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主题 : 十天内提高单词量到10000(2)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2009-07-30   


Lesson 23 TlJF{ <E  
Civilized people believe in humane treatment of prisoners. uW|y8 BP $  
The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth. :>u{BG;=79  
Because he wasn‘t working hard, he is liable to fail. 3H r%G4  
He sat alone after the battle, mourning over the loss of his best friend. I B<ihk  
A psychiatrist can help some people to understand their subconscious urges. RdjUw#\33b  
He has to leave now, he lives farther from here than I do. jA'+>`@  
All the members of the committee agreed to inquire further into the matter. w ;O '6"  
The man living next door hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. U/;Vge8{  
We hung our reproduction of “Mona Liza” above the fireplace. 16 U@o>O  
Tainan is one of the historic spots that you should visit. S45jY=)z  
Upon retiring from the office, the President gave all the historical papers to the library. y+_U6rv[  
The philosopher claims that kindness is a human trait, but I don‘t believe it.  K!j2AP3  
Humane people are considerate of not only other people but also animals. v2^CBKZ+  
Some people do not believe that ghosts are not real but imaginary beings. &+p07  
The imaginative child always likes to make up fairy tales. 'DPSM?]fA  
Bessie Smith was an incomparable singer in her days. #=2~MXa@z7  
It is foolish to compare horses with airplanes. They are incomparable. n/-I7Q!;u  
Some old superstitions seem incredible to most educated people. bk 2vce&  
People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches. (<t)5?@%  
The gentleman laid his land on his son‘s shoulder. k 'o?/  
The wounded soldier was lying on the battlefield. J5-^@JYK  
This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground. 00ho*p!E'  
Henry is an apt student of the practical science. u<[Y6m  
Children under the age of 10 are all liable to diseases. V_:/#G]jeG  
He declared that he was not liable for his wife‘s debts. pAYuOk9n  
The weather forecast says that it‘s likely to be hot tomorrow. BQ(`MM@  
The backyard of our house has a luxuriant growth of weeds. MC3{LVNK  
She is too proud, too luxurious to marry an ordinary person like you. U-(d~]$  
From time to time, during the night, there was a moan of pain from the sick man. 1 OX(eXF>  
The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved President. +Z+]Tqo  
The company will give only oral tests to the applicants. pq4frq  
This written report contains both a verbal description and a sketch of the building. *l}q,9iQ-  
The minister made a personal visit to the scene of the fighting. }\B6d\k  
The general issued an order to capture the hill to all personnel. |o`TRq s  
The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed. / Bc ;)~  
Children should speak respectfully to their elders. '{EDdlX  
The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, George, and Frank respectively. tkA '_dcIC  
She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. dS-l2 $n  
The farmer raises cattle and crops. sXAXHZ{  
The sun will rise at 5:45 tomorrow morning. Y|Z*|c.4OK  
We have to go to the government patent office to register the new trademark. XWk^$"  
It is safe to register the letter containing the check. TB9ukLG^<<  
Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades. FQ_4a}UOjX  
The boat we are on is the best sailor in the fleet. 6HyQm?c>a  
The men in our navy are called sailors if they are not officers. 0@z78h=h  
A group of college professors were waiting in the main salon to see the Minister of Education. 1L3L!@  
The ship‘s passengers have their dinners in the dining saloon. IRLT -  
It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling. 0nC%tCV'  
Edina was unconscious for two hours after the accident. B?k75G  
The general was unconscious of being followed by the spy. Rgg(rF=K6  
The club’s secretary prepared several transcripts of minutes of the meeting. ~%'M[3Rb  
The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training. dQt]r  
Lesson 24 }oU0J  
The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son‘s safe return. (JOge~U  
If it rains, we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on Sunday. -(dc1?COi  
Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North America. (c_E*>c)  
I won‘t give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared. >%t"VpvR  
There are several old cannons on the wall of the castle. W EZ)7H  
This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently. y<MXd,eE  
Some of the tops of sneakers are made of canvas. E`$d!7O  
The sales representative canvassed the whole city for subscriptions of the magazine. K^> +"  
The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. D >$9(  
Be seated! The court is now in session. THC34u]  
The soldier fainted at the sight of his own blood. ?!KqDI  
The color became faint as the sunset. ar }F^8Ku  
He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right. \G:\36l  
In recent years there has been an intention of the struggle for political power in the country. !c/G'se  
She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn‘t my intention to hurt her. g,*LP  
There is nothing that we can do now but pray God helps us in our troubles. <7-3j{065  
The lion seized its prey and ate it. A@4sb W_  
Chicago is the principal city in the Midwest of the United States. *>I4X=  
The principal told the teachers to dismiss (suspend) school during the heavy snowstorm. }N dknut,  
This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all. qXcHf6  
The population of France remained stationary almost for a century. +/E`u|%|\]  
Herbert bought a notebook at the stationery store. UU~S{!*+L  
Please write your name and address on this paper. (Rj'd>%c  
The President addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace. 2N B/&60<  
Darkness is an attribute of night, as brightness is that of day. j#6@ cO'`  
We attribute Edison‘s success to intelligence and hard work. ;W 16Hr Z  
The teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic. g$+ $@~  
The court appointed Mr.Lansing as the committee that would take care of the boy’s property.  |L wn<y  
She likes music very much,she never misses a concert. hhRUC&Y%V  
We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager’s instructions. 2"~|k_  
I tried but couldn’t understand the content of his speech. B*B}eXUph  
John contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more. U~H]w ,^  
Honest but poor is the converse of poor but honest. ,%Sf,h?"^  
He conversed with his wife about the summer vacation. II;   
The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa. H.-VfROi2  
After the family deserted the farm, its buildings fell to ruin. (=fell out of use). ,0k3Qi%  
The publisher decided to publish a digest /summary of international law. bMU0h,|]  
I like milk very much, but I can’t digest /catch it very well. *e/8uFX  
Most animals have an instinct to protect their young. ol#| .a2O  
Her face was instinct with benevolence and kindness. @?bO@  
Although the governor knew many peoples, he had few intimates. KF!?; q0J  
He intimated /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job. wB%N}bi!  
The train arrived at exactly /punctually four minutes past eight. *M^(A}+O  
There has been a minute improvement in the working conditions of the factory. (58}G2}q  
A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy. J A!?vs  
Do you object Tommy smoking in this room? }LYK:?_/  
Her asked her to marry him but he refused. u /6b.hDO  
The street-cleaning department took away all refuse from the street. ?xX9o  
The little girl was in tears because she’d lost her mother. fC|NK+Xd`  
For security, tear up paper before put it in the trash can. jq_E{Dq1  
The janitor/buddy removed used towels from the rack. 8r{:d i*  
It took long to get used to foreign food. R%EpF'[~[  
Lesson 10 #I &#x59  
The entire population was aggrieved by the tyranny of the king. sW#OA\i &  
Only a callous/apathy person can see suffering without trying to relieve it. DWXxB  
Walking barefoot on the asphalt pavement/trotter makes the bottom of your feet callous. Rlyx& C8  
She wants to continue her study in the United States, but her parents disapprove of her plan. =hAH6 C  
Ten dollars is a fabulous price for an ordinary pencil. M dKkj[#  
He was infuriated by the police man’s rough treatment of his wife. A,fPl R  
His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen. ))NiX^)8^  
The idiotic Indiaese sang a shit-song of victory, describing their prowess in battle. e^%>_U  
He was arrested as a member of a subversive organization advocating the forceful overthrow of 9fhgCu]$  
the present government. $_5a1Lq1  
Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. N0mP EF2  
Through the years he amassed a large fortune to buy farm after he retired. ca6kqh"  
However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate. VC T~"T2R  
People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so. .ey=gI!x0  
The Empire State Building is a colossal structure. n-)Xs;`2  
Sickness or bad luck often makes a person feel dismal. Kf>]M|G c  
She was glad to see us again and gave me a genial welcome. Ec4+wRWk85  
It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco/cigarette. 5&Vp(A[m[  
The punishment for that offence is two years in prison. =k0qj_  
During his sojourn /stopover in Africa he learned much about native customs. ^1 U<,<  
Six robberies in one night put our village in turmoil. >Y>>lE! k  
A scientist suspends judgment and refrains from drawing conclusions until all the facts are in. lO+6|oF0  
She assented to the doctor’s assertion that her son was ill, but could not consent to having him &)Z!A*w]  
hospitalized. vw5f|Q92  
The couple wishes to live in a cozy little home rather than in a lifeless mansion. :=cZ,?PQp1  
That factory is trying to diversify its products to sell in different markets. &aLelJ~  
The haggard faces of the rescued miners showed that they had a great deal of sufferings. CtO;_ ;eD'  
Careless drivers cause many irreparable accidents. xhTiOt6l  
Everyone has two paternal grandparents and two maternal grandparents. <n|ayxA)  
The young artist made a replica of the famous painting. m]"13E0*x  
His seclusion of the rabbit in the barn was kept secret from everyone else. }bA@QEJ  
The two friends wrangled and now they don’t speak to each other. l2|[  
Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition. [gE_\=FSKu  
Most of the food they eat is deficient in iron and protein. 1[U`,(C1  
The sly fox eluded the hunters by running back in the opposite direction. WETnrA"N  
Some very great men have come from ignoble families. knb 9s`wR  
We are studying about dew, frost, mist, and other kindred facts of nature. x(r~<a[  
During the Romantic period it was fashionable in literature to have a melancholy outlook on the ?P>3~3 B  
world. u301xc,N<z  
No one likes to be regarded as a poltroon. Mv%"aFC  
The enemy was routed. eWw# T^  
The most massive defense system would still leave the nation vulnerable to nuclear attack. }\Ri:&?  
The child abided with his grandparents for three years before being returned to his parents. 8H7 =vk+  
She can't abide watching horror films. "'@>cJ=  
Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise. *74VrAo  
The audience in the theater was irritated by the unruly and boisterous children. >\s8S}p  
To spit in the classroom is despicable. p?idl`?^3  
We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition, which we had never seen before. 'OjsV$_  
For the mountain climber, it is imperative to get food and water before sunset. o >Faq+@  
My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone coveys her. "x~su?KiA  
He was nonplused by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country. P g.j]  
The leader of the band bowed in a pompous/exaggerated manner FzM<0FJRX  
He severed connection with Tom. :SJxG&Pm=~  
The day was so sultry that they had little energy left. S( Vssi|y  
The moon was waning, and in such a waning light, it is very difficult to see the enemy. Uz$.sa  
Lesson 11 Zv|TvlyT"  
We are becoming acclimated to New York weather. a]4h5kJ';  
The senators assailed the President on the subject of the treaty between the two countries. RIV + _}R  
His face was congested with anger as the argument grew more heated. 2R=Fc@MXs  
Her effusive welcome made us feel most uncomfortable 'J1!P:tJ  
A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds `c.P`@KA  
The newspapers accused the government of being insolvent in its debts. I:=rwnd  
Most passengers of the ship were seized with nausea during the storm at sea 4uy:sCmu  
She had no way to redeem her furniture out of pawn. ,.,spoV  
They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel. +.pri  
A swollen cheek spoiled the symmetry of his handsome face. -POsbb>  
New York’s hot weather is often aggravated by its humidity. 4Gor*{  
A balmy breeze was blowing across the beautiful lake. p{0NKyOvU  
The culmination of the doctor’s life’s work was his discovery of a cure of cancer. >j6"\1E+Dz  
The storekeeper endorsed my bill when I paid the full amount. +rWcfXOHM  
The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness. $az9 Fmta  
Sound is intangible and the same is true of light. k^ Qd%;bdF  
Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him. r$WBEt,B  
The funeral will be performed according to church rites 'izv[{!n{  
Her story was boring, but he simulated interest to please her. 'aqlNBG*  
The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer’s shorthand notes. YS0^ !7u  
The United States annexed Texas in 1845. Nf!WqD*je  
Some people brew beer at home for home use. H84Zg/ ^  
批注: Seize up ;机器失灵;卡 |YcYWok  
住了. Seize with 和 get T o$D [-  
arrest 差不多 c@|f'V4  
批注: tangible asset 有形 &hu3A)%  
资产(tangible 切实的) 6(8zt"E  
批注: occupation = zXaA5rZO  
profession WG A"e   
批注: 合并 v. L2> )HG  
n.=anaexation ?%ei+  
The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief KmpKyc[  
The boys derided him for his fear of the darkness. s)~Wcp'+M:  
She always evaluates people by their clothes. Y$0K}`{  
Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over the waterfall. OM m'm\+/  
A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically. R/P9=yvg0  
There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August. O &}`R5Y;  
Many sage staffs around the commander helped him win the battle. }iRRf_   
A sagacious businessman seldom fails in his business 3U4h>T@s|  
The specter of the murdered man haunted the house. Y/]J0D  
The shout of “Fire” caused a great tumult in the theater. '#u=w yp  
Her apathy since her husband’s death worries her children. v(`5exWV  
If the aims of two countries collide, there may be a war. K`8$+JDP+  
The buildings were draped with red, white and blue bunting. 9t+:L(*pK  
After his boring speech for over an hour, the fatuous speaker waited for applause from the ZO& F15$P  
audience. q DPl( WXb  
The impudent boy made faces at the teacher. !laOiH  
I could have given a much better answer if I had had enough time to meditate :LLz$[c8  
This music seems to purify one’s spirit of evil thoughts. hx hs>eY  
The secretary’s beautiful figure and suave manners made the office bright. 4%*`' o$_  
The watchman who caught the thief was praised for his vigilance. UQO?hZ!y/.  
Lesson 12 5@EX,$h  
The engineer accelerates a train by turning on more power. 1?{w~cF}  
I will keep it secret, I feel averse to telling it to someone. 9d8U@=  
Two persons who saw the road accident corroborated the driver’s statatement. cdTG ] n  
It took the soldiers only half an hour to encamp in the heavy rain. ESi-'R&  
The air is very humid near the sea or large lake. xPMX\aI|l  
It is impossible to make plants grow in a desert without irrigation.  dF'oZQz  
Absurd ! Are you really think have a wee bit liquid ? You should see mental doctor for whim. 8_{XrTw(  
Every baseball player envies him; he is preeminent above all his rivals for pitching. Q+Ya\1$6A  
Everyone learns the rudiments of arithmetic in elementary school. [cT7Iqip  
When they got in the boiler room they were almost stifled by the heat. $O,IXA  
He is a very versatile performer, he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. s=1w6ZLD  
The anatomy of an earthworm is much simpler than that of a man. Q#}c5TjVr  
Football requires brain as well as brawn. w"OeS;#e:  
Dexterity in questioning the witnesses helped the lawyer win many cases. L87=*_!B;  
Mount Vesuvius hasn’t erupted for a good many years. ;k8U5=6a  
Let’s discuss this topic on the hypothesis that it is true. cLm{gd4 W  
To drive an automobile, you must learn how to manipulated the steering wheel and pedals. O>> %lr|  
The tribesmen sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle. XT\Q"=FD  
批注: fearless 无惧, 记不记 6mC% zXR5  
得辛特勒名单中的 fearless wu19Pg?F  
Stan. ju(QSZ|;  
批注: Distinguish ‘hunt’ or Q*]y=Za #:  
‘haunt’ #RP7?yGM,  
批注: gradually violent: yYvv!w+@Q  
1.tumult 2. turmoil 3. Te@=8-u-  
commotion 4. riot c'Zs2s7$  
批注: distinguish ‘drop’ or N>',[4pJ|  
‘drip’ or ‘drape’ 1.drape = W(jP??up  
curtain OR drape=hang ,dSP%?vV  
批注: 温文尔雅 Awlw6?   
批注: adverse 反对的;averse 5+Hw @CY3  
to 嫌恶 SAN/ fnM  
批注: validate;substantiate;a j/w*2+&v  
ttest to;make <amdPo+2D  
sure;prove;confirm;corrobor 8% `Jf`  
ate ( 2i{8  
批注: smother;suffocate; be P{o/ /M  
muffled cause stifle z#t;n  
批注: 组织构造









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