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主题 : 名校考博词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2015-01-15   
来源于 考博资料 分类


第一部分            词汇记忆策略 i&k7-<  
1. 全脑活化 o.\oA6P_  
人类左右脑分析比较: 8] ikygt"  
左脑:意识、低速、一般阅读、知识、知觉、知性、逻辑 ]HdCt3X  
右脑:无意识、超高速、速读、创造力、视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉、图像、色彩、直觉 X@f}Q`{Ymj  
右脑具备左脑没有的特殊机能: Hef g[$m  
1. 超高速大量记忆机制 vI]N^j2%  
2. 图像化机能 b6M  
3. 超高速演算机能  XlJZhc  
4. 共振共鸣机能 ZB& 6<uw  
2. 举例说明: c"Sq~X  
132623182830152111241922131425 Q,9oKg  
3. 词汇记忆策略:联想法、串联法、构词法、近义词、近形词、易混淆词、加减词、固定搭配 wPl%2 0t  
2 euthanasia, chrysanthemum JLi|Td "1%  
2 flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony,carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me-not,poinsettia, … 05k0n E  
2 receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take;con- = 共同) BB'OCN  
2 tumble---stumble tumble…into/through 跌倒;stumble…over/ on 脚下拌到东西而跌倒) \L\b$4$d  
2 stationary---stationery (文具,如笔pen,铅笔pencil中含有"e",故见到"e"就想起是文具。) @A 5?3(e  
2 genius --- genuine (含有us的是天才,因为我们是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”),  *,m ;  
2 form---deform确(形状;变形) q]M0md  
2 attach to 9K&:V(gmw  
第二部分            实例练习 ^I)N. 5  
1. 联想法 Yrn)VV[)h  
carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier,hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour abalone,flounder, cult, beau >U3cTEs cj  
2. 串联法 N36_C;K-z  
network: X|8c>_}  
Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrieve---logon… ${)b[22":  
3. 构词法 +U.I( 83F  
-age (状态、特性、行为) N"1B/u  
page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage,courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage p"Z-6m~  
coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage,passage, postage, bondage bond 结束、约束、债券;bondage就含有“束缚、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage garb 衣服), manage ,spillage, Y#3c }qb  
usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosage ~!3r&(  
language, image, heritage, engage A={UL  
-ward #!m.!? O  
inward, outward, forward, backward, toward, upward,downward, seaward, skyward,---coward, reward, award, $a %MOKr  
a- (构成作表语用的形容词;构成动词。。。) LraWcO\or'  
apart, aloud, around, away, afar, aboard, across GDy9qUV  
alike, acute, alive, asleep, aware Fr$5RAyg  
amaze, amend, amuse, arise, ascribe, avail, await,awake, award, abound, abridge, amount pU7lnS[  
affirm, acclaim, accompany, account, arrange, array,arrest, arrow O,A{3DAe0  
4. 近义词 BV+ Bk+  
    Merchants 煤商 |B2+{@R  
      Blame for TvQo?  
      Income !&Pui{F  
      Thieves I,'k>@w{s  
       Dealers 7fX<511(  
  买进卖出商人 <V6VMYXY4  
      Condemn for mo#04;VF  
      Wages P_#bo w  
      Burglars ~BkCp pI  
       Businessmen [=]4-q6UN  
  (广义)商人 s&!a  
      Accuse of [=^3n#WW  
      Salary }I6vqG  
      Robbers }XM(:|8J,  
       Tradesmen 'anG:=  
  (英)店主 = +?7''{>  
      Criticize for nmi|\mof  
      Pay O|N{ v"o  
      Bandits td 3D=Y  
       f &wb  
       }t1a* z  
       Scene 特别的景象,如泰山的日出 RT J3qhY  
      Announce Jl9k``r*  
      Buyers 4^OY C  
      Synthetic ZH)="qx [  
       Scenery一国一地的自然风光 xZF}D/S?Ov  
      Publish *lw_=MXSK  
      Shoppers n%s ]30Xs  
      False M8b;d}XL  
       Views特别的景象 5K?IDt7A]  
      Advertise 58J}{Req  
      Customers #PQB(=299P  
      Imitation -kwXvYu\  
       Nature 强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象 <=0 u2~E  
      Inform 8-%TC\:  
      Clients Ab"@714@  
      Counterfeit &,CiM0  
      Artificial }YNR"X9*)/  
       Urgent 紧急 pF Rg?-  
      Substitute $,}E   
      Particular CZI66pDy  
       Hasty 草率 MgrLSKLT  
      Selection T iiWp!mX  
      Peculiar [t@Mn  
      Mortal ,+xB$e  
       Instant 立刻 Midy"  
      Preference 7Vo$(kj  
      Special  &NK,VB;  
      Fatal uIZ-#q  
       Prompt 快速;及时 ;he"ph=>  
      Alternative LNpup`>`  
      Unusual -pGE]nwDL  
      Deadly b+6\JE^Mz  
       Contend 竞争;斗争 sy"^?th}b  
      Fraud ;1.,Sn+zO  
      Preliminary ZUR6n>r  
      Imaginative ahOMCZF|  
       Compete比赛;竞争 o .G!7  
      Deceive 6%Pdy$ P  
      Primary OJ$]V,Z00x  
      Imaginable *ikc]wQr$  
       Struggle斗争 D+z?wuXk  
      Cheat b6F4>@gjg  
      Elementary ~ZhraSI) G  
      Imagined 6qaQ[XTxf  
       Conflict 斗争 pDcjwlA%  
      Dupe &L Vn6zAba  
      Fundamental s,n0jix@  
      Imaginary !l 1fIc  
       Boz@bl mCB  
       SNE#0L' }  
       Hinder ;b(p=\i  
      Decline g(J&m< I  
      Perplex ;Tc`}2  
      Reproach  <**y !2  
       Preclude aZ'Lx:)R  
      Deny )5U[o0td  
      Puzzle OYmR<x5y/  
      Scold !\L/[:n  
       Detain nMvKTH  
      Reject 5~WGZc  
      Confuse q]N:T pm9  
      Compliment XW s"jt  
       Retard R&';Oro  
      Refuse ez!C?  
       )R  2.  
      Reprimand snnbb0J  
       Hamper uDSxTz{  
       pd 8Nke  
        X'% ;B  
       Protract _#}n~}d  
      Reliable TkO[rAC  
      Fatigued b-*3 2Y%  
      Empty lmSo8/%T  
       Postpone JS>Gd/Jd  
      Confident R$Tp8G>j  
      Tired WJ9 cZL  
      Blank (nab  
       Cancel .eO?Z^  
      Faithful T,OwM\`.X{  
      Exhausted -}6xoF?  
      Vacant [e4]"v`N  
       Delay I]y.8~xs  
      Dependent D'hW|  
      Bored V)i5=bHC  
      Bare awUx=%ERtA  
       Adjourn ?kz+R'  
       *cg( ?yg  
5. 近形词 <x), ,a=X  
fiction T4;T6 9j;,  
fraction ;|cTHGxbE  
friction Wi}FY }f  
function s $*'^:   
tumble f0LP?]  
stumble 6R29$D|HFO  
scramble !"TZ:"VZU  
humble fXQiNm[P  
tremble 1SV^){5I  
resume N|2y"5  
consume J%]D%2vnk`  
assume b( ^^m:(w  
presume @l UlY2  
resumption VZIR4J[\.  
consumption )Os Lrq/  
assumption vY*\R0/a  
presumption '7im  
bore ;#G%U!p  
core Y+/l X6'  
pore [[)_BmS5r  
sore !)Rr] ~  
IGAz E(  
simplify Jll-X\O`-  
modify r5/R5Ga^  
verify wX'}4Z=C~  
rectify B">yKB:D}t  
justify lz~J"$b  
testify *[kxF*^  
rectify 1=Ilej1  
verify }G1&]Wt _  
transcription 4^!4eyQ^  
subscription MPRO !45Z  
prescription ]X" / yAn  
description Wtv#h~jy9  
attribute BGjb`U#%3  
contribute zd`=Ih2Wx  
distribute TV{)n'aA  
tribute ,sb1"^Wc  
4S *,\q]q  
attitude GF R!n1Hv  
altitude MtG_9-  
aptitude _@ i>s,  
_9 h.Gt  
descriptive 6f}e+80  
prescriptive NdQ%:OKC  
interference zeTszT)  
interruption YMAQ+A!  
intervention I>((o`  
interaction 2xmT#m  
#S i|!  
transaction "3t\em!  
transmission {aJz. `u\  
transformation MYTS3(  
transition :GM#&*$2<  
contact WLy7'3@  
intact )_O.{$ to  
possibility 3"B+xbe=  
validity kv%)K'fU4  
reliability kGj]i@(PA4  
security -4`sqv ]  
conceivable sWW\bK0B4  
perceivable K-<n`zg3  
eH `t \n  
arise T`mEO\f  
rise D`fc7m  
raise q"p#H8  
arouse K*[0dza$  
respectful \y,; Cfl<  
respectable |N6mTB2  
respected EUXV/QV{  
respective Z c<]^QR  
detain r)%4-XeV  
attain 5A;"jp^ Z  
retain 7~lB} $L  
certain `lvh\[ 3^  
contain f!^)!~  
=>. DD<g"  
room I@+lFG   
doom wbl ${@4  
boom 8QPT\~  
loom @],Z 2  
G@;Nz i89  
intense enWF7`  
intentional }t}38%1i  
intensive dzpj9[  
intending %~ ;nlDw  
intended h#vL5At  
assure XlE$.  
ensure jg7d7{{SB  
insure $Gr4sh!cE  
reassure a"MTQFm'  
sometimes Y#GT*V  
some time axHxqhO7zp  
sometime #tCIuQ,  
some times 27}.s0{D  
hatch ftDVxKDE?S  
catch JkRGtYq  
patch c-? Ygr  
match @WMj^t1D+  
bare P?-d[zLA  
rare J(H??9(s  
care Ubn   
dare [YL sEo=  
fare {"qW~S90YO  
hare yQ72v'  
+H5 jRw  
banish Fj[ dO&  
vanish PQr#G JG7  
diminish 0j-F6a*p'1  
admonish @]}Qh;a~  
>KH( nc$  
durability { &6l\|  
flexibility EbHUGCMO  
versatility O&gy(   
hostility D/ NIn=>j  
cooperate Qe' PAN=B  
coordinate J:M<9W  
correlate C5W-B8>  
correspond dNS9<8JX  
Au\ =ypK  
observe $)WH^Ir~  
reserve Bk@_]a  
conserve j:\_*f  
preserve KJ05Zx~uma  
deserve AH ?MJKY@Z  
prior 0(.R?1*:Rf  
superior -qr:c9\px  
inferior eN7yjd'Y6  
senior ! Dhfr{  
junior ek_i{'hFd  
sparrow ~>wq;T:=  
swallow Qr xO erp  
hollow b~N|DKj  
sorrow xDAA`G  
narrow N'q/7jOy  
pillow 22H=!.DJ  
bold {pi67"mYp  
cold [Nzg 8FP  
fold ,L;c{[*rh  
gold Ij,?G*  
hold hJL0M!  
mold ~S<F  
sold 1\9BO:<K  
told P+ h<{%:*  
>0G}, S  
migrant "q#kh,-C  
immigrant Y3F.hk}O  
immigrate kv FOk  
immigration d3q/mg5a  
emigrant JT+lWhy  
emigrate ' c\TMb.  
emigration Ik2szXh[J  
edge [,V92-s;N  
hedge "VOW V3Z  
wedge \<  +47+  
pledge Hw-oh?=  
sA7K ;J})  
deduce ?z36mj"`o  
reduce a5g{.:NfO  
produce @9Pn(fd]  
induce =kkA  
seduce kj"_Y"q=  
preclude ]d;/6R+Vs  
exclude OX`GN#yl  
include 5 /VB'N#7s  
form dK`O,[}  
deform tTxo:+xg  
inform hA19:H=7R0  
transform m9i%U   
conform KTREOOu .t  
contempt U.9nHo{  
attempt K&oO+G^f  
prompt DcM+K@1E4^  
except eWs^[^c.<  
accept `I<|*vW u  
concept 25KZe s)  
percept t`D@bzLC%  
receive cjpl_}'L:  
deceive u _^=]K;  
conceive Vp94mi#L }  
perceive xef7mx  
achieve XV!EjD~q  
believe $~\qoW<  
grieve B75SLK:h=  
relieve ,g.=vQm:?  
f>PU# D @B  
自测题: 1(a\$Di  
1. 不看讲义,试一试你的记忆力。利用联想法,你能记住多少刚才所学的词: [b'fz  
1____________________  2. __________________ 3. _________________ l"#,O$x"#@  
4. _____________________  5. __________________ 6. _________________ Grv|Wuli  
7. _____________________  8. __________________ 9. _________________ tam/FzVw  
10. ____________________  11. _________________ 12. ________________ ^5F/=TtE G  
2. 列出以下单词的近义词: _FgeE`X  
1. income d_hcv|%  
2. mortal c9 c Nlp  
3. urgent :Tl?yG F  
4. synthetic -t?G8,,  
5. deceive @TDcj~oR ?  
6. retard ]y e &#  
7. empty Ckp=d  
8. confuse  =%`"  
9. buyer *q BZi;1  
10. contend ){~.jP=-#  
  3. 列出以下单词的近形词: Wi<Fkzj  
1.  tumble |Rc#Q<Vh|  
2.  description }z #8vE;  
3.  justify ?9cy5z[  
4.  attain C/=ZNl9"fn  
5.  attribute T rW3@@}j  
6.  prior ~c"c9s+o  
汉英对照 dmne+ufB  
近义词 =v-D}eJQ=  
Merchants          煤商 (ydeZx  
Dealers                      买进卖出商人 {H74`-C)W  
Businessmen      (广义)商人 <Coh &g_  
Tradesmen          (英)店主 U<x3=P  
Scene           特别的景象,如泰山的日出 ~ p.23G]x  
Scenery        一国一地的自然风光 &x3y.}1  
Views           特别的景象 QXCI+Fcg  
Nature         强调大自然的感召力,不着重具体的自然景象 G(>a LF  
Urgent         紧急 : SNp"|  
Hasty           草率 4Hw8w7us:  
Instant         立刻 B^ h!F8DC  
Prompt               快速;及时 chy7hPxC;  
Contend      搏斗;争夺 (compete againstsb. in order to gain sth.) 97lwPjq  
Compete       比赛;竞争 (try to be moresuccessful than another person or organization in business) V>hy5hDpH  
compete with sb.for sth. / compete for office(争夺公职) / against d;z`xy(C  
Struggle        斗争 (try hard to achieve sth.) struggle againstdifficulties/ struggle for freedom L_(|5 #IDw  
Conflict              斗争 (两种观点、信仰不能同时存在,不能都正确。)a conflict of opinion            (分歧); The twoaccounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.(关于发生的事情,两个报道截然不同。) 28-@Ga4  
Hinder: make it difficult for sb. to do sth. Or for sth.to develop #8A|-u=3  
       High invest rates willhinder economic growth. d%<Uh(+:  
Preclude: (formal) prevent sth. or make sth. impossible E4P P& '  
       Age alone will not precludehim from standing as a candidate. g$ h!:wW  
Detain: (officially) prevent sb. from leaving some place (拘留;扣押) KF.? b]  
              Delay sb. who wants to leave, by talking to them, asking themto do sth.(耽搁;留住) W!{uEH{%l  
       He was detained by a flattire on his way home. E7N1B*KI  
       The police detained the manto make further inquiries. a 3H S!/  
Retard: (formal) to delay the development of sth. or to make sth.happen more slowly than expected.(妨碍;推迟) wi!Ml4Sb  
       Cold weather retards thegrowth of many plants. ^'}Td~(  
       Bad roads retard the car (失修的公路阻滞了车速。) 1:-$mt_*  
Hamper: restrict sb. movement, activities, achievements by causingdifficulties for them. h5~ tsd}OU  
       Women's progress in theworkplace is still hampered by male's attitudes. jYU#] |k~  
       Hamper sb. from gettingelected. TO QvZ?_  
" `lRX  
Protract: last a long time, esp. longer than usual b747eR 7E  
       Protracted negotiations 旷日持久的谈判 WHU& 9N  
       Protract one's stay forsome weeks 多呆了几个星期 N-suBRnW  
Postpone: change an event, action to a later time or date il*bsnwpZv  
       Gail and Lisa have decidedto postpone having a family for a while. c|  E  
       The match had to bepostponed. vsc&$r3!5{  
Cancel: arrange that a planned activity or event will not now happen. wsM5T B  
       The football game had beencancelled due to rain. ifuVVFov  
Delay: wait until a later time to do sth. ^NP" m  
       Don't delay claiming or youmay lose benefit. MLUq"f~N  
Adjourn: finish or stop for a short time $L?stgU  
       The chairman has the powerto adjourn the meeting at any time. @L`t/OD  
Blame for                   ……归于 %6 Bt%H  
Condemn for                     谴责 c" yf>0  
Accuse sb. of sth.              指责 ^}9Aq $R  
Criticize for                批判 Fe: 0nr9;  
Announce                   宣布;通知 JrO2"S  
Publish                       发表;出版 (G:$/fK  
Advertise                   ……做广告 UA}k"uM  
Inform                       告知 (inform sb.of sth.) 2U i)'0  
]kR 93  
Substitute: sth. new or different that you use instead of sth. elsethat you used previously. 替代品;替补 74QWGw`,  
       Substitute teacher 代课教师 !qT.D:!@zF  
Selection: the careful choice of a particular person or thing fromamong a group of similar people or things. B2VUH..am  
Preference: if you like a preference for sth. you like it more thananother thing. 8xlj:5;(w  
Alternative: sth. that you can choose to do or use instead of sth. else ~,.Agx  
^BW V6  
Fraud: a method of illegally getting money from sb., often by using cleverand complicated methods. PoQ@9 A  
Deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is not true in order to get whatyou want. ,Epg&)wC]  
Cheat: behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get anadvantage, esp. in competitive, game, exams. |>Kf_b Y#  
Dupe: trick or deceive sb. 哄骗;诈骗 EPW Iu)A  
       Consumers are being dupedinto buying faulty electronic goods. h$y1"!N(  
Decline: refuse to do sth. (比较婉转,礼貌拒绝邀请) L3'o2@$  
Deny:  She denied working for theenemy = She said she was not working for the enemy ( NOT: She refused to workfor the enemy.) Lr_+) l  
Reject:拒绝申请,观点,计划 mbU[fHyV  
Refuse: 拒绝邀请 =D<46T=(RB  
Turn down 拒绝(口语) P8piXG  
t :sKvJ  
Reliable        可靠的;可信赖的(侧重于始终如一。) p~En~?<  
Confident     有信心的 Fn yA;,*  
Faithful        忠实的;可靠的(侧重于“忠于……”a reliable person, a faithful fighter &CG3_s<2  
Dependent  从属的;依靠的 C 3b  
ts aD5B  
Income         总收入 mM&H; W  
Wages           按周或日付酬 dq[j.Nmq  
Salary           月薪;年薪 Y6,< j|  
Pay               工资 <{JHFU`^  
'cu( Sd}  
Buyers          买主 %DbL|;z1  
Shoppers      家庭中外出购物的人 D/"[/!  
Customers    顾客 #swzZyM$  
Clients          委托人 X )$3sTj  
Particular: special enough to mention separately 0bVtku K;G  
Peculiar: strange,unfamiliar, and a little surprising, esp. in a way that is unpleasant orworrying. }[SWt3qV1  
Taste peculiar { %vX/Ek  
Special: not ordinary but different in some way and often better ormore important. jxm.x[1ki^  
a special diet pJ;J>7Gt  
unusual: different from what is usual |)B&-~a+p  
special ---specially or especially Eg FV  
       specially: used when you dosth. that is different from what you usually do for a particular purpose (witha passive form of a verb: a specially made) MMN2X xS  
       especially: to emphasizesth. is more worth mentioning or more important than the other things, ( …,especially when…) !vHnMY~AG  
qH: ` O%,  
Preliminary   初步的;开始的(强调开始之前有准备工作) . Zrt/;  
Primary         最初的;主要的;基本的;→没有预备 zQMs S  
Elementary   初步的;简单的 3?|Fn8dQR.  
Fundamental 基础的 &.y:QVR,!  
Perplex  (常用被动)困惑;茫然;费解 CS)&A4`8  
       Make you feel worried andconfused because it is difficult to understand. #I'W[\l~+  
       e.g. I was somewhatperplexed by his response. &cV$8*2b^  
Puzzle: confuse sb. or make them feel slightly anxious because they donot understand sth. j7K9T  
       e.g. What puzzles me is howthe burglar got into the house without setting off the alarm. +ByxhSIr  
Confuse (常用被动) >pW8K[  
       Make sb. feel that theycannot think clearly or do not understand. dQVV0)z  
       e.g. Don't give me so muchinformation.--- you are confusing me. ;nyV)+t+a  
              I was confused. mk2T   
Fatigued: very tired. CkE@ Ll3Z  
       e.g. fatigued after herlong journey, Bill fell into a deep sleep. P%z\^\p"5  
Tired: feeling that you want tosleep or rest. 'S@%  
Exhausted: extremely tired and having no energy. M=HW2xn  
Bored: tired and impatient because you do not think sth. isinteresting, or because you have nothing to do. rk*Igqf  
       e.g. Children easily getbored. V@&zn8?  
6Xb\a^ q  
Thieves  小偷;窃贼 "IA[;+_"  
Burglars 潜入室内的盗贼 =24)`Lyb  
Robbers 强盗;贼 <"{Lv)4  
Bandits  土匪;强盗(常出没在山区、森林) PwU}<Hrl]  
Synthetic      合成的 JryDbGc8  
False             假的;人造的(强调替代品,与原物不一样,如假牙,人造瓒石) "%dWBvuO  
Imitation      仿造的(Beware ofimitation 谨防假冒) s\_-` [B0  
Counterfeit   Imitation 更贬义 $6}siU7s4  
Artificial       人造的(强调生产方式,如:人工降雨) O6LZ<}oUR  
Mortal : causing death or likely to cause death M,"4r^%k  
       e.g. mortal injures / blow/ combat eUPG){"  
Fatal: resulting in sb's death 1fM= >Z  
       e.g. fatal accident /illness / injures H$au02dpU  
Deadly : like dead in appearance 4SCb9| /Q  
       e.g. His face has a deadlypaleness .",E}3zn  
              likely to cause death #~*fZ|sq+3  
       e.g. deadly person o[q Kf  
lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death ..V6U"/  
       e.g. a lethal dose of adrug 85Zy0 l  
Imaginative: new and interesting idea used in a clever way; good atthingking of new, interesting ideas and at forming pictures in one's mind ke_Dd?  
       e.g. imaginative writer;imaginative child c) Zid1  
Imaginable: emphasize that sth. is the best, worst example of sth. thatit is possible to imagine _;3xG0+  
All, every, only C9`#57Pp  
Imagined: forming a picture or idea in your mind about what sth. couldbe like. s`GwRH<#  
Imaginary: not really, but produced from pictures or ideas in yourmind. Kyw Dp37^  
       e.g. all the characters inthis book are imaginary. LL|$M;S  
~F~g$E2 }  
Reproach: ~sb. for /with sth. 4]0|fi3}>  
              ~ for doing sth. =Y#)c]`  
       blame or criticize someonein a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry ^d Fdw\  
       e.g. Jake reproached herbitterly for abandoning him. unKTa*U^q  
Scold: angrily criticize someone, esp. a child, about sth. that havedone. Ql&5fyW  
Compliment: ~ sb. on sth. -8;U1^#  
       Say sth. nice to sb. inorder to praise him /{ Lo0  
Reprimand: ~ sb. for sth. ?.~E:8  
tell sb. officially thatsth. they have done is very wrong. ~K]5`(KV  
Rebuke: speak to sb. severely, about sth. they have done wrong. [ ~ sb.for V-ing] LPX@oha  
Chide: (literary) to speak angrily to sb. because you do not approve ofsth. they have done. hZf0q 2  
+#7 e?B  
Compliment .)~IoIW=  
Complement : show up the good qualities in sb. or sth. or make themseem more attractive. XcB!9AIO  
z}&w7 O#   
Empty: having nothing inside; not having people inside; not being used PrqN5ND  
       e.g. an empty table in thecorner .<5 66g}VP  
[ empty nest: the situation that parents are in when all their childrenhave left home] <|9s {z  
Blank: without any writing, print, or recorded sound; showing no understanding; {^zieP!  
       e.g. go blank: suddenlyunable to remember sth. Z~)Bh~^A  
                            for TV; stop showing any images $\?BAkx  
Vacant: vacant seat, room → empty and available for sb. to use C# IV"Pkq  
Vacant job, position empty and available for sb. to start with r(-`b8ZE  
Bare: empty, not covered by anything or not having any decoration; notcovered by clothes, by trees or grass sT:$:=  
Deceived             欺骗 }qU(G3  
Deserted              遗弃 MebL Y $&8  
Desperated         绝望  %~Vgz(/  
Disappointed       失望 QII-9 RxX"  
近形词 ?IRp3H  
fiction     小说 OXc!^2 ^  
fraction   一部分 'jh9n7mH  
friction    摩擦 /NRdBN  
function  功能;职责 OSACH0h  
tumble     跌倒 k\( LBZ"vR  
stumble   拌倒 ; s{k32e  
scramble  攀登;争夺 &Luq}^u  
humble    谦虚;羞辱 A/ppr.  
tremble    颤抖;担心 vzDoF0Ts*p  
9w\ yWxl  
b {fZU?o  
resume     中断后重新开始 7;0$UYDU*  
consume  消耗 /S9s%scAy  
assume    假定;假设;采用 (think that sth. is truealthough you have no proof of it. E.g. ~ responsibilities / power: start to doa job esp. an important one)  8K(3{\J[V  
presume   推测;冒昧 (think you can be sure ofsth. because it is likely, although there is no proof. E.g. ~ sb. / sth. to besth. / be ~ed to do sth. / ~ to do sth. o2p;$W4`  
rBNl%+ sB  
resumption            恢复 2e~ud9,  
consumption         消费 l6o?(!:!%  
assumption            假定;臆断;傲慢(the assumptionof responsibilities: the act of starting to have control or power) ( His air ofassumption made him disliked.) 2|a@,TW}-  
presumption          傲慢;推测;假定 (disrespectfulor impolite behavior that shows you are too confident) )0F\[Jl}  
PeCU V6  
bore                V.钻孔  n. k Qm\f  
core                v. 使厌烦    n. 令人讨厌的事 }~/u%vI@M5  
pore                v. 注视        n. 毛孔    a. 多孔的 "^ ?|=sQ  
sore                a. 疼痛的           n. 痛处;溃疡 ^)-* Ubzz  
simplify   简化 f( =3'wQ  
modify    更改             对某物作稍微修改使其完善 (y^[k {#  
verify      证实 #L,>)XkjS  
rectify     纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况 8M9LY9C  
justify      证明……是有道理的 f9`F~6$  
testify      证明 y~ubH{O#  
rectify     纠正;把不满意的状况变成合乎人们所期待的状况 <<Zt.!hS  
verify      证实 Xgq-r $O2X  
transcription:         抄写;翻译;副本 =2sj$  
subscription  捐赠;订阅;认购; QY$Z,#V)  
prescription           药方;指令 a04I.5!  
description        描述;描绘 1w30Vj2<  
attribute                ……归因于(to  ) 52RFB!Z[  
contribute              捐赠;投稿 A'jw;{8NpF  
         contribute… to    有助于 l~cT]Ep  
distribute               分发;分配 -;VKtBXP</  
tribute                   贡品;勒索的钱财;颂词 e+_~a8 -|  
RU r0K#]  
attitude          态度 u0 & aw  
altitude           高度 C`)n\?:Sth  
aptitude          天资;倾向 ="M7F0k  
latitude           纬度 PA=.)8  
multitude              人群(a multitude of …许多)  'Dh+v3O  
xK o l  
descriptive            说明的 h[Hn*g  
prescriptive           规范的;约定俗成的 t&GjW6]W  
 xr }jw  
interference           干预(强调妨碍) WJB/X"J  
interruption           打断 =|@%5&.P  
intervention           介于;在中间起作用 nWrkn m  
interaction             相互作用 h3B s  
transaction            办理;交易;学报;相反作用 !A5UT-  
transmission          传送;传播;发送 5LPyPL L  
transformation      转换;改革 !3E %u$-}  
transition               变迁;过渡时期 - %ul9}.  
contact           接触;交往;有影响的熟人 tact 圆滑,乖巧,外交手腕) !jV}sp<Xp  
intact                     完整无缺的 _~^JRC[q  
d"7l< y5  
possibility       可能性 4bT21J37  
validity           有效性;正确性 sz5&P )X  
reliability        可靠性 R4? OFhN9  
security          保障;安全感 kQr\ktN\  
conceivable    可想象的;可相信的 able to be belileved or imagined.E.g. every conceivable means p6qza @  
perceivable     可感知的;可认识的 5CSihw/5  
arise: begin to happen (problem, difficulty) HJ&|&tT  
  e.g. arise from= caused by Jgf73IX[  
rise: increase, go upwards,rise, become successful /uTU *Oe  
raise: e.g. raise aquestion; waise your voice L5E|1T  
arouse: make you become interesting,expect sth. ; make sb. angry, afraid; wake sb. fvW7a8k3  
When things and prices moveupwards on their own, they rise. FfDe&/,/  
People or government raise /increase the price. E.g. The government is raising the tax. jKOjw#N  
i.0} d5Y  
Respectful             尊重别人的;有礼貌的 M_o<6C  
Respectable           值得人们尊重的;正派的 p4 \r`  
Respected             受到人们尊重的 kc0YWW Q-:  
Respective            各自的;各个的 De^GWO.?bT  
detain: (officially) preventsb. from leaving some place (拘留;扣押) ?m)3n0Uh  
         Delay sb. who wants toleave, by talking to them, asking them to do sth.(耽搁;留住) LuM[*_8  
Attain: succeed in reachinga particular level or in getting sth. after trying for a long time. MKad 5gD*<  
Retain: keep sb. or continueto have sth. e.g. retain a sense of dignity 2#sJ`pdQ  
Certain: 一定 $6BD6\@  
Contain: 容纳 bt=%DMTn  
)G7")I J/X  
Room            房间 E!d;ym  
Doom             厄运;毁灭;定罪 mL!)(B b  
Boom             高潮,迅速发展 #6])\  
Loom             织布机 ]fN\LY6p  
u$7o d$&S  
Intense           强烈的 Kh)SgJ3B@  
Intentional     有意的;故意的 P4{8pO]B  
Intensive        精细的;强化的 W U:~T.Su  
Intending              打算;意欲 \t LfB[S.5  
intended Mlr\#BO"9  
assure      : tell sb. that sth. with definitelyhappen. CzP?J36W^  
  e.g. ~sb. that … +tbG^w %  
         be ~ed of: feel certainthat sth. will happen [.M<h^xrB  
ensure: make sure that itdoes happen BDW%cs  
  (AmE. Insure) LKCj@NdV  
  e.g. Please ensure that the lights are switched off before leavingthe building. IMaa#8,  
Assure can be used in thismeaning, but it mainly used in : success, safety. E.g. The band's latestrelease has assured their success in the rock world. 9oOr-9t3  
insure: against sth. badhappening to it by paying money to an insurance company. J{W<6AK\S  
reassure: tell sb. thatthere is nothing to worry about.  .;ptgX  
  e.g. The doctor reassured me that there would be no pain. 89*txYmx  
sometimes      有时 !(:R=J_h  
some time       一些时间 Z`L-UQJ .  
sometime        曾经;有朝一日 H Aq  
some times     几次 Ns?8N":  
hatch              孵化 $a'n{EP  
catch              gi26Dtk(h  
patch              缝补 -6wjc rTD  
match             匹配 } 0su[gy[  
q J)[2:.G  
bare         赤裸裸的;没有陈设的 (揭露) BCH{0w^D  
rare          稀薄的;稀少的;煎的 U^ bF}4m  
care         小心;关心 r_8[}|7;  
dare         敢于 mB.ybrig  
fare          车船费;乘客;伙食 {0a (R2nB  
hare         野兔 N~c Y~a  
A .]o&S}  
banish      禁止出入;驱逐出境;清除;消除(疾病) #$vQT}  
vanish      突然不见; 逐渐消失  y5"b(nb  
diminish  减少;贬低 {51<EvyE*  
admonish 警告;告诫;忠告 teRK#: .P  
ii< /!B(  
durability              耐用性 0?x9.]  
flexibility              变通性;灵活性 zk\YW'x|r  
versatility              多才多艺;多功能 |wef[|@%  
hostility          敌意;敌视 Z/ Vb_  
co- col- com- con- cor-  with (共同) !CJh6X !  
cooperate              合作 >bgx o<  
coordinate      协调 -0pAj}_2}  
correlate         相关 -w>2!@8  
correspond     相符合  |j?iD  
collaborate     协作 (与cooperate 同,但多用于科学和艺术) Xs,[Z2_iq  
observe    观察 vdhwFp~Y  
reserve     保留座位 zO@7V>2  
conserve  保护;节省 **RW 9FU  
preserve   保留 N;\G=q] 9  
deserve    值得 G7|CwzMg  
rM|] }M=_V  
prior        首先的 D@-'<0=  
superior   优先的 tTX@Bb8  
inferior    次要的 ZUkrJ'  
senior      高级的 (] Zyk, [  
junior       初级的 @bkZ< Gq  
exterior    外部的 ;!k{{Xndd  
interior    内部的 ].A>ORS/  
sparrow   麻雀 U]8 @  
swallow   燕子  Uk2U:  
hollow     空的 QqF&lMH  
sorrow     悲伤 H#Aar  
narrow     窄的 Z`W @Od$f  
pillow      枕头 &EZq%Sd  
arrow       |aaoi4OJ  
$@ VQ{S  
bold  勇敢的 WNE=|z#|  
cold  冷的 r@|{mQOxa  
fold  折叠;褶 S8zc1!  
gold  j/C.='?%  
hold  SK>*t KY  
mold 模式 qi ;X_\v  
sold  卖出 t%B ,ATW  
told  告诉 %wc=Mf  
z }t{bm  
migrant                  移居者 6)@Y41H]C  
immigrant              入境移民 L#\!0YW/@  
immigrate              作为移民定居 DbL=2  
immigration           移居;(总称)外来移民 V~9s+>  
emigrant                出境移民 jTDaW 8@L  
emigrate                移居外国 j;3hQO l  
emigration             迁移出境;(总称)移民 Z^fkv  
edge               边沿 }u CC~ <^  
hedge             矮树篱笆;障碍物 Kt 0 3F$  
wedge           锲子;锲形物;事情的起因 K<_bG<tm_  
pledge            誓言;典押;保人 Z0(}doh  
deduce           推断;演绎 d/m.VnW  
reduce            减少 C `>1x`n  
produce          生产 sXpA^pT"T  
induce            引诱;引起;导致;归纳 ) vKZs:  
seduce            唆使;引入歧途 v&8%t 7|  
preclude         排除;杜绝;阻止 &* Aems{-  
exclude          除外 xv+47.?N  
include           包括 JF+E.-fy$  
v Mi&0$  
form               形式 ^1b/Y8&8A  
deform           变形 15 /lX  
inform            通知 Rl%?c5U/$  
transform              转变 |P>Yf 0  
conform         一致 8}^R jMgI  
!qQ B}sAf  
contempt        轻视 bS!4vc1`2  
attempt           企图 [@PD[-2QG3  
prompt           促使;推动;激起 RdirEH *H  
                       敏捷的 KH~o0 W  
2# 1G)XI  
except            …… [PI!.9H  
accept             接受 6N<v&7cSB  
concept          概念 c=52*&  
percept           感知;认知 `> :^c  
receive            收到 GlPd)m`  
deceive           欺骗 qTA,rr#p0  
conceive         含有 v"K #  
perceive          知觉;意识到;把……看作…… eBs4:R_i  
(perceive … as … / take … as… / regard … as … / see … as …) Bc!ZHW *&  
achieve           获得 O #  
believe            相信      \uUd *  
grieve             悲痛 keMfK ]9  
relieve            放松 jMP!/t :w  









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