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主题 : 有用的英语资料!
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-02-03   


电脑对社会行为有着深刻的影响。计算机处理的触手可及,使得那些在其他方面都被认为是好市民的人发现自己沉迷在不道德行为-甚至是非法行为中。对有版权软件的盗版行为四处可见,而近期大量报道的如黑客入侵、病毒制造、电脑行骗以及侵犯隐私等等事件,使得要求电脑业拥有新道德观和制定保护市民不受电脑化的无政府状态侵害的新法规的呼声越来越高了。 qdY*y&}"J  
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1. Computers are having a profound effect on social behavior. With easy access to processing power, individuals who, in every other respect, could be regarded as good citizens now find themselves indulging in unethical - and even unlawful - behavior. The theft of copyright software is widespread, while recent, well-publicized incidents of hacking, virus creation, computer-based fraud, and invasion of privacy have been followed by a rising chorus of calls for a new morality in computing and new laws to protect citizens from computerized anarchy. 2oFbS%OV  
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短短的40年期间,电脑已成为复杂社会的运转核心,没有电脑和通讯系统,许多生产制造业,工业,商业,运输和销售业,政府部门,军队,公共医疗卫生服务,教育,以及研究工作都会停滞下来。但是随着社会越来越依靠电脑,社会也越来越易受人类滥用电脑的影响。 d^W1;0  
2. In the short space of forty years, computers have become central to the operation of complex societies. Without computers and communication systems, much of manufacturing, industry, commerce, transport and distribution, government, the military, health services, education, and research would grind to a halt. Yet as society becomes more dependent on computers, it also becomes more vulnerable to the misuse of computers by human beings. to stop gradually and completelyto keep sb. prisoner so as to demand payment to make something useless or destroyed ;to make a deepimpression onsomebody; to make asleep to be broken down公民自由(指国家法律给予保证的自由,如言论自由,信仰自由 ie9,ye"  
等)。 gK+/wTQ%  
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电脑的存在确实造成了一系列急需我们处理的新的社会问题。这包括软件盗版,电脑行骗,黑客现象,病毒破坏,电脑的不可靠性和社会受系统故障影响的脆弱性,电脑监控和隐私侵犯,电脑业过分宣扬电脑以及电脑化工作环境中生活质量的恶化现象。 nr>Os@\BU  
3. The very existence of computers has created a new range of social problems or issues with which we urgently need to grapple. These include the theft of software; the use of computers to commit fraud; the phenomenon of hacking; sabotage in the form of viruses; the unreliability of computers and the vulnerability of society to system failure; computerized monitoring and the invasion of privacy; the excessive hyping of computers by the computer industry; and traces of deterioration in the quality life in the computerized workplace. 9A tnnx]n  
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这些问题中有些是全新出现的,而在其他问题上,电脑的存在只是翻新了那些"旧"的道德问题,如:是(与非),诚实,忠心,负责,信任和公平。 .]D7Il  
4. Some of these issues are entirely new, but in other respects, computers have merely created new versions of such "old" moral issues as right (versus wrong), honesty, loyalty, responsibility, confidentiality, and fairness. oasEG6OI8  
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由于电脑业是一个相对比较新和开放的领域,所以电脑职业本身既无时间,也无组织能力去建立一套有约束力的道德规范。历史久一些的职业,如医学业和法律业,已有差不多几个世纪的时间来形成他们的行为准则。另外还有一个问题是,和医生或律师的开业有所不同,电脑的使用超出了电脑行业本身的范围。我们现在都是电脑用户,在某种程度上,我们都和从事电脑职业的人一样,面临着同样的道德困惑和忠信矛盾。许多的道德困惑--如,是否盗版软件--就是新的"灰色地带",已被接受的准则或社会惯例中很少有这种灰色地带,更不用说已制定的判例法了。 unZYFA}(  
5. Because computing is a relatively new and open field, the computer profession as such has had neither the time nor the organizational capability to establish a binding set of moral rules or ethics. Older professions, like medicine and the law, have had literally centuries to formulate their codes of conduct. And there is another problem, too: computer usage, unlike the practice of medicine or of the law, goes outside the profession. We are all computer users now, and we are all to some extent faced with the same ethical dilemmas and conflicts of loyalty as computer professionals. Many of these dilemmas - whether or not to copy software, for instance - are new "grey areas" for which there is little in the way of accepted rules or social conventions, let alone established case law. not to mention;not to disturbto be dominated byto realizeto be given withto be subject toto fire somebody;to put something aside;to stop something gSn9L)k(O  
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电脑用户和电脑专业人员面临的道德问题有很多,其中包括: r< ~pSj  
· 盗版软件真的是偷盗行为吗?软件开发者应该拥有哪种知识产权? · 所谓的"不侵害他人"的电脑犯罪(如袭击银行电脑系统),是否有点比侵害他人的犯罪更能让人接受?电脑专业人员是否该因他们在系统中设立的电脑安全措施不严格而被起诉? · 黑客入侵只是一个无伤大雅的玩笑还是一种等同于擅闯、伪造和(或)偷盗的罪行?抑或黑客是我们公民自由的护卫者? io{\+%;b~  
· 制造病毒是否该被认为是故意破坏而加以惩罚? 8AgKK=C =  
· 秘密储存在电脑中的个人信息是否构成让人难以忍受的侵犯隐私?个人和雇员有权受到多少隐私保护? · 谁对电脑故障或电脑程序中的错误负责?该让电脑公司对软件实行担保吗? R m^$Dn  
· 追求"智能"这样一个目标是否现实?是否正确?我们是否该把我们的生活托付给所谓的人工智能"专家"系统? A $ Tp0v`t  
· 如果工作环境全部电脑化会让劳动力技能下降和(或)更加失去个性、更加疲乏和烦闷时,我们是否还该如此呢? 7 S 6@[-E  
· 电脑专业人员在向公众销售系统或展示电脑时,可以就电脑的能力说谎吗?电脑公司"锁定"客户使用他们的产品,是道德行为吗? W3aFao>!OZ  
· 电脑专业人员该受行为准则的限制吗?如果是的话,又是些什么准则呢?








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2009-02-05   

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