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主题 : 2016医博英语考试听力部分答案Listening Comprehension (30%)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2017-01-07   
来源于 考博试题 分类

2016医博英语考试听力部分答案Listening Comprehension (30%)

#"aL M6Cfs  
Section A E>O1dPZcM  
P(Ve' wOaf  
1. B. At three next Wednesday. n ^_B0Rkv  
2. B. A piercing pain. 2q*aq%  
3. A. He is going to get married. /V)4B4  
4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. <Z8^.t)|  
5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6`;+|H<$  
6. B. It's wise to be prepared. LjMhPzCp  
7. B. He is a trouble-maker. #~`]eM5`J  
8. D. $30 ,7|Wf %X  
9. C. Work out in the gym. ;OfZEy>7  
10. B. 232 y]TNjLpo$  
11. A. Mary isn't his type. <.B^\X$  
12. A. Play tennis. Ug,23  
13. C. In the hospital. ,?zOJ,wl  
14. A. She is seriously ill. B[nkE+s  
15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. ~7Jj\@68  
f !aE/e\  
Section B >gLLr1L\  
Dialogue AV*eGzz`  
16. A. A duodenal ulcer. J{bNx8.&  
17. B. Try medical means. KK4"H]!.  
18. A. Overweight. f:|O);nM  
19. C. He is a heavy smoker. {r2fIj~V  
20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Jh)K0>R  
Passage One ,%%}d9  
21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. [#-!&>  
22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. WbP*kV{  
23. B. In their 60s and 70s. &9F(uk=X  
24. D. Iron. {IpIQ-@l  
25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. lYM Nx|PF  
C #A\Rfi  
Passage Two @*rED6zH  
26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. Nu%:7  
27. B. He is an investment advisor. c@1q8,  
28. D. Fear. }th^l*g  
29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. [M{EO)  
30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. p&#*  
8 K/o/  
2016医学考博英语Vocabulary参考答案 )QvuoaJQ  
Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section A w>W`8P_b@  
Directions:In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. ^sjL@.'m$N  
31. Employers have a legal obligation to pay _______ to their workers for injuries. sUP !'Av  
A. compensation B. compromise C. commodity D. consumption >.-$?2  
Key: A * (4TasQu  
32. The argument between the two patients became so fierce that the doctor had to _________. GqrOj++>  
A. alleviate B. aggravate C. extinguish D. intervene %VCfcM}5I  
Key: D {)vue0 vP  
33. But despite all the legal hustle and bustle, they don’t actually expect to _______ death sentences to life terms without parole. gxku3<S  
A. induce B. convert C. revive D. swerve Kx;DmwX-  
Key: B M5Twulz/w  
34. To maintain physical well-being, a person should eat _______ food and get sufficient exercise. (3=(g  
A. integral B. gross C. wholesome D. intact .u_k?.8|  
Key: C g}-Ch#  
35. The Central Government’s pledge to maintain the ______ and stability of Hong Kong at all costs is a great encouragement to the local finance. weOzs]uc  
A. provision B. prosperity C. privilege D. preference !j3V'XU#Zn  
Key: B L#`9# Q  
36. It is pointed out that patients must be reassured that “their lives will not be ______ as a result of bed shortages.”A. facilitated B. forfeited C. fulfilled D. furnished Y)@PGxjz  
Key: B VhAZncw  
37. The cause of his death has been a mystery and _______ unknown so far. {xC CUU  
A. exclusively B. superficially C. utterly D. doubtfully WR *|kh  
Key: C Iy}r'#N  
38. It is known that some ways of using resources _______ can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it. 1x07ua@(v  
A. recklessly B. sparingly C. sensibly D. incredibly UEq;}4Bo  
Key: A >q&Q4 E0  
39. Cholera is a preventable waterborne bacterial infection that is spread through ______ water. ZHs hg`I`  
A. filtered B. distilled C. contaminated D. purified toipEp<ci  
Key: C 9 @yP;{Q  
40. We welcome him not ____________ as a new broom but rather as a very old friend. LC/w".oq?  
A. by the way B. at all events C. by no means D. in any sense hG,gY;&[6  
Key: C ."Yub];H  
FGOa! G  
2016医学考博英语阅读参考答案 xae rMr  
Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Passage One >:]fN61#  
61. To have a journey of discovery witheach child, according to the passage, is_____________. ,h2q 37  
A. to discover their unique sleep-wakecycles k~Pm.@,3o  
62. In the first paragraph, the authorsuggests that parents ____________. l\^q7cXG  
D. keep a diary on sleep pattern for theirchil e![Q1!r  
63. When there exists a “marker” in the child according to the passage, __________. [ &*$!M  
A. it might lead to his or her earlysubstance use wN)R !6  
64. What is the author trying to tell us inthethird paragraph? bE>3D#V<  
B. Sometimes parents need to seek professionalassistance. ^+[o +  
65. What is the main idea of the passage? .Qh8I+Q%  
C. Parents’ role in building their child’shealthy sleeping habit.Passage Two %:o@IRTRU  
66. The study's results indicated_____________. [6S"iNiyKT  
A. health disparities between English andAmerican senior citizens K23_1-mbe  
67. Which of the following is uniquehealth-care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with theirAmerican counterparts? lSyp k-c  
A. higher death rate. A2&&iL=j/  
68. What does James Smith imply by anAmerican plate? T *t$   
C. large portion of food consumed byAmericans. H>XbqIkL@  
69. The Americans' unique health-carechallenge, according to James Smith, is derived form ______________. gSj-~k P  
D. their unhealthy lifestyle factors sW2LNE  
70. Even though it is much more aggressive,the American medicine __________. ,H[AC}z2X  
B. benefits more seniors who needmedicalcare.Passage Three ;D8Nya>%  
71. The current PIK study ___________. W,{`)NWg  
B. was based on the global land-use models E2*"~gL^,  
72. As the PIK results imply, it ispossible ____________. \wRr6-!_  
D. to return to the emission levels around1995 GvzPT2E!  
73. Simply put, to produce and consume lessmeat and dairy is to __________. |> 3a9]  
A. to reduce more methane and nitrous oxideemissions Rg[e~##  
74. The greenhouse gas pie tellsus__________. l!AZ$IV  
C. the priorities in the environmentalprotection nnGA_7-t  
75. What can be the best title forthepassage? T4!]^_t^  
D. Diet for a Healthier PlanetPassage Four qfYb\b  
A[ iP s9  
76. What can be said of Henry? _Mt:^H}Sy  
C. His life was improved with telehealth. jATU b-  
77. Henry activates his daily healthmanagement __________. DpS6>$v8t  
B. By getting hooked up to themonitoringdevices ONjc},_  
78. As one of the pioneering patients,Henry __________.A. receives the most benefits fromtelehealth dY-a,ch"8p  
79. What is the most important about thetelehealth technology in the case of Henry? 78QFaN$  
D. His condition can be kept undercontinuous surveillance at home. 2mlE;.}8  
80. Thanks to the telehealth technologyHenry knows for sure his blood oxygen level, thus __________. Z],"<[E  
C. getting hospitalized in no time 8&UuwZ6i-  
Passage Five fcZOsTj  
81. Rappaport argues that a major threat toour human health __________. t!u* 6 W|@  
A. lies in our exposome Ys_YjlMIbl  
82. What can be said of the exposomeaccording to Rappaport? _uu:)%  
D. Changeable. ;&!dD6N  
83. Speaking of genes, Rappaport wouldsaythat __________. UKJY.W!w4  
B. there is no such a thing aspredictivemedicine. \fKE~61  
84. Even though we cannot pinpoint theexact impact of environmental influences. Wild contends that __________. ZkIQ-;wx  
C. each of us leaves a unique exposurehistory in the environment .)3 2WD%  
85. Particularly important, according toNicholson, is the time when __________. YQ)m?=+J  
C. the exposome comes in 8 KkpXaz  
Passage Six CbHNb~  
86. The author cries for a changein____________. -0X> y  
D. global science publishing 1}uDgz^  
87. According to the author, the lowinternational recognition and impact of scientists in the developing countriescan be attributed to __________. "n6Y^  
C. their limited publications in globalindexing databases !:t9{z{Ixg  
88. The survey conducted by Tijssenjustified the author's view that __________. ;gMh]$|"  
D. most scientists in developing countriesremain marginalized in global science publishing Xdq, =;  
89. To address the current situation, theauthor argues that it is imperative that __________. m%V[&"5%e  
D. quality and quantity be desired in thelocal journals $a A.d^  
90. Which of the following can be the besttitle for the passage?  * [5  
C. Globalizing Science Publishing cMl%)j-  
|u{QI3 #'  
g,:N zb  









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