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主题 : 附哈工大04考博英语答案
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2007-04-26   


2004真题答案 Hr7pcz/#l  
1-10 BCDDA CDDAD   11-20 DDCBD BBDAA 9x8Vsd  
21-30 CDCAC ADADC   31-40 ADBDC DABCA C(z 'oi:f  
> sQ&5-i  
1.    降雪开始后若要持续,就必须有持续不断的湿气流充当凝结核。气流经过水面再上升到较高大气层而形成湿气。太平洋是落基山西部大部分降雪形成的湿气来源,而墨西哥湾和大西洋则为美国中部、东部地区气流形成提供水汽。一些地貌也是大雪湿气形成的原因。例如:五大湖区附近地区有着独特的湖效应风雪,这是由当地地形决定的。另外,山体截面及上升地势也会导致湿气气流上升而引起降雪。 f#7=N{wm  
2.    乔伊斯•卡罗•奥茨1963年出版了第一本短篇故事集《北门》。两年前,她已在威斯康星大学获得硕士学位,成为了底特律大学的一名英语教师。自此,她著作颇丰,不到二十年的时间写了近三十本书,其中包括小说、短篇故事集及诗集、戏剧及文艺评论。同时,她仍旧从事教学工作,于1967年自底特律大学转到安大略湖区的温得森大学任教,又于1978年到了普林斯顿大学。评论家羡慕她巨大的创作能力,同时认为要对如此数量巨大的作品进行评价真的是很困难。 N_ Zd. VnY  
3.    在广大的宇宙中,一些恒星在一刻不停的悸动着,而另一些恒星已耗尽了自己的能量,正在膨胀、变红直到吞没周围的行星(如果它们有行星的话)。(亿万年后,我们的太阳也将膨胀,地球将变得易碎、干枯并且蒸发成铁蒸气及石头,所有生命迹象都将消失)。一些恒星发生爆炸,发出强烈的宇宙射线,以近光速向外冲出,经过数千光年到达地球,提供物种突变的一些驱动力,从而促进了生物的进化。 =FiO{Aw`N  
4.    即使身处电子时代中,当计算机以量化的方法来分析历史的时候,我仍将勇敢地说,我认为,量化应用于历史研究有其局限性。量化依靠的方法是“资料处理”,即将过去的历史事实、资料(即人类行为)经处理分成特定的范畴,如此它们就可以被编程输入计算机中了。人们希望由此可获得一种结果——一种规律。而我只能告诉你,对历史而言,“资料处理”必然会导致无效的结论,因为在处理资料时,某种程度上,你需修改资料迎合外来的要求,在这里就是机器的需求。这样你的处理结果将会受到人们的怀疑,并有失真的可能。 tGbx/$Y   
(1) @6aJh< c  
In the 21 century, office work can be done anywhere: on holiday, we will bring wireless mobile phones or portable computers with us, and some even take mobile phones to the concert or meeting room because to them, it is a mistake that can not be compensable to miss an important commercial information. The 24 hours of super Internet Time makes it impossible to rest and think calmly. More and more executives take pride in having time for sleep, because in their view, the biggest symbol of status is represented by the ability to work and rest according to the natural biological clock rather than the network clock. D,lY_6=  
Of course, it is impossible to retreat from information age to agricultural age. To me, the correct attitude is to be the master rather than the slave of the time by conforming to the time. We have to learn to arrange our life according to our biological clock in the internet time, instead of chasing the ever-rising network sun. To chase the network sun without stop for 24 hours is a demonstration of your inaptitude, burning a candle at two ends. tTub W=H  
(2) R(8?9-w  
However the clone of panda arouses great interest from people because of the ruthless fact that panda is in the edge of extinction due to its weak ability of multiplication. The clone of panda should not replace the natural multiplication of pandas; on the contrary, it serves as a reinforcement for natural and artificial multiplications. As long as the clone is beneficial to the protection of the panda, it is worth trying. ;KEie@Ry  
Even when we successfully complete a clone of panda, more efforts shall be made to improve the clone technology which is still in the stage of research rather than production. What the scientists shall do is to learn from experiments to improve the research. The research on cloning panda will contribute to the development of clone technology. Once it succeeds, it can be employed to save other endangered animals. e{XzUY 6  








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2008-10-29   
级别: 初级博友
板凳  发表于: 2009-09-16   
怎么没有真题的 ?
级别: 初级博友
地板  发表于: 2009-09-18   
我都不晓得来到这里干什么 感觉乱七八糟的

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