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主题 : 中南大学2012级博士生综合英语考试试卷
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-11-17   
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English Test Paper for Doctoral Candidates hv:Z%D |S  
December 23, 2012 +81+4{*  
Part I        Listening Comprehension (15%) +#I~#CV!  
Section A    Conversation XX[Wwt  
Directions:    In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). sV'.Bomq  
1.    A.    She has missed too many classes. j5Wx*~@(  
B.    She finds the course very difficult. _TN $c  
C.    She is hardly able to finish the reading. c+)|o!d  
D.    She doesn’t like the professor and his lecture. T17LYHIT  
2.    A.    The woman cannot find the piece of paper. 5WJkeG ba  
B.    The woman will go to see Mr Brown. 4e#K.HU_  
C.    The man has agreed to give the woman a call. [;#.DH]  
D.    The man will ask Mr Brown to cal the woman. g+/U^JIc4l  
3.    A.    She is unable to help the man. x[>_I1TJ  
B.    She offers to collect data for the man. \\G6c4 fC  
C.    She has never lived in that small city. O/^w! :z'  
D.    She will tell the man her childhood stories. ^oB1 &G  
4.    A.    It is canceled. |ShRxE3@'  
B.    It is delayed. RHAr[$  
C.    It will take off soon. $)7f%II  
D.    It has a technical problem. -*q2Y^A^l  
5.    A.    Bank accounts closed. u R%R]X  
B.    Money overdrawn. I64:-P[\  
C.    Vacation plans.  Y*}>tD;  
D.    Daily expenses. 0S7Isk2W  
Section B    Passage }R5&[hxh4t  
Directions:    In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). 1V3J:W#;  
Passage One 5XUI7Q%  
6.    A.    Deteriorating memory. d1La7|43u  
B.    Insufficient preparation. Msu2OF *x  
C.    Uncontrollable tension. ye7&y4v+  
D.    Education background. ^k<$N  
7.    A.    She would fail to recall anything. :tG".z  
B.    She would become absent-minded. wXGFq3`  
C.    She would sit down and rest. gpvj'Ri7V  
D.    She would copy the answers. TXl9c 6  
8.    A.    To help students become smarter. 0i `Zy!  
B.    To help students prepare for tests. uWj-tzu  
C.    To help students follow instructions. |3@Pt>Ikl  
D.    To help students control anxiety. G ]By_  
Passage Two <sB45sNbU`  
9.    A.    Water could be found in a nearby river. XRz6Yf(/  
B.    The river water could be used for irrigation. ,VsCRp  
C.    The water could be saved for future use. z))[Lg  
D.    Villagers could carry the water to the fields. )9Ojvp=#r:  
10.    A.    The job would take several months. ,ToEK Id  
B.    The villagers had never done the job before. j5^ b~F%  
C.    The job was too great and costly. HZ=yfJs nc  
D.    There wasn't enough labor to do the job. pdiZ"pe  
Section C    Summary o A@^N4PD  
Directions:    In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Then you are asked to write a summary about 60 words on it (on Answer Sheet II). i~L7h=__  
N<(`+ ?  
Part II        Vocabulary (10%) DP]|}8~L  
[依据《新世纪博士生综合英语》1、2、4、5、6单元内容] 5&@U T  
Section A }TL"v|ny6;  
Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet (on Answer Sheet I). #8OqX*/  
11.    A speaker who makes more eye contact is perceived as _______ and responsible. r=aQ S5  
A.    virtual k>hZ  
B.    confident Wh_c<E}&  
C.    intrusive n_meJm.  
D.    innocent x&Rp m<4  
12.    The book is a(an) _______ of tapescripts of some famous speeches. TaT&x_v^~a  
A.    image x=N;>  
B.    feature ,[#f}|s_  
C.    collection `BD`pa7.%  
D.    encryption rRel\8  
13.    The treaty created the European Union, the world's largest trading _______. N *>; '  
A.    bloc M-|2W~YU  
B.    block mJ7kOQ-.$  
C.    bulk -<=< T@,  
D.    bond PQr N";+  
14.    The museum _______ the different tastes and needs of different people. _Tz!~z  
A.    caters for C:{'0m*jKs  
B.    results in iI0'z=J  
C.    stems from HfPeR8I%i  
D.    conforms to OQvJdjST  
15.    Information considered to be pornographic includes _______ explicit materials. lc7]=,qyF  
A.    personally >0oc=9H8  
B.    politically ps{(UYM=b  
C.    sexually r_m&Jl@4  
D.    racially WAbhB A  
16.    Indian women have few _______ for relaxation and recreation. is$d<Y&F  
A.    outlets Nfh(2g K+  
B.    chores +qec>ALAg  
C.    phases ~fe0Ba4  
D.    scores J4i0+u  
17.    The assumption is rooted in a Cold War _______ or viewpoint. sJ WwkR  
A.    perspective {w++)N2sh  
B.    prospective Jo0x/+?,+  
C.    retrospective G'Y|MCKz>  
D.    introspective i747( ^  
18.    Precautionary _______ must be taken to prevent wildfires. 1Rh&04O>VL  
A.    institutions y (A"g3^=  
B.    measures \ q>,c49a{  
C.    gadgets cg5DyQ(  
D.    assets RZZB?vx  
19.    Technology has _______ the sharing, storage and delivery of information. |Th{*IJ <,  
A.    facilitated ra1hdf0"  
B.    furnished 7vFqO;  
C.    functioned q,GL#L  
D.    fascinated xjYFTb}!  
20.    The carcinogenic pollutants inhaled are the _______ of smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day. =3'wHl  
A.    equivalent ~xCy(dL^}  
B.    formula sAb|]Q((  
C.    quality :vjbuqN]  
D.    price 5eYCnc9  
Section B .o>QBYpTw/  
Directions: There are a number of sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best suits the underlined part of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet (on Answer Sheet I). @;0Ep 0[  
21.    Should universities give priority to undergraduate education? {f)p|)  
A.    attach importance to epnDvz\   
B.    make reference to 7"NUof?i  
C.    pay attention to l},%g%}iMU  
D.    give respect to i=ba=-"Mt  
22.    A typical woman in a developed country puts on 22 pounds during pregnancy. o|+tRl  
A.    wins 8P .! q  
B.    gains ^%L$$V nG  
C.    tolerates 46vz=# ,6L  
D.    estimates C8?/$1|RL  
23.    Birmingham, Alabama, was once the most racially segregated city in America. Y4_i=}\*vf  
A.    intense 4&\m! s  
B.    diverse loZfzN&6A  
C.    varied ukw'$Yt2  
D.    separated ()7=(<x{  
24.    The thermostat will gauge the temperature and control the heat. CB~&!MdMr  
A.    measure u^ T2  
B.    reduce 0<Y)yNsV  
C.    adjust xZkLN5I{  
D.    raise Z5+0?X0i  
25.    I've been smoking pot for three years, and now it is making me sick. a^2?W  
A.    marijuana xkX, l{6  
B.    nicotine kxKBI{L  
C.    cocaine 9+L! A  
D.    heroin )P$ IXA\  
26.    In the late 1980s, TB resurged or returned with a vengeance. eC1cE  
A.    periodically #hai3>9|B  
B.    sporadically .G^ .kg ,  
C.    assuredly $tb$gO  
D.    fiercely fD!O  aK  
27.    Just now the little girl was throwing up in the hallway of the school. |h.he_B+7  
A.    vomiting `+<5QtD  
B.    spinning kJ~^  }o  
C.    leaping uy B ?-Y+  
D.    trolling 4b4nFRnH  
28.    The movable-type printing press is one of the seminal achievements in history. nGRF< 2!  
A.    controversial p<$z!|7m  
B.    indispensable Q<"zpwHR  
C.    time-honored 8zr)oQ:  
D.    groundbreaking B=9|g1e  
29.    Given that chimpanzees are endangered, stop using them in biomedical research. z7J#1q~:yY  
A.    Because sR#( \  
B.    Though 8TuOf(qE  
C.    Unless rNZN}g  
D.    While Jln dypE  
30.    The potential for falsification of documents has never been greater. K^9!Qp  
A.    fabrication n- p|7N  
B.    interception lB,.TK  
C.    transaction "Sl";.   
D.    dissemination z )k\p'0"  
?(hdV ?8)P  
Part III        Cloze (10%) g,9o'fs`x  
Directions:    There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I. l 4(-yWC$H  
Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. Capital punishment   31   murder and rape was widely   32   in ancient Greece. The Romans also used it for a wide   33   of offenses. It also has been   34   at one time or another by most of the world’s major religions. EpS"NQEe  
Death was formerly the penalty for a large number of offenses in England during the 17th and 18th centuries, but   35   was never applied as widely as the law provided. As in other countries, many offenders who   36   capital crimes escaped the death penalty, either because juries or courts would not convict them   37   because they were pardoned, usually on condition that they agreed to banishment; some were sentenced to the   38   punishment of transportation to the then American   39   and later to Australia. )x#^fN~ 7`  
From ancient times until well into the 19th century, many societies administered exceptionally   40   forms of capital punishment. In Rome the condemned for parricide (杀父母亲人)   41   drowned in a sealed bag with a dog. Executions in ancient China were carried  42   by many painful methods, such as sawing the condemned in half, flaying him while still   43  , and boiling. By the end of the 20th century many jurisdictions had adopted lethal injection. w,D(zk$   
Historically, executions were public   44  , attended by large crowds, and the mutilated bodies were often displayed   45   they rotted. Public executions were banned in England in 1868,   46   they continued to take place in parts of the United States until the 1930s. In the last half of the 20th century, there was considerable debate   47   whether executions should be   48   on television. Since the mid-1990s public executions have taken place in   49   20 countries, though the practice has been condemned by the United Nations Human Rights Committee as "incompatible with human   50  ." entO"~*EX  
[依据《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 6的话题] HJM-;C](  
31.    A.    with            B.    for            C.    on            D.    against ]{Iy<  
32.    A.    employed        B.    proscribed    C.    aggravated    D.    confined Hb IRE  
33.    A.    approach        B.    option        C.    board        D.    range }7k+tJ<   
34.    A.    eradicated    B.    condoned        C.    sanctioned    D.    prohibited i9uJ%nd:  
35.    A.    this            B.    it            C.    that            D.    which mM1\s>o  
36.    A.    convicted        B.    conducted    C.    committed    D.    concealed :*#I1nb$  
37.    A.    and            B.    not            C.    nor            D.    or IC37f[Q  
38.    A.    harsher        B.    lesser        C.    stricter        D.    tougher ]Z2;sA  
39.    A.    colonies        B.    districts        C.    states        D.    provinces MHk\y2`/;  
40.    A.    cruel            B.    tedious        C.    disgruntled    D.    psychedelic V#=o<  
41.    A.    being        B.    been            C.    are            D.    were 4Rp2  
42.    A.    off            B.    through        C.    out            D.    forward 1]m]b4]  
43.    A.    live            B.    alive            C.    lively        D.    livable yiiYq(\{  
44.    A.    events        B.    ceremonies    C.    movements    D.    festivals T)qD}hl  
45.    A.    wherever        B.    because        C.    until            D.    since f_7a) 'V4  
46.    A.    though        B.    still            C.    thus            D.    hence -BgzAxa  
47.    A.    speaking        B.    considering    C.    talking        D.    regarding },e f(  
48.    A.    published        B.    broadcast        C.    advertised    D.    copied a3sXl+$D@  
49.    A.    some        B.    many        C.    several        D.    few AMGb6enl  
50.    A.    dignity        B.    character        C.    behavior        D.    habits 2mWW0txil  
Part IV        Reading Comprehension (25%) 7lqj" o(  
Directions:    There are five passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I. ]]J2#mN:n  
Passage 1 JF IUD{>fp  
All around us is a world of tiny living things called microbes. They are everywhere—in the air, in the soil, in the water we drink. They are on our food, hands, clothes, and everything we touch. The dust that settles on the furniture carries them. They are on walls, ceiling, floors. They may be very tiny—most of them too small to be seen—but they are constantly doing things all about us. Some of the things they do are very useful. The cheese and bread that we eat have become the foods they are because of the work of microbes. We owe our sauerkraut, pickles, vinegar, sour cream, and favorite kinds of sour milk to microbes. Our earth stays fertile because of the activity of the billions of microbes in the soil. M`-.0  
Microbes are responsible, too, for some annoying things that happen every day in your home. If you forget to change the water in a vase of flowers, it begins to smell; microbes are at work. Bread left in a package too long gets moldy. Your clothes may mildew. Your food may spoil. All of these things mean microbes at work. VZ 5EV'D8!  
Microbes are also at work when people get sick. In fact, most people think of microbes as something to be destroyed. It is true that certain microbes do cause disease, but they are a very small part of the microbe population. Out of every thirty thousand kinds of microbes, the chances are that just one is harmful and likely to cause disease. Most microbes are harmless. And some microbes themselves produce the most powerful weapons we have yet found to conquer disease. The "wonder drugs" such as penicillin and streptomycin are products of the activity of microbes. !Y8us"   
51.    According to the passage, microbes are _______. T&   
    A.    both dynamic and static 06|+ _  
    B.    both powerful and controllable b7^VWX%  
    C.    both widespread and confined FY|.eY_7 {  
    D.    both detrimental and beneficial ^w/_hY!4/  
52.    Owing to the work of microbes, we can eat all of the following EXCEPT _______. rhGHR5 g  
    A.    milk : " 9F.U  
B.    pickles  >jD,%yG  
    C.    cheese n [H3b}  
D.    sauerkraut CqDKQQ  
53.    It is stated in the passage that _______. 7@NAky(  
A.    one out of every thirty thousand kinds of microbes turns out to be harmless '8R5?9"  
B.    some microbes produce the most powerful weapons such as penicillin n a,j  
    C.    microbes are so small that they cannot be seen by naked eyes K4b# y~@  
    D.    microbes can do annoying things and should be destroyed n7>CK?25  
54.    The underlined word "mildew" in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by _______. S-&[Tp+N  
    A.    be damp S\RjP*H*  
B.    wear out #Cks&[!c  
C.    get moldy lS&$86Jo(  
    D.    become smelly :_E q(r  
55.    _______ is the scientific study mainly concerning microbes. o7' cC?u  
    A.    Biochemistry `OO=^.-u  
B.    Insectology _-$O6eZ  
    C.    Bacteriology 0hnTHlk  
D.    Zoology =X6WK7^0  
Passage 2 1:%HE*r  
Nobody ever went into academic circles to make a fast fortune. Professors, especially those in medical- and technology-related fields, typically earn a fraction of what their colleagues in industry do. But suddenly, big money is starting to flow into the ivory tower, as university administrators wake up to the commercial potential of academic research. And the institutions are wrestling with a whole new set of issues. Ch8w_Jf1yx  
The profits are impressive: the Association of University Technology Managers surveyed 132 universities and found that they earned a combined $ 576 million from patent royalties in 1998, a number that promises to keep rising dramatically. Schools like Columbia University in New York have aggressively marketed their inventions to corporations, particularly 6 pharmaceutical and high-tech companies. WD c2Qt  
Profits from the sale of patents typically have been divided between the researcher, the department and the university, so many faculty members are delighted. But others find the trend worrisome: is a professor who stands to profit from his or her research as credible as one who doesn't? Will universities provide more support to researchers working in profitable fields than to scholars toiling in more musty areas? x;ym_UZ6e  
Now Columbia pans to go beyond the typical "dot.edu" model, free sites listing courses and professors' research interests. Instead, it will offer the expertise of its faculty on a new for-profit site which will grow into an independent company. Whether the new site can add to the growing profits from patents remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: It is going to take the best minds on camps to find a new balance between profit and purity. !4cO]wh5  
56.    Big money flowing into the ivory tower has _______. chv0\k"'  
A.    brought about news concerns *vqlY[2Ax  
B.    yielded fat profits for administrators [zmx  
C.    benefited both the faculty and students >Q':+ |K}  
D.    altered the nature of higher education <+ 0cQq=2  
57.    The survey found that 132 universities made huge profits by _______. ckFnQhW  
A.    helping corporations develop high-tech products 7A'd55I4  
B.    selling their patents or marketing their inventions O]rAo  
C.    conducting research with the industrial sector ma@3BiM  
D.    playing a leading role in academic research HPJ\]HV(  
58.    Some faculty members are worried about _______. " '/:Tp)  
A.    the professors in profitable fields ]4f;%pE  
B.    the credibility of researchers am;)@<8~Q  
C.    the way profits are divided Z'sAu#C  
D.    the trend of profit-making \7M+0Ul1  
59.    The underlined word "toiling" most likely means _______. xE%1C6~C<  
A.    struggling alone |Y#KMi ~  
B.    working hard 0 ?kaXD  
C.    specializing oL?( ; `"&  
D.    exploring I L dRN  
60.    What is the new plan of Columbia University? `@+}zE  
A.    To find a new balance between profit and purity. h!# (.P  
B.    To offer free courses and research services on line. g D&/ k  
C.    To provide academic resources on a profit-earning basis. X"QIH|qx-  
D.    To run a company by making use of its faculty expertise. sjh>i>t  
Passage 3 .Cv0Ze  
In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. But if the process goes too far and man’s role is regarded as less important—and that has happened in some cases—we are as badly off as before, only in reverse. n#@/A  
It is time to reassess the role of the man in the family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism"—but we don’t want to exchange it for a "neo-Popism". What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. There are signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credit—nor all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman’s place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze a man’s place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of the child. -"J6 |Y#8  
The family is a co-operative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family needs to work out its own ways for solving its own problems. o+(>/Ou  
Excessive authoritarianism has unhappy consequences, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent not only to a healthy democracy, but also to healthy family. `m2e *  
61.    Paragraph 1 suggests that in the family _______. ::13$g=T9s  
A.    male superiority should be maintained :|hFpLt  
B.    men's role should be correctly defined ]L0GIVIE  
C.    fathers are badly off as before |Z%I3-z_DS  
D.    husbands are not treated equal /Mk85C79  
62.    Some people start to realize that bringing up children _______. a& >(*PQ  
A.    is not just the responsibility of the mom m)G=4kK52-  
B.    should be a major job or task of the dad \QF\Bh  
C.    entails tiring household tasks f:$LVpXS-  
D.    involves happiness and pains u`E24~  
63.    Men's place in the family is _______ to the healthy growth of the child. q^{Z"ifL  
A.    paramount z;Pr] *F  
B.    acceptable nya-Io.  
C.    dominant !3~VoNh,  
D.    relevant Z4S0{:XY  
64.    To run the co-operative enterprise of the family, husband and wife should _______. /4 zO  
A.    avoid conflicts @V$,H/v:  
B.    lay down rules  U)oH@/q  
C.    make joint efforts x+~IXi>Ig  
D.    consult specialists g@WGd(o0)  
65.    Equality is beneficial to a healthy family, so is it to a healthy _______. {0(:7IY,  
A.    child & {B-a  
B.    business H^jFvAI,8  
C.    nation ] iKFEd  
D.    civilization M1._{Jw5  
Passage 4 (W~jr-O^  
Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery. It reduces the human factors, mental and physical, in production, and is designed to make possible the manufacture of more goods with fewer workers. The development of automation in American industry has been called the “Second Industrial Revolution”. _Q<wb8+/  
Labor’s concern over automation arises from uncertainty about the effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. In the main, labor has taken the view that resistance to technical change is unfruitful. Eventually, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is expected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment. The interest of labor lies in bringing about the transition with a minimum of inconvenience and distress to the workers involved. Also, union spokesmen emphasize that the benefit of the increased production and lower costs made possible by automation should be shared by workers in the form of higher wages, more leisure, and improved living standards. wn* z*  
To protect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies. One of these is the promotion of supplementary unemployment benefit plans. It is emphasized that since the employer involved in such a plan has a direct financial interest in preventing unemployment, he will have a strong drive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible problems in jobs and job assignments. Some unions are working for dismissal pay agreements, requiring that permanently dismissed workers be paid a sum of money based on length of service. Another approach is the idea of the "improvement factor", which calls for wage increases based on increases in productivity. It is possible, however, that labor will rely mainly in reduction in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation. W":is"  
66.    Automation aims to _______. Q(lj &!?1k  
A.    increase productivity \ iL&Aq}BO  
B.    promote employment T!6H5>zA  
C.    reduce labor's distress oOk.Fq  
D.    carry out technical reform .8is! TT  
67.    Automation causes concern among workers or employees because they _______. _]E ~ci}  
A.    are not well protected by new policies #8;|_RU  
B.    are losing benefits and financial interests 7e&R6j  
C.    are resistant to new technology and skills o{*8l#x8  
D.    are not ready to cope with changes in jobs 7> -y,?&  
68.    Despite labor's concern, automation may eventually _______. gnbs^K w  
A.    increase employment in industries &J|3uY,'j  
B.    reduce permanently dismissed workers bwM>#@H  
C.    help laid-off workers acquire new skills 7BCCQsz <  
D.    benefit employees no less than their employers ~p~8T  
69.    _______ require(s) that money or wages be paid on the basis of length of service. ]B>Y  +  
A.    Supplementary unemployment benefits AqVTHyCu  
B.    Dismissal pay agreements iV#JJ-OBq  
C.    The "improvement factor" ^SCZ  
D.    New installation plans ;VS;),h/  
70.    Workers can expect to share or enjoy the fruits of automation to the full extent with _______. bG +p  
A.    the increased productivity and lowered production costs lj.z>  
B.    the least inconvenience and stress in the technical transition ]}9cOb%I  
C.    less time at work, more time at play and higher incomes !B?/6XRUx  
D.    increased wages in proportion to the increase in productivity  ,[ +  
Passage 5 (c(c MC'  
There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censuses—all of which led to modern descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modern inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability. 9>psQ0IRvr  
Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade level—variables that are characterized by an underlying continuum—or the data may represent qualitative variables, such as sex, college major, or personality type. Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data. 3y>.1  
Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make productions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child; the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population. A <iF37.  
71.    In Paragraph 1, "mother" and "father" are used as _______ for modern descriptive and oUZwZ_yKW  
inferential statistics. 4UoUuKzt  
A.    a simile 3a#637%  
B.    an analogy IDzP <u8v  
C.    an overture GZQ)Tz R  
D.    a euphemism [8Ub#<]]  
72.    What is TRUE about descriptive statistics? 8_f0P8R!y  
    A.    It leads to increased variability.  yyk[oH-Q  
B.    It solves major numerical problems. }K;@$B6,@  
    C.    It keeps orderly records of variables. m&,d8Gss^  
    D.    It simplifies unwieldy masses of data. +d\"n  
73.    Which of the following is NOT given as an example of variables? jD_(im5  
    A.    Gender. *we3i  
B.    Character. )QaJYC^+  
C.    Occupation. gU>Y  
    D.    Intelligence. 7H[ #  
74.    The passage suggests that _______.  A`#v-  
A.    both descriptive and inferential statistics are methods of data assembly 8c+i+gp!  
B.    ordering, tabulating, and depicting are associated with inferential statistics VjYfnvE  
C.    descriptive and inferential statistics are traced back to two different sources &Z=}H0y q  
D.    prediction on the basis of a sample is characteristic of descriptive statistics %Iv+Y$'3B  
75.    The passage is mainly concerned with _______ of statistics. FlVGi3  
    A.    originals 4OCz:t  
B.    theories +?MjY[8j  
C.    categories GOH@|2N  
D.    applications G7%Nwe~Y  
8 gOK?>'9  
Part V        Translation (20%) I" sKlMD  
Section A t]eB3)FX  
Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese, and write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet II. bL *;N3#E  
At present, if I, in Australia, were to be gullible enough to fall victim to a fraudulent investment scheme originating in Albania, I suspect that I could count on very little help from authorities in either jurisdiction. z( 1h^.  
In furtherance of electronic crime control, it is imperative to foster international co-operation. Steps taken following the G-8 Birmingham meeting in May 1998 for nations to designate liaison offices which will be on call on a 24-hour basis, illustrates the need for prompt concerted response to the problem of transnational digital crime. 1P8$z:|~  
This unprecedented co-operation between nations will inevitably generate tensions arising from differences in national values. Even within nations, tensions between such values as privacy and the imperatives of law enforcement will be high on the public agenda. And new organizational forms will emerge to combat new manifestations of criminality. 3m7$$ N|  
[选自《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 5 课文23-25段内容] 'y-IE#!5  
Section B a;*&q/{o  
Directions: Translate the following paragraph into English, and write your English version on Answer Sheet II. axU!o /m>  
每年,大约一千名企业高管、政府官员、知识分子和媒体记者,从几十个国家聚集到瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛。这些人几乎都拥有自然科学、社会科学、商学或法学学位;英语相当娴熟;受雇的政府、商业或学术机构具有广泛的国际关系;并且经常出国访问。他们通常信仰西方社会的个人主义、市场经济和政治民主的普遍价值观。这一核心群体实际上掌控着所有的国际组织、许多国家的政府以及世界主要经济和军事机构。 ~ D3'-,n[  
[选自《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 4 课文Page 91-92] ?/#HTg)!B  
Part VI        Writing (20%) \FVR'A1  
Section A    An Email ODv)-J  
Directions: Write an email of about 100 words by following the instructions below, and put your writing on Answer Sheet II. )}G HG#D{  
You are Li Ming, head of a physics research team. Send an email to your team members, informing them of a team meeting. Be Sure Not to Sign Your Real Name. :Oq!.uO  
7 hnTHL  
Section B    An Essay *WMcE$w/D  
Directions: Write an essay of about 150 words on the following topic, and put your writing on Answer Sheet II. -iH/~a  
Build Up A Drug-free Society M lRgdVX  
[依据《新世纪博士生综合英语》Unit 2的话题] f_raICO{R  
1 f[!=p  
i7 p#%2  
p(0!TC Bs  
rxa8X wo8  
Keys w, `x(!&  
Section C    Summary (5% = 5×1) )C|>M'g@v  
Failure is a way towards success. This is supported by many stories, including the story of Edison. We should first think about the cause of failure so as to avoid it. Second, to prevent failure we should think of whether our goal is right or not. Third, failure is a part of life, so we must learn to live with it. (61 words) xhqIE3gd  
Part IV    Translation m! p'nP  
Section A    E-C (10%) CiPD+I  
目前,如果我人在澳大利亚,被来自阿尔巴尼亚的一份虚假投资计划所欺骗,并成为受害者,我想,我几乎不可能从任何一方政府管辖的机构获得帮助。 E}1[&  
为了加大打击网络犯罪的力度,有必要建立国际合作。1998年5月G-8伯明翰会议之后,一些国家采取措施,设立了24小时值班的联络处,这说明,这些国家都希望,对于跨国数字犯罪问题,能采取快速的协同应对措施。 ]Ff&zBJ  
由于各国之间存在价值观上的差异,这种前所未有的国际合作将不可避免地导致一些紧张冲突。即使在各国内部,类似个人隐私与执法必要性之间观念上的紧张冲突,也将引起广泛关注。而且,还将出现一批新的组织形式,以打击新形式的犯罪。 ~@sx}u  
Section B    C-E (10%) 'iL['4~.  
Each year about a thousand business executives, government officials, intellectuals and journalists from scores of countries meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. Almost all of them hold degrees in the physical sciences, social sciences, business or law; are reasonably fluent in English; are employed by governments, corporations and academic institutions with extensive international connections; and travel frequently outside of their own countries. They generally share beliefs in individualism, market economies and political democracy, which are common among people in western civilization. This core group of people controls virtually all international institutions, many of the world’s governments and the bulk of world’s economic and military organizations. oPWvZI(\&  









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