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主题 : 一些名词的用法及模拟题
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-03-07   


名词解析 @i> r(X  
In many schools, students don't have sufficient access to the library. Ih K SwT  
Way/approach/solution/answer/ r [^. \&-  
Last time I ran across her by accident. .7 )oWd!  
He asked no one's permission or advice; he did it on his own account. x6JV@wA&  
Give us an account of what happened. DazoY&AWE  
Let us try to use our intellect to the greatest advantage. AH/^v;-  
The great advantage we have over them is that they are weak and sentimental. *w. ":\P]  
Benefit/gain/upper hand   interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returns 4a& 8G  
Mr. Smith had taken advantage of his position. EKcPJ\7  
What changes they will make nobody knows, but there is something in the air. j&/+/s9N  
The channel came on the air every morning at seven. dZIbajs'  
His aim is to win the game. \z2y?"\?  
Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destination/prospect Z~h6^h   
Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. CV^%'HIs?+  
*Although he is only an amateur photographer, he is one of the best. L?;UcCB  
Try looking at this affair from a different angle. :4 z\Q]  
view/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/idea/thought/conception/judgment -3? <Ja  
theory/outlook 6&'kN 2  
Close analysis of sales figures shows clear regional variations. A{-S )Z3}  
In the final analysis I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play <]%6x[  
He has an appetite for hard work. U5-8It2OR  
This is a new approach to language teaching. aY,Bt  
He worked on the assembly line at the local car factory. X%<qHbKB,  
This is an attack on the government’s policies. tb oQn~&4  
They made no attempt at escaping. EUI*:JU-  
On the average, there are twenty boys present every day. uUx7>algF  
I am glad to see the back of him. /d6Rd l`w  
She cycled too fast round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. ;u(*&vRqr^  
On the basis of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year. b"#S92R+  
The policemen are on their beat. SX'NFd Y  
I'm writing on behalf of my mother, to express her thanks for your gift. Go: (R {P  
On behalf all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement. q$yg^:] 2  
The reward goes to those who have done their bit for the country. WzR)R9x]  
I haven’t had a bite all morning. [~|k;\2 +  
He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging. iNl<<0a  
The governing body of the school is/are concerned about it. 2uT6M%OC  
He scarcely has enough money to keep body and soul together. 5CcX'*P  
The government is determined to put a brake on the public spending. 9&zR i  
Ignorance acts as a brake to progress. `$JZJ!,A  
It is a breakthrough in cancer research. "v wLj:  
We should not doubt his capability. e~)4v  
Capability/ability/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiency _8K8Ai-~.>  
Familiarity breeds contempt. PCgr`($U  
This area is developing by leaps and bounds. +?3RC$jyw  
You need brains to become a university professor. %nq<nfDT  
There are no bounds to his ambition. !WGQ34R{  
Limit/ confine/ restriction /border /boundary/ edge/ brink /fringe /brim y_W?7  S  
A bird in hand is worth two in bush. p(I^Y{sGI  
You are burning the candle at both ends. 3l`"(5  
They left the child in a friend’s care. =Oh$pZRymu  
In any case I shall return in a day or two.  Jn|<G  
He doesn't dare to leave the house in case he should be recognized. 3;}YW^oXq  
In no case should you do anything that will harm your health. NW0se DL  
I have no cash on me ----- may I pay by cheque? /{8Y,pZbu  
You are not to build castles in the air and idle your time away. k  75 p  
Children like to be the center of attention. B/lIn' =  
In 1923 I was in charge of the trade union work of the Communist Party. \,p?pL<'  
charge The charge against him was severe. (d NF)(wn  
Sentence/ accusation/ persecution/ guilt/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgment /#: *hn  
First prize in the competition will be a meal at the restaurant of your choice. jM6$R1HX  
This local evening paper has a circulation of twenty-five thousand. OraT$lV)_  
The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem. W"#<r  
The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette. r/ATZAgHP  
A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with their creativity. XZ$g~r  
comment I'm afraid I can't comment on your work just yet. Remark   JF}i=}  
criticism / judgment / decision / evaluation / criterion/ standard / remark   hTby:$aCg  
Their views have nothing in common with Marxist dialectical materialism L&NpC&>wD  
You may know a friend by the company he keeps. c"`HKf L  
I’ll stay here and keep you company.  r?0w5I  
She is lovely beyond compare. FChW`b&S  
This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison. ^"/TWl>jB  
I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year. *)\y52z  
Corruption has become a public concern. 3~WI3ZIR  
You may borrow the book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else. A9D FZZ0  
I'll tell you in strict confidence; you must never speak of it to anyone about it. Oa@SyroF=  
We hoped that you should have confidence in each other again. qB$QC  
He asked me many questions in connection with life in Britain. E'8XXV^I?P  
We hadn't enough money to pay our bus fare, and in consequence we had to walk.  d*([!!i  
In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you. id`9,I Jx  
The plan is at present under consideration by the Minister of Education. PDgZb  
He received five hundred dollars in consideration of his services. \:n<&<aVSr  
We must make sure we have taken into consideration all the relevant facts. 9*n?V;E  
Students must be brought into contact with now ideas. ~ U8#yo  
I feel nothing but contempt for people who treat children so cruelly. Vn/FW?d7  
While in Europe, the tourists enjoyed to their heart's content the weather, the food and the theatre. 5?j#  
His actions are in direct contradiction to his words. !]7L9TGn  
It was a long time before they got the flood water under control. vf?m6CMU !  
He wrote Lester that he would like to have a talk with him at his convenience. hG9Mp!d91  
Alice sat in the corner of the room listening to the radio. }.=wQ_  
They have bought the green house on the corner. 11A;z[Zk  
We are determined to obtain our rights at all costs. ESS1 L$y  
You have to stay here a couple of hours. &)!N 5Veb  
It was a matter of course that she should be asked to take the chair. *'n=L B8R  
You needn't ask him to come; he'll come as a matter of course. rXGaav9  
In the course of their investigation they made a discovery that helped to solve a six-year-old mystery. a(`"qS  
I will consider the matter and let you know my answer in due course. NPE 4@c_a@  
Why don't you make arrangements to buy the car on credit? iN L>TVUM  
His improved performance does credit to his trainer. &y 3;`A7,  
It is not my custom to give in. 01%0u8U  
Custom / habit / use / practice / manner / way / pattern / tendency / fashion / routine nature/ style/ way 3?&P^{  
They were speaking daggers at each other at the international conference. 7$L*nf  
The damage to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair. U'}[:h~)  
Destruction/ damage / harm / ruin / injury/ bruise / impact / spoil / wrong /pain agony/ distress/ grief/ hurt / impair/ abuse/ plague / epidemic         ZtI@$ An  
debris/trash/junk/rubbish/litter fzjtaH?  
I am still in the dark about where he is. /5f=a  
Smoking is a danger to health. )b|xzj @  
The police have not found the runaway to date. (so far) d8^S~7  
Much of the information in that book is now out of date. BL\H@D  
One of these days he will realize what a fool he’s been. |5BvVqn  
I had one of those days: my train was late and I lost my wallet. P[,  
Soldiers huddled together in the dead of the winter. 3HndE~_C&  
I always try to avoid being in debt to anyone. cw~-%%/  
He made a New Year decision to give up smoking. 2<_|1%C  
Steel production has been on the decline in these countries. !@)tkhP  
She has also affected but to a lesser degree. #]wBXzu?  
I agree with you to some/a certain degree. 1L _(n  
By degrees their friendship grew into love. 6[]O3Aa  
The Queen appeared on the balcony, to the delight of all the onlookers. )KN]"<jB  
The naughty boy takes a great delight in pulling the dog's tail. 8ao>]5Rs3  
Demand for fish this month exceeds supply. /| [%~`?BM  
That book is very much in demand, it is a bestseller. =K6{AmG$  
There is no denying the fact that the Internet has changed the world. 2D{`AJ  
Your son is the despair of all his teachers. U{0! <*W>  
After repeated failures, he gave up the attempt in despair. T:w%RF[v9  
It is worthwhile dealing with this in detail. 9Qc=D"'  
He refused to go into detail (s) about his plans. BHIC6i%  
It is a teacher’s devotion to her task. ,mD{4 >7  
We were amazed by the rich variety of commodities on display. M_#^zo "x  
It is your duty to go. <ta#2  
Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/office/role Q|W~6  
Business/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/employment/effort /8s>JPXKH[  
I made out three figures moving in the distance. K55]W2I9  
She always kept him at a distance. h8?E+0  
TV is a welcome distraction after a hard day’ jRSY`MU}t+  
The television station is supported by donations from foundations and other sources. s!j vBy  
Don't worry; he will come back without doubt. b:6e2|xf?  
The truth of the story is in doubt. 1H7 bPl|  
No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way. d?1[xv;  
He goes on duty at 8 a. m. and comes off duty at five p. m. v\Xy z )  
We are in the line of duty, so you can call me later. OC_i,  
What on earth do you mean? S1d{! ` 3  
His few belongings make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease. } !RBH( m%  
He soon put his humble visitors at ease. s7na!A[  
It is an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longer than cheap ones. sn:wLc/GAd  
The acid has no effect on the metal. CJ[^Fi?CH  
Since 1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect. kZHIzU  
The new regulation does not go into effect until the first of March. WxF0LhM  
A sentence of ten years' imprisonment on a person of eighty is in effect a life sentence. 'jd fUB  
He is not likely to give effect to his threat. jV|/ C  
We tried again and again, but to no effect. y>_*}>2,O  
A rumor was spread around to the effect that the firm was in financial difficulties. * odwg$  
I will make every effort to arrive on time. dpI! {'"M  
It is hard, but it’s worth the effort. SOo}}a0  
Too little emphasis was placed on the safety regulations. IRB BLXv7\  
Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. ~<Sb:I zld  
I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end. n~G-X  
I've warned you no end of times not to touch that machine. /&g~*AL  
I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. R}Z2rbt  
He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he was at his wit's end. The government is determined to put an end to terrorism. !Di*y$`}b  
When the reception came to an end, they were reluctant to leave the hall. .3< sv  
There are very few exceptions to this rule. c:sk1I,d~^  
The exception proves the rule. /yO|Q{C}M8  
I may not go to Europe, but in any event, I will visit you during the summer. dSw%Qv*y  
In the event that our team wins, there will be a celebration. v* /}s :a  
Here is what you must do in the event of my death. {/PiX1mn  
There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty. "qvJ-Y  
The money they took with them was considerably in excess of what they needed. =P\Tk)(`  
He drinks to excess. c6f[^Q%#j  
There is no excuse for such behavior. i2(lqhaP  
The Republican party came into existence in 1854. $3Srr*  
So far as is known, the original manuscripts of Shakespeare's plays are no longer in existence. -iJ @K  
He became a brilliant scholar but only at the expense of his health. $@ Fvl-lK  
I feel a sense of satisfaction and gratitude beyond expression. ~AbTbQ 3  
She gave full expression to her sadness. ; E]^7T  
They are discriminated against to a greater or lesser extent in our country. yi$Jk}w  
I consider such conduct despicable to the extreme. Xj("  
The manager knew of the unpunctuality of some of the employees, but closed his eyes to it. -cW 'g  
In my mind's eye I can still see my old home, with the roses over the door. Dhy@!EO S  
I did not see the accident. It was all over within the twinkling of an eye. `U[s d*C"  
Mr. Brown told John to keep an eye on the store while he was out. . wc.T;(  
In your father’s eyes you are still a child. ! Al?B9KJ  
In the experiment we kept a watchful eye on the developments and recorded every detail. kz+OUA@~  
He remained calm even in the face of such obvious danger. fKN&0N |^R  
I told the boys that they were wrong but they laughed to my face. KoL3CA"N  
They must comply in good faith with these just demands. %qj8*1  
I’ve lost faith in that fellow. Yl!~w:O!o  
You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you don't keep faith with them. xesZ 7{ o  
Her fame will abide for sure. 4OOH 3O  
Reputation/ recognition / renown / distinction / idolatry b ?-VZA:  
She took a fancy to the house as soon as she saw it. sq~9 l|F  
Long skirts for women are no longer in fashion. q!+&|F  
Her letters were always heavily underlined, after/in the fashion of her mother. UZ` <D/  
I have no fault to find with what you've done. ~p0M|  
She is generous to a fault. VkChRzhC  
Are you in favor of women taking part in politics? sS5:5i  
A high-school diploma is in your favor when you apply for a job. (+^z9p7/!  
He left an hour earlier for fear of missing his train. tB i16=  
Knowing he had many enemies, he went about in fear of his life. l,n V*Z  
The children hid in the house and ate their fill. 2a 3RRP  
Jim is a nice boy but he'll never set the world on fire. Xbp~cn  
The doctor told Mr. Smith that he must watch his diet if he doesn't want to play with fire. r% ^l~PN  
We have all your particulars on file. 2sryhS'(H  
They went out in single file. BlrZ<\-/  
That traffic regulation hasn't been in force very long. /P>t3E2c  
The new constitution went into force July 1, 1867. 2Vn~o_ga  
They occupied by force the whole territory of the country. |\W9$V  
Don’t make so much fuss over the children. E1&9( L5  
In Europe in general the numbers of traveling families are declining. 7i$)iNW  
He caught a glimpse of her face as she ran past. #S*`7MvM  
He blew out the candle at one go. ?{ Rv/np=F  
He was excused on the ground(s) of his illness. c :{#H9  
Our hopes fell to the ground. : 47bf<w|Y  
You must be on your guard against swindlers. Z Vin+z  
His seemingly easy question caught her off guard. ,R~{$QUl  
A mounted policeman rode at the head of the procession. 9 Y-y?Y  
He's sometimes bad-tempered but he's a good fellow at heart. "^UJC-  
Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. qz@k-Jqq d  
Everyone learnt the poem by heart. lI<Q=gd  
I wish with all my heart that we had never embarked upon this task. m);0sb  
The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 1j!LK-  
Famine often follows on the heels of war 26&$vgO~:  
Courageous people think quickly and act without hesitation. |K(2_Wp  
The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming. )#H&lH  
He became very weak after this heart-attack, so he had to ask for a sick leave. YXi'^GU@  
I called in the hope of finding her at home. %tOGs80_{  
You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. LrGLIt`  
I made that statement in ignorance of the true facts of the case. sT*D]J 2  
This book has made a great impact on its readers. 'BiR ,M$mY  
He made an excellent impression on us. 1LK`    
I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow. JoCZ{MhM  
There has been an improvement in the weather. +}.~"  
This year’s car is an improvement on the last year’s model. WCdl 25L#  
The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature. (qbL=R"  
Intellect/ insight / perception / understanding/ comprehension / wisdom / intuition/ingenuity/ingenuousness/ imagination/ fancy/ conception/ concept 9Ev<t \B  
He know the ins and outs of the problem. RXD*;B$v  
The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize. [XKudw%  
The industry of the little ants is wonderful to behold! cS2PrsUx  
The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature. -91*VBrOd  
Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. ].Sz2vI  
I have no intension of coming to this place again! `B A'a" $  
All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. s;ivoGe}  
He is a jack of all trades and he just doesn’t care to know them well. +v.<Fw2k#  
To the best of my knowledge, he did very well in his previous job. V'q?+p] a  
The dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside. 7K 'uNPC  
By and large, the company has been good to me. @PZ{(  
Mary is right, and so are you, at least to some extent. J85S'cwZZ  
He was not in the least angry with me. */6lyODf  
You can take the books with you and read them at your leisure. +7KRoF|  
After a long journey they arrived at length in Naples. ]i:_^z)R  
I would go to any length to help a person in distress. Mgp+#w+,  
Please analyze it in the light of the principles discussed. ,6 IKkyD  
Recent research has shed/cast/thrown new light on the causes of the disease.  Iysp)  
In the light of your remarks, we rejected her offer. His actions were not in line with his beliefs. *yZ `aKfH  
He is a bit of a snob ---- won’t speak to the likes of me. 4~K%,K+Du  
I don't know what I can do about it. I'm completely at a loss. Ab In\,x  
Her departure was a heavy loss to her orchestra. S aH':UN  
She saw a notice “ apartment to let”. ]<*-pRN  
Let/rents/lease/charter/contract/agreement/transaction/deal ^?8/9 o  
A/the majority of people were in favor of the proposal. X5tx(}j  
He appears to be strong and healthy, but, as a matter of fact he suffers from a very weak heart. YvG=P<_xw  
By all means try the medicine if you think it will do you any good.   She regarded her marriage merely as a means to an end. `tPVNO,l  
The monument was erected in memory of the people who devoted their lives to the country. < 2SWfH1>  
The doctor told the patient that he was definitely on the mend and could get up soon. 8Drz i! }  
I am not sure of the exact location of the café. n'@*RvI:  
Location/position/place/area/zone/territory/district/section/neighborhood/spot/site/situation }n( ?|  
They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. 2}n7f7[/b  
All the things I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess. 82M` sk3.  
Please bear in mind what I have just said. lc$wjK[w[  
The story you have just told brings to mind a strange thing that once happened to me. 4nrn Npf`b  
Where is my umbrella? Somebody must have taken it away by mistake. _CMNmmp`e  
mood I am not in the ______ for joking. Yi j^hs@eV  
sentiment / emotion / mood/ feeling / sentimentality /sensation / sense / sensitivity/temperament/disposition   ALQ-aXJ  
Japanese cameras are, for the most part, of excellent quality. E)`:sSd9  
You'll get 65, at the most, for that bike. ' b_X&>^4Dkl  
He wishes to make the most/best of his opportunity. ~1&WR`U  
Some people are quick-tempered by nature. tZG l^mA"g  
No matter what the source may be, electricity is identical in nature. fC".K Yjp  
In ancient Greece, the Olympic games were in the nature of a national event with a strong religious color. N8iLI`  
I don’t live in luxury, but I enough to satisfy my needs. 9:*[Q" v  
If need be (if necessary), I can do extra work at the weekend. u].7+{  
My children are always getting on my nerves. 4.p:$/G TS  
We have to leave for America at short notice. #W&o]FAA3y  
The office will close at five from May 1st until further notice. 15S& ,$ 1&  
No one took the slightest notice of him. u M\5GK  
A (large) number of problems have arisen. {_mVf FG  
The number of books stolen from the library is large. 84!Hd.H  
The debate had to be postponed, on occasion of the illness of one of the principal speakers. $A`m8?bY  
Some of us are of the opinion that cars contribute to air pollution in cities. ?qb35  
The boss has a high/low/bad/good opinion of her. l/,la]!T  
In my opinion, population expansion has become the great obstacle to economic progress. T%;V_iW-  
We found ourselves in opposition to several colleagues on this issue. nEUUD3a  
Despite all his talent, he is not much of an actor. %E5b }E#  
Mother's only objection to our going out was that it was too late. `8S3Y  
He has all his suits made on order. dr(-k3ex  
He left early in order that he should/would/might arrive on time. Af\  
They mostly live on the outskirts of a town. | dz"uIrT  
Do you mean you have left her to do that on her own? hbg$u$1`,  
He’d like a car of his own. 1+gFfKq  
I could scarcely keep pace with the new discoveries in biology. damG*-7Svx  
What he said is a pack of lies. KIi:5Y  
She went to great pains to see that all her guests were provided with whatever they needed. eXMIRus(  
Great pains have been taken to ensure the safety of the passengers. $C sE[+k1  
Panic swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly. %ioVNbrR7  
Tension/ Excitement / Fear/ Nervousness / fuss / ado/ chaos / confusion/ turmoil riot/ anxiety ,zdGY]$  
For my part, I don’t mind where we eat. 0k{\W  
His success was due in part to luck. =kfa1kD&{  
We all have a part to play in the fight against crime. 7f}uRXBV$A  
When I was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion for writing poetry. i%JJ+9N  
They walked the path every morning. "a= Hr4C*r  
Path/route/line/road/track/trail/way/journey/excursion/voyage/trip tfN[- 3)Z  
We hope that our country will always be in peace with all other countries. {x ?qz~W  
What is the penalty for speeding? :SS \2  
I wish you were here now so that I might thank you in person. oX8EY l  
I hope you will leave all the books in the library in place. ZMb+sUK  
She couldn’t attend the meeting so her assistant took her place. [8a(4]4  
He seems to take (a) great pleasure in doing such things. |$b8(g$s)  
She was just on the point of going away when Betty came in. '.1P\>x!]  
As I was in a hurry I asked him to come to the point at once. ":8\2Qp  
There's no point in arguing further. W~0rSVD$<z  
He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the point. aZ4?! JW.  
Let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. HWsV_VAw}  
It is important to keep in practice. k9f|R*LM  
If you don’t play, you will get out of practice. mpug#i6q  
We've made our plans, and now we must bring them into practice. Q{|%kU"  
effect force power practice 953qz]Q8  
Practice makes perfect. Cd_@<  
He signed his name in the presence of two witnesses. 9gcW;  
The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby. ["<Xh0_  
courage / calmness / presence / bravery / boldness / will/ willpower a8J AJkFB  
Let's leave things as they are for the present, even though we may have a change later on. oj - `G  
Not only are the proposals impracticable; they are wrong in principle. xeSch?}  
Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle. qC> tni%  
Matters like this are best discussed in private. Yi%lWbr  
They are privileged people in the society. 5[Vr {^)  
Privilege/ right/ liberty/ freedom/advantage/license/ honor OUi;f_*[r  
The movement has been in progress for several years. Qc3d<{7\~  
The size of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room. |${4sUR  
The prospects of finding jobs this year are not so good. 9?H$0xZV  
Bill is a man unaccustomed to speaking in public. k_,7#:+  
Accidentally or on purpose, many of the poisonous substances are discharged into streams and lakes. iz#R)EB/g  
Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose. ZLT?G  
No one can call in question his integrity. j~k,d .17M  
She is so talented that her success is only a question of time. x(TF4W=j  
Since no additional fund is available, the extension of the building is out of the question. K<e #y!  
His honesty is beyond question: nobody can doubt it. ik(Du/  
The job in question is available for three months only. 7H Dc]&z  
Racial problems exist in everyday life. Iw`tb N L[  
Race/breed/people/fold/tribe/nation/culture _d@YLd78P  
The specimens to be analyzed were taken at random. w 0_P9g:  
His speech ranged over a number of topics. B?z2@,  
Range/limit/distance/length/scope/extent/reach/field/sphere/room/space/atmosphere/ ambience )XDBK* !  
I think we should leave her alone for the moment at any rate. yjjq&Cn  
All these were within the reach of the ordinary men. .t_t)'L  
*Put that bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of the children. !i;6!w  
He thought her perfect, but in reality she was selfish and vain. $xWwI( SaB  
Their demands are beyond all reason. }=/zG!+  
The scheme failed by reason of bad organization. zWEPwOlI1P  
A large number of American radio stations operate in the red. =wh[D$n$~  
It takes weeks to get through the red tape. 9>~pA]j%  
This has no reference to what we were discussing. `j>5W<5q\  
On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all. L+8ar9es  
They had to seek refuge from the storm. Me .I>7c  
Refuge/shelter/asylum/protection "U}kp#)  
Motion means change of position of an object in/with regard to the position of some other object or objects. 7[1Lh'u  
Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family. qdix@ @  
In relation to the complaint you have made there is nothing we can do to improve the quality of these goods. |{N{VK  
Much to my relief, the exam was postponed. ZM.'W}J{ *  
The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy's illness. %y RGN  
Cure/heal/treatment/mend/correction 3ay},3MCV%  
This machine is in good repair now.  J#(AX6  
The vase was under/beyond repair. '0HOL)cIz  
His limp is the result of an accident. }p~2lOI  
Result/consequence/end/effect/outcome/fruit/produce/conclusion %+~\I\)1  
From here you can see the bridge, under construction. %zcA|SefP  
A rich sponsor came to our rescue/aid with a generous donation. >of34C"DI  
With respect to your requests, we regret that we are unable to assist you in this matter. <F7a!$zQ  
In this respect the film is a failure. QF>T)1&J[7  
The situation is the same for protons and neutrons with respect to the size of the atomic nucleus. sM-,95H  
In response to your inquiries, we regret to inform you that we cannot help you in this matter. . oai=1vt@  
I was in the bath, as the result that I didn't hear the telephone. o !tC{"g  
I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I have received from him. jri"#H  
I will never give up the struggle, for I know I am in the right. ,Pa*; o\  
He is quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 9nG^_.}|  
What gives you the right to(do) that. cwmS4^zt8  
Either war gives rise to revolution or revolution prevents war. i\sBey ND"  
They subjected the two suspects to a long and thorough interrogation.  QHNyH  
One of his subjects is literature. EOB8|:*  
Subject/topic/issue/question/problem/concern/test/plot/theme/scheme ?h}NL5a  
The price of vegetables is on the rise. 3}|[<^$  
He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. xgk~%X%K  
He was ready to run(take) the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy. ? "I %K%  
The future of the whole company is at risk. 2^o7 ^S  
The government gets a(n) ____ from taxes. m]n2wmE3n  
income / revenue / fund / payment / wages / finance / budget / expenditure yT7$6x  
He had no roof over his head. (ghI$oH  
This is law and you can’t change as you wish. r9ulTv }X  
Rule/principle/stamdard/formula/act/decree/regulation/legislation/lawmaking/resolution/statute wK(]E%\  
I’ve been on the run all day, and I am exhausted. ~F,~^r!Jtu  
He bought a house in the country for the sake of his wife's health. z.8/[)  
sale I am sorry this painting is not for sale. `DYhGk  
Copies of this book are on sale at all the principal booksellers'. p":u]Xgb  
Synthetic rubbers are now being produced on a large scale. ,U\ s89  
Despite set-backs, I think we shall manage to complete the work on schedule. WoTeIkM9  
There is still some scope for improvement. 5 bI :xL}  
He threw away everything he had written and started the novel again from scratch. l2Sar1~1  
They started off in search of the missing girl. 'ZF6Z9  
Peaches are not in season at the time of year. $S#Z>d*1!  
For twenty years the socialists carried on their propaganda in secret. ~[Tcl  
In a sense you are right in refusing to join that club. Gn2{C%  
When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor. s;vt2>;q+e  
Can you make sense of the poem? 'FXM7D   
What you say makes no sense. JR] 2Ray  
They are dealing with events in historical sequence. lx+;<la  
Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. MqZ"Js  
I am having trouble giving shape to my ideas in the essay. ^{}G4BEY  
You’ll never be in shape unless you eat less and take more exercise. x$d[Ovw-  
The plan is beginning to take shape in my mind. ({E,}x  
He naturally took the side with Bernard in this controversy. F+hV'{|w`  
In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill. pbx*Y`v  
At the sight of the police they ran away. !{-W%=Kf  
I know Mr. Jones by sight; I know who he is but I have never spoken to him. m \)B=H!bz  
A slip of the tongue might cause you to lose your job. bY P8  
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. "&={E{pQ  
I went back and found them in high/low spirits. 0S5xmEzop  
In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time. (9u`(|x  
The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over television. ??/bI~Sd  
We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of stock. 77M!2S_E  
In sum, theory must be combined with practice. ' a[K&;)  
Success is a sum of mistakes. 'UX^]  
The author gave an example in support of his argument. toY_1  
Quite a number of people are in sympathy with you on that point. Dl/ C?Fll  
Children must learn to behave at table. /l7 %x.  
Providing first-class service is one of the tactics that the airline adopts to attract passengers. OL\-SQ&  
The work is not very profitable in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. Y!M0JSaM  
We must aim for world peace in the short/long term. nFlN {_/  
The tailor makes a man. .!4'Y}  
As always, I had to fight the _____ to take what she willingly offered. +<\LY(o  
attraction   temptation g"/n95k<  
On second thoughts, I am inclined to agree with you. ] |3hK/  
It’s time you woke up to the fact that you are not very popular. 3V]dl)en%  
Time and tide wait for no man. 9y7hJib  
Electricity was at one time thought of as a kind of fluid. --]blP7  
That's old news; lots of things have happened since then. You're behind the times. ZRjM^ d;  
Dump the books in the corner for the time being; we'll put them away later. ;l%xjMcU  
We got there in time for the concert. =Z.0-C>W  
In no time will china be the first to use nuclear Weapons. p.:|Z-W$  
He behaves very strangely at times. The headmaster saw the girls one at a time in her study. |}d^lQ9  
When he had his money and finished his dinner, he felt on top of the world. He became a carpenter in trade when he was 16. 2(d  
In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire. X8tPn_`x  
We came to an arrangement whereby the two of us took the young lady out by turns. 4Y?fbb<  
He picked up all the books in turn and examined them. ~;oXLCL0})  
I don’t think she is the artistic type. q!W,2xqZoq  
Type/kind/class/sort/species/variety/brand/character/like E#P#{_BR^  
She always kept a small stock of tinned foods, for use in an emergency. 2Ug_3ZuU  
The methods with which we are so familiar were not in use in those days. 7z$53z  
He’ll be able to put his experience to good use in the new job. $x }R2  
These maps might be of some use to you on your trip. GpPM?  
All our efforts were in vain. HxK'u4I  
He left for a variety of reasons. t5 >ma:^j  
We all need variety in our diet. 2+ u+9rW  
He soon fell victim to her charms. -)%\$z  
There was not a house in view. 5!ngM  
In view of the weather, we will cancel the meeting. {#+K+!SvDX  
It was only by virtue of his indomitable will-power that he finally succeeded. D*@'%<?  
Virtue is its own reward. yPfx!9B  
Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends. 6\l F  
Career/ job/ vocation/ trade/ calling/ work/ profession/ occupation F$>#P7ph\a  
The customs officials were on (the) watch for smuggled whisky. '[6]W)f  
I cannot get the door open; that chair is in the way. T.De1 Q|  
All the preparations are well under way. kPOk.F%)  
He went from Chicago to New York by way of Washington. By the way, have you heard that George is emigrating to Australia? >CG;df<~  
In no way can teaching in school be separated from practice. ;|T|*0vY[  
In a way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well. 2G|}ENC  
We must not give way to their demands. 7/&taw%i  
You can’t have everything your own way. \aSc2Ml]3n  
He has done nothing out of the way yet. E_& ;.hw  
We must consider these matters as a whole. On the whole, our stay there was quite enjoyable. L7- JK3/E  
John did it at his will. N]8/l:@  
I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word/in other words, he is admirable. Y< ^Or  
You’ll find that she’s as good as her word. NjS<DzKhK  
Any teacher worth his salt knows that. gT []"ZT7  
1. Thomas Wolfe portrayed people so that you came to know their yearnings, their impulses, and their warts-this was effective ______. ZLaht(`+  
   A. motivation      B. point of view      C. characterization    D. background eOVln1a  
2. The appeal to the senses known as______ is especially common in poetry. ci%$So 2#  
   A. imaginative      B. imaginable      C. ingenious      D. imagery S]E|a@kD3  
3. The university board of trustees deemed it urgent that a new provost _______to replace Mr. Dannison who had been diagnosed with cancer. c(Xm~ 'jeH  
   A. be selected        B. should be selected     rU>l(O'b  
   C. must be selected    D. was selected e}gGl<((g  
4. The English vocabulary is known for a (an) ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversations. \Ogs]4   
   A. multitude    B. altitude    C. latitude    D. platitude Ai%Wt-  
5. The senator was made to digress time and again from the main point of his speech because of the red ______constantly ______by his opponents in the audience. {niV63$m  
   A. tomatoes, thrown out    B. herrings, brought up (eT9N_W  
   C. apples, put forward    D. mullets, laid down "@+Z1k-8U  
6. Some people feel that television should give less______ to sport. 3kr. 'O  
   A. programs    B. coverage    C. concern    D. involvement , Sf:R4=  
7. The doctor’s       is that she’ll soon be as good as new if she takes insulin and watches her diet. 3DjX0Dx/l  
   A. agnosticism     B. anticipation       C. diagnosis     D. prognosis s z7<u|  
8. ________ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous. aB&a#^5CI  
A. A compliment       B. An adulatory   C. Flattery     D. Praise .$&vSOgd(  
9. People suffering from     prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken in large public buildings and open fields. M%13b$i~f  
A. acrophobia     B. agoraphobia     C. claustrophobia   D. xenophobia d^Cv9%X  
10. We listened dumb-struck, full of _____ , to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of company. ZV/g_i #  
A. incredulity   B. ingenuity       C. ingenuousness   D. incredibility d<_IC7$u>  
11. Too much     , can possibly lead to unhappiness, even to thoughts of suicide as few people have the courage to analyze themselves objectively and minutely. G`v(4`tA  
   A. retrospect     B. introspection     C. perspicacity   D. perspicuity x;&iLQZh  
12. Recognizing the shortage of time available to spend with their children, working mothers sometimes take _________ in the concept of “quality time”. ){J,Z*&  
A. refuge    B. pride    C. place    D. action Urm(A9|N  
13. With its anti-terrorism campaign taking _________ over anything else, the government is extending its job and running in more affairs. UWgPQ%}  
   A. superiority    B. priority    C. majority    D. polarity & @ $D(  
14. Brooding and hopelessness are the ________________ of Indians in the prairie reservations %Bnn\{Az  
  most of the time. E zU=q E  
  A. occupations   B. promises   C. frustrations   D. transactions Cj)*JZV G  
16. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered _________yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats   I~M@v59C  
  A. a sharp set-back B. severe set-back C. a severe blown-up D. sharp blown-up   T  ^`R  
17. That Pacific island attracts shoals of tourists with its rich________ of folk arts. |r`0< `  
  A. heritage   B. heredity     C. heroism     D. hermitage %&$s0=+  
18. The government’s policies in the past five years have shown a(n)________ in emphasizing the necessity of improving the peasants’ livelihood. $.Qq:(O:6  
  A. exaltation   B. coherence   C. agony     D. behavior covK6SH  
19. ________ the First World War, the United States became the dominant force in the motion-picture industry. F$,i_7Z&6  
A. It was during the advent under           B. With the advent of /:w.Zf>B9  
C. To follow the advent in           D. Upon the advent at V(!-xu1,  
20. Hong Kong was not a target for terror attacks, the Government insisted yesterday, as the US ________ closed for an apparent security review. yMe;  
A. Consultation   B. Constitution   C. Consulate   D. Consular y=e|W=<D&  
21. She always prints important documents and stores a backup set at her house. “I actually think there’s something about the _______ of paper that feels more comforting,” she said. L8$+%Gvo  
A. tangibility     B. tangledness     C. tangent     D. tantalization oe1$;K>.7  
22. This expansion of rights has led to both a paralysis of the public service and to a rapid and terrible _______ in the character of the population. y}> bJ:  
A. determination   B. deterioration     C. desolation   D. desperation tc<HA7vpt~  
23. The well-maintained facility in San Francisco _________ leagues in virtually every sport. K1|xatx1V  
[A] were home to    [B] was the home of    [C] was home to    [D] was home of |("zW7g  
24. In previous time, when fresh meat was in short __________, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. uPL|3ACS  
[A] storage        [B] reserve        [C] supply        [D] provision idP2G|Z  
25. The hospital denies there is any connection between the disciplinary action and Dr. Reid’s __________ about health problems. X2C&q$8  
[A] allegiance      [B] alliance        [C] allegations        [D] alliteration /HM 0p  
26. “What courses are you going to do next semester?” /: }"Zb  
“I don’t know. But it’s about time __________ on something.” 9d >AnTf&H  
[A] I’d decide    [B] I decided    [C] I decide        [D] I’m deciding :J;*]o:  
27. The local authorities realized the need to make __________ for elderly people in their housing programs. W"H*Ad(V  
[A] preparation        [B] requirement    [C] specification    [D] provision %@x.km3e2  
28.    The award ceremony will be the __________ of the inaugural Singapore International Water Week that is held from 23 to 27 June 2008. (Q][d+} /  
[A] twilight        [B] insight        [C] highlight        [D] highland -x0u}I  
29.    Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the __________ bins provided. @6z]Xb  
[A] junk            [B] litter            [C] scrap            [D] deposit








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沙发  发表于: 2009-03-08   

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