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主题 : 华东师范大学考博英语试题分享
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2011-06-25   
来源于 考博试题 分类


Part II Vocabulary (10%) (10minutes) !G ~\9  
Directions: Below each sentence, there arefour words marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning tothe underlined word in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Writethe corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. 97 !VH> MX  
V SH64  
21. Smith's position in thisagency provides him with authority to award contracts and to __ obligations forpayment of bills as well. UB;~Rf(.  
A. incure C. resume }W]k1Bsx  
B. support D. incite K)8 m?sf/  
22. For all her richexperience in practicing law, the lawyor failed to pry much information out ofthe   witness. lFM'F[-?-  
A. sophisticated  C. obstinate KI<Vvc m  
B. sober D. gloomy ^UpwVKdP  
23. Shanghai Orient MenBasketball Team attributed its  National League Basketball Tournament in2002 to a number of  factors. K* 0]*am|v  
A. losing...ominous  C. winning...advantageous 0l%|2}a  
B. embarrassing...optimistic D. winning...adventurous J 9k~cz  
24. A(n)  ofemployment opportunities  prospective employees entering the jobmarket. ~{O@tt)F  
A. excess...impedes C lack…inspires n1)m(,{  
B. surfeit...hinder   D. dearth...discourages d`+cNKf  
25. Anyone who believes thatwar is stupid and unnecessary thinks that to lose one's life on the battlefieldis   . )%5T*}j  
A. glorious  C. heroic 1G+ ?/w  
B. futitle   D.courageous #6<9FY#  
26. Unruly people may wellbecome  if they are delt with  bythe people around them. AU +2'  
A. composed...respect C. angry...benevolence D Psf]  
B. clam...irritation D. dangerous...favoured 68LB745  
27. I was absolutely  whenI received a C on the exam in mathematics, for I was positive that I could havegot an A. $.@)4Nu!_  
A. elated   C.incited MoP 0qNk  
B. frustrated D. contented k/#& ]8(  
28. In this youthhood, Jackwas withdrawn, preferring the company of books to that of people; consequently,in his adulthood Jack was socially  . q,a|lH  
A. successful C tranquil ~?{"H<  
0B. uninhibited   D.inept x~tG[Y2F?  
29. Scientists believe that aconclusion which is drawn readily before all of the relevant data arecollected, analyzed and contemplated is called  . )xQA+$H#4  
A. insincere C. premature n300kpv  
B. premise  D. presumption r`L$[C5I  
8Mq] V v  
30. The advancement of scienceand technology has demonstrated that a fact appearing to contradict to certaintheory may actually be  a more advanced formulation of thattheory. \TrhJ  
A. consistent with C. eliminated by ZIx,?E+eJ  
B. in opposition to D. incompatible with pFg9-xd%  
31. Nancy is an advocate of consumer rights andhas spent a great part of her professional career attempting to __ thedeceitful claims of business companies. E0}jEl/{  
A. show on B. show out C. show off D. show up jn#  
ET`;Tfq M  
32. The lover of democracy hasan  towards totalitarianism. }IGr%C(3%  
A. empathy C. sympathy KutR l$,  
B.antipalthy  D. symphony j%KLp4J/e  
33. As he has faith in Mary'sintegrity, Mr. Lee offers to withthe president on her behalf concerning the "cheating" matter. H0s,tTK8  
A. interrupt C. interject \+g95|[/  
B. interfere D. intervene U&/Jh^Yy  
34. Jenny's wealth ofpractical experience and psychological acuity (sharpness) more than  herlack of formal academic training. >b0e"eGt  
A. compensate for C. speak volumes for g/4.^c  
B. account for  D. make for ;#!`c gAh  
35.Applied science is  discovering ways to use the knowledge oftheoretical science. L;'+O u  
A. concerned about C. concerned for 3 $Uv  
B. combined with D. concerned with M,PZ|=V6a  
36. The former president is toverify at a human rights court heating cases of atrocities. 3Cwqy#X#8  
A. testify C. provide \sF}NBNT@  
B. conform   D.supply t}`|\*a  
37. As is known to all, therail service now operates without a sum of money granted by thegovernment for assistance. Ni{ (=&*=  
A. bonus C. yield d"nE+pgE  
B. pension D. subsidy p/'C v  
iR(A ^  
38. In the Anti-Japanese War,flexibility and mobility were the features of the Chinese Eighth RouteArmy and Communist guerrillas. g{f1JTJ7  
A. characters C. contributes ![:S~x1  
B. attributes D. properties f 7et  
39. As a yieldance tothe public outcry, the government reduced the tax on income. mhp5}  
A. recession C. concession klKAwCQ,  
B. permission D. possession Z%XBuq:BY  
40. In the dim light, Imanaged to discern the shadowy figure of a big dog among the trees. =6j  5,  
A. make off C. make out J~DP*}~XK  
B. make up D. make over 9.lSF  
/^#k /z  
III. Structure (5%) (10minutes) ,u{d@U^)3@  
Directions: There are four words orphrases marked A, B, C and D beneath each sentence. You are to choose the onewhich can best complete the sentence if inserted at the blank space. Write thecorresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. Fkz+Qz  
>;HbD p  
41. If this evil man remainedunpunished, our social moral standard  . "(/|[7D)  
A. will undermine' C. would be undermined c$?qN&X_K  
B. wouldundermine D. will be undermined ; MCv  
-d %bc?  
42. Mary' s eyes are red now,she must  on hearing the sad news. M[R, m_p  
A. cry C. be crying xh @H@Q\  
B. have been crying D. have cried hof$0Fg  
43. She brought her rage undercontrol, her smiling face  her real feeling. \@['V   
A. disguised C. disguise phl5E:fIKx  
B.disguising  D. to disguise .-`7Av+7  
44. The mechanic couldn'toperate the machine  his efforts. idPkJf/  
A. for all C. but for {NKDmeg:D  
B. owing to   D.according to o,D>7|h  
0$}+t q+  
45. Eating more nutritiousfood than is needed doesn't make it function better,  overfillingthe tank makes a car move faster. &]pW##  
A. not more than C. less than i layU  
B. no more than   D. any more than cm-cwPAh  
46. David was so careful onthe test that his paper was  . q' 3=  
A. with some errors C. full of errors ',kYZay  
B. free from errors   D. not having some errors I@+dE V`Lf  
47. The TV star accompanied bymany fans  deliver a speech in no time. D>?%p"e  
A. are to C. is to zJ3{!E}`v  
B. are beingto  D. is being to f*1.Vg0`-  
K$ #(\-M  
48. The manager thinks itdesirable that some adjustments   without delay. rbO9NRg>  
A. are made C. be made d@7 ]=P:  
B. made D. will be made *vCJ Tz  
49. I met with somethingdifficult to deal with and intended to turn to my teachers for help yesterday.I rushed into the office only to find not a single teacher  there. 'Xxt[Jy  
A. I could consult C. I could consult with %:N5k+}  
B. could I consult on D. could I consult |"5NI'X?  
50.   revealed the secret? Rl.3p<sX  
A. Who was it that   C. Whowas it who ! RFlv  
B. It was who that  D. It was whom that  2e/ JFhA  









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