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主题 : 考博英语写作常用句型
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-08-25   


1.    increase one’s chance of doing …… # `58F.  
2. couldn’t choose but do…..; Have no choice but do …… KZi' v6  
3. according   to ….. gD5P!}s[u0  
4. what’s more important is that ……. ;r@!a!NLB  
5. cherish a deep love for …….. Ge~,[If+  
6. it is too much of a good thing that …… r+TK5|ke  
7. run the risk of doing ……. 9RB`$5F ;  
8. due less to……than to …… @4@PuWI0-  
9. find it is difficult not to do …….. Ik-oI=>.  
10. still up in the air. yI:r7=KO  
11. swallow the bitter medicine it has prescribed for himself. a G@nErdW  
12. an air man. ;fkSrdj  
13. move at a snail’s pace F1\`l{B,\  
14. pull the throne out of one’s eyes. qlEFJ5;  
15. too impatient to wait to show his true color. SL g+H  
16. sharpen the(one’s)competitive edge by doing …… >.n;mk  
17. spare no efforts to do …… +>u>`|  
18. frankly speaking …… >KKeV(Ur  
19. somebody have(has) the last say on something. Q;Q%SI`yT  
20. swallow a bitter pill. /'mrDb_ip  
21. if……, …….will not be the last. ]2LXU YB  
22. seeing is believing. }E,jR=@  
23. original—flavored. \a?K?v|8  
24. learn from each other’s strong points to offset one’s own weaknesses in cooperation. PqVW'FYe  
25. new initiatives unprecedented in the history of …… -E}>h[;qZ  
26. to do……make no difference other than to do…… }$<^wt  
27. ……be hailed as…… Ma>:_0I5  
28. something should be carefully treasured. pFEZDf}:  
29. draw a blueprint for…… 5St`@  
30. in the shadow of…… ,%[LwmET  
31. it is no exaggeration to say that…… TR~|c|B  
32. in response to …… wKGo gf[(%  
33. we will not hesitate to do……at any price. >dyhox2*"  
34. should not only …… but should also …… =l_rAj~I|  
35. a racketing increase. -% >8.#~G  
36. open one’s arm to embrace …… E(% XVr0W  
37. date back. DCt\E/  
38. go from bad to worse. ;i.I&*t  
39. make joint efforts. ;]{{)dst  
40. keep rubbing salt to …… g})6V  
41. …… turn out to be the toughest nut to crack. 3R'.}^RN  
42. specific to …… v#iFQVBq  
43. give a shot in the arm to …… : #3OcD4  
44. eat one’s own bitter pill. iD.0J/  
45. unremitting efforts. T~s&)wD  
46. increase(reduce) by …… to …… I<c@uXXV;!  
47. the issue at the core of …… is that …… O;UiYrXU  
48. an earth—shaking change. ri#,ec|J  
49. something, which ……, is regarded as secondary at best. tvTWZ`  
50. the rapid strides somebody has made in doing ……, may have… 9!5b2!JL  
51. as the new millennium draws near, …… Hr /W6C  
52. it will grow with each passing day. = vY]G5y  
53. keep a close eye on …… CKx\V+\O  
54. in the ear of   knowledge—based economy. P\,F1N_?r  
55. reform and opening policies. 9cVn>Fb  
56. fall victims to. FTbT9   
57. put a brake on something. 3?.6K0L  
58. it make no difference other than to do …… 9@( O\xr  
59. be serious about doing …… }/_('q@s\  
60. …… is an unparalleled wonder. RcY6V_Qx  
61. ……, without a doubt, …… ^:qpa5^"  
62. ……. has mirrored the phenomenon that …… NdM}xh  
63. close relations with ….. WA<H  
64. massive and profound influence on …… aw %>YrJ  
65. he attach much importance to ……. ;X+G6F'  
66. he urged branches to step up efforts in granting loans to ensure a healthy development. FI3sLA  
67. foreseeable. ;[?J5X,  
68. people from different walks of life. 7'-)/Pk  
69. overwhelming   priority. +i:  E  
70. it is believed to have a positive impact on …… Rg%R/p)C  
71. start at the threshold of the new century. *raIV]W3  
72. production of this machine will mark a new milestone in our cooperation. mJwv&E  
73. achievement only tell of the past. 1gF*Mf_7  
74. it is my sincere hope that …… :GN)7|:  
75. we are moving in the 21st century. L~^e\^sP  
76. he likened the blast to earthquake. +9<,3IJe6  
77. trans—century. i;E9Za W  
78. take unprecedented initiatives in doing …… ~0VwF  
79. crystal clear. *D,v>(  
80. in the ear of knowledge explosion. -=-x>(pRW7  
81. we will have increasingly colorful and beautiful prospect. sq8tv]  
82. in the name of . !1ie:z>s  
83. something is in the basic interest of …… )a4E&D  
84. spiritual world. D6C -x  
85. a variety of trees.   Various trees. +=n x|:no  
86. blue skies, cleaning water and beautiful surroundings. d&GKfF  
87. regard more as …… than as …… J ,Qy`Y B  
88. I suggest the following action. ~G|{q VO7A  
89. to conclude ,as any tool the internet in itself is neutral, it can be used for good and bad purposes. LM'*OtpDG  
90. it is up to sb to do sth. kMwIuy  
91. step—by—step approach. |Fh`.iT%c  
92. this thing make a new phrase in our life. z1}tC\9'%  
93. the market, backed by the Chinese government, will achieve development. F1Zk9%L%9$  
94. our investment in Chinese echoes the company’s strategy to adapt to the global changes. IkE'_F  
95. put …… at a prominent place. 0ER6cTo-t  
96. China is making every efforts to ensure steady and healthy development. ;-<<1Jz/2  
97. to secure a firm foothold in the next century. xX/Qoq (}i  
98. Guanzhou is going all out to develop its industry. 2vW,.]95M  
99. it is an unstopped tide of history. ey9fbS ^I  
100. should strive hand in hand to do …… EF_h::A_  
101. …… is conductive to …… -\sKSY5{R  
102. make due contribution to. X*p:&=o  
103. long—cherished dreams of prosperity. ]aL  [  
104. something means   a lot more it appears. ]0/~6f  
105. outstanding achievements.   Painstaking(persistent)efforts. TZ[F u{gZ  
106. we have every reason to do …… 5.+$v4  
107. it is our unshakeable will to do …… hQW#a]]V:  
108. …… become more and more important as time goes by. a#^4xy:  
109. at this important historical moment. Qbe{/  
110. lift themselves out of poverty and backwardness. se*pkgWbz  
111. remove all obstacles and difficulties. :67d>wb  
112. work out a blueprint for …… 9g^./k\8%  
113. ….. have far—reaching effects on …… \`<s@U  
114. ….. is of epoch—making significance. y(p: )Iv  
115. turn a new page in my life. ="[+6X  
116. a clear—cut example. -7A!2mRiz  
117. put somebody to the edge of bankruptcy, -7Y'6''~W.  
118. under the rule of law. Z!5m'yZO  
119. genetic engineering. qLktMp_  
120. a healthy cycle of development. (x*2BEn|  
121. the coming society will be a network civilization. Lu$:,^ C  
122. make better—informed decisions. ^!s}2GcS`  
123. he couldn’t be called an artist in real sense. -QHzf&D?  
124. accumulate rich knowledge about …… by doing …… 14)kKWG  
125. my horizons was broadened by the Beijing trip. 8aM% 9OU  
126. with ……,someone do have an edge over his competitor. !C)>  
127. facing the sound conditions in China, the still throw stones at China like a blind man feeling a giant elephant. I$P7%}  
128. the report does mind taking the trouble to do …… in a bid to do …… %L=h}U13  
129. the key point at issue is that …… }X.8.S'  
130. the u.s. government must immediately put an end to do …… :WKyEt!3  
131. we also lag significantly behind coastal provinces. FK,r<+h  
132. regarded …… as nothing more than empty threats. 9?mOLDu}Q0  
133. exert one’s utmost efforts to do …… ]8j5Ou6#y  
134. with the sovereign integrity at stake, no cost will be too high. &wWGZ~T  
135. make unremitting efforts in further developing …… C @[9 LB  
136. no matte how rationally principled and beautifully worded. &cv /q$W4  
137. we should not be so hasty as to “kill the hen to get the eggs”. MyR\_)P?  
138. pay a higher, or even more tragic price. K {N;k-  
139. serve the interests of …… Q?'W >^*J  
140. we should cast our eyes on doing …… O8}s*}]  
141. this opportunity is one that should not be missed. mwiPvwHrg  
142. no time can be lost in doing …… gM/_:+bT>P  
143. on the brink bankruptcy. 9bYHb'70  
144. ….. will be a stimulus to further the city’s development. (6_/n&mF  
145. put much energy into …… ^|axtVhMO  
146. …… become well—known domestically and internationally. oFA$X Y  
147. have paved a smooth way for …… P6Ol+SI#m  
148. ….. is the precondition and basis for …… y"n~ET}e7  
149. in its true sense. %-zH]"Q$  
150. it is by no means a simple slogan for us to say that we …… e&I.kC"j6  
151. play a constructive, positive role in doing …… ntUVhIE0  
152. we are moving in the direction of …… J-,X0v"  
153. our long—cherished dreams of prosperity and dignity are increasingly tangible in real life. l@2`f#y1~<  
154. it is unthinkable that …… &]A1 _dy  
155. so long as they do not cease to develop this lethal weapon, the world peace is virtually unattainable. _J#Hq 'K  
156. technology innovation is a must if we want to be success in the market. zL=I-fVq  
157. it will become another turning point in our career. _34YH5  
158. it is by no means a wise choice to do …… h!3Z%M  
159. we are faced with both opportunities and challenges as we are present with WTO membership. Tl{r D(D  
160. under current condition, I am facing the golden chance of further my study. y")>" 8H  
161. bring something into full use. p_ y*-,W (  
162. strengthen myself in an effort to make great achievement. DD3yl\#,  
163. he make a expensive mistake because of his heedlessness. `o-<,  
164. however, other people think otherwise. ziip*<a !_  
165. how to finance one’s college education has become a matter of concern for many. @)Y7GM+^  
166. proved to be quite beneficial. k3eN;3#&  
167. add color to one’s campus life. f\_Q+!^  
168. very picky about their food. 0([jD25J!  
169. such an ambition will lead to nothing but a waste of time. 745PCC'FK  
170. in this fast changing world. iC\=U  
171. be afraid of losing face.









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