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主题 : 北大英语辅导班词汇笔记
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-03-07   


第一讲:动词解析 E[hSL#0  
1. The match was abandoned because of bad weather. 9f['TG,"  
He abandoned himself to despair. '3XOU.  
Should the death penalty be abolished? bLTX_ R  
They aborted the mission for lack of money. "eoPG#]&  
He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call. =$}`B{(H  
Z4 z|B&  
Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather. 2U%t  
ban abolish abort cancel cross out   wipe out   put off delay `B?+1Gv  
desert/forsake/ leave / cease / depart / discard / relinquish / surrender /quit/ withdraw /give up/terminate D}%VZA}].  
2. We have to abide by the rules of the game. !d0$cF):  
abide We have to abide by the rules of the game. observe obey observe comply with conform to 0"-H34M <D  
Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/persist/remain/stay :z?T /9,C  
3. .I must ask you to accompany me to the police station. Yy!G?>hC  
4. He has been asked to account for his absence. 9 U9ghWH8  
account He asked no one's advice; he did it on his own (account).independently ")boY/ P/w  
You have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respect/mind 7F~Jz*,B*W  
Give us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tale/statement u 'ng'j'  
He has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe /tell /relate/ answer for/ say explain / explicate) C#&b`  
Can you describe what he looks like? u`L*  
Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/characterize/represent/define WUDXx %  
Nf~B 1vkp  
5. He was accused of stealing the money. ~9f Ts4U  
6. She is accustomed to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be familiar with) DL_M#c`<  
7. I'm sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted with. k \t6b1.M  
8. She’s always pestering me with questions. (annoy/irritate/trouble/frustrate) xoSBMf  
9. I shall certainly act on your advice. (follow) }Ny~.EV5^  
10. To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation. (d s*$]  
Some adult novels have been adapted for young readers. 0O q5;5  
You can't see through a telescope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight. Erl@] P4  
Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit 7 dG_E]&  
Dx3Sf}G `  
11. This is a universal truth which admits of no exception. (allow for) {.,y v>%  
12. I can’t afford to lose my job. 7_7^&.Hh  
13. Their opinion will not affect my decision. &kOb#\11u  
We were deeply affected by the news of his death. ^q~.5c|  
14. I don't agree to what he has just said. RG_)<U/B  
15. My remarks were not aimed at you. 6 dCqS  
16. Passengers are not allowed to smoke in here. ffQ&1T<  
17. His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds. xeHqC9Ou  
All these years of hard work amounted, to their great disappointment, to nothing Z Q9's  
Add up to/approximate X?"Ro`S  
18. I cannot answer for the consequences. \-s'H:  
What they have just done answers precisely to our need. -Kf'02  
19. A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do. BUKh5L  
expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope for yYTiAvN  
20. I appeal to him for help. Turn/resort \E<)B#  
Her sense of humor appeals to him. WxLILh  
implore/plead/beg sXSZ#@u,WN  
21. Please apply to the secretary for further information. 58My6(5y  
The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. D9&FCCiUE  
m; LeaD}0  
22. The company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes. 9X{aU)"omQ  
Originate/ derive/stem/ flow/come STB=#z  
A completely new situation will arise when the examination system comes into existence. WYE[H9x1?  
/emerge/appear/show up/turn up \*w*Q(&3  
{/ _.]Vh  
23. Many people don't approve of the plan. 7<?v!vQ}-  
like/prefer/endorse/accept/think well of O@_)]z?jUc  
24. He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell. lBTgI"n=eK  
Her books and pamphlets have aroused the nation’s sympathy to this family. !NYc!gYD  
Rise raise rouse arouse arise ;comL29l2`  
25. An unusual painting arrested his attention. e:.Xs  
&e% y|{Y  
26. They spent a whole month assembling materials. +B'9!t4 2  
Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years. hD l+  
Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store up ~GS`@IU}  
Mass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pack/gang {{=7mbc  
TZ Z qV8  
27. Whisky is always associated with Scotland. <  v_?}  
I don’t like you associating with such people. P*(lc:  
acquaint I'm sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted with. K)0 6][ ,  
associate/link / touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with /mingle with / relate   $- #M~eZv  
#,  vN  
28. I am assuming that the present situation is going to continue. r"rID RQ"  
Assume think suppose presume suspect understand take for granted 'L0 2lM  
consider/judge /regard/ y)#Ib*?  
deem They deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying. Khw!+!(H  
ponder/contemplate/study/reflect/think over hlkf|H  
29. I can assure you of my support. <6n(a)L1  
I assure you that the goods will be delivered next week. [>?B`1;@  
confirm assure   ensure   insure convince guarantee pledge promise I%*o7"  
)X| uOg&|  
30. There was a note attached to the parcel. 2J|Yc^b6  
31. To attain your ambition in early life may not be a good thing. GXRK+RHuBi  
Attain gain accomplish finish fulfill realize   complete meet acquire  R0\E?9P  
32. He has some important business to attend to. se$GE:hC1Q  
j t-ayLq  
33.We lost the train by about a minute; it was drawing out just as we arrived on the platform. UTm X"Li  
34.She avenged her father’s murder. qz(0iZ]Y  
35. You should avoid driving in the center of the town during the rush hour. 3Xf}vdgdM$  
Avoid shun escape evade keep away from A*~zdZ p  
.wS' Xn&  
36. She was banned from driving for six months. 0ltq~K  
Bar prohibit exclude forbid shut out block   obstruct restrict prevent LYavth`@h  
37. The unions bargained with the management for a shorter working week. (negotiate) Kv!CL9^LX7  
38. If you borrow money from him, you are barking up the wrong tree. AVi w}Y J  
39.The film was based on a novel by Dickens. FrB}2  
40. I shall never beat John at tennis! We are clearly not in the same class. m_Z%[@L  
42. That black dress with the diamond just becomes you. K  )1K ]  
43.The concert began with a piece by an unknown composer. xAQ=oF +  
44. More and more students are benefiting from this modem type of instruction. lJu2}XRiU  
45.I have never seen anyone get the better of him in an argument. )1Os+0az  
46.Believe it or not, we were kept waiting in the rain for two hours. qnv9?Xh  
If I hadn’t seen him doing it I would never have believed it of him. lySeq^y?Q  
47. He has never belonged to a trade union. QpAK]  
He doesn’t feel he belongs. k P>G4$e_v  
48. I tried to sell him my old car, but he would bite. r2qxi'  
49.You can’t blame all this on me. *pyi;  
A bad workman blames his tools. b,$H!V *  
He is the last one to blame for the accident. IdUMoLL?  
Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemn 'h.{fKG]ME  
50. You should not boast of your success. Brag /show off wz$1^ml  
51. I refuse to be brainwashed by advertisers into buying something I don’t need. IFH%R>={  
51. (additional) uw&GXOzew9  
boom Production boomed. $e_A( |  
Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speed up/grow/swell/flourish/develop/prosper O+@"l$;N  
52. The prisoner broke away from his guards. SVpvx`&kT  
The telephone system has broken down because of the storm. KtA0 8?B  
Please don’t break in on our conversation. nMNAn}~*M  
The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations. UsNr$MO {  
She’s just broken up with her boyfriend. 6I.N:)=  
As the president arrived, the crowd broke into applause. 5- 0  
Break/run/dash/rush Ny /bNQS  
53. The missing man was found bound and unconscious in the trunk. E%:!* 9  
54.The scandal may bring down the government. #?k$0|60  
We are going to discuss the matter brought forward from the last meeting. HIcx "y  
The economic innovations have brought about great changes in social life. : CV!:sUm  
55. This situation calls for prompt action. #r `hK)  
They have called off their engagement. %qcBM~efT  
56. Do you care for a cup of coffee? 5@" bx=  
57. He tends to get carried away when watching his neighbors quarreling. N{IY \/;\  
Carry on with your work when I am away. 7 6~x|6)  
Carry on go on keep on continue work on be under way be in process g2l|NI#c^  
His determination carried him through. (pull) Z~F% K~(  
58. Panic swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly. RXkE"H{  
59. She centered her attention on the problem. l7Y^C1hM  
Focus concentrate fix +^{;o0kcx  
60. They charged him with murder. ={ c=8G8T  
I wonder why they charged you so much money for such a book.. &STgj|t_  
$74ZC M  
61. They cherished the sweet memory of the years in Venice. Z%\9y]zs  
He cherished the illusion that she’s in love with him. ]^Z7w`=%5  
F IDNhu  
62. No one came to claim (for) the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it. >^ 0JlL`XG  
63. It is supposed to clear up tomorrow. fz31di9$  
64. She clung to the hope that he was still alive. 3Zs|arde2  
Stick adhere   hold to grasp b[$%Wg  
3}= .7qm  
65. Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water.  T/p}Us  
Circumstances have combined to ruin our plans fro the holiday. {H#1wu^]O$  
blend mix   mingle fuse unite couple join V:9|9$G  
66. I'm afraid I can't comment on your work just yet. (remarks n.) @4^5C-  
criticism judgment decision evaluation criterion standard   remarks   E D*=8 s2  
E `Ualai  
67. Very few experts could come up with completely new solutions to the world’s economic problems. xY(+[T!OF  
68. I cannot commit myself to any further expense; my means are stretched to the utmost as it is. @/l{  
Devote /dedicate/contribute /p~"?9b[ i  
69. Compare this with that, and you will see which is the better. 10_eUQ N  
Poets have compared sleep to death. x9xb4ZW  
70. We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should. %eGxQDIXg  
Force oblige urge require drive press work hard on   push prompt ~fI&F|  
He courage compels universal admiration. (inspire) YN?@ S  
This sort of work demands great patience. bM;yXgorU  
71. Several companies are competing against each other for the contract. O_K@\<;~  
72. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health. D%(9ot{!e  
73. It's no use complaining about the cold. "h_]it};C  
74. You must comply with the rules of the game. Fkuq'C< |Y  
75. The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents. Hj |~*kG  
Consist of/ be made up of / contain / include/hold/cover/ be comprised of 8A"[n>931  
Composition /structure aO.'(kk8  
76. Most people couldn't conceive of living without a telephone. )b m|],'  
Imagine/comprehend/understand/make sense of/ figure out WGN[`D"  
Please concentrate on what you are doing. x,E#+ m  
77. His work is concerned with the preparation of documents. Y:&1;`FBZ  
Where the children are concerned, they should not be burdened with homework. ]/p0j$Tq$  
Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you. :>nk63V (  
A good doctor should always concern himself about a patient's health. HB {-^9{E  
78. He was found guilty of murder and condemned to death. j8zh^q  
79. He confessed to me that he had just been converted to some strange religion. ABNsi$]r0  
80. I wish you would confine yourself to the matter under discussion. LnZ*,>1 Z  
l"}W $3]u$  
What you have told me about Tom confirms me that he is to blame. 9r+`j  
If you are a member of a club, you have to conform to the rules of that club. 1]A%lud4  
fbB(W E+  
81. One should never lose heart when confronted with temporary difficulties. SjKIn-  
82. 8He congratulated me on having got engaged. fdho`juFa  
83.The owner wouldn't consent to our making any structural change in the flat. 9V?MJZ@aG  
84. The atmosphere consists of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. wz.Il-sm  
Happiness consists in appreciating what you have. .}ohnnJB0  
85. I consulted my lawyer about the matter and I shall act on his advice. JQ+4 SomK  
86.I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil. Argue/struggle/fight/quarrel NxNR;wz>l  
87. In this book the writer contrasts good with evil. s[nOB0  
88. Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good. b$PNZC8f  
The two men have contributed a lot to the relationship between the two countries. $Y$!nPO  
89. Words cannot convey how delighted I am. +SPC@E_v  
Please convey my good wishes to your mother. akm)X0!-}  
It is very difficult to convey the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. X-Xf6&Uz  
90. You can't convince me of the necessity of that course of action.  =!U{vT  
91. cure This medicine should cure you of your cold. 3(^9K2.s}  
Remind relieve inform deprive rob   break   sN-5vYfC*  
You demand too much of him; he is not really equal to the task. Require/expect n9bX[+#d  
The Indians were deprived of equal educational opportunities. kG?tgO?*  
92. Poor Mary! She has so much to cope with. xhUQ.(S`r6  
deal with live with be put up with tolerate endure   bear   stand   be fed up with YvBUx#\  
93. We have been corresponding with each other for years. Bq R;d  
This word in the English version corresponds to that phrase in the French one. T%P 0M*  
94. Her opinion counts because of her experience. Matter/ be of importance/ significant =C`v+NPM)|  
Knowledge without common sense counts for little. |8+<qgQ  
Don’t count on a salary increase this year. s4~c>voQB  
Don’t count chickens before they are hatched. U?#6I-  
You can always count on him. >kC@7h5)  
depended count   confide rely depend bank wfo}TGhC  
95. The employer cut off the number of men working for him. Jb ;el*,K  
Don’t cut in while I’m talking. guwnYS  
96. I need a book dealing with pollution problems. !o*oT}6n  
97. After seeing all the candidates we decide on this one. '7Te{^<FQ$  
She decided not to go alone. 5n(p 1OM2q  
98. He delights in annoying me.  4jG@ #  
99. They denied her the opportunity to see her father. l l&iMj]  
He gave to his friends what he denied to his family. bzUc;&WDz  
He denied any knowledge of their plans. _^SNI~  
100. Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week. i g?]kZ  
101. Thousands of English words are derived from Latin. :Ur%.0  
102. She is devoted to her children. s[xdID^3.  
103. The argument developed into a bitter quarrel. BJW;A>@Pj  
(additional) oO= 6Kd+T  
He has formed a good habit. (5Cm+Sy  
create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/build 4[Oy3.-c  
*Ru Uf  
104. She died of an illness; and he died a beggar. r-'j#|^tz  
The storms are dying down. y#x]? %m  
The noise of the car died away in the distance. *d,SI[c%e  
The members of the family had all died off. bZtjg  
This species has died out. NINyg"g<  
105. I move that he be discharged for his serious mistake. "J[Crm  
The sewers discharge (their contents) into the sea. rJ<v1Yb  
Discharge/discard / cast way / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake / desert / give away/ throw away/cast off/get rid of/reject ;PLby]=O  
8c~b7F \  
106. Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. E-! `6  
107. Her writings display natural talents. N %0F[sY6  
Exhibit show indicate specify illustrate demonstrate expose present :r#FI".qx  
108. In autumn, a gardener burns leaves to dispose of them. wcV~z:&^5  
109. He can't distinguish between a genuine antique and a reproduction. !@*Ac$J>$  
The light is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another. ^iTjr$hQ;  
distinguish tell separate divide f+gyJ#R`  
110. Children are so easily distracted. QEtZ]p1H@  
BH%eu 7`t  
111. The novel (was) divided into three chapters. lm@<i4%$F  
112. I' want them to do away with this barbarous custom. <Ep P;  
If you want to lose weight, here are some do’s and don’ts. !&19%C4  
Tom said that he didn't want to have anything to do with the new boy. =DF7l<&km  
113. They drew up the contract and presented it to the management. ,hX03P-X  
The train drew in/into the station.  H\)on"  
draw pull drag push heave lift haul RCgs3JIE+2  
draw crawl creep linger on drag near be oncoming/ongoing G~^Pkl3%T  
What conclusions did you draw from your research? i' N  
She drove her car into the forest. ,D~C40f  
Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/ride OGh b Ha  
5H?`a7q N  
114. She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later. eK3J9 ;X  
  Drop in/ drop by Ks!.$y:x  
115. Did anything emerge from your discussion? Q{mls  
You must encourage him in his efforts. ,uuQj]Dac+  
Don’t encourage bad habits in a child. ;xwa,1]  
Don’t discourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourage 0nA17^W  
Discourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keep from/try to stop P1H`NOC  
}%_x T  
This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains. sa*]q~ a  
The conference will enable greater international co-operations. TvMY\e  
116. We ended the diner up with fruit and coffee. )SUT+x(DU  
The argument between the two men ended in a fight. _0^<)OSY  
117. The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. B 2&fvv?  
equip provide ZYrd;9zB  
118. If you engage in local politics, you cannot expect to have much time for your family. %E~4Ur  
119. How many people entered for the game? <E6]8SQE  
They entered into negotiations with their business rivals. j:$2 ,?|5  
The magazine has entered on its second issue. >RE&>T^8  
120. He's entitled to a pension, but he won't dream of retiring yet. 4$d|}aj H  
entitle qualify authorize   enable   sanction empower rWi9' 6  
=@V4V} ?  
121. Dc you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car for this? )v8;\1`s:  
My wife has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job. M ~.w:~Jm  
Susan exerted much effort all year to earn good marks. \f0I:%-  
122. He has been trying hard all the time to live up to what his parents expect of him. `H ^Nc\P#  
I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn’t receive one. :#c?`>uV  
The sergeant expected obedience from his men. QRw3 06  
123. I’ve only recently explored Shakespeare with profit and pleasure. (study, research on, examine, scrutinize, speculate on) FhAuTZk  
124. Why did you expose him to danger? oQWS$\Rr.  
They were exposed to every kind of danger - flood, famine, disease and war. 4 lJ@qhV  
Corruption in the running of the city’s largest bank was exposed in the local newspaper. NQ@ EZoJ  
125. You’ve been caught cheating ----- now you must face the music. m{(D*Vuqd  
126. He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. N, ;'oL+  
127. The exhibition is designed to facilitate further cooperation between Chinese TV industry and overseas TV industries. D\N-ye1LE  
128. The colors in these artificial flowers are guaranteed not to fade. (3c,;koRR  
129.If you fail in this attempt, don't count on me for help. -H'_%~OV(  
130. Mr. Coons fell into the habit of having a drink before dinner. REnRpp$  
131. Their mothers can't afford to feed them on meat and fish every day. n*@^c$&P  
I'm fed up with talking to you. You never listen to me. yTkYPx  
132. After Tom passed his driving test he filled in/out an application for his driving license. zrRt0}?xl  
I can’t figure out why he quit his job. Q*(]&qr"E  
133. The information does not fit in with what I was told yesterday. A$Es(<'9g  
134. Birds of a feather flock together. b (;"p-^  
135. The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather. Ml+.\'r  
136. Public attention at the moment is focused on the problem of industrial relations. B~u{Lv TE  
137. But we didn't want the war. It was forced on us. gC<\1AIu  
138. I have been freed from all trouble and responsibility. pWbzBgM?nU  
139. You are not going about the job in the right way. E J q=MP  
Have you thought of going in for teaching? K]N^6ome  
140. George took for granted all that his parents did for him. ZJ=-cE2n  
141. You must guard against any tendency to take your privileges for granted. <4C`^p  
142. We set sail at dawn and headed for New York. y !47!Dn  
143. Dc you mean to say you have never heard of Beethoven? K34ca-~  
144. The crowd hindered him from leaving. [WY NA- O  
145. She hit on a good title for her new novel. L4 x  
146. The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. 4-ZiKM  
147. She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news. ]rZ"5y  
I think he is holding something back; he knows more that he admits. D'|#5>G  
She always holds to her convictions. fnL!@WF  
His argument doesn’t hold water. #9#N+  
The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reduction. s/`4]B;2U  
Road works on the highway are holding up traffic. "aB]?4  
Our bus was held up for nearly half an hour. h"#^0$f  
148. Like Bill, I hope for something better. 8^c|9ow  
All our hopes were shattered/raised by the announcement. d3 fE[/oU  
149. Wealth cannot be identified with happiness. F3,hx  
I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. `r+e! o  
150. On Sundays they had nothing to do, and they idled away the hours watching TV. |+cyb<(V J  
155. Would you ever have imagined him becoming a politician? \hv*`ukF  
She imagined walking into the office and telling everyone what she thought of them. &q``CCOF&  
156. Military occupation does not give them the right to impose their will on the Iranian people. 7!<cU  
157. He impressed on me the importance of the work. U KMrR9[x*  
Dick made good marks the first year, but he thought he could improve on them.  ]c[80F-  
He is improving in health. SobK<6  
158. He returned to the room and informed me of his decision. 'u_'y  
159. You must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who inhabit it. rguC#Xt!4  
160. I insist on your telling me the truth. S-.!BQ@RMZ  
161. Her books inspired hope, loyalty and enthusiasm. @"'1"$  
162. I was instructed of drawing once upon a time. N}>`Xm 5'  
 p&:R SO  
163.The company insured his property for 10,000 pounds. X/2Xr(z"k  
;u!>( QQ  
164. If you interfere in /with other people's affairs, you will regret it. RUYw D tC  
165. He invested a lot of money in shipping. 0&2TeqsLh)  
166. Two or three people were involved in the accident. P]j{JL/g&  
167. Alice would jump at the chance of going to Egypt. F2!_Z=  
I know I was in your room when you came back, but don’t jump to conclusions. h1FM)n[E7  
The teacher jumped on him for giving in untidy homework. xo7H^!_   
168. He testified in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after it had been robbed. 0rsdDME[  
3oE *86  
169. I can't understand you keeping a thing like that to yourself. m` I6gnLj  
Please keep to the point --- we are running out of time. &N[~+"  
I can’t keep up with all the changes in computer science. >m44U 9   
If you want to fulfill your dream, you have to keep to it. q 1Rk'k4+  
170. The hunters have almost exterminated many of the larger animals while farmers destroyed many smaller animals. jF_K*:gQ  
171. They lacked the money to send him to university. e~i ?E  
What he lacked in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. f|1y?w?I  
q,PB; TT  
172. The company is launching a new model. L XJ" ct  
CJ {?9z@$.  
173. She is the one that laid out the town. a4 O   
He was laid off for his ill performance. }f;Zx)!  
174. Don't lean on/against that shelf. You'll regret it. Tm.(gK  
175. The only advantage of such a device lies in its ability to change the direction of an input force. .px*.e s  
176. Mary succeeded in living up to her extraordinary reputation. ( T VzYm y  
177. Tom longed for his mother's return. Hhx<k{B@7  
178. I didn’t like the way he looked me up and down. L/"u,~[  
The committee wouldn’t look at my proposal. Q*^zphT  
He was looked down on because of his humble background. 1WfN_JKB5  
We must decide to look over the house before we rent it. uV#/Lgw{M  
We are so much looking forward to seeing you again. zX"@QB3E  
We are looking to you for help. )^|zuYzN  
Passers-by just looked on as a man was viciously attacked. 0"ZB|^c=  
yLW iY~Fd  
179. He majored in physics at Beijing University. BikmA a  
180. I can’t make out what she wants. Qx>S>f  
The ship made for the open sea. S"!nM]2L  
What are we to make of his behavior? %+:%%r=Q  
Nothing can make up for the loss of a life. >Yl?i&3n  
He has made it up with her. u%Hegqn  
I could just make out a figure in the darkness. * S~gF/*kP  
180. I marveled at the maturity of such a young child. $*Njvr7  
181. She chose cushions of a color that match her carpet. 1ZJP.T`  
182. A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda. D^E1  
183. Mr. Chairman, I move that the matter be discussed after lunch. $A`D p{e"  
184. Tasmania is named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman. 63#Sf$p{v  
185. Homer sometimes nods. x\]%TTps  
He nodded an agreement/welcome to me. +?),BRCce  
m*6C *M  
186. I object to punishing a whole group for one person's fault. X|{TwmHd  
187. You’ve got to observe the laws of the land. L%# #U'e 3  
188. Having retired from business, he now occupies himself with his garden. uLD%M av  
189. Has it ever occurred to you that those twins are quite different from each other in many ways? [[}KCND  
190. They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him. ^w5`YI4<  
191. I had no idea that they were opposed to my visit. @MWrUx  
192. Her book originated from a short story. ycg5S rg  
193. This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago. t7pe)i,)  
194. He owed his success to luck more than to capacity. /XEUJC4  
Nobody owned up to the theft. R3`!Xj#&M  
195. The stadium was packed with chanting fans. M. O3QKU4  
196. She'll never part with her precious possessions. NRe{0U}nO  
196. I longed to have the opportunity of participating in the strike activities. ~5<-&Dyp7  
197. Her mother passed away last year. e|Rd#  
He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman. MDGD*Qn~  
198. Are you paying in cash or by cheque. i1e|UR-wl  
Please don't mention it to my husband, but I paid 10 dollars for this hat.  i1v0J->  
They were constantly in need of money; sometimes they had to rob Peter to pay Paul. ~:~-AXaMT  
199. He performs beautifully on the piano. Hy`Ee7>  
200. Weather permitting, I’ll come tomorrow. 1|_jV7`Mz  
We do not permit smoking in the office. r8x<- u4  
The situation doesn’t permit of any delay. 99j^<)  
201. It should be obvious to you that if you persist in bothering him, he will get angry with you. BO)K=gl;8  
XC"]/ y  
202. It is easy to pick holes in his argument. 7~n<%q/6  
She was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job. c `C /U7j  
Her health soon picked up after a few days. BM9J/24  
203. It is very rude to point at people in the street. &Jw]3U5J  
]w ^9qS  
204. She prefers tea to coffee. !lf'gW  
205. We stood side by side washing, preparing for breakfast. faH113nc  
206. The chairman presided at/over the meeting last Friday. |t](4  
207. Virtue will prevail over evil. }j9V0`Q  
208. It is impossible to prevent them from quarrelling with each other. VA{2a7]  
209. She may pride herself on her abilities, but she's not capable of bringing up children. >Wvb!8N  
210. He threw himself in front of the door and prohibited us from leaving. O%feBe  
211. The accident prompted her to renew her insurance. KtH-QQDluj  
212. This warm coat will protect you from the cold. C 8 [W  
213. The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down. R)4L]Z F  
The train has pulled in/out. The driver pulled up at the traffic lights. _4H 9rPhf  
U 8Rko)  
214. The crisis put his courage and skill to the test/the proof. rZ}y'A   
She’s put a tidy sum for her retirement. 6XU1w  
They decided to put aside their differences. T#&tf^;  
She help her put the toys away. 3!]S8Y*LQP  
She is putting radical proposals for the economic reform. #{97<sU\  
We had to put off our wedding until September. H$GJpXIb  
We can put you up for the night. R Ptc \ 4  
I don’t know how she can put up with him/his cruelty to her. iBlZw%zKP  
215. raise/rise to raise funds; to raise a family; to raise a question mWhQds6  
His speech ranged over a number of topics. w=]id'`?q  
The temperature ranges between 0 C°and 30C°. .7lDJ2  
The price of beer ranged from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. q o,uOi  
216. He reached for his gun. |#uA(V  
217. How did he react to he news? lN@SfM4\  
The people will react against the political system that oppresses them. df@r2 /Y  
218.I tried to reason with him, but he was very rude to me. vE4ce  
219. I heard that John has received a new position at the travel agency. 4rpx  
220. They increased the profits by reducing the costs. G.#`DaP  
The president was reduced to begging. W ='c+3O6  
221. That is why Marxists refer to their type of movement as scientific socialism. We referred the proposal to the board of directors. AC`4n|,zJ;  
222. I need time to reflect on your offer. 2QU ZBrs s  
223. I have little information as regards his past. {\HEUIa]w  
224. So I asked to be relieved of my job, and returned to London. .TI =3*`G  
Weeping is a good way to relieve one’s feelings. "t[9EbFL  
We feel much relieved to hear you are safe. x:Mh&dq?  
225.He might be good at his job, but you can't rely on him. e|6kgj3/  
226. Several people remarked on the fine quality of the work. (4;m*' X  
227. The teacher has repeatedly reminded him of it. U^AywE ]  
228. He was removed fromm his position as chairman. 229. You have rescued him from bankruptcy. % ~!A,  
230. It was after the failure of this attempt that they resorted to force. w+,Kpb<x[0  
231. The class failed to respond to the teacher's new methods. QJeL&mf  
232. His decision to sail rested on his belief that the world was round. U04TVQn`  
233. The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing onto the football field. CxvL!ew  
Urban families are restricted to (having) one child. :>y?B!=  
blUnAu o~  
234. The use of machinery results in a rise in production. ^( w%m#  
235. His name doesn’t ring a bell. ]$4DhB  
236. They rose up against foreign invaders. r)4GH%+?fv  
237. The government is determined to root out corruption. //x^[fkNq)  
Her works are firmly rooted in reality. ]RBT9@-:U  
238. We must rule out the possibility of miscalculation. }jfOs(Q]  
Who will rule the roost in the fierce competition? n8FmIoZ&`  
C i?BJ,  
239. I ran across/into my old friend in Paris last week. eNQQ`ll@m  
We are running out of time. rAv)k&l  
240. I'm not satisfied with your work. '<$!?="  
241. A series of debates between the lecturers was scheduled for the next weekend. 4Go$OQ`  
242. It goes without saying that I will help you. $u ae8h  
He had to go to the prison for a month, to say nothing of the fine. 4 ~s{zob  
Say you have an accident: who would look after you. [|5gw3 y  
Well that is foolish, I must say! oJ:\8>)9  
|H .  
243. He searched (through) the drawers for the missing papers. 2#i*'.  
244. Seeing that he is ill, he is unlikely to come. _l,_NV&T  
If you don’t believe it is raining, go and see for yourself. dE_ d.[!  
I’ll have to see about getting the roof mended. qV7F=1k]  
We all went to the airport to see her off. B$\,l.h E  
Her colleagues see her as the future prime minister. @5=2+ M  
Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? 5#Wy I#YNG  
245. The blow sent him flying. fPpFAO  
Mom is ill and I have to send for a doctor. f"Z2,!Z;  
246. First come, first served. M^6!{c=MIi  
247. I must set about packing now. ;_nV*G.y#^  
Her clear and elegant prose sets apart from most other journalists. &{R]v/{p]  
Let’s set aside my personal feelings. fZ6-ap,u  
She set out/forth at dawn. Vlf=gP  
He is set on going to university. {0~xv@ U  
248. You should settle your affairs before you leave. {L#+v~d^'n  
When are you going to marry and settle down. U4.- {.  
249. Everyone shared in his happiness. o-ee3j.  
He would share his last pound with me. &UextGk7  
If I win a prize, I'll share it with you. g.:b\JE`  
qrLE1b 1$  
250. They were sheltered from the rain under the tree. GEGg S&SM  
251. She let slip a chance to go abroad. xC5`|JW  
252. The dish smells of garlic. 66Tx>c"H  
253. The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible. Y2 oN.{IH  
Can you spare me a few minutes? abczW[\  
Spare the rod and spoil the child. :dML+R#Ymh  
#^zUaPV 7r  
254. His enemies never spoke ill of him. |WUm;o4E`U  
Actions speak louder than words. 6?uo6 I  
The new law has been put into effect, so to speak. *D:"I!Ho  
You are free to speak your mind. WvVf+| Km  
It is time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice. -+H?0XN  
255. She is going to specialize in psychology. :h!&.FB  
256. I have spent all my energy on this. zjlo3=FQX[  
257. You’ve got no time crying over the spilt milk. ,nnVHBN  
258. He felt rather difficult to take a stand against the opinion of the majority. IuOY.c2.u  
It was brave of her to stand up to the bullies. w`a(285s)i  
259. Please stick the stamps to the envelope and post it. 7TaHE   
The stamps won't stick to the envelope. TD"w@jBA  
He was determined to stick to the job until the new cutter worked properly. r_EuLFMA  
The image of the dead child’s face stuck in mind for ages. #>[5NQ;$'  
260. They subjected the two suspects to a long and thorough interrogation. |j> fsk~  
We are subject to the law of the land. 0!(BbQnWI  
261. The representatives submitted many important problems to the committee for discussion.  aa10vV  
262. We substitute honey for sugar. O%R*1 P9  
263. She often suffers from colds. We suffered pains. <-%OXEG  
We suffered great losses in the financial crisis. dLnu\bSF  
264. You are supposed to pay the bill by Friday. TexSUtx@$  
265. The old man was very sad that his son has not been able to survive the disaster. 7Ew.6!s#n1  
266. I haven't accused him of anything; but I suspected him of having taken It. @b,&b6V  
267. We sympathize with him in his sufferings to a great extent. /`"&n1  
268. She can’t take criticism. WUesT A>  
I took you to be/for an honest man. @cT= t0*  
I take it that you won’t be coming to Sophie’s party. '<v_YxEn  
I was taken aback by her rudeness. ujMics(  
Your daughter doesn’t take after you at all. Bx&F*a;5  
She took me in completely with her story. QTKN6P  
She took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted. IQ3]fLb  
When she fell ill her daughter took over the business (from her). _8;)J  
She has taken up a job as a teacher. {6uhUb  
Her husband used to take to alcohol. &GetRDr  
269. The soup tastes of onion. JMa[Ulz  
270. e twins are so much alike and it is difficult to tell one from the other. v7kR]HU[y  
271.Women tend to live longer than men. P O{1u%P  
272. Whatever made you think of such a thing? _s> Z Y0  
You should think twice about employing some you’ve never met. >*"6zR2 o  
I couldn’t think of letting you take the blame. *gxo! F}  
273. Someone tipped off the police about the robbery. _a e&@s1  
274. They hardly touched on the matter. nR()ei^X  
*274. Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident. !Ui"<0[,  
275. He traded in his car for a new model. B,Gt6c Uq  
276. I wouldn't trust my money to a person like him. H^e0fm  
I don't place much trust in his promises. #ErIot  
277. I didn’t need my umbrella, as it/things turned out. O^AF+c\n  
She turned a deaf ear to our warnings. uv,_?x\'  
He was someone to whom you can turn in difficult times. @/ m|T]'8  
We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but she failed to turn up. -#nfO*H}  
He tried to join the army and was turned down because of poor health. Q6|~ks+Y  
278. He has used her well. rkW2_UTZE  
We were not used to living in luxury. /W6r{Et  
F9|\(St &  
279. He gave us a warning against placing confidence in people we did not know. CX8tTbuFl  
280. Was a sunny and warm day all that one could wish for in winter? . ]757oAXl  
281. We’ll all take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working on this project. [uh$\s7  
282. They are not the kind of people to yield to threats.








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2009-03-08   

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