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主题 : 新东方通用考博英语课程讲义 词汇
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2014-01-07   
来源于 考博资料 分类

新东方通用考博英语课程讲义 词汇

XL +kEZ|3  
主讲:翁 华
  考博英语通用词汇—第一部分 基础练习
1The ______ of the spring waterattracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country. "r[Ea|  
Aclash          Bclarify          Cclarity          Dclatter *EotYT  
3Her remarks ______ a completedisregard for human rights. r*WdD/r|  
Amagnified          Bmaintained          Cmanipulated          Dmanifested @]OI(B  
9We listened dumb-struck, full of______, to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of thecompany. p<jHUG4?'  
  Aincredulity       Bingenuity          Cingenuousness          Dincredibility : \.v\.wm  
2Can you imagine! He offered me 5000dollars  to break my contract. Thats ______ . Of course I didnt agree. I would take legal action. ntj Und&v\  
  Afraud          Bblackmail          Cbribery          Dcompensation 7C&`i}/t  
Theelderly Russians found it hard to live on state_______. [7$<sN<'  
    A. donation    B. salaries    C. pensions    D. income * yt/ Dj  
例:The old lady has developed a________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time. fA|'}(kH  
       A. permanent F`Pu$>8C  
       B. perpetual y{kXd1,  
       C. sustained 2!jbaSH(+  
       D. chronic t);5Cw _  
例:Generally speaking, women aremore________ about food and clothing than V,2O `D%  
       men. ;7qk9rz4  
       A. special 8o~\L= l  
       B. particular !4 6 ^}3  
       C. specific #{N#yReh  
       D. unique gg6&F zp  
16The robber tried to ______ the stolen goodsfrom the house he had broken into, but was caught by the guards. !N!M NsyDz  
        Amakeaway with         Bmake off for         +L_.XToq-  
        Cgetout                 Dget through mv + .5X  
例:cast pearls before a ______ EQ7c K63  
       Apig              Bcattle         y 5=J6a2.  
       Cswine         Ddoe D@\97t+  
Unit 1 ]QpR>b=[j  
1The day was breaking and peoplebegan to go to work so the murderer was unable to ______ of the body. )TXn7{M:  
Adispense          Bdispose          Cdiscard          Ddischarge QI!:+8  
2Can you imagine! He offered me5000 to break my contract. That′s ______ . Of course I didn′t agree. I wouldtake legal action. Q}I. UG_  
Afraud          Bblackmail          Cbribery          Dcompensation .%D] z{''  
3Her remarks ______ a completedisregard for human rights. \*_qP*vq@  
Amagnified          Bmaintained          Cmanipulated          Dmanifested lJq %me;4m  
4The unfortunate death of thegenius poet caused ______ loss to this country. :@Q_oyWE8  
Apriceless          Bcountless          Cincalculable          Dimaginable _gU [FUBtJ  
5Before the disastrous earthquakethere was ______ chaos. )Q9J,  
Amassive          Bominous          Csuspending          Dimminent 'zRd?Z>%  
6On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help. {'{ssCL  
Asubjected          Binclined          Cavailable         Dobliged Z^#7&Pv0  
7The appearance of the used car is______ , it's much newer than it really is. &4DvZq=  
Adescriptive          Bindicative          Cdeceptive          Dimpressive ]%NCKOM  
8His office is ______ to thePresident′s; it usually takes him about three minutes to get there. 3{,Mpb@  
Arelated          Badhesive          Cadherent          Dadjacent 8B\,*JGY2  
9The none of students in the classlikes the mistress, who is used to being ______ of everything they do. <;W4Th<4  
Aemotional          Boptimistic          Cinterested         Dcritical _Z9I')  
10I didn′t know it then, but this disruptiveway of reading started with the very first novel I ever picked up. g2F~0%HY  
Aharmful          Bpersistent          Cinterruptive          Dcharacteristic !74*APPHR  
11The problem is that the loss ofconfidence among the soldiers can be highly contagious. \QYs(nm?k  
Aspreading          Bcontemptible          Ccontented          Ddepressing hydn" 9;  
12The sales manager was so adamantabout her idea that it was out of the question for any one to talk her out ofit. drF "kTD"7  
Aadaptable          Banxious          Cfirm          Dtalkative '0?5K0 2(  
13Other non-dominant males were hyperactive;they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting eachother. <o p !dS  
Ahardly active     Brelativelyactive     Cextremely inactive     Dpathologicallyactive v82@']IN  
14While he was not dumber than anox, he was not any smarter; so most of his classmates were lenient andhelped him along. .\< \J|3  
Ahelpful          Bmerciful          Centhusiastic          Dintelligent - !7QH'  
15Before the construction of theroad, it was prohibitively expensive to transport any furs or fruits jj.)$|&#`  
acrossthe mountains. wxvt:= =  
Adeterminedly          Bincredibly          Camazingly          Dforbiddingly >e8 t  
16At dusk, Mr. Hightower would sitin his old armchair in the backyard and wistfully lose in reminiscenceof his youth romances. &a1agi7M  
Ahopefully          Breflectively          Csympathetically          Dirresistibly `s@1'IG;R_  
17The prodigal son spent his money extravagantlyand soon after he left home he was reduced to a beggar. Y|KX :9Y@  
Alavishly          Beconomically          Cthriftily          Dextrovertly i Ri1E;  
18The chimney vomited acloud of smoke. |0mh*+i  
Aignited          Bimmersed          Cemitted          Dhugged 4AUY8Pxp  
19The rear section of thebrain does not contract with age, and one can continue living withoutintellectual or emotional faculties. rt t?4  
Aadvanced          Bgrowing          Cfront          Dback Tf*X\{"  
Unit 2 ;Mw9}Reh@  
1The ______ of the spring waterattracts a lot of visitors from other parts of the country. 6lsU/`.  
Aclash          Bclarify         Cclarity          Dclatter &`t-[5O\  
2Business in this area has been______ because prices are too high. z_ r W1?|  
Aprosperous          Bsecretive          Cslack          Dshrill Hya*7l']B  
3He told a story about his sisterwho was in a sad ______ when she was ill and had no money. }?8KFe7U  
Aplight          Bpolarization          Cplague          Dpigment ?=f\oH$  
4He added a ______ to his letterby saying that he would arrive before 8 pm. ENjrv   
Apresidency          Bprestige          Cpostscript          Dpreliminary 9JP{F  
5Some linguists believe that the______ age for children learning a foreign language is 5 to 8. 7ugmZO}lL  
Aoptimistic          Boptional          Coptimal          Doppressed <)y'Ot0 y  
6It all started in 1950, whenpeople began to build their houses on the ______ of their cities. v]Pw]m5=U  
Aparadises          Bomissions          Corchards          Doutskirts !|,=rM9x  
7The meeting was ______ over bythe mayor of the city. eGtIVY/D  
Apresumed          Bproposed          Cpresented          Dpresided 6R dfF$f  
8The crowd ______ into the halland some had to stand outside. 2 R1S>X  
Aoutgrew          Boverthrew          Coverpassed          Doverflew Y==# yNwM  
9It was clear that the storm______ his arrival by two hours. `hI1  
Aretarded          Bretired          Crefrained          Dretreated Ff%m.A8d,4  
10This problem should be discussedfirst, for it takes ______ over all the other issues. +xFtGF)  
Aprecedence          Bprosperity          Cpresumption          Dprobability (|h<{ -L  
11Her sadness was obvious, but shebelieved that her feeling of depression was / >.&  
Atorrent          Btransient          Ctensile          Dtextured ,Lox?}t  
1、词根词缀记忆法 ~F uD6f  
2、联想记忆法 UU$ +DL  
1)板块记忆法 ^EZ)NG=e5  
2)谐音记忆法 wp.'M?6`L  
3)图像记忆法 -D38>#Y  
o NJ/AT  
1、词根词缀记忆法 7o0e j#  
      amb  Scxf5x-  
      ambition    野心 bZ )3{  
      amb     周围 两者 q'",70"\  
      it      {hZZU8*  
      ion      名词后缀 in(n[K  
      ambulance    救护车 c\]h YKA  
      ambiguous     有歧义的 ;( VJZ_  
      ambivalent      心情矛盾的 _aa3Qw x  
      ambience      氛围 \AkeC6[D  
      ambler    慢慢走 tv\P$|LV`8  
      ambidextrous    非常灵巧的 (O /hu3  
      amphibian    两栖动物 dKZffDTZ  
      ambassador    大使 |F9/7 z\5+  
car - Z~muQ c?  
cart - 平板马车 ~`8`kk8  
scar - 伤疤 l$)pCo  
scarf - 围巾 R"=G?d)  
scarlet - 猩红色的,血红色的;也指女子名字 JF24~Q4P  
career - 职业 CQ#p2  
caress - 抚摸 wR>\5z )^  
carnivore - 食肉动物 ?}B_'NZ%  
carnivorous - 食肉的;herbivore - 食草动物;herbivorous - 食草的 #sAEIk/  
carnival - 嘉年华,狂欢节 .VTHZvyn  
reincarnation - 投胎 SijC E~P  
aunt <@@.~Qm'  
daunt - vt. 恐吓,吓唬 a"#5JcR3  
dauntless - 大无畏的,无所惧怕的;近义词:fearless cp[4$lu  
jaunty - 得意洋洋的;rejoice - 欣喜,欢乐 YuLW]Q?v  
jaunt  - vi./ n.  短途旅游 %hcY [F<  
taunt - 讽刺,挖苦,奚落,嘲弄 OC"W=[Myl  
haunt - 闹鬼,神鬼出没;萦绕在耳畔,回响在耳边 @ ;rU#  
gaunt - 憔悴的,苍白的 >(~; V ;  
flaunt - 飘扬,招摇, 炫耀 +r4^oT[-  
vaunt - 吹嘘, 自夸 WAkKbqJV  
lynch - 酷刑,私刑; morbid - 有毛病的 5 E DGl  
amateur - 业余爱好者 "aAzG+NM  
girder - 横梁,大梁 VY Va8[}  
boff - 狂笑,大笑 A GS?<6W-  
quaff - 狂饮,痛饮 M (I 2M  
elixir - 灵丹妙药,长生不老药 PL%_V ?z  
starch - 淀粉 z/6eP`jj   
purposeful - 有目的的 Ol D]*=.cO  
arena - 竞技场 /_aFQ>.4n  
abracadabra - 咒语, 胡言乱语 F|%[s|s  
Unit 2 PgxD?Oi8  
12Nobody knew how he came up with this ______ idea aboutthe trip. >%'|@75K  
Aweary          Btwilight          Cunanimous          Dweird `NyvJt^<  
13The flower under the sun would______ quickly without any protection. G W|~sE +  
Awink          Bwithhold          Cwither          Dwidower 9m%[ y1v0  
14The ______ of gifted childreninto accelerated classes will start next week according to their academicperformance. %0$$tS +  
Asegregation          Bspecification          Cspectrum          Dsubscription vX/~34o]\  
20She made two copies of this poemand posted them ______ to different publishers. W32bBzhL  
Asensationally          Bsimultaneously          Cstrenuously          Dsimply $Rd74;edn  
Unit 3 |SQ5Sb  
1The doctor′s ______ is thatshe′ll soon be as good as new if she takes insulin and watches her diet. ixE72bX  
Aagnosticism          BAnticipation          Cdiagnosis          Dprognosis AEe*A+  
2It is ______ understood by allconcerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of in hishearing will remain forever unspoken. i|)<#Ywl  
Auncommunicatively          Bacceptably          Ctacitly          Dtaciturnly 7M=`Z{=9  
3.___springs not out oftrue and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identifywith someone important or famous. +tES:3Pi  
AA compliment          BAnadulatory          CFlattery          DPraise w=e~ M  
4Leaving for work in plenty oftime to catch the train will ______ worry about being late. iRBUX`0  
Arule off          Bprevent          Cavoid          Dobviate M(0 : >G  
5Nicholas Chauvin, a Frenchsoldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so ______ and unceasinglythat he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe. 1|q$Wn:*  
Avociferously          Bpatriotically          Cverbosely          Dloquaciously vp{jh-&  
6People suffering from ______prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken in large publicbuildings and open fields. VSL6tQp  
Aacrophobia          Bagoraphobia          Cclaustrophobia          Dxenophobia 0 ua.aL'  
7All normal human beings are ______at least to a degree-they get a feeling of warmth and ~(~fuDT~O  
kinshipfrom engaging group activities. ?m}vDd  
Asegregated          Bcongregational          Cgregarious          Degregious 4S`2")V  
8He is ______ drinker, who hasbeen imbibing for so long that he has figuratively speaking, grown old with thevice. j7?53e  
Aan inveterate          Banincorrigible          Ca chronic          Danunconscionable Dny5X.8  
9We listened dumb-struck, full of______, to the shocking details of the corruption of the ex-president of thecompany. Rjqeuyj:  
Aincredulity          Bingenuity          Cingenuousness          Dincredibility Rs$k3   
10Too much ______ can possibly leadto unhappiness, even to thoughts of suicide as few people have the courage toanalyze themselves objectively and minutely. kid3@  
Aretrospect          Bintrospection          Cperspicacity          Dperspicuity kXFgvIpg<  
11He could hardly ______ his temperwhen he saw the state of his office. D'$ki[{,  
Ahold in          Bholdup          Chold off          Dholdout PmZ-H>  
12Recognizing the shortage of timeavailable to spend with their children, working mothers sometimes take ______in the concept of “quality time”. Gg]>S#^3  
Arefuge          Bpride          Cplace          Daction NuRxkeEO  
13The term “New Australians” cameinto vogue in the 50s and 60s, which implied that the goal of immigration wasassimilation and that migrants would place their new-found Australian identityahead of the ______ context from which they had come. a^ hDxeG  
Aathletic          Bethic          Caesthetic          Dethnic R^.E";/h  
14Scholarships are too few to______ the high-school graduates who deserve a college education. E:a_f!  
Ameet          Baccommodate         Ccompromise          Dadopt D(yU:^L  
15The study shows that laying toomuch emphasis on exams is likely to ______ students′enthusiasm in learningEnglish. w] i&N1i  
Ahold back          Bholdoff          Chold down          Dadopt /o Q^j'v  
16The robber tried to ______ thestolen goods from the house he had broken into, but was caught by the guards. Rf||(KC<  
Amake away with          Bmakeoff for          Cget out          Dgetthrough u,mC`gz  
17The editors said they must reportto the world how Bejing has ______ pollution and improved the quality of theenvironment. Km7HB!=<  
Acut up          Bcutoff          Ccut down          Dcutout 4E/Q+^?  
18With its anti-terrorism campaigntaking ______ over anything else, the government is extending its job andrunning in more affairs. u(iEuF;7  
Asuperiority          Bpriority          Cmajority          Dpolarity `dO)}}| y  
19The gap between those at thelowest level and those at the highest level of income had increased ______, andis continuing to increase. 3WZdP[o!  
Asubstantially          Bsuccessfully          Csuccinctly          Dsufficiently Nj4=  
20Several trial efforts in the1980s proved that it was financially ______ to restore old buildings. :y^0]In  
Afeasible          Bprobable          Cbeneficiary          Dpassable 1Tz5tU9kR  
21The beauty of the reflectedimages in the limpid pool was the poignant beauty of things that are ______ ,existing only until the sunset. CV&+^_ j'k  
Aequitable          Bephemeral          Ceuphonious          Devasive Y7g^ ?6  
22Brooding and hopelessness are the______ of Indians in the prairie reservations most of the time. xF![3~~3[  
Aoccupations         Bpromises          Cfrustrations          Dtransactions Gw%P5 r}Y  
23What ______ about that article inthe newspaper was that its writer showed an attitude cool enough, professionalenough and,therefore, cruel enough when facing that disaster-stricken family. `/$yCXy  
Aworked me out          Bknockedme out          Cbrought me up          Dputme forward `}<x"f7.z  
24Because of difficulties ingetting a visa, the students had to ______ the idea of applying for study inthe United States. =8:m:Y&|`G  
Areduce          Byield          Crelinquish          Dwaver ElLDSo@WvR  
25The cargo box has a label ______on it. Please handle it with care. B7HNNX  
A“flexible”          B“break”          C“fragile”          D“stiff” U-!+Cxjs  
$ <'i+kK  
Unit 4 ;n1< 1M>!  
PartA c4H5[LPF  
1He seemed reluctant to send histroops in an effort to discourage the ______ peasants. Xo^P=uf%  
Aanimated          Brebellious          Ccreased          Dimpassive l`"i'P   
2The company will  __to its agreement, nomatter how costly the process may be. )\oLUuL`;  
Aretain          Balter          Cabandon          Dadhere za$v I?ux  
3The drug store at the corner ofour street sells aspirins and ______ penicillin prescriptions. G?Fqm@J{XT  
Adispenses         Bdisposes          Cdisperses          Ddispatches }e[;~g\&  
4AIDS is causing great publicconcern because the ______ fatal disease hits primarily young people. /*Xr^X6  
Ainvariably          Bimperatively          Ctransiently          Ddeceptively rZ[}vU/H`  
5The houses in this area were allerected in ______ of housing regulations. _OR@S%$  
Acompliance         Bdefiance          Calliance          Dobedience m][i-|@M  
6He had wanted a 25% raise in pay,but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to_____. >|[ l?`  
Asuffice          Bsatisfy          Cgratify          Ddelight Q)vf>LwC2S  
7The two delegates had an in-depthexchange of views on how to enhance their ______ .cooperation Zw4z`x1f  
Aethical          Bbilateral          Cmandatory          Dsubsidiary D=ZH? d  
8It is agreed that all nationsshould take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN ______ and otherinternational laws. 1dsMmD[O  
ACharter          BConstitution          CConcordance          DCustody v>S[} du  
9When we credit the successfulpeople with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excusesfor ourselves because we fall ______ in all three. B}O M:0  
Arare          Blacking          Cshort          Dscarce 0Z{;sW  
10Three weeks after the suicidebombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were Lt 8J^}kwl  
Aon the verge          Bonthe sly          Con the spot          Donthe loose s1"dd7&g'  
Part B jEa U;  
11As there was not enough money tobury all dead AIDS orphans, 23 babies were interred in a modest cemeteryin South Africal before World AIDS Day. IZw>!KYG  
Aparentless children          Bmiserablevictims          Ccontagious bodies          Dinfectiouspatient -(ev68'}W  
12In his opinion, the objection to barbaritydoes not mean that capital punishment should not go on. [9c|!w^F  
Aadversity          Bsavagery          Chabitat          Dintegrity <Sn;k[M}d  
13What is at fault in our presentsystem is not the outcome but the fallible procedure. r0xmDJ@y  
Asublime          Berroneous          Cplausible          Dimpeccable V1h&{D\"  
14It could not be ruled outthat, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty. u[Ij4h.  
Aconfirmed          Btolerated          Cexcluded          Drefuted =uG}pgh0  
15Now researchers are directingmore attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelleduniversity graduates into careers in management. #.KVT#%~{  
Aimplication         Bpropaganda         Cimpulse          Drefuted }4dbS ;C<  
16Lincoln, former president of the United States,is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded. [>MPM$9F-m  
Asturdy          Bobstinate          Cpermanent          Dmanifest I=;.o>  
17Research should continue oncontrolled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised onits existence until it has proved practical. )0\"8}!  
Afocused          Bconcentrated          Cagreed          Dbased igGg[I1?  
18He displayed a complete lack of courtesyand tact in dealing with his employer. &N+i3l6`  
Atenacity          Bcuriosity          Ccivility          Dhostility k1h>8z.Tg  
19Pirated compact disks and floppydisks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer virusesdespite the governments' determinedefforts to quash software piracy. zxD~W"R:s  
Aboost          Bprevent          Ccrush          Drestrict |mS-<e8LY4  
20It is reported that the latestoutbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania inthe United States hasprompted Chinato slap a ban on poultry imports from the sate. dm(Xy'*iQ  
Amarine products          Bdairyproducts          K 5"8zF)*  
Cindustrial products          Davianproducts QT<\E`v  
Unit 5 D\@)*"  
Part A %@ ,! (  
1He was ______ when he heard theunexpected news, but I finally convinced him. pl4:>4l/  
Aincredible          Binevitable          Cincredulous          Dindifferent j=U^+jAn  
2We had a marvelous holiday. Onlythe last two days were slightly ______ by weather. K'@lXA:  
Adamaged          Benhanced          Cspoiled          Ddiminished JjC& io  
3NASA is casting a wider net inthe space shuttle investigation as to what caused the spacecraft to swing outof control and ______ moments before it was to land. V/dL-;W;  
Adisassemble          Bdisembark          Cdisintegrate          Ddisinherit UzKB"Q  
4The discussion was so prolongedand exhausting that ______ we had to stop for refreshments. Ij{ K\{y  
Aat large          Batease          Cat random          Datintervals E=&":I6O  
5A luxury express train jumped thetracks on a bridge in eastern India,killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spokesman,the death ______ is expected to rise. CU+H`-+"J  
Afigure          Btoll          Cspan          Dyield \&,{N_G#L.  
6Participants in the ShanghaiCo-operation Forum ______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economicdevelopment. ^U.t5jj  
Acursed          Bechoed          Cbounced          Dhailed kBlk^=h<:w  
happy C(J+tbk  
7Turning cultivated land back intoforests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil ______ and desertificationin the long run. h~r&7G@[}  
Aerosion           Bdepletion          Cviolation          Ddelusion }J0HEpn4  
8The discrepancy in the companyaccounts is so ______ that no auditor could have failed to notice it. 6-t:eo9  
Aspontaneous          Bconspicuous          Cnotorious          Dsuperfluous C lWxL#L6~  
9Russian women had to wearprotective masks as they walked in Moscow,which was ______ by a heavy smog yesterday. g}gOAN3.  
Ashrouded          Bunveiled          Cdecayed          Ddeprived ,w|Or}h]7  
10In that country, a person whomarries before legal age must have a parent's ______ to obtain a license. -E +LA  
Asanction          Bwarrant          Cmalignance          Daffirmation T/nG\WZbZn  
Part B 8}.V[,]6  
11With tears in her eyes, thechampion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands. }c@duf-l  
Agrateful to          Bunawareof          Cconscious of          Dpleasedwith o56UlN  
12I cant understand how he can fell thathis colleagues are always ready to denounce him. ,(v=ZeI  
Acompliment          Bcriticize          Cflatter          Dchallenge hEk 0MY  
13On this barren place on AikhanomHill, overlooking fields peppered with land mines, soldiers come to lay a stoneor say a prayer for friends lost in years of war. n>L24rL  
Ainfertile          Bdisastrous          Cplausible          Dimpeccable |rL#HG  
14The coalition parties have askedthe government to consider using more funds to help support the ailingmarket. 3:?QE  
Arapidly expanding    Bsteadilyimproving    Cmaking changes     Dhavingdifficulties Rl[SqmnI)@  
15Looming over the debate abouthuman interference in the world'sboreal forests is an as yet unanswerable question: Will the effects of globalwarming eventually dwarf man's impact? V: P   
Araise to greater importance     Bmakemore difficult to measure    Ccause to appear small          Dbringto an abrupt end #VU>Z|$@N  
16His wife says that he was more frugalin his youth than later years. ~@%#eg  
Alistless          Brobust           Cthrifty          Dgullible #``Alh8  
17We have done all we could and nowour cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO. W+'f|J=  
Aunder the guidance of   Binthe power of   Cwith the guidance of   Donthe agenda of W;^6=(&xn  
18He seemed in such an inconsolablestate that I didn'tknow whether to leave or stay. P,*yuF|bk  
Adistracted          Benraged          Coverjoyed          Dbrokenhearted :} N;OS_  
19She was delirious last night, butshe seems quite lucid this morning. +BgU nu26  
Arational          Bpeaceful          Cpatient          Dinsane 7$A=|/'nSA  
20The humanitarian claims that he veneratesall men, regardless of their position in life. aBT8mK -.  
Aloves          Bdistrusts          Cserves          Drespects $m[* )0/  
m.&"D> \t  
Unit 12 =(Pk7{  
1She actually preferred a more gregariousurban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime. wY{!gQ  
Atranquil          Bsociable          Cinactive          Dundisturbed o) sX?IiC  
2Some of the plan's provisionshave already aroused opposition, most notably from Pope John Pual . b.mWB`59  
Aclauses          Binterpretations          Cinterrelations          Ddepreciations LR% P\~  
3Nothing is less sensible than theadvice of the Duke of Cambridge who is to be reported to have said: “Any change,at anytime, for any reason is to be deplored.” $&KiN82,  
Aemulated          Bridiculed          Ccomplicated          Dlamented o!sHK9hvJ)  
4Most of the 33 newly discoveredplanets' giantgas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller,nearby, life-friendly planets. J  7]LMw7  
Adestruction          Bbenefits          Cchaos          Dviolence [9,34/i  
5Furthermore, the campaign itselfwas lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top-flight staff, travel,and television commercials l;vA"b=]  
Adubiously          Bpotently          Cprofusely          Dcandidly ^)S<Ha  
6In fact, a number of recentdevelopments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media;that online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend thebest aspects of the print culture while augmenting it with their varioustechnological advantages 7f\/cS^  
Alimiting          Bmaintaining          Cdistinguishing          Dincreasing I IUTo  
7Every modern government, liberalor otherwise, has a specific position in the field of ideas; its stability is vulnerableto critics in proportion to their ability and persuasiveness. A}MF>.!}C  
Afutile          Bsusceptible          Cfeasible          Dflexible R/ 3#(5  
8Parties are therefore free tostrive for a settlement without jeopardizing their chances for or in atrial if mediation is unsuccessful. +{[E Ow  
Aassuring          Bincreasing          Cendangering          Ddestroying n+w$'l  
9They make better use of the timethey have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressfuljobs. yPT\9"/  
Asustain          Byield          Cendure          Dexpose 2 PQY+[jx  
10It disgusted him when atheistsattacked religion: he thought they were vulgar. E#/vgm=W;  
Ainsulting          Bbase-minded          Crough          Dvicious .y2np  
11From the time of the Greeks tothe Great War, medicine'sjob was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and gross disabilities, toensure live births, and to manage pain. ;`rz]7,*  
Aimmortal          Bimmune          Clethal          Dtoxic Z.3*sp0 yv  
12This is market in whichenterprising businesses ______ for the demands of teenagers and older youths inall their rock mania and pop-art forms. ^=,N] j  
Acater          Bentitle          Cappeal          Dsubject 8rM1kOCf  
13It must guide public opinion,after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readerswhat measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number. e*hCf5=-  
Ainquisitively          Binconceivably          Cappallingly          Dimpartially V2BsvR`  
14Brushing removes largerparticles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, wherefood residues and bacteria ______  H;Cv] -  
Aflourish          Bcollaborate          Cembark          Dcongregate w02t9vz  
15American literary historians areperhaps ______ to viewing their own national scene too narrowly, mistakingprominence for uniqueness. U'Fc\M5l/l  
Aprone          Blegible          Cincompatible          Dprior 'jjJ[16"d  
16To many people, a husband andwife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle,to ______ family character and to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. QI{<q<  
Arepress          Bintimidate          Cvalidate          Dconfine  !AFii:#  
17The 1982 Oil and Gas Act givespower to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ theCorporation'sstatutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permitprivate companies to compete in this supply. ~[`*)(4E  
Adefers          Bcurtails          Ctriggers          Dsparks m"tke'a  
18These people actively try to______ what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what theyhope to be good English. ( Y)a`[B  
Asuppress          Bregress          Cenhance          Drevive -r@/8"  
19It must guarantee freedom ofexpression, to the end that all ______ to the flow of ideas shall be removed. xT;j_'9U;  
Aprophecies         Btransactions         Carguments          Dhindrances p5 )+ R/  
20As we have seen, propaganda canappeal to us by arousing our emotions or ______ our attention from the realissues at hand. VQHQvFRZ)  
Aretaining          Bsustaining          Cdistracing          Dobscuring X2to](\% X  
前缀: H <ugc  
trans-转化 'QxPQ cU  
transliterate逐字翻译的,音译的 ~R\U1XXyUY  
transcontinental横跨欧洲大陆的 %LBT:Aw  
transatlantic大西洋彼岸的 KSy.  
translucent半透明的 O>sE~~g]?  
transparent透明的 ]WZi +  
transcribe转录,转存 Jej-b<HmQ  
transform变化,演化,进化,变革,改革 6Rc%P)6  
transit过渡 ?,Zc{   
hyper-超,超级 Q5pm^X._j  
hypersensitive过度敏感的 3-$w5O3}  
hypermarket超级大的市场 i"U<=~  
hypertension高血压 N6*v!M+  
co(n)(m)(l)(r)    共同一起; }doJ= lc  
coeducate男女同校教育 h2#S ?  
coexist共存 32ae? d  
cohabit同居 {;j@-=pV  
co(n)(m)(l)(r)    共同一起;加强语气 PmT,*C`/X  
contend竞争,争斗 B^sHFc""V  
content内容,目录;满意的 x8wal[6  
consent满意,满足(动词),同意 NK0hT,_  
consensus一致,共识 Hxzdxwz%$  
contain包含,包括;节制,遏制,控制; t(F] -[  
contest竞赛,比赛 (Jb[_d*  
pre-向前,提前 2e @zd\  
per- .4-I^W"1  
pro-向前,提前 95CCje{o _  
predict  预言 J((.z Lvz  
presentiment预感 Q&Ox\*sMK  
provocative挑逗性的 :g[G&Ds8  
proceed前进 7,N>u8cTh  
precede走在....之前 k(v8zDq*  
proceed  with study 将学习进行到底 3e.v'ccK&  
perverse反常的,刚愎自用的,    pervert 性变态者 -j 6U{l  
persist持之以恒,坚持到底 4x JOPu  
perturb打扰,骚扰    pernicious 恶性的 %wp#vO-$  
n/3g x4.g  
词根: Nl^{w'X0h  
sky     space 空间    second tT;=l[7%  
sp系列 ]8XY "2b  
spread传播 buhn~ c  
surf冲浪 O/(qi8En  
spray喷洒 = e)[?{H  
sprinkle洒颗粒物或一滴滴的液体 0Up@+R2  
splash .qioEqK8!y  
spill )oSUhU26}  
spring泉水,源自于 fFfH9cl!  
spue突然间冒出一股 xwj%X%2  
st系列 .wD>0Ig  
status地位 h !~u9  
statutory法定的 Y p`6305f  
statue雕像 O\  T  
stationary静止不动的 L30x2\C  
stability安定,稳定 Xz=MM0o  
ascend登基 pQxaT$  
descend下降 =>hq0F4[;  
transcend超越 ! G%LYHx  
descendant后代 z+1# p.F$@  
scrib系列 Lrr^obc  
describe描写 ih?_ f W  
indescribable无法描绘的 !b*lL#s,Y  
descriptive描述性的 'f<0&Ci8  
inscribe题词,牢记在心 -uiZp !  
ascribe归因于 qeCx.Z  
subscribe签名 &j/ WjZPF  
prescribe处方;命令,指示 f{lg{gA(  
transcribe转录 O!z H5  
sume系列  8^zI  
assume假定,假设,以为,认为 !cLX1S  
presume主观臆断,揣测,推测 UUv&X+ Y  
consume消费,被大火烧毁,被火吞没 S,vrz!'>A  
consumerism消费主义 !xMyk>%2  
resume重新开始,简历 |nXs'T O'O  
sumption `6!l!8 v  
serve系列 保留,服务 >  K,Q`sS  
desert沙漠,抛弃 [dsH0 D&T  
dessert  甜点 El0|.dW  
preserve保护动植物 J']1^"_'  
conserve保护水土 1bd(JL  
? YX2CJ6N  
Unit 10 a`GoNh,  
Fg Qd7p  
16His career ___ in his appointment as director. .BlGV2@^#  
Acontaminated          Bculminated          Ccontracted          Dcontacted 2#ha Icm"  
17We are convinced that we are onthe ___ of an important discovery. O} QTg  
Athreshold          Bhousehold          Cthread          Dentrance ,;H)CUe1"  
18If we say something is ______, wemean that we find it extremely pleasant or enjoyable. KCDEMs}}zM  
Agracious          Bgloomy          Cgigantic          Dgorgeous [1dlV/  
19The trucks ______ heavy goodsfromfactories to the ports. 4'?kyTO~  
Apull          Bhaul          Cdrag          Dpush znFa4  
20The girl ___ when she couldn'tanswered the question in the presence of all her classmates. +Ld4 e]  
Aflourished          Bflattered          Cflushed          Dfluttered UbJ_'>hK6  
21A ___ translation is notalways the closest to the original meaning. me$ 7\B;wy  
Aliberal          Bliteral          Cliterary          Dliterate QOEcp% 6I}  
22She ______ herself bitterly forher behavior that evening. A/W0O;*q  
Ablamed          Baccused          Creproached          Dscolded m /JpYv~  
23The students are attracted by the___ of the snow-covered mountainswhen they look out of the train. W<xu*U(A  
Anotability          Bnobility          Cmajesty          Dvisibility |JSj<~1ki  
24The flowers in the vase ___ because they had no water. ' F?T4  
Awithered          Bwrinkled          Cripened          Dprospered :U0z;  
25She ______ some salt on her foodto make it taste better. *rK}Ai  
Asprinkled          Bsprayed          Cscattered          Ddispersed w=s:e M@  
26The hum of conversation ___ as the chairman mounted therostrum. |jk"; h  
Adied out          Bdiedoff          Cdied of          Ddiedaway votv rZ =  
27The old man was remarkably ___. He was a musician, engineer,writer and philosopher. hoD (G X  
Aunilateral          Buniversal          Caudacious          Dversatile U{} bx  
28Living in poverty, John sold for500 dollars the ___ of his mother's firstwork which made her famous. C!]hu)E  
Adocument          Bfile          Cduplicate          Dmanuscript b/Z=FS2T  
29My grandmother has been ill fortwo months, so her health has ___. T'  %TMA  
Adeteriorated          Bdiminished          Cdwindled          Dlessened kTT!gZP$  
30He didn't not ice me in thecrowd; but he spotted my sister who was ___ because of her redhair. S2kFdx*Zf  
Aconscious          Bconspicuous          Cdim          Dconscientious  PzWhB* iBR  









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