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主题 : 北大考博英语基础词汇汇编(精华版)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-02-19   


Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.  { 7TJgS  
  cross out wipe out desert/forsake/ leave / depart / discard / relinquish / p*AP 'cR  
    surrender /withdraw ZaRr2Z:!  
  abide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide observe discover a v;bM.OL  
  dapt) F`;TU"pDf  
  Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/persist/remain/stay neB.Wu~WH  
  You have to keep ______ with the times. f^6&Fb>  
  Abreast/ fit in with @dE 3  
  absorb He was absorbed in a book and didn t hear you call. |%:q hs,  
  engage/occupy/bend over/ be busy with c+E/ /X|  
  abundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish a s=q%:uCO  
   nd game c ?p0#3%L#  
Sr ztTfY  
    access In many schools, students don t have sufficient access to the library. ^B<PD]  
  Way/approach/solution/answer/ >tmnj/=&   
  Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at hand (s V]UGrZ  
  His words are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation accordance accord w!B,kqTG  
  ing fit) 45r]wT(C   
  I m in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /compl jlRl2 #"  
  y with /conform to/be in proportion to Yn IM-  
  account He asked no one s advice; he did it on his own account independently 3xmiX{1e  
  You have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respe -(/2_&"  
  ct/mind SQdz EF  
  Give us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tal w2 uRN?  
  e/statement R\9>2*w  
  He has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe tell relate answer xE G+%Uk{  
  for say explain explicate) \yJZvhUk  
  acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/sec aJK-O"0/  
  ure ]97Xu_  
  active He is very active in politics. Kf:2% _DB  
  Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiastic (ZE%tbm2  
_9Dn \=g  
  adapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.  aNOAu/  
  Adjust/accommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fit $:%*gY4~76  
=gMaaGg p,  
  accustom She is ______to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be fa o :.~X  
  miliar with) K?h[.` }  
~u_K& X  
  admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traff f0-RhR  
  ic delays. 9O),/SH;:  
  (allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt) iyA*J CD  
KW&nDu t  
  adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs. M*g2VyZ  
  enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ample XoDJzrL#  
]h #WkcXQ  
  advantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of mon M?E9N{t8)a  
  ey. Q;XXgX#l  
  Benefit/gain/upper hand interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returns /-DKV~  
  Aim His aim is to win the game. EG F:xl  
  Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destination (P2[5d|  
  Amass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years. mcvDxjk,h  
  Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store up o &CghF  
  Mass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/p \ua9thOG  
  ack/gang &(lMm)  
  Figure/digit/measure |!$ Q<-]f  
  ambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money. \z2vV +f  
  Eager for/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/be ' " Bex`  
  intent upon %0NLRfp  
  amount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds. 2}D,df'W4  
  Add up to/approximate/total/sum up lTn;3'  
  The future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money. jjxIS  
w#W 5}i&x  
  sum/measure/quantity/price/value @8|~+y8,  
H( MB5  
  angle Try looking at this affair from a different angle. aspect/view/point of %wOOzp`  
   view/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/idea/thought/conception/judgme 55L gBD  
  nt/theory/outlook B<A:_'g  
  announce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board. 8a7YHUL<3i  
  Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/make known `$H7KIG  
TV? ^c?{5  
  anticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do. #U\$@4D  
  expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope for Pv#KmSA9  
  anything but The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at all M\I_{Q?_  
  The apparent things might not tell of the truth. ?.8<-  
  apparent obvious seeming evident clear plain 0(\p<qq  
  apart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking. {K+.A 9!  
  Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs. YRXK@'[=  
 Except for / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/in hX&-/fF+f  
  addition r;9z 5'  
fD0{ 5  
  He was appointed member of the committee. Il|GCj*N  
  Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/vote for Rb?~ Rs\  
  appeal I appeal to him for help. implore/plead/beg QJQJR/g  
  apply Please apply to the secretary for further information. (p^S~Ax  
  The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. ekrBNDs9  
  approve Many people don t approve of the plan. disapprove vpi l$Uq  
  like/prefer/endorse/accept/think well of ssPI$IRg!  
  arise The company s losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes. w\p9J0  
L -YNz0A  
  Rise raise rouse arouse arise .3(;9};  
  Originate/ derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn up from ]uAS+shQ&  
6oY IQ'hc  
  artificial/artistic Her painting is a great artistic creation. .izf#r:<  
RU7!U mf  
  ashamed/shameful embarrassed/embarrassing frustrated/frustrating humiliated/h A=0@UqM  
  umiliating wz h.$?~  
  Ashamed of having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accused UUGe"]V^g:  
  him. sLZ>v  
  acquaint I m sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted w dok)Je  
  ith. RvR:e|  
  associate/link / touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with %Sul4: D#  
  /mingle with / relate YroNpu]s  
6W$rY] h!  
  I assume that success is a sum of mistakes. HZ{n&iJ  
  Assume think suppose presume suspect understand take for granted &lq^dFP&Su  
  assure I can assure you of my support. 6Etss!_  
  confirm assure ensure insure convince guarantee pledge promise f0u56I9  
  You’ve got to attain the mastery of at least on foreign language. F(; jM(  
  Attain gain accomplish finish fulfill realize complete `[OXVs,7"  
  attribute Jim attributes his success to hard work. owe ascribe "ee'2O  
   avoid You should avoid driving in the center of the town during the rush hour d+Ds9(gV  
. O2% `2h  
   Avoid shun escape evade keep away from ]Z/R!y?l"G  
  The government has banned the used of chemical weapons. HA1]M`&  
  Bar prohibit exclude forbid shut out block obstruct 7OE[RX8!f  
  bargain The dress is quite a bargain. bargain sale t$5jx  
7 v~ro  
  basis On the basis of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next *Q5x1!#z #  
  year. ik IzhUWE  
  China has been following the foreign policy to develop relations with other co aHC%19UN  
  untries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence. [IMQIX  
  ground foundation D^|7#b,zcH  
LN\[Tmd &  
  Scientists say it may be five or ten years before it is possible to test this [%?y( q  
  medicine on human patients. >(3'Tnu  
  As soon as before the second the minute the moment x9~[HuJ  
  You can’t blame all this on me. ,Bf(r  
  He is the last one to blame for the accident. a,cC!   
  Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemn &[~[~m|  
  board He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging. food /meals ;s}3e#$L  
  board/ committee/ staff/ faculty/ crew/ team OXCQfT@\  
  boast You should not boast of your success. Brag /show off v?)SA];  
  boom Production boomed. ;(S|cm'>}  
  Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speed up/grow/swell/flourish/develop/pro :Eo8v$W\RB  
  sper ESv:1o`?n  
  brief It is a long letter, but in brief, he says "No". short 3Oiy)f@{TF  
  We are bound for London. Head make + Kk@Q  
  The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. Likely going to e "n|jRh  
  There are no bounds to his ambition. Limit confine restriction RHI&j~  
  call This situation¬¬¬¬_____________ for prompt action. (ca bjzx!OCpV  
  lls in calls at calls on calls for) @c]Xh:I  
  They have called off their engagement. yC"Zoa6YZ  
N"1 QX6  
  She was calm when I told her of the terrible news. 'HB~Dbq`V  
  Quiet/still/tranquil/serene/peaceful 0H+c4IW  
  We should not doubt his capability. JO}?.4B  
  Capability/ability/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiency }NwN2xTB  
? d5h9}B  
  Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good O^NP0E  
   friends. vi|Zit  
  Career job vocation trade calling work profession occupation n_P(k-^U*  
There is no reason why we should not carry on with it. +'%\Pr(  
  Carry on go on keep on continue work on be under way be in process GA@ Ue9  
  case In any case I shall return in a day or two. If even if for fear on co [gZDQcU  
  ndition GX5W^//}  
T V;BNCg  
  center She centered her attention on the problem. +?V0:Kz]  
  Focus concentrate fix \ 3G*j`  
  charge The charge against him was severe. n VVLIeJ(*XT  
  Sentence/ accusation/ persecution/ guilty/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgment .YC;zn^  
b pp*  
  Since the situation is changing, let’s take some _____ measures to deal with Lzz) n%y5  
  it. PkJcd->  
  flexible changeable changing )E~_rDTl  
  If I had the choice, I would retire at thirty. #TATqzA  
  Selection/preference/option/alternative $',3Pv  
  No one came to claim for the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it.  "l2bx  
  cling She clung to the hope that he was still alive. cAibB&`~  
  Stick adhere hold grasp keep @G(xaU'u  
gVA; `<  
  close The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthe IfB/O.;Kz  
  m(国歌). <`+zvUx^?  
  Listen and look closely, you’ll find it out. xD0NZ~w%  
  A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with t  ob]dZ  
  heir creativity. 2Y;!$0_rv  
  Tip information news wind message clue evidence sign proof key 5H*>  
r w\D>} \  
  combine Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water. (Y)!"_|  
  blend mix mingle fuse unite couple join j8c6[ih  
G h=<0WaF=  
  comment I m afraid I can t comment on your work just yet. Remark EZ{/]gCK  
  criticism judgment decision evaluation criterion standard remark Jh^8xI ,`C  
  commit I cannot commit myself to any further expense; my means are stretched bKByU{t  
  to the utmost as it is. Devote dedicate x5PPu/  
  Compare this with that, and you will see which is the better. Contrast ? rQc<;b  
  Poets have compared sleep to death. =%L@WVbM  
  She is lovely beyond compare. f)U6p  
  comparison This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison. itHM7d  
  I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year. [G=:?J,P  
  Comparable/comparative (M8h y4Ex  
  compel We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should. }\VX^{K j  
  Force oblige urge require drive press work hard on push prompt 7dHIW!OA  
dEG ]riO  
  He has formed a good habit. :~i+tD  
  Form/create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/b LGfmUb-{]  
  uild ez+yP,.#  
  Assemble/manufacture/produce R|-j]Ne  
  Next year, Susan has to take three compulsory courses. Required *k4+ioFnKE  
  compose The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents. E$R_rX4x  
  Consist of/ be made up of / contain / include/hold/cover/comprise ",QPb3  
#?Wo <]i  
  comprehensive /Comprehensible hRLKb}  
  She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject. 9GE]<v,_[  
  conscious She was not conscious of his presence in the room. Aware FTbtAlqh<  
  Considerate/considerable It was very considerate of you to send me a Christma `T`c@ A  
  s card. 4Lw'v:(  
  Difference between them: g*28L[Q~  
  Considerate/thoughtful/kind/sympathetic egbb1+tY  
  Considerable/much/important/great/significant/powerful 9[Y*k^.!  
  contend I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil. {)@ j77P  
  Argue/struggle/fight/quarrel  J(^ >?d'  
  Our journey was slow because the train stopped continually at different villag dw3'T4TC?  
  es. gn364U a  
  continuously vs continually ThbP;CzI#  
  convey Words cannot convey how delighted I am. express _m" ^lo  
}0v tc[!  
  cope Poor Mary! She has so much to cope with. SK}HX G{?  
  deal with live with be put up with tolerate endure bear stand be fed roL} lM$  
   up with w9'H.L q  
  handle treat A7.JFf>  
  correspond This word in the English version corresponds to that phrase in the juR  
  French one. O.dux5lfBd  
  count Her opinion counts because of her experience. $+iu\MuX  
  Matter be of importance significant have the last word dy'X<o^?W  
 Don’t count on a salary increase this year. Z"4VH rA  
  believe depended count confide rely depend bank Ja^7$WY   
  critical If you really understood the difficulties facing the government, you B #;s(O  
  wouldn t be so critical of its spending reductions. Expenditure S$Qr@5  
  Crucial urgent pressing decisive -,[~~  
  Ironic faultfinding picky fastidious sarcastic <XU8a:w'T  
  cure This medicine should cure you of your cold. :v|r=#OI  
  Remind relieve inform deprive rob break yLV2>kq  
fma tc#G  
  It is not my custom to give in. Custom habit use practice manner way pat XCKY xv&  
  tern tendency fashion routine nature cC7"J\+r*  
  The damage to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair. aE%eJ)+K  
  destruction damage harm ruin injury bruise impact spoil wrong pain agon !E4E'I=]N  
  y distress BDarJY  
  grieve /hurt / impair/ abuse /plague/ epidemic/debris/trash/junk/rubbish K<Yn_G  
\=HfO?$ Ro  
  decline Steel production has been on the decline in these countries. ;LwFbkOuU  
  Diminish decrease fall drop dip sink reduce <K|3Q'(S  
  deep They dived deep into the ocean. uzat."`d'  
  She was deeply interested in classical music. j+z'  
  degree She has also affected but to a lesser degree. Extent AH"g^ gw~T  
  deem They deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying. Pu/-Qpqh  
  think/believe/consider/judge/assume/suppose/regard/ponder/contemplate/study/re yVu^ >  
  flect/think over 3fbD"gL  
  A good mastery of English demands patience and enthusiasm. F^/~@^{P  
  Demand/require/call for n.;5P {V1  
  deny They denied her the opportunity to see her father. *il]$i  
  refuse decline rejects turn down say no to \N'hbT=  
  die She died of an illness; and he died a beggar. ` $QzTv   
  The storms are dying down. 7(nz<z p  
  The noise of the car died away in the distance. Vsm%h^]d  
  The members of the family had all died off. gMoyy  
  This species has died out.  \\E_W9.u  
g0; &/;"  
  Can you describe what he looks like? g:uaI   
  Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/characterize/represent/define/tell h0Sy'] 3m  
  They were determined that he make a big fortune in his forties. / %U~lr  
  Convinced/firm/sure/certain/resolute/serious a?xq*|?  
  She was in his eyes a devoted mother. )N%1%bg^-  
  Devoted/earnest/hearty/sincere/serious/zealous % 0y3/W  
  The sewers discharge (their contents) into the sea. t?#vb}_  
  Discharge/discard / cast way / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake / E&T'U2  
  desert / give away/ aQym= 6 %e  
  throw away/cast off/get rid of NdXy% Q  
  display We were amazed by the rich variety of commodities on display. -Uhl 9 =  
  Her writings display natural talents. ]B-$p p  
  Exhibit show indicate specify illustrate demonstrate expose present J!TK*\a2  
  distinct Mice are distinct form rats. 6{Cu~G{]N  
  Different/unlike/varied/opposite/contrary/reverse/dissimilar Zc' >}X[G  
  Long sentences are distinctive of Henry James’s later style. ;5JIY7t  
  Characteristic explicit definite candid unmistakable expressive direct Fh!! T%5>C  
  The light is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another. }5Tyzi(  
  distinguish tell separate divide E't G5,/m  
  He is one of the most distinguished scholars in this field. ^1FZ`2u;  
  Distinguished/outstanding/famous/well-known/noted/popular/celebrated/honored/r ,ov v  
  ecognized E 4$h%5  
  /prominent/important/superior $X<<JnsK  
(=3& 8$  
  In the dark I could only discern the outline of the building. glKs8 ^W  
  Discern/see/make out/observe/perceive/recognize/know/understand/detect/spot/sp M]/wei"X  
  y/behold m 'H  
\q d)l  
  diverse There are people from diverse cultures at the party. different vari 4Z T  
  ous comprehensive (!&O4C5  
  He refused to disclose his name and address. [m+O0VK$  
  Disclose/uncover/reveal/show/expose/betray \z2hXT@D  
g2b4 ia!L  
  They drew up the contract and presented it to the management. Jm1AJ4mw  
  The train drew in/into the station. pull #uw*8&%0  
  draw pull drag push heave lift haul %?G.lej,x  
draw crawl creep linger on drag near be oncoming/ongoing /a/uS3&  
  She drove her car into the forest. _G8y9!J  
  Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/ride & I'F-F;  
xXh]z |  
  Don’t discourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourage 6Q?6-,?_  
  Discourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keep from/try to stop cXE y>U|/  
  The shoes are expensive but durable. 3eDx@8N }  
  Durable/long-lasting/enduring/permanent/endless/solid/strong ::b;4Q L  
  It is your duty to go. |2]WA'q  
  Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/offic o;-! ?uJ  
  e/role v__Go kj-  
  business/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/emplo kK6>>lD'  
  yment/effort /OtQk -E  
  He is living an easy life now. comfortable b,V=B{(~  
  It is an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longer ,O`*AzjS5Q  
  than cheap ones. 8l,hP.  
  economic/economical/economy 2Rp{]s$jo  
  He went to a very good elementary school. J)& +y;.  
  elementary/fundamental/basic/primary/essential/simple/beginning/introductory/i o) ?1`7^BA  
  nitial/primitive _C#(  )#  
  Since 1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect. ;rdLYmmx^  
  The acid has no effect on the metal. Re ur#K  
  The new regulation does not go into effect until the first of March. + ~AI(h  
  A sentence of ten years imprisonment on a person of eighty is in effect a lif PG]mwaj])  
  e sentence. LBi>D`]  
  He is not likely to give effect to his threat. 3CRBu:)m  
  effect force power practice wi >ta  
4hz,F/ I  
  She encouraged him to take this examination. ';V+~pi  
  Encourage/support/back up/urge/promote/sponsor/cheer/inspire xf SvvCy  
  end Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. _n gMC]-T  
  I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end. ?P]md9$(+e  
  I ve warned you no end of times not to touch that machine. d)sl)qt}0  
  I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. a5&j=3)|  
  He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he w jO.E#Ei}~  
  as at his wit s end.黔驴技穷 e.H"!X!0#H  
  We ended the diner up with fruit and coffee. %;J`dM  
  When the reception came to an end, they were reluctant to leave the hall. ti% e.p0[  
  The argument between the two men ended in a fight. a{,t@G  
  The government is determined to put an end to terrorism. R6Lr]H  
  He s entitled to a pension, but he won t dream of retiring yet. R[t[M}q  
  entitle qualify authorize enable sanction empower \59h W%Di  
  The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons. 7 #N @B  
  equip provide Z%=E/xT  
aQ. \!&U  
  They have the exclusive right to do the advertisements for this company. incl WG n1pW  
  usive Q0-~&e_'  
  My wife has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job. V5MbWXgR  
  exert practice exercise impose avail Sm5"Q  
10 ^=1@U  
  He is one of the greatest contemporary writers. 70~]J8T+u  
  Existing living contemporary lately—later---late---latter current recent oJy/PR 3  
%h rR'*nG  
   He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. live face come %94"e7Hy  
  Devotion is essential for work. ^M"g5+ q  
  Necessary/vital/fundamental/required/crucial/critical/important/fatal/indispen Q@R8qc=*  
  sable DS yE   
  Compulsory/obligatory/imperative/urgent : &MiO3#+  
  Nothing is everlasting. JYq} YG=%  
  Forever/endless/perpetual/eternal/permanent/constant/infinite/continual/for go ux=@"!PJ  
  od ,bJx| K  
  The bird extended its wings in flight. RA}PM?D/  
  Stretch/lengthen/increase/expand/broaden/spread/enlarge/magnify 5:wf"3%%  
= j -  
  Her nose is a very attractive feature. 'J}lnt[V  
  Feature/looks/appearance/characteristic/trait/mark _" n4SXhq  
  Are you in favor of women taking part in politics? ^*W3{eyi(L  
  In the favor YA jk'  
  The international situation is favorable to us. Advantageous A<&9   
  Panic swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approach .|K5b]na  
  ing menacingly. Z'E@sc 9  
  Tension Excitement Fear Nervousness fuss ado chaos confusion turmoil ri ;8!D8o(+  
  ot pw,.*N3P  
G} p~VLf  
  After Tom passed his driving test he filled in/out an application for his driv *UTk. :G5  
  ing license. :?,& u,8  
  The children hid in the house and ate their fill. ,AJd2ix  
  The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather. x-"7{@lz  
  wavers vibrates swings fluctuates hesitates quakes trembles shudd eWFl J;=  
ers X@ss d  
  There are fine distinctions between the two. E'C[+iK6,  
  fine/minute/delicate/detailed/small/tiny/slight/insignificant m+L:\mvA  
`hbM 2cM  
  Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes across to American audienc &CS=*)>$  
  e. EV }%D9:  
  Understand comprehend catch on get {*: C$"L  
KS%,N _F<  
  He gave a gift for my birthday. dCinbAQ  
  give/present/offer/bestow/donate/grant/contribute/award/provide/supply/deliver %c&h:7);  
  /deal out %T&kK2d;  
  /hand out/turn in % $J^dF_0  
  He had a good house, a good wife and a good job. ].$N@t C  
  Good/desirable/right/appropriate/suitable/becoming/satisfying/decent #PiW\Tq  
  They grouped together in fours. 1PWDK1GI8  
  arrange/assemble/organize/classify/sort/collect/grade/rank/value/evaluate/cato 9Gy1T3y5"  
  rgerize/estimate cc@y  
5-MI 7I@l  
  When he was young, he always _______ around and did not care about what was ha z 6p.{M  
  ppening around him. Hang loaf loiter 5YRa2 #d  
  hit She hit on a good title for her new novel. Come across WXJ%bH  
  Her new film is quite a hit. success .}^m8PP  
  The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. Affect f i1tF/ `  
   hold She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news. ;0 ,-ywK  
  I think he is holding something back; he knows more that he admits. Hide 7%C6gU!r  
  She always holds to her convictions. 9OX&;O+ 5  
  The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reduction. U1I2+;"#A  
  Road works on the highway are holding up traffic. SDZ/rC!C  
  There was something wrong with the traffic signal. Our bus was ______ for near PKmr5FB  
  ly half an hour. L,BuzU[1S  
  A. held on B. held back C. held out D. held up dtJ?J<m}  
  identical This copy is identical with/to the ones you bought last week. the O o$i,|$$  
  same as  {ZB7,\  
  If only I were rich! Ju# - >]  
  Only if I am rich, I can do what I want. [8[g_  
  Immoral vs amoral  BVU>M*k  
  He deserted his family and was called an immoral person by his neighbors.(不道 Y$ ZZ0m  
德的) O,u$L  
  It was he that initiated this project. 741Sd8  
  Initiate/launch/start/begin/pioneer/found/lead/head/break the ice E {*d`n  
  Incentive The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize. .]24V!J(1w  
  (excitement initiative motive entertainment) v;1<K@UT  
  We are in for trouble. DxoW,G W  
  He know the ins and outs of the problem. hT go  
  Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition. B:;$5PUTc  
  A good teacher should be impartial to his students. ebfT%_N  
  Impartial/impersonal/unbiased/neutral/disinterested/just/fairdetatched unconc ZMEU4?F  
  erned indifferent OXp(rJ*bK  
  This car is inferior to the one I bought last year. =S#9\W&6Q  
  inferior superior senior junior similar prior 6 );8z!+  
v(=?@ tF}E  
  The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature P@| W \  
. OGcq]ue  
  intellect insight perception understanding comprehension wisdom intuit Vq$8!#~w  
  ion \w#)uYK{i_  
  No doubt, a trade mark pertains to a firm’s intangible assets. SFJ"(ey$  
  intangible invisible *{DpNV8"  
  interfere /intervene If you interfere in /with other people s affairs, you wi 3Zdwt\OQ  
  ll regret it. f*o+g:]3  
|tN:o= 6  
  He testified in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after /#}o19(-d  
  it had been robbed. L%;fYi;n  
  testified witnessed justified identified notify specify &8\6%C  
Nnx dO0X  
  keep I can t understand you keeping a thing like that to yourself. ;"B@QPX  
  Please keep to the point --- we are running out of time. Y6G`p  
  I can’t keep up with all the changes in computer science. 'C7$,H'  
  If you want to fulfill your dream, you have to keep ______it. (to / up o #(7^V y&  
  n) 18,;2Sr44  
  keep/have/hold/maintain/preserve/conserve/save/tend/protect/guard/sustain/upho O@HL%ha  
  ld/bear/posess y**YFQ*sc  
  They did not only lack water, they also lacked in courage. ?t)Mt]("  
  Want/be in need/ fall short ~^bf1W[  
  large The dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. J4%"38l  
% oJH 6F  
  By and large, the company has been good to me. !&},h=  
  This is law and you can’t change as you wish. v, |jmv+:  
  rule/principle/stamdard/formula/act/decree/regulation/legislation/lawmaking/re +,]_TxL|C  
solution/statute :{,k F  
  She saw a notice “ apartment to let”. j^.|^q<Y  
  Let/rent/lease/charter/contract/agreement 9^7z"*@#  
  She is the one that laid out the town. .oM;D~(=9  
  He was laid off for his ill performance. F9k}zAY\J  
 Q!5W x  
  liable likely probable liable responsible accountable answerable N6Dv1_c,  
  People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine of 5 dollars. wbB\~*Z)  
  She liked the black dress and bought it although it was very expensive.  uSJLIb  
  Like/prefer/fancy/take to/enjoy/care for/be fond of %%9T-+T  
  The football match was televised live from the workers’ stadium. X4L@|"ZI  
  alive live life lively living lovely 1:RK~_E  
  I am not sure of the exact location of the café. p+228K ;H  
  Location/position/place/area/zone/territory/district/section/neighborhood/spot /.(~=6o5  
  /site/situation #r,!-;^'p  
  Recent research has shed/cast/thrown new light on the causes of the disease. Tv `&  
411z -aS  
  The mansion was splendid. 9rIv-& 7'm  
  Splendid/magnificent/grand/majestic/superb/exquisite/marvelous/wonderful J\FLIw4  
  /glorious/imposing/impressive/brilliant/phenomenal/exceptional/remarkable/mira fymmA faR  
  culous e:K'e2  
  I can’t make out what she wants. TrNh,5+b  
  The ship made for the open sea. !}5+hj!6  
  What are we to make of his behavior? qoZe<jW (  
  Nothing can make up for the loss of a life. lR/Ubo yy  
  He has made it up with her. {b-SK5%]L  
aU/y>Y <k  
  A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda. %0({ MU  
  Mentioned quoted referred to *,)1Dcv(  
[+ : zlA  
  mood I am not in the ______ for joking. sentiment emotion mood feeling s p&\DG   
  entimentality sensation sense sensitivity 8bf@<VTO_  
  nerve My children are always getting on my nerves. (,|eE)+  
  Can you really afford this amount? aiZZz1C   
  Amount/sum/quantity/number/portion /`t}5U>S_  
  A (large) number of problems have arisen. :H#D4O8UiH  
  The number of books stolen from the library is large. X5-[v(/]  
  The marks were below average. 7<(kvE*x  
  Average/middle/medium/normal/ordinary/moderate/halfway/regular/usual sLzZ }u?(  
C' WX$!$d  
  The method is ok; the problem is the procedure. />uE)R$  
  method/way/approach/manner/means/fashion/style/procedure/process/course/plan/s -=n!k^?lK  
  cheme/design/ /XNC^!z6Js  
  The mutual benefit. Mutual/reciprocal/common/joint #TV #*  
  observe You’ve got to ______ the laws of the land. zm_8{Rta}  
  Abide by/follow/obey/comply with jthyZZ   
  occur Has it ever occurred to you that those twins are quite different from e - /cf3  
  ach other in many ways? JdUI:(  
  We can afford to overlook these minor offenses. ?;Da%VS3  
  Overlook/neglect/forget/miss/ignore/skip/disregard/pass over [#AI!-  
L+mHeS l  
  own Do you mean you have left her to do that on her own? y'<5P~W!a  
  He’d like a car of his own. DYrci?8Ith  
  Nobody owned up to the theft. {IF$\{Al  
  This is a painstaking effort. Careful A'D2uV  
  They walked the path every morning. )EcfEym.>  
  Path/route/line/road/track/trail/way/journey/excursion/voyage/trip S2 P9C"  
  peculiar That way of speaking is peculiar to people in this small part of the D+w ?  
   country. {@'#|]4y.  
  distinctive / typical/ characteristic/ representative/ special/ particular / u &#9HV  
  nique / notable/ particular ]w]:9w  
  The government gets a(n) ____ from taxes. C?<[oQb#  
  income revenue fund payment wages finance budget expenditure cet|k!   
  persist It should be obvious to you that if you persist in bothering him, he XAB/S8e  
  will get angry with you. -AQ 7Bd  
$_|jI ^  
  I shall be very _____ if you could do me a favor. oJc7a z  
  pleasing pleasant grateful thankful pleased gracious generous sD6vHX%  
  point She was just on the point of going away when Betty came in. g}BS:#$  
  As I was in a hurry I asked him to come to the point at once. \}gITc).j  
  s no point in arguing further. $SzuUI  
  He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the point. >^v,,R8j  
  It is very rude to point at people in the street. < [17&F0  
  If/when it came to the point, would you sacrifice your job for your principles ("=B,%F_  
  ? J|8 u  
  popular populous populated 1V]j8  
  A game that is very popular among/with these young swimmers is the underwater HzZX=c  
tricycle race. `Tr !Gj_  
{y<E_y x1  
  The child showed great _______of mind by grabbing the falling baby. n,p \~Tu,  
  courage calmness presence bravery boldness will vs*@)'n0}  
  preside The chairman presided at/over the meeting last Friday. c}2"X,  
   Virtue will prevail over evil. irn }.e  
  prevail triumph win 0}\8,U   
  In private/ in secret / in person "g1Fg.o  
  Matters like this are best discussed in private. %:Zp7O2UB'  
  They are privileged people in the society. VWMr\]g  
  Privilege/ right/ liberty/ freedom/advantage/license/ honor / KKA/  
  She gave him a prompt reply. r6e!";w:U  
  quick rapid fast prompt punctual instant immediate ready tBE-:hX*  
O9:J ^g  
  The _______ of finding jobs this year are not so good. (expectation promises w)Y}hlcq  
  future prospects) XQj+]-m  
  provided on condition save unless given suppose say .Mzrj{^Y  
  I will agree to go provided/providing that my expenses are paid. NqN9  
  put She’s put a tidy sum for her retirement. C] |m|`  
  They decided to put aside their differences. @C5 %`{\  
  She help her put the toys away. +9_E+H'?!  
  She is putting radical proposals for the economic reform. fq0[7Yb  
  We had to put off our wedding until September. liVDBbS_A?  
  We can put you up for the night. q<A,S8'm  
  I don’t know how she can put up with him/his cruelty to her. |r53>,oR<:  
  Racial problems exist in everyday life. KnYHjJa  
  Race/breed/people/fold/tribe/nation/culture $ dHD  
T q5F'@e  
  range scope extent His speech ranged over a number of topics. 5>M@ F0  
  Range/limit/distance/length/scope/extent/reach/field/sphere OY(znVHU  
  reach All these were within the reach of the ordinary men. yykyvy  
  Put that bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of the children. p2o6 6t  
  He reached for his gun. 8\8%FSrc  
  Her requirements are reasonable. 7.xJ:r|  
  Reasonable/sensible/fair/logical/just/sound/rational/practical/realistic/justi \fD[Ej  
  fiable y1hJVYE2  
  My favorite recreation is chess. v7- d+P=  
  Recreation/amusement/entertainment/play/pleasure/enjoyment/relaxation/pastime/ vghn+P8  
  fun .ZOyZnr Z  
Q mn'G4#@E  
  They had to seed refuge from the storm. =u]FKY  
  Refuge/shelter/asylum/protection VEg/x z4c  
  I have registered for the English course. -qRO}EF  
  Register/record/enroll/list/enter/sign/fill out a form ,<?M/'4}G  
  receive accept $Uxg$pqO  
  I hear that John has _____ a new position at the travel agency. t9 m],aH  
  red black A large number of American radio stations operate in the red. hKW!kA =gZ  
  regard Motion means change of position of an object in/with regard to the pos o] 7U;W  
  ition of some other object or objects. QabYkL5@  
  I have little information as regards his past. 1 +'HKT}  
  She said nothing regarding your request. `+0)dTA(g$  
  Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family. +bK.{1  
  Some people act regardless of what will happen afterwards. CVFsp>+  
  They helped solve the problems in high ______ to the living conditions of the :j2_Jn4UP  
  people. 9#@CmiIhy  
  (attention regard intention stress) 7eg//mL"6  
  relevant His age isn t relevant to whether he is a good teacher. s~6irf/  
9jwo f}OU  
  Reluctant Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant to study s S[ ,r .+  
  ubjects from which they were effectively barred for so long. Unwilling (8(z42  
=JnUTc _u  
  remedy The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy s illness. (7rG~d1iS  
  Cure/heal/treat/mend/correct 1xo<V5  
  respect With respect to your requests, we regret that we are unable to assist Ucnit^,  
  you in this matter. YtrMJ"  
  Respect/adore/appreciate/honor/admire/look up to/fall for/be crazy about rkl/5z??  
FB PT @`~v  
  In this respect the film is a failure. !2N#H~{  
  respectful respective respectable respected 1q! 6Sny@  
  Teams of rescue have been sent out to look for the missing members of the crew f:TC;K  
. BI=Ie?  
  His limp is the result of an accident. <_H0Q_/(  
  Result/consequence/end/effect/outcome/fruit/produce/conclusion 8X]j;Rb  
  risk He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. <96ih$5D1  
  He was ready to run(take) the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy. Bd"7F{H  
  The future of the whole company is at risk. f K^FD&sF  
  Risk/chance/gamble/endanger/expose $(}kau  
  They rose up against foreign invaders. g m],  
  Rebel revolt riot a@,tf'Sr  
I’ve been on the run all day, and I am exhausted. Ye!=  
  I ran across/into my old friend in Paris last week. Dl/UZ@8pl  
  We are running out of time. qr=U= oK  
  He ruled over his kingdom successfully for twenty years. QbqLj>-AJ  
  Rule/govern/control/dominate/head/lead/manage/direct/supervise/administer/orde r:Cad0xj;^  
  r/instruct { Rw~G&vQ  
   Guide/influence/handle/regulate D?5W1m]E,s  
hY' "^?OP  
  scale Synthetic rubbers are now being produced on a large scale. (DK pJCx  
  scratch He threw away everything he had written and started the novel again f T*h+"TmE  
  rom scratch. +S%@ /q  
! 2Y, a  
  I’ll have to see about getting the roof mended. =AcbX_[  
  We all went to the airport to see her off. YBS]JCO  
  Her colleagues see her as the future prime minister. *bRH,u  
  Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? R!pV`N  
  I must set about packing now. ~Nc] `95  
  Her clear and elegant prose sets apart from most other journalists. J;T_ 9  
  Let’s set aside my personal feelings. :f/ p5 c  
  She set out/forth at dawn. [sKdIw_  
  He is set on going to university. Q}fAAZ&7h  
  settle You should settle your affairs before you leave. Solve KP<J~+_ik  
  When are you going to marry and settle down. A<.Q&4jb  
  Settle/decide/resolve/reconcile/mend H8-,gV  
  short All along he has been striving not to fall short of his parents expect <RhKlCP  
  ations. J0=`n (48B  
  Things couldn’t be worse financially: in short, we are bankrupt. z ~VA#8>  
  Becoming a doctor requires years of training ----- there are really no short c }lxvXVc{I  
  uts. H`Z4a N  
  He never allowed his children to go short of anything necessary for their educ dl":?D4H  
  ation. D 1hKjB&  
  His real name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short. QOF;j#H^  
  The country is short in known deposits of coal and iron. TM^1 {0;r5  
  The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. xY~ DMcO?  
  spirit The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 6=@n b3D%  
  I went back and found them in high/low spirits. {X =\  
  stock The sugar is out of stock. in stock H_AV3 ;  
0zT v'L  
  They subjected the two suspects to a long and thorough interrogation. yav)mO~QU6  
  We are subject to the law of the land. n7MS{`  
  Subject/topic/issue/question/problem/concern/test/plot/theme Gqia@>T4*N  
  sympathize We sympathize with him in his sufferings to a great extent. mhVoz0%1X  
  sympathy Quite a number of people are in sympathy with you on that point. *g,?13Q_  
  attraction temptation oOL3O@)w>  
  As always, I had to fight the _____ to take what she willingly offered. FSQ&J|O  
  Tempt/invite/attract/appeal/lure/seduce r2] (~&i2  
  thought On second thoughts, I am inclined to agree with you. {fb~`=?  
  Electricity was at one time thought of as a kind of fluid. <zf+Ii1:,  
  trace Her fear of water can traced back to a childhood accident. bMUIe\/v[  
  trade he traded in his car for a new model. &Bp\kv  
  He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ____ out of his money. "~(&5M\8`  
  trick deceive cheat betray fool !Q(xOc9>Ug  
  what he said is true. )]%9Tgn  
  True/real/actual/unmistaken/certain/valid/genuine/authentic/natural/legitimate `Of wl%G  
r;XQ i  
  turn We came to an arrangement whereby the two of us took the young lady out gZjOlp  
  by turns. r9M={jC  
  He picked up all the books in turn and examined them.  (v`;ym  
  I didn’t need my umbrella, as it/things turned out. 4v|/+J6G  
 She turned a deaf ear to our warnings. I:e2sE ":  
 He was someone to whom you can turn in difficult times. Wv0'?NL.  
  We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but she failed to turn up. L, {rMLM%  
  He tried to join the army and was __________ because of poor health. +^J-'7Vt  
  (turned in turned down turned out turned to) y^AA#kk  
xplo Fw~  
  I don’t think she is the artistic type. x ct U.)p  
  Type/kind/class/sort/species/variety/brand/character A&P1M6Of  
  Whatever he said is ultimate conclusion. mbBRuPEa=u  
  Ultimate/final/conclusive/decisive/eventual/last ,w%oSlOu  
  Because of the flood, the land yielded nothing that autumn. ,0Zn hS)kq  
  Yield/bear/produce/ provide/supply /surrender/submit p? ?/r  
  This company of soldiers had ______ no women among them, so you could imagine #Q3PzDfj  
  what they joked about. ( virtually virtuously virtual actual) yb{Q,Dz  
  By the way, have you heard that George is emigrating to Australia? &^IcL!t[  
  In no way can teaching in school be separated from practice. b%;59^4AjD  
In a way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. ^v!im\ r  
  We must not give way to their demands. ~u0xXfv#  
  You can’t have everything your own way. 2Nn1-wdhb  
  He has done nothing out the way yet. ;:Z=%R$wJ  
  The bridge ________ and the tank fell into the river. ( gave way gave to ga C 6d]tLE  
  ve in gave up) 20VVOnDY  
(.1 rtj  
  We’ll all take a vacation in the mountains as soon as I finish working on thi irsfJUr[V  
  s project.








级别: 初级博友
沙发  发表于: 2009-02-23   

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