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主题 : 考博英语相似词汇辨析
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-08   
来源于 考博资料 分类


1.adept  adopt   adapt 4M$"0}O;[h  
adept gBgaVG  
adj.(与at, in连用) 熟练的;精通的 \= 6dF,V  
She was adept at the fine art of irritatingpeople. k:U%#r b;  
n. 内行;老手 [*vR&4mk  
adopt 41C6 ey  
vt.收养 pmUC4=&e  
采取;采用 ,=u!hg  
They adopted our methods. xs)SKG*  
正式通过;采纳 d ~CZ9h  
The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it. > W^"*B  
adapt + VhD]!  
vt.使适应;使适合 c=B!\J<1  
He adapted himself to the cold weather. F @!9rl'  
When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to thechange very well. ,Igd<A=  
2.adopted   adoptive TwZmZE ?!  
adopted r[nvgzv@  
adj.被收养的,被采纳的 U)S!@ 2(4  
an adopted child c_6~zb?k+m  
an adopted advice ^hwTnW9Z1:  
adoptive %\ !3tN  
adj.收养(孩子)的 w2]]##J  
an adoptive mother 8Vm)jnM  
3.averse    adverse 0e~4(2xK  
averse \avgXndI  
adj.(常与to连用)嫌恶的 ^1+=HdN,  
I am not averse to a dance party and a goodmean after a week's hard work. )WF*fcx{  
The minister is averse to/from flattery. lT- LOu|  
adverse 7,D6RP(b  
adj.不利的;相反的 dj:6c@n  
an adverse decision #7,;/rtO7  
Adverse circumstances compelled him toclose his business. _Dg|Iz,Uh  
4.affection   affectation 2)R*d  
affection /U,;]^  
n.友爱, 爱情, 影响, 疾病, 倾向 l 1Ns~  
affectation \oV g(J&o  
n.假装, 虚饰, 做作 y/6%'56uF  
5.altitude latitude longitude multitude attitude aptitude rTYMN  
altitude $n9Bp'<  
n.(海拔)高度 Ab)X/g-I @  
At high altitudes of Tibet it isdifficult to breathe. ]^DNzqu=@h  
高处 M@78.lPS  
The plane flew at an altitude of 20000metres. ZE0D=  
latitude A\};^Y  
n.纬度, 范围, (用复数)地区, 行动或言论的自由(范围) )Vnqz lI5  
longitude .0u@PcE:O  
n.经度, 经线 "~ eF%}.  
multitude Ny)N  
n.多数, 群众 ! p|d[  
attitude YgW 50)q^  
n.姿势,态度 6]5e(J{Fz  
People's attitude towards the skyscrapersvaries widely. t7qY!S (  
看法;意见 :7jDgqn^|i  
What is the Municipal Authority's attitudeto the proposal of a tunnel across the river? I<^&~==  
What's the authorities' attitude towardsthis discord? z~O:w'(g  
aptitude M7g6m  
n.能力;才能;天资 [5sa1$n96G  
6.angle   angel SdQ"S-H  
angle 4vbtB2  
n.角;角度 /#xx,?~xx0  
a right angle y?@(%PTp  
角落;墙角;棱角  El: &  
观点;看法;看问题的角度 :B"Y3~I  
to consider all angles of the question c&a.<e3mL  
The professor angled his report to suit theaudience he was speaking to. ;ro%Wjg`}  
vt.转动一个角度 z*B-`i.  
to angle a camera p`2w\P3;)  
带成见地描述(某事) |v31weD8  
He angles his reports to please his editorin chief. /7[X_)OG  
用钩和钓钓鱼 P{gy/'PH,  
He is keen on angling. nb,+!)+  
(与for连用)运用手段获得,攫取 }10ZPaHjl+  
angel A-om?$7  
n.天使,守护神,仁慈、漂亮的女人 bfl%yGkd/|  
7.announce   denounce  renounce pronounce 4J ${gcju  
announce L>.* ^]  
vt.通告;发表,宣布,宣告 m6 @,J?X  
The captain announced that the plane wasgoing to land. (D1$&  
The government announced that they wouldbuild a new highway to the mountain. QdtGFY4f,  
denounce CZ4Nw]dtR  
vt.揭发;告发;斥责 =LHz[dSL  
renounce g \ q*,1  
vt.正式放弃 Z.rR)   
He renounced his claim to the property. y$6~&X  
宣布断绝关系 ?f'iS#XL  
He renounced his religion. 5KIlU78  
pronounce rIJv(&l  
vt., vi.发音;发出…音 uEX+j  
How do you pronounce c-l-e-r-k? 4<(U/58a*  
宣称;宣告;断言 W&`{ 3L  
The expert pronounced the picture to be aforgery. "-afHXED  
The priest pronounced them man and wife. ~H1 ZQ[  
Everyone pronounced the party to be verygood. R7Z 7o4jg  
(常与on, for, against, in favor of连用)〈法〉宣判 ' zz ^ !@  
The judge pronounced sentence on theprisoner. 5vo5t0^o  
8. annual    annul U+2U#v=<  
annual vn5O8sD  
adj.每年的;一年一次的 '%y5Dh  
an annual event +u\kTn  
annul pb5q2|u`h  
vt.取消,废除(婚姻、契约等) y13Y,cz~B  
9.apposite    opposite jWjp0ii  
apposite R+b~m!5 8  
adj.适当的 $z48~nu@ j  
opposite V(c>1xLlz  
adj.相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的 CEHtr90P  
n.相反的事物 "HwSW4a]  
10.appraise   apprise   praise #_?m.~`g[  
appraise VV$4NV&`Q  
vt.评估,评价,鉴定 [ @ASAhV^+  
apprise gUWW}*\ U  
vt.通知;告知  hSgH;k  
She was apprised of our arrival. #w6ty<b;  
The secretary came to apprise us that theerection of the monster machine had been successfully completed. Rx,5?*b$  
praise Gr8%%] 1!0  
vt.赞美;赞扬;歌颂;赞颂 j{&$_  
She praised her daughter's hard work. 1G<S'd+N  
11.apprehensive   comprehensive !=bGU=^  
apprehensive &qyXi[vw  
adj.忧虑的; 担心的 Ou7nk:I@  
apprehensive for sb.'s safety 1uco{JX<S  
comprehensive JA2oy09G  
adj.全面的;广泛的;包含内容多的;详尽的 KD^n7+w%  
The state government gave a verycomprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronicindustry. LMHii Os,  
12 .argument   augment L}=t"y  
argument  WJTc/  
n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, (for,against), 意见 x T1MW  
augment V>(>wSR  
vt., vi.增大;增加 XIBm8IkF  
13. ascribe  describe  prescribe subscribe  inscribe  proscribe rH$M6S  
ascribe $bFH%EA.  
vt.归因于, 归咎于 C 8KV<k  
describe aIo%~w  
vt.描写, 记述, 形容, 形容 !:c_i,N  
v.描述 3R<VpN){  
prescribe te;VGpv.  
vt, vi.`开药方;处方;命令;规定 _sAcvKH  
The law prescribes what should be done. _ [h!r;DsG  
What punishment does the law prescribe forcorruption? m+QZ|  
The doctor prescribed total abstinence. _0o65?F  
subscribe a[jNT$8  
vt., vi.(常与to, for连用)捐款;捐助 1h3`y  
订购(报纸、杂志等)  PckAL  
(常与to连用)同意,赞同 yG2rAG_ G&  
inscribe j [4l'8Ek  
vt.(常与in, on,with连用)题写;铭刻 C6A!JegU  
She inscribed her own name on the textbook. C9 j {:&  
(常与to连用)题名 w[g`)8Ib  
This book I inscribe to my oldcomrades-in-arms. qNWSDZQ  
proscribe vG:S(/\>  
vt.禁止 M_h8{  
14. assent   ascent JC# 5CCz  
assent vr4{|5M  
vi.(常与to连用)同意 LtGjHB\+  
ascent r-No\u_  
n.上升, (地位, 声望等的)提高, 攀登, 上坡路 jS) YYk5  
15.dissent   descent   decent B & ]GGy  
dissent j!"5, ~  
vi.(常与from连用)持异议;不同意;意见不一致 DDj:(I?,w  
He and I dissented from each other inchoosing a suitable candidate. nF]zd%h  
descent Cx&l0ZXHEX  
n.下降;下滑;降下;下来;血统;遗传 SPm2I(at7  
He traces his descent from an old Normanfamily. P1R[M|Fx  
decent (9b%'@A@m  
adj体面的 合适的 QZJnb% ]  
16. assume   resume   consume  presume "q KVGd  
assume i:Gyi([C  
vt.假定;假设 hFnUw2 6P  
I assume you always get up at the sametime. HX ,\a`  
采用;承担 c]"w0a-`^@  
to assume new duties $4Dr +Z H  
resume 0"Zxbgu)  
n.摘要, 概略, <> 履历 &?5me:aU  
vt.再继续, 重新开始, 重新占用, 再用, 恢复 1jE {]/Y7&  
consume ab`9MJc;  
vt., vi.吃,喝;消耗;消费;花费 39I|.B"  
His old car consumed much gasoline. VQ8Fs/Zt!  
毁灭;烧毁 @d:GtAW  
The fire soon consumed the old woodenbuildings in the neighbourhood. J:OP*/@='  
presume NKTy!zWh  
vt., vi.(常与that连用)假定;假设;认为 +S'm<}"1  
I presume from your speech that you are aforeigner. eZD"!AT  
You must presume no such thing. 0|g@; Pc  
当作;姑且认为 H?,Dv>.#*  
If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumeddead. n5)ml)m  
(常与to + inf连用)放肆;擅作主张 9W, %[  
A servant ought not to presume. +hX =  
(与on, upon连用)指望;寄希望于… bjI3xAs~  
We must not presume too mush on thereliability of such sources. ~NLthZ (O  
17. avocation   vocation   vacation Pz\B yD  
avocation ,v`03?8l(  
n.(个人)副业, 业余爱好 X&i;WI  
vocation 5z\,]  
n.职业;行业;天职;使命 'z{|#zd9  
vacation rz&'wCiOO  
n.假期 #,97 ]  
I worked in a small beachside restaurantduring the college vacation. o+)y!  
18 .authentic   authoritative ><xmw=  
authentic 7GS 4gSd3  
真实的:与事实相符并且值得相信、信赖的: pvb&vtp  
an authentic account by an eyewitness. Uq`6VpZ  
真正的:有着经证实的来源或创作者的;非伪造的或非复制的: X|G[Ma?   
an authentic medieval sword. sKJr34  
一把真正的中世纪剑 +-9-%O.(;  
authoritative sv!v`zh  
adj.官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的: fK *l?Hr  
an authoritative decree; authoritativesources. wwQ2\2w>Hm  
权威性的:拥有公认的精确性或优秀性的;极可信赖的: 2`j{n \/  
an authoritative account of the revolution. -~4r6ZcA  
专断的:行使权力的;命令的: qL`yaU  
the captain's authoritative manner. #XB3Wden2  
19.adjoin  adjacent   adjourn &:u3-:$:9  
adjoin 3 S*KjY'@  
vt.毗连;临近;贴近 ;#S]mso1  
Our house adjoins theirs. e6mm;@F>  
adjacent 0rz1b6F5,  
adj.(to连用)相邻的,邻近的 VH<d[Mj  
adjourn -iY-rzW  
vt., vi.延期;休会, 会议暂停 Gqc6]{  
The meeting will be adjourned till nextWednesday. V6'u\Ch|  
20.admire   admiral z^jmf_  
admire ~d1=_p:~T  
v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕 -Eig#]Se3  
admiral w 4CcdpR  
n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰  ,4`Vl<6  
21.adore    adorn _`O",Ff  
adore mqHH1}  
vt.崇拜;敬爱;敬重;非常喜欢 U<Qi`uoj!  
He adores the cinema. EJMd[hMhe  
She adores going to the volleyball match. e`H>}O/ai  
adorn X }i2qv  
vt.装饰 DpeJ x  
She likes to adorn herself with jewels. l&qyLL2 w  
增加…的重要性或吸引力 U`8Er48X  
He tried to adorn his story with a lot oflies rQGInzYp  
22. appliance   applicant   application qyFeq])  
appliance Bq HqS  
n.用具, 器具 nxBP@Td  
applicant tU2#Z=a  
n.申请者, 请求者 !OQ5AF$  
application a#i|)[  
n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用 }CMGK{  
23.alley  ally G 4~@  
alley ~E y+  
n.小路, , (花园里两边有树篱的)小径 I= <eCv  
ally 9QB,%K_:4  
v.结盟, ...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟 WQ8 "Jj?k6  
n.同盟国, 支持者 :[(%4se  
24.accession  access =[!(s/+>L  
accession dQ-shfTr]  
n.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加 0gW{6BtPWm  
access g[t paQ  
n.通路, 访问, 入门  $RRX-  
vt.存取, 接近 3@ Fa  
1. bull   bully nh5=0{va|L  
Bull @R%qP>_  
n.公牛, 粗壮如牛的人;乐观进取的人;胡扯;废话 EmrkaV-?k  
bully Ee7+ob  
vt.威吓;欺侮;以强凌弱 &g5PPQ18  
He's always bullying smaller boys. 9_jiUZFje  
2.bandage  bondage s$fX ;  
bandage  n.绷带 {D..(f1*u  
bondage  n.奴役,束缚 lN:;~;z_  
3.bread  bead #|(>UM\  
bread    n.面包  ^,ISz-4  
bead     n.珠子, 水珠  vt.祈祷 rFzj\%xa[  
4.bump  dump  jump hump  lump  plump  pump [pm IQ228  
bump l5VRdZ4Uf  
n.撞击, 肿块 5VOw}{Pt  
v.(), (), 颠簸 8UgogNR\  
dump b/R7 Mk1  
vt.倾倒(垃圾), 倾卸 o_mjI:  
n.堆存处 Nr$78] o9  
jump =$gBWS  
n.跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 #;^U W  
vt.跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃 ElB[k<  
vi.跳跃, 暴涨 d^6-P  R_  
hump xl,% Z~[  
n.驼峰, 驼背, 小园丘, 峰丘 &uO-h  
v.(使)隆起, 弓起 B&rNgG7~  
lump d ([~o  
n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 yUo8-OaL7  
vt.使成块状, 混在一起. ?G',Qtz<K  
plump x X3I`  
adj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的  \SQ4yc  
vt.突然放下, 使丰满, 使鼓起 @SxZ>|r-|v  
vi.变丰满, 鼓起 98 5h]KQ  
pump `3VI9GmQ  
n., 抽水机 WLj]EsA.  
vt.(用泵)(), 抽吸 N_B^k8j  
5.beach  breach   bleach >M{98NH  
beach  {p/Yz#  
n.海滨;湖滨;河滩 F::Ki4{jJ  
The little beach hotel has a pleasantambien /LWk>[Z;  
breach ~<K,P   
n.(常与of连用)违背;不履行;破坏 8VQ!&^9!U#  
in breach of contract dz/@] a  
Your company is in breach of the contract. g7hI9(8+  
bleach !=,zy  
vt., vi.使变白 Nk\ni>Du3  
Did you bleach this tablecloth? viYrPhH+z  
6.bride  bribe &)tv4L&  
bride  n 新娘 j96}E/gF  
bribe   n  vt   贿赂 JSju4TQ4  
7.boom  broom W>+`e]z  
boom  n.v 繁荣 兴旺 s Y1@~v  
broom  n 扫帚 ]C"?xy  
8.buffet  buffer ZoJq JWsd  
buffet J?Y,3cc.  
n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击 x5PM ]~"p  
vt ①连续地打击②搏斗 `0U\|I#  
buffer L58H)V3Pn  
vt 缓冲、缓和 n>eDN\5  
1.censor   censure ;/4x.t#b  
censor }8}`A\ dgV  
n.检查员 ,!^c`_Q\>@  
vt.检查, 审查 5({_2meJ:  
censure Y$,~"$su|  
v.责难 MRo_An+  
n.责难 o58c!44  
2.cession   session v8C($<3%  
cession G~&8/ s  
n.割让, 转让, []让与(他人)债权 gx^!&>eIb#  
session havmhS)O  
n.(官方机构的)会 议,会期,开会期 R87@.  
The general session approved the report ofthe investigation committee. fH9"sBiO  
学期;大学的学期 \X(*JNQ  
3.clash  crush  crash zXlerQWUv  
clash sb_/F E5e  
n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 {=d}04i)E"  
the clash of weapons `mD!z.`U  
clash of interests [h B$%i]\<  
a clash with the police ,S(Z\[x0  
I failed to go to her wedding because itclashed with my examination. *6u2c%^  
战斗 /!>OWh*~  
It is broadcast that the two armies clashednear the borderline again before dawn. ,vMAX?c  
vi., vt.冲突 Br<lP#u=G  
The enemy armies clashed. ^gyI-S(;  
(事情)在时间上相冲突 !^NZp%Yd  
It's a pity the two concerts clash. jvR (e"  
(常与with连用)(色彩)不协调 qG~6YCqii  
This shirt clashes with your trousers. yXEI%2~)  
crush  o4yl3o  
vt., vi.压碎;压坏;碾碎;挤压;塞 }z9v*C  
to crush one's way through the crowd Zi\ex\ )5  
破坏;镇压;压服 92D~trn  
to crush all opposition 6v%ePFul  
crash If&y 5C  
n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声 s]A8C^;c  
v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台 6,~ 1^g*  
4.classic   classical KMqGWO*  
classic Q;q{1M>  
n.杰作, 名著 PX23M|$!  
adj.第一流的 hc0$mit  
classical w<]-~` K  
adj.古典的, 正统派的, 古典文学的 i+T5 (P$  
5.clench   clinch j5/|1N  
clench   } C/+zF6q  
vt., vi.紧合;咬紧(牙关);捏紧(拳头) q;sZwp<  
She clenched her teeth when she wasoperated on. G^VOA4  
紧握;抓牢 Z1$U[Tsd  
The girl clenched her money in her hand. c\ ZnGI\|  
clinch 6r@>n_6LY  
vt., vi.敲弯钉头钉牢;钉住 xA2I+r*o  
把(木头)钉牢在一起 3q@JhB  
确定;决定(贸易等);达成买卖或合同 DNqC*IvuzM  
The two companies clinched the dealquickly. ;GOu'34j  
The offer of more money clinched it forher. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director. ?X\.O-=4X  
6.coarse   hoarse   roar JwWxM3(%t  
coarse +`V<& Y-5l  
adj.粗的;粗糙的;未精炼的 [[N${C  
(表面)不光滑的;粗织的 i tk/1  
coarse cloth 8uW%jG3/  
粗鲁的;鲁莽的;不礼貌的 3a ZS1]/  
coarse talk WMW Mb3  
hoarse ! jDopE0L  
adj.嘶哑的 yUxz,36wZ  
His voice was hoarse after talking for anhour. +IjBeQ?  
roar [)0^*A2  
n.吼声;咆哮声 OpIeo+^X*  
the roar of an angry lion %Kp^wf#o9  
The lion gave a loud roar. IQ-l%x[fue  
7.canvass  canvas N cGFPi (Z  
canvas f:~$ x  
n.粗帆布;一块油画布 e0Gs|c+6  
The young artist showed me his recentcanvases. 9v3n4=gc  
canvass UM]3MS:[  
n.细查, 讨论, 劝诱 0E (G1o'  
vt.彻底检查, 细究, ...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 Vw`Q:qo0:b  
vi.游说, 拉选票 g:G5'pZf  
8.cannon  canon Odhr=Hs  
cannon a+a6P5kJ  
n.加农炮;大炮 8?: 2<  
canon ]gaeN2  
n.教规,宗教法规 IJDbm}:/e  
9.credible  credulous )ZrB-(u~k  
credible @>J(1{m=Gy  
adj.可信的;可靠的 C|3cQ{  
credulous 1~LfR  
adj.轻信别人的 . P?n<n#  
10.continual   continuous " *W# z  
continual $% gz, {  
adj.over and over again; regular butinterrupted; } _^ vvu  
连续的 (pd~ 2!;C  
Recently the young couple have continualarguments with each other for trifles. yaWY>sB  
continuous S'NLj(  
adj. 不断的 %f1IV(3Qc  
continuing without  stopping ;ceaseless R osU~OK  
continuous rain all day -!li,&,A1  
7.collide  collude 7y)Ar 8!D  
collide gG}H5uN  
vi.互撞;碰撞;(车、船等)猛撞 yx:+Xy*N  
The two trains collided. }&2,!;"">3  
冲突;反对;强烈抵触(with) ^&8hhxCPu|  
collude [/VpvQ'  
vi.共谋;勾结;串通(with) /{R.   
8.comment   commend .9,x_\|G*  
comment NJ-Ji> w  
n.注释, 评论, 意见 EN":}!E:  
vi.注释, 评论(on ) YPNW%N!$|  
commend hlze]d?z  
vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引 t,*1=S5  
9. compel expel  propel  repel M+HhTW;I=  
compel g`fMHU7  
vt.强迫, 迫使 !IO\g"y~|%  
expel [{)Z^  
vt赶走:驱逐或把…赶出去: |0}7/^  
expel an invader. g7*Uuh#  
排出:从容器里或象从容器里释放: l}/&6hI+d  
被迫离开;把…除名: #=33TvprR2  
expelled the student from college forcheating.See Synonyms at eject "Y&   
propel Bmcc SC;o4  
vt.推进,推动;驱策 WWZ<[[ >  
repel nLG) >L  
vt.击退;逐退 V+@}dJS  
to repel an attack b7~Jl+m  
使厌恶;使反感 Qzo -Yw`=  
His accent repels me. bu_@A^ys  
10.contemporary   temporary Y&U-d{"  
contemporary   SG|AJ9  
n.同时代的人 > 3KlI  
adj.当代的, 同时代的 R LF6Bc  
temporary .KC V|x;QW  
adj.暂时的, 临时的, 临时性 bPP@  
11.contemptuous   contemptible L[Z^4l_!  
contemptuous .ve_If-Hg  
adj.(常与of连用) 表示轻蔑的;傲慢的 I]+ zG  
a contemptuous look :/szA?:W  
contemptible -Pt E+R[A  
adj.卑劣的 r"h09suZBW  
It was contemptible of him to speak likethat about a respectable teacher! vfv?Qj R  
It was a contemptible trick to tell liesand play on an old friend! 'iZwM>l\  
12.confer   infer   refer  prefer   defer ~K3Lbd| r  
confer eaDZ^Z Er  
vt.授予(称号、学位等)on, 赠与, ...赠与, 协议 IE996   
v.协商, 交换意见(on) \y=28KKc:c  
The engineers and technicians are stillconferring on the unexpected accident. $p0D9mF  
infer gL&w:_  
vt.推断;推知;推论 JWg.0d$hM  
to infer an unknown fact from a known fact H,w8+vZ4\  
I infer from your letter that you have notmade up your mind yet. 9=]HOUn  
refer '[F`!X  
vt., vi.(常与to 连用)涉及;提到;针对;有关 .`+~mQ Wn  
The new law does not refer to farm land. ciml:"nQ  
提交;交付 ?#:']q  
The shop referred the complaint to themanufacturers. ">t^jt{  
prefer [u K,.G  
vt.(常与to连用)更喜欢;宁愿 KNQj U-A  
to prefer coffee to t  wk8fa  
Which of these two dresses do you prefer? FO^6c  
defer %pOz%v~  
vt.推迟;延期 1z&"V}y  
vt.(与to连用)服从;顺从 Ji!i}UjD7!  
Do you always defer to your parents wishes? ]] 0M  
13.consequent  subsequent 5p!{#r6m  
consequent "A~dt5GJ  
adj.作为结果的 W[)HFh(#  
subsequent Ce<z[?u  
adj.随后的,后来的;继起的 gE@Pb  
14.conventional   convenient (9aOET>GG  
conventional PZV>A!7C8n  
adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的 Y iuV\al  
convenient r-EIoZ"P  
adj.便利的, 方便的 iExKi1knx  
15.confidant    confidante   confident confidential m ne)c[Qn  
confidant 420K6[  
n.知己男友 Wll0mtv  
confidante m)<+?Bv y  
n.知己的女友 l 7dm@S  
confident RXAE jzf   
adj.确信的;有信心的;自信的 8 NNh8k#6  
Peter is confident of winning the post asthe assistant to the managing director. X!z-J>  
confidential |*zgX]-+;  
adj.机密的;秘密的 7oIHp_Zq  
a confidential order dI7rx+L  
参与机密的;视为心腹的 ( EJ1g^|"  
a confidential secretary Ofoh4BL'1@  
16.convert   divert   invert  revert    reverse r 56~s5A  
convert Zi}h\R a  
vt.(常与into连用)转变;变换 RfvvX$  
to convert an old house into a new o R7z @y o  
That building has been converted into aschool. R1Rk00Ow:  
兑换 VK*H1EH1  
I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars. rf+}J_  
改变信仰、党派或意见等 hUvA;E(qD  
She managed to convert him to her opinion. 4`oKvL9  
divert j&S.k  
vt.转向;转移 4,QA {v  
A ditch diverted water from the stream intothe fields. dly -mPmP  
Traffic was ordered to divert to anotherroad because of the repair of the main road. A 9l d9 R  
The government is planning to divert theriver to supply water to the town. "X?Zw$gRud  
A loud noise from the street diverted myattention. e"sv_$*  
invert M"K$.m@t  
vt.置于相反位置;上下倒置 mhU=^/X  
The little boy caught the insect byinverting the cup over it. IR2Qc6+{  
revert @m`H~]AU  
vi.(与to连用)恢复原状;回复;回到(原来话题) nZNS}|6  
(财产等)归复,归还 ?@MY+r_G  
reverse &l-d_dh  
vt.倒退;倒转 n3U| d+  
He reversed the car. *&_A4)  
翻转 o^d|/;  
She reversed the paper. SV95g@  
改变;使成相反的东西 a.O"I3{?h  
He reversed the judgment and set theprisoner free after all. !_c6 `o W  
17.counsel   consul    council 6y`FW[  
counsel $OGMw+$C ^  
n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师 %M^Q{` :5  
vt.劝告, 忠告 u0[O /G  
consul _q@lP|  
n.领事 Ew{N 2  
council B<@a&QBTg  
n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子 }+[!h=Bx  
18.conscious    conscientious =3V4HQi  
conscious FO]f 4@  
adj.有意识的;神志清醒的 [5b[ztN%  
He is hurt but still conscious. FS?1O"_  
了解的;察觉的 mkBQ TQGT  
She was not conscious of his presence inthe room. 8|hi2Qeu,c  
刻意的:故意设计或做的;刻意的: 9]{Ss$W3x  
a conscious insult; made a conscious effortto speak more clearly b4ke'gx  
conscientious bhZ5-wo4%  
adj.凭良心的;谨慎的;尽责的 X0$?$ ta  
a conscientious piece of work zRau/1Y0  
Be conscientious and make a good job ofpublishing.  +$^ [ r  
19.cosmic   comic RD:LNl<0sh  
cosmic 3`"k1W  
adj.宇宙的 GsqO^SV  
comic D9r;Ys%  
n.滑稽演员 d _=44( -  
adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的 |ew:}e: k<  
20.commerce   commence L{c\7  
commerce <(~geN  
n.商业 $T2z s$  
commence D sBZ%  
v.开始, 着手 vZSwX@0  
21.complexion    complex ?Y$3R"p@3`  
complexion -]Oi/i,{  
n.面色, 肤色, 情况, 局面 V f(n  
complex X=JAyxY  
adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 k0DX|O8mXV  
22.compulsive  compulsory )q%DRLD'G  
compulsive bgmOX&`G  
adj.强制的, 强迫的, 由强迫产生的, 禁不住的 Y3luU&'  
compulsory d8f S79  
adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的 s3gT6  
1.decease   disease @,q<][q  
decease 55x.Q  
n.vi.死亡 sVIw'W  
disease qIgb;=V  
n.疾病, 弊病  _d3/="=  
2.definite  definitive Gh{vExH@5(  
definite W#<ZaGsq  
adj.明确的, 一定的 ()@+QE$  
definitive e5cvm UF_W  
adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 ("@ih]zYf  
3.desert   dessert j&=!F3[  
desert Z <tJ+  
n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过 y+a]?`2  
adj.沙漠的, 不毛的, 荒凉的  jQ?6I1o  
vt.放弃, 遗弃, 逃跑 PF/eQZ*4  
vi.逃掉, 逃亡, 开小差 09rbu\h  
dessert k7Xa|&fQP<  
n.餐后甜点 ^T/d34A;SP  
4.desirable   desirous 1C\[n(9  
desirable . [\S=K|/  
adj.值得做的;值得想望的;值得弄到手的 IG~d7rh"  
It is most desirable that he should attendthe conference. Ny)!uqul*  
desirous SdBo sB3v>  
adj.(与of连用)渴望的,想…的 VE5M}kDCZ  
5.diary   dairy |\/Y<_)JD  
diary F2RU7o'f.  
n.日记 Kr|9??`0E  
dairy $ @cg+Xrg1  
n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油 -%^KDyZ<&  
6.diploma    diplomat    diplomacy  diplomatic ril4*$e7^\  
diploma W rNm:N  
n.文凭, 毕业证书, 证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书, 奖状 Fm3B8Int  
diplomat 'm,3znX!c  
n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人 48 `k"Uy   
diplomacy }<hyW9  
n外交 1FiFP5  
diplomatic Cj x(Z]  
adj.外交的, 老练的 9'|NF<  
7.disclaim   reclaim   exclaim  proclaim   acclaim   claim co$I htOv  
disclaim VMZ"i1rP  
v.放弃, 弃权, 拒绝 S~mpXH@  
reclaim z\fmwI  
vt.要求归还, 收回, 开垦 rmOcA  
exclaim <g|\]\C|  
v.呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫 b]X c5Dp{  
proclaim 7]w]i5  
vt.宣布, 声明, 显示, 显露 D/1f> sl  
acclaim 2/K38t'-  
vt.欢呼;欢呼着拥戴;欢呼着同意 Q$NT>d6Q  
claim  1 U|IN=  
n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西 a.r+>44M  
vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要 M}]E,[  
8. discreet   discrete $s*\yam?|  
discreet y()7m/  
adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的 f?OFMac  
discrete y3 vDKZ  
adj.离散的;分立的;不连续的 ^x8yW brE  
9.distinct  distinctive Z9MT, "  
distinct 6^M!p4$hF  
adj.清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的 hP1H/=~  
distinctive =@F1J7  
adj.与众不同的, 有特色的 o\oS_f:RD  
10.donate   denote nwOT%@nw  
donate ~|_s2T  
v.捐赠, 赠予 g q|T:  
denote ^ gY^I`"e6  
vt.指示, 表示 }0& @J'<  
11.dwindle   bewilder bG`aF*10)!  
dwindle rq;Xcc  
v.缩小 }pOem}  
bewilder TC7Rw}jF  
vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱 5 *8 V4ca  
12.dual   duel W+v7OSd92  
dual noali96J  
adj.双的, 二重的, 双重 ^W&qTSjh  
duel Y7TW_[_u  
n.决斗;两个人争斗;争辩;双方抗争 8T&.8r  
13.disinterested   uninterested lr>P/W\  
disinterested  8|5ttdZ  
adj.公正无私的;无偏见的;客观的 IY Ilab\TZ  
His action was not altogetherdisinterested. qhFWQ1W  
uninterested `eD70h`XK  
adj.不感兴趣的 ! p&[:+qN  
Settle your own argument,I'm quiteuninterested! rD"$,-h  
14.dissemble   disassemble :gD=F&V  
dissemble = ;hz,+  
vt, vi.隐藏,掩饰(思想、感情等) g4Y1*`} 2f  
disassemble 4=BIYC"Lu  
vt.解开,分解 `\}Ck1o  
1.eradicate  erase _>b=f  
eradicate 0Nvk|uI V[  
vt根除:连根撕碎;清除,扑灭,根绝:象连根拔起一样消灭: u,E_Ezq  
Their goal was to eradicate poverty. Aoi) 11>  
erase [&Yrnkgr  
vt擦掉,抹掉:通过用橡皮涂抹或刮除(写的字迹或图形等) hH&A1vUv  
删除:从磁带或其它存储介质上消除掉(记录的信息): %QYH]DR  
erased a file from the diskette. (h B+DPi  
erased the videocassette. DJ zJ$Q  
使忘却:象涂抹掉一样消除、消灭: ?@*hU2MTC  
had to erase all thoughts of failure fromhis mind. @N tiT,3k  
2. elicit   illicit   explicit  elite   implicit QfdATK P  
elicit 4l2/eh]Hc(  
vt诱出,引出(事实等) ^~ 95q0hq:  
illicit jDWmI% Y.  
adj.违法的 |TQ#[9C0  
explicit ]!um}8!}  
adj.清楚的, 明确的 bR\Oyd~e  
elite Lrrc&;  
n.精英 ;2k!KW@  
implicit Iez`g<r  
adj.暗示的, 含蓄的,绝对的,完全的 QWncKE,O$  
3.eligible   illegible A$7j B4  
eligible eBZ94rA]  
adj.符合条件的, 合格的 uht>@ WSg|  
Are you eligible to join this club M:5K4$>Kx  
I know an eligible young lady who would bean excellent cooperator for you. rGn6S &-  
illegible xlP0?Y1Bl  
adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的 x\i+MVR-  
4.emergence   emergency |7$Q'3V  
emergence T4JG5  
n.出现,显露,暴露 +~7x+6E  
emergency >d 9b"T  
n.紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件 9OS~;9YR  
5.eminent   imminent   element  eliminate H#+2l?D:"  
eminent :'$V7LZ5  
adj.显赫的, 杰出的, 有名的, 优良的 [.Y]f.D  
imminent = mp"=%  
adj.即将来临的, 逼近的 4;|@eN  
element }~+q S`  
n.要素, 元素, 成分, 元件, 自然环境 sPP(>y( \  
eliminate !q[r_wL  
vt.排除, 消除 d1>L&3HKx  
v.除去 UfNcI[xr  
6.erotic  exotic ?Z2_y-  
erotic 0PdX>h.t  
adj.色情的 S] R.:T_%  
n.好色之徒 ~5;2ni8n  
exotic r]B`\XWz  
adj.外来的,外国来的,异乎寻常的 L$3 {L"/   
an exotic purple bird VD90JU]X<  
7.exalt  exult .)|2^ 'W  
exalt eAK=ylF;  
vt.赞扬;歌颂,提升;晋升 QR\2 %}9b  
exult 3| F\a|N  
vi.狂喜;欢跃 HXP/2&|JY  
The people exulted at the victory. iTVepYv4m  
The people all over the country exulted inthe success in launching a new satellite. ,CP&o  
8. exhaustive   exhausted   exhausting !a7YM4D  
exhaustive M=sGPPj  
adj.彻底的, 详尽的  bE%*ZB  
to make an exhaustive study &9 khIJI n  
An exhaustive investigation of the factsproves the contrary. 5gZ *  
exhausted =kBWY9 :$,  
adj.(令人)耗尽的, 疲惫的 >/9Qgyc 0  
exhausting L rhQG  
adj.使用尽的, 令人疲乏不堪的 ,D93A  
1.facility   facilitate gCZm7dgo  
facility 4v#A#5+O E  
n.灵巧,熟练 l a_FZ  
He has great facility in learninglanguages. E.4 X,  
Her facility with / in languages issurprising. XSktb k  
(pl) 设施,设备 w^)_Fk3  
There are facilities for cooking in thekitchen. #RWmP$+#=  
Are there washing facilities in the school? "64D.c(r$  
facilitate Vb/XT{T;b  
vt.使容易;使便利 ,H5o/qNU`{  
It would facilitate matters if you weremore co-operative F>"B7:P1:Q  
The new underground railway will facilitatethe journey to all parts of the city. s%@HchZ 1  
2. fiance   fiancee   finance ^03M~ SNCj  
fiance x}jiHV@=  
n.未婚夫  m8z414o  
fiancee ;f~z_3g  
n.未婚妻 Dlx-mm_  
finance .!Q?TSQ+{!  
n.财政, 金融, 财政学 KZI-/H+  
vt.供给...经费, 负担经费 1fcyGZq  
vi.筹措资金 l~$Od jf  
1.genius   genus   genuine J85Kgd1 \a  
genius m*\XH DB  
n.天才, 天赋, 天才人物 ka[%p,H  
genus d<>jhp5el  
n.种类;属 1" #W1im  
genuine %^<A` Q_  
adj.真实的, 真正的, 诚恳的,非伪造的 )! C|DSw  
2. graceful   gracious ?KXgG'!!  
graceful =f-.aq(G/  
adj.(身体的姿态和动作)优美的,优雅的 vV /fTO  
a graceful young girl F(+dX 4$  
a graceful young cat q@&.)sLPgO  
得体的 P] 9-+  
gracious m~ l[Y  
adj.亲切的;和蔼的;慈祥的 2a[_^v $v  
She welcomed her guests in a graciousmanner. Vv5#{+eT;  
优裕的;舒适的 ^g*2jH+  
gracious living x $=-lB  
1.hammer   hamper `DcZpd.n  
hammer 4f{(Scg  
n.铁锤, , 锤子 -~ 5|_G2Y"  
v.锤击, 锤打 >aV Q  
hamper hu''"/raM  
vt妨碍,阻碍 ,T3_*:0hk!  
The snow hampered my movements. )4/227b/(  
2.heroin   heroine =a3qpPkx  
heroin vTF_`X  
n.海洛因, 吗啡 ,6FmU$ Kn  
heroine "lJ [H=\  
n.女英雄, 女主人公 _& qM^  
3.hypercritical   hypocritical %T:7I[f  
hypercritical Sx%vJYH0  
adj.过分苛求的,吹毛求疵的 _laLTP*  
hypocritical T2V# fYCc  
adj.伪善的,虚伪的 3d0Yq  
hypocritical praise.  j,c8_;X!  
a hypocritical rogue. |p7k2wzN  
1. illusion   allusion zxt&oT0Q  
illusion NFQR  
n.幻觉;幻影;错觉 q:D!@+U  
I have no illusions about his ability. $2j?Z.yEG  
allusion eVYUJ,  
n.提及, 暗示 N7`<t&T@  
2.imitate   intimate   intimidate  initiate )=)=]|3  
imitate Rr'^l ]  
vt.效法;模仿 5Se S^kJC  
The little boy imitated his father.  FGP~^Dr/  
James can imitate his teacher's speechperfectly. xgeKz^,  
模拟;假装;学 m8|&z{  
Parrots imitate human speech. 2-3|0<`  
仿制 {,|J?>{  
Wood is often painted to imitate stone. 3 #zw Y  
intimate ?kvkdHEO_  
adj.亲近的;亲密的;熟悉的 mQOYjy3  
intimate friends 96.A8o  
Do you believe these two intimate friendsused to be mutual sworn enemies? GoGo@5n(Z  
个人的;私人的 `euk&]/^.)  
an intimate diary I+Q`i:\,q  
intimidate MO{6B#(<F  
vt.胁迫;威迫 dD2N!umW  
He said he would never be intimidated bybig names and authorities. cXO_g!&2A  
initiate "/)}Cc,L  
vt.开始, 发动, 传授 pEjA*6v|,  
v.开始, 发起 XMM@EN  
3. imperial   imperious   empirical .g7ebh6D  
imperial hwmpiyu   
adj.帝王的;帝国的 I499 Rrw#E  
imperious /#PEEN  
adj.傲慢的;专横的;紧急的 }31z 35  
empirical Sdc;jK 9d!  
adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的 f.gkGwNk  
4.indigenous   indignant \jdpL1  
indigenous Zcg=a_  
adj.土产的;本地的 #]ii/Et#x  
Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. /tno`su;  
indignant n8zh;vuJ  
adj.愤怒的, 愤慨的 @|&P#wd.u  
5. incomparable   uncomparable DVYY1!j<  
incomparable DTdL| x.{  
adj.无与伦比的, 卓越的 GA6)O-^G  
uncomparable %D z|p]49!  
adj.(两者由于无共同特性)无法比较的 ;o\0:fzr  
6.ingenuous  ingenious #jV6w=I  
ingenuous KM|[:v  
adj.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的 J4te!,  
ingenious 3Gt'<E|"  
adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 =o=)EU{~  
7. inhabit   inhibit `3r*Ae  
inhabit #]I:}Q51  
vt.居住 K/Axojo  
a district sparsely inhabited KoQvC=+WI  
inhibit cGC&O%`i,\  
vt.(常与from连用)阻止;抑制 (~{7e/)r  
an inhibited person qO>BF/)a(  
8. interference   inference XaD}J:Xq  
interference R\yw9!ESd  
n.干涉;阻挠 #(CI/7 -  
inference a+*|P  
n.推论,推断;推断的结果,结论 dW!T.S  
9.imaginative   imaginary   imaginable hW>@jT"t1C  
imaginative ~v9\4O  
adj.富于想象的;有想象力的 oHu0] XA  
imaginative writers blaxUP:  
imaginary L<QqQ"`  
adj.想象的;虚构的 )0PUK9  
He told a story about an imaginary land. ^`=Z=C$fj  
imaginable s<z{(a  
adj.可想象的, 可能的 L3X>v3CZ5  
10.immense   immerse ngEjbCV+  
immense sh}=#eb  
adj.极大的 )e9(&y*o  
He made an immense amount of money inbusiness. l $d4g?Z  
The performance was immense. 3j<] W  
immerse QS_" fsyN:  
vt.(常与in连用)浸入 $>5|TG 0i  
immerse one's head in the water +n^$4f  
(常与in连用)沉浸于;沉溺于 K-k;`s#  
The professor was so immersed in her workthat she didn't notice me. J h M.P9  
The whole town was immersed in a festivalatmosp 3HFsR)  
1.judicious   judicial WZ@nuK.39T  
judicious Jan73AOX  
adj.明智的;有判断力的;有见识的 mm\J]Cc`  
judicial s+C&\$E  
adj.司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明断的 JL`n12$m  
2.literature   literary Z!~~6Sq  
literal W84JB3p  
adj.精确的 #{UM4~|:  
a literal account of a conversation @aY 8VL7C0  
逐字翻译的,照字面的;原意的 C:l /%   
literate aJOhji<b#L  
n.学者 :)cPc7$8  
adj.有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的 QP >P  
literature .1[K\t)2  
n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献 +P6q wh\v  
literary P< O[S  
adj.文学的著作的;研究文学的文言的 &#w] 2~|  
3.little   litter 2u*o/L+  
little 3!,XR\`[  
n.少许, 一会儿, 短时间 |t!kD(~r  
adj.很少的, 矮小的, 短暂的, 琐碎的 MHpPb{ ^  
adv.很少, 稍微, 完全不 b{b2L.  
litter !G 90oW  
n.垃圾 uv/I`[@HK8  
vt.乱丢, 铺草, 弄乱 #78p# E  
vi.产仔, 乱丢垃圾 fJH09:@^%  
4.loot   root 0V1)ou84'  
loot *rXESw]BR  
v.掠夺, 抢劫, 劫掠 "<Dn%r  
n.掠夺物, 战利品, 抢劫 mawomna  
root 8 T):b2h  
n., 根部, 根本, 根源 \ |F4@  
v.(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立 S1E =E5  
5.luxuriant   luxurious +\fr3@Yc  
luxuriant t>)iC)^u  
adj.繁茂的;丰富的 TUw^KSa  
Luxuriant forests covered the hillside. X};m\Bz  
多产的 v~H1Il_+  
luxurious Kyt.[" p  
adj.舒适的;豪华的 &=Gz[1 L  
a luxurious hotel "o 2p|2c  
奢侈的;贪图享受的 5Q#;4  
She had luxurious habits. DJ_,1F  
1. massage   message I?YTX  
massage +FfT)8@W  
vt.按摩;推拿 X^r5su?  
message (%}T\~`1z#  
n.消息;音信 b'Pq [ )  
I have sent mother a message to tell her Ishall be home late. q#:,6HDd  
There's a message for you from your cousin. 3~z4#8=  
要旨;要点 8/,m8UOY  
the message of this book }`8g0DPuD9  
2.material   materiel `zGK$,[%  
material =2] .G Gg  
n.材料, 原料, 物资, 素材, 布料 Fvf308[  
adj.物质的, 肉体的, 具体的, 重要的, 实质性的 v_)a=I%o&2  
materiel kT@RA}  
n.军用品,装备,设施 f{xR s-u]  
3.mediate    meditate fu?5gzT+b  
mediate Rp4EB:*  
vi.(常与between连用)调停;斡旋 %^n9Z /I  
meditate L]hXAShmb  
vi.(常与on /upon连用)考虑;深思;冥想;反省;策划;仔细计划 /ZqBO*]  
4.moral    morale wUWSW<  
moral P*oKcq1R  
adj.道德(), 精神的 W7>4-gk  
n.道德 1|bu0d\]  
morale [SgWUP*  
n.士气, 民心 EF=.L {  
1.negligible    negligent vZj^&/F$=g  
negligible |Ak>kQJ(1z  
adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的 -FytkM^]6  
negligent /%C6e )7BL  
adj.疏忽的, 粗心大意的  .CdaOWM7  
2.notable   noticeable 0JQy-hpF  
notable <9 lZ%j;  
adj.显著的, 著名的 xy>wA  
noticeable %[\: 8  
adj.显而易见的 ]vJZ v"ACn  
The hole in your trousers is not noticeable. 5QB] 2c^  
1.official   officious 3#huC=zbf  
official q4{Pm $OW  
n.官员, 公务员 rs {e6  
adj.职务上的, 公务的, 官方的, 正式的 E pj  
officious 1MHP#X;|  
adj.爱发命令的;专横的;好出主意的 dl;~-'0  
2. optional   optical   optimal _a@&$NEox  
optional F>jPr8&  
adj.可选择的, 随意的 P7QOlTQI  
optical \kcJF'JFA0  
adj.眼的, 视力的, 光学的 6TJ5G8z_  
optimal 8^M5k%P  
adj.最佳的, 最理想的 _H}y7  
3.ordinance  ordnance vF"<r,pg  
ordinance c_c]0Tm  
n.法令;条例 qJ|ByZ.N+  
ordnance j*f%<`2`j  
n.大炮;炮兵;军械;军需品 )~xL_yW_X  
1. perpetrate  perpetuate `M/=_O3  
perpetrate TEz)d=  
vt.作(恶);犯(罪);为(非) 6la# 0U23  
perpetuate wGa0w*$  
vt.使永存, 使不朽 %AW5\ EX  
2.persecute   prosecute f gI.q  
persecute DR3M|4[  
vt.迫害 Oh6_Bci  
prosecute |t CD@M  
vt.告发;检举 lnL& v' {  
He was prosecuted for robbery. @+~=h{jv<  
3.perspective   prospective ya5a7  
perspective uA=6 HpDB  
n.远景, 前途, 观点;看法, 观点 `%;n HQ"  
prospective iKv`[k  
adj.未来的;盼望中的;预期的 'D%No!+Py  
prospective benefits [W=%L:Ea  
4.physicist   physician GDw4=0u-  
physicist Gp9 >R~$  
n.物理学者, 唯物论者 Q>7#</i\.  
physician i0/gyK  
n.医生;内科医生 C&D]!Zv F  
5. popular   populace   populous T[a1S?_*T  
popular 8(ny^]v|  
adj.通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的 Hf+A52lrf  
populace }#z E`IT  
n平民;大众;老百姓 2T5@~^:7u  
populous 7c!oFwM  
adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的 Wd$N[|  
6.portable    potable  w J!  
portable +A W6 >yV`  
adj.轻便的, 手提(), 便携式的 W zgzI/  
potable ~cSC-|$^&  
adj.适于饮用的 F<BhN+U  
n.饮料 %_M B-  
7.practicable   practical TC U |k ,  
practicable iJ42` 51  
adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的 o]n5pZ\\W<  
practical R8EDJ2u#  
adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的, 应用的, 有实际经验的 d|on y  
8.principal   principle l*_b)&CH  
principal Q9K Gf;  
n.负责人, 首长, 校长, 主犯, 本金 &gF{<$$  
adj.主要的, 首要的 GY,@jp|R  
principle $>/J8iB  
n.法则, 原则, 原理 &IT'%*Y:V  
9.profile   profit $f1L<euH  
profile g%j z,|  
n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓  i2)SSQ  
profit C'n 9n!hR  
n.利润, 益处, 得益 %Tsefs?_  
vi.得益, 利用 LU?#{dZ  
vt.有益于, 有利于 HH^{,53%  
10.peel  peep   peek peer +hjc~|RK  
peel  n 果皮  vt  vi 削皮,剥落 ct~lt'L\  
peep  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) ui9gt"qS`  
peek  n  vi 偷看 、窥视(at) C+5^[V  
peer  vi 凝视 at [n74&EH  
10.promise   premise BD4.sd+H,  
promise MM'<uy  
vt.允诺, 答应 3J'a  
n.允诺, 答应, 许诺 i":-g"d  
premise ^D.B^BR  
n.前提 JAB]kNvI  
vt.提论, 预述, 假定 JH)&Ca>S  
vi.作出前提 ni%^w(J3Q  
11.proper   prosper *D<sk7  
proper H?'VQ=j  
adj.正当的;适当的 (Nik( Oyj"  
prosper ._FgQ` `PL  
vi., vt.发达 繁荣;昌盛 =<e#  2  
His company is prospering. n53} 79Uiz  
12.prescribe   proscribe ![vc/wuf  
prescribe aD&10b9`  
vt., vi.开药方;处方;命令;规定 wfZ 'T#1  
The law prescribes what should be done. 6]rrj  
proscribe ?QuFRl,ZJ  
vt.禁止;放逐 kW,yZ.?f  
13.personality   personalty 4h~Oj y16&  
personality   vfy- ;R(  
n.人格;个性 hD$U8~zK  
a strong personality 9CN / v  
personalty huq6rA/i  
n.个人财产 9J%>2AA  
14.parish   perish n `n3[  
parish d&ZwVF!  
n.教区;行政教区;地方自治区 J]~fv9~ P  
(熟知该区情况的警察、出租汽车司机的)工作区域 Hou{tUm{xC  
perish t TmFJ5  
vi., vt.死;暴卒;毁灭;损坏;枯萎 92VAQU6  
Flowers perish when frost comes. 4u(}eE f7  
1.responsive   responsible vEgJmHv;  
responsive k|lxJ^V#  
adj.(常与to连用)反应的;易反应的 oVhw2pKpM  
She is responsive to kindness. &FZe LIt  
responsible TY#1Z )%  
adj.(常与to, for连用)有责任的;应负责任的 <r\)hx0ov  
The bus driver is responsible for thepassengers safety. ke4q$pD  
2.reward   award [n}c}%  
reward #k"[TCQ>  
n.报酬, 奖金 &6:,2W&s  
vt.酬劳, 奖赏 ,AD| u_pP  
award $yc,D=*Isi  
vt.颁奖,授奖 '~f@p~P  
The school awarded Merry a prize (for hergood work).  y,r`8  
1.sanction   sanitation y-@!, @e  
sanction I{AU,  
n.批准;允许;认可;制裁;处罚;约束力 EiN.VU `  
Poetry is one of the sanctions of life. g:6yvEu$ -  
sanitation 2l SM`cw  
n.公共卫生;保持公共卫生;公共卫生设施 %%Kg'{-:  
2. secret   secretive nn   
secret Cei U2.:U  
n.秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 =%u|8Ea*`  
adj.(事物)秘密的, 隐秘的, 幽静的、 &59#$LyH`%  
secretive *~cs8<.!1  
adj.(人)守口如瓶的 '-S&i{H  
3.sob   sober   somber |)4$\<d  
sob 2%qn !+.  
v.哭诉, (风等)发呜咽声, 哭泣 q5!l(QL.  
n.呜咽, 哭泣 y;Zfz~z  
sober KVcZ@0[S  
adj.未醉的;清醒的;审慎的;严肃的;庄重的;不加装饰的;朴素无华的 )[)]@e  
somber 1b7xw#gLx  
adj.忧郁的,郁闷的;阴暗的;幽暗的 )ra66E  
4.solemn   sole PM.SEzhm  
solemn ._&lG3'  
adj.庄严的, 隆重的, 严肃的 @NNLzqqY  
sole /kA19E4  
adj.单独的, 唯一的 N39nJqo>"  
n.脚底, 鞋底, 基础 pG( knu  
v.换鞋底  =.X?LWKY  
5.status   statute    stature  statue a-E-hX2  
status ]k: m2$le  
n.身份, 地位, 情形, 状况 bQy%$7UmX,  
statute CdDd+h8  
n.法令, 条例 hcgc =$^  
stature !ix<|F5  
n.身高, 身材 6lWFxbh  
statue o$ce1LO?|N  
vt.以雕像装饰 H 1D;:n  
n.雕像 egvy#2b@  
6.stationary    stationery F>QT|  
stationary `SjD/vNE  
adj.固定的;不动的 T_x+sv=|X!  
Wait until the bus is stationary before youget off. @y(Wy}  
stationery I\upnEKKzZ  
n.文具, 信纸 >y Bxa)  
7.stimulate  simulate   simultaneous spontaneous   instantaneous V`\f+Uu  
stimulate h Y}/Y  
vt.激励,鼓励;使兴奋 <.WM-Z  
simulate @mx$sNDkL  
vt.模拟, 模仿;假装, 冒充 bqrJP3  
simultaneous &QTeGn  
adj.同时的, 同时发生的 +^*5${g;@H  
spontaneous 8pPC 9ew\=  
adj.(行为)自发的 ,无意识的 g. ?*F#2  
(现象) 自然产生的 WB r:|F+~s  
The eruption of a volcano is spontaneou nU&NopD+*G  
The two suddenly embraced in a spontaneousgesture of affection. *IWFeu7y  
instantaneous VyWYfPK  
adj.瞬间的, 即刻的, 即时的 H^D 3NuUC  
8.subside   subsidy   subsidize  subsist wb6L? t  
subside Kx- s0cw  
vi.(土地)下 陷,凹陷 (!*Xhz,(-  
(恶劣的气候或其他激烈的情况)平息,消退,平静 5wH54g j }  
下沉;落下;坐下 6F*-qb3  
subsidy Dxt),4 %P  
n.补贴;补助金 *N-;V|{  
subsidize 7m:|u*ij2~  
vt.资助;津贴 NoCDY2 $  
subsist /l,+oG%\  
vi.生存;维持生活 )MWUS;O<  
9.summit   submit &8<<!#ob  
summit gA~20LSt  
n.顶点, 最高阶层 v7i^O`{eD?  
adj.政府首脑的 4\LZD{  
vi.参加最高级会议的 TB7>s~)47E  
submit (C daE!I4Q  
v.(使)服从, (使)顺从 \  Md 3  
vt.提交, 递交 l0gY~T/#3  
10.synonymous    anonymous    unanimous d<Ggw#}:m  
synonymous Y^52~[w~  
adj.(后面与with连用)同义的 'X =p7 d|'  
anonymous D.'h?^kA  
adj.匿名的 +I t#Z3  
unanimous jY7=mAd  
adj.全体一致的,无异议的 u!Xb?:3uj  
He was elected with unanimous approval. Ve{n<{P  
一致通过的 t\h$&[[l'z  
The whole school was unanimous in itsapproval of the head-master's plan. ^ eQFg>  
11.surpass    trespass     compass /;?M?o"H  
surpass kv6Cp0uFg  
vt.超越, 胜过 x^G'rF"nT  
trespass *?/tO, R?  
vi.(常与on, upon连用)非法侵入; y$X(S\W  
The farmer said we were trespassing. 4({( i  
(与on连用)侵扰,打扰 ^/HW$8wEi  
I won't trespass upon your time any longer. !b8uLjd;  
compass ui:=  
n.指南针;类似指南针的仪器;圆规;两脚规 j~;;l!({i  
1.terminate   exterminate  Tc6:UF  
terminate S}(8f!9<  
vt., vi.终止;终结;结束 bB!#:j>(v  
a display of fireworks that terminated thefestivities. +oI3I~  
The oil pipeline terminates at a shippingport. Negotiations terminated yesterday ';0 qj$ #  
exterminate *O,H5lwU  
vt消灭;杀绝 =pcF:D#+  
2.terrorist   territory (a@?s$LG  
terrorist Z\~G U*Y.e  
n.恐怖分子 Wy4$*$  
territory 9i5tVOhE  
n.领土;版图;领地 n`ViTwd]MQ  
3.temper  temperate  temperature  temperament  temperance  temperamental 7Ym(n8  
temper )[L^Dmd,  
n.脾气;性情;心情 Fk "Ee&H)(  
in a good temper :u6JjW[a)  
心情好;闹情绪;发脾气 |F[=b'?  
He's in a temper today. X T[zj <&_  
temperate ,HB2 hHD  
adj.有节制的, 适度的, 戒酒的;(气候)温和的 26I  
temperature v>Lm;q(  
n.温度 yF13Of^l./  
temperament 5O <>mCF  
n.气质;性情;性格 2f>PO +4S{  
temperance #3$\Iu  
n.节欲, 戒酒, 禁酒, (气候等的)温和 6E ~g#(8  
temperamental @L/o\pvc  
adj.出自本性的;本质的;喜怒无常的;易冲动发火的 rit BU:6  









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