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主题 : 上海交通大学考博英语真题
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楼主  发表于: 2015-10-22   
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2013年上海交大考博英语试题及部分答案 $yg=tWk  
第一篇   #Ez+1  
    There are desert plants which survive the dry season in theform of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactivelarvae (
幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is tobelieve, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in theform of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, anintensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shadetemperatures of over 50C areoften recorded.   zCdzxb_h"  
    The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have theappearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake,once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (
孵化). Then the water is soon filled withmillions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant andanimal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week,the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5centimetres.   *oU-V#   
    Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing,the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps itis a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females.Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch ofwet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of theirbrief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured thattheir species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the waterevaporates.   A%c)=(,  
    If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake,the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle ofgrowth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rainto form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years,or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in ahundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month ormore. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth,egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multipliesconsiderably, which further ensures its survival.
1.Which of the following is the MOSTdistinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? H.8Vm[W  
    A) Their lives are brief.   yCOIv!/zy  
    B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.   VPqMbr"L[  
    C) Their eggs can survive years of dought.   =FtJa3mHK  
    D) They lay their eggs in the mud.   cPm-)/E)i  
2.By saying "for the shrimps it is a race against time "(Para.3,Line2)the author means_____.   K{x FhdW  
    A) they have to swim fast to avoid danger in the rapidlyevaporating lake   EU"J'?  
    B) they have to swim fast to catch the animal organisms onwhich they survive Yab=p 9V;;  
    C) they have to multiply as many as possible within thirteendays   lTn~VsoRZ  
    D) they have to complete their life cycle within a shortspan of time permitted by the environment '  DTR/.Nr'K  
3.The passage mainly deals with_____.   `[zd  
    A) the life span of the Mojave shrimps   81<0B @E  
    B) the survival of desert shrimps   J%n{R60b  
    C) the importance of water to life   SJdi*>  
    D) life in the Mojave Desert   R1=ir# U|D  
4.The word "dormant"(Para.4,Line 3)most probablymeans______.   }475c{  
    A) inactive   x6c#[:R&  
    B) strong  WgK|r~  
    C) alert   k;9"L90  
    D) soft   4/B n9F  
5.It may be inferred from the passage that______.   %Fg}"=f1  
    A) appearance and size are most important for life tosurvive in the desert 6(X5n5C  
    B) a species must be able to multiply quickly in order tosurvive   >`@yh-'r  
    C) for some species one life cycle in a year is enough tosurvive the desert drought   6Q6l?!|W4  
    D) some species develop a unique life pattern to survive inextremely harsh conditions   23;e/Qr  
答案: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D
n*oa J<o%  
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上海交大2013考博英语试题及部分答案 ;I+"MY7D  
发布日期:2013-04-01 O(( kv|X4  

上海交大2013年考博英语试题及部分答案 r_kw "9  
第一篇    !j3V'XU#Zn  
There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactiveseeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (
幼虫). Inaddition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which cansurvive through years of drought (干旱) inthe form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) thatlive in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of theUnited States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded.    '%m0@5|hCD  
The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grainsof sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two tofive years, these eggs hatch (
孵化). Then the water is soonfilled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tinyplant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Withina week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about1.5 centimetres.    2z\4?HJy  
Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in thelake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a raceagainst time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long,hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by thistime, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On thethirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, theshrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species willsurvive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates.    P~+?:buqc  
If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch,and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth,adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to forma lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or evenlonger if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years,sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In thiscase, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death.Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which furtherensures its survival.   elgCPX&:W  
1.Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? 9 o7d3ir)  
A) Their lives are brief.    UEq;}4Bo  
B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.    aqb;H 'F  
C) Their eggs can survive years of dought.    O^ ]I>A#d  
D) They lay their eggs in the mud.    RT45@   
2.By saying "for the shrimps it is a race against time "(Para.3,Line2)the author means_____.    4JHQ^i-aY  
A) they have to swim fast to avoid danger in the rapidly evaporating lake   .'SXRrn&:C  
B) they have to swim fast to catch the animal organisms on which they survive 2.2Z'$W  
C) they have to multiply as many as possible within thirteen days    @Y>3-,o,S  
D) they have to complete their life cycle within a short span of time permittedby the environment '   |7Q8WjCQ{m  
3.The passage mainly deals with_____.    0;)6ZU  
A) the life span of the Mojave shrimps    K)qbd~<\  
B) the survival of desert shrimps    8-5a*vV,>  
C) the importance of water to life    K]bS:[34 R  
D) life in the Mojave Desert    '3o0J\cz  
4.The word "dormant"(Para.4,Line 3)most probably means______.   J1<fE(X  
A) inactive    O#7ldF(  
B) strong   s8|#sHT  
C) alert    kXC.rgal  
D) soft    S'-<p<;D\B  
5.It may be inferred from the passage that______.    dW7dMx  
A) appearance and size are most important for life to survive in the desert YeJ95\jf  
B) a species must be able to multiply quickly in order to survive    L>UYR++<6  
C) for some species one life cycle in a year is enough to survive the desertdrought    *:.0c  
D) some species develop a unique life pattern to survive in extremely harshconditions    K23_1-mbe  
答案: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D ^qbX9.\  
5 J|;RtcR  
第二篇 i`] M2Q   
The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but ageneration ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx. once widelyspoken on the isle of Man but now extinct. Government financing and centralplanning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs andofficial public documents are written in both Welsh and English, andschoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of themost successful of Europe’s regionallanguages, spoken by more than a half-million of the country’s three millionpeople.    GIVs)~/Eq  
The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of aresurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Lastmonth Walesmarked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, thefirst parliament to be convened here since 1404. The idea behind devolution wasto restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom.With most of the people and wealth, England has always had braggingrights. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster,implemented by Tony Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club- Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales-a bigger say and to countercentrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.   hqD;< :.  
The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution. Whereas the Scots votedoverwhelmingly for a parliament, the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped throughby less than one percent on a turnout of less than 25 percent. Its powers wereproportionately limited. The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or theEuropean Union is spent. It cannot, unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh, enact laws. But now that it ishere, the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly. Many people would like itto have more powers. Its importance as figurehead will grow with the opening in2003, of a new debating chamber, one of many new buildings that aretransforming Cardifffrom a decaying seaport into a Baltimore-style waterfront city. Meanwhile agrant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tacklepoverty. Wales is one of thepoorest regions in Western Europe- only Spain,Portugal, and Greece have alower standard of living.    K=5_jE^e  
Newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about great Welsh men andwomen, boosting self-esteem. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and RichardBurton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, the movie star,and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer. Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are invogue. And Walesnow boasts a national airline. Awyr Cymru. Cymru, which means “land ofcompatriots,” is the Welsh name for Wales. The red dragon, the nation’ssymbol since the time of King Arthur, is everywhere- on T-shirts, rugby jerseysand even cell phone covers.    !P Gow  
“Until very recent times most Welsh people had this feeling of beingsecond-class citizens,” said Dyfan Jones, an 18-year-old student. It was a warmsummer night, and I was sitting on the grass with a group of young people inLlanelli, an industrial town in the south, outside the rock music venue of theNational Eisteddfod, Wales’sannual cultural festival. The disused factory in front of us echoed to thesounds of new Welsh bands.   0K3FH&.%  
“There was almost a genetic tendency for lack of confidence,” Dyfan continued.Equally comfortable in his Welshness as in his membership in theEnglish-speaking, global youth culture and the new federal Europe, Dyfan, likethe rest of his generation, is growing up with a sense of possibilityunimaginable ten years ago. “We used to think. We can’t do anything, we’re onlyWelsh. Now I think that’s changing.”    P'9aZd  
11. According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to h.=B!wKK  
A. maintain the present status among the nations.    x}x@_w   
B. reduce legislative powers of England.   b$R>GQ?#  
C. create a better state of equality among the nations. √    JNp`@`0V  
D. grant more say to all the nations in the union.    8v^i%Gg  
2. The word “centrifugal” in the second paragraph means 9BBz14E8L   4\OELU  
A. separatist.√    Zc4h jg  
B. conventional.    _Mt:^H}Sy  
C. feudal.   Jj6kZK  
D. political    $m=z87hX  
3. Wales is different from Scotland in allthe following aspects EXCEPT E7eVg* Cvi  
A. people’s desire for devolution.    &HXSO,@  
B. locals’ turnout for the voting.   *>'R R<  
C. powers of the legislative body.    ;W+-x] O  
D. status of the national language.√    rbtV,Y  
4. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welshnational identity    \~)573'  
A. Welsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.    kN$70N7I;  
B. Poverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.√   ;ZqFrHI M`  
C. A Welsh national airline is currently in operation.   tJu<#h X  
D. The national symbol has become a familiar sight.  yY| .  
5. According to Dyfan Jones what has changed is   JZXc1R| 9  
A. people’s mentality. √   " }ZD)7K  
B. pop culture.   OXacI~C  
C. town’s appearance.   )ED[cYGx  
D. possibilities for the people.   =0)^![y]v  
第三篇    _[ phs06A  
Barbed wire, first patented in the United States in 1867, played an importantpart in the development of American farming, as it enabled the settlers to makeeffective fencing to enclose their land and keep cattle away from their crops.This had a considerable effect on cattle ranching, since the herds no longerhad unrestricted use of the plans for grazing, and the fencing led to conflictbetween the farmers and the cattle ranchers.   sR 9F:  
Before barbed wire camesintosgeneral use, fencing was often made from serratedwire, which was unsatisfactory because it broke easily when under strain, andcould snap in cold weather due to contraction. The first practical machine forproducing barbed wire was invented in 1874 by an Illinois farmer, and betweenthen and the end of the century about 400 types of barbed wire were devised, ofwhich only about a dozen were ever put to practical use. P&tK}Se^V  
Modern barbed wire is made from mild steel high-tensile steel, or aluminum.Mild steel and aluminum barbed wire have two strands twisted together to form acable which is stronger than single-strand wire and less affected bytemperature changes. Single-strand wire, round or oval, is made from high-tensilesteel with the barbs crimped or welded on. The steel wires used are galvanized- coated with zinc to make them rustproof. The two wires that make up the linewire or cable are fed separatelysintosa machine at one end. They leave it atthe other end twisted-together and barbed. The wire to make the barbs isfedsintosthe machine from the sides and cut to length by knives that cutdiagonally through the wire to produce a sharp point. This process continuesautomatically, and the finished barbed wire is wound onto reels, usually madeof wire in length of 400 meters or in weights of up to 50 kilograms. ,pASjFWi  
A variation of barbed wire is also used for military purposes. It isformedsintoslong conies or entanglements called concertina wire. h[8y$.YsC  
1.What is the main topic of the passage?    @iRVY|t/  
(A) Cattle ranching in the United  States.    JgB# EoF  
(B) A type of fencing    L&N"&\K2U  
(C) Industrial uses of wire   jwq"B$ap  
(D) A controversy over land use    [dJ\|=  
19.cf 3Dh  
2.What is the benefit of using two-stranded barbed wire? V3oAZ34)  
(A) Improved rust-resistance   eI}VHBAz  
(B) Increased strength cMl%)j-  
(C) More rapid attachment of barbs |u{QI3 #'  
(D) Easier installation. 4B]61|A  
3.According to the author, the steel wires used to make barbed wire arespecially processed to fI1;&{f   
(A) protect them against rust 3I5WDuq  
(B) make them more flexible *jK))|%  
(C) prevent contraction in cold weather HUC2RM?FN  
(D) straighten them. L)}V [j#  
4.The word“fed" in line 20 is closest in meaning to   B0i}Y-Z  
(A) put doc  
(B) eaten uB1!*S1f  
(C) bitten 5G!U'.gr  
(D) nourished "Cc"y* P  
5.What is the author's purpose in the third paragraph? @S7=6RKa[  
(A) To explain the importance of the wire. FA9e(Ha   
(B) To outline the difficulty of making the wire i8Y gG0[)  
(C) To describe how the wire is made k_n{Mss'9  
(D) To suggest several different uses of the wire. LtztjAm.  
d;SRK @  
4 xD# I&.  
Without regular supplies of some hormones our capacity to behave would beseriously impaired; without others we would soon die. Tiny amounts of somehormones can modify moods and actions, our inclination to eat or drink, ouraggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior.And hormones do more than influence adult behavior; early in life they help todetermine the development of bodily form and may even determine an individual’sbehavioral capacities. Later in life the changing outputs of some endocrineglands and the body’s changing sensitivity to some hormones are essentialaspects of the phenomena of aging. ;CMC`h9,  
Communication within the body and the consequent integration ofbehavior were considered the exclusive province of the nervous system up to thebeginning of the present century. The emergence of endocrinology as a separatediscipline can probably be traced to the experiments of Bayliss and Starling onthe hormone secretion. This substance is secreted from cells in the intestinalwalls when food enters the stomach; it travels through the bloodstream andstimulates the pancreas to liberate pancreatic juice, which aids in digestion.By showing that special cells secret chemical agents that are conveyed by thebloodstream and regulate distant target organs or tissues. Bayliss and starlingdemonstrated that chemical integration could occur without participation of thenervous system. )_e"N d4  
The term “hormone” was first used with reference to secretion.Starling derived the term from the Greek hormone, meaning “to excite or set inmotion. The term “endocrine” was introduced shortly thereafter “Endocrine” isused to refer to glands that secret products into the bloodstream. The term“endocrine” contrasts with “exocrine”, which is applied to glands that secrettheir products though ducts to the site of action. Examples of exocrine glandsare the tear glands, the sweat glands, and the pancreas, which secretspancreatic juice through a duct into the intestine. Exocrine glands are alsocalled duct glands, while endocrine glands are called ductless. \~t~R q  
9! HMQ  
1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage? 5?L:8kHsH  
A. To explain the specific functions of various hormones. e K1m(E.=  
B. To provide general information about hormones. K4/P(*r`  
C. To explain how the term “hormone” evolved. 2{kfbm-89t  
D. To report on experiments in endocrinology. L*01l"5  
2. The passage supports which of the following conclusions? UUf1T@-  
A. The human body requires large amounts of most hormones. pZ~> l=-  
B. Synthetic hormones can replace a person’s natural supply ofhormones if necessary. ~wf~b zs  
C. The quantity of hormones produced and their effects on thebody are related to a person’s age. $;i$k2n:  
D. The short child of tall parents very likely had a hormonedeficiency early in life.    dU>R<jl!$  
3. It can be inferred from the passage that before the Baylissand Starling experiments, most people believed that chemical integrationoccurred only___. z!C4>,  
A. during sleep. 9=~H6(m>  
B. in the endocrine glands. i? _D]BY4  
C. under control of the nervous system. oB06{/6  
D. during strenuous exercise. O|OSE  
4. The word “liberate” could best be replaced by which of thefollowing? ~q?"w:@;x  
A. Emancipate R QS:h]?:l  
B. Discharge >)J47j7{c  
C. Surrender M |Q  
D. Save dbT ^9: Q  
5. According to the passage another term for exocrine glandsis___. J%f=A1Q  
A. duct glands }RN=9J  
B. endocrine glands E}b> 7L&w  
C. ductless glands [+MH[1Vr={  
D. intestinal glands. \LoSUl i  
o eJC  









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