One of the most difficult situations that a researcher can encounter is to see or suspect that a colleague has violated the ethical standards of the research community. It is easy to find excuses to do nothing, but someone who has witnessed misconduct has an unmistakable obligation to act. At the most immediate level, misconduct can seriously obstruct or damage one's own research or the research of colleagues. More broadly, even a single case of misconduct can malign scientists and their institutions, result in the imposition of counterproductive regulations, and shake public confidence in the integrity of science. |cStN[97%
翻译:研究人员可能遇到的一种最困难的处境是,看到或怀疑一个同事,违背了研究集体的道德标准。找个借口不采取行动是容易的,但是,你已经能证实不轨行为,你就有明显的责任去采取行动。不轨行为能直接地严重阻碍或破坏他自己的研究或同事的研究。广义地说,即使是一个不轨行为,也能中伤科学家和他们的单位,导致不利于科研出成果的法规的实行,并动摇公众对科学诚实性的信心。 C4],7"Sw
To be sure, raising a concern about unethical conduct is rarely an easy thing to do. In some cases, anonymity is fv_}7t7
possible-but not always. Reprisals by the accused person and by skeptical colleagues have occurred in the past 9K~2!
and have had serious consequences. Any allegation of misconduct is a very important charge that needs to be QlJ
taken seriously. If mishandled, an allegation can gravely damage the person charged, the one who makes the *"` dO9Yf_
charge, the institutions involved, and science in general. 9{|JmgO!
翻译:诚然,揭发一个不道德行为问题,大都不是一件容易的事。有时候,匿名是可能的,但不总是这样。过去,曾发生被控告者或被怀疑的同事进行报复的事并产生了严重后果。关于不轨行为的任何举报,都是一个需要认真对待的重要指控。如果处理不当,一个举报能严重伤害被控告者、指控者、有关单位、乃至整个科学。 y:(OZ%g
Someone who is confronting a problem involving research ethics usually has more options than are immediately 5=tvB,Ux4
apparent. In most cases the best thing to do is to discuss the situation with a trusted friend or advisor. In universities, faculty advisors, department chairs, and other senior faculty can be invaluable sources of advice in deciding whether to go forward with a complaint. By {zX,6'
An important consideration is deciding when to put a complaint in writing. Once in writing, universities are obligated to deal with a complaint in a more formal manner than if it is made verbally. Putting a complaint in writing can have serious consequences for the career of a scientist and should be undertaken only after thorough consideration. 8A}w}h
翻译:一个面对科研道德问题的人,通常除立即公开此事外,还有更多的选择。在大多数情况下,最好的方法是与一个值得信任的朋友或导师讨论此事。在大学里,指导老师、系主任和其他高级教师,在决定是否提出投诉时,能提供宝贵的意见。在开始写投诉时要慎重考虑。一旦有书面投诉,学校有责任用比处理口头投诉更正规的方式进行处理。书面投诉对科学家的职业生涯会产生严重后果,只有完全考虑清楚后才能进行。 ia
The National Science Foundation and Public Health Service require all research institutions that receive public funds to have procedures in place to deal with allegations of unethical practice. These procedures take into account fairness for the accused, protection for the accuser, coordination with funding agencies, and requirements for confidentiality and disclosure. 0UZ>y/
翻译:国家科学基金会和公共卫生署,要求所有接受公共基金的研究单位有处理举报不道德行为的措施。这些措施涉及公平对待被告、保护投诉人、与基金管理机构协调、并根据要求保密及公开。 =; Gw=m(
In addition, many universities and other research institutions have designated an ombudsman, ethics officer, or other official who is available to discuss situations involving research ethics. Such discussions are carried out in strictest confidence whenever possible. Some institutions provide for multiple entry points, so that complainants can go to a person with whom they feel comfortable. ~K}iVX
翻译:另外,许多大学和其他研究单位设立了投诉官员、道德官员或其他可以讨论科研道德问题的官员。这种讨论在尽可能极其保密的情况下进行。有些单位提供了多种途径,投诉者可以选择使他们有好感的人讨论问题。 R>SS\YC'X
句子翻译:1、广义地说,即使是一个不轨行为,也能中伤科学家和他们的单位,导致不利于科研出成果的法规的实行,并动摇公众对科学诚实性的信心。 1S9(Zn[2,
2、如果处理不当,一个举报能严重伤害被控告者、指控者、有关单位、乃至整个科学。 [2?|BUtD[
3、在大多数情况下,最好的方法是与一个值得信任的朋友或导师讨论此事。在大学里,指导老师、系主任和其他高级教师,在决定是否提出投诉时,能提供宝贵的意见 +a
4、书面投诉对科学家的职业生涯会产生严重后果,只有完全考虑清楚后才能进行。 "V-k_d "