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主题 : 网友总结的考博英语常出现的50个句子。可以学习一下。
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-01-14   


常见50 A[f `xE  
1In the early in industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so U[:Js@uH_  
2The American economic system is organized around a basically private enterprise, market oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most 7 *4i0{]  
3Pollution is caused either by man′s release of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance, such as oil from oil tankers into the sea. d!"gb,ec  
4The kinds of evidence for the roundness of the world that led finally to it s general acceptance included such data as the shape of the shadow of the earth on the moon during an eclipse of the moon, the fact that as one sails from port on a ship the building of the port gradually seem to sink below the surface of the water and most convincing, the fact that it is possible to sail all around the world and return to the starting point of the voyage . Sf t, $  
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5Apart from the enormous outflow of funds from the oil? Consuming countries, a more basic concern is the capability of the major exporters of crude oil to achieve a continuing production target roughly doubling output every ten years to meet the required oil demand if present trend continues. =HMuAUa.  
6Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cut ting out unnecessary buying, excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.? Ex{;&UWm  
7It is now possible to add or subtract two large numbers in one to two micro seconds, and to multiply or divide them in ten to twenty microseconds, so that a computer can perform as much arithmetic in a quarter of an hour as an efficient clerk with pencil and paper might reasonably hope to achieve in a lifetime. ^L'<%_# .  
8The implications of this line of reasoning are inescapable: the movement of traffic through the streets of a town cannot be understood without taking into account the activities which take place in the buildings which line them; to get at the roots of the traffic problem we must approach it through the social and e economic factors which determine the ways in which activities and buildings are arranged in our towns. ]Y f8  
M*F`s& vM  
9As the century developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines ma de it impossible, in many cases, for the individual scientist to deal with the hug e mass of new data, techniques and equipment that were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently.? +lJD7=%K]Z  
10But even today, in spite of the high standard of living which has become general in the more fortunate West, the majority of people in the world still spend nearly all their time and energy in a near-ending struggle with nature to se cure the food and shelter they need. M,SIs 3  
,k m`-6.2?  
11The progress of science depends upon many concerned with the application o f the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man's control over his environment, thus leading to the development of new technique, processes and machines. Qq\hD@Z|  
12Thus we may be faced with a society having two basic groups in industrial organization: one consisting of those who understand, through their education and training, the complicated techniques necessary to control the complex industrial and organization environment that has developed; the other consisting of those who carry out the decision of this organizing group. 7[8d-Sf24{  
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13If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller? producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product? /-g%IeF  
{;hR FQ^b  
14Electricity produced by water falling over a dam is energy from the sun because the sun's heat had to raise up the water by evaporation before it could fall back to the earth as rain and run down the rivers? S?Uvt?  
b>| d Q  
15Only a small percentage of them will have the educational background adequate to cope with the effective use of these new techniques, and we have too, the general problem of a low average level of education which prevents effective communication on this subject? 2X=*;r"{J  
16For very many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommodation mainly for visiting businessmen together with other well to do travelers and completely inadequate for the swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover? (M%ZSF V  
17But many questions remain unanswered regarding the effect of irrigation a nd drainage on the quality of ground-water, and the possibility of maintaining the ground-water level below the zone of the plant roots while bringing to the surface the water necessary for irrigation? d C6t+  
18The introduction of the brain element into manufacturing is likely to increase the productivity per man to such an extent that we can look forward to an era where there should be a plentiful supply of goods and a reduction in the hours necessary to produce them Il!#]  
19He tried to discover how it was that an industrial system which created great wealth nevertheless forced nearly one? third of the population of the riche st city in the world to live in a state of chronic want AHTQF#U^  
20. Some families would be delighted, no doubt, to have a robot slave doing all the downstairs housework after they were in bed at night, while others would prefer to have it done in the morning, but this would be entirely a matter of choice ? P L*kjrLu7  
21. In some cases, it has been found more economical to have the powerhouses located near the center of consumption and supply them with oil and gas fuel by pipe lines, than to have the powerhouses at the oil field or gas field and send the electric energy over long transmission lines X6o iOs  
22Moreover, demographers see the continuing shift south and west as joined by a related but newer phenomenon: More and more, Americans apparently are looking n ot just for places with more jobs but with fewer people, too FdmoR;  
23A feature of modern industrial society is the amount of time which must be spent in education in order to enable person to equip him or herself with the skills necessary for employment within the complex technological and social systems that characterize this society 9'h4QF+Y  
24The explosion of technology is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature, and now at last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from the fear which is based on want U( "m}^  
25Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I Know of It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices mV'^4by  
26If we were to return to the age of Newton, we should find ourselves faced with the greatest obstacles in trying to make people understand our recent scientific advances, and we should probably find ourselves accused of witchcraft if we persisted in our ideas.? 8,&QY%8pX  
27Even though the same computer might have performed the same operation mill ions of times in successionit must still be told exactly how to do that operation every time it repeats it? Tg#%5~IX  
28Charles Booth tried to discover how it was that an industrial system which created great wealth nevertheless forced nearly one? third of the population of the richest city in the world to live in ‘a state of chronic want' YBY!!qjPx  
d i#:KW  
29Yetin the Westscience and technology have made it possible for us to have a plentiful supply of foodproduced by only a fraction of the labor that w as necessary even a few decades ago? <}^l MBa  
/N\[ C"8  
30The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily livesis bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balanceor the ecological balance as it is also known?  tvvR HvL  
31Everything a human knows he was socially taughteverything he obtains was got through social mediation-it took the socialized contributory labor of countless thousands merely to supply the simply daily needs of any reader of these words-even to enable him to read? ^1w*$5YI  
32The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities FQ6{NMz,h  
BX6] d:S  
33There are some good arguments for a technical education given the right kind of studentMany European schools introduce the concept of professional training early on in order to make sure children are properly equipped for the professions they want to join >Y[nU~w  
34Only now have a substantial number of people become concerned about trend s in the growth of the human population and the consumption of natural resources ,and with this concern fears for the future are increasingly expressed MbeO(Q  
35The universe is a large place. The Greeks were well aware of this, but not until the seventeenth century did it become possible to find out the scale upon which the Solar System is built.? *L~88-V^  
36Nature had indeed been bountiful in providing such an all-purpose raw material, but we should never have found it so useful were it not for the ingenuity an d success of the technologist in the exploitation of its latent possibilities. b py576GwA  
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37Without government support, for example, Darwin would have not sailed around the world, or had available the collections of specimens he needed in forming hi s theory of evolution by natural selection \Z%V)ZRi=  
38Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts dJwE/s  
39When you stand on the ground you are pushing down on it with a force equal to your weight, and at the same time the ground must be pushing up on you with exactly the same force. Or you would fall all the way down to the center of the earth.? ~g[<A?0=y  
V;-YM W  
40In fact, the distance of the earth from the sun varies so little that it makes hardly any difference, and the seasons-four seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter-depend on the manner in which the earth rotates on its axis. 5W=jQ3 C  
41The“shareholders”as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labor was not good { ]CO;5:  
42When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. UjI -<|  
43Not only are the movements of the earth of great importance to you, but what the earth is made of, that is, its composition, also governs what you do and provides everything which you have. P<WCW3!JZ  
44Industrial pollution comes from waste products of the manufacturing and se r vice industries, and these products are difficult, or at least expensive, to dispose of, while agricultural pollution results from the accumulation of toxic chemicals derived from pesticides and fertilizers. 7v^V]&&s  
45A particularly important application of the computer in simplified form is as a component in the control equipment of manufacturing processes as the nerve centre which accumulates and analyses data recording the operating conditions and performances of the plant, and sends out instructions, when appropriate, for their modification 0cBk/x^s  
46The use of electrical energy has developed rapidly because, in addition to becoming prevailing means of transmitting power initially generated by steam, ater, or internal combustion engine, and replacing domestic factors such as candles, lamps and hand labor, it has given rise to many new ways all its own of rendering services. PRE\ 2lLY  
47As a result the chemical industry has become the central industry of modern civilization, tending, because of its control over materials, to spread into, and ultimately incorporate, older industries, such as mining, smelting and building, and even through its concern with fertilizers and food processing, agriculture itself . NlnmeTLO5  
56 raZC  
48At the present time, physics has progressed farther in this direction than any other science, and, in seeking to give a brief account of the present state of the science of physics, it must be our aim, not only to state the most important observed facts but also to show the relations and interdependence of these facts. uNn]hl|x  
49Most of the drugs in current use were discovered by accident or by trial and error, and the cases in which a clear connection has been found between a drug’s action in the body and its chemical and physical properties are few T8ftBIOi  
50Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organization of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms t he managers of the companies who employed them. ;^K4kK&f  
MSw:Ay [9  








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