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主题 : 考博英语英译汉应试技巧与对策
级别: 中级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-02-04   
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考博英语英译汉应试技巧与对策 HgI!q<)  
Test Analysis
英语和汉语是两种完全不同的语言,英译汉不是简单的词义转换,而是一个极其复杂的理解与表达的过程。历年考博英语多数给出一篇英语文章,从中划出句式相对复杂,长度相对长的句子来给考生翻译,有时会让考生翻译一小段的英语段落。英译汉最终归结到句子在文章中的翻译。四步定位翻译法,即结构分析——句子切分——词义推敲——检查核对将知道考生顺利地完成任务。 7>vm?a^D2&  
一、结构分析 rqdwQ  
正是因为英语重结构、多长句、多从句,结构分析是做好翻译的第一步。所谓结构分析,一是判断划线部分是什么句型,二是弄清句子的主干在哪里、有什么样的修饰语以及词与词之间是什么关系。    v9*m0|T0M  
我们把英语句型主要分两大类:简单句和复杂句。凡是没有从句的句子都称之为简单句;凡是有从句的句子,就称之为复合句。无论是主句还是从句,基本句型有下面五种: *b~6 BM$  
1主语+谓语 gYpMwC{*d  
2主语+谓语+宾语 Vz{+3vfra6  
3主语+系动词+表语 'M90Yia  
4主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 -N *L1Zj  
5主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 JKfG/z|  
判断英语句子是什么句型有一个很简单的方法,那就是看句中有几个谓语动词:如果只有一个谓语动词,那肯定是简单句;如果有一个以上的谓语动词,有两种可能:一是动词并列作谓语,标志是第二个动词或最后一个动词前有并列连词andorbut“二是有从句出现,标志是有从句引导词(有时可能会省略从句引导词) 7nZPh3%  
英译汉五个划线句子一般有12个简单句,34个复合句。如果是简单句,修饰语可能会有些复杂;如果是复合句,从句往往会有一定的难度。通过结构分析,可以弄清句子的结构特点,从而对整个句子的大意有所了解。如果说整个句子的翻译是建立一座大厦的话,那么结构分析就是首先搭一个架子。    EE/mxN(<  
二、句子切分 VFHd2Ea(  
英语句子的结构特点不仅为结构分析提供了方便,而且还使句子切分成为可靠:所谓切分,就是按意群用斜线()将一个长句切成好几段。一般情况下,每个切分段都有一个难点,这样既能突出每个重点,又能降低每个难点的难度,是初学翻译者须学会的一种方法。 *7BfK(9T  
切分原则:   Z:; }  
1、主干与修饰语分开    : ! ya&o  
2、主句与从句分开 XR5KJl  
3、并列成分分开    DL]tg [w{  
4、多个修饰语分开 ]BQYVx/  
5、多个从句分开    bp1AN9~  
6、很长的主语与谓语部分分开 8xpplo8  
三、词义推敲 "tK%]c d-  
结构分析和句子切分做好之后,接下来的工作重点是词义推敲:所谓词义推敲,就是指根据具体的语言环境对词义进行正确的理解和表达,而不是机械地照搬词典上的解释或者做简单的字面翻译。词义推敲包括把代词译成名词。把被动变成主动,把变化处理成重复,把抽象化为具体,把省略掉的东西补充进来。把整个句子试译出来等方面。 G)3I+uxn  
很多人认为翻译之前应该先把文章通读一遍,我认为应该在推敲词义时才看文章,这是因为英译汉时间很紧张,如果单看一遍文章会造成时间不够。此外,并不是文章所有内容都对翻译有帮助,发现问题之后带着疑问再看文章不仅能节省时间,而且能解决具体问题。希望大家在看真题详解时特别注意这种方法的使用,如寻找代词的具体所指,名词和动词的词义选择和调整加工。如果划线句子可以脱离上下文翻译,则完全没有必要花时间看整个文章,毕竟最后的得分主要是看对划线部分的理解。由于词义推敲直接影响到译文质量,它是四步定位法中最重要同时也是最难的一步,考生应该在这方面多加训练,仔细体会后面真题讲解中实例的推敲过程。 s?SspuV  
四、检查核对 L74Mz]v  
检查核对是指按各项具体的指标对译文进行验收。英译汉的划线部分百分之;都是结构正确、语意清楚、逻辑性强、意思完整的句子。也就是说,英文原文不可能有语法和语意上的错误,因此只有每项指标都达标,译文才能通过,否则就要文行问题分析并进行整句改译。这样做的目的是为了把翻译中出现的错误降低到零,给译文一个双保险。由此可见,检查核对也是一个必不可少的步骤。 ~5 ^Jv m  
检查核对的重点: 5xY{Q  
1代词翻译是否到位; 1^ iBS  
2名词翻译是否正确; tAX* CMW  
3动词翻译是否准确; n,la<N]  
4修饰语与修饰对象是否能很好地配合; $YYWpeW '  
5从句与主句的逻辑关系是否出错; n ]ikc|  
6惯用法是否译得符合中文习惯; Onmmcem  
7整个译文有无常识错误或者逻辑错误; (IJNBJb  
8整个译文是否具有完整性; FLZ9pb[T  
9整个句子是否读起来很通顺。 qnm_#!&uHT  
英译汉的方法主要有直译(1iteral translation)与意泽(1iberal translation)两种手段。,即传达原文的信息,再现原文的思想感情。准确、通顺地达意,即成为译者的首要关怀,也是贯穿翻译始终的根本原则。因此,在翻译过程中应以意译为主。但这并不是说直译不可用,我们所反对的是逐字的翻译,对语言差异视而不见,也不考虑整体句意和中文的可接受性,将原文机械的套入译文中,形成蹩脚甚至是错误的中文。英译汉多为结构复杂的长句,在处理这类句子时,就很有必要得意忘形,抓住原句意思,扔掉其复杂的结构,以符合汉语表达的方式再现原文信息。 BD g]M/{  
Comprehensive Exercises
Progressin communication and transport technologies during the 20th century has enabledus to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living. Theworld is now linked to such an extent that a local happening cannot take placewithout impacting on the International community. Z`Yt~{,Q  
   Globalization is not Just aboutincreasing the worldwide circulation of information and ideas. Economicallyspeaking, It entails transnational investment and international trade, therebyintegrating all countries into a single giant world market. In terms of culture,globalization itself is neither positive nor negative: It may be either of themdepending on our viewpoint.
Oneof the chief concerns of wildlife management is the protection and improvementof the nature habitat so that animals have enough food and water to survive .Wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation ; italso involves care of plants , not only as a source of food ,but also asprotection . Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raisetheir young safely. _03?XUKV  
Justas crops are harvested wildlife too must sometimes be “harvested” . By allowinglimited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten tooverpopulate their habitat. x)5}:b1B=  
jX53 owZ  
The Internet began in the 1960s as a small network ofacademic and government computers primarily involved in research for the U.S. military.Originally limited to researchers at a handful of universities and governmentfacilities, the Internet has quickly become a worldwide network providing userswith information on a range of subjects and allowing them to purchase goodsdirectly from companies via computer. By 1999, 84 million U.S. citizenshad access to the Internet at home or work. More and more Americans are payingbills, shopping, ordering airline tickets, and purchasing stocks via computerover the Internet. 3"fDFR  
Man,said Aristotle, is a social animal. This sociability requires peacefulcongregation, and the history of mankind is mainly a movement through time ofhuman collectivities that range from migrant tribal bands to large and complexcivilizations. Survival has been due to the ability to create the means bywhich men in groups retain their unity and allegiance to one another. 3? {AGJ1  
Orderwas caused by the need and desire to survive the challenge of the environment.This orderly condition called the "state", and the rules thatmaintained it, the "law". With time the partner to this tranquility,man marched across the centuries of his evolution to the brink of exploring theboundaries of his own galaxy. Of all living organisms, only man has thecapacity to interpret his own evolution as progress. As social life changed,the worth and rights of each member in the larger group, of which he was apart, increased. As the groups grew from clans to civilizations, the value ofthe individual did not diminish, but became instead a guide to the rules thatgovern all men. Bous d  
TheRenaissance embraced, first of all, an impressive record of new achievements inart, literature, science, philosophy, education and religion. Although thefoundation of many of these was classical, they soon expanded beyond themeasure of Greek and Roman influence. Indeed, many of the achievements inpainting, science, politics and religion bore little relation to the classicalheritage. Secondly, the Renaissance incorporated a number of dominant ideas andattitudes that gave it the impress of a unique society. Notable among these ingeneral were optimism, and individualism; but the most significant of them allwas humanism. In its broadest meaning humanism may be defined as emphasis onthe human values. It was a term derived from Cicero, who used it in the senseof devotion to the liberal arts, or the subjects most compatible with thedignity of man. The humanists rejected the Scholastic philosophy with itspreoccupation with theology and logic. They strove for a smooth and elegantstyle that would appeal more to the aesthetic than to the rational side ofman's nature. g40Hj Y  
Onemight ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real a danger of loss.The basic reason is that speculation can perform useful functions in the marketequilibrium and encourages faster entry of more suppliers. If the price changelagged until after an actual commodity shortage had occurred, the fluctuation wouldprobably be sharper and more sudden. Remedial supply action could not befurther delayed. Similarly, if speculators foresee a surplus in some commodity,their selling of futures will help drive the price down to some extent beforethe surplus actually occurs. When speculators foresee a shortage and bid up theprice, they are also helping to conserve the present supply. As the price goesup, less of the commodity is purchased; a rise in price encourages users toeconomize. Similarly, a lowering of price encourages users to buy more, thushelping to sell the surplus which is developing. Vn s3859$8  
Onceyou’ve written down all your goals, both large and small, the next step on yourjourney to success is to activate the creative powers of your subconscious mindby reviewing your list two or three times every day. Take time to read yourlist of goals. Read the list one goal at a time. Close your eyes and pictureeach goal as if it were already accomplished. Take a few more seconds to feelwhat you would feel if you had already accomplished each goal. Aoa8Q E   
Followingthis daily discipline of success will activate the power of your desire. Itincreases what psychologists refer to as "structural tension" in yourbrain. Your brain wants to close the gap between your current reality and thevision of your goal. By constantly repeating and visualizing your goal asalready achieved, you will be increasing this structural tension. This willincrease your motivation, stimulate your creativity, and heighten yourawareness of resources that can help you achieve your goal. 'r;mm^cS?  
To be sure, hybridity poses risks. A hybrid person maylose himself in a jumble of affiliations. A hybrid nation may botch the processof reinvention. Still, the price of such errors seems lower than the cost of circlingthe ethnic wagons and either shutting out people who are different or forcingthem to become “one of us." Never before have so many people marriedacross racial and ethnic lines. Never before have so many people left theirhomelands for work or pleasure. Never before have so many people touched ortasted the clothes, foods, musical styles, and ideas of cultures not availableto them in their youth. These people are not becoming phantoms or dilettantes.Rather, they are part of an outpouring of human creativity that is being drivenby radical mixing. k.@![w\ea  
Virtual reality even allows us to tailor the world tomeet a child's needs. Let's say we're teaching a child to cross the street bypaying attention to traffic signs. Educators have found that it is oftendifficult for the child to locate the traffic sign in a busy environment. 50.With virtual reality, we can blow up the “walk sign" so the student knowswhat it looks like. Then we gradually begin shrinking the sign and adding otherenvironmental elements. Once the student has mastered this virtually, he or shetransfers the knowledge to the real world. In the end, this is the mostimportant function of virtual reality programs for special students. [g}Cve#i  
Whilethere is some common ground between the encyclopedic/cultural entries for the Oxford and Longmandictionaries, there is a clear difference. Oxford lays claim to being encyclopedic oncontent whereas Longman distinctly concentrates on the language and culture ofthe English-speaking world. 47. The Oxford dictionary can therefore stand morevigorous scrutiny (审视) for cultural bias thanthe Longman publication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing therest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world.The cultural objectives of the BBC dictionary are in turn more distinct still.48. Based on an analysis of over 70 million words recorded from the BBC WorldService and National Public Radio of Washington over a period of four years,their 1,000 brief encyclopedic entries are based on people and places that havefeatured (占显著地位) in the news recently. The intendeduser they have in mind is a regular listener to the World Service who will havea reasonable standard of English and a developed skill in listeningcomprehension. Z~'t'.=z  
2008年考博英语汉译英应试技巧与对策 %L|fTndKH  
Test Analysis
历年考博英语汉译英多数给出一篇或多篇汉语小文章,或者给出几个单独的句子来考察考生汉译英的能力。做好汉译英题,考生需要把握:大意是关键(问题现状、产生原因、造成影响、人们观点、合理建议),语句要有逻辑 (并列、转折、因果、条件、对比),用词需斟酌 (词性、拼写),语法有重点 (各词的单复数,动词的时态,语态,动词的重复)。汉译英最终归结到句子在文章中的翻译。句型准备显得非常重要。 ldv@C6+J  
简单句 1#vy# '  
A、主语+谓语(不及物动词)  (+状语) }\4yU=JP K  
例句:我国老年人口明显增多。 =~^b  
答案:The population of the old increased greatly in our nation. 1ni+)p>]  
B、主语+谓语+宾语 M!&Hn,22  
例句:美国的一些公司打算在电信和信息技术方面提供产品和服务。 ^z,3#gK  
答案:Some American companiesare planning to provide products and service in telecommunication andinformation technology. l1KMEGmG  
C主语+系动词+表语(形容词、to do)  被动 *yq65yZi5  
感官动词有feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem, and appear等。 {QG.> lB  
典型的系动词有grow, get, turn, fall, go, come, run 等。 8PI%Z6  
表示状态的动词有remaincontinuestaykeeprestproveturn等。 +{UY9_~\3  
d、双宾语(主语+谓语+直接宾语+toforof+间接宾语) Ds1h18  
例句1:富人将很多钱给了穷人。 p1N}2]e  
答案:The rich gave a lot of money to thepoor. U-|]A\`)I  
例句2:他问了我一个问题。 @@d_F<Ym[  
答案:He asked me a question.He asked a question of me. z?/_b  
复合句 $5nMD=   
A that引导的主语从句 g 9,"u_  
据说…   It is saidthat...         据展示…   It is shown that.., >%/x~UFc5  
据报道…    It is reportedthat...   据观察…    It is observed that... /t5)&  
据统计…    It is estimatedthat...  很显然    It is obvious that... ;zCUx*{  
据观察…    It can be seenthat...  据发现…    It can be found that... YQ0#j'}/  
众所周知的…   It can be wellknown that.., ~nZcA^b#DQ  
这是很容易证明的…    It can be easilyproved that... !do`OEQKR  
B 宾语(that可以省略)从句、表语从句(that—般不省略) $8^Hk xy  
他们知道…They know (that) …  他们认为…They believe (that)... 7QO/; zL  
他们表示…They show (that) …  他们了解…They understand (that) … jAJ='|[X\  
他们指出…They point out (that)…  原因在于…The reason is that… ch i=]*9  
相同在于…The similarity is that…(Thesimilarities are that…) "@ >6<(Ki  
不同在于…The difference isthat…(The differences are that…) zt .k Nb  
优点在于…The advantage isthat…(The advantages are that…) reu[rZ&  
缺点在于…Thedisadvantage is that…(The disadvantages are that…) 91OxUVd  
例句:科学家们说,如果要使地球继续供养人类生存,保护野生动物是极为重要的。 c 4z&HQd  
答案: Scientists believe that it is soimportant to protect wild animals if it is true for the earth to feed humans. rr# nBhh8  
C 定语从句(先行词+关系代词(副词)+完整句子) 9 qx4F<   
例句:文化是不同国家的人们互相理解的最佳媒体。 0O3O^ 0  
答案:Culture is the best media that can beused to make the understandings between different countries.  _a09;C  
并列句 (MGg r  
伴随关系:Along withWith+名词、动名词,As+完整句子 r]9-~1T  
并列关系:not only…, but also… $6Ma{rC|  
转折关系:althoughthoughbuthowever {Y~>&B5  
因果关系 because, since, as; so that,therefore, thus ZRMim6a4X  
举例关系 such as, like, as, including, for example, for instance ^ `LqNG  
英汉互译时主要的翻译技巧有: TdFU,  
一、词义的选择 77\+V 0cF  
词义的选择是翻译中最常用的翻译技巧,它也是英汉翻译中最基础的工作。准确把握词义,并在必要时加以适度地引申,是保证译文质量的前提条件。一方面,英语和汉语各自都有丰富的词汇,各自的词义又极其繁复;另一方面,这两种语言差异极大,其词义关系错综复杂,往往难以找到词义完全对应的词。 8D.c."q  
    1、根据词性确定词义。选择某个词的词义,首先要判明这个词在原句中应属于哪一种词类,然后再进一步确定其词义。除了根据词类来判断词义之外, BTAbDyH5  
2、词义选择一个更为重要的方法就是根据上文来判断词义了。因为 有上下文的存在,这就给我们考研翻译中解决生词提供了突破口。 =.`\V]  
    3、根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义。与其他语言一样,汉语有其固有的表达习惯。因此,在翻译时,除了结合上下文的不同,还应考虑汉语的习惯搭配,遵从这些习惯的表达方式。 9NTNulD>P  
二、词性的转换 i1evB9FZ1z  
词性转换是翻译中常用的翻译方法,即在翻译过程中,根据译文语言的习惯进行词性的转换。在进行英汉互译时,不要拘泥于原词的类别,误认为动词只能译成动词,名词只能译成名词。总的原则是,译人语必须通顺规范。在翻译时,我们要培养灵活变通的意识,根据语境的需要。熟练使用这种技巧,紧扣原文,但又不拘泥于原文,使译文神形兼备,通顺流畅。 HK )m^!=  
    1、转译成动词。一般来说,汉语句子多用动词,而英语句子则多用其他词性的词,如名词、形容问、副词和介词词组等。最常见的是将英语中的名词、形容词、副词或介词词组转换成汉语的动问。 nJI2IPZ  
    2、英语单词有词形变化,同一个词根加上不同的词缀,可以变成动词、名词、形容词或副词等。而汉语单词没有。因此,翻译时有时候就必须进行词性的转换。 =g+}4P  
    3、英汉两种语言的表达习惯也不尽相同,比如,某个意思在英语中通常用某种词性的词表达,在汉语中很可能用别的词性的词表达。这也要求在翻泽中灵活运用词类转换的技巧。 E{ /, b)  
三、词汇的增减 Nu7>G  
1、英语的词汇有形态变化,例如动词有人称、时态、语态、情态和语气以及非谓语(不定式,分词)的变化,名词有格和数的变化,形容词和副词有级的变化,许多词汇还有因为添加前后缀引起的词义、词性的变化等等。汉语基本没有形态变化,它主要靠词语、词序及暗含逻辑关系来表达句子的语言意义。因此在翻译英语词汇的形态变化时,汉语一般用加词或变换说法的办法来表示。因此,英译汉时要把时态、语态、情态、语气等英语的形态变化都增译出来。 r+#{\~r7T  
2、英语中使用频繁的冠词、代词、介词、关联词是汉语中所没有的或者较少使用的,语气助词则是汉语中有而英语中没有的。因此,英译汉时,可根据具体语境省略原文的冠词和某些代词、介词、关联词等,有时则可适当增加一些语气助词。 T)P)B6q   
3、英汉词汇的语义范围往往有宽窄之分,并非一一对应。如果英语词汇的语义范围比汉语宽,英译汉时需采用增词法,使原文中隐含的意思得以充分表达。 xPZ >vCg  
4、英语多用抽象词,概括力强,词义范围宽;汉语用词则倾向于具体,常常以实的形式表示虚的概念,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容。因此,英译汉时可以使英语抽象的概念具体化,根据具体的语境加上方法现象”“局势状态情况政策做法习俗精神态度问题等范畴词,以使译文含义清晰,行文流畅。 @}y.  
5、英语中替代词的使用频率远远超过汉语。因此考生翻译时要注意将这些代词所指的确切东西译出。 I>?oVY6M@u  
6、英语句子中各成分间有紧密的语法关系,省略现象较多,因为往往可以通过上下文清楚地表明省略部分的含义;而汉语中独立小分句多,重复的意思常常要通过重复词语在另一句中加以阐述,即重复现象较多,因此在英译汉时,需要把英文中省略而译文不能省的部分补齐,为译文句法结构的需要而增添某些词语。 97liSd  
四、分译与合译 ^N7H~CT"  
由于英汉两种语言分属不同的语系,因此在句子结构方面表现出很大的差异。英译汉时往往需要改变英语的句子结构,以适应汉语的表达习惯。分译与合译就是改变原文句子结构的两种翻译技巧。 }=X: F1S  
1、分译主要用于长句的翻译,为了使译文忠实、易懂,有时不得不把个长句译成两个或更多的句子。采用这种翻译方法,需要把原文中较长的句子成分,或不易安排的句子成分分出来另作处理。 Pn!~U] A$%  
2、合译和分译法不同,合译法是将几个单句或句中成分组合在一起,或组合成汉语短语,或组合成汉语单句,从而使其更符合汉语的表达方法。 A8f.h5~9  
3、分合并举。翻译是一项综合思维活动,因此,翻译方法的采用也往往不是单一的,而是几种方法同时并用,相辅相成。 :k\#=u(  
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Comprehensive Exercises
艺术品的另外一个显著特征是它是用来观赏的还是被使用的物品。精美的艺术品,如绘画和雕塑,都包含了看得见的作品的制作和抽象的体验。一件件精美的艺术品可以唤起我们情感和精神上的响应。热爱艺术品的人会觉得这些响应是非常有价值的,因为它们扩大了我们对生活本身丰富内涵的了解。 <0d2{RQ;  
今天,男人在对社会、家庭和工作所承担的义务方面正面临着新的期望和选择。他们不再肯定自己应该追求什么目标,更不用说他们应该如何追求这些目标,许多男人在寻求新的成熟的意义和定义时发现自己处在一个没有男人境地。在我对138名来自不同社会和经济背景的男人进行采访中,百分之三十六的人认为自己是家庭和社区主要的生活支柱,而百分之三十的人选择逃避父母责任或者避免介入养育他们曾经带来到世界中孩子。 1.14tS-}[4  
代沟产生的一个重要的原因是年轻人不得不选择他们自己生活方式。在更多的传统社会中,当孩子长大时,他们往往被认为应该和父母住在同一地方,与他们的父母认识并同意的人结婚并继承家庭职业。在我们的社会中,年轻人经常到很远的地方去接受教育,很早就离开家庭,与他们的父母从没见过面的人结婚并生活在一起,并选择他们的父母不同的职业。 =~ Uhr6Q  
各学科的发展日新月异,令人称奇,但衡量知识、能力的方法却依然如故,非常原始。迄今为止,教育工作还没有找到比考试更有效、更可靠的方法,着实有点离奇。尽管有不少人认定,考试能衡量出一个人的知识水平,但实际情况恰恰相反,这是有目共睹的。要想考察一个人死记硬背的本事和在极大压力下快速答题的技巧,考试或许是个不错的办法。然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何,考试是考不出名堂来的。 ?t YZ/  
由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。大学的研究生院才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是粗涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短,所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还是在继续研究,不过在这样的研究中确是有浓厚的兴趣。 &nIu^,.  
中国已经发展成为一个全球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。我相信,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国投资活动的机会将越来越多,自身发展的空间也越来越大。在中国的投资活动一定能成为沟通世界各国和地区的企业家与中国市场的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展、共同繁荣。 f<8Hvumw  
这一年来,联合国忙于应付各项问题。这些问题范围之广,前所未有。就工作的时间、举行的会议或跋涉的旅程来说,从来没有一年是这样忙、这样辛苦的。在一些极为困难的问题上,联合国一年来取得了显著的进展。前几年开始出现的务实的作风,已经收到了实际的成效,联合国因此有机会展示能力、发挥潜力。就这些问题本身来说,就联合国的前途来说,这都是振奋人心的。 hDxq9EF  
广告商使用统计数据就像醉汉要靠电线杆支撑自己而不是需要其照明一样。他们会把任何人包装成穿白大褂、看起来像无可置疑的权威,或者,即使做不到,他们甚至也会对这种宣布感到高兴。电视上90%扮演医生的演员都是这么做的。他们动人的气质在于他们像任何人一样喜欢把最新使用的产品公之于众。 `X<B+:>v-  
电视、录像以及大量的现有的社交和娱乐机会在许多家庭已经取代了书籍。在校孩子和学生仍然得读书,但他们通常是被迫阅读而并非自己喜欢读书。他们一旦离开校门,许多人再也不愿意碰书本。在英国44%的人说他们从不买书,另有1%的人一年只买一本书。与此形成对照的是英国今年有已出版55千本书而1950年只有12千本书出版,在当时的前电视时代人们本应该花更多的时间通过阅读来娱乐和放松。 7^><Vh"qV  
长相好看的成年人更有可能在扒窃、考试作弊甚至犯严重罪行时侥幸得手后逃脱。他们不太可能被举报(不会被投以怀疑的目光),而且如果被举报,他们也不太可能受到指控和处罚。执法官员、陪审团不会认定现场环境和此人的以往行为记录;他们只看一下就会想:她会做出那事儿?这种效应对于有吸引力的女性更为显著。 d-b04Q7DQ  









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