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主题 : 蒋跃-医博英语历年真题摘要写作范文
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-11-27   
来源于 考博资料 分类


An approach to successful Englishwriting
Ladies and gentlemen, Ef7 Kx49I  
First of all, I’d like toextend my sincere congratulations to your success of sitting here as acandidate of Master degree which results from your great efforts of years. <01MXT-  
This is the first timethat we have met here for my English writing course. It is also a beginning ofnew experience, a new leaf of your life, of which you may have good reasons tocherish many wonderful wishes and expectations. +LrW#K;  
It is pleasing that youare no longer to be supposed to learn just for passing some kind of compulsoryexam, such as CET Band 6, though all of you will have to write a conventionalcomposition in your finals. You come here mainly for something practical,useful and necessary in your future career, written skills of Englishcommunication. You come here to learn more about English writing, to polishwhat you have commanded and to enhance your current writing proficiency. You maywant to be able to write an English medical paper to publish your findings, anEnglish abstract for your Chinese article, or an English report to your foreigncolleagues on your recent project. Some of you will sit for the Englishentrance examination for medical doctoral candidates. I will try to meet thesedifferent needs with something that I call essential notions and functions (意念功能)of English writing.   hf%W grO.  
The proficiency of Englishwriting is a very broad concept which involves not only many notions (意念) but also countless communicative functions. If wesay someone is good at English writing, we actually mean that he is capable ofexpressing some notions and his English writing skills are just sufficient to performthe needed functions. In this sense, to learn English writing is to learn theskills needed to express one’s specific notions and functions. From the pointof view of linguistic communication, to write is to perform many specificcommunicative tasks of expressing necessary notions and completing necessaryfunctions. It seems that communicative notions and functions are too variousand too great in number, but we should know that they are not equallyimportant, useful, essential, practical, or necessary for us. The mostessential and frequently used ones are limited in number but enable us toperform the majority of our communicative tasks. What we are going to learn andtry to command are essential notions and functions (意念功能)of English writing ]QpR>b=[j  
To make a good beginning,you should first know what I am going to do and what you are going to do withthis course. )TXn7{M:  
I am not going to conductmy course in a traditional way. I am not going to make me speak all the time onthe platform and you just sit and listen down there as well as make daydreams. Iam going to base my course on my teaching experience and findings of ages, onthe theory of task-based communicative approach. e _, _:|t  
I am no longer a teacherin a traditional sense, one who dominates the classroom because he teaches hisstudents what he knows but they do not know. I am going to be a guide who isjust able to help you with what I know but you do not know, or are not good at,to acquire what you need to know. Xst&QKU  
The first thing you aregoing to do is to attend my classes. Attendance is compulsory no matter howskillful you are at English writing. If you are a proficient writer, you canmake contributions to the course by helping me and your classmates. Class activitiesare centered round practical communicative tasks which you are supposed to getinvolved. Class participation is encouraged and so part of the classroom timewill be devoted to it. fDqlN`P@  
Next you are going toperform and complete written communicative tasks assigned by me. They will takeyou lots of time out of class if you want to do a good job. In this way, I willshow you how you can really master what you need in your future writtencommunication and develop competence in medical English writing by yourselves. }~\J7R'  
Classroom time will bedevoted to illustration, explanation, discussion, group work, and students’participation. Classroom activities will be decided not only by me but also byyou. Part of the contents of the course has been prepared by me in advance but partof the contents is going to be decided by you, by what you do and by how youperform the tasks. As a result of this arrangement, different classes will havedifferent tasks or contents. po{f*}gas]  
Assignments must besubmitted to a designated e-mail address where they will be recorded andchecked. A special exercise-book and computer work are necessary. Av/|={i  
The final exam is basedon what we have done in class, and the final evaluation is based on attendance,classroom participation, assignment and final exam. @ '<lD*W  
I hope all of you willhave a wonderful and fruitful time in the next four months being with me. Ihope you will find a successful approach to English writing. }_u )3X.O  
Last, I’d like to ask for your understanding andtolerance for my lack of personal attention, for I am overloaded with 22periods a week and more than 1000 students to be attended in writing. 









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