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主题 : 考博英语语法详解(一)
级别: 初级博友
楼主  发表于: 2016-07-19   
来源于 考博资料 分类


英语语法是针对英语语言的语法进行的研究。语法是组词造句的规则,是把合适的词放进合适位置的艺术,语法可分为两大部分:词法和句法。词法包括各类词的形态及其变化,句法主要讲句子的种类和类型,句子成分以及遣词造句的规律。由此可见学好语法对考博英语的重要性,在此,整理了考博英语必备语法知识点,希望考生们学以致用,考博英语取得好的成绩。一考博英语语法:独立主格          /s3AZ j9  
    1. 充当句子的状语。 gaaW:**y  
  2. 有自己的主语,同句子的主语不一致。 K.?~@5%  
  3. 名词(代词,形容词,副词,介词)+ 分词 f%0^89)  
  4. With + 名词 (代词) + 分词 (形容词) i N0gvjZ  
  例:a) It being raining, I decided to stay at home. e%w>QN`  
  b) Speech having been delivered, discussion started. KH)(xB=  
  c) he entered the room, with his hands open(holding a rifle). W$7 db%qFx  
  真题剖析 'v.i' 6  
  (1995)   45   cliffs no longer crumbling, the beaches are  46  of the material which would 47 feed them. GwHMXtj4  
  45. A. For P g.PD,&U  
  B. As m!3L/UZ  
  C. With PR=:3-#R  
  D. Because <JE-#i  
  练习: MhN)ZhsC  
  Do what you need to do to keep the wolf __7__ from the door, the world __8__ your thesis adviser, team leader, or laboratory director. Then use the rest of your time, perhaps at night or on the weekends, to do __9__ you really want to do. PDaHY  
  8. A. is beFVjVVHq  
  B. having U7d%*g  
  C. being GUJ[2/V~A  
  D. be 6/@"K HHVe  
il `O*6-  
二考博英语语法:虚拟语气  虚拟语气 d?(#NP#;  
  1. (should)+动词原形 0UeDM*  
  It +be动词+形容词(-able)(essential, odd, vital, absurd, regrettable, desirable…)+that从句 ,Ju f  
  It +be动词+名词(pity,shame…)+that从句 l$D]*_ jc,  
  It +be动词+过去分词(ordered, begged, voted, moved…)+that从句 rMIr&T  
  部分名词/动词(表示建议,劝告,决定等) +that从句 sXp>4MomV  
  2. It’s (high, about) time that +动词过去式 8`Fo ^c=j  
  would rather +动词过去式 BX&bhWYGFX  
  真题剖析 dxbP'2~  
  (1997) … I wouldn’t be truthful if I 47 say that teaching is hard work . … ) Q\nR`k  
  47. A. do ;:Q 5?zM  
  B. did B Jp\a7`;  
  C. don’t ;Pik},  
  D. didn’t ?ihkV? ;)  
  (1993)…The Cairo newspapers the next day carried banner headlines about the student demonstration 52 , and they  53 that the professor be sent home. %E Jv!u*-  
  53. A. ordered #y13(u,dN  
  B. pleaded @mBZu!,  
  C. decided 7UvfXzDNC  
  D. demanded )K.~A&y@  
  练习:Years ago the experts warned us that the car-ownership explosion would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time that   we__15__ this message to heart. f3Ior.n(  
  15. A. took /,dc r*  
  B. would take 8B;wn<O  
  C. will take r# MJ  
  D. should take f$$l,wo  
  (2003.3) It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even __54__ other facets of life prove disappointing. ?#"rI6  
  (even if other facets of life should prove disappointing.) 3Z#k9c_b  
  54.A. shall lR[[]Yn  
  B.will KB49~7XjQ@  
  C.would f<WP< !N%  
  D.should j*@^O`^v  
三考博英语语法:非谓语动词  动名词、分词、不定式。 asqbLtQ  
  主动或被动。(doing/done, to do /to be done) @qk$ 6X  
  发生在谓语动词之前还是之后。(doing/ having done /having been done, to do/to have done /to have been) '<_nL8A^  
  To在什么情况下作介词,什么情况下作不定式引导词。 i356m9j  
  真题剖析  ZaJg$  
  (2000) … In the inner cities of America, newspapers regularly report on newborn babies 60 into garbage bins by drug-addicted mothers. a;J B8  
  60. A. dropped 9 I>qD  
  B. to drop | Qo`K%8  
  C. dropping vgY ) L  
  D.drops 0nUcUdIf+  
  (2001.3) A heroin addict, for instance, leads a 59 life: his increasing need for heroin in increasing doses prevents him from working, from maintaining   relationships, from developing in human ways. S]&f+g}&w  
  59. A. destructive o1<Y#db[  
  B. dissatisfied L+,p#w  
  C. damaged d-Vttxa6  
  D. derivative Hx[YHu KL^  
四考博英语语法:主谓一致  1. 整体及抽象概念作主语,谓语通常用单数形式。 +(n&>7 5  
  How you got there doesn’t concern me. q5C(/@)^  
  Growing vegetables needs constant watering. #M kXio; h  
  2. 表示时间、距离、重量、容量、价值等概念作主语,谓语多用单数。 gDbj!(tm  
  Eight hundred dollars is enough to live on. 6;s.%W  
  3. 以-s结尾的专有名词(linguistics, economics, measles, diabetes等),谓语通常用单数形式。 Xc"l')1H  
  4. “分数或百分数+主语”,谓语跟主语保持一致。 jb;!"HC  
  Two thirds of the villages are flooded (the area is under water). QOXG:?v\  
  5. 不定代词(one, each, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something等)作主语,谓语用单数。 dr3j<D-Q  
  Everyone knows that you’ve come here. tt5t(+5j  
  If anybody wants to see me, let them wait till I come back.  (--thing 的情况例外) SFhi]48&V  
  6. 谓语同并列主语的第一部分保持一致(as well as, with, along with, together with, as much as, accompanied by, besides, but, except, in addition to, like, more than, no less than, rather than, including等) ; kPx@C   
  He no less than John is interested in literature. 2I'gT$h  
  7. 谓语同最贴近的主语保持一致。(or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, not…but, partly…partly等) [Q"*I2&  
  Either my father or my brothers are coming. We%HdTKT  
  8. each,every,many a, no …+主语,谓语用单数。 6ub-NtVu  
  Many a student and teacher has been to the Great Wall. ,U`:IP/L  
  真题剖析 ~,#zdm1r@  
  (2000) …Mexico City already 52 twenty million people and Calcutta twelve million. According to the World Bank, 53 of Africa’s cities are growing by 10% a year, 54 of urbanization ever recorded. 0"l*8%g  
  53. A. none 581Jp'cje  
  B. few Cj{+DXT  
  C. any ])`+ 78  
  D. some =NJ:%kvF  
五考博英语语法:倒装  全部倒装 DX3xWdnr  
  1. “There (Here) +be+主语” GSlvT:k  
  There stand big buildings in this district. >~%!#,C(|U  
  Here on the desk lies a pile of books. )|52B;yZx  
  2. 单个副词(in, out, now, up, down, away, off, then)位于句首(短语动词不可拆,如it blew up.) aTi2=HL=S  
  In came the boss. / Ahead sat an old man. }jL_/gvgy  









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