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主题 : 全国医学博士统一考试2001年.doc
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2010-09-19   


2001年全国医学博士英语真题 %r;w;`/hA  
part III vocabulary(15%) _tAQ=eBO  
1.we are all overwhelmed with more facts and information than we can possibly____ n-o3  
A.feed    B.maintain    C.absorb    D.consume '7*=`q{  
2.pleasure,or joy, is vital to ____health. vital.生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的, 生机的, 至关重要的, 所必需的 p_{ ("zQ  
B& Y_2)v  
A.optimistic pessimistic悲观的  )zq.4  
B.optional可选择的, 随意的  #z!^ <,  
@ {#mpDX  
C.optimal 最佳的, 最理想的near optimal近似最佳 Xf d*D  
"&~ 0T#  
D.operational T[?6[,.  
3.A ____ effort is required to achieve health. '9?;"=6(  
A.committed  承担义务的; 忠于既定立场的; 坚定的 HKO739&n}  
B.restricted  >dzsQ^Nj  
C.composed镇静的, 沉着的  Oco YV J  
D.sophisticated诡辩的, 久经世故的 ,`A?!.K$  
S8, Z;y  
4.A person’s belief  ____ and colors his experience. }!>=|1 fY  
A.contradicts vt....矛盾, ...抵触contradict a statement驳斥一项声明contradict oneself自相矛盾 ,)!u)wz  
B.shapes shape the destiny of决定...的命运  'R<&d}@P*#  
C.summarizes概述, 总结, 摘要而言  {<>K]P~wD  
D.exchanges交换, 调换, 兑换, 交流, 交易. exchange experience交流经验 G~7 i@Zs  
WKz> !E%  
5.Many professors encourage students to question and ____ their idears OS|>t./U  
A.conveyvt.搬运, 传达, 转让I can't convey my feelings in words.我的情感难以言表。 iJ' xh n  
The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。  z7M_1%DEx  
B.voice vt.表达, 吐露He voiced the feelings of the crowd.他表达出群众的情绪。 C; QAT  
C.challengebeyond challenge无与伦比, 无可非议 r0d35  
] ul$*  
D.conform遵守, 符合(to withconform to the customs of society遵守社会习俗conform with the regulations遵守规章 %CUGm$nH  
6.You are healthy when are ____ your outer and inner environments. Z[\ O=1E,  
lv vs%@b>  
A.in relation to adv.关于, 涉及, 相比 Y)N-V ]5L  
B.with regard toadv.关于 \<}&&SuH  
C.in contrast with...形成对比[对照] ;S0Kh"A  
D.in harmony with协调, /kt2c[9  
/ XnhmqWm%  
7. Good health is a spirited ____ of energy ,smooth skin,strong,supple柔软的 limbs,and a positive joy in life. spirited .英勇的high-spirited兴奋的low-spirited沮丧的 h~{aGo  
A.texture(织品的)质地, (木材, 岩石等的)纹理, (皮肤)肌理, (文艺作品)结构  V=fEPM  
B.mix  A,r*%&4~  
C.burst  '* \|; l#1  
D.peakn.山顶, 顶点, 最高峰adj.最高的vi.到达最高点, 消瘦, 缩小vt.使竖起, 使达到最高点peak and pine消瘦, 憔悴 Y0 D}g3`  
5M9 I,  
8.The ____of emotional and psychiatric disorders that can prompt person to seek therapy is wide. }%Bl>M  
A.formula n.公式, 规则, 客套语 Sz H"  
j"AU z)x  
B.coverage范围 JyR/1 W  
C.interval间隔, 距离, at long intervals偶而, 间或at regular intervals每隔一定时间; 每隔一定距离at short intervals常常 pp7$J2s+j  
D.spectrum范围, 领域, 系列the whole spectrum of industry整个工业领域 MwmUgN"g  
9.Work is a ____ of satisfaction. Ok n(pJ0  
A.measur  B.terminal `'V4PUe  
SR DXfkoI  
C.source the source of knowledge知识的源泉human and non-human sources人力物力资源  ~ o1x;Y6  
D.resource 资源 0{#8',*}m?  
10.If you ____ a heart-attack or stroke victim who needs your assistance,your first response should be to stay calm and urge催促, 力劝bystanders旁观者 to call for an ambulance. A45A:hqs  
d6 W SL;$  
A.find out找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发  /% N r?V  
G#M dfKH  
B.go into 进入, 加入, 探究, 变得 _Gu- uuy  
C.pass by经过, 掠过 WD1G&5XP  
D.come across来到, 偶遇,不期而遇,交付 L:9F:/G  
11.Today people still don’t make health a(n) ____ because they have no time. lGVEpCS}  
t*?0D\b 2  
A.privilege特权, 特别待遇the privilege of parliament议会[议员]的特权 ;X?mmv'  
IKi5 v~bE  
B.issue mW:!M!kk  
C.principle n.法则, 原则, 原理 G_SG  
D.priorityn., , 优先, 优先权You must give this matter priority.你必须优先处理此事。 b?Ki;[+O  
12.Mental exercise can favorably ____ the structure of the brain just as physical exercise can change one’s bodily proportions. v{A KEX*  
A.modify vt.更改, 修改v.修改modify the terms of a contract修正合同条款 . Z%{'CC  
B.adjustvt.调整, 调节, 校准, 使适合 Hbpqyl%O>  
C.develop V<j.xd7  
ZfB " E  
D.contrast HB7;0yt`:  
13.The distinctions between the different schools and approaches are often very____ ~I} &V T  
g]c6& Y,#  
A.subtle狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的 m o:D9  
`+uhy ,  
B.sufficient充分的, 足够的 zA1lca0HK  
R [;z X(y  
C.superficial.表面的, 肤浅的, 浅薄的 WAS U0  
D.superior较高的, 上级的,出众的, 高傲的This machine is superior in many respects to that.机器在很多方面比那台好。 /;utcc  
14.Despite the limitations of a standard CT,it does a ____ job of picture the internal anatomy of the body. IzpZwx^3''  
?G -e](]^<  
A.supremeadj.极度的, 极大的, 至高的, 最高的supreme courage最大的勇气supreme good至善 zNIsf "  
mzf+Cu:` v  
B.superb, 极好的Mountain scenery is superb.山景是壮观的。 {1b Zg  
Q !(pE&  
C.sufficient adj.充分的, 足够的 )-`;1ca)s  
D.superfluousadj.多余的, 过剩的, 过量的a superfluous remark多余的话 gR}35:$Z-  
15.The city government is getting its residents to properly  ____ their garbage. g'|MA~4yB  
A.break up v.打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散 `2PLWo  
B.dispose of v.处理, 安排, 转让, 解决, 卖掉, 吃光, 除掉 $VxA0 =ad  
C.check out v.付帐后离开, ,检验, 合格, 及格 8{Fsm;UsY  
D.hand out v....拿出来, 分发, 施舍 Yp: KI7  
Part B同意替换 U_{Ux 2  
16. The recent deterioration in the economy is of great concern to the government. kGN+rHo   
ty DM'|p  
A.depression }nMPSerE  
B.deficiency n.缺乏, 不足 wW%4 d  
C.degeneration n.恶化Her health degenerates rapidly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。 <Engi!  
D.deformity n.残缺, 畸形, 残废, 畸形的人或物 25&J7\P*  
17.A substantial hike in the top rate of income tax would not solve this problem but merely aggravate the nation’s already waning support. (月亮)渐亏的, 逐渐减弱或变小的; 月亏 !S_^94b@  
P06R JE  
A.depreciating v.折旧, (使)贬值, 降低, 贬低, 轻视  ]]"jw {W}A  
B.warning  CQpCS_M  
# (- Qx  
C.declining adj.倾斜的, 衰退中的 x1BobhU~Zl  
D.startlingl adj.令人吃惊的 ":nQgV\ 9  
hbc uK&  
18.He was not conspicuously hairy nor shiny-bald,but his hair was graying and receding tactfully in keeping with his age. conspicuously显著地, 超群地hairy .多毛的, 毛似的 FP Jd|  
A.prominently.显著地 L-9~uM3@\  
B.warily留心地, 小心地, 警惕地be wary of留意; 谨防 nA~E "*  
C.consciously有意识地, 自觉地 2z@\R@F  
D.conventionally按照惯例, 照常套, 照老例 1HPx|nmE]  
19.The water company is obliged to不得不maintain a supply of wholesome water d;+[i  
M+!x}$ &v  
A.available  aSP4a +\*  
lW 81q2n  
B.hydraulic.水力的, 水压的feeble hydraulic弱水力的 v{ <[)cr  
C.balanced d` Sr4c  
D.hygienic.卫生学的, 卫生的 178Mb\8  
&Sp -w?kM  
20.Smoking makes one six times more likely to get oral cancer partly because the smoke constantly assaults the tissues that line the mouth and throat. -ti{6:H8  
A.detectsvt.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v.发现 R3X{:1{j  
J# kl 7  
B.contaminates !JBae2Z  
C.occupies &5t :H 8b  
D.attacks _P?\.W@  
21.Most organisms must fit in with their surroundings because their skills to alter their environment are restricted and highly specialized. fit in with v.适合, 符合, 适应 QjPj[c  
A.attach themselves to v.使依恋, ...放在 yA[({2%  
B.succumb to屈服于 bY~@}gC**@  
C.lean on v.靠着 tD$lNh^  
D.adapt themselves to适合 z{]?h cY  
22.Instead of being recycled,garbage is left to accumulate in insanitary heaps which attract flies and spread infectious diseases. Br d,Eg  
2yo cu!4l  
A.innocuous 无害的, 无毒的, an innocuous drug无毒的药品 Wd(86idnc  
B.gathering 4QJ8Z t  
C.filthy不洁的, 污秽的, 丑恶的 l|/:Ot  
D.inflammable.易燃的, 易怒的 xU9@$am  
R UTnc  
23.The prevalence of highly intelligent devices has elininated the handicaps associated with most disabilities Cef:tdk7  
dX )W0  
A.disadvantages n.不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 劣势 disadvantaged adj.贫穷的,处于不利地位的 7uI# L}y  
B.dispositions布置, 配置, 安排; 部署;处理, 处置; 支配; 处理权;性情, 素质; 脾气;倾向, 意向 $(HjI \%l^  
*i<\iM oW  
C.disappointment NyPd5m:  
eXy"^x p^  
D.discomforts yFpySvj }  
24.In general,lasers operate by creating an intense amount of light and energy which is then converted into heat and used to control bleeding or destroy diseased tissue. C9KWa*3  
A.developed 0\a8}b||  
B.reduced :%tuNJjj  
C.transformed 3q &k   
d5U; $q{o  
D.decoded vt.解码, 译解 2@MN]Low  
25.Shyness,the most common form of social anxiety,occurs when a person’s apprehensions 忧虑;理解力are so great that they inhibit his making an expected or desired social response. FDLd&4Ex  
A.discharge卸下 Vm!i  
B.trigger vt.引发, 引起, 触发n.板机 |%ZpatZA5  
C.restrain vt.抑制, 制止 W/v|8-gcK  
D.defer vi.推迟, 延期, 听从, 服从vt.使推迟, 使延期 *ro.mQ_  
26.The secret to turning a daily stroll into a meaningful form of exercise is to pick up the pace. MFTC6L+T  
fq Y1ggL  
pick up掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 _$(GRNRYK  
A.dilate vi.扩大, 详述, 膨胀vt.使扩大, 使膨胀 ,o)4p\nV  
B.multiply v.繁殖, , 增加 >a9l>9fyY  
C.accelerate .93S>U<_  
D.enlarge .Qk{5=l6P  
R2Yl)2 D  
27.How many people know that the term”arthritis” may refer to dozens of defferent types of joint involvement? arthritis n.关节炎 uWrFunh%  
A.disorder U6a z hi&,  
1g81S_T .  
B.knuckle n.指节, 关节 \6LcVik  
O,]_ tp  
C.dislocation n.混乱, 断层, 脱臼 9;pzzZ  
D.therapy L"9 Gc  
+/ }_%Cf8  
28.Amokers are more prone to osteoporosis,a major cause of fractures in old people,particularly post-menopause women. *G9 [j$  
wmiafBA e  
A.reliable adj.可靠的, 可信赖的 {\luieG  
B.liablebe liable to (do sth.)易于(得病等); (做某事的)习惯或倾向有义务(做某事)be liable to (sth.)易遭; 易犯(疾病) V-:`+&S{^  
C.reasonable %p}qO^%M  
D.compatible谐调的, 一致的, 兼容的be compatible with...相适应, 不矛盾, 一致, 相似 =;g=GcVK  
29.The project was hampered by a constant stream of visitors. Gk{W:866  
A.held up举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截 n~9 i^  
B.cut off v.切断, 断绝, 剥夺继承权 ~DK F%}E  
I>d I[U  
C.carried out v.完成, 实现, 贯彻, 执行 QZ?O;K1|y  
j, Pwket  
D.given up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输, ...送交, <>...绝望(=give up) FBYll[ 8  
30.During the summer session there will be a revised schedule of services for the university community. the summer session夏季学期 <&KLo>B^  
5FZ47m ~{Z  
A.term Ck:#1-t8{  
B.climate =rtS#u Y  
C.heat &zO3qt6  
Nvi Fq  
D.portion F\zkyk 4  
@gH(/ pFX  
Part IV cloze (15%) ROPC |  
Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds,while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly 无庸置疑地meant reading aloud.Only during the nineteenth century 31did silent reading become commonplace. X\o/i\ C}  
    One should be 32wary ,however,of assuming that silent reading came about 33 because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to 涉及the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual 34mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. tniPEmeS  
pQk=x T  
    The last century 35saw a steady gradual increase in literacy有文化, and thus in the number of readers,As readers increased,so the number of potential listeners declined  and 36thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud.As reading for the benefit of ...的利益listeners grew less common,37so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries,railway carriages ans offices,38where reading aloud would cause distraction to other reders. 3Ne9% "  
    Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and 39 over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in 40any way mentally weakening.Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However,41whatever its virtues,the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media大众传媒 on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership读者的身分42 on the other hand. IXbdS9,>F  
  By the end of the century students were being recommended to 43 adapt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate,44though not impossible ,for the oral reader.The social,cultural,and technological changes in the century had greatly altered 45what  the term“ reading” implied. `Ev A\f  
31.A. would  B.should  C.did  D.could Y 1$#KC  
32.A.wary be wary of留意; 谨防  B.aware  C.sick  D.thought "bHtf_  
33.A.correctly  B.somply  C.amply  D.directly 8O"x;3I9  
34.A.mode方式    B.model样式  C.mould模俱  D.mood ^U-vD[O8  
35.A.saw经历   B.watched  C.experienced  D.concluded E9L!O.Q  
36.A.ever  B.thus  C.even   D.for Zp/qs z(]  
37 .A. however  B. as  C. so D.since Q\&AlV  
38.A.which  B.whose  C.where  D.there "i!2=A8k  
39.A.of  B.in  C.against  D.over  LV}UBao5n  
40.A.no B. anyin any way adv.以任何方式 C.one  D.some  u\Nw:Uu i  
ef;& Y>/  
41.A. whever  B.whoever  C.whatever  D.whichever  JL" 3#p}  
42.A.on the other  B.in the secind place  C.on the contrary  D.in hand  $Nt=gSWw5  
9J-!o]f .b  
43.A.adapt  B.adopt  C.consume  D.condemn  J9b?}-O)  
44.A.whether  B.though  C.if  D.unless s8f3i\1  
45.A.that  B.what  C.how  D.why !#@4xeBPo  
Part V V'HlAQr  
passage one D]G'R5H  
+ e5  
During the past 30 years or so,health care 卫生保健has increasing become a form of business.In addition另外,the environment surrounding health care has been greatly altered by the advent of …的到来more sophisticated medical technologies and increased specialization专业化.It is no longer true to say that all doctors regard their profession as a sacred calling神圣的职业,and while the doctor-patient relationship still remains,it is not the relationship based solely on trust which it used to be. Of course there are many doctors who have endevored to increase the transparency透明度 of their behavior as medical professionals,and patients can receive effective treatment when such doctors work closely together and share notes. %U=S6<lbj;  
An example of such cooperation can be found in the field of remote health care,which has been introduced on an experimental basis in several regions. Since most medical specialists live in cities,patients who live in the country have to travel a long distance to consult a specialist.This is especially hard on the elderly, both financially and physically.Through a computer network,patients who live in the country can consult请教 a medical specialist in the city,tell him their symptoms,and receive advice without the need for a journey to the specialist’s office. Also,with several doctors being assigned to a single patient,the transparency透明度 of each doctor’s behavior is further ensured. be assigned to a new post被派到新的工作岗位 2-c U -i4  
On the other hand,however,it is also true that remote health consultation is not generally regarded as a form of medical treatment.For any sort of consultation to be regarded as medical treatment,most people feel that the patient must actually visit the doctor,and undergo an examination by the doctor in person亲自.Remote health care is essentially a means for doctors to work as a team.In order for this to be practicable,it is important to establish a system whereby由此financial support can be extended to a doctor who,as a member of a medical team,provides only information. Establishment of such a system will further advance the cause目标 of “free access自由存取to information” in the health care field. "a0u-}/D  
% L %1g  
46.Where is the best title for the passage? ^;Hi/KvM\  
<u x*r#a!d  
A.Doctors:Patients’ Reliable Friends %/6 e"o  
B.Health Care in a Dilema :C|>y4U&(s  
C.Information Technology Applied to Medical Services >DL-Q\U  
D.Doctors-patient Relationship 0ez i?Um  
vS J<  
47.As a result of the altered environment surrounding health care,medical practice____ SqA+u/"j2  
yqVaA 'w5  
A.has experienced great changes eJ=Y6;d$  
B.has changed its nature }ygbgyLa  
C.has abolished the doctor-patient relationship xV n]m9i  
RZ/+ K=  
D.has lost its trust on the part of doctors and patients 32-3C6f@oZ  
48.When they work closely together and share notes, doctors can ____ U+RCQTo  
jK C qH$  
A.work in a remote area l=-d K_ I?  
B.transparentize their behavior K}5 $;W#  
C.set up a relationship with patients T`'3Cp$q  
D.treat financially and physically disadvantaged patients T\e)Cz z2-  
49.The writer urges that ____ B=Jd%Av  
A.remote health care be implemented ZV<y=F*~f  
%C E@}  
B.doctors be sent to the country CIik@O*  
C.people turn down trational medical treatment 1d@^,7MF-  
D.a system offering doctor’s financial aid财政援助 be set up OB  i!fLa  
50.It can be concluded that ____ h9n<ped`A;  
\FY De  
A.information will play an important part in the field of medical treatment B oj{+rE0  
B.medical professionals will be more specialized <ZvPtW  
C.the difference between cities and the country will never be eliminated #/v_ h6$  
rnBeL _8C  
D.it is impossible for patients to be treated without seeing doctors themselves C<=p"pWw  
passage 2 "N/K*  
  For months Gins Cruz,a Manila grandmother,played Pepsi Cola’s 百事可乐“Numbers Fever” promotion lottery抽彩给奖法,buying several bottoles a day and saving the caps ,in the hope that one of the numbers imprinted inside them would win her a 1 million peso (40,000) prize.When the magic number,349,was announced in May 1992,Cruz was overjoyed狂喜的to find she has not one,but two caps bearing the winning digits.She promptly fainted.“My blood pressure shot up,”she explained later,“probably from drinking too much Pepsi.”Then she learned that her son also had a 349 cap---and she nearly collapsed again. eD1MP<>h  
   Cruz’s indignation 愤慨, 义愤after discovering the next day that she was not,after all,a double millionaire, is shared by thousands of contests who feel equally cheated. Instead of marking out 18 winning numbers,on which Pepsi had planned,a computer had wrontgly generated 800,000.The cmpany explained that it simply did not have the32 billion it would take to pay all claimants.The real winners,it said,would be identified by a security codes安全码 that had been placed on caps;the losers were offered apologies. J&Qy$itqg  
!<PTsk F  
  When Pepsi’s explanation was not accepted ,a promotion that initially boosted the company’s market share by 5% turned into a mightmare.The winners felt like losers of a second,surprise lottery:the security code had been publicized as an authentication证明, 鉴定 tool,not as a necessary second winning number.Feeling hoodwinked蒙蔽,the players have banded together结合起来 in protest groups,fanning anti-Pepsi flames at frequent demonstrations and marches. More than 22,000 people holding the 349 number have filed提出 689 civil suits 民事诉讼seeking damages赔偿金,as well as 5,200 criminal complaints alleging fraud and deception.Some Pepsi employees have received death threats and now change their daily routines to avoid being attacked.Explosives have been thrown at Pepsi plants and offices,and 37 of the companby’s delivery trucks have been stoned,overturned or set on fire焚烧.In the worst incident,a school-teacher and a five-year-old girl were killed last February when a grenade pitched at a Pepsi truck bounced off and exploded in front of a store. !skWe~/  
51.The lottery winners expected to ____ :Du{8rV  
A.gain 400.000 p[VCt" j  
B.earn 800,000 peso cCKda3v!O  
C.win a substantial prize ]Oh>ECA|D  
D.become double millionaires &'2l_b  
52.The lottery turned into a nightmare when ____ "MP{z~M mj  
A.the number of winners was miscalculated by a computer iZ;jn8  
B.the winners discovered that they had the wrong number (P] ^5D  
C.the company chganged the winning number to avoid cheating fb=vO U  
D.the company failed to pay che winners the prize the deserved S%|' /cFo  
53.What did the angry winners do when they felt they were cheated by Pepsi? Du4?n8 o  
A. they resorted to law for help n8C {Okr  
B.they attacked Pepsi employers t)b>f~  
C.they robbed Pepsi vegicles and stores :9>nY  
D.they killed the customers of Pepsi Cola #jR?C9&!(  
54.It can be inferred from the passage that Pepsi lost ____ in the pomotion lottery. FpYoCyD}  
A.5% of its annual profits SxyFFt  
B.its market verseas <Z wEdq  
C.its good reputation at home 3?<vnpN=5d  
#]a0 51Y  
D.the trust of some of its customers *9 xD]ZZF  
D=+s D"<|  
passage 3 ng\S %nA&J  
Young discoverers need not despair---though there are few blanks left on today’s map of the world,there are still unexplored realms to be charted in the depths of the oceans,the most remote recesses of...的最远处the rain forests and the furthest reaches of outer space太空.Some scientists speculate there may be 10 million species---perhaps even 100 million----living on the ocean floor that are yet to be discovered.Recent research suggests that all told some 90% of the world’s plants and animals still remain to be described and named (that is ,if their habits are not destroyed before they are even found).Given these remarkable statistics,it’s clear that the physical world still offers intrepid无畏的explorers new frontiers of discovery. &'j77tqOk  
In this section on recent discovers of the world around us,TIME travels 500m beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean with Bruce Robison as he encounters a new species of luminous “jelly,”we make our way deep into the worls’s tropical rain forests,where more than half of all life-forms on the planet live;we look into outer space to examine the role asteroids may have played in mass extinctions of the past and the potential threat they pose to our own civilization;and we ask whether there is life ---intelligent of otherwise智能的或其他方面的---elsewhere in the universe. ul1Vsj  
John Hemming,former director of London’s royal Geographical Society,arguably the world’s epicenter中心of exploration,defines an explorer as someone “who goes to the edge of knowledge and brings back something new.” The people profiled 被简要描述的in this section fit that description perfectly. The discoveries they have brought back from their explorations form new pieces in the puzzle of how the world works.As the pieces fit together,we get a glimpse of what a strange and beautiful mosaic 镶嵌图案 it is. }s9J+m  
55.What is implied in Paragraph 1 of this passage? $1F9TfA  
A.Each new discovery offers young explorers new hope XPSWAp)  
B.All plants and animals must be found before their habitats are destroyed [o "@*kf  
C.Scientists have found more than 100 million species on the earth '>8N' *  
D.These is still much for young discoverers to explore in the world o>h >#!e  
56.The word “intrepid” in Paragraph 1 most likely means ____ p_( NLJ%  
A.marine w67Pw  
B.professional =6hf'lP  
C.couageous u&:jQ:[  
`O F\f   
D.experienced x$t=6@<]  
p E#0949  
57.What new disvovery is probably presented in the section that follows this passage? \4 DH&gZ[  
A.A rare species of plant in the rain forests Ogb !YF#e  
B.a primitive form of life on a remote planet *Co+UJjT  
C.a technique of developing steroids UaB!,vs3st  
D.A laboratory approach f cultivating marine lives @YRBZ6FH  
%~@}w HMB  
58.The last paragraph tell us____ j`bOJTBE  
A.what an explorer does sBh|y F,  
B.why exploration are carried out +'l@t bP  
3OT SLF/  
C.how scientists study the universe G'%mmA\  
D.the effects of scientific discoveries on man %',. K)IR  
passage 4 L(iWFy1& T  
W n|w~{d{  
  “Back in the Victorian era,seven out of ten ulcer sufferers溃疡受害者were women. By the 1950s ,the trend had reversed,nine of ten were men.Now,the trend is shifting back,ulcer cases are only four times as frequent among men.This may be a consequence of the changing roles of women in the labor market, ”writes Philip Goldberg in Executive Health. =2< >dM#`  
Ulcer have long been linked to stress and particular kind of frustration that stems from dissatisfaction with one’s work performance or one’s life.Digestive enzymes gnaw away咬去at the stomach lining内层,causing painful sores,or ulcers,which are found mainly in the lining of the stomach or the small intestine.The acids which cause ulcers are triggered by the vagus nerve迷走神经,which is linked to the brain,Under stress,the brain may stimulate the release of a hormone called gastrin胃泌激素, which ,in turn依次,stimulatesthe acid secretions.“Although there is no clear-cut轮廓鲜明的ulcer personality,there is no doubt that emotional tension情绪紧张,acting through the vagus nerve,can precipitate 促成an ulcer.A person who is under constant strain持续的压力,who is anxious,worried,frustrated---regardless of his or her station身份 in life or apparent demeanor风度---is more apt to develop an ulcer, ”writes Jane Broky in her guide to personal health,adding,“Seemingly calm,relaxed people are as prone to ulcers as the hard-driving,high-pressure高度紧张kind.Ulcers occur as often in bus drivers,farmers,and construction workers as in business executives and writers with deadlines.It is not the existence of stress,but how a person reacts to stress,that seems to make the difference.” Rh%x5RFFc  
/.vB /{2  
Some women appear to “inherit” ulcers but they also can be caused by aspirin, alcohol, coffee, and cigarette smoking(which may account for the increase of ulcers among women,since smoking among women is on the rise.)It is important to see a physician  if an ulcer is suspected,since ulcers can eat through the stomach lining into other organs and occasionally be fatal.Doctors will usually recommend a number of treatments,including emotional counseling咨询服务and diet changes.Stress-reducing techniques also have been successful in treating ulcers. SNcaIzbr  
yPW?%7 h  
59.With a quotation from Goldberg,the author is trying ____ ~"8b\oLW  
A.to clarify how ulcers afflict men and women wj5{f5 RWV  
B.to warn us of the dangers of ulcers in women XB2[{XH,  
C.to explain why ulcer cases have increased again in women P)4SrqW_  
D.to tell us that women have traditionally been more prone to ulcers 4~DoqT   
60.When you are under stress,you will____ c<|;<8ew  
A.be dissatisfied with your work performance ;V@o 2a  
3x=T &X+  
B.find a painful sore in the lining of your stomach 2+50ezsId  
C.have your secretion of digestive enzyme stimulated 6cDe_v|,  
D.get your digestive enzymes to release gastrin p{gJVP#l'Z  








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