in turn"依次,轮流"(C)in conclusion"结论"(D)at length"详细地,充分地"。根据题意(D)为正确答案。 a2?@OJ  
v2gk1a &  
19.本题的答案是(A) /nv*OKS|  
3'p 1m`8  
(A) prospect"前景"(B)prediction"预言"(C)prosperity"繁荣"(D)permission"允许"。根据题意(A)为正确答案。 XFTqt]  
20.本题的答案是(B) ;E{jn4B'  
(A) stable"稳定的"(B)rational"理智的"(C)legal"合法的"(D)credible"可信赖的"。根据题意(B)最为合适,故(B)是正确答案。 {1=|H$wKg  









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